Crime Inc.: Barack Obama and George Soros Seek To Use Gulf Oil Spill For Fun And Profit

By Gary P Jackson

At this point, it’s no secret that Barack Obama is not allowing the crisis in the Gulf of Mexico to “go to waste.” Obama and his cronies see this as an opportunity to seize more control over the American people, and fatten up their wallets considerably by passing a cap and tax scheme.

An operative of mine passed me an email that is being sent out by Obama’s permanent campaign website Organizing for America:

Friend —

The BP oil spill in the Gulf Coast is the worst environmental disaster of its kind in our nation’s history. I am returning to the region today to review our efforts and meet with families and business owners affected by the catastrophe.

We are working to hold BP accountable for the damage to the lands and the livelihoods of the Gulf Coast, and we are taking strong precautions to make certain a spill like this never happens again.

But our work will not end with this crisis. That’s one of the reasons why last week I invited lawmakers from both parties to join me at the White House to discuss what it will take to move forward on legislation to promote a new economy powered by green jobs, combat climate change, and end our dependence on foreign oil.

Today, we consume more than 20 percent of the world’s oil, but have less than two percent of the world’s oil reserves. Beyond the risks inherent in drilling four miles beneath the surface of the Earth, our dependence on oil means that we will continue to send billions of dollars of our hard-earned wealth to other countries every month — including many in dangerous and unstable regions.

In other words, our continued dependence on fossil fuels will jeopardize our national security. It will smother our planet. And it will continue to put our economy and our environment at risk. We cannot delay any longer, and that is why I am asking for your help.

Please stand with me today in backing clean energy. Adding your name will help Organizing for America create a powerful, public display of support for making this change happen

The time has come, once and for all, for this nation to fully embrace a new future. That means continuing our unprecedented effort to make everything — from our homes and businesses to our cars and trucks — more energy-efficient. It means rolling back billions of dollars of tax breaks to oil companies so we can prioritize investments in clean energy research and development.

Many businesses support this agenda because shifting to clean energy creates opportunities for entrepreneurship. This is how we will reinvent our economy — and create new companies and new jobs all across the country.

There will be transition costs and a time of adjustment. But if we refuse to heed the warnings from the disaster in the Gulf — we will have missed our best chance to seize the clean-energy future we know America needs to thrive in the years and decades to come.

The House of Representatives has already passed a comprehensive energy and climate bill, and there is currently a plan in the Senate — a plan that was developed with ideas from Democrats and Republicans — that would achieve the same goal. But this is an issue that Washington has long ignored in favor of protecting the status quo.

So I’m asking for your help today to show that the American people are ready for a clean-energy future.

Please add your name to mine:

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

Of course this is all a load of bull. The massive, draconian legislation Obama and his Marxist controlled Congress are pushing, has absolutely nothing to do with clean energy, but every thing to do with grabbing more power, and implementing a cap and tax scheme that will make Obama, and his cronies, TENS of TRILLIONS of DOLLARS richer in the years to come.

BTW, just how creepy is it that Obama is running a permanent political campaign, and has a symbol for himself. Do I even need to remind people who the last person was that had such a thing, and how that turned out?

While Obama is singly handedly destroying the American oil industry, and placing moratoriums on any exploration, his puppet master, George Soros, is looking to make billions with his Brazilian oil company, Petrobas.

You can read Obama’s Boss George Soros Ready To Profit From Oil Disaster, A Crime Inc. Update, and learn the whole story here.

Glenn Beck devoted his program yesterday to discussing the way the Obama regime looks to use the gulf oil spill for it’s own benefit, and the further enslavement of the American people:

If you are not familiar with Crime Inc., Obama’s circle of crooks who look to become wealthy beyond all dreams, you can familiarize yourself by reading here and here.

We are up for the fight of our life. If the Obama regime somehow passes this “clean energy” legislation, it’s all over. This will destroy America’s economy, and the nation itself. Obama and his Congress must be stopped and must be stopped now.

Once stopped, The American people must demand that Obama, and all of the members of Crime Inc., be investigated, and the proper actions taken. Obama is a criminal, and a thug. This is a proven fact. He must be impeached, and upon conviction, sent to prison, along with other Crime Inc. members. Justice demands it.

Call you Senators and Congressmen NOW and demand this nonsense come to a halt immediately, and for investigations to start. These Chicago Gangland tactics must stop. This is America, not some banana republic

Video courtesy of The Right Scoop.


Filed under In The News, Politics

6 responses to “Crime Inc.: Barack Obama and George Soros Seek To Use Gulf Oil Spill For Fun And Profit

  1. Why is not this on broadcast news? Why is this, even though it is on Fox, just on Glen Beck? What is in the scheme of things is that Petrobras of Brazil has $900,000,000 invested by George Soros…who wants the moratorium in order to take these deep water platforms to Brazil.
    Georgie has some chump change invested in chump BO and is beckoning him to allow these platforms to “move out”.

    • Gary P

      It’s up to al;l of us to get this info out there. The Lamestream media is little more than the propaganda of the White House. BTW, I’m working on something that shows Obama will make around $85 million personally on this oil spill. Just need to verify.

  2. Janice

    Obama is a deceiver. He wants to bring the United States of America under the umbrella of a one-world government in which our U.S. Constitution would be void and we would have no rights except those the elitists choose to give us.

  3. oil spills can really mess up the environment, i hope we can find a very good solution to control oil spills -.-

    • Gary P

      It’s called keeping watch over the process. Making sure the drillers have their act together. Something the Obama regime has no clue about. Much better to prevent spills rather than clean them up.

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