Monthly Archives: July 2012

You do NOT have Tea Party support: An Open Letter to David Dewhurst

By Gary P Jackson

This is extraordinary. I’ve never seen a group as large as the Tea Party have to publicly tell a candidate to cease and desist. Of course David Dewhurst is no ordinary dishonest politician. This is a guy who has produced some of the most despicable ads we’ve ever seen, aimed at his opponent Ted Cruz. This is a guy who has robocalls using someone impersonating Sarah Palin, claiming she supports him, when in fact she strongly supports Ted Cruz, and was just in The Woodlands on Friday.

Texas is Tea Party country. More voters identify themselves as Tea Party, percentage wise, than any other state. Among the Tea Party, Ted Cruz holds a substantial 75-25 percent advantage. That’s the ball game.

Now it seems Dewhurst, in a panic is embracing the Tea Party and claiming it’s support. Well, Te Texas Tea Party groups have a strongly worded reply. From the Tea party Express’ Texas Blog:

An Open Letter to David Dewhurst

You do NOT have Tea Party support: An Open Letter to David Dewhurst

Dear Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst,

As Texas tea party leaders, we reject your campaign’s recent claims that you have earned tea party support. We stand with the nation’s largest tea party political action committee, which has more small donors in Texas than you have – over 30,000.

Your performance in Austin is identical to the “go along to get along” establishment political culture in Washington. This behavior has led to a nearly $16-trillion-dollar national debt, infringement on our liberties, and the erosion of the American Dream. We need a U.S. Senator that is a bold leader and a proven conservative, and that is Ted Cruz.

It is obvious that your recent tea party posturing is just a desperate attempt to trick voters in the closing hours of this election. Though you are right to recognize that the tea party will be the deciding factor in this election, our support is not with you. You have failed to attract the support of this grassroots movement because of your record as Lieutenant Governor.

The Tea Party was born out of the shared frustration with both parties, which have failed to address the fundamental problems that are facing our country: unsustainable spending, job-stifling regulations and an ever-growing federal government. This movement has coalesced around the common goal of reducing the size, cost, and intrusiveness of the federal government by electing bold leaders that will stand up in difficult times.

Your dishonest and misleading smear campaign of Ted Cruz, coupled with your recent false claims of tea party support, show clearly that you simply represent the political status quo rather than the leadership we require. We have spent our time, dollars, and passion to elect Ted Cruz because he is the candidate qualified to stand up for the voice of We the People.


Whitney Neal
Flower Mound Tea Party leader

Toby Marie Walker
Waco Tea Party leader

Becky Kodrin
Waco Tea Party leader

Bobby Keith
Waco Tea Party leader

Christine Turpin
Lorena Tea Party Leader

Carol Waddell
Waco Tea Party leader

Katrina Pierson
Garland Tea Party leader

Carol Doucet
Frost Tea Party leader

Koni Burton
Colleyville Tea Party leader

Stacy McMahan
Longview Tea Party leader

Jeannie Forrest
Dallas Tea Party leader

Russell Ramsland
Dallas Tea Party leader

Matt Perdue
San Antonio Tea Party leader

Kirk Launius
Dallas Tea Party leader

Julie McCarty
Grapevine Tea Party leader

Suzanne Guggenheim
Corpus Christi Tea Party leader

Lynne Nevil
Garland Tea Party leader

Heather Liggett
Austin Tea Party leader

Jeanne Jacobs
Garland Tea Party leader

Dean Wright
Austin Tea Party leader

Michael Porter
Garland Tea Party leader

JoAnn Fleming
Tyler Tea Party leader

Sharon Guthrie
Tyler Tea Party leader

Tina Millican
Rockwell Tea Party leader

Don Vogelsang
Spicewood Tea Party leader

Amy Knickerbocker
Arlington Tea Party leader

Julie Turner
The Woodlands Tea Party leader

Joyce Luster
Farmers Branch Tea Party leader

Donna Starnes
Dallas Tea Party leader

Debbie Gregory
Whitney Tea Party leader

Maggie Wright
Burleson Tea Party leader

John Tweedell
Hideaway Tea Party leader

Lynne Tweedell
Hideaway Tea Party leader

Carol H. Haynes
Dallas Tea Party leader

Bill Hussey
Llano Tea Party leader
Terry M. Campbell
San Angelo Tea Party leader

Bob Farris
Dallas Tea Party leader

Sylvia Guzman
Frisco Tea Party leader

Robin Lennon
Kingwood Tea Party leader

Jim Lennon
Kingwood Tea Party leader

Donna Whiteside Smith
Grapevine Tea Party leader

Phil Burton
Colleyille Tea Party leader

Kyle Fleming
Tyler Tea Party leader

Karen White
Dallas Tea Party leader

Patricia Caldwell
Dallas Tea Party leader

Liz Villegas
Fort Worth Tea Party leader

Vicente Bustamante
Dallas Tea Party leader

Angeles Bustamante
Dallas Tea Party leader

Susan Haines
Carrollton Tea Party leader

Donald Haines
Carrollton Tea Party leader

Craig Cosgray
Spicewood Tea Party leader

Dennis Arens
Keller Tea Party leader

**Disclaimer: This is signed by individual tea party leaders and does not serve as an endorsement on behalf of their group or organization.


Filed under In The News, Politics

Report: Dewhurst Campaign RoboCalls Falsely Claiming Support From Sarah Palin

Say, isn’t that Ted and Hedi Cruz behind Sarah Palin? Why yes, yes it is!

By Gary P Jackson

Saw this tweet from Michael Berry on Monday:

I’ve talked with a member of the Tea Party who verifies this to be true, noting they spoke with a lady who had gotten one of these calls, and believed it.

We know Dewhurst is desperate, as polling shows today’s election is going to be a blow-out for Ted Cruz, but this is just pathetic. What’s even more pathetic is the fact that for weeks, Dewhurst and his buddy Rick Perry have been hammering “outsiders” like Sarah Palin and Jim DeMint who are supporting Ted Cruz.

If this election proves anything, it proves that David Dewhurst is a nasty, pathetic, loser. Not only must he be defeated in this election, but any election he stands for in the future. This is the sort of man who must be run out of politics forever. Texas, and the world, deserve better.

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Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

Allen West Goes to Chicago Gives Democrats Hell: I Came Here To Open A Chick-Fil-A

By Gary P Jackson

Allen West walks into the belly of the beast and gives the beast hell!

From the Huffington Post:

Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) visited Chicago on Monday and took the opportunity to re-inject himself into an ongoing debate over Chick-fil-A and the fast food chain president’s comments about gay marriage.

I had to come up from down South because I wanted to try to open up a Chick-fil-A franchise here in Chicago,” West said in an interview with CNBC’s Rick Santelli from the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade.

His office later told Politicker that he was only “joking” about looking into opening a Chick-fil-A franchise, but the implications of his comments were clear nonetheless.

Earlier this month, Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy, a well-known Christian and backer of anti-gay religious organizations, told an interviewer that he was “guilty as charged” when it came to his opposition to marriage equality.

Don’t you love how the nimrods over at HuffPo characterize Dan Cathy as “anti-gay” simply because he, like most Americans, opposes gay marriage. Hell, until he needed to pander for every single vote, the President of the United States was on the record as being against gay marriage. Funny thing though, you never saw the militant, violent, hate-filled gay activists attack him.

Not all gays are militant, nor are all gays pushing for the end of traditional marriage. Most are quite reasonable human beings. But the vile, hate-filled liberals give the rest a bad name.

As for Allen West, good on him!


Filed under In The News, Politics

Mark Levin Rips Dick Cheney for His Palin Comments

I can only think of a handful of people in the last ten years who have been as important to saving this country [as Sarah Palin]

~ Mark Levin

By Gary P Jackson

Mark Levin takes Dick Cheney to the woodshed over his insane comments about Sarah Palin. He de-constructs Cheney’s comment, and talks about what really qualifies one to be president.

Mark also talks about the essential role that Sarah Palin plays in the Conservative movement.

Video courtesy SarahNet.

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Filed under In The News, Politics, Ronald Reagan, sarah palin

Liz Cheney Disagrees with Dad, Stands with Sarah Palin

By Gary P Jackson

From John Nolte at Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government:

In his interview with ABC News over the weekend, former Vice President Dick Cheney was not only wrong to take a public shot at Governor Sarah Palin in the sense that lending any kind of affirmation to a media narrative about one of our own is immoral — he’s wrong factually.

With real-time polling, time and again, it’s been conclusively documented that the “mistake” — as Cheney describes Palin — was the only chance John McCain ever had of becoming president. Polling also makes clear that McCain blew the election all on his own after abruptly suspending his campaign to, uhm, save the economy. In other words, in front of the entire free world, McCain jumped on a white horse and charged off with no idea where to go.

Last night, Cheney’s daughter, Liz, set the record straight:

The elder Cheney is also wrong in the sense that Palin’s years in government, especially two years as the chief executive of a state, make her qualified to be president. It’s just a fact that she was and is more qualified than any sitting senator with zero executive experience, and this would include Obama, Biden, and McCain himself.

Moreover, during the 2008 campaign, it was Palin who almost always had the guts and the correct instincts. Unlike McCain, she was the one who  bristled at the idea of constantly caving to media narratives and the one who wanted to vet Barack Obama’s shady and corrupt past.

It was always McCain and the rest of the GOP who thought he could win by appeasing the corrupt media — it was always McCain who strapped on his “honor” and blindly leapt on to every grenade thrown at him, instead of throwing it back.

We all know who lost that election and we all know what the consequences have been.

By the way, no one should be in the least surprised it would be Liz Cheney who would come out publicly to “disagree” with her own father. Because in the GOP today, it’s the women who have the most grit and courage — and this most certainly includes Governor Palin.

Read more here.


Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

John McCain: I’m Proud of Sarah Palin, I’m Proud of the Job She Did, I’m Proud of the Job She Continues to Do!

By Gary P Jackson

John McCain says, in so many words, is opinions are like elbows, everybody’s got one. I would have told Dick Cheney that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.

A no BS response from McCain:

Video courtesy SarahNet.

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Sarah Palin Stars in TV Ad For Missouri Senate Candidate Sarah Steelman

By Gary P Jackson

Tony Lee at Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government is reporting Sarah Palin is starring in a new TV ad supporting Missouri’s Sarah Steelman:

In the ad, which is titled “Momma Grizzly,” Palin, who recently endorsed Steelman, says “we can get American back on track by sending true conservatives” like Steelman to Washington. 

Sarah is an economist who defends our tax dollars like a mama grizzly defends her cubs,” Palin says, noting that Steelman also earned a reputation as a “conservative maverick” by blocking pork-barrel spending.  

Palin also says that “[Steelman] will fight for a constitutional amendment that forces Congress to balance the budget.” 

Steelman, in the ad, says she is running “because the status quo has to go.” 

Steelman told Breitbart News that Palin “is one of the strongest conservative leaders in the country who remains steadfast battling for what is right despite the personal attacks from the liberal left” and someone who “isn’t afraid to take on the status quo” as she fights to “return the power of government to the people where it belongs.”

I respect and admire her,” Steelman said, noting she was also “honored and excited that Governor Palin has endorsed me for U.S. Senate.” 

“[Palin] believes we need people with a strong backbone willing to fight for what is right,” Steelman said. “She knows I  will cut government spending, balance the budget and get government out of the way.

The Missouri Republican Senate primary is August 7, and two other Republicans–Todd Akin and John Brunner–are also running to get an opportunity to defeat the vulnerable incumbent, Democrat Claire McCaskill. This is a prime pick-up opportunity for Republicans who are fighting to retake control of the Senate to overturn and repeal Obama’s policies, like Obamacare. 

[ …. ]

A recent Mason-Dixon poll had Brunner with a slight lead over Steelman, who was within the poll’s margin of error. One out of five voters surveyed in that poll said they were still undecided. 

Steelman is hoping ads such as this will swing those undecided voters over to her, much in the same way Palin’s endorsement sealed the deal for Senate candidates in Indiana (Richard Mourdock) and Nebraska (Deb Fischer) and boosted the chances of Texas’s Ted Cruz, who is leading his race against David Dewhurst going into Texas’s Tuesday runoff.

Read more here.

Here’s the ad:

We’ve seen the power of Palin all across the country this year. No doubt this powerful, positive, upbeat advertisement will help solidify Steelman as the right choice for Missouri, and America. We need proven Conservatives in Washington to take on the corrupt, entrenched Establishment in BOTH parties.

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Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

For Dick Cheney and His Ilk, John McCain’s Brilliant Choice of Sarah Palin was Bad News!

By Gary P Jackson

Evidently the Republican Elite™ are concerned that Mitt Romney may give Sarah Palin a speaking role at the convention or, God forbid, might actually be smart enough to consider her as his running mate. Enter Dick Cheney.

Cheney was on ABC News on Sunday. He did the old “she’s a nice girl … but …” insult.

Cheney claims choosing Sarah Palin as VP was a mistake. Now I’ll give him some credit, at least he didn’t pull out the lie that she cost McCain the election, but what he did say implies it. Cheney rightly says there is only one real test to see if a candidate for vice president is acceptable: Can they be president? Cheney claims Sarah failed that test. The man is an idiot.

There were four people on the 2008 presidential ticket: John McCain, Sarah Palin, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. Out of those four, only one person had Executive experience, and plenty of it.

John McCain has been in Congress seemingly forever, but he’s never run a city, never run a state. He was a Navy man, a fighter pilot, a prisoner of war, a hero, and then went to Washington. Nothing on his resume qualified him to be president. Now one can say he had plenty of experience dealing with foreign policy, and he was right on the Iraq war, when Cheney and others were dead wrong. But face it, as far as decision making experience, at an executive level, he had none.

Then you have Barack Obama. He was a “community organizer” with ACORN. That meant he trained rent-thugs to go out and intimidate people, often by violent means. He was an attorney, and worked with terrorist Bill Ayers on a couple of Ayers’ foundations that were set up as fronts to advance Marxism. He became a state Senator, and other than championing legislation that would allow doctors to murder babies that survived an abortion attempt, was of little consequence.

Obama was elected U.S. Senator and was on the job for about five minutes before he essentially abandoned it to run for president, something he had promised Illinois voters he wouldn’t do. Obama had never run a city, never run a state, never run anything as complicated as a lemonade stand, before becoming president. And it shows! Talk about failing the test!

Then you have Joe Biden, bless his heart. I would be surprised to learn this man can feed himself without written instructions. Seriously, other than comic relief, you couldn’t find a more useless human being to sit as vice president. There is no way in the world this man is qualified to be president, I don’t care if he has spent most of his adult life in Washington.

And who can ever forget the truly bizarre interview Biden gave Katie Couric around the same time she interviewed Sarah Palin!

I bet Cheney thinks this moron is eminently qualified to be president. Cheney is an idiot!

Now let’s talk about Sarah Palin. She has nearly two decades of public service, almost all of it at the Executive level. She was a Mayor, the state’s chief oil and gas regulator, and Governor.

Now some may poo-poo the Mayor thing, because Wasilla was, and is, very a small town. But as they say, it’s not the size that counts, it’s what you do with it that matters.

Wasilla was a small, mostly dirt road village. Under Sarah Palin’s management, the town became the fastest growing city in the state, and would become the trading hub for the entire Mat-Su Valley, an area roughly the size of the state of Delaware. Sarah improved the infrastructure, built roads, recruited businesses, and grew the economy. And she did all of this while lowering taxes. This sort of thing doesn’t happen by accident. It takes strong leadership skills and common sense.

In 2008 the Mayor of Wasilla credited Sarah’s 75 percent property tax cuts and infrastructure improvements with bringing “big-box stores” and 50,000 shoppers per day to Wasilla. She left office in 2002. That’s some serious and lasting impact for one person to have.

Last time I looked, Dick Cheney had never run a city. Certainly never turned a dirt road town into a highly successful one with a bustling economy.

Sarah’s time as the Chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission is the stuff of legends. Not so much for what she did as a regulator, which by all accounts was top notch, but for what she did to unwind the massive corruption lawmakers and many oil company executives were engaged in. By the time she was done, the state’s Attorney General was forced to resign in disgrace, as was the Republican Party Chairman. [From his job as a fellow AOGCC commissioner] He was also forced to pay the largest civil fine in Alaska’s history.

Sarah was just getting started, as she would take down the sitting Republican Governor, in a landslide, and go on to pass sweeping reforms once in office, as the FBI was still raiding lawmakers’ offices and hauling people off to prison.

Washington may be one of the most corrupt places on earth, and I’ve never, EVER heard Dick Cheney address it’s corruption in any manner whatsoever.

Stacy Drake and Whitney Pitcher put together an extensive listing of Sarah Palin’s accomplishments as Governor. No one in Washington has accomplished anything near what she has. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find any elected official in the country who got as much done, has a better record on fiscal issues, or maintained a higher approval record among their voters. Sarah Palin had a sustained approval rating in the 90s as Governor of Alaska.

She’s the real deal.

Of course, now that Dick Cheney has decided to trash Sarah Palin, I’m noticing a new-found respect for him among the democrat run media. Useful idiot.

Out of the three men and one woman on the 2008 presidential ticket, Sarah Palin was the only one with the experience it takes to be president. There was a reason why the Obama campaign spent more time running against her than McCain. She was the dominant figure.

I’m sure Dick Cheney thinks Bill Clinton was qualified to be president, he certainly heaped praise on Hillary Clinton for her work as Secretary of State, calling her one of the more competent members of the Obama regime, and said it would be “interesting to speculate” on how she would do as president. Hillary Clinton is incompetent at her job, and has accomplished nothing of substance whatsoever.

For the record, Hillary was First Lady, a Senator, and now Secretary of State. Other than being another member of the permanent political class, what has she done? What makes HER qualified to be president? Cheney is an idiot.

I bring up Bill Clinton, who Cheney no doubt agrees was qualified to be president, as in fact do I, to remind folks of a 2008 Wall Street Journal article noting: “Compared to Bill Clinton, Sarah Palin is an Executive Giant.” The article goes on to explain Sarah sat as one of the most powerful state Executives in the country, and managed a budget and workforce far greater than Clinton’s tiny Arkansas responsibilities.

If anyone in the country is qualified to be President of the United States, it’s Sarah Palin.

But, you know, Dick Cheney might be on to something. Choosing Sarah Palin was a mistake. A mistake if you are a member of the corrupt ruling class, that is.

For guys like Dick Cheney, and the rest of the Establishment, choosing Sarah was an enormous mistake.

*Sarah Palin showed America what an actual Conservative looks like. Something the country hadn’t seen since Ronald Reagan.

*Sarah Palin showed us what fearless leadership looks like. Something that is totally lacking in today’s Republican Party “leadership.”

*Sarah Palin reminded us just how lousy our elected representatives in Washington truly are.

*Sarah Palin proved you can take on corruption, even in your own party, and succeed.

*Sarah Palin proved that you could cut spending and cut taxes, in good times, and still make considerable improvements to your constituents’ way of life.

*Sarah Palin inspired millions to stand up and say “enough is enough!” And that scares the permanent political class, guys like Dick Cheney, TO DEATH.

*Most importantly, Sarah Palin proved that the permanent political class can, and must be defeated.

So yeah, for Dick Cheney and his ilk, Sarah Palin was bad news!

In 2010 Sarah was a powerhouse at the ballot box. She endorsed over 100 candidates for local, state, and federal office. Most won. Thanks to her passion and inspiration, we saw the largest political turnover since Reconstruction, after the Civil War.

In 2012, she’s proving even more powerful. Like most of her supporters, I was greatly disappointed that she didn’t run for president. She would have easily won the nomination, and would whip Obama like a rented mule, but I’m starting to understand the wisdom in her decision not to run.

This election season, Sarah has concentrated on the Senate, and defeating entrenched members of the corrupt Republican Establishment™. So far she is batting 1000 in the primaries, and if the latest polling is any indication, she will have helped defeat one of the Establishment’s big players here in Texas.

So yeah, for Dick Cheney, and his ilk, it was a huge mistake for John McCain to choose Sarah Palin. In Sarah, you have a warrior who will go toe to toe with the GOP Elite and destroy them. We give McCain hell for some of the things he’s done, and is currently doing, but when it’s all said and done, his legacy must include choosing Sarah Palin, as one of the smartest things he’s ever done, and one of the greatest things he’s ever done for his country. For this America will be eternally grateful.

As for Dick Cheney and his bunch, they are directly responsible for destroying the Republican brand. Yeah, the GOP has always had it’s elites. Ronald Reagan fought these same kind of clowns in his day. But with Bush-Cheney, you had for the first time in generations, a Republican President, a Republican House, and a Republican Senate.

Ronald Reagan got big things done, and created one of the longest periods of economic growth in our nation’s history. Reagan faced a hostile Congress. Bush-Cheney had a friendly Congress, and what did they do? They forgot everything the party is supposed to stand for. They grew government, created new entitlements, and spent like drunken sailors. Worse, they didn’t address the massive corruption or out of control bureaucracy. Hell, they added to it all.

Now we all know that being a Republican isn’t the same thing as being Conservative, and that’s the problem. The average voter expects Republicans to be Conservative, and responsible. You know, the adults in the room.

The Bush-Cheney years were an abject failure in this department. And ever single member of the Republican Establishment™ is to blame.

By the time 2008 rolled around, we could have cloned Ronald Reagan, nominated him, and he would have lost. John McCain ran a lousy campaign, thanks to Steve Schmidt and crew, but Bush-Cheney had so damaged the Republican brand, it was almost impossible to think the Republicans could have prevailed.

And yet, thanks to Sarah Palin, her energy, her record, her work ethic, and her ability to inspire others, we damned near pulled it off anyway. Sarah Palin almost dragged the Republicans over the finish line, by herself.

Today, Sarah Palin is a direct threat to the Republican Establishment™. By God I think they hate her more than the democrats.

Democrats hate everybody, so of course they hate Sarah!

The GOP is more vicious though. They are underhanded and ruthless, when it comes to attacking a true Conservative. Look at the pure evil that Ted Cruz has faced here in Texas from his Establishment opponent. It’s as nasty as I’ve ever see,

Those of us old enough to remember the Reagan years, when he was running for president, can attest, the Republican Establishment™ was as nasty to Reagan as they are to Sarah Palin.

I am feeling an urgency to the GOP Elites’ viciousness though. Unlike in Reagan’s time, there is the Tea Party standing behind Sarah Palin. Millions of Americans who are fed up with both parties.

It’s harder for Republican Elites to overcome that.

That’s why they hate Sarah Palin, and frankly, hate the Tea Party as well. Us plain spoken, average Americans, are a direct threat to the ruling class, and in Sarah Palin we have a champion of our cause. In Sarah Palin we have someone who will fight right along side us.

Sarah didn’t run for president, something that disappointed millions, but currently she is in the process of remaking Congress in her image. I think she understands that she, or any other true reformer, has absolutely no chance as long as there are so many members of the corrupt Establishment in place.

She has a knack for backing solid Conservatives. Men and women who believe in the Constitution, Liberty, and Freedom. Leaders who believe in First Principles, and understand that government is out of control. That we can’t just slow things down, but that we must stop and turn things around. We must go in the opposite direction, or we’ll head over the cliff.

She understands the foundation must be in place for a true reformer to bring about the sudden and relentless reform that is so greatly needed.

This is why the Republican Elite must destroy Sarah Palin. She is a direct threat to all the power they have amassed. She is a direct threat to business as usual.

So many of us stand and defend Sarah Palin, because when the GOP Elites attack her, they are attacking We The People. They are attacking us.

If we allow the Republican Establishment™ to destroy Sarah Palin, they will have destroyed us as well.

Politicians in both parties have made a mess of this country. We can’t fix the democrat party. It’s too far gone. But we can damned sure clean out the Republican Party, and run these elitist bastards out of politics forever. In fact, we MUST run these elitist bastards out of politics forever. It’s the only way our nation will survive.

This is going to be a long, vicious battle. I’m ready for it, and I stand with Sarah Palin


Many thanks to Conservatives4Palin for also publishing this, and for the positive reader response.


Filed under In The News, Politics, Ronald Reagan, sarah palin

PPP Final Poll: Ted Cruz Over Dewhurst 52-42

By Gary P Jackson

Looks like all the vile, nasty ads that David Dewhurst has been running for weeks are working well!

In the final poll going into Tuesday’s election, Ted Cruz has a ten point lead over David Dewhurst. If that lead holds it may be one of the Tea Party’s most impressive victories yet. And a victory for the American people.

Polling consistently finds that more Texas voters consider themselves Tea Party people, than in any other state. Among the Tea Party folks, Ted Cruz absolutely destroys Dewhurst 75-22.

PP’s final poll of the Republican Senate runoff in Texas finds Ted Cruz opening up a 52-42 lead, an increase from our survey two weeks ago that found him ahead 49-44.

Cruz’s victory is driven by 4 things: the Tea Party, the enthusiasm of his supporters, a generational divide within the Texas Republican ranks, and the lack of regard the party base currently holds for Rick Perry.

Cruz is ahead by a whopping 75-22 margin with Tea Party voters, more than making up for a 56-39 deficit to Dewhurst with voters who don’t consider themselves members of that movement. There has been too much of a tendency to ascribe any Republican primary upset over the last few years to Tea Party voters, but this is one case where it’s well justified.

Cruz has a 63-33 advantage with voters who describe themselves as ‘very excited’ about voting in Tuesday’s runoff election.

More here.

Don’t let this big lead fool you though. We need everyone to get out there and vote on Tuesday. A blow out win by Cruz will send a strong message to the Republican Elite™!

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Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

Flashback: Diamond P’s “Fabulous Floppers”

By Gary P Jackson

In the 1980s, when Spike TV was TNN [The Nashville Network] motorsports were featured prominently in their programming, and NHRA drag racing, as well as hot rodding in general, dominated the weekend line up.

Harvey Palash’s Diamond P Sports created some great videos showcasing the sport. They seem rather simplistic by today’s standards, but they were cool for their time.

Diamond P’s Fabbulous Floppers, is a feature length video that recounted the history of one of the most popular classes in drag racing: Funny Car. Besides being available on tape, it was shown on TNN, as were all of Diamond P’s work.

NHRA Funny Car is far more sophisticated today, and the cars are much quicker and faster, with the national record under 4 seconds at over 320 MPH. But that’s what makes looking back at these old videos fun.

Fabulous Floppers features the late great Steve Evens, one of the best announcers to ever hold a microphone. He’s joined by Funny Car world champions Don “The Snake” Prudhomme and Kenny Bernstein.

Great scenes, interesting commentary, lot’s of history.


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