Monthly Archives: June 2009

The Face Of Democrat Insanity

You know, the definition of insanity is doing the same stupid thing over and over, and expecting different results. With that in mind, some Alaska democrats have earned a lifetime stay in a padded cell.

Folks even remotely knowledgeable about Governor Sarah Palin know all about the epic failures Alaskan democrat bloggers and their operatives have experienced in their attempts to smear the Governor. Currently they are batting 16-0 with their ridiculous “ethics complaints.” 17-0 if you count the failed “troopergate” attempt. Details are here, here, and here.

So what does Alaska’s official DNC blogger, Linda Kellen Biegel, have up her sleeve now? Well, she’s cooking up another ethics complaint, of course!

You might remember all of the commotion this hateful gal caused when she posted a photoshopped image of Governor Palin and her youngest child. It led everyone to ask why is it OK for democrats to attack small children, especially when they are the children of conservatives.

You’d have thought she’d learned her lesson from the fallout David Letterman experienced after his series of insults aimed at the Governor’s 14 year old daughter. But again, we are talking about the clinically insane here.

Biegel, who blogs as the Celtic Diva eventually took the photo down, and now has pages worth of explaining posted. That’s something else democrats are really good at. They will insult you in the most vile ways, and then “apologize” or “explain” things to you. But mostly they’ll just tell you that you aren’t smart enough to understand the nuance of discussing the rape of a 14 year old girl or how photoshopping a picture of a down syndrome child is some sort of high art form.

And of course, all of them band together to express their outrage when called on their hatefulness. Democrats are the do as I say, not as I do party.

As you know, Biegel, who is rapidly becoming a laughing stock in the sane world, used the image of Governor Palin and young Trig Palin as part of a fund raising effort she has ongoing. She is raising funds to file more insane ethics violations complaints, of course, and says so on her blog. Now, she refuses to disclose donors names, and claims this is not a “political fund” so she doesn’t have to follow the law on this sort of thing. Or file the proper paperwork.

Ironic, because she wants to use this money in an effort to “gain more transparency” from Governor Palin.

No really, I’m not making this stuff up!

So what is Alaska’s self appointed “ethics chief” caterwauling about now?

Well, people who keep up with the Governor will tell you that she made a trip this weekend to visit Alaska National Guard troops during a training exercise off the coast, and then spent time at Camp Bondsteel Ferizaj, Kosovo and then visited wounded troops at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.

This is Governor Palin’s second trip abroad to visit her Guard troops. In 2007, not long after she was elected, she traveled to Kuwait and then Germany.

Funny thing, that wasn’t an ethics violation back then. But of course, she wasn’t the odds on favorite to unseat Barack Obama in 2012 either.

At any rate, as Commander-In-Chief of the Alaska National Guard, Sarah Palin was well within the scope of her duties on this trip. And as Maj General Craig Campbell, who accompanied the Governor on the trip pointed out in this interview, Governor Palin takes these duties quite serious.

The issue?

It seems our poor misguided Diva now fancies herself a constitutional scholar. Of course so do these two!

Was able to pull this off of her website:


Found this on palingates (emphasis mine):
Frank said…

BlackMountain wrote on 06/27/2009 03:27:42 PM:

Something for the Palinbots to think about- Palin violated the US Supreme Court Greer vs. Spock decision which banned partisan political speeches or rallies on military bases. Palin also caused every soldier to violate a military directive that bars service members from attending partisan political speeches either in uniform, on duty, or at any military base/facility.

Isn’t it just a doozie that Palin would violate a US Supreme Court Decision – and top it off with having our soldiers violate military directives!”

Now I won’t even pretend to be a constitutional scholar, even though it seems that pretty much anyone can get away with saying so! But I will claim that I have a reading comprehension at or above the third grade level.

I took a look at Greer v Spock. This is a case from the 1970’s.

Without quoting chapter and verse, here is a synopsis of the case:

“Fort Dix, a federal military reservation devoted primarily to basic training for newly inducted Army personnel, and over which the Government exercises exclusive jurisdiction, permits free civilian access to certain unrestricted areas. However, post regulations ban speeches and demonstrations of a partisan political nature and also prohibit the distribution of literature without prior approval of post headquarters. Pursuant to these regulations, the commanding officer of Fort Dix rejected the request of respondent candidates for President and Vice President to distribute campaign literature and hold a political meeting on the post and the other respondents, who had been evicted on several occasions for distributing literature not previously approved, were barred from reentering the post. Respondents brought suit to enjoin enforcement of these regulations on the ground that they violated the First and Fifth Amendments. The District Court issued an injunction prohibiting the military authorities from interfering with the making of political speeches or the distribution of leaflets in areas of Fort Dix open to the general public, and the Court of Appeals affirmed. “

So basically this case was about the distribution of partisan election materials without prior approval. The case was upheld. It states that a military commander MAY restrict political speech as well as printed material. MAY is the key word here. Maybe it’s too many years pouring over the old NHRA rule book, but one tends to learn what words like “may” and “shall” and “must” mean.

The ruling goes on to leave us with this gem:

“As to the regulation governing the distribution of literature, a military commander may disapprove only those publications that he perceives clearly endanger the loyalty, discipline, or morale of troops on the base under his command, and, while this regulation might in the future be applied irrationally, invidiously, or arbitrarily, none of the respondents even submitted any material for review, and the noncandidate respondents had been excluded from the post because they had previously distributed literature there without attempting to obtain approval.”

Now you can watch Governor Palin’s speech to the troops, but unless you are a complete loon, or a member of the Obama Administration, a Governor thanking her troops for their hard work and sacrifice is hardly “dangerous” to the troops loyalty, discipline or moral! In fact, from the loud cheers she elicited from the troops, I’d say the Governor was a great boost to moral!

So where does this leave us?

Well, as we know, Linda Kellen Biegel is a seriously deranged woman void of all reason or self-restraint. So you can bet she is cooking up a way to file this ethics complaint! Of course, she may not do it herself. She has many surrogates like Andree McLeod or Sondra Tompkins, or Theodore “Chip” Thoma!

But her MO will be the same as always. Before she even files the paperwork, or gives it to a “designated hitter” to file, the details will be all over the internet. All of the various blogs will put it out, and the three hate bloggers from the Huffington Post, Amanda Coyne (whose husband conveniently works at the Anchorage Daily News), Jeanne Devon (AKMuckraker) and Shannyn Moore will most certain have star placement over at Arianna Huffington’s rag.

You know, these people are why we cannot get good and decent men and woman to take part in the democratic process in our country. Just as soon as a real leader emerges, folks like Biegel, and the rest pull out their tattered copies of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” and go to town.

It seems that all liberals are given a copy of the old communist “community organizer” from Chicago’s book, at birth.

So far, these miscreants have cost the state of Alaska around $300,000 and have run up a personal legal tab of around a half million dollars for Governor Palin.

What can you do?

Get involved! This woman is an official blogger for the Democrat National Committee. She is also endorsed by the democrat party of Alaska. And enjoys a premium placement on their official website.

Conservatives 4 Palin has a great list of contacts that you can get in touch with. One can certainly ask them if this sort of economic terrorism is something they really want to endorse. Or for that matter, see it used against them in the future. More and more conservatives are reading Alinsky these days!

You can also help spread the word through friends and on the various blogs you frequent. If nothing else, when these loons try to come out with this “complaint” everyone will already know that it is bogus!

And one thing more, this isn’t just about Governor Palin. These aren’t the only underhanded democrat operatives out there. Even if you aren’t one of Governor Palin’s strong supporters, remember this, if they’ll do this to her, sooner or later, they’ll do it to someone you do care about! This sort of character assassination and economic terrorism is standard operating procedure for the modern democrat party. Just ask David Axlerod or Rahm Emanuel!

This is as good a time as any to draw a line in the sand! Enough is indeed enough!

I’ll leave you with this thought from Pastor Martin Niemöller the German anti-Nazi activist:

“In Germany they first came for the Communists,

and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews,

and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists,

and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics,

and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me —

and by that time no one was left to speak up”.

It is a time to choose.


Filed under In The News, Politics

The ‘Cuda Goes To Kosovo

In a week that saw Sarah Palin’s youngest child attacked by Alaska’s official Democrat National Committee blogger in an attempt to raise money to fund more personal attacks on the Governor, Palin finds herself pretty busy.

She was on a “secret trip” to a foreign land.

First stop was visiting the troops participating in Northern Edge 2009, Alaska’s largest military training exercise. Governor Palin and her husband first met with Lt. Gen. Dana T. Atkins, Alaskan Command Commander, 11th Air Force; and Rear Admiral Mark A. Vance, USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) Strike Group Commander, before heading out to the USS John C. Stennis.

From there it was a short trip over to the USS Stennis to observe the exercises.

Next stop Camp Bondsteel; Ferizaj, Kosovo

The troops Governor Palin is visiting are members of the Alaska National Guard.

There is some cool raw video of the Governor landing and making some comments. One notes she carries her own gear.

During this stop she quoted Ronald Reagan:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Given the current situation in America, I’m not sure the Governor could have picked a better Reagan quote to use.

Here is a full version of her speech. At the end she gets a little shot in at Senator John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, much to the delight of the troops. This was a bit of payback for Kerry’s poor attempt of a joke made earlier in the week. Kerry has made a habit out of this sort of thing over the years.

I’m sure detractors will have something to say about all of this, but the fact is, Governor Palin takes her job as Commander-In-Chief of the Alaska National Guard and the Alaska Defense Force very seriously. The Governor made her first trip overseas to visit her troops in 2007, not long after her election. Being a lifelong hunter, she even took time to get in a little weapons training while in Kuwait.

As longtime Guard commander Major General Craig E Campbell pointed out in a September 2008 interview with Fox New’s Greta Van Susteren, Palin is one on the ball C-I-C. Saying that she was one of the best he had served under. That she actually cares about her responsibilities to the Guard.

In addition to the normal duties, Palin makes a point of attending every overseas deployment ceremony, and is at the airport to greet every single returning serviceman and servicewoman.

Alaska’s National Guard is unique, as it is the only state force that is on permanent deployment.

The 176th Wing, of the Alaska Air National Guard trains with and is part of the United States Air Force. They are vital to our air defenses, and are the first line of defense should Russia, North Korea, or China decide they want to become aggressive.

Governor Palin has has shared strategic command of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion.. And also commands the Alaska Defense Force, a federally recognized militia that is part of Homeland Security’s strategic plans. Palin also enjoys a top level of security clearance and receives regular security briefings.

Alaska is home to much of our missile defense systems. Governor Palin has been one of President Barack Obama’s strongest critics as he seeks to make major cuts in our missile defense dollars at the same time North Korea is fueling up long range ICBM’s and threatening nuclear war. North Korea is threatening a missile launch on the 4th of July with Hawaii as the target.

The Governor’s next stop will be Germany.


Filed under In The News, Politics

Not Content To Just Attack Women, Liberals Now Go After Small Children. Nothing Is Sacred When It Comes To Hating Sarah Palin.

Just when you thought liberals couldn’t sink any lower, hate blogger Linda Kellen Biegel proves that the levels of depravity from modern day democrats knows no bottom.

I mean we were just treated to the absolute disgusting display by so-called comedian David Letterman a couple of weeks ago, where he and his liberal viewers thought it was quite OK to call the married Governor and mother of 5 a “slut”, and then voiced his rape fantasies that featured Governor Palin’s 14 year old daughter! For an encore, Letterman called the daughter a whore one day later.

His apology consisted of claiming he meant to have a rape fantasy voiced about the Governor’s 18 year old daughter, and meant to call her a whore. Oh, and insulting those who were too stupid not to know that.

Nice people these modern liberals.

Well, as bad as what Letterman did, which was basically declare open season on women and young teen girls, for sexual gratification, Linda Kellen Biegel has put old Dave to shame on the hate-o-meter.

Biegel, who I have written about extensively is part of the cabal of left wingers in Alaska who attack the Governor on a daily basis. She is also one of the driving forces behind all of the harassment “ethics complaints” against the Governor as well. And I am sure that she is not pleased that another bogus complaint was thrown out on Monday. The latest complaint to go down in flames was one by serial complaint filer Andree McLeod.

Biegel is one of the main reasons Governor Palin had to set up a legal defense fund. And her antics have also cost the state of Alaska about $300,000 to deal all of the bogus filings.

So what is Biegel up to now?

Well on her website Celtic Diva’s Blue Oasis, she is having a fund raiser to fight for “transparency in government” which is a hoot considering who she supports nationally. And most likely just a way to fund more bogus ethics complaints.

And speaking of this fund raiser, many questions have already popped up wondering if she has actually filed the proper paper work with officials and declared her little piggy bank a political action fund.

Now at this point you might ask “who cares?”

Well, here’s the deal. In promoting her “fundraiser,” Biegel took it upon herself to photoshop a picture of Governor Palin and her youngest son, Trig.

Trig Palin, of course, is a downs syndrome child.

Biegel photoshopped the face of local radio host Eddie Burke onto a well known shot of Governor Palin with her son, Trig. The claim being that Burke, an outspoken supporter of Palin’s, is somehow “in the tank” for the Governor.

Again totally laughable considering that tonight ABC is airing an infomercial for President Obama’s push to socialized medicine, allowing no dissenting voices, and refusing counter advertising!

And don’t get me started on the rest of the state run media and their slobbering love affair with Obama!

Of course, it was our fearless leader who made a joke about special needs children right after becoming POTUS on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. So I guess that was sort of code to let the liberal hate machine know it is OK to go after special needs kids, like Trig.

For contrast, watch Sarah Palin’s video address to the 2009 Special Olympics meet in Boise, Idaho.

Now if this was just one lone hate blogger, it would personally anger me, but I’d just blow this loser off, but that is not the case with Biegel.

Linda Kellen Biegel is an “official DNC blogger” who covered the 2008 Democratic National Committee’s convention in Denver for Alaska, and along with other hate bloggers, enjoys a prominent placement on the Alaskan democrat party’s official website.

This tells me that the Alaskan democrat party endorses the hate that Biegel, Jeanne Devon (Mudflats) as well as HuffPo regulars Shannyn Moore, and Amanda Coyne serve up on a consistent basis.

And as a Democrat National Committee “official blogger” one must assume they also endorse such egregious behavior.

As does Bob Poe, a potential democrat candidate for Governor, who just granted Biegel an interview. (H/T to our friends at Conservatives4Palin.)

And don’t forget, this woman is one of the feature players in filing all of the absolutely ridiculous “ethics complaints” against Governor Palin.

So one must consider these facts. Barack Obama himself has joked on national TV about special needs kids. A hate blogger, and obviously deranged woman who is trying to make a living attacking Governor Palin, also thinks it’s just peachy to attack the Governor using her special needs child. And by endorsement, both the Alaskan and national democrat parties seem to be fine with this sort of thing as well.

For me, I am sick of this deal. I don’t mind people who want to discuss policies. But liberals really never can. Especially when it comes to Sarah Palin. It is always personal, and very nasty. But in general, liberals cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas, so this is how they operate.

Also, for me, this has moved way beyond America’s Governor.

I make no bones about the fact that I strongly support Sarah Palin. I like what she stands for, and think she is the true transformational leader this nation needs to us get back on track. Her resume speaks for itself.

But at this point, it’s no longer just about her. Liberals have absolutely no boundaries any more when it comes to their smear campaigns. Nothing is sacred. No one is safe.

Lately we have seen massive attacks by the liberals, and the so-called mainstream media on all conservative women. The attacks on Carrie Prejean are well documented. Her stance on gay marriage, which is the same as Barack Obama’s, most certainly played a role in her loss as Miss USA and the eventual loss of her Miss California title. (A state that voted overwhelmingly to outlaw gay marriage!)

Then there was the attack by the Playboy blogger who described his violent rape fantasies against conservative women like Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, and Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann.

There was little effort to go after these haters though. Seriously non-existent push back from our side.

Then came Letterman and his hate speech against women and teenage girls. Thankfully, folks from all sides decided to denounce Letterman, and have caused many of his show’s sponsors to take their business elsewhere. In fact, there is still an ongoing effort to get Letterman fired just as CBS fired Don Imus for a lot tamer remark.

Here’s where I feel we are at as Americans, as conservatives, and as human beings. Are we going to continue to allow the very worst elements of society to smear Americans for no reason other than unbridled hate, and a difference in opinion, or are we going to take a stand?

It’s time we let these people know that enough, is enough!

It’s time to hold these people responsible for their actions.

It’s time to declare war on those who traffic in these disgusting practices.

What can you do?

Well for one, why not ask the Alaskan democrat party why they condone such vile attacks on women and children by one of their official bloggers. Why they think it is cool to attack special needs children. You can contact them online. Or here:

Via Mail :

Alaska Democratic Party

2602 Fairbanks Street

Anchorage, AK 99503

Via Phone :

(907) 258-3050

Via Fax :

(907) 258-1626

Ask the Democrat National Party the same questions. You can contact the Democrat National Committee online. Or here:

Via Mail:

Democratic National Committee

430 S. Capitol St. SE

Washington, DC 20003

Via Phone:


You might even want to ask potential gubernatorial candidate Bob Poe about his obvious connection to Linda Kellen Biegel.

You can even ask these key Alaskan democrats if they condone this sort of thing. And put pressure on them to either denounce Biegel, or stand with her.

Senator Johnny Ellis:

Senator Hollis French:

Representative Beth Kerttula:

Bear in mind that French and Kerttula were key players in the failed “troopergate” smear attempt against Governor Palin, and French also has his eyes on the Governor’s seat. I think Americans in general, and Alaskan’s in particular need to know if this guy thinks it’s OK to go after women and children especially if he wants to have Alaska’s top job.

I’m sure readers will think of more people they can contact as well, my list is just a good start. And our friends at C4P are all over this with updated contacts as well.

Being someone who follows politics pretty closely, I am continually asked by friends why we have such poor representation, such pitiful politicians in the State House, Congress , and the White House. Well, one of the big reasons is guttersnipes like Linda Kellen Biegel, and her fellow Alaskan bloggers who trade in hate and lies. Think about it, why would someone want to subject themselves to all of these attacks?

When someone who is actually a decent leader, like Sarah Palin, dares put themselves out there, the liberal hate machine goes into high gear. America deserves better than this.

So here’s the deal. Are you going to continue to allow this sort of thing to go on? Are you going to continue to sit back and ignore attacks on decent people? Are you going to continue accepting vile and hateful attacks on women and children?

Or, are you going to get serious and help put an end to this stuff!

This is indeed a time for choosing.


Filed under In The News, Politics

The Real Sarah Palin Story Of The Past Week: Energy Independence

Quick, what was the biggest Sarah Palin story of the past week or so?

Was it her rousing introduction of Michael Reagan in Anchorage where she eloquently spoke of his father, President Ronald Reagan, and took on President Barack Obama, and his big government policies, head on?

Maybe it was her trip to Auburn, NY where she celebrated the life of former Secretary of State William Seward, in conjunction with Alaska’s 50th year of statehood, an event that saw Palin draw over 20,000 people. Seward is the one who pushed for the purchase of Alaska from Russia.

Palin gave a stem winding policy speech in Auburn that saw her again take on the current administration’s big government policies, it’s want to apologize for America when overseas, it’s military readiness, and foreign policy.

It could be the over $500,000 Governor Palin raised for several charities, including autism research and assisted living while in the state. You might even think that it was the crass and tasteless remarks made by a late night talk show host, aimed a Palin and her 14 year old daughter, and the ensuing calls for his firing and his show’s loss of sponsors.

All of these are big stories, for sure. But as usual, the real story got lost by the media.

While in Auburn, Governor Palin spoke at length about America’s need for energy independence and promised a huge bit of news would come out within the week concerning this..

And true to her word, in Dallas, Texas Governor Palin announced to the world of the huge progress on AGIA, the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act.

Governor Palin announced that in a historic agreement, Exxon-Mobil had joined with Trans-Canada to make what some have called a “pipe dream” a reality.

Audio of the announcement from Exxon-Mobil and Trans-Canada officials is available here.

For those not familiar, Alaskans have tried for over 30 years to build a natural gas pipeline from Alaska to the lower 48. Previous Governors have tried to make this happen, and Alaskans have went back and forth on how it should be done.

Governor Palin made this a centerpiece of her administration. Within weeks of taking office, the wheels were set in motion to get this done. The AGIA legislation was passed 57-1 through Alaska’s legislature.

Of course, there were plenty of critics, this was a big undertaking. At $126 billion, the 1712 mile pipeline is the largest infrastructure project in history.

Many thought that Governor Palin had just bit off more than she, or anyone else could chew. There were worries about the market for natural gas. But the demand for the fuel is expected to rise as much as 40 percent by the year 2030.

Obama administration officials who had nothing to do with this, like Energy Secretary Ken Salazar, have rushed to claim credit for all of this. A pretty good endorsement of Governor Palin’s efforts.

Investor’s Business Daily, gives high praise to Governor Palin, and points out that Exxon-Mobil has some very strict guidelines for investment. Their standards are high. Marty Massey, U.S. joint interest manager of Exxon Mobil Production Co. Had this to say about his company’s involvement:

“We evaluated all the options and it came down to our belief that this approach with TransCanada and Exxon Mobil was going to be the most successful project.”

Massey went on to say that Exxon might look at expanding it’s role in the project.

As the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act Trans-Canada and Exxon Partnership materials point out, this is a privately funded project. Which obviously makes this deal a win-win for the state. The purpose of AGIA is to protect the interests of the state of Alaska as the project moves forward.

The bottom line in all of this, is the pipeline will be built. Trans-Canada is one of the world’s most respected pipeline construction companies, and Exxon-Mobil is certainly a well respected oil and gas company.

For those that don’t understand the real impact of all of this, let’s talk about natural gas and it’s uses.

Natural gas is one of the cleanest burning fossil fuels we have. Most Americans use it every day. We heat with it. We cook with it. But there are other uses. One of the more promising uses of natural gas is as a leading motor fuel.

Compressed natural gas (CNG), along with propane, has been used for decades to power automobiles, trucks, and buses. In fact, many large and medium sized U.S. cities already have fleets of cars, trucks, and buses that are powered by CNG. The reasoning behind this, of course, is the fact that an engine that burns CNG instead of gasoline, will see some of it’s harmful emissions reduced by as much as 90 percent. And with the addition of the latest engine management computer technology CNG has never been a more viable fuel.

Something else that makes CNG so promising is the fact that diesel engines can be made to run on the fuel as well, greatly reducing their emissions. And while some may tout electrics as the future of the automobile, that technology, will not work on long haul trucks, the 18 wheelers you see every day as they haul goods all over America. The battery technology just isn’t anywhere close to making it viable for that application.

Even better, every single one of the Big 3: Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors build cars, trucks, and buses that run on clean burning natural gas, and have for decades. So it would be a no brainer to produce more vehicles to run on CNG. Honda is also building CNG powered versions of it’s most popular models that are available to Americans right now.

Many countries use CNG powered vehicles extensively for transportation.

There are even companies that make units that people can install in their home garages that compress the natural gas, and allow someone to refill their car at home.

As a 30 year veteran of the automotive industry, and a certified “car guy”. This writer is very excited about the possibilities of CNG.

Alaska has an estimated 200 trillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas. That is enough to make America very independent when it comes to energy. And that’s the real story here. Once the pipeline becomes operational, in less than a decade, America will be more secure, and energy independent.

Texas oil billionaire T Boone Pickens has been advocating a plan for some time that would see much of America’s vehicles converted to run on CNG, and see wind and solar become a more prominent source of electrical generation. In the Pickens Plan, the wind and solar would replace the natural gas we are currently using to produce electricity, freeing it up for transportation use.

Natural gas is a real win-win for America. It’s very plentiful. We have more than the equivalent of all of the world’s oil reserves in American natural gas. Natural gas is a very clean fuel. The environmentalists like it. And, this is not some newfangled experimental fuel. We have used natural gas for a long time to cook and heat with, and automakers have built vehicles that use it as a fuel for almost a century.

If automakers were to convert much of their production to vehicles that run on CNG, it would be cost effective, as the technology is already in use, and proven, as compared to all of the billions that have been invested in technology that still hasn’t produced a practical mass production car that people will actually buy and can use for more than short trips to the store.

This announcement from Governor Palin is indeed big news. This is a game changing effort that will not only help make America energy independent, but has the potential to change every American’s lives for the better with a clean, American produced fuel.

The national security benefits in all of this should not be lost either. The less money we send overseas to purchase oil, the less money regimes that don’t necessarily like America will have. America sends nearly one trillion dollars a year overseas to buy crude oil.

Governor Palin has again lived up to her billing as an authority on energy. The Governor who previously was chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, as well as the chair of the National Governor’s Association Natural Resources Committee, and the Chairman of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, is uniquely qualified to lead on energy independence. And she is most certainly using her industry experience to move America in that direction.

Sarah Palin hit a grand slam home run last week. This will truly make America stronger.


Filed under In The News, Politics

The Alaska Fund Trust – Conservatives4Palin Webathon

Sarah Palin is one of the most significant figures in America today. The Governor from Alaska became a true phenomenon when she burst on the scene after being chosen as John McCain’s running mate in the 2008 presidential election.

Of course, those in the know already understood that Sarah Palin stands for everything that is right with America. Those of us who have followed her since her first days as Governor understand just how strong of a leader she is.

Sarah captivated America in her short time on the big stage. She currently has one of the largest grass roots followings of any politician in America. She draws huge crowds wherever she goes. People understand what she is about and see her as the principled leader America needs.

So, since the Governor has went back home, the long knives have come out. The coordinated attacks from the hate bloggers Amanda Coyne, Shannyn Moore, and Geoffrey Dunn over at the Huffington Post have been in high dudgeon, as have the rest of the left wing media.

But the real damage is being done by the paid DNC bloggers, like Linda Kellen Biegel, and her friends, as well as people like Andree McLeod, Sondra Tomkins, Chip Thoma, and others, who have made a game of filing bogus ethics complaints against Governor Palin.

And we are talking absolutely ridiculous complaints.

Now all of these have been thrown out. But, they have not only cost the state of Alaska over $300,000 to process, they have cost Governor Palin around $500,000 personally, to defend herself. Money she does not have.

The Palins aren’t rich people. In fact, she turned down a raise this year, that would have seen her $125,000 a year salary go to $150,000. She felt at a time she was calling for budget cuts, a $25,000 a year pay raise would not be right.

In fact, the budget to run her office, so far, is about a million dollars less that either of the two previous Governors expenses were.

Sarah Palin needs our help.

Recently Sarah set up the Alaska Defense Fund to raise money to help pay her legal bills. The rules are pretty restrictive, and the amount you can give is limited to only $150 per person.

Oh, and before you ask, our “friend” Andree McLeod filed an ethics complaint because Sarah set this legal defense fund up!

I kid you not!

With all of this in mind, Conservatives 4 Palin has announced a webathon to retire her debt.

This web based effort will run from June 15th thru June 22, 2009

The concept is simple. Please donate what you can to the Alaska Defense Fund. Then e-mail C4P at and let them know what you have donated. They will keep a running total on their website.

The left wants to destroy Sarah Palin. They aren’t stupid despite how they may look and act. They understand that Sarah is a direct threat to all they worship, and is by far the odds on favorite to be the next President.

Sarah Palin is everything the liberals pretend to be, but never achieve. She is intelligent, hard working and incredibly successful. She has a loving family. She is also unabashedly pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-God! She is the all American girl who we all dream of in our youth! The one you WOULD take home to mama!

The liberals cannot compete with Sarah Palin in the marketplace of ideas, so they must try and destroy her before she has another shot at the White House.

That’s exactly what David Letterman’s filthy “joke” was all about last week. To go after her with so much hate, and filth, not only for her, but her young children, that she will just give up, and not run. They want to make it so tough that she will just go away.

They don’t know much about Sarah Palin though!

Rush Limbaugh on his radio show today said it best::

“If you want to know, the left will tell you everything you want to know, if you listen to them. The far left, the left, the Democrat Party will tell you everything you want to know. And I just need to ask you one question. Of all the potential Republican presidential candidates that people could name for 2012, which one sends the Democrat Party, the media, the Comedian Community, and everybody else into an absolute insane tizzy? It is Sarah Palin. Why? Because they’re scared. And why are they scared? They’re afraid of her. They’re afraid of that 20,000 people she can draw anywhere, any time, when she shows up to make an appearance. They’re afraid of her because she can win. They’re afraid of her because she could beat Barack Obama. That’s why they trash her. That’s why they’re trying to destroy her. It’s not because she embarrasses them. It’s because she frightens them. Listen to the left, listen to the media if you want to find out what they think ’cause they’ll tell you every time.”


To paraphrase Abraham Lincolin, we need Sarah Palin, she fights!

We need to fight just as hard!

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It’s Time For David Letterman to Go!

It is time for CBS to show David Letterman the door. Letterman, in the past few days has shown he is nothing but a nasty, vile,pervert, a misogynist, and a racist. There is no excuse for his actions, and there is nothing he can do to correct them.

On Monday night Letterman, in his “Top 10″, called the Governor of Alaska a “slut”. That is so over the top it is unbelievable, but then he did something even worse, he suggested the Governor’s teenage daughter was “knocked up” by Alex Rodriguez while the Governor, and her family attended the Yankees game as guests of former New York City Mayor, Rudy Giuliani.

This is the Governor’s 14 year old daughter we are talking about here!

Of course, the classless Letterman, after being called out by many, went even further Tuesday night, suggesting Governor Palin’s daughter, her 14 year old daughter, was a whore! Letterman joked about her and disgraced former democrat New York Governor, Elliot Spitzer, who is known to consort with prostitutes.

This is beyond the pale. It is sick, perverted, and totally unacceptable.

But where is the outrage from the usual suspects?

Where are the women of the National Organization of Women (NOW)? These are two females who are being slandered in the nastiest of ways.

Where is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, two folks who earn a living playing the race card?

Letterman’s attack was indeed racist. You see, Todd Palin is a Native America. A Yup’ik. So is his 14 year old daughter, Willow!

The Yup’ik, are a group of indigenous or aboriginal peoples of western, southwestern, and southcentral Alaska and the Russian Far East. They include the Central Alaskan Yup’ik people of the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta, the Kuskokwim River, and coastal Bristol Bay in Alaska; the Alutiiq (or Suqpiaq) of the Alaska Peninsula and coastal and island areas of southcentral Alaska; and the Siberian Yupik of the Russian Far East and St. Lawrence Island in western Alaska. They are Eskimo and are related to the Inuit.

Where are the usual groups that stand up to racists now?

It wasn’t that long ago that radio host Don Imus was fired for calling a group of basketball players “nappy-headed hoes”. Not a nice comment, and definitely racist. But it is very mild when you compare it to the things David Letterman has said. Imus never talked raping these basketball players.

Again we are talking about a 14 year old girl here!

You know, one can only imagine the vitriol that we would see if Letterman had the guts to really be “edgy” and suggest this about one of Barack Obama’s two adorable little girls!

It would be WWIII!

And rightly so!

But it seems to be quite fine because Sarah Palin and her family are conservatives.

Well, it’s absolutely NOT OK for David Letterman, or any other pervert to talk about raping a 14 year old girl, or to call her a whore!

Letterman has made sexual references about Governor Palin in the past. They were tasteless at best. But Governor Palin is a grown woman, and can certainly defend herself. And she certainly has.

But for David Letterman to attack a 14 year old girl like this just cannot stand.

Of course, this is typical from the left these days. They go out of their way to destroy those who disagree with them.

Look at Miss California, Carrie Prejean. She has been attacked from the left over and over for her stance on gay marriage. Her stance, by the way is the same exact stance as that of the current President of the United States, Barack Obama! And Miss Prejean also shares the exact same feelings as the majority of the voters in her native California!

But again, since Prejean is a conservative, with traditional American values, she must be destroyed.

This past week, Playboy Magazine, in an online blog, published what was basically a rape fantasy piece targeting prominent and beautiful conservative women like Fox New’s Megyn Kelly and Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann.

The silence from the usual “women’s rights supporters” was deafening.

But again, as disgusting as all of this is, it is nothing compared to a sick man’s rant about the rape of a 14 year old Native American girl!

In all fairness, not all liberals are being silent on this. There is a great group over at This is a group who supports Hillary Clinton, and since she has become a national figure, Sarah Palin. They are incredible group who stand up for what is right. They are organizing a boycott of advertisers to the Letterman show.

Conservatives 4 Palin has also called for similar action.

For the Palin family’s part, both Todd and Sarah have issued statements:

“Any ‘jokes’ about raping my 14-year-old are despicable. Alaskans know it and I believe the rest of the world knows it, too.”

– Todd Palin

“Concerning Letterman’s comments about my young daughter (and I doubt he’d ever dare make such comments about anyone else’s daughter): ‘Laughter incited by sexually-perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl is not only disgusting, but it reminds us some Hollywood/NY entertainers have a long way to go in understanding what the rest of America understands – that acceptance of inappropriate sexual comments about an underage girl, who could be anyone’s daughter, contribute to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others.'”

– Governor Sarah Palin

Governor Palin had appeared on John Ziegler’s radio show on Tuesday, discussing the first Letterman attack on her and her daughter, and called Letterman “pathetic”, which was very generous in my opinion!

The Governor also pointed out the she was in New York City to raise money for autism research as well as for an assisted living facility. The day before Governor Palin had been in Auburn, NY at the Seward House celebrating the life of William Seward, the former U.S. Secretary of State, who negotiated the purchase of the Alaska territory from Russia. This coincides with Alaska’s 50th year of statehood celebration. Alaska became a state in 1959.

In Auburn she spoke to over 20,000 enthusiastic supporters.

Ziegler appeared on MSNBC today as a guest of Contessa Brewer’s. Incredibly, Brewer couldn’t seem to understand why Governor Palin wasn’t pleased that Letterman called her a “slut”!

Brewer went on to say it was “comedy” and that she had no problem with it. Or the fact Letterman voiced out his rape fantasy on the Governor’s 14 year old daughter and insinuated she was a whore.

Brewer quickly turned the interview into an attack on Governor Palin instead.

This seems to be par for the course for the Peacock brand though, as so-called comedian Chuck Nice” from “Best Week Ever” had this to say about Governor Palin on NBC’s Today Show:

“But Sarah Palin to the GOP, she is very much like herpes, she is not going away”.

Absolutely no one on the NBC Today Show set called Nice on this. In fact, NBC News chief legal analyst Dan Abrams went on to say: “That’s the advantage of being Chuck Nice. You can say that, and there’s no repercussions.”

This sort of behavior is totally unacceptable.

There is a lot of tension in America these days, especially when it comes to politics. And it is one thing to take someone head on over their policies. But the left in this country delight in destroying their enemies personally. They seemingly cannot discuss the issues in a coherent manner, so they come out with the nasty personal attacks.

David Letterman has a history of doing this. He is incredibly hostile to those who don’t share his view on things. But you know, that’s fine, no one has to watch him.

But this is different.

To call the sitting Governor of a state, a happily married woman, and mother of 5 children a “slut” is unacceptable.

To fantasize about the Governor’s 14 year old daughter’s rape and to call her a whore just cannot stand!

I don’t care what your politics are. In America we have a certain decency that sets us apart from other nations. We don’t take kindly to men who have rape fantasies about 14 year old girls.

It is time to let CBS know that David Letterman is done. He is no longer fit to remain on the air.

It is time to let CBS’ advertisers know the same.

Talking about the rape of a 14 year old girl just doesn’t work in America!

Call CBS at 212-975-4321

C4P and Hillbuzz both have contact information for advertisers.


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Sarah Palin 14…Ankle Biters O

It’s a sad day over at the Huffington Post and left wing blogs like Mudflats and Celtic Diva’s Blue Oasis. You see, despite their best efforts to smear Alaska Governor Sarah Palin with more than a baker’s dozen of phony ethics complaints since the start of the year, all of their efforts have completely failed.

The latest complaint to be dismissed was incredibly ridiculous. It revolved around the fact that Governor Palin, in sub zero weather, had the temerity to wear a jacket when she attended the final day of the Tesoro Iron Dog Race!

The Iron Dog is the world’s longest and most difficult snow machine race. (snowmobile to us in the lower 48) The Governor was waiting at the finish line in both her official capacity as well as the wife of one of the competitors, her husband Todd, and his partner, Scott Davis. The Iron Dog is a grueling 1,971 mile race through some of the toughest conditions one can imagine. It is a true manly-man sport! Palin and Davis are two of the best, having 11 wins between them in the event.

To tell you how tough this race is, last year Todd finished with a game fourth place effort after a crash slowed him down, and he rode the last 400 miles with a broken arm.

So what was the issue?

Well, you see Governor Palin was wearing an Arctic Cat jacket. Arctic Cat makes snow machines and yes, they sponsor Todd and Scott.

Oh the humanity of it all!

And so, another baseless and comical ethics complaint was born from the ankle biters on the left.

This particular complaint was filed by a nasty woman named Linda Kellen Biegel. She is hostile to Governor Palin, and runs a website, Celtic Diva’s Blue Oasis, that is dedicated to not only spreading this woman’s hate for Governor Palin, but also coordinating attacks against her with other bloggers and members of the press.

Biegel who, according to her own website, is an official blogger for the DNC, has helped publicize the numerous phony harassment complaints against the Governor. In fact, the woman is so notorious for doing this, and then crowing on her website about it, that she actually inspired a group of talented conservative bloggers to create a very funny parody website that is spot on in it’s humorous depiction of her.

Now by herself, Linda Kellen Biegel would just be a sad character with a lot of time on her hands. But Biegel is far from being alone in this.

One has to understand that in Alaska, the far left is a small, but very well coordinated, and funded group. And they have some very big help. Lets meet just some of the players who participate in these smear tactics.

There is fellow hate blogger Jeanne Devon. Devon runs a particularly nasty website know as Mudflats. Now unlike Biegel, Devon didn’t have the guts to blog under her real name. Instead she chose to spread hate and lies under the alias AKMuckraker. This woman is so hateful in her approach, a democrat, Alaska Representative Mike Doogan outed her to the media. Devon and Biegel are very much the coordinators of the attacks against Governor Palin. Along with a couple of smaller bloggers. And yes, they have even went as far as recruiting folks to help file complaints against the Governor.

Now in Alaska, the ethics board doesn’t put out press releases when complaints are filed. They do however report the finding of all investigations once complete.

Of course, that wouldn’t help the democrat bloggers one bit. So they have help from so-called reporters.

Meet Amanda Coyne. Coyne is a college professor who…wait for it… teaches journalism. She also runs a for profit website that is pretty much dedicated to causing Governor Palin grief. Coyne, who claims to be Governor Palin’s “first official biographer”, also writes for the far left Huffington Post. Now the Post isn’t all that important, so Coyne has an ace-in-the-hole, her husband, Tony Hopfinger, who works for the Anchorage Daily News.

Hopfinger, who also freelances, makes sure the ADN is full of less than flattering stories about the Governor. This writer, and others have had issues with the Anchorage paper for some time.

The ADN had the habit of allowing absolutely anything, no matter how disgusting, to be said about Palin in their online comments section, while deleting supportive comments. After some investigating, we found that many of the most hateful comments, from people claiming to be Alaskans, were actually bloggers, and a newspaper columnist or two from the lower 48.

It got so bad that a group of readers actually promised protests and advertiser boycotts if they didn’t clean up their act, which they have since done, to some extent.

Now helping out Amanda Coyne, is fellow HuffPo writer, Shannyn Moore. The malicious content of her writing speaks for itself. Moore has the worst case of Palin Derangement Syndrome imaginable.

Why are people like Coyne, Hopfinger, and Moore important to these hate bloogers like Biegel and Devon, and the DNC’s plans? Well, remember, the State of Alaska isn’t in the habit of publishing complaints when they are filed. And yet, most of the nation’s left wing blogosphere knows about the complaints, often before they are filed.

This is where the HuffPo writers come in. They are tasked with writing story after story of how supposedly corrupt Governor Palin is. And of course, the rest of the media picks up on these stories and runs wild.

And while the complaint makes national and even international news, the fact that it was thrown out, and completely ridiculous, rarely gets reported. This is business as usual for democrats. It’s how they work.

There are other serial ethics complaint filers, like Andree McLeod. It is said that she is angry because the Governor wouldn’t give her a job. And who am I to say different.

Like a lot of the left wing, she claims to be a victim of something, and says she would file many more ethics complaints, if not for the fact “they” might get her. And yet, she is constantly talking about filing more ethics complaints!

Here’s an idea of the type of complaints filed:

McLeod filed an ethics complaint because Governor Palin announced she had been chosen as John McCain’s running mate on her website.

I kid you not!

She also complained because the Governor attended a Republican dinner.

McLeod has also anointed herself as the “cleavage cop” in the state of Alaska. In an e-mail to the administration commissioner Annette Kreitzer , McLeod complained that she was “astounded at the amount and magnitude of cleavage being exhibited by female employees in State of Alaska offices these days. Upon entering an office, I’m initially embarrassed when subjected to such low cut tops. …The negative impact this all has on the business I have to conduct is not to my benefit. I leave the office feeling offended.”


McLeod then hounded Mike Nizich, the governor’s chief of staff, she noted, “That’s a lot of pressure to put on guys, whether they are members of the public or colleagues, to just ignore the fact that these women are wearing tops with breasts popping out. … and not cross the lines.”

According to Eddie Burke, of the Eddie Burke radio show, McLeod was recently seen dining with Alaska Democrat State Senator Bill Wielechowski. Wielechowski has denied any collaboration with McLeod though.

Sure, OK.

While McLeod has filed some really hilarious complaints, she is not alone. There is a fellow named Chip Thoma, who has complained because the tour buses drive by the Governor’s Mansion, and even complained because the Governor’s young daughter, Piper, set up a lemonade stand!

Chip has unsuccessfully sued former Governor Walter J. Hickel saying that Governor was “out to get him”.

Now as I said earlier in this piece, all of the would either by funny, or pathetic, depending on your mood, if it wasn’t so malicious.

Thanks to these complaints, and the Barack Obama initiated “troopergate” fiasco, Governor Palin, who is not a wealthy politician, has had to start a defense fund to help pay her legal bills. And yes, the ankle biters filed a complaint against her for doing this, as well!

These bogus harassment complaints have also cost the State of Alaska around $300,000, prompting many Alaskans to call for a change in the law that would force the folks who file these sort of harassment complaints to have to pay for them.

But what is the end game in all of this?

Well, as I mentioned in an earlier piece exposing George Soros’ connection to the ethics complaint CREW filed against the McCain-Palin campaign, which itself was thrown out by the FEC, this is standard practice for the democrat party. Groups like CREW, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, use the legal system to harass their opponents. It’s one of the “Rules” set forth by Chicago communist Saul Alinsky, whose book on community organizing, “Rules For Radicals” sits on the night stand in most democrat politician’s and activist’s bedrooms, whether they admit it, or not.

With Governor Palin, the end game is even clearer.

Unlike most politicians, who talk a good game about ethics and reform, Governor Palin has a solid record of actually doing it. She actually walks the walk, and doesn’t just talk the talk.

As Palin biographer Recaldo Ochoa points out in his book, “Sarah Palin, Poised To Become America’s First Female President”, Governor Palin was a reformer from the very start. In her earliest days in politics Palin came upon a situation that she felt wasn’t right. Her friend, and the person who actually talked her into running for her city council spot, Nick Carney owned a waste management service. Not a problem in itself, but he was pushing through an ordinance that would have given his company a monopoly on waste pickup in and around the Wasilla community. Friendships aside, Palin felt this was wrong, and actively fought to make sure this didn’t happen.

This sort of basic common sense would follow her into the Mayor’s office.

Now once she had served her two term limit, Sarah Palin looked for another challenge, and ran for Lt Governor. She lost. But she also impressed a lot of folks in Alaska. The Governor, Frank Murkowski, saw fit to appoint her as Chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. A top position in the oil rich state.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before Palin found there were some serious problems in her agency. Two of the highest ranking players in the Alaska GOP, party head Randy Ruedrich and former Attorney general Gregg Renkes had some issues. Renkes had some conflicts of interest with a coal contract, and Ruedrich was basically blowing off his job in favor of doing party business.

This is the exact sort of thing that makes the average American distrust all politicians.

Palin took this to her boss, the Governor, who was less than receptive. Now, she could have just went on, and continued to work as head of the agency. After all, this was a good paying six figure job. And her star was really on the rise. She could have “played ball” and it would have been smooth sailing. She would have been set for life.

Sarah Palin didn’t do that. She resigned from her job and took these people on. For most folks, this would have been career suicide. But not for Sarah Palin. Both Renkes and Ruedrich were forced to resign from the agency, and Ruedrich was fined $12,000, the largest fine of it’s kind in state history.

Palin went on to challenge Governor Murkowski in the Republican primary, beating him in a landslide. She then went on to defeat popular former Governor, Tony Knowles.

The point is, for nearly two decades Sarah Palin has been a true, honest, and ethical politician. Someone who doesn’t care who the person is, or what party they belong to. If she sees something that isn’t right, she will point it out and work hard get it stopped.

Of course, this sort of person is not a welcomed sight on the national scene. At least not by the average politician!

Someone like Sarah Palin is a direct threat to any politician, no matter the party, who is corrupt.

The establishment in both parties see her as a direct threat.

So here come the ethics complaints hard and heavy. From the so called “troopergate” complaint that was encouraged along by Barack Obama, to all of these harassment complaints filed and coordinated by the many left wing bloggers, to the phony complaint filed by CREW, the democrats, and I suspect some worried Republicans, are doing everything they can to take away the reformer mantle from Governor Palin. To basically take it off her resume.

Don’t fall for this sort of nonsense. It’s just dirty politics at it’s worse.

This one is an easy choice to make!


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Levi Johnston Dead Beat Dad Of The Year


I’m not a fan of Levi Johnston. But as Father’s Day will soon be upon us, I feel this is a fitting award!

Why am I bringing this up, and what does this have to with my usual theme of choices in politics and life? Well, it should be obvious. Life is all about choices. Some good, some bad, and some just plain disgusting

Levi is rapidly falling into the disgusting category

We’ve all had failed relationships in our life. Some of us, especially when we were young, had a few. Most of us didn’t leave a child behind in those relationships. But out of those that did, most stepped up to the plate and did the right thing by the kid.

Which brings me to an e-mail from a friend. “Levi seen cashing two $500 checks from National Enquirer at Wasilla Wal-Mart!” Not exactly news, I mean we all understand Levi is prostituting himself out for “fame and fortune”.

But it brings up some questions. While Levi is out playing “rock star for the day”, who is taking care of his son full time, working to pay for his son’s diapers, while continuing her education?

While Levi is out schmoozing, or hunting and fishing, who is changing dirty diapers and taking care of his son?

And what about Levi’s new found celebrity?

Here’s an uneducated, unemployed, kid. A kid that ain’t even looking for a job. And yet, since he has become such a well known man-about-town, he has traded in his fairly new Chevrolet pick up, for a more upscale Ford. He also has new Jeep. It now seems Levi has supposedly put a deposit down on a Mercedes-Benz in Anchorage!

Now being a reformed car guy, I can tell you that folks don’t just put down a deposit on hope! (or change)

So you tell me, where does all of Levi’s money come from? I mean this is an unemployed high school drop out! Cars cost money, flashy clothes cost money, and jet setting across the nation costs a lot of money, especially with an accused drug dealing mother and a sister who seems a little to “attentive” for my taste, in tow.

One answer may very well be Rex Butler

Butler is a high powered Alaska attorney and Barack Obama supporter. He is representing Levi’s mother, Sherry Johnston on her 6 felony counts of drug trafficking. He also appears to be Levi’s manager of sorts.

Eddie Burke, from the Eddie Burke Show, discusses this situation at length. Evidently, long time Butler muscle for hire Sherman “Tank” Jones is now Levi’s bodyguard!

Our friends over at Conservatives 4 Palin describe this pair as money grubbing smear merchants.” Which seems to describe the entire left wing up in the land of the midnight sun. I’ve written extensively about some of the insane bloggers who have co-ordinated many attacks on Governor Palin, and C4P calls them some of them out, as well, in their story on Butler and Jones.

It is said that Butler is representing Sherry Johnson and Levi “pro-bono.” But that doesn’t sound right. I mean what is in it for Butler? Now I can see an attorney, helping out a local out with a small, or even large problem for free, so long as they didn’t have to break a sweat. But….

Now, it has been well established that Barack Obama and his chief of staff Pete Rouse were a driving force behind the phony troopergate witch hunt, and as a reward for a job well done, Pete Rouse’s good friend, Alaska Senator Kim Elton, who ram-rodded the smear campaign was given a make work job over in the Department of the Interior in Barack Obama’s administration.

Could Butler be expecting some sort of payoff down the line? That certainly seems to be the Chicago way!

I honestly don’t know. But I know this. New Ford trucks, Jeeps, and Mercedes-Benz automobiles cost a lot of money. Money that an uneducated, unemployed kid generally wouldn’t have.

Levi decided to forgo being a stand up guy when it came to taking care of his child. Instead he has decided to spend his youth stripping for GQ magazine, and trashing the mother of his child on national television, by appearing on the Tyra Banks Show, as well as Larry King Live. (I’m sure his son will be so proud to know this when he grows up)

Now, when asked, Tyra banks said in no uncertain terms that the show did not pay for Levi, and family, to appear on the show, nor provide for expenses.

Plane tickets cost money. Hotels in New York City cost money. Eating in New York City costs money. Just moving around the city costs money, even if you assume the shows sent a car to bring the Johnston family to the studios.

So, where is all of this money coming from?

While two $500 checks from National Enquirer is certainly income, it’s not much. And if Levi was a man, instead of a boy, he would have given one of those checks to Bristol, to help care for his son.

Which brings me to this. Why doesn’t Levi stop playing “teen idol” and man-up?

Well, if this boy actually went out and got a job, he’d have to give up half of it in child support, that’s why! This loser knows the second he becomes a productive member of society, he will be forced to take responsibility for his son.

Levi seems to think that if he has no job, no visible means of support, that he has no responsibilities. Maybe he figures 50% of nothing, is nothing.

Of course, as far as being a real man, 100% of Levi is still nothing!

Do the right thing Levi, get a job, and provide for your child. You are only a useful idiot to the left. As soon as they use you up, they’ll forget you. Your son, on the other hand is precious, and needs his father to be a stand up guy!

Levi, It is a time for you to choose!


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Following Up On Soros, CREW, Palin, and Obama

obama-peering around

After publishing the story on George Soros’ ties to CREW, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, it came to my attention that there was more to this.

One of the founders of CREW, Norm Eisen, is actually the ethics adviser to Barack Obama and his administration. As the Washington Post put it in a flowery article, Eisen is “the guardian of Obama’s integrity.”

Now frankly, this isn’t shocking news, or even big news. I mean if we had a Republican President, she or he would most certainly choose their staff of advisers from people who most fit in with their ideology.

But it is remarkable that Mr. Obama would choose someone from a group whose methods of operation are questionable, at best. Never mind the fact this person is heading up the ethics shop in the White House.

One also has to ask why Norm Eisen was picked. We know the ties that George Soros has to CREW. We also know that Soros is a very big supporter of President Obama. Was it something as simple as Mr. Soros recommending Mr. Eisen for the job, or is there more to it than that?

Frankly, the question I have, is this: Is this position, at least in part, payoff for a job well done?

This brings us back to Governor Sarah Palin, and the ethics complaint filed by CREW, over the wardrobe the GOP paid for. You know, the ethics complaint that was thrown out by the FEC.

Mr. Obama has been known to reward people who have successfully smeared Governor Palin. As I have previously reported, as a candidate, Mr. Obama was very involved in the so-called “troopergate” witch hunt against Governor Palin. He made an initial call to the troopers union in Alaska, and his campaign chief of staff, and now White house adviser, Pete Rouse, reached out to old friend, and former co-worker, Alaska Senator Kim Elton, who then started ram-rodding the so-called investigation through. It was Mr. Obama and Senator Elton’s intention to create an “October surprise” to take down Governor Palin. Senator Elton openly bragged about it.

Of course, the highly partisan Branchflower Report made certain claims that Governor Palin’s actions were questionable, but upon review by Timothy Petumenos, an independent investigator for the Alaska Personnel Board, had this to say, “There is no probable cause to believe that the Governor, or any other state official, violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act in connection with these matters.”

As if to punctuate the point further, Petumenos added that Branchflower had used a wrong statute as the basis for his conclusions, misconstrued the available evidence and did not consider or obtain all the material evidence to reach a proper finding. Petumenos went on to say, “Also absent from the evidence reviewed is any assertion that the Governor directed anyone in the Department of Public Safety to terminate Trooper Wooten, or directed anyone on her staff to seek the termination of Trooper Wooten,”

For those that may not know, Trooper Michael Wooten, is still Trooper Michael Wooten. Still on the job.

You can read more about the troopergate smear on Governor Palin here.

Once President Obama took office, Senator Elton was rewarded for his efforts with a job in the Interior Department. A pretty obvious payoff for a “job well done.”

CREW, did an incredible job of smearing Governor Palin over the wardrobe issue, which was a non-story, or a story best left to the gossip magazines. They managed to turn something that is standard practice in big time politics, “styling” a candidate, into a national obsession.

So the question this writer has to ask, is this: Was Norm Eisen hired as President Obama’s ethics adviser because he was the best they could get, or was this another case of rewarding someone for a job well done smearing Governor Sarah Palin?

In this time for choosing, you decide.

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Surprise! George Soros Behind Ethics Complaint Against Governor Sarah Palin


I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!

Remember the flap Governor Sarah Palin had to endure during the election cycle over her wardrobe? Did you ever wonder how such a non-story was turned into a big deal?

Let’s review the facts: Governor Palin was vetted for months as a potential running mate for Senator McCain, however, the decision to choose her came very late in the campaign – almost on the eve on the Republican National Convention.

While Sarah and Todd Palin make a nice living, they are not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination; this is a middle class family. When one considers that Alaska’s climate and culture is a tad different than the lower 48, it makes sense that some new duds, fit for the campaign, and her position in it, were certainly required.

Constructing a wardrobe and assembling a team to prepare a political candidate for the national spotlight is not uncommon, in fact, it is ‘business as usual’ in every campaign, with virtually every politician for national office. The media ignored that fact and focused on Michelle Obama’s frugal clothing expenditures (a public relations stunt that the media endorsed and supported) and, at the same time, needlessly and shamelessly attacked Governor Palin.

This is what happened: The GOP and a man named Jeff Larson, who is a longtime Republican advisor, and was the chief executive of the host committee for the convention, decided the wardrobe was a good idea. It was Jeff Larson who bought and paid for the clothes. Campaign finance laws, of course, dictated that the GOP reimburse Larson for his expenditure, and they did.

What the critics of Governor Palin, who just wouldn’t let this go and sought to portray her as a “shopaholic,” missed is the fact that most of the wardrobe purchased was actually sent back almost immediately, because they were the wrong size, indicating the Governor didn’t do the shopping. Most people know what sizes they wear.

But why was this even a story, let alone a 24/7 circus?

Two words, George Soros!

For those who don’t know who George Soros is, think Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the super villain from the James Bond movies, or if you will, a less endearing version of Mike Meyer’s “Dr Evil”.

Soros is an Eastern European socialist who made billions of dollars through currency and commodities speculation. He is credited with the serious devaluation of the British pound note back in 1992. He is said to be the man who “broke the Bank of England.”
In 2002, Soros was convicted of insider trading in France, a felony, and fined $2.3 million dollars.

Recently, Soros was quoted as being very pleased with the current economic situation in America. Could it be that he is speculating on the American dollar?

What does this mean?

Well, politically, George Soros is an extreme leftist. He, of course, is a huge supporter of President Barack Obama.

The way Soros works, in my opinion, is a bit nefarious – at best. Rather than be out front and advocate his socialist policies, Soros funds dozens of far-left front groups; some with innocent enough sounding names, but, based on my research, these groups promote left-leaning schemes, nonetheless.

These groups and foundations support everything from open borders, to the legalization of most drugs, to abortion on demand. George Soros’ funded “programs” also promote the liberal agenda being taught in schools.

Some of Mr. Soros’ endeavors include:, The Open Society Institute, USAction, Center For American Progress, Americans United For Change, and many more, including Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

CREW is the group who filed the clothes complaint against Governor Palin, and, in conjunction with Soros’ many activist organizations, as well as “friends” in the media, kept the story going well past its normal shelf life.

CREW is a shadowy group. Depending on the source, you will find that CREW was either founded in 2001 by left-wing activists Norm Eisen (an attorney) and Louis Mayberg (a prominent Democrat donor, and co-founder of the Maryland-based mutual fund management firm ProFund Advisors LLC).


CREW was founded by Melanie Sloan, in 2003. Ms. Sloan is listed as the Executive Director on CREW’s website. As you see, she references 2003. “CREW was founded in 2003 by Melanie Sloan, a former U.S. Attorney.”

Confusing at best.

CREW’s “Form 990” IRS filing for 2001 lists Mr. Mayberg as one of its three Founding Directors; the other two are Daniel Berger (a high-profile Democrat donor who in 2004 made a $100,000 contribution to America Coming Together, another Soros-funded entity) and Mark Penn (a fellow at the New Politics Institute, yet another Soros foundation, and a top Democrat strategist and pollster who not only played a key role in Bill Clinton’s 1996 presidential campaign, but also served as head of “message and strategy” for Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign)

Although CREW denies any ties to George Soros, they indeed receive funds from the Democracy Alliance, the Tides Foundation, as well as the Open Society Institute – all Soros front groups.

CREW seeks to construe itself as “non-partisan,” however, most of their efforts target Republicans.

This group is not exempt from its own ethical quagmires: One issue involves an ethics complaint filed against The Center for Union Facts, an anti-union group, and its sister organization, the Center for Consumer Freedom, which CREW claimed are “front organizations for for-profit industry entities.”

The problem is that it appears this effort was funded by the Service Employees International Union; a group with heavy. ties to ACORN and to Soros himself in the form of contributions amounting to $75,000.

Perhaps CREW should take a good look inside its closet before filing unwarranted claims about someone else’s wardrobe.

Back to the issue at hand: like every other resolved ethics complaint filed by the unruly left against Governor Palin, this clothing ethics complaint filed with the FEC by CREW was shot down: the FEC ruled that no laws were broken.

Upon investigation, it appears that CREW prefers filing ethics complaints over actually litigating them. In fact, CREW actually changed its mission statement several times, pointedly de-emphasizing litigation.

CREW’s main purpose seems to be to file ethics complaints against a prominent, high profile target with the primary intention of seeking negative media exposure as opposed to pursuing real issues.

The “target” is marked for attack; CREW gains its destructive publicity, and then moves on to the next target. What is the purpose of this strategy if there is no successful prosecution of claims? CREW knows that the charges will be plastered on the front page of every newspaper and will be the lead story on every news channel, coast to coast, for days or even months. Of course, when the charges are thrown out, that little bit of news gets buried in a tiny blurb, deep in the newspaper, on page A18.

This has most certainly been the strategy used against Governor Palin. Numerous phony, and, sometimes, almost comical “ethics complaints” have been filed against Governor Palin since she has become a national figure and the front runner for the 2012 Republican nomination for President.

The filing of these nonsensical complaints (13 of which have been thrown out), made huge headlines nationwide, and yet little, if any, news coverage has been devoted to their resolutions.

Finally, it’s been established that George Soros is a committed socialist. It is very troubling that such a rich man can use his wealth for such un-American activities; and it is even more troubling to see many Americans either unaware or unconcerned while these anti-American actions take place.

Americans can and should hold public officials accountable for their actions. However, it’s unethical (and an oxymoron) for groups like CREW to use a valid legal procedure to damage careers and harass their political targets with phony ethics charges and feigned outrage.

Is this the America you want to live in?

Do you want an America where a far left socialist has access to the highest offices in the country and the ability to get his anti-American agenda enacted?

Well, sadly, with George Soros, that’s exactly what you have right now.

The question is, what are you willing to do about it?

Now is a time for choosing.


Filed under Politics