Monthly Archives: July 2010

In Arizona Immigration Ruling, Judge Bolton Has No Jurisdiction, And Other Problems For The Obama Regime. UPDATED

Scroll down for update at bottom.

By Gary P Jackson

Not only is the Obama regime refusing to perform this specific Constitutional duty – it seeks to prohibit the Sovereign STATE of Arizona from defending itself! This lawlessness on the part of the Obama regime is unmatched in the history of Our Country.
~Publius Huldah

From Canada Free Press, a bit of information that should change the entire debate over Arizona’s attempt to protect itself from the invasion from Mexico, and the violent crime it brings. It also brings up many questions that absolutely need answers. (Like why didn’t we figure this out first!)

Look, we all know that Obama, his corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder, and other regime officials never bothered to read Arizona SB 1070 before declaring it “racist” and “unconstitutional.” Of course, the law simply mirrors federal law, only less severe. Other states like California and Florida have similar, but tougher laws. With that said, we know that both Obama and Holder have little more constitutional knowledge past knowing that such a document allegedly exists. I doubt either has read the Constitution fully, or even cares.

With that said, one wonders how Jan Brewer’s defense team missed this one. The Constitution is very clear on this. No wiggle room whatsoever.

Publius Huldah is a retired lawyer who lives in Tennessee. She writes on the U.S. Constitution and posts her papers at She has this to say about the situation in Arizona:

ONLY the US Supreme Court has Constitutional Authority to Conduct the Trial

Does anyone read the U.S. Constitution these days? American lawyers don’t read it. Federal Judge Susan R. Bolton apparently has never read it. Same goes for our illustrious Attorney General Eric Holder. But this lawyer has read it and she is going to show you something in Our Constitution which is as plain as the nose on your face.

Article III, Sec. 2, clause 2 says:

In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction…

Original” jurisdiction means the power to conduct the “trial” of the case (as opposed to hearing an appeal from the judgment of a lower court). You all know quite well what a “trial” is – you see them all the time on TV shows: Perry Mason, Boston Legal, The Good Wife, etc. Witnesses testify and are cross-examined, etc.

The style of the Arizona case shows quite clearly that the named defendants are:

State of Arizona; and Janice K. Brewer,
Governor of the State of Arizona, in her
Official Capacity, Defendants.

Judge Susan R. Bolton has no more authority to preside over this case than do you

See where it says, “State of Arizona”? And “Janice K. Brewer, Governor of the State of Arizona, in her official Capacity”? THAT (plus Art. III, Sec. 2, clause 2) is what gives the US Supreme Court “original Jurisdiction”, i.e., jurisdiction to conduct the trial of this case. THAT is what strips the federal district court of any jurisdiction whatsoever to hear this case. Judge Susan R. Bolton has no more authority to preside over this case than do you (unless you are a US Supreme Court justice).

In Federalist No. 81 (13th para), Alexander Hamilton commented on this exact provision of Art. III, Sec. 2, clause 2:

…Let us now examine in what manner the judicial authority is to be distributed between the supreme and the inferior courts of the Union. The Supreme Court is to be invested with original jurisdiction, only “in cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls, and those in which A STATE shall be a party.”

Public ministers of every class are the immediate representatives of their sovereigns. All questions in which they are concerned are so directly connected with the public peace, that, as well for the preservation of this, as out of respect to the sovereignties they represent, it is both expedient and proper that such questions should be submitted in the first instance to the highest judicatory of the nation.

Though consuls have not in strictness a diplomatic character, yet as they are the public agents of the nations to which they belong, the same observation is in a great measure applicable to them. In cases in which a State might happen to be a party, it would ill suit its dignity to be turned over to an inferior tribunal….[boldface added, caps in original]

Yet Attorney General Eric Holder filed the case in a court which is specifically stripped of jurisdiction to hear it!

So! Counsel for the State of Arizona should consider:

1. File a Petition for Removal before federal district court Judge Susan R. Bolton demanding that the case be removed to the Supreme Court on the ground that under Art. III, Sec. 2, clause 2, US Constitution, only the Supreme Court has jurisdiction to conduct the trial of this case.

2. If Judge Bolton denies the Petition for Removal, file a Petition for Writ of Mandamus in the Supreme Court asking that court to order Judge Bolton to transfer the case to the Supreme Court.

A Petition for Writ of Mandamus is an old common-law “extraordinary writ”: It asks a court to ORDER a lower court or other public official to something which it is its duty to do. In Kerr v. US District Court for Northern District of California (1976), the Supreme Court said, respecting the propriety of issuing writs of mandamus:

….the fact still remains that “only exceptional circumstances amounting to a judicial ‘usurpation of power’ will justify the invocation of this extraordinary remedy.”…(para 13)

When a federal district court judge presides over a case which the Constitution specifically prohibits her from hearing, and even issues a ruling enjoining the enforcement of a State Law, then that federal district court judge usurps power. She is specifically stripped – by Art. III, Sec. 2, clause 2 – of jurisdiction to preside over the case against the STATE of Arizona and against THE GOVERNOR of the STATE of Arizona.

For procedures for filing the Petition for Writ of Mandamus, see Supreme Court Rule 20.

Article IV, Sec. 4, requires the federal government to protect each of the States against invasion.Not only is the Obama regime refusing to perform this specific Constitutional duty – it seeks to prohibit the Sovereign STATE of Arizona from defending itself! This lawlessness on the part of the Obama regime is unmatched in the history of Our Country.

This is quite the pickle Holder and Dear Leader find themselves in. This is pretty cut and dried. Only the Supreme Court has the jurisdiction to rule on SB 1070, because the Obama regime is suing the sovereign state of Arizona. This would seemingly void everything activist judge, Susan Bolton, has done, including staying parts of the Arizona law.

This isn’t the only problem the Obama regime has though. Chris Battle of U.S. News And World Report offers up this:

Congress Passed an Arizona-Like Immigration Law in 1996

Back in 1996 (when fanny packs were still cool, in some circles) it was time to get tough on immigration, and an interesting little law was passed. Congress deemed it appropriate for state and local law enforcement to enforce immigration law. In the inscrutable manners of Washington (where all legislation seems to be named with insufferably cute acronyms or indecipherable legislative codes that read like security passwords), this law came to be known as 287g.

Want to know what 287g says? Well, just read the law in Arizona. Yes, that law. The one causing protests in the streets of Phoenix, hysteria on cable talk shows and confusion in the courts. The one that empowers state and local law enforcement to enforce immigration law.

The federal law that has been on the books for more than decade … empowers state and local law enforcement to impose immigration law. According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, more than 60 jurisdictions in states across the country have taken advantage of this law.

Florida, Virginia, Oklahoma, Ohio, New Hampshire, California, and even Massachusetts are among the states in which local police are enforcing immigration law.

Read more here.

There is one caveat to the law. Homeland Security must approve each state, but with these states, and more, already having the blessing, it would be political suicide for the Obama regime, and the entire Marxist-democrat party for Arizona to be denied.

Anyway you slice it, it looks like Obama, as usual, has handed his fellow travelers another massive headache by putting his radical ideology over common sense.

It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out. 


An alert reader points out that Congress indeed granted district courts jurisdiction in these cases, so it seems the reporting from Publius Huldah is flawed.

§ 1345 states:

Except as otherwise provided by Act of Congress, the district courts shall have original jurisdiction of all civil actions, suits or proceedings commenced by the United States, or by any agency or officer thereof expressly authorized to sue by Act of Congress.

With that said, there is still the problem with the 1996 law that gives the states the authority to enforce federal immigration law. There are already members of Arizona law enforcement who have went through the proper approval process.

This is still a landmine for the Obama regime.

We do however, apologize for any confusion.


Filed under In The News, Politics

Romnesty? Looks Like Mitt Romney Wants The GOP To Help Push Amnesty Quickly So He Doesn’t have To Address It On The Campaign Trail

By Gary P Jackson

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a front-runner for the nomination, has signaled quietly to Graham that Republicans must address immigration before the campaign heats up, according to several sources familiar with the conversation.

Looks like noted “Profile In Courage,” Mitt Romney has crawled out of the shadows to tell his fellow GOP elite that they need to get it in gear before 2012, so the issue of illegal immigration doesn’t hurt his already poor chances of a run for the presidency. Basically, he’s asking his fellow elites to help him vote “present” on this issue. Never mind that amnesty will destroy the very fabric of the nation, for Romney, everything is seen through the prism of how it benefits him and his naked lust for power. Everything else be damned.

POLITICO, that sanctuary for corrupt Journolisters, is doing it’s job in this piece, as they attempt to bring John McCain, who was once on the amnesty bandwagon, back into the fold. In doing so, they expose fellow traveler Mitt Romney and his actions.

Immigration advocates miss John McCain

His coming back to the table would be a very substantial move and something that could help break the logjam,” said Clarissa Martinez, director of immigration and national campaigns for the National Council of La Raza.

For those that don’t know, La Raza means “The Race.” In other words, this is a racist, supremest organization.

The conversation has to begin with John McCain and Lindsey Graham,” added Angela Kelley, vice president for immigration policy and advocacy at the Center for American Progress. “They are the top-tier Republicans.

Their hope now is that Republican presidential candidates and former operatives under Bush, a reform proponent, can convince GOP congressional leaders that the issue needs to be dealt with before 2012 — or that they could risk alienating the burgeoning Hispanic vote in the crucial swing states of New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona and Florida.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a front-runner for the nomination, has signaled quietly to Graham that Republicans must address immigration before the campaign heats up, according to several sources familiar with the conversation.

Graham’s push against birthright citizenship prompted this response on POLITICO’s Arena from Cesar Conda, a former domestic policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney: “If the Republican Party embraces ending birthright citizenship, then it will be assured losing Latino and ethnic voters — and presidential elections for the foreseeable future.

Jason Rose, a Republican political consultant in Arizona, said there’s little chance of McCain backpedaling on immigration reform — even though such a major legislative accomplishment would cement his legacy.

For John McCain to re-engage as he did before on the immigration issue will create a new political vernacular: It would be flip-flop flipper,” said Rose, who resigned from Hayworth’s Senate campaign in March after a contract dispute. “His constituents want the damn fence and they want it now, and he gets it.”

Edmundo Hidalgo, president and chief executive of Phoenix nonprofit Chicanos por la Causa, said that in previous years, McCain demonstrated a willingness to understand and work through issues affecting the Hispanic community. But this month, when Hidalgo met with McCain staff members to push for the DREAM Act, he heard only one refrain: Secure the border first.

There is a disconnect with his priorities and our priorities,” said Hidalgo, whose group sued Arizona over its immigration law. “Although some of us may have a wishful sentiment to see the maverick, at this point, he is John McCain, the enforcer at the border. Those were fond memories.

With the way Hidalgo is talking up McCain’s stance on illegals, he’ll make sure he wins in a landslide, as most Americans are solidly behind Arizona’s new law, and want the border secured, yesterday! Read more of this disgusting mess here.

It amazes me how stupid the Republican elites are. For one thing, Hispanics are not a monolithic group. Most legal immigrants, as well as American born Hispanics are very much against amnesty. Those pushing for amnesty, and the illegals themselves, have little if any regard for America, as witnessed by all of the Mexican flags they carry, and their refusal to even attempt to assimilate, learn English, and so on. This only hurts their chances for success, and all but guarantees they will end up living off of taxpayers, rather than being productive members of society. There is a reason why becoming a United States citizen is hard work, it pays off for everyone in the end.

The radical left is pushing for amnesty for one reason, and one reason only, they see a potential 20 million new democrat votes come this fall.

It would figure that Mitt Romney would be all for amnesty though. Sixty-eight percent of all Americans approve of building a border fence, however Sixty-seven percent of the political class, the ruling class, oppose, as you can read here.

It’s hard not to be sympathetic with decent people who just want a better life, but the fact is, we are a nation of laws, and cannot survive if we pick and choose which laws we enforce. We must completely secure the border, and then we can work on reforming the system. Nothing can happen until we secure that border completely.

Lindsey Graham Can’t be trusted, he is a very reliable vote for total amnesty. Mitt Romney knows this, which is why he is bending his ear. Birds of a feather, and all.

BTW, while Romney is doing everything possible to not have any difficult issues to face, Sarah Palin has consistently stood up against the open borders crowd, and on Thursday took Obama to task again on his total failure to do his constitutionally required duty of securing the border.

Mitt Romney is a political opportunist, and a political coward. If the RomneyCare fiasco doesn’t prove he is unfit to hold office, this most certainly should.


Filed under In The News, Politics

My Oh My, POLITICO Sure Has A Lot Of Corrupt Journolisters On It’s Staff

By Gary P Jackson

It’s no secret that POLITICO is a biased news organization. The online polictical blog is as progressive as they come. Very agenda driven. In our reporting we have already addressed the fact that Journolist members are solidly entrenched inside POLITICO’s upper levels. Something Roger Simon, who calls the website home, tried to downplay.

John Nolte over at Big Journalism isn’t buying it, and has a simply marvelous retort:

You say MSM, I say Politico. You say corrupt, I say Politico.

Today, Politico’s Roger Simon was kind enough to almost scold JournoList for its lasting effect on his precious little profession of journalism. At one point, he and the scrupulously non-partisan Chuck “Fire Glenn Beck” Todd hold hands and commiserate over how this unfortunate JounoList thing is tarring “those of us who don’t practice activist journalism.” If Roger Simon wants to rebuild his precious little profession’s reputation, a good start might be asking his very own publisher some tough questions.

Politico might be an online publication, a part of the New Media, but when it comes to corrupted, left-wing arrogance they make the Washington Post look somewhat honest … somewhat. Part of the reason I reserve a special place in my heart to store up a unique resentment for all things Politico is due to the very fact that they practice their dark arts online. Like a toxic virus they spread over to the Internet where the right (by design) and the left (by accident) are trying to forever kill off the very thing Politico is — wolfish left-wing propagandists hidden in the sheeps’ clothing of “journalism.”

And yet these are the same bastards “journalists” who launched a smear attack on a private citizen for asking Their One a perfectly reasonable question, obsessed over Sarah Palin’s wardrobe (and yet ranked Obama being asked about his relationships with Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers as a 2008 top-ten ”media blunder“), and though they occasionally find Levi Johnston worthy of note, Department of Justice whistleblower, J. Christian Adams, remained a ghost up until and including Ben Smith’s factually challenged Nothing-To-See-Here gift to his embattled president.

Oh, and did you know that some of Politico’sjournalists were members of Ezra Klein’s now infamous JournoList, including Mike Allen, Lisa Lerer, and Mr. Ben “I-Got-Yer-Back-Barack” Smith?

And this little juicy nugget of fact raises a troubling question…

What Politico needs to disclose is exactly when their three employees joined JournoList, because now that we know what really was going on there, this Politico article reeks of a cover up.

Written by Michael Calderon in March of 2009 and titled “JournoList: Inside the echo chamber,” even at the time it was written, the thousand-plus worder ranked as another classic example of what Politico does best: write stories about why stories they don’t want covered aren’t worth covering. In other words, like Ben Smith’s Black Panther piece, this is how Politico spikes that which might damage the Leftist narrative.

While reading Calderon’s JournoList expose,’ you can practically hear the staged, self conscious yawn of a man trying to put across the false front that once again those crazy, paranoid right-wing conspiracy mongers have taken him away from oh-so important work to address this nothing-ness.

Calderon’s idea of “journalism” was to interview JournoList members such as Jeffrey Toobin, Eric Alterman,and Joe Klein, who each assure us in their own wrist-flicking way, Tell those silly right-wingers that no one’s pushing an agenda. In 2009 the piece was hilariously obvious in its biased and preordained objective to smoke-and-mirror away concerns about what Ezra’s little coven of left-wingers was up to. But reading it again in hindsight, it stinks to high heaven.

Deep, deep, deep in the article – long after the dull dutifulness of it all is supposed to kill your interest in clicking over to page two, Calderon finally gets around to admitting Politico’s Smith, Allen, and Lerer are members.

And herein lies Politico’s problem.

Now that it’s become crystal clear that at times JournoList was in fact a hotbed for left-wing ideologues to collude over how to kill stories that might hurt Obama, smear innocent conservatives as racist, coordinate lines of attack against Palin, and work directly with the Obama campaign, the question becomes:

What did Politico know and when did it know it?

Three Politico employees were members of JournoList, and yet in March of 2009, Politico published an article where JournoList members claimed nothing improper was going on there — which we now know wasn’t even close to the truth.

There’s only two explanations: Either Smith, Allen and Lerer weren’t JournoList members when this corrupt activity was taking place, or they were, and not only did they not disclose the improper activity but they allowed their employer to print a misleading story.

What did Politico know and when did it know it?

In a truly just world, all 400 plus members of Journolist would join the ranks of the chronically unemployed, but I digress.

Sadly, this is just more proof that it’s almost impossible to trust any supposed news source in this country. I know a lot of folks, myself included, tend to frequent blogs and newsers that mostly agreee with our point of view, but we also need fair and balanced news sources that play it straight. Just the facts, no matter who it helps, or hurts. No agenda, just facts. Until this happens, America is in big trouble.

When consuming news these days, to paraphrase Ronald Reagan: Trust, but verify. And go easy on the trust part, and heavy on the verify part.


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Rebecca Mansour On The Tammy Bruce Show

Vodpod videos no longer available.

By Gary P Jackson

Rebecca Mansour (RAM) is founder emeritus of Conservatives 4 Palin, and works for SarahPAC, Sarah Palin’s political action committee. Here she and Tammy Bruce talk about the hot topics, including Journolist, and how the media conspired on a grand scale to smear Sarah Palin, and elect Barack Obama.

Audio courtesy of Sheya at PalinTV

1 Comment

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Sarah Palin Hammers Obama: Has Time To Go On The View, But No Time To Secure Our Border

By Gary P Jackson

Sarah Palin didn’t mince words with Dear Leader Obama over his visit to see the yentas on The View while Rome burns. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has also asked Obama to come to the border on numerous occasions, a plea she repeated last night. So far, she’s been turned down.

Obama is seemingly too busy feeding his oversized ego, vacationing, and playing golf to care about the needs of the American people. I mean really, why should Dear Leader care about mere peasants? He’s got his. Got it made livin’ the Thug Life!

Let ’em eat cake, right!

I’m thinking Sarah Palin is the one who will force Obama’s hand on this deal. Mama Grizzly ain’t happy, and when Mama ain’t happy ….

Meanwhile, Scott Rasmussen reports:

Support for Mexican Border Fence Up to 68%

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Support for the building of a fence along the Mexican border has reached a new high, and voters are more confident than ever that illegal immigration can be stopped.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 68% of U.S. voters now believe the United States should continue to build a fence on the Mexican border. That’s up nine points from March when the Obama administration halted funding for the fence and the highest level of support ever.

Just 21% oppose the continued building of the border fence.

Support for the fence is strong across all demographic groups. But while 76% of Mainstream voters think the United States should continue to build the fence, 67% of the Political Class are opposed to it.

Forty-seven percent (47%) of all voters believe it is possible to end illegal immigration. That’s up slightly from April of last year.

Now only 36% do not think it is possible for the United States to prevent illegal immigrants from getting into the country. That’s down sixteen points since October 2008.

Read more here.


Filed under In The News, Politics

Sarah Palin “America By Heart”: HarperCollins Reveals Book Cover Today

By Gary P Jackson

NEW YORK — (AP) The cover photo for Sarah Palin’s new book is a portrait in red, white, blue and gray.

The Alaska ex-governor and former Republican vice presidential candidate is photographed in close-up, wearing a gray sweater and American flag pin, which matches her flag bracelet. Her book, “America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag,” comes out in November.

With Going Rogue, An American Life, HarperCollins portrayed Sarah as the strong, powerful leader she is. With the new cover Sarah again looks powerful and confident. America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag celebrates the enduring strengths and virtues that have made this country great.

From HarperCollins:

Framed by her strong belief in the importance of family, faith, and patriotism, the book ranges widely over American history, culture, and current affairs, and reflects on the key values—both national and spiritual-that have been such a profound part of Governor Palin’s life and continue to inform her vision of America’s future. Written in her own refreshingly candid voice, AMERICA BY HEART will include selections from classic and contemporary readings that have moved her-from the nation’s founding documents to great speeches, sermons, letters, literature and poetry, biography, and even some of her favorite songs and movies.

Here, too, are portraits of some of the extraordinary men and women she admires and who embody her deep love of country, her strong rootedness in faith, and her profound love and appreciation of family. She will also draw from personal experience to amplify these timely (and timeless) themes—themes that are sure to inspire her numerous fans and readers all across the country.

Going Rogue sold over 2.5 million copies, the new book comes out in November, but can be pre-ordered now from


Filed under In The News, Politics

Sarah Palin Responds To The Media’s Vile “Heart Of Darkness”

By Gary P Jackson

After reading 15 pages of the vile crap the august members of Journolist spewed out regarding Sarah’s beautiful son Trig, I felt sick to my stomach. I can’t even comprehend how the Palin family must feel. As we’ve written before, the rumors were started by members of Barack Obama’s hand picked thugs in Alaska, including Jesse Griffin, who was fired from his day care job, due to inappropriate behavior. The media still keeps these stories, as absurd as they are, alive.

I can’t imagine just how much reading this nonsense hurts the Palins, but of course, that was the left’s point all along. These losers all deserved to be unemployed.

From Sarah:

Journey into the Media’s Heart of Darkness

How ironic that on a day when we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, The Daily Caller released 15 pages of JournoListers’ email exchanges about a dark and demented conspiracy regarding my son, Trig.

It’s tough to fittingly describe these numerous members of the mainstream media who actively engaged in the debate about this conspiracy back when I was first introduced as John McCain’s running mate, and it’s impossible to legitimize any “prominent” media publication that continues to traffic in this bizarre narrative today. It wasn’t just a few fringe characters in that JournoList discussion. It included writers for major newspapers, magazines, and online news publications. Those participating in this immature exchange in attempts to plant seeds of doubt and falsely accuse even included a famous historian.

This JournoList exchange exposes the warped nature of today’s media, thus explaining why many of us are forced, in fairness to the public, to utilize other mediums to communicate until the mainstream media wakes up and begins respecting the public’s intelligence and desire for truth in reporting. There is a sickness and darkness in today’s liberal media. With revelations like the JournoList exchanges, may the light keep shining to expose the problem.

It’s always darkest before the dawn. My hope, therefore, is that today, marking the anniversary of our nation’s attempt to show respect for our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters with special needs, will also mark the beginning of a new, more respectful discourse among members of our media who at least aspire to be fair and objective.

– Sarah Palin


Filed under In The News, Politics

Journolist Media And Academic Members Exactly What You Expected: Communists, Socialists, And George Soros Stooges

By Gary P Jackson

This is absolutely no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention. The left consists of the most radical elements of society. We’ve spoken out for a long time about Barack Obama’s own ties to radical communists and anti-American reprobates, and have tried to point out just how dangerous these people are to Liberty and Freedom. Now that Journolist has been exposed, yet another layer of the onion has been peeled back, and we see that a good many of those in the so-called “mainstream media” are fellow travelers, and hard at work spiking stories to follow their radical left wing agendas.

The website New Zeal has compiled a report on the 106 known Journolisters. To no one’s surprise, most have ties to major communist and socialist organizations. Some have ties to George Soros, Barack Obama’s boss, and partner in crime, and some have even come out in support of murdering domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

Some of these people you have never heard of, but many of them are people you’ve probably read on a regular basis.

From New Zeal:

Socialist “JournoListas

The now closed down JournoList, has caused considerable controversy in recent weeks. According to its opponents, JournoList, teamed up some 400 prominent “progressive” journalists in an effort to smooth Barack Obama’s path to the White House.

There have been accusations that “Journolitstas“, deliberately sought to downplay Obama’s association with the Marxist Rev. Jeremiah Wright and tried to smear conservatives, or opposing journalists as “racists“.

This post looks at 106 reported “Journolistas” to look for connections or common threads.

Of the known “Jounolistas” and organizations listed below, many can be linked back to two interrelated groups Democratic Socialists of America, the U.S.’s largest Marxist based organization and D.S.A.’s “brain” the Washington DC based, far left “think tank” the Institute for Policy Studies

Between them. D.S.A. and the I.P.S. dominate or influence several organizations affiliated to JournoList, including;

*The American Prospect – Founded in 1990 by D.S.A. affiliate Robert Kuttner. Current editor at large is leading D.S.A. member Harold Meyerson

*Mother Jones – Includes D.S.A. member Adam Hochschild on its Board of Directors, plus some D.S.A. affiliated staff and contributors. Hochschild was a supporter of Progressives for Obama

*Economic Policy Institute – Led by D.S.A. member Larry Mishel and I.P.S. affiliate Jeff Faux and several D.S.A. affiliated board members. This organization has contributed at least three officials to the Obama Administration, including Obama economic adviser and “JournolistaJared Bernstein.

*Center for American Progress – Several staff and officials are affiliated with D.S.A. and the I.P.S. Writing of the Center’s relationship to the Obama Administration, former Weather Underground terrorist leader and Progressives for Obama supporter Mark Rudd said “There’s a whole govt. in waiting that Podesta has at the Center for American Progress. They’re mostly progressives, I’m told…

*The Nation – Edited by I.P.S. trustee Katrina vanden Heuvel, who presides over an editorial board which includes D.S.A. members Norman Birnbaum, Barbara Ehrenreich (also an I.P.S. trustee) and Deborah Meier, plus I.P.S. affiliates Tom Hayden and Roger Wilkins.

*In These Times – Created by I.P.S. and run mainly by D.S.A. members and affiliates. Based in Chicago, I.T.T.’s board of editors includes former Weather Underground terrorists and Obama associates Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn
*Progressives for Obama – Established by D.S.A. members Barbara Ehrenreich, Tim Carpenter and Bill Fletchers, Jr. Ehrenreich and Fletcher are also I.P.S. affiliates, as were two more of P.F.O.’s six founders Tom Hayden and Danny Glover.

*Campaign for America’s Future – Founded in 1996, by several dozen D.S.A. members and I.P.S. affiliates, C.A.F. is a major coordinator of the U.S. “progressive” movement. In recent years it has organized several major Take Back America and America’s Future Now! conferences in Washington DC -which are attended by the cream of the U.S. progressive movement, including Barack Obama himself.

Apart from the D.S.A./I.P.S. connection, leftist institutions like the The New Republic and the New Century Foundation are well represented. There are two known connections to George SorosOpen Society Institute.

Many major newspapers are also represented, as is national public radio, CNN and a host of leading “progressive” blogs and websites and leftist media “watchdog” Media Matters.

[ …. ]

JournoList, was not just a bunch of “liberal‘ journos with too much time on there hands.

It was a network of high level opinion makers, united by a “progressive” vision for America. They believed that their superior judgement and insight, obligated them to present Americans with a view of reality, that they would be too stupid and reactionary to grasp unaided.

At least a few, perhaps many, were committed Marxists who saw journalism, not as a profession, but as a revolutionary tool.

This disgraceful episode should dispel forever the “progressive” lie, that the American MainStreamMedia and its “liberal” core, can be trusted to uphold the objective standards of their profession.

New Zeal has extensive links to back up this is all up. To read the names and see the hundreds of connections, check out New Zeal here.

As stated above, this is more than just a bunch of sloppy journalists and overpaid “professors” with time on their hands. This is a group that conspired to bury damning information about Barack Obama, and conspired to make up lies about Sarah Palin, in order to influence the 2008 presidential election. And … IT WORKED!

That should send chills down your spine. 

These are the same sorts that conspire to push all of the radical leftist agenda. They are dangerous revolutionaries who should not be allowed to pose as journalists or teachers.

These radicals have destroyed the integrity of their “profession” and destroyed the trust of the American people. They have perverted their First Amendment rights completely. They have spit on both the Constitution and the American people. They should all be run out of the business.

We can never trust the so-called “mainstream media” again. 


Filed under In The News, Politics

Panic From Journolist Over Sarah Palin’s RNC Speech: “She’s Golden” Now How Do We Destroy Her? Plus, Trig Trutherism To The Max

By Gary P Jackson

When Jonathan Strong and the Daily Caller started releasing information from Journolist, we knew it would get interesting, especially when it comes to Sarah Palin. Anyone who has watched the news since Sarah was introduced to the world has known the media has been going crazy trying to figure out how to stop her. They actually did a decent job of smearing her among casual, and mostly uninformed viewers. Many of the lies told stuck, at least for a time.

Today Strong shows us what this cabal of over 400 “mainstream journalists” and members of academia really thought:

Sarah Palin’s speech to the 2008 Republican convention impressed more than a few doubters, including even some members of Journolist, an online community for liberal journalists.

This speech is gangbusters,” wrote Ari Melber of the Nation. “Her tone is pitch perfect.” Adele Stan of the Media Consortium agreed: “Palin is golden.”

The exuberance appeared to unnerve the Guardian’s Michael Tomasky. “People get a hold of yourselves!” Tomasky wrote to his fellow Journolisters. “It’s a very good speech with good lines. But there’s very little substance.

Rebecca Traister of Salon wrote to say she was grateful for Tomasky’s message. (“This is a reassuring sentiment, since at the moment, I feel like we’re in End Times.”) But the rest of the country apparently didn’t agree. Polls a few days later showed Obama’s lead in the race had narrowed to virtually nothing.

Palin’s speech had been remarkably effective. This troubled members of Journolist. On Sept. 8, 2008, five days after Palin’s national debut, some members of the group discussed producing coordinated propaganda designed to wound Palin and boost Obama.

At an appearance in Colorado immediately following the convention, Palin had remarked that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had “gotten too big and too expensive for the taxpayers,” a point that seems commonplace now, but that at the time struck some as controversial.

Ryan Avent, then a freelance blogger for the Economist, now an editor there, complained that Obama’s supporters were missing a chance to attack. “If we were the GOP, we’d be taking this opportunity to shout long and loud how unprepared Palin is—‘She doesn’t even know what Fannie and Freddie are…in the middle of a housing crisis!’….That’s the difference in the game as played by us and by them.

Michael Tomasky responded: “So why aren’t Dems doing that? Just wundrin’.”

Luke Mitchell, then a senior editor at Harper’s magazine, asked Tomasky if his paper would be able to help: “Michael – Isn’t this something that can be fanned a bit by, say, the Guardian?

Tomasky didn’t think it would work. “The Guardian? You’re kidding right? Remember the Clark County letters?” he wrote, referring to a failed attempt by the Guardian to elect John Kerry in 2004 by asking Britons to write letters to voters in a pivotal Ohio county.

Mitchell replied: “Fair enough! But it seems to me that a concerted effort on the part of the left partisan press could be useful. Why geld ourselves? A lot of the people on this list work for organizations that are far more influential than, say, the Washington Times.”

Open question: Would it be a good use of this list to co-ordinate a message of the week along the lines of the GOP? Or is that too loathsome? It certainly sounds loathsome. But so does losing!

Ezra Klein of the Washington Post, the founder of Journolist, quickly jumped in: “Nope, no message coordination. I’m not even sure that would be legal. This is a discussion list, though, and I want it to retain that character,” he wrote.

Mitchell replied: “Fair enough, Ezra! The list is great at as it is and I didn’t mean to suggest anything out of bounds. I am still curious about the reluctance of the left media to organize, though. The message discipline on the right seems to be one of its key advantages.

David Roberts of Grist seemed to scold Roberts for his idea: “Just read past messages on this list, Luke. Everyone here is a /journalist /or an /independent analyst/. Their job is to /say what they think/, not to support Obama. Suggest that they focus on more electorally helpful — and equally true — messages, and they will bridle.

Yet almost immediately after writing these words, Roberts sounded somewhat less than independent himself, referring to the Obama campaign as “we”: “I’m not bashing,” he wrote. “I’m guilty too. I just despair. We’re going to lose again, for all the same damn reasons.”

Ed Kilgore of the Progressive Policy Institute, another supposedly “independent analyst,” did the same, even outlining specific talking points: “It requires no particular strategic genius or ‘message coordination’ to recognize that we and the Obama campaign have the next two months to demonstrate that McCain and Palin represent the status quo party, the status quo ideology, and status quo policies,” he wrote.

While other members of the group debated whether to coordinate a pro-Obama message – or, more precisely, whether to concede that such a message was being coordinated — Todd Gitlin of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism had already made up his mind. Gitlin, whose job is to train the next generation of America’s most elite journalists, wrote this impassioned plea on behalf of the Obama campaign:

On the question of liberals coordinating, what the hell’s wrong with some critical mass of liberal bloggers & journalists saying the following among themselves:

McCain lies about his maverick status. Routinely, cavalierly, cynically. Palin lies about her maverick status. Ditto, ditto, ditto. McCain has a wretched temperament. McCain is a warmonger. Palin belongs to a crackpot church and feels warmly about a crackpot party that trashes America.

Repeat after me:

McCain lies about his maverick status. Routinely, cavalierly, cynically. Palin lies about her maverick status. Ditto, ditto, ditto. McCain has a wretched temperament. McCain is a warmonger. Palin belongs to a crackpot church and feels warmly about a crackpot party that trashes America.

These people are cynical. These people are taking you for a ride. These people are fakes. These people love Bush.

Again. And again. Vary the details. There are plenty. Somebody on the ‘list posted a strong list of McCain lies earlier today. Hammer it. Philosophize, as Nietzsche said, with a hammer.

I don’t know about any of you, but I’m not waiting for any coordination. Get on with it!

In an interview, Gitlin conceded he was noting the “features of McCain and Palin most worthy of highlighting towards the end of defeating them.” He said he had never advocated “bending facts” to get Obama elected.

Amazing stuff huh. Gitlin, who teaches journalism claims he wasn’t for “bending facts” to get Obama elected, but as we know now, none of the Journolisters had a problem with covering up facts about Barack Obama and his radical associations, or branding anyone who dared bring them up a racist!

Obviously Ezra Klein, the creator of this group, was doing a bit of CYA here. “Now boys, you know we shouldn’t coordinate.” (wink-wink) From there everyone went back to what they were doing. One thing is obvious, Sarah’s incredible speech put the media on the defensive. In fact, she called them out during her speech. Pretty obvious that while the media adopted the “Palin is stupid” mantra, for public consumption, in private, they knew she was anything but.

This proves beyond a doubt the old adage: The media will point out who they fear the most, by who they attack the hardest. Reagan was treated the same.

The Daily Caller also released the raw e-mails from this group concerning Sarah’s new son, Trig, and how this bunch dove neck deep into “Trig-trutherism” the sick thought that Trig was actually Bristol’s baby, not Sarah’s. This was a rumor started by one of Barack Obama’s hand picked Alaska Mafia members, Jesse Griffin, who along with The Atlantic’s Andrew Sullivan, has turned “Trig Trutherism” into a cottege industry. Strong has 15 pages of e-mails discussing this nonsense. That these people would spend that much time discussing this shows you the type of mentality we are working with here.

To be fair, many of these Journolisters said leave it alone, and others suggest different ways to “get her” like the fact she had her photo taken with wounded soldiers. “That would hurt her with her base” said Mark Kleiman who is Professor of Public Policy in the UCLA School of Public Affairs.

If nothing else, reading these e-mails is a good look into the moonbattery that exists among the nation’s media. Check ’em out here.


Filed under In The News, Politics

Study Shows Sarah Palin’s “Mama Grizzlies” Ad Scores Big With Viewers

By Gary P Jackson

When Sarah Palin released the video “Mama Grizzlies” to promote SarahPAC, it was widely praised and thought to be “presidential.” Even Sarah’s critics conceded it was a strong video. Now the group HCD Research has looked at perceptions both before and after viewing the advertisement:

A new national study among 300 self-reported Democrats, Republicans and Independents revealed that after viewing a new ad featuring Sarah Palin and produced by SarahPAC, viewers were more likely to vote for Palin if she ran for president in 2012.

The study was conducted during July 9-12 by HCD Research using its® website, to obtain Americans’ perceptions of a new ad by SarahPAC, a political action committee, which was focused on mobilizing conservative women.

Respondents were asked to rate Sarah Palin on a scale from 1-7 regarding likability, believability and sincerity, with 1 representing “not at all strong in this attribute” and 7 representing “extremely strong in this attribute.”

Among all parties likability, believability and sincerity ratings increased after viewing the commercial. The most notable increase was her likability and believability ratings among Independents, which increased from 3.7 to 4.4 and from 3.3 to 3.7 respectively. In addition, Republicans’ dramatically increased their support for Palin as a potential candidate in the 2012 presidential election from 56% to 65% after viewing the ad.

Read more here.

This is survey backs up what we already knew: the SarahPAC video was a home run. The video hits the right notes. It also come on the heels of the latest polling from The Economist, that shows Sarah with a strong lead over all comers for 2012.

The Economist also reports Sarah has a 77 percent favorability rating among Republicans.

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