Obama’s Boss George Soros Ready To Profit From Oil Disaster, A Crime Inc. Update

By Gary P. Jackson

In the latest episode of the growing Crime Inc. story, we learn that, Barack Obama’s puppet master, former Nazi sympathizer George Soros, is about to profit handsomely off the disaster in the gulf.

We’ve written for around a year that Obama and Soros have partnered up to manipulate the oil business for fun and profit. Last year, Obama “loaned” Brazil $10 billion tax payer dollars, which in turn went to Brazilian oil giant, Petrobas. As we all know, just three days before Obama was so generous with OUR money, Soros bought controlling interest in Petrobas, which is now his largest holding.

We’ve written extensively about this, and Sarah Palin has also called Obama out on numerous occasions. There’s a good overview that you can read here.

At the time, writing for Newsmax, Ralph Hostetter offered this:

Petrobras is exploring and developing what has been described as the “huge offshore discovery” of Brazil’s Tupi field in Santo Basin near Rio de Janero. According to reports, the site could yield as much as 1 million barrels of oil per day.

The Soros Fund Management LLC holds a stake in Petrobras in the amount of $900 million as of Dec. 31, 2009.

The Soros Fund is headed by U.S. naturalized-citizen George Soros, a multi-billionaire who describes himself simply as an investor.

George Soros’ principal investments are in oil; one in particular is Petrobras, the Brazilian-owned company. This happens to be the largest investment in the Soros portfolio at the present time.

Now that word is out that the facilities of the U.S. Export-Import Bank SA is offering guarantees for loans to Brazil’s state-owned oil company Petrobras, U.S. citizens are beginning to complain.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, a vocal proponent of offshore drilling, says, “So why is it that during these tough times, when we have great needs at home, the Obama White House is prepared to send more than $2 billion of your hard-earned tax dollars to Brazil so that the nation’s state-owned oil company Petrobras can drill offshore and create jobs developing its own resources?

George Soros is becoming a central figure in American politics. He is using his billions of dollars and his influence in the energy field to bring about what he identifies as a “regime change” for America, an idea he has promoted for many years. He has called for such a change since the days of George W. Bush.

Soros planned at one point to oust George W. Bush during the president’s reelection campaign of 2004. He spent $25 million in the campaign to elect John Kerry. He stated at the time, defeating President Bush “is the central focus of my life . . . a matter of life and death.” America under Bush, he said, is a danger to the world “and I am willing to put my money where my mouth is.”

To George Soros, regime change means the elimination of the present governing system, in this case, the democratic republic of the United States. That would mean there would be no political parties, no elections, but in place of the American system, he would introduce his Shadow Party.

George Soros, with the help of his brain child, Moveon.org, has created his Shadow Party which awaits his call for the regime change for America.

Soros has had considerable experience in bringing about “regime change” in Europe. In particular, he is given credit for raising of funds in 1989 for a regime change in the Czech Republic when Vaclav Havel was brought to power. He helped engineer “regime changes” in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia and Yugoslavia.

At the present time, the U.S. dollar is under the most severe international pressure in its history. The U.S. government has exposed itself by creating stimulus packages and issuing currency amounting to trillions of dollars. This is exactly the situation that spoilers such as George Soros have been looking for.

This is a similar scenario which George Soros found in Great Britain in 1992 when he made his first billion by shorting the British pound with leveraged billions in financial bets. He became known as “the man who broke the Bank of England.” It was reported that “he broke it on the backs of hard-working British citizens who immediately saw their homes severely devalued and their life savings cut drastically in comparative worth almost overnight.

Change has been the watchword of the Obama Administration. One would hope that the emphasis for change does not extend to such a radical movement as a regime change. A regime change would spell the end of America’s democratic republic.

George Soros is pure evil, and a direct threat to the sovereignty of the United States. He owns the Marxist-democrat party outright, and funds hundreds of groups that do their bidding, on his behalf. He is the one pulling all of the strings on Obama. He is Obama’s puppet master.

Haven’t you ever wondered why Obama and his crew are so eager to handcuff the American energy industry? Many well meaning people fall into the trap of thinking it’s because Obama cares about the environment, and wants to see “green” energy development. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only thing “green” Obama and his cronies care about are those little green pieces of paper with dead presidents on the front.

Tammy Bruce has the latest on all of this:

Obama Boss George Soros Ready To Profit From Oil Disaster

Perhaps this is why drilling in Alaska is off the table–it would actually keep America safe and strong and won’t make Obama Boss George Soros even richer than he is now.

Interestingly, it seems the more trouble we have, the better it is for Soros. Last year, Soros noted he was “having a very good crisis” having bet against the United States and profiting from her economic downturn.

Now we learn Soros is set to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the Gulf oil catastrophe. With Obama’s ‘moratorium’ and the Obama Admin’s general hostility to drilling, it’s reported many oil companies have already looked into with Brazil regarding a move those shores. And what is Soros principally invested in right now? Petrobras, the Brazilian state oil company.

Obama’s Boss Sees Silver Lining in BP Spill

Reuters is reporting that Brazil stands to benefit from the BP oil spill catastrophe as the US moratorium makes more rigs available for other countries.

Even as an ecological catastrophe makes the future of U.S. offshore drilling less certain, Brazil is plowing ahead with a $220 billion five-year plan to tap oil fields even deeper than BP’s ill-fated Gulf well, which is still leaking crude.

It’s estimated that thirty five rigs are now sitting idle in the Gulf of Mexico. Brazil is already getting inquiries from companies wanting to move their rigs there. Brazil’s state oil company, Petrobras already produces about a fourth of the world’s deep water oil…

The shortage of rigs could help Brazil become a major oil exporter.

What an amazing stroke of good fortune for Obama’s boss, unrepentant Nazi collaborator, George Soros! Soros is also invested in offshore oil drilling in Brazil, assisted by the American taxpayers.

Soros Fund Management, LLC holds a stake in Petrobras of approximately $900 million as of December 31, 2009.

George Soros’ principal investments are in oil; one in particular is Petrobras, the Brazilian-owned company. This happens to be the largest investment in the Soros portfolio at the present time.

Soros also owns quite a lot of real estate in Brazil. Soros’ Adecoagro, which invests in renewable energy, owns or leases about 840,000 acres of farmland in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay growing coffee, soybeans and other commodities. Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Bunge Ltd. Are also expanding into ethanol in Brazil.

When you get to boss the president around, you never have to let a good crisis go to waste.

You can read more here.

Sweetness and Light is reporting that Petrobas is working on one of the largest stock sales in history to be able to gear up, and take full advantage of the gulf disaster, and Obama’s manipulations on their behalf. You can read all about it here.

I’m not one to buy into conspiracy theories, but this is a deal that is pretty simply to follow, and figure out. Readers know we have been following Obama and Crime Inc for some time, and have written about the Greatest Swindle In Human History ©, the on going attempt to scam the world out of TENS of TRILLIONS of DOLLARS with the phony cap and trade (cap and tax) scheme, all engineered by the Obama regime, Congress, and members of Obama’s inner circle of crooked friends. You can read more here and here.

The Obama regime is ready to use the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico to not only enrichen his pal George Soros, but to shove “climate change” legislation down America’s throat, that includes cap and tax, which will make Obama and his cronies wealthy beyond anyone’s wildest dreams.

Before Obama is allowed to do anything more, or any legislation is discussed, we must demand that a special prosecutor be appointed, and this entire affair looked into. Obama, Soros, and every member of Crime Inc, including Al Gore, Maurice Strong, and so on, need to be investigated to the fullest. These Chicago Gangland style dealings, that are going on, are simply unacceptable.

This entire bunch needs to be looking at an extended stay in a nice federal prison.


Filed under In The News, Politics

10 responses to “Obama’s Boss George Soros Ready To Profit From Oil Disaster, A Crime Inc. Update

  1. Pingback: Crime Inc.: Barack Obama and George Soros Seek To Use Gulf Oil Spill For Fun And Profit « A Time For Choosing

  2. janet jones

    Why is this all such a secret?

    • Gary P

      Soros is incredibly powerful. He really does own the democrat party outright. He funds hundreds of groups. Controls the media as well. Of course, most of the media think just like him, so it’s not hard for them to cover for him, just like they do Obama.

      In a just world, both he and Obama would spend eternity in an 8X10 cell.

  3. janet jones

    Had no idea what an unattractive human being soros is. I get why he is so angry.

  4. Ginger

    The Progressives would like everyone to believe they are working to help those less fortunate;however, it is becoming more clear they are just out for more power for them and their friends.

  5. Tony

    Below are 3 links that detail the correlations of gas prices and the housing crash. Think about it. Who was the person that campaigned on Global Warning and Cap n Trade. If you guess it was George Bush, I am sorry, it was the wrong answer. The correct answer was Barack Obama. Please note the charts showing July, 2008. The reason is that Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination for President which caused gasoline prices to go to through the roof because, Commodity Traders were hedging that Obama would become president and oil prices would likely to go through the roof because of Cap n Trade. Obama supporter George Soros was one of those people who hedge in oil and by doing so, increase his wealth by Billions of dollars. Yes it was Obama and his campaign rhetoric promise to get America off its reliance off oil that made housing unaffordable. Homeowners found that the inflated consumer prices caused by the high cost gasoline prices and the reassessment property values left them unable afford mortgage payments.




    Now, do you get the picture who Obama listens to and it is not us.

    • Gary P

      Great links. Soros is the man who broke the Bank of England. Evil may not be a strong enough word to describe the man. Obama is nothing more than his puppet. Bought and paid for.

      Thanks again for the links!

  6. mike s.

    soros has been looking for a one world order,religion,currency etc.for years and now has everthing and everone in power to do so.God help us,please…


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