Tag Archives: Ben Franklin

Impeach, Convict, and Remove President Obama Today or Lose the Republic Forever


Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.
~ Benjamin Franklin

By Gary P Jackson

A Republic, IF You Can Keep It

At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation, Benjamin Franklin was stopped by a Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia. The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention were held in strict secrecy. As such, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended, in order to learn what had been created behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. Mrs Powell reportedly asked Franklin: “ Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Without a moment’s hesitation, Franklin answered: “A republic, if you can keep it.” And here in starts the tale of the slow and steady decline of Liberty and Freedom in the United States. The slow and steady decline federalism, and the First Principles used to create these United States.

The original intent of the Constitution was to create a very weak federal government. A federal government that would be almost totally inconsequential to the average citizen in their daily lives. A federal government that was to live by the notion that he [or she] who governs least, governs best.

The Ninth and Tenth Amendments, the last two Amendments that make up the Bill of Rights, a covenant between government, and We, the People …. that guarantees absolute …. certain inalienable, God given rights from government infringement, state:

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

These two guarantees make it quite clear that We, the People are sovereign, as are the several states. Under federalism, the states are to be the main governing bodies that interact with the people. Obviously, under local governance, the needs, as well as the will of the People, are better served. Even in 1787, our Republic was too large and her people so varied, for a top down, “one size fits all,” central command and control government to work. With over 300 million American citizens today, spread out over millions of square miles, and with so many varied needs, that notion is even more valid today, than it was in Ben Franklin’s time!

An ever growing, overreaching federal government is nothing new. Almost from the start Presidents and Congress have pushed the boundaries, often crossing them. And, as we all know, Freedom lost, is rarely ever regained, without a revolution, of some sort or another.

The Civil War and it’s aftermath saw a major increase in the size and scope of the federal government, but it wasn’t until the so-called “progressive” era that started with President Theodore Roosevelt and hit the afterburners under Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt that the notion of an all powerful, central command and control government, not only grabbed the United States by the throat, and started strangling the life out of her, but also became accepted as the “new normal” for a small, but rapidly growing group of Americans.

By 1964, under Socialist Lyndon Baines Johnson and his “Great Society,” the United States was facing yet another constitutional crisis. [One could argue FDR’s entire four terms as President was nothing but one constitutional crisis after another!] So strong was the concern that Ronald Reagan stated in his iconic 1964 speech:

This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.

Unfortunately, the American people chose to allow this vicious cycle to continue, for the problem to fester. Now it has become a full-grown cancer on society. With so much overreach, with so many Cabinet level agencies in the Executive Branch, all run by, and staffed by, unelected, unaccountable little drones, it’s virtually impossible to live your live without being touched, in a very significant way, by the thoughts, deeds, and whims of the federal government. We, in fact, HAVE abandoned the American Revolution, and decided that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol CAN plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. Or at least SOME of us have!

Impeach, Convict, and Remove President Obama Today or Lose the Republic Forever

In the 238 years since our nation’s founding, we have never had a more vile, corrupt, lawless, Anti-American scoundrel at the helm. President Obama is someone who has called our beloved Constitution, the most enduring political document in history, a “charter of negative liberties.” In a 2001 radio interview, where he discusses this, Obama is angered because the Constitution is designed to restrain GOVERNMENT, not the people.

In other words, for Obama, the problem is the Constitution is designed to STOP the federal government from doing things TO the people, and doesn’t address doing anything FOR the people, such as Obama’s socialist dream of wealth distribution and “social justice,” what he might call the “ Rainbows and Unicorns” amendment, if such nonsense was actually written into the Constitution. BTW, FDR worked hard to created a “Second Bill of Rights,” but was, thankfully thwarted. [OK, FDR didn’t work as much as he copied those “rights” directly from the constitution of the Soviet Union]

Since being elected President, Obama has shown his hatred for America and our Constitution, on a regular, and consistent basis, but never more so than in the past two years. He has become so lawless [and unfazed by threats and sanctions] that we now have a constitutional crisis, the likes of which we have never seen, and a nation at her tipping point.

Any time one brings up the obvious, that Obama must be impeached, convicted, removed from office, and imprisoned; pundits, consultants, and weak-kneed Republicans come out of the woodwork telling you why that’s a “bad idea.” Some of my favorites are, in no particular order: “You CAN’T impeach the first black president.” “Remember Bill Clinton’s impeachment, the Republicans took a BIG hit, politically.” “Obama only has a short time in office, why waste the time?” and “Oh my GOD, Joe Biden would be President JOE FREAKIN BIDEN!!!!!”

OK …..

Joe Biden

Yes, Joe Biden is a national punch line. In so much as complete morons are quite rare, Joe Biden is a glittering jewel! That said, I have no doubt in my mind that Biden would NOT spend his time in office looking to purposely destroy the United States, as Barack Obama is engaged in daily. The fact is, Biden has wanted to be President for a LONG time, if there were actual LEADERS in the Republican Party, I suspect a deal could be made, wherein Biden SUPPORTED the impeachment, conviction, and removal of Obama, in exchange for not being held responsible himself, and also impeached and removed from office. That deal would also include, in writing, future President Biden’s guarantee that he wouldn’t pardon Obama before leaving office. As a lifelong, successful salesman, I would pitch that deal, if I were in a position to do so. The worst that could happen is Biden simply saying no! There are also a few democrats in the Senate, like Joe Manchin of West Virginia, that could be convinced to go along, if for no other reason than to save their careers come 2016, which could be another bloodbath for democrats both nationally, and across the fruited plain.

This is racist!

Look, if you disagree with Obama, even in the slightest, you are automatically “racist,” according to the democrats and their media partners at MSNBC, and the networks. After six years, the word now has no meaning whatsoever. The Republicans need to stop seeking the approval of those that hate them, and America! [yes, they are one in the same] It ain’t gonna happen, EVER. Even when Republicans capitulate, completely lay down for the democrats, they are still viciously attacked, and lied about. Republicans consistently fail to understand we are at war for the soul of our nation. Our enemies, and the enemies of America, are armed with nuclear weapons, while Republicans have water pistols! [and not very good ones, either]

The bottom line: You can’t defeat evil with timidity. Go hard, or go home!

This isn’t the Clinton impeachment, not even close

William Jefferson Blythe Clinton was impeached for, among other things, perjury and suborning perjury. Both are felonies, and both can carry up to six years in prison …. each. Of course, the corrupt, lying-ass media managed to make it all about Bill chasing a chubby, misguided, immature girl around the Resolute Desk. The Republicans didn’t help, by choosing Ken Starr, who focused on the lurid, and compromising acts, instead of the simple case of Clinton lying under oath, and talking Monica into lying under oath for him. Yes, having sex in the Oval Office, with someone he barely knew, was dangerous and a real threat to national security. Had Monica been a foreign agent, instead of a mixed up kid with stars in her eyes for a serial rapist, our most important and vital secrets would have been at risk. There is no doubt in any reasonable person’s mind, that HAD Monica been a foreign agent, and blackmailed Bill, he would have done ANYTHING to keep the American people from finding out, including handing over the keys to our most vital secrets. The Clinton impeachment was serious, and seriously bungled.

One thing it DIDN’T do though, is harm the Republican Party in any way. It’s time for Republicans to stop falling for these idiotic myths, concocted by the very people who want them destroyed.

President Obama has committed real crimes. SERIOUS crimes. The same crimes, in fact, that led to President Richard Nixon’s resignation from office, just ahead of impeachment, sure conviction, removal from office, and possible imprisonment. Obama has committed international crimes that not only directly led to the murders of two United States Border Agents: Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata, but hundreds of innocent Mexican citizens as well. Operation Fast and Furious was not only illegal, it was a cynical attempt by Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to subvert the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution, the very Constitution they both swore and oath to God to uphold and defend. Most sane people would consider this an act of treason.

There are numerous cases that can be listed in the Articles of Impeachment. The document could read like War and Peace, at least in length.

Obama can do a lot of damage, completely destroying these United States, FOREVER, in the next 25 months

The fact is, Obama doesn’t have “just a short time left” in office. There are over TWO YEARS left in this tyrant’s reign of terror, unless he’s stopped! The amount of damage Obama can do in the next two years is incalculable. If Obama isn’t sent the message, that only impeachment can send, there is literally NOTHING or NO ONE who can stop him from doing ANYTHING he wants to do, by executive fiat. He will have effectively become a fascist dictator [for real] and Congress [a co-equal branch of government] will be rendered null and void.

Need an example? Obama is part of the “climate change” scam. He already has his EPA destroying entire industries, like coal, and destroying hundreds of thousands of jobs [and innocent lives] in the process. Obama’s War on Coalâ„¢ has contributed greatly to the record poverty and record unemployment the American people face today. He’s already been overseas proposing ludicrous regulations that no one, but America, will adhere to.

What’s to stop Obama from waking up in January and deciding he will just put a carbon tax in place, by Executive Order?

As we noted back in May of 2010, Obama, along with Al Gore, Maurice Strong, George Soros, domestic terrorist Bill Ayer’s brother, and others, had invested heavily in the Chicago Climate Exchange, what would have been essentially the Wall Street of carbon credit trading. This scam looked to bring in as much as $10 TRILLION [gross] annually, making Obama and company wealthy beyond anyone’s wildest dreams, off of a HOAX.

Again, what would stop him? Obama has plenty of billionaire [and would-be billionaire] cronies in the “alternative energy business.” We’ve already watched companies like Solyndra not only steal billions of dollars from the American people, without producing a viable product, but IN the case of Solyndra, leave a massive toxic waste dump at it’s factory, after filing bankruptcy, something that will cost millions, if not billions more to clean up! Paid for, of course, by you and me, the American taxpayers. This isn’t just corrupt, it’s pure evil!

But you know what? Forget Obama for a minute. In the grand scheme of things, this isn’t even about Obama. In reality, this is about defending the Constitution, and the Rule of Law. This is about saying that there is INDEED a line we won’t allow to be crossed. It is a reminder that we elect a President, not a king or an emperor. It’s also about serving warning to future presidents who might try the same illegal, unconstitutional gambits Obama has been engaged in, for years. Impeaching Obama is far bigger than Obama. It boils down to whether we can actually KEEP the Republic, or stand by, as it ends, right before our very eyes.

obama constitution executive orders_thumb[2]

With Obama, Past is prologue

Though this may not be grounds for impeachment, it certainly points to a pattern that will not stop until Obama is forcibly removed from office. Obama has written Executive Orders, illegally declared the Senate in recess [when it wasn’t …. not that he has the power to declare anything Senate related] and so on. The United States Supreme Court has UNANIMOUSLY declared Obama’s actions unconstitutional on 12 occasions. Yup, even the far left extremists Obama himself placed on The Court have declared his actions unconstitutional a dozen times!

A normal person would get the hint, at some point.

If having the Supreme Court clip his wings didn’t give Obama some pause for reflection, you’d have thought the historic ass-whipping the democrat party took nationwide on November 4th would have! Instead it’s: “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!”

I think Obama has proven, without a doubt, that neither the Constitution, nor the rule of law, or even the will of the American people, mean a thing to him. Obama is on a mission and has no intention of stopping. So, he must BE stopped.

Thankfully, our Founding Fathers left us a simple, CONSTITUTIONAL remedy for tyrants and wanna-be dictators like Obama. Currently Republicans have retained counsel and are suing Obama over his illegal deferments of sections of the ObamaCare legislation. Obama illegally changed the law to suit political purposes, namely trying to hold off the painful and devastatingly expensive portions of the law, until after the 2014 elections. More than a few constitutional scholars doubt Congress even has what the courts call standing, to even bring the suit. Courts are not inclined to get involved in a pissing contest between the Legislative and Executive branches of government, as all three are co-equal, under our Supreme Law of the Land.

Again, our Constitution provides the answer: Impeachment.

It should be noted that President George W Bush tried two very stupid things while in office: Grant massive amnesty to illegal aliens, and put an unqualified Harriett Myers on the Supreme Court. Both times the American people raised Holy Hell, melting the phone lines to the White House and their congresscritters. Bush wisely gave up, on both ideas. Contrast this with Obama. When ObamaCare was still being shoved down our throats, the American people rose up, en masse, to protest. ObamaCare was NEVER popular among the people, and as the years have passed, it has become even less so. Obama’s response? The legislation was “deemed passed” in the middle of the night, via illegal procedures, without a single bi-partisan vote for it. That has never happened in American history. The Republicans’ response? Boehner shouted, then cried, then sat down and shut up! With Obama threatening this amnesty for illegals, the American people sent a message, loud and clear. Obama’s response? A big middle finger to the entire nation!

We’ve discussed Speaker of the House John Boeher’s idiotic, and lame-ass lawsuit before. In our article, we also lay out the various crimes Obama has committed, including High Treason. Many, including myself, consider Obama’s recent granting of executive amnesty, which amounts to a refusal to enforce the law of the land, for an entire class of people [laws he swore an oath to God to uphold] yet another case of High Treason, and grounds for the most severe of punishments allowed by law.

The bottom line is this:

If Obama isn’t stopped, and stopped NOW, the United States, as we know it, will cease to exist

The only way to stop Obama is impeachment, conviction, and removal from office. It will be an all out war, but so was the Revolution that gave birth to the Republic we love so much. More simply put, America can’t survive under Barack Obama. She will indeed fall, if this tyrant is allowed to remain in office.

They that can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor Liberty
~ Benjamin Franklin

A Republic, IF You Can Keep It!


Filed under In The News, Politics, Ronald Reagan