Oops: America Not Buying Left Wing Lies About Sarah Palin, Arizona Shooting

…. Even half of the DEMOCRATS polled aren’t buying it!

By Gary P Jackson

Well now …. it looks like the efforts by the left wing and their media partners to blame Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, talk radio, and puppies for the Arizona tragedy just ain’t makin’ it. Kinda sad because they have tried so hard, using the most extreme pretzel logic imaginable, to use this tragedy for political gain.

Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air notes:

A majority of 57% say that politics had nothing to do with the shooting, and even a plurality of 49% of Democrats agree (via Dan Spencer):

Nearly six in 10 Americans say the country’s heated political rhetoric is not to blame for the Tucson shooting rampage that left six dead and critically wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, according to a CBS News poll.

In the wake of the shooting, much focus has been put on the harsh tone of politics in Washington and around the country, particularly after a contentious midterm election. Rhetoric and imagery from both Republicans and Democrats have included gun-related metaphors, but the majority of the country isn’t connecting the shooting to politics.

It seems that the public has been able to separate the spin from the actual facts, which show that Loughner was a loon acting out of insanity and a personal grudge against Giffords, one completely of his own making. The publicity-hound sheriff who’s supposed to be leading the investigation may want to get around to, you know, looking at the evidence, as the feds apparently have done:

There’s mounting evidence that the attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords wasn’t a political act but a plan by a disturbed high school dropout who had few friends and no clear agenda. …Instead, Loughner may have had some self-generated dislike of Giffords that stemmed from when he first spoke to her at an event in 2007.

Looks like the left has failed massively here. The American people aren’t stupid. They understand that someone who leans to the left, and has been obsessing on Congresswoman Giffords long before Sarah Palin was known, or the Tea Party existed, might just have other issues.

As Morrissey continues:

The media spin of the first 48 hours failed to even convince the predisposed. Only 42% of Democrats in the survey believed that the shootings were a political act, and independents broke out at about the same ratio as the overall sample, 56/33. That is very good news for America, and bad news for those in the media and in Congress who hoped to leverage the shooting to pass gun-control and speech-control legislation and bully grassroots conservatives into silence.

We knew the devious little buggers on the left would overplay this and turn everyone off, but the moment we knew they had really crashed and burned came last night during the Sean Hannity Show. Bob Beckel, one of THE most partisan democrats out there, and absolutely no fan of Sarah Palin’s, quietly and calmly defended her. Beckel didn’t just defend her, but took some pride in the fact that he, in his words, “invented the idea of putting targets on politicians.”

I know the left will never stop attacking, and the corrupt media will never stop carrying their water, but it’s comforting to know the American people are much smarter than they are and won’t buy into their lies and smears. 


Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin