Video: Top Santorum Supporter Says Rick will be Front Runner Soon; Has “Open Checkbook” to Defeat Obama

I believe Rick Santorum will become one of the front-runners very soon,” Foster Friess, a major donor to the Red White and Blue Fund, during his interview with Bloomberg Television.

By Gary P Jackson

Off the strength of Rick Santorum’s debate performance Thursday night, Foster Friess, a top donor, is saying he believes Rick will be the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination “soon.”

Freiss, a successful businessman, has given $700,000 to Santorum’s campaigns over the years. Though Freiss backed Mitt Romney in 2008, he’s backing Santorum know because he’s known Rick personally for 16 years and feels he is the right man for the job.

Freiss is supporting Santorum and plans on giving him significant help moving forward, but also states he has an “open checkbook” for anyone who will run against Obama.

This is a great interview and Freiss’ high profile support should give Rick Santorum a nice boost moving forward.

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15 responses to “Video: Top Santorum Supporter Says Rick will be Front Runner Soon; Has “Open Checkbook” to Defeat Obama

  1. Chad

    Envoy for the British~? I cant believe she just said that because it is totally true~ That is the most amzing thing I have ever heard~ Now that I think of it the British have the whole team running probably~ I dont know Gary what do you think of Santorum~?

    • Gary P

      I’ve always liked Rick. My concern has always been his take on social issues, as it applies to government. We agree on a few things personally, and don’t on others.

      Rick will have a tough go with many because of his social views. Or should I say his views on how government should be involved. A Statist is a Statist and on social issues Rick is Big Government all the way.

      That said, he’s more Conservative than Newt, that’s for certain! Newt is for federally mandated insurance. Rick ripped him to shreds over that. It was funny as he was doing that a story came across with absolutely no quotes or anything from Rick, that said in 1994 he supported mandates. I linked to a 1994 debate I found on C-span, over in the CNN debate article. Rick has had the same consistent message for decades.

      If the people who support Newt would wake up and realize what they are doing, and get behind Rick, he could be our nominee. That wouldn’t hurt my feelings a bit.

      At this point there are only two people worthy of support, but for different reasons. Mitt because he isn’t Newt, and Santorum because he’s a Conservative.

      We have a long way to go, but I think in the end, Newt will continue to implode, then we can have a real race to the end.

      • Mary

        Social issues? Rick Santorum is the one who wrote, and pushed through welfare reform, not Newt, not anyone else. Santorum is NOT for big government. His issues statements lay out a comprehensive plan to cut taxes, streamline government, create a healthy, economic powerhouse, returning the United States to economic wealth and independence once again.

        Do you confuse the fact that Santorum understands what it’s like to be a blue collar worker, reaching out to them as being in any way ‘big government’? Because, if so, you would have said the same thing about Ronald Reagan, as he also understood blue collar workers, and reached out to them. It’s the reason why Reagan was elected. Reagan was attacked by the RNC and other RINO elites as being a social conservative.They wanted to elect the moderate George HW Bush, you know the one who lied, promising not to raise taxes to get elected, then once president raised taxes, the one termer. Thank goodness GOP voters were far more intelligent in 1980, than they are now.

        I’m voting for Santorum, because he is the ONLY conservative running, he is 100% ethical and consistent. He loves the US, he will restore our constitution and save our nation. If you want to diddle with the Obama clone Romney, or the unstable Gingrich, you will see another Obama term. Only Santorum can defeat Obama, because Santorum can calmly, but firmly hold Obama’s feet to the fire on all the issues, and Obama can’t provoke him, or hold anything against him. Santorum has no skeletons in the closet.

      • Gary P

        If you are looking for an argument I’m afraid your going to be disappointed. I’m already on your side.

  2. Chad

    Thanks Gary for the reply~ I dont really know politics to well and I learn alot reading your posts~ I am 40 and have never voted but I was hoping to this time but I honestly Gary have never agreed with being forced into a bias I do not have~ Becaue the establishment always seems to force us all into picking x, y, or z~ I know that conservatives need to take over all branches but I have a very hard time believing that when the establishment picks for us we want end up with the same~ I just trust Palin/Cain alot for the first time in my life and it is hard for the American people not to have such wonderful choices but I do care about both of them as people regardless and respect whatever decisions they make~ Sincerely, Chad

    • Gary P

      Thanks Chad. Glad you are getting more involved.

      I think in the olden days, when there was no talk radio or internet, it was pretty easy for the media to manipulate voters. Keep certain news out of the public eye. Shape opinion. Now with Facebook, Twitter, and the internet, an engaged voter can do just fine.

      The problem isn’t the establishment so much as lazy people. They would rather just be told what to think than work for it. If it’s coming from some one they like, they take it at face value. If it comes from someone they don’t like, and it’s critical of their guy, they assume it’s a lie!

      For example. I first learned of Sarah Palin in early 2007, just a couple of months after she took office. I liked what I read and then found more. I was able to learn about who she was before the national media, which was writing glowing articles about her, had time to attack. By the time 2008 rolled around I was one of the ones in the Draft Sarah for VP movement.

      I guess my best advice is take everything with a grain of salt. Don’t take anything at face value. If it matters to you do your own research. Try to find both sides. If it’s candidates, look at their entire record. She if they are consistent. If they have changed, look at how they’ve changed. Remember, Reagan was a democrat until he switched. He always said he didn’t leave the party, the party left him.

      I’m glad you are aboard. Hopefully we can help you make sense of it all.

  3. Annie S

    Rick Santorum in debate # 1 stated he would choose Newt G as the vp if he were fortunate enough to be the candidate. He also admitted that he “learned a lot from Newt G” and spent hours daiily listening to Newt’s tapes. He has a tendency also, to listen to Newt G and then three weeks later, repeat things almost verbatim exactly as Newt stated, and passes the ideas off as his own at townhalls. I started noticing this a couple months ago. He is the student…Newt G seems to be the teacher. Rick Santorum has no “original” long term solutions, he is not a problem solver. Obama, Pelosi, & Reid will chew him up and spit him out. I considered him, but after noticing all the above…I say no thank you. A wasted vote. We had one week candidate with McCain…Rick S is not a problem solver for this country.

    • Gary P

      Wow, just wow. For one thing, NO ONE has any original ideas to solve our problems. Conservatives already KNOW the solutions, they know it in their hearts. It’s not about thinking up new stuff, it’s about going back to time honored principles.

      Oh, and I have YET to see a debate where serious people are asked questions about picking one of their fellow candidates as VP or any other position where they don’t say “sure” If nothing else it’s out of politeness.

      We don’t need morons like Newt Gingrich who has spent a lifetime giving aid and comfort to the socialist movement. We don’t need a “big thinker” who rambles on about Moon colonies and real life Jurassic Parks.

      We need serious human beings and Newt Gingrich is not one of those.

  4. patricia cala

    I am glad to hear that Rick has substantial financial support.
    Heard the replies to the question from Wolf B. in the debate, wanting to know what kind of a first lady would your wife make?
    At that time, she was home taking care of her chidren. But, Rick gave a report on his wife that would make her parents (and her husband) proud.
    He is too good, in more ways than one, and we can only pray that he succedes.

  5. Pingback: Video: Top Santorum Supporter Says Rick will be Front Runner Soon; Has “Open Checkbook” to Defeat Obama « blogsense-by-barb

  6. Joy

    That was a very enlightening – and encouraging! – interview with that wealthy backer of a Santorum superPAC! And if Newt DOES “implode” in FL and beyond, I pray that Santorum keeps in the race, gets stronger and doesn’t waver on his Conservative principles.

    One thing I do agree with you, however, is that it’s one thing to believe in one’s heart that certain things are “ordained from God” (anti-abortion, pro-life/special needs kids, anti-same-sex marriage, etc.), but it’s another thing to make those strong core beliefs the central (or A particular) focus of one’s campaign. Palin understands this and keeps her main political focus on the major political/economic/foreign policy issues of the day. She’s open about her beliefs, but confines her high-profile speeches on those topics to like-minded and/or religious groups. When/if Santorum takes that same tack, he’ll gain more support of the campaign trail.

  7. Joy

    P.S. I just had a thought: If Santorum DOES do better as the primary season progresses (and picking up support from former Newt supporters!), as/if/when it got “down to the wire” bet. Romney & Santorum, that’s when Palin should pull out all the stops & endorse Santorum! It would coalesce the Conservative voters & GOP base like nothing else – and it could well make the difference. If, however, the results are NOT in Santorum’s favor, at least Palin – anda the entire Conservative Movement – would have given it a fair shake. They can just know that their voices were heard – and will continue to BE heard from here on in!

  8. Pingback: Newt Demands Santorum Drop Out of Race; Let’s All Tell Newt HELL NO! | A Time For Choosing

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