Democrats/Union Thugs Harassing Republicans Nationwide

By Gary P Jackson

Democrat thugs acting like thugs should come as no surprise these days. We’ve seen a continual ramping up of threats and violent rhetoric for the last four years, but several stories have come to my attention that prove it’s time for all Americans to stand up to the thugs who are trying to destroy our Republic.

Everyone is aware of the union thugs in Wisconsin, and their efforts to recall Governor Scott Walker and other Republicans who have been working hard to save that state from financial disaster. This has caused an all-out war between Walker’s team, and the public sector unions.

In an e-mail from the Tea Party Express’ Amy Kremer reveals union thugs threatened Senator Pam Galloway, who recently resigned from the Wisconsin Senate.

Yesterday we reported that we have our first casualty of the union-led Recalls in Wisconsin.  Republican Senator Pam Galloway announced that she would resign instead of face the unions’ Recall and strong-arm tactics of intimidation and harassment.

Now, it has been reported by The Blaze that union and self-proclaimed Recall leader John Spiegelhoff was obsessed with strong-arming and intimidating Sen. Galloway to the point of harassment.  In his emails to her he called her a “pig,” suggested to the female Senator that she should “stay at home, Pam” and cautioned that they were “coming for her.”

We thought these kind of union strong-arm tactics died with Jimmy Hoffa, but apparently they are alive and well in Wisconsin. 

It is deplorable that these are the kind of schoolyard bully tactics that the pro-Recall crowd is using.  Like we have been saying, when the unions and liberal left do not have the truth on their side, they will resort to lies and name-calling. 

While Sen. Galloway has publicly said that the unions’ harassment of her is not her main reason for her resignation, I am sure that the idea of enduring such personal and rude attacks during a nasty Recall election was not very appealing.  It is definitely no way to treat a sitting Wisconsin Senator, respected doctor and esteemed surgeon. 

With Galloway resigning, the Wisconsin Senate is now tied up at 16-16. If the democrats and union thugs are successful in their recall efforts, you could see a shift to a democrat controlled Senate, and all of the necessary reforms Governor Walker has put in place, could be undone.

C.A. Bamforford put me on to this deal, from Washington State. Another Republican state Senator, Michael Baumgartner, who is running for the U.S. Senate, tells the tale of lengthy harassment by democrat operatives.

The harassment has gone as far as to stalking his wife and child.

Baumgartner has written a letter to state democrat party chair Dwight Pelz in protest of these despicable acts:

Dwight Pelz, Chairman
Washington State Democratic Party
PO Box 4027
Seattle, WA 98194 
Dear Chairman Pelz,
I am writing regarding the “trackers” you pay to follow me to film me and capture my statements for future use in negative advertisements. These individuals have been a constant presence filming both at the State Capitol during the legislative session and at my campaign events across the state, and have repeatedly identified themselves as being paid for by the Washington State Democratic Party.
While strange, I certainly accept that being followed around nearly everywhere I go like this is a reality of campaigning in 2012, given the state of politics in America. (In fact, I’d never want to deny you the opportunity to hear me criticize Sen. Maria Cantwell for her role in more than doubling the federal debt, or for her repeated votes to authorize and fund the poorly planned wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Hopefully you take notes).
However, last week one of your trackers went far across the line when he decided to harass my wife Eleanor and follow her in his truck as she walked through a dark parking lot at an event in Lakewood. It would be unacceptable for your operatives to do this to anyone, let alone a young mother, at night, going to fetch food for her infant son. 
For background, this individual had been refused entry by the hosts of a private evening meeting of the Lakewood Republican Women, and was asked to leave the premises. Instead, he first snuck around the back of the meeting room and tried to film through the windows and then later sat in his truck outside the entrance.  Eventually the hosts called the police, but your tracker still waited outside in the public street until we left the premises some hours later. 
I met Eleanor in Afghanistan, and I’ve seen her negotiate with tribal chiefs in Helmand and she’s run ultra-marathons through the desert. She is as tough as they come and can handle herself just fine.  But this experience was frightening for her, and was completely inappropriate behavior on the part of the tracker.  Please have it stopped.
It is a privilege to be a public servant, but our family shouldn’t have to put up with you paying some creepy guy to follow my wife and harass her.
It reflects poorly on the Democratic Party in Washington State, and on American politics in general. 
Thank you for your consideration of my request. I hope we can work together to have an interesting and informative campaign in the months ahead, conducted in the civil manner the citizens of Washington State deserve.
Michael Baumgartner
Washington State Senator

It’s one thing to keep track of ones opponents in a campaign, but this is just insane. Obviously the goal here is to harass and intimidate. Again, the American people simply cannot tolerate this sort of activity. It undermines the very fabric of our society.

I continually hear from people who ask why we can’t get good and decent people to run for elected office. Things like this are why.

Now lets go to Virgina.

In Fairfax County, middle school students were forced to do opposition research on all of the Republican candidates, find their “weaknessses” form a strategy to exploit those weaknesses, and then forward it all to the Obama regime.

This is so inappropriate it’s difficult to even put into strong enough words. It’s the sort of thing that should get this teacher fired, but since she too is a member of a union, one of the strongest unions, nothing is going to be done.

From the Daily Caller:

A Virginia middle school teacher recently forced his students to support President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign by conducting opposition research in class against the Republican presidential candidates.

The 8th grade students, who attend Liberty Middle School in Fairfax County, were required to seek out the vulnerabilities of Republican presidential hopefuls and forward them to the Obama campaign.

This assignment was just creepy beyond belief — like something out of East Germany during the Cold War,” one frustrated father, who asked for his family to remain anonymous, told The Daily Caller.

The assignment was for students to research the backgrounds and positions of each of the GOP candidates for president and find “weaknesses” in them, the parent explained. From there, students were to prepare a strategy paper to exploit those weaknesses and then to send their suggestions to the Obama campaign.

These are just a handful of stories of what is going on nationwide. We are in the fight of our lives for the very soul of our Republic.

The democrats and their union thug partners will stop at nothing to win this war. They feel they have nothing to lose, as they know good and decent Americans are beyond fed up with their shenanigans, and want to bring this nation back in line with the vision our founders had. A vision of Liberty and Freedom, and prosperity.

Oh, and if intimidating Republican politicians isn’t bad enough, now a “band” is openly calling on it’s fans to kill Rush Limbaugh.

Can you imagine what would happen if one of us called for the death of a democrat? Any democrat?

We simply can’t stand by any longer and allow this to stand. Conservatives have our own inner struggle with the Republican Party, and it’s a big one, but we simply cannot allow attacks by democrats to go unanswered. We must stand up and call evil out wherever we find it. We must defeat these people.


Filed under In The News, Politics

4 responses to “Democrats/Union Thugs Harassing Republicans Nationwide

  1. C.A. Bamford

    Well done, Gary. This type of behavior from these fine examples of the left is not only pervasive, but is escalating as no one holds them accountable. It’s high time we started doing so.
    Kudos to Michael Baumgartner for calling them out.

  2. Bec

    Why are these people not being arrested for their obvious threats to public officials?

  3. jim snell

    I am in California and so many nuisance calls to my home and second home; I had to put a computer and software called phone tray blocking the crap. Many of the calls came from sources where I believe unions are involved. I have supported the Republican Party for a number of years.

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