Chick-fil-A VP Don Perry Dies Suddenly, Liberals Celebrate With Their Usual Hate-Fest

By Gary P Jackson

Don Perry, Chick-fil-A’s Vice President of Public Relations passed away this morning from an apparent heart attack. Our condolences go out to his family, and everyone at Chick-fil-A.

From Alex Pappas:

The head of public relations at Chick-fil-A died Friday morning of an apparent heart attack, according to the company.

The employee, Donald A. Perry, was the company’s vice president of corporate public relations.

Erica M. Martinez, a Chick-fil-A spokeswoman, confirmed the news Friday afternoon in a statement to The Daily Caller.

We are saddened to report the news to you that our dear friend Don Perry, vice president of public relations, passed away suddenly this morning,” she said. “Don was a member of our Chick-fil-A family for nearly 29 years.”

Martinez added: “For many of you in the media, he was the spokesperson for Chick-fil-A. He was a well-respected and well-liked media executive in the Atlanta and University of Georgia communities, and we will all miss him.”

WBRL News 3 in Georgia reported the cause of the death to be a heart attack.

Perry joined Chick-fil-A in the 1980s.

I came on board in 1983 to literally start the public relations function here, because the company was young, growing and emerging,” Perry told Georgia Magazine. “The company was trying to move beyond just a small, regional family chain to become a national brand.”

Perry is portrayed as protective of the company in a 2003 Fortune Small Business story. He is quoted questioning the motives of a reporter in a piece about the religious beliefs of the company’s founder. “What would you like to do? Are you going to continue on a religious kind of thing, or are you going to concentrate more on the Chick-fil-A business?”

He became an elder of his church in 1997, according to information posted on the website of Hillcrest Church of Christ. The church said Perry enjoyed “leading his church fellowship cell group, as well as working to help maintain harmony in the congregation.”

One of the challenges sometimes is helping to reconcile differing views among members,” Perry said, according to the church, “but we work to keep unity of the faith.”

This is just tragic. A well like, hard working man, lost in his prime. Having suffered a heart attack earlier this year myself, I can tell you, it refocuses you. I’m saddened that Don wasn’t as lucky as I was.

Of course, the hatred from liberals never stops, even at times when human decency would dictate otherwise. The folks at Michelle Malkin’s Twitchy had the unpleasant job of cataloging the hate. You can check it out here.

At least Don Perry has gone on to a much better place, where hate doesn’t come into play.


Filed under In The News, Politics

18 responses to “Chick-fil-A VP Don Perry Dies Suddenly, Liberals Celebrate With Their Usual Hate-Fest

  1. Karen


    • Gary P Jackson

      Not likely. I had a heart attack in March. These things build up over time. The hate coming from the democrats probably caused him some stress though. Evil does that.

  2. Mary B

    It isn’t hard to imagine where he is now.
    God rest his soul.

  3. GOD

    karma is a bitch

    • Gary P Jackson

      Wow, you democrats just can’t help yourself can you?

      This is why you people are going to lose it all, because yes, karma IS a bitch and she’s on OUR side.

  4. Pingback: Taking a Stand; Paying the Price » Bill Muehlenberg’s CultureWatch

  5. cyndi p

    He is resting in the arms of Jesus right now. He did well. And I am sure Jesus greeted him with “Well done my faithful servant”. God bless him and his family.

  6. Paul

    The word went out to the Gay Lobby and the Lib Haters to refrain from dancing on Perry’s grave — as they had been — not because they were remorseful, but because it hurt their preferred “victim” status. Most of the tweets (“Good riddance”, “Haters deserve to die”, etc.) have been deleted by their posters.

    But make no mistake: the LGBT “activists” are vicious, hateful, fascists people who need to be stopped.

    • Gary P Jackson

      The militant gays do themselves no favors with their antics. They simply reinforce the stereotypes, and piss regular folks off.

      Thankfully all gays aren’t that way. In fact, a large number denounce these hate filled loons just as we do.

      I’ll submit that it’s not because these clowns are gay, it’s because they are liberal democrats. Democrats are nasty, hate filled, violent people by nature. Being a liberal trumps everything else for them. All reason, humanity, and common sense has left their bodies long ago.

  7. Tangelia Terrell

    Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do or say! God bless the family!
    Tangelia Terrell
    Church of Christ at Bouldercrest

  8. One deep

    “Chick-fil-A VP Don Perry Dies Suddenly, Liberals Celebrate With Their Usual Hate-Fest”…really? I wasn’t aware that I needed to rejoice for a human being, a husband, and a father passing away. No I am not happy for a man who passed away. That is a very ignorant statement… This article seems to be written to incite a further division amongst people with opposing views on the issue at hand. I say “freedom of speech!” the president of Chick-fil-a can say what he wants, but choose your words wisely you do serve to people of all walks of life. To my brethren (Liberals) who oppose these views vote with your wallets…and the Conservatives vote with your wallet as well #EatMorChikin

    • Gary P Jackson

      It’s one thing to be indifferent, it’s quite another to unite in utter and vile hatred. Hate and violence is all democrats know. When you have people celebrating someone’s death, simply because they worked for a company whose founder has different views than their own, you have the very essence of evil.

      Democrats are also spewing hate at others who dare eat there. Rick Santorum was called “gay” because he ate there. It always amuses me that democrats PRETEND to care about gays, but when they want to insult someone, the first thing they can think of is to call them gay.

      Sarah and Todd Palin got death threats because they stopped at Chick-fil-A in The Woodlands [Houston] after the enormous rally she hosted for Ted Cruz.

      BTW, why don’t you clowns go after Muslims? In researching this democrat stupidity, I noticed both Chicago’s Mayor and Boston’s are against Chick-fil-A, but kowtow to the Nation of Islam. The Nation of Islam teaches ALL gays should be put to death. Christians are just against gay marriage.

      I never see you clowns go after Islam. I guess it’s because Christians won’t behead you, or strap a bomb on themselves and come visit you.

      Obama was against gay marriage until 5 minutes ago when he figured he was going to lose the election, then he pandered to gays the way democrats have pandered to blacks for years. The democrat party doesn’t give a damn about either group, except for their vote.

      Face it, all democrats know is hate. Anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their warped view of the world is hated. It’s gotten old and boring.

      As for Chick-fil-A, don’t worry. The restaurants are packed. People who never heard of the place are flocking there to get one of their tasty chicken sandwiches! Good job democrats. It’s the first economic growth since Obama was elected!

      • One deep

        Sorry that the Dems you have come in contact with are hateful and violent…Know that we are not all like that. I understand the fact not everyone will subscribe to my beliefs and will respect them ,you, and anyone else to disagree with me because that is your right in this country.

        One thing I do agree with is our society being passive to the Muslim extremist who do threaten violence. Take for example the South Park episode awhile back that was censored because the writers wanted to portray Muhammad. Comedy Central’s choice to censor was because we were at war with Islamic extremists and there has been many attempts by these radicals to commit terror and harm on our soil. So we now tread lightly on ceartin matters because of the times we live in…I’ll leave you at this. As a kid in high school I worked at Chick-fil-a and it was a great place to work at. I never was discriminated against and I have no ill will torwards Truett, Dan, Don or the company. I still would recommend it to anyone that it is a great job

        And in Nov may the best man win.

      • Gary P Jackson

        Thanks, and yeah, the Muslims are a serious problem. Thing is, no one has the guts to do anything.

        Right now there is a call to investigate Hillary Clinton’s long time aide, who has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, deep disturbing ties. The idiot Republican “leadership” has decided to protect Hillary and chastise those who want answers. Washington is a cesspool and needs to be drained. There’s only a handful of politicians that are worth a damn, the rest need to be run out of politics forever.

        I’m sure there are a few good democrats, but the bulk give the good ones a bad name. I’ve never seen so much manufactured hate and violence in my life. The Alinsky communists have fought for decades to take control of the party, and now you got one in the White House. It doesn’t bode well for our survival as a country.

        Chick-fil-A is a good company. The CEO is allowed his opinion, as is everyone else. A sane person would agree, or disagree, and move on. Unfortunately, today’s democrat can’t do that. They have to attack, attack, attack. It’s troubling.

        Thank God I live in Texas. This sort of nonsense is kept to a minimum.

  9. Tina

    This is not the place to voice your political concerns, its the time for condolences and caring about the family that just lost and a father and husband. Who cares what the poltical preference are, my heart goes out to the family and company employees for the lose of a valued employee.

    • Gary P Jackson

      I agree, but democrats politicize everything. The hate spewed by these people is something that must be reported and discussed. It’s an evil that has gripped the land.

  10. First, I give my condolences to Don’s family. I trust the Father will draw them, closer to him in this time of suffering.

    It is fascinating that a friend got me to write a blog post on this topic of Chick-Fil-A. I am very much in support of traditional marriage and don’t agree with gay marriage. In this situation, I have to ask “How would Jesus handle this?”

    He’d probably take advantage of this and share the gospel to any gay person who’s willing to sit down and eat with him. His approach would likely be similar to how Jesus approached the Samaritan woman.

    Have a blessed day!

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