Bristol Palin: Mom “Definitely Knows” If She Is Running Or Not

By Gary P Jackson

Bristol Palin was on Fox and Friends Tuesday morning talking about her new book Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far when she’s asked the question:

BRIAN KILMEADE, FOX & FRIENDS: “Do you get the sense that your mom has not made up her mind yet or do you think she knows and hasn’t told told?”

BRISTOL PALIN: “You know, she definitely knows. We’ve talked about it before. Some things just need to stay in the family.”

She’s also asked if she wants her mother to run, and Bristol gives a very enthusiastic yes. What Bristol says in this part of the interview pretty much gives away the answer to the question.

Bristol and her mother will be in Minnesota on Wednesday at the Mall of America, where Bristol will be signing copies of her new book.

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