Tag Archives: fiasco

WH Press Secretary Jay Carney On The Hot Seat Tuesday as Press FINALLY Asks Real Questions

Baghdad Jay

By Gary P Jackson

At Tuesday’s press briefing White House Press Secretary faced a rather hostile media looking for real answers, of course, few were coming.

The show Carney put on was so ridiculous our buddy Ray at SarahNet added a bit of background music that seems to fit well with the Obama regime:


In case you didn’t pick up on it, it’s Yakety Sax by Boots Randolph better known as the Benny Hill theme. That should be the theme song for the entire Obama presidency!

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Filed under In The News, Politics

Oh My..Nearly Half Of The Nation’s Doctors May Quit If ObamaCare Is Passed

In a brand new survey published by the New England Journal of Medicine as many as 46% of all primary care physicians feel that passage of Barack Obama’s unconstitutional health care fiasco will cause them to leave the profession.

This latest survey, performed by the Medicus Firm, a leading physician search and consulting firm based in Atlanta and Dallas, is consistent with a survey taken in September of 2009 and published in Investor’s Business Daily:

45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul

Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, and hundreds of thousands would think about shutting down their practices or retiring early if it were adopted, a new IBD/TIPP Poll has found.

The poll contradicts the claims of not only the White House, but also doctors’ own lobby — the powerful American Medical Association — both of which suggest the medical profession is behind the proposed overhaul.

It also calls into question whether an overhaul is even doable; 72% of the doctors polled disagree with the administration’s claim that the government can cover 47 million more people with better-quality care at lower cost.

The IBD/TIPP Poll was conducted by mail the past two weeks, with 1,376 practicing physicians chosen randomly throughout the country taking part. Responses are still coming in, and doctors’ positions on related topics — including the impact of an overhaul on senior care, medical school applications and drug development — will be covered later in this series.

Major findings included:

• Two-thirds, or 65%, of doctors say they oppose the proposed government expansion plan. This contradicts the administration’s claims that doctors are part of an “unprecedented coalition” supporting a medical overhaul.

It also differs with findings of a poll released Monday by National Public Radio that suggests a “majority of physicians want public and private insurance options,” and clashes with media reports such as Tuesday’s front-page story in the Los Angeles Times with the headline “Doctors Go For Obama’s Reform.”

Nowhere in the Times story does it say doctors as a whole back the overhaul. It says only that the AMA — the “association representing the nation’s physicians” and what “many still regard as the country’s premier lobbying force” — is “lobbying and advertising to win public support for President Obama’s sweeping plan.”

The AMA, in fact, represents approximately 18% of physicians and has been hit with a number of defections by members opposed to the AMA’s support of Democrats’ proposed health care overhaul.

• Four of nine doctors, or 45%, said they “would consider leaving their practice or taking an early retirement” if Congress passes the plan the Democratic majority and White House have in mind.

More than 800,000 doctors were practicing in 2006, the government says. Projecting the poll’s finding onto that population, 360,000 doctors would consider quitting.

Before we move on to the latest Survey, let’s think about this a minute. We are supposedly adding as many as 30 million new patients to a health care system that already has a massive shortage of qualified doctors and nurses. That means that if things just remain the same, and no one quits, our health care system will be strained to the breaking point.

Think longer waits for appointments and less time for you to spend with your doctor at an appointment. As resources are finite, rationing of care will become a reality. And I’m not talking about the super-duper, double throw down expensive treatments that our progressive friends always throw out there as examples, when saying insurance companies already ration care, I’m talking about basic care.

BTW, insurance companies don’t “ration care.” They may refuse to pay for treatment, but they can’t actually stop someone from getting any treatment. As it is now, there are many charitable organizations that will step in and help patients who need treatment, but don’t have the money to pay for it. Few people are absolutely refused medical care in this country.

Under ObamaCare, government panels will actually stop patients from being treated if they deem them “unworthy.”

Now, take this already strained situation, and then take away half of the doctors, and you have a crisis on your hands. Quite simply, people will go untreated for any number of conditions, due to the lack of doctors. This is “death panels” by proxy!

So what happens when half the doctors quit? Chaos.

Right now America has the best health care in the world. We have hard working, dedicated men and women who are truly the tops in their field. If these folks are forced out of medicine, the rush will be on to replace them. But with who?

Like other nations with socialized medicine, and the sub-par working environment and wages that goes along with it, we’ll have to import our doctors. Many of the imported doctors will come from third world countries and the Middle East. Now some of these people are indeed fine doctors, but not all of them.

Basically, we’ll go from being treated by these guys:

To These guys:

All my life the democrats have been caterwauling about the “outsourcing of jobs.” Passing ObamaCare will be one of the greatest single outsourcing of jobs in our nation’s history!

Here’s the results from the Medicus survey:

The Medicus Firm Physician Survey: Health Reforms Potential Impact on Physician Supply and Quality of Medical Care

Mar. – Apr. 2010

Key Findings from The Medicus Firm Survey

Physician Support of Health Reform in General

• 62.7% of physicians feel that health reform is needed but should be implemented in a more targeted, gradual way, as opposed to the sweeping overhaul that is in legislation.

• 28.7% of physicians are in favor of a public option.

• 3.6% of physicians prefer the “status quo” and feel that the U.S. health care system is best ” as is.”

Health Reform and Primary Care Physicians

• 46.3% of primary care physicians (family medicine and internal medicine) feel that the passing of health reform will either force them out of medicine or make them want to leave medicine.

Health Reform, Public Option, and Practice Revenue/Physician Income

• 41% of physicians feel that income and practice revenue will “decline or worsen dramatically” with a public option.

• 30% feel income will “decline or worsen somewhat” with a public option.

• 9% feel income will “improve somewhat” with a public option, and 0.8% feel income will “improve dramatically” with a public option.

Health Reform, Public Option, and Physician Supply

• 72% of physicians feel that a public option would have a negative impact on physician supply, with 45% feeling it will “decline or worsen dramatically” and 27% predicting it will “decline or worsen somewhat.”

• 24% of physicians think they will try to retire early if a public option is implemented.

• 21% of physicians would try to leave medicine if a public option is implemented, even if not near retirement age at the time.

Health Reform and Recommending Medicine to Others as a Career

• 36% of physicians would not recommend medicine as a career, regardless of health reform.

• 27% would recommend medicine as a career but not if health reform passes.

• 25% of physicians would recommend medicine as a career regardless of health reform.

• 12% would not recommend medicine as a career now but feel that they would recommend it as a career if health reform passes

Some key take-aways: Reflecting the sentiments of most Americans, nearly 63% of physicians believe health care reform is indeed necessary, but in targeted areas, using common sense, not in a sweeping overhaul that would drastically change our system and quality of care.

Notice one of the things that is glaringly absent from ObamaCare? That’s right, lawsuit reform, tort reform, if you will. Tort reform alone would see many positive benefits. Cost of care would go down dramatically, not only because doctors wouldn’t have to run so many tests, a CYA measure to protect them if they get sued, but the drastic reductions in malpractice insurance would be passed on as savings to the consumer.

Texas enacted sweeping tort reform in 2003, and the results have been very positive. Doctors have flocked to Texas in droves, many moving to under-served regions. The relationship between the doctor and patient has improved. Costs have been reduced as well.

You can read more about this here and here.

Again, nearly half of these doctors think the conditions created by this Obama caused disaster would force them to leave their profession. I can tell you, as someone who lives in a “hospital town,” a city where one of Texas’ largest hospital systems is headquartered, I have yet to talk to anyone in the medical profession who is for ObamaCare in any way shape or form.

Doctors are really worried about a decline in their income, and they should be. These doctors will be paid on a scale that mirrors Medicare. That’s already a money loser, which is why health care costs for everyone else are higher. They have to make up for the losses somewhere. Put the entire industry on that sort of pay plan and it will be unsustainable.

Not surprisingly, 3/4 of those surveyed, 72%, feel this fiasco will effect “physician supply” (the amount of doctors to treat patients) with almost half saying this situation could “worsen dramatically

Another telling statistic is the fact that over 1/3… 36%, would discourage others from entering the profession! That’s not hard to believe at all. According to Kevin Perpetua, managing partner for the Medicus Firm, the average debt a newly minted doctor enters the real world with is a whopping $140,000. And let’s not even talk about all of the extra time, in years, it takes to become a doctor. It’s hard work.

Being a doctor is a noble profession, one of life’s higher callings, but let’s be real, for $140,000 you can buy a really nice home. Why would someone want to study for a profession that will put them in huge debt before their first job, and make them work long hours, if their financial reward will be shrinking and shrinking, and their working conditions deteriorating? It doesn’t make sense.

Of course, this is most likely why the democrats have added a complete and total takeover of the student loan industry as part of their “health care reform.” That’s right, as part of reforming health care, the democrats will outlaw the private student loan business. Only the federal government will be allowed to loan students money for higher education! What could go wrong here?

How long before good old Uncle Sugar starts telling American students what sort of field they must study for? “You want to be an auto mechanic? Sorry sonny, we already have too many of them, how about a nice job in sanitation management!” Think it can’t happen? Go read some history. I suggest a look at the Soviet Union, for starters.

How long before our out of control government declares a “crisis” because half the doctors quit, and decides to not only force students into the medical field (if they want a college education) but demand taxpayers foot the bill? You know, “for the children.” My guess, not long.

Oh, and by the way: “You want to live and work in Texas?…..Sorry, they have enough doctors….we need you to move to Massachusetts, if you want a job.” Nothing against the Bay State, but…..

Isn’t communism fun!

ObamaCare is a complete and total disaster. As someone else pointed out recently, it will have the efficiency of the Post Office and the compassion of the IRS. The same IRS who just stormed a Sacramento, California car wash to collect 4 cents in back taxes!

We’ve been saying it for a solid year, and will continue to say it. The progressive/communist’s goal in passing this monstrosity is not to provide quality health care for all. Their goal, Obama’s goal, is to gain complete and total control of society through a centralized command and control style of government. This is exactly opposite of the Representative Republic our founders gave us, as outlined by our Constitution.

Progressive/communists, such as those in power in Washington, are psychopaths. They honestly and sincerely believe they are superior to “the little people.” This bunch believes that only they have the “enlightened sophistication” to make decisions that effect all of our lives. In other words, they think we are too stupid to think for ourselves, and need their “masterful guidance” in order to survive. They want to control our lives at every level. What we eat, what we drink, what we drive, how we dress, and on, and on. Once started, it will never, ever stop.

Seems like America did quite well without this bunch. American became the envy of the world without them. In fact, many of America’s greatest problems coincide with the start of the progressive/communist movement. Imagine that.

Americans, by nature, love freedom. Our nation was founded on freedom and liberty. The very thought of being shackled by an oppressive, tyrannical government, such as the one Obama and his Congress is offering, no matter how “well intentioned,” is hateful.

We simply cannot allow the federal government to continue to usurp the Constitution and our individual rights. The time for talk is long gone. It’s time to act, and act now. It’s time to kill this illegal legislation, and start cleaning house.

We need to cleanse this nation of the progressive/communist movement that threatens our very way of life. We need to vote these people out of power in every election, be it national, statewide, or local. We must take our nation back one precinct at a time, and restore the God given liberty and freedom guaranteed to us in the Constitution.

For more on this latest physician survey, check out CNS News here.

Also, Tammy Bruce has an interesting story from the UK about their “wonderful” health care, and broom closets. Read it here.

UPDATE: Please be aware the New England Journal of Medicine has altered their website, scrubbing the original article, since this the results of this survey was first published. Evidently, the results weren’t to someone’s liking.

Thanks go to an alert reader, and a doctor of 35 years, for pointing this out.


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Sarah Palin: Troubling Questions Remain About Obama’s Health Care Plan. We Give The Final Word (Hopefully) On “Death Panels”

The big discussion in health care, thanks to Sarah Palin, has been those metaphoric “death panels.”

Now, I have to laugh out loud because the NYC/D.C. Beltway “elites” with their Ivy League educations have failed again to grasp common sense!

Now whether this is by design, or stupidity, I’ll let others debate, but it is obvious that education was wasted on those in Washington and in the media.

By now you have heard that key Senators in the Senate Finance Committee are saying they will take out certain “end of life” provisions of Obama’s disastrous health care fiasco.

“See, those death panels we swore were never there, now they’re gone!”

Now, these people actually think they’ve done something!

All better now.

Again, I don’t know if politicians and media are just inherently stupid, or are just playing it on TV.

The end of life “counseling” was troubling, for sure, and we have found cases in Oregon where cancer patients were offered suicide drugs, but not cancer treatments. Oregon has statewide socialist medicine as well as assisted suicide laws. It seems that many progressives are members of the Hemlock Society.

Folks, let me be clear. “Death panels” is a metaphor.

For you educated Ivy League “elites”, media and politicians alike see below:

From Merriam-Webster Online:

* Main Entry: met·a·phor

* Pronunciation: \?me-t?-?fo?r also -f?r\

* Function: noun

* Etymology: Middle English methaphor, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French metaphore, from Latin metaphora, from Greek, from metapherein to transfer, from meta- + pherein to bear — more at bear

* Date: 15th century

1 : a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money); broadly : figurative language — compare simile

2 : an object, activity, or idea treated as a metaphor : symbol 2

— met·a·phor·ic \?me-t?-?fo?r-ik, -?fär-\ or met·a·phor·i·cal \-i-k?l\ adjective

— met·a·phor·i·cal·ly \-i-k(?-)le-\ adverb

You see, those “death panels” are not the end of life counseling, or anything associated with them.

As Sarah Palin, and many others have been pointing out for weeks now, the condition in every single nation that has socialized medicine is rationing. It’s inevitable!

Now we all know the 45 million or so uninsured number, that the democrats throw around at will, is complete bull. It’s likely less than half that number. Take out the illegal aliens, and those who are only temporarily uninsured due to a job change, and it’s even smaller still.

But let’s use their number (or even half of it)

How in the world are you going to add another 20-45 million people into a health care system without adding a substantial amount of new doctors, nurses, and other workers? How can you add 20-45 million people to the health care system without building new hospitals?

And of course, how can you add 20-45 million people to the health care system without spending a whole lot more money?

The answer is: You can’t!

Obama claims you can and that he will. But that’s a provable lie.

With the government takeover of health care, they will have set budgets. It will end up being first come first served.

Years ago, in Waco, Texas, East Waco, to be exact, there was a great barbecue joint. It was in the rough part of town, but all of the big shots loved to eat there. There was always a line out the door and into the street, at lunch time. And it was only open for lunch.

The place had been there since 1947 and the owner/cook/server/cashier was a real character. You went in, placed an order, which oddly enough, was called “an order.” “An order” consisted of roughly ½ pound of beef, however much bread he grabbed, and a coke! This was served on butcher paper, with no silverware, no napkins, no nothin’! He just served it up, and his helper, would take it, and you, to a long table where everyone sat. Pickles and onions could be had if you asked and if he thought you needed ‘em!

I’m not kidding!

It was heaven if you like good barbecue. Oh, and it came with a little bowl of drippins to dunk the meat in, and there was some serious hot sauce on the table.

Here’s the thing though. The old boy knew how much he wanted to sell every day, and how hard he wanted to work. He always made that much, and no more. You needed to want an early lunch if you were going there. Get there late and you might not get fed!

In fact, it wasn’t uncommon to be out in the street, or just inside the door, and hear him yell at his helper:

“Might as well tell them folks to go on over to the Chicken Shack and get a table, I’ll be over there myself pretty quick!”

That was his way of saying he was about done. Of course, few left, hoping his was playin’ around! But he always had more customers than food.

Why did I just tell you that story?

Well, if we allow Obama and the democrats to take over and destroy health care, we will always have more sick patients than doctors, nurses, hospitals, and money. Always.

So, at some point, folks will sit down and start looking for ways to save money, and cut the back load of patients. They will do this by cutting back on services and denying services to those they determine “not worth the effort.”

And there is your “death panel.”

Will they call it that?

Uhhh, nope.

They will be called “advisory boards” and have names like: “Standards and practices” or “patient care panels” or whatever Orwellian name they can come up with.

Sarah Palin has been hitting Obama really hard on this stuff, and has released another statement on why Obamacare is a disaster waiting to happen. Palin has something that is illegal, evidently, in Washington D.C. or New York City, and that is common sense.

Common sense dictates that the snake oil Obama is trying to sell isn’t going to work. And as we told you earlier this week, Sarah has had her own experience with the federal government and health care. When Sarah Palin assumed the Governor’s office Medicaid was an incredible mess in Alaska. Seniors faced long waits and iffy care. She worked to get emergency funding, and then cleaned up the system. The result was in two short years, she reduced the backlog for Medicaid patients by a whopping 83 %!

Look, it’s just this simple: Who do you trust?

Do you trust a rookie President who has never led anything in his life. A back bench state Senator of no importance, who after only serving 140 some odd days, abandoned his U.S. Senate job to run for President? A man who has never run a city, never run a state, never run a lemonade stand? A man who has never held a private sector job, never made a payroll, never had to worry about a budget, or turning a profit?

Or, do you listen to a proven leader. A woman who HAS run a city, HAS run a state, and HAS OWNED a successful small business for 20 years?

Look, congresscritters sit around and debate stuff. By nature, there are few if any leaders. It’s not much more than a big debate society that can write bad legislation on a regular basis.

As Governor of a state, Sarah Palin’s job mirrored that of the President’s. There is a reason why, in the United States, we generally elect Governors to be President, not Senators or congressmen. Being Governor is to lead. Being Governor is to actually have to accomplish something, rather than give it lip service. The buck stops at your desk.

Sarah Palin has already proven that she understands the health care issue better than most. She’s already had to clean up a big mess caused by a federal health care program that wasn’t working at all. When Sarah Palin warns of the looming disaster America faces if Obama and the democrats get their way, she speaks from first hand experience, not some theoretical mind exercise.

She’s actually been there, done that, and got the t-shirt from it!

With that said, Sarah has released some more concerns. Some food for thought, as it were , about the continuing problems with the Obamacare nightmare.

It’s time for us to defeat this mess, neuter Obama, and get ready to take back Congress in a big way. It’s time to run the democrats out of town for good, and get America back to what made it work, using strong conservative principles and ideas.

Before you read Sarah’s statement, Ronald Reagan, way back in 1961, was part of the famous “Coffee Cup Campaign” to stop socialized medicine. It was a bad idea then, it’s a worse idea now!

Please take time to listen to his short message here.

From Sarah’s Facebook page:

Troubling Questions Remain About Obama’s Health Care Plan

I join millions of Americans in expressing appreciation for the Senate Finance Committee’s decision to remove the provision in the pending health care bill that authorizes end-of-life consultations (Section 1233 of HR 3200). It’s gratifying that the voice of the people is getting through to Congress; however, that provision was not the only disturbing detail in this legislation; it was just one of the more obvious ones.

As I noted in my statement last week, nationalized health care inevitably leads to rationing. There is simply no way to cover everyone and hold down the costs at the same time. The rationing system proposed by one of President Obama’s key health care advisors is particularly disturbing. I’m speaking of the “Complete Lives System” advocated by Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of the president’s chief of staff. President Obama has not yet stated any opposition to the “Complete Lives System,” a system which, if enacted, would refuse to allocate medical resources to the elderly, the infirm, and the disabled who have less economic potential. [1] Why the silence from the president on this aspect of his nationalization of health care? Does he agree with the “Complete Lives System”? If not, then why is Dr. Emanuel his policy advisor? What is he advising the president on? I just learned that Dr. Emanuel is now distancing himself from his own work and claiming that his “thinking has evolved” on the question of rationing care to benefit the strong and deny the weak. [2] How convenient that he disavowed his own work only after the nature of his scholarship was revealed to the public at large.

The president is busy assuring us that we can keep our private insurance plans, but common sense (and basic economics) tells us otherwise. The public option in the Democratic health care plan will crowd out private insurers, and that’s what it’s intended to do. A single payer health care plan has been President Obama’s agenda all along, though he is now claiming otherwise. Don’t take my word for it. Here’s what he said back in 2003:

“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care plan…. A single payer health care plan – universal health care plan – that’s what I would like to see.” [3]

A single-payer health care plan might be what Obama would like to see, but is it what the rest of us would like to see? What does a single payer health care plan look like? We need look no further than other countries who have adopted such a plan. The picture isn’t pretty. [4] The only way they can control costs is to ration care. As I noted in my earlier statement quoting Thomas Sowell, government run health care won’t reduce the price of medical care; it will simply refuse to pay the price. The expensive innovative procedures that people from all over the world come to the United States for will not be available under a government plan that seeks to cover everyone by capping costs.

Our senior citizens are right to be wary of this health care bill. Medical care at the end of life accounts for 80 percent of all health care. When care is rationed, that is naturally where the cuts will be felt first. The “end-of-life” consultations authorized in Section 1233 of HR 3200 were an obvious and heavy handed attempt at pressuring people to reduce the financial burden on the system by minimizing their own care. Worst still, it actually provided a financial incentive to doctors to initiate these consultations. People are right to point out that such a provision doesn’t sound “purely voluntary.”

In an article I noted yesterday, Charles Lane wrote:

“Ideally, the delicate decisions about how to manage life’s end would be made in a setting that is neutral in both appearance and fact. Yes, it’s good to have a doctor’s perspective. But Section 1233 goes beyond facilitating doctor input to preferring it. Indeed, the measure would have an interested party — the government — recruit doctors to sell the elderly on living wills, hospice care and their associated providers, professions and organizations. You don’t have to be a right-wing wacko to question that approach.” [5]

I agree. Last year, I issued a proclamation for “Healthcare Decisions Day.” [6] The proclamation sought to increase the public’s knowledge about creating living wills and establishing powers of attorney. There was no incentive to choose one option over another. There was certainly no financial incentive for physicians to push anything. In fact, the proclamation explicitly called on medical professionals and lawyers “to volunteer their time and efforts” to provide information to the public.

Comparing the “Healthcare Decisions Day” proclamation to Section 1233 of HR 3200 is ridiculous. The two are like apples and oranges. The attempt to link the two shows how desperate the proponents of nationalized health care are to shift the debate away from the disturbing details of their bill.

There is one aspect of this bill which I have not addressed yet, but it’s a very obvious one. It’s the simple fact that we can’t afford it. But don’t take my word for it. Take the word of Doug Elmendorf, the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. He told the Senate Budget Committee last month:

“In the legislation that has been reported we do not see the sort of fundamental changes that would be necessary to reduce the trajectory of federal health spending by a significant amount. And on the contrary, the legislation significantly expands the federal responsibility for health care costs.” [7]

Dr. Elmendorf went on to note that this health care legislation would increase spending at an unsustainable rate.

Our nation is already $11.5 trillion in debt. Where will the money come from? Taxes, of course. And will a burdensome new tax help our economy recover? Of course not. The best way to encourage more health care coverage is to foster a strong economy where people can afford to purchase their own coverage if they choose to do so. The current administration’s economic policies have done nothing to help in this regard.

Health care is without a doubt a complex and contentious issue, but health care reform should be a market oriented solution. There are many ways we can reform the system and lower costs without nationalizing it.

The economist Arthur Laffer has taken the lead in pushing for a patient-center health care reform policy. He noted in a Wall Street Journal article earlier this month:

“A patient-centered health-care reform begins with individual ownership of insurance policies and leverages Health Savings Accounts, a low-premium, high-deductible alternative to traditional insurance that includes a tax-advantaged savings account. It allows people to purchase insurance policies across state lines and reduces the number of mandated benefits insurers are required to cover. It reallocates the majority of Medicaid spending into a simple voucher for low-income individuals to purchase their own insurance. And it reduces the cost of medical procedures by reforming tort liability laws.” [8]

Those are real reforms that we can live with and afford. Once again, I warn my fellow Americans that if we go down the path of nationalized health care, there will be no turning back. We must stop and think or we may find ourselves losing even more of our freedoms.

– Sarah Palin

[1] See http://www.scribd.com/doc/18280675/Principles-for-Allocation-of-Scarce-Medical-Interventions

[2] See http://washingtontimes.com/news/2009/aug/14/white-house-adviser-backs-off-rationing/

[3]See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hsqzSKuC44

[4] See http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=N2M0ODk0OTNkZjkwNGM4OGMyYTEwYWY3ODUzMzFiOTc=

[5] See http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/08/07/AR2009080703043.html

[6] See http://www.gov.state.ak.us/archive.php?id=1094&type=6

[7] See http://blogs.abcnews.com/thenote/2009/07/cbo-sees-no-federal-cost-savings-in-dem-health-plans.html

[8] See http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204619004574324361508092006.html


Filed under In The News, Politics