Say It Ain’t So Joe! Sarah Palin’s Deranged Stalker’s Publisher? Nazis, The Real Kind!

By Gary P Jackson

This is magically delicious. On the hoisted-by-one’s-own-petard-o-meter, this is pretty much off the charts. You remember when Sarah’s mentally unstable stalker, Joe McGinniss, called Sarah, and by extension, all red blooded Americans, Nazis? If not, let’s refresh our memories here.

My guess is demented stalker guy’s publisher is not going be too thrilled with this. You see, Stalker Joe’s publisher, Bertelsmann/Random House, has a bit of history in this area. This link was found sitting in an old Hellman’s mayonnaise on my back porch, from the BBC:

Bertelsmann admits Nazi past

German media giant Bertelsmann has admitted it lied about its Nazi past and that it made big profits during Adolf Hitler’s reign in Germany using Jewish slave labour.

A commission set up by the firm found Bertelsmann rode the rise of the Nazi party to restructure itself from a religious and school book publisher to supply millions of anti-Semitic texts.

Bertelsmann published a variety of papers and books that clearly had anti-Jewish bias,” Independent Historical Commission (IHC) Chairman Saul Friedlaender, an Israeli historian, told a news conference.

The IHC found Bertelsmann had targeted the youth market with its “Exciting Stories” series and the “The Christmas Book of the Hitler Youth” annual which pushed its sales up 20 fold.

The IHC said the company’s “legend” that it was a victim of the Nazis was a lie.

Faking it

The Nazis shut down the company in 1944, but probably because of war shortages rather and not because of subversive texts, it said.

In 1945, the legend that C. Bertelsmann was closed down because of resistance to the Nazis smoothed the way for the occupation authorities promptly granting the firm a new licence to publish,” the report said.

The Commission found that Bertelsmann made “indirect” use of Jewish slave labour in Latvia, and Lithuania but not at its German headquarters.

The then head of the company, Heinrich Mohn, also made donations to the SS, Hitler’s special forces and concentration camp guards.

True, he never joined the Nazi party, but his membership in the SS patrons’ group signalled his readiness for a political arrangement,” the report said.

The company had close ties to the Nazi regime, particularly the Propaganda Ministry, and printed 19 million books during World War II, making it the largest publisher for the German army.

The company immediately issued a statement apologising for its wartime activities and false corporate history.

The values of Bertelsmann then are irreconcilable with the company today. The company is now a global player in the media industry,” Tim Arnold, the corporate secretary of Bertelsmann told the BBC’s Today programme.


Bertelsmann chairman Gunther Thielen said the company accepted the commission’s findings.

I would like to express our sincere regret for the inaccuracies the Commission has uncovered in our previous corporate history of the World War Two era as well as for the wartime activities that have been brought to light,” he said in a statement.

Mr Thielen said all the material used for the 800-page report would be made publicly available.

 used its “revised” history when it took over the biggest US book publisher Random house in 1998.

The commission of four historians was set up in the fallout of the takeover after media reports on Bertelsmann’s Nazi past.

About 6,000 German companies are contributing to a 5.1bn euro ($5bn) settlement with hundreds of thousands of Nazis slave labourers.

Other companies, such as Deutsche Bank and Dresdner Bank have also set up commissions into history during the Third Reich.

Not only was Stalker Joe’s publisher a shill for the Nazis, printing up Nazi propaganda, they also profited using Jewish slave labor, and contributed greatly towards the hatred of the Jewish people.

BTW, Barack Obama, author and well known anti-Semite, whose first book was written with the help of terrorist Bill Ayers (allegedly) and second book was based on a sermon by another well known Jew hater, Jeremiah Wright, is also part of the Random House stable of authors as they published both books. Seems like Bertelsmann hasn’t really changed much.  

Now who today most resembles the Nazis again?

Let’s see, the Nazis existed on division and hate. Who’s doing that now?

The Nazis used union thugs to perform beat downs and otherwise intimidate citizens. Tell me again who SEIU supports and who it performs beat downs for.

The Nazis showed over the top hatred for anybody and any thing that didn’t conform to their Marxist ideology. (Note to trolls …. spare me, Marxism and socialism is the same thing)

This reminds me, remember the death threats against Sarah from Marxist-democrats we discussed before? Karen Allen has a lot more, most of which are completely unprintable in some of the publications our blog appears, you can read them here. Warning, pure stomach churning hatred, from the left.

Oh, and let’s not forget the really disgusting thing the Marxist-democrats in this country, including Barack Obama, have the most in common with the Nazis. Their hatred of the Jews. Go to any left wing site, and if they are talking about the Jewish people, and Israel, it’s every bit as vile as anything you would have read in Nazi Germany. Some of this stuff would have made Hitler blush.

As expected, Obama has sided with radical Islam, and the terrorists in the latest dust up in the Gaza. Of course, since his best buddy, and domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers, and his 2008 campaign’s biggest money bundler, Jodie Evans are top instigators in this deal, along with Ayers’ cop killing wife, I guess one can figure it was never gonna be any other way.

There is most certainly a group in this country that resembles Nazis, but it isn’t Sarah Palin, and it isn’t Sarah Palin’s supporters.

As for McGinniss …. Can I call ya “Nazi Joe” ?


Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

3 responses to “Say It Ain’t So Joe! Sarah Palin’s Deranged Stalker’s Publisher? Nazis, The Real Kind!

  1. Stacy Drake

    Oooooooooh, isn’t that interesting.

  2. Oh dear. I didn’t know that. And to think, I used to be a fan of Randon House. I guess you never know! Good piece, Gary.

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