Sarah Palin Reduced Medicaid Backlog 83% In Two Years. Saved Senior Citizens From The Horrors Of Government Run Health Care

Fresh off of taking the health care debate to a whole new level, and exposing the immorality of it all, Sarah Palin has released some very interesting statistics that prove her bonafides on health care issues.

Released through her Facebook page, Palin lays out how she fought the Alaska Legislature to make sure senior citizens didn’t have to wait for quality health care.

Now obviously this shows that Sarah is someone who gets things done. Someone who actually serves the people. But more importantly, this proves what Sarah and all of those who oppose Obama’s attempt to forcibly destroy the best health care in the world have been saying.

What could be a better predictor of how things would end up with the government running health care?

Yes, there will be health care rationing, that’s what was going on in Alaska until Sarah stepped in. Unfortunately, under Obamacare, there will be no one to intervene on behalf of America’s senior citizens.

You know, this sort of thing is exactly what Sarah was talking about when she used the words “death panels.”

Now of course, the media, the democrat/communists and our RINO friends all blew a gasket over that comment and ran around trying to deal with it. Even Obama was compelled to clumsily try and refute it in his Portsmouth, NH faux townhall event.

These Ivy League brainiacs couldn’t understand what all of us uneducated rubes know instinctively. Now will there LITERALLY be “death panels,” a group of people that an individual will have to stand before and be judged?

Of course not.

These government types aren’t brave enough to face people in person. But there will be a group of “medical advisors” who will make up a board that determines who is eligible, as a group, for certain health care procedures. This group will look at cold hard data, not warm human beings as they decide.

The other problem is money. America is already broke. We owe more money now than we can ever pay back. As this actually starts effecting the government’s ability to function, there will be rationing and long waits for service. It’s inevitable.

Every nation that has socialized medicine rations care. People die quite often waiting for doctors to treat major illnesses. There are plenty of stories of people in nations with socialized care who die of cancer that could have been successfully treated had they gotten early care and diagnosis.

All of these things, and more are what Sarah was talking about when she spoke of the metaphoric “death panels.” These panels are the ones who set up the standards and practices as well as the bean counters who have to stick to a budget.

But enough of that, let’s look at the release from Sarah Palin”s office:

“Contrary to some assertions, Sarah Palin has a strong record supporting Alaskan seniors. For example, Governor Palin successfully obtained approval for a five year extension of a state program that provided monthly cash payments to low-income seniors.

On May 23, 2007, using a rarely invoked emergency regulation, Governor Palin ordered assistance benefits to continue for Alaska’s neediest seniors after the Alaska legislature failed to fund the SeniorCare Program. After her action, the legislature responded, and on July 28, 2007, Governor Palin signed Senate Bill 4 to continue support for low-income Alaskan seniors by adopting the Senior Benefits Program. “This program continues important assistance to Alaska seniors,” Governor Palin said. “I promised that seniors would not go hungry, and we worked with the Alaska Legislature to address this critical need.” It was estimated that 10,700 Alaskan seniors would be able to benefit under the program.

Also under Governor Palin’s tenure, on December 19, 2008, the state stepped in and took over the Mary Conrad Center, an Anchorage nursing home, when the state determined that there was “‘immediate danger to the health, safety or welfare’ of its residents.”

So, with this clear record of support and care for Alaska’s seniors by Governor Palin, what is the current criticism about? According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, prior to Governor Palin’s election in November 2006, in April of 2006, in an effort to control rapidly increasing costs for home health care providers, known as the PCA program, Governor Frank Murkowski’s administration implemented a screening process for Alaska Medicaid eligible persons by using a Level of Care assessment (LOC). The LOC assessment was designed for persons who would otherwise require hospitalization or nursing home care and was intended to help weed out fraud and abuse.

By definition, many of these people were ill, elderly or disabled and thus in need of personal care attendants to assist them. Only registered nurse assessors were allowed to evaluate consumers to determine if they qualified for PCA care. The job of assessing consumers was contracted out, but the State of Alaska DHHS determined that the hired contractor had too much backlog. Notably, under federal Medicaid strictures, the State could not get another private business to bid on the contract. So the State was forced to take over the job in November 2007. However, the State DHHS was unable to eliminate the backlog using its own staff, and the backlog then grew. The Federal DHHS temporarily suspended new admissions to the PCA program pending audit compliance to handle the backlog of existing cases and come up with a plan to speed the assessment process. The suspension has been lifted as of August 12.

Further, Gov. Palin’s FY 2009 budget clearly showed her analysis of the issue as of December 2007, and described both the problem and the solution long before the federal government got involved. The backlog issue was discussed and a plan proposed for improvement.

The graph below shows that under Gov. Palin (2007 and 2008) the backlog problem was dramatically reduced, from 30.9% in 2005 to 4.5% in 2008. Looking at these data, one can conclude that Gov. Palin substantially reduced the outstanding percentage of Medicaid assessments by 83%.

% Not Reviewed

FY 2008 4.5%

FY 2007 4.5%

FY 2006 23.18%

FY 2005 30.9%

What is the lesson in all of this? Even with good intentions, the government generally cannot provide better health care services than the private sector. Beware of complex federal laws purporting to offer government health care. For those who want nationalized medicine, take heed of this lesson.”

More information can be found here.

Time and time again Sarah Palin proves that she has the leadership qualities America is looking for. While the NYC/D.C. Beltway “educated elites” are stuck in a quagmire of mediocrity and confusion, Sarah has already been there, done that, and got the t-shirt from it!

Sarah’s experience with government run health care, and it’s dangerous and disastrous effects on human beings, should serve as a major warning to all. You do not want the government to have anything to do with how you basic needs to quality health care are met. Might as well commit suicide and get it over with.

It still amazes me how the Republican party is tackling this issue. Now granted, there are some sharp folks working behind the scenes crafting real reform, but they aren’t getting themselves heard. For the most part though the message from the Republicans to the democrat/communists is a hearty “slow down.”

Sarah Palin’s message to the democrat/communists is “Not no, but HELL no!”


Filed under In The News, Politics

105 responses to “Sarah Palin Reduced Medicaid Backlog 83% In Two Years. Saved Senior Citizens From The Horrors Of Government Run Health Care

  1. raymond tom

    with record like that and many excellent jobs she did as gov. of Alaska, we, should elect her in 2012 to be the pres. of the U.S.A.

  2. Pingback: Like Shootin’ Moose In A Barrel, Sarah Palin Slaps Barack Obama Down Again Over Death Panels « A Time For Choosing

  3. Chatty Kathy

    Reality check: the same conservatives that derisively call liberals tree huggers and environmental nut jobs and PETA protectors are also supposed to be in favor of death panels? Some people are just too gullible.

    If they would only do a little fact checking they’d find out that the provision for advanced directives was championed by a REPUBLICAN, Johnny Isakson of Georgia.

    • Gary P

      Sorry Kathy, but Georgia Senator Johnny Isakson, the Republican you reference VEHEMENTLY denies having anything to do with Obamacare, or any language within it.

      He opposes Obamacare.

      This was just another lie Obama has told you liberals. Like AARP was endorsing this fiasco. They aren’t.

      Obama is a pathological liar. He’ll lie when the truth would work better.

      Sorry Kathy, you lose, but thanks for playing!

  4. Lloyd

    OK, so I am NO Paline fan. However, when will the arguments made in this article be made? WE ALL KNOW there will be no specific panel called a ‘death panel’ in the legislation, but the Obama crew will have to get it in as a deficit reduction measure and no more new hips for anyone over 40! J/K- that will be te least of their worries!

    • Mark V. Basile
      Harvard cut it short. Andersonville is underneath after spectacular 15 person elite at Jamacians last night, CASA 49 between Western and the EL/Yellow. See what ys think Witch’s Cauldron for the Brewing of Democracy: The LOCALITIES various. p. 109. VIOLETTA: ‘Well maybe I can scratch out some notes for Banny on the Hemingway era. Or critical realism … [reference also Bret Harte and a supposed suicide with discussion of “real” social and intellectual conditions] … ‘genteel’ or status quo conventions [might tend to obscure the new realities and eruption of] the pre-mammoth Industrial State; a reality watched over and owned by an extra-constitutional semi-autocracy composed of the new elite (or upper class) according to Henry Adams. … Ethnical Christian alternatives to the [new] American landscape occasionally shown through. P.100. Occasional critical giants like Hawthorne, Melville perhaps Poe might be swept under culture’s carpet [a la pre-Hollywood, as with the mass tokenism of a Spielberg, or the Mind-Boggling Founder’s “Slur:’ The Godfather], but by the turn of the twentieth century, according to Henry May, although “the massive walls of nineteenth-century America (were) still apparently intact (p. 122, designated for “collections various,” Skokie Public Public Library) … many different kinds of peoples (were) laying dynamite in the cracks.” (See Maine South Honors, came right to the man to show his stuff – pitchin’ and catchin, The Maines, 1-1, Man to Man, From Boys to Men, Top 5 High School System in the State of Illinois at Advanced Placement – On Native Grounds, Alfred Kazin, Notre Dame, Notre Dame/South Bend of Hoosier renown – of interest, Condi of Alabam., all “A”’s, Masters Program – be it as it will, there ‘deferring’ in “achievement.”) … That crazy Banny got me thinking about billionaires and their ‘instruments’ of extra-governmental “social control.” Aka, social thought? At any rate … [As iterated in last night’s BLOG, the following is largely a side-track or mis-constuct: TO SERIOUS STUDENTS] … many writers looked to the bawdy, borderline explicitness in sexual matters and the lack of courtesy as avenues of expression, displaced animus or – simple monetary reward .. (p.122, “Steve,” had no gaps in comprehension nor anything less than an even smile on Friday as we commented on the ‘evisceration of honor – as per Hemingway.) [Midwest Plain-Talking addressing “the effete,” with their Left Coast barnacles.] (cont’d) … ‘William James asseverated in Pragmatism that “philosophy is our … more or less dumb (!) sense of what life ‘honestly means … our “individual” way of just seeing and feeling the total pressure and push of the cosmos.” [And say, mf “eggheads !!”] Far cry from academic idealism. Within one’s own lifetime, significant societal change had filtered down to affect and often set into a state of confusion the individual’s life. [NO MORE, “Reform” in disinformation, Dodd/Pelosi/Barry of Occidental – Court’s coming back on Businessman Willam Daley of Chicago, now – April 20, 2010, copyrighted at 68 “hits,” Wall Street Overhaul, NLU-MOSAIC, in committee, a University Honors publications – and, with Career Officer M. Kirk, on the DC invite to “inauguration” who stood “unflinching” atop: ONE PARTY STATE, 2010.] Labor Day, 2010: ONE PARTY STATE (Chicago Tribune, Navy Federal Credit Union and trades CUNA and NAFCU “HOLD.”) By: Mark V Basile 04/20/10 10:00 PM 68 hits — “If you take away our freedoms, we will fight back.” Sitting. Midwest Chair, Farming out of Carver County/ 2006,et., 2/19/10, CBSNEWSPolitics, CPAC. Lt. Governor Carol Molnau, Home Page, Carol. Populist farmer, “All-American,”, Chicago Metro. –Jon Voight: “[Obama] trying to depose God and deify himself.” [Knows how to] “play it” USA TODAY, June 23, 2010. — John Roberts, Chief Justice: expresses grave concern. “I think the process has broken down.” CNN, 3/10/10. (possible disguised attempt to disestablish the Courts) — Chuck Norris, with Washington Post and MSNBC: ‘stop the “hit lists,”’ ‘no EXTRA-JUDICIAL KILLINGS,’ (outlawed by and since President Gerald Ford, with his soft-spoken Midwest humanity). — Mitch McConnell: We can’t “codify the circumstances” which led to the last financial crisis. CNN, 4/16/10. Democratic Consensus: silent, fawning. — START: Global Prison (re-)guaranteed. ARIZONA TAKES THE LEAD ON NATIONAL SECURITY, 10 Points, Home Page. John McCain. Senators McCain and Kyl. Newt joins Kyl in statistics gathering for Border Security. Human Events generally, Wrong message being sent in Afghanistan as regards War on Terror. McCain. 9/4/10. Major Morning News, Sunday. Untested ‘ally.’ Dmitri Medvedev: “Justice over Lawlessness.” 5/9/10. Red Square, Troops. Putin’s pupil. — TO THE PRESIDENT, Open Letter: “You have brought to Arizona a civil war, once again defending criminals and illegals, creating a ‘meltdown’ for good law-abiding citizens.” June 22, Jon Voight. Washington Time/Associated Press picture: John Voight. — “[John McCain] greeted two dozen people at the local Chamber of Commerce … (popped into) a fire station …(first liners responsibilities domestic in National/Homeland pursuant to Ridge/Bush/Chertoff) … and thanked a “boisterous crowd” of at least 100 volunteers (101).” June 5, 2010. E-mail to me from Mark Buse, McCain Chair, “Victory,” et. 8/24/10 — ‘Auschwitz at Ground Zero’ Scocca, 8/14/10 posted off CNN 9/4/10. “[It’s] not about preserving the purity of sacred ground. It is about driving the Muslims away.” FIN. Voight: from (in)famous letter to Obama: “Your destruction of this country may never be remedied, and we may never recover …” Lifeline from USA Today posting, June 23. Picture: Frederick M. Brown, Ghetty Images for AFI. Angelina may support Dad. ‘Obama a Bolshevik.’ June 26, The National Ledger. Good Will Ambassador for UNHCR. — Obama “slams GOP” for own Stimulus Bill which didn’t work. Unemployment at 9.6%.Department of Labor, CNN Wire Staff, 9/3/10. ¼ million lost jobs I last 3 months. Chris Wallace, 9/4. McCain re-iterates, purpose/promise of Stimulus Bill to hold unemployment under 8%. — CPA’s facing uncertainty in advising clients, large and small. Senator McCain, FOX Major Sunday Morning. 9/4/10. — Facial acceptance Universal Declaration of Human Rights to mask GLOBAL PRISON. From, 9/4/10. Cherry-picking UDHR for specific policy assaults. Bhatnagar and Meetz interpreted. CNN. — xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Public Official nominee(s) being shoved into jobs after specifically being rejected via Advise and Consent by the United Senate through ‘recess nominations.’ Reconciliation/nuclear option in to maintain questionable steamroller legislating in avoidance of reasonable checks and balances after Democracy appeared to step in and just plain stop it through the election of Senator Scott Brown out of Mass. Inasmuch as John McCain had addressed the same Democratic outcry on nuclear option with the formation of a significant bi-partisan middle group, out of the structure of the Senate erupts an Extra-Constitutional actor – this nobody nohow Parlaimentarian to interpret away checks and balances as per filibuster and simply force the redirection to the House for a vote, where s/he knew s/he had the Obama/Pelosi votes to pass Healthcare, which indeed left 15-20 million out in the cold. Congressional Budget Office/ New York Times (3/18/10)/CNN (3/17/10). FEDERAL REGULATORY OVERHAUL; Step one, Olympia Snow it. OK, this is still the Constitution. Steamroller, albeit, but not technically extra-Constitutional. 4/16/10, CNN. Still, “checks and balances” is a core “understanding.” Cloud on the horizon:’policy of overriding importance than articulated principle of bipartisanship.’ Obama. But what about the leadoff? A “broadside” leveled against the United Stated Chamber of Commerce by the US Treasury Secretary. 3/24/10, Wall Street Journal. The Chamber of Commerce ‘pigeon-holed’ as a “special interest?!?” Chamber of Commerce “officials sat aghast.” It’s Chief Executive responded with enormous reserve, it was a bit of a “political speech.” He noted, ‘we were called no kind of “special interest” when we backed the Stimulus Bill or the efforts concerning General Motors’ (addressed in specifics elsewhere, where Obama sent a prostrate Motor City back as a Big 2 with foreign ownership now fully imposed upon one of the Big 3 by Obama fiat.) Others were a bit more assertive, though still enormously moderate in approach: “The Constitution is very clear on our right to raise issues.” Wall Street Journal, “Federal Regulatory Overhaul.” Is there a question: if overweening authority ‘calls you’ a special interest, are you to simply lie down and give up your right to “speech?” Howard Zinn, rip, says “protest” and “resist” are actual rights. Albeit Left of Center by all standards, I’m sure that’s what the Brits though of us around Valley Forge. (See for full review on Zinn, caveat, mild mannered but with a lot of punch). (The situation now appears to stand at hands-up, hands-down/nuclear option, Senate being eviscerated. 9/10) Spin/Pigeon-holeing. From the United States’Chamber of Commerce as a “special interest” to a social conservative, coming out of a 53% Independent body politique base as a Rightist, that’s Sarah. Skeletal Teddy Roosevelt and the Progressive Party (Bull Moose) now established out of Liberal lambast (witness Gallup, 12/09, one of 2 most admired women in the world). Sarah with doubly unstated family profile of Christian charity and ideological left centrism, a fully accepted and welcomed into the nuclear family single mother who is still only 19, and a two or three year old son with Down who she has vigorously spoken out in advocacy and for those with mental health backgrounds on at least 3 high profile occasions, boldly taking on Rush for aping Emmanuel’s use of something like “retards.” I still stand by the firm contention that in NO WAY is pro-life Rightist, Amnesty International virtually held a gun to my head if I accepted a capital punishment case over a 5 year period and didn’t argue against it. Nobel Peace Prize. “Right-to-Life” clause of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN, 1948. So I simply said, the one Nobel nomination for our ex-Governor who emptied death row was “good.” I hope Big Jim of juris 16 years gets him that $60,000/year pension after he finishes his time, FOR NOTHING HE DID AS GOVERNOR. Our head of state won’t even go to a Warsaw Pact (former’s) funeral for a tragic death in a plane crash. Like trains can’t travel under clouds of volcanic smoke. A man worth $15 Billion who started out with virtually nothing, takes the subway to work every day in downtown NYC. (Photograph Khue Bulfor/Newsweek, November 12, 2007). MAIN STREET BAILING OUT WALL STREET. TBC 1. 30% view the Federal Government as a major threat to their personal freedom up from 10% (in the teeth of the response to 9/11) in 2003. ABC News/Washington Post. 2. Pew Research Center: “the general public now wants government reformed and a growing number want its power curtailed” (including Barack Obama as regards the economy.) 4/19/10 (3. We can’t “codify” the circumstances that led to the last financial crisis. Mitch, 4/16/10, CNN) 4. Dodd, Dem. Connecticut, 3 decades on Banking Committee with lax government oversight and fat political contributors. Wall Street Journal, David Rogers, 4/20/10 5. The Dodd Bill allows for the special deals that Obama practiced when he “divied up the automakers’ assets.” National Review/Wall Street Journal, 4/20/10 6. 56% say government does not do enough to help AVERAGE Americans. Wall Street Journal/Andrew Kohut/President of PEW/Past President of GALLUP(/founder Princeton Survey Research Associates). 4/19/10 By Mark V. Basile, essayist and playwright. Wittenberg, Cal Berkeley, under contract, National-Louis, Chicago Metro core. “To disobey the Machine’s analyses is to follow a non-optimal path … Mankind has lost its own say in its future …” Asimov, classic, pps. 268-271, Bantam. Toronto, London, Sydney, Aukland,et, 1950-2004. See also MIT Home Page: Professor Isaac Asimov. Ref: 1984, Orwell. Governor Tim: ‘Take it easy. Read Isaac Asimov on Rome. It’s nifty and easy to read,’ see also Drs. Steve Masello and Paul Gross, your local University strongmen, on the ancient and classical world.’ For Labour. COMMENTS Clearly I think I’ve seen this before, so I also posted in Wilmette. Keyword: “Basile.” Response by Mark V Basile 04/20/10 10:02 PM POST YOUR COMMENTS REPORT INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT WOULD YOU LIKE TO POST A COMMENT? IF SO, PLEASE LOGIN OR IF YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER REGISTER HERE EMAIL PASSWORD Forgot your password? Encouraging comment on this “thesis.” MIT, article of 4/20 unmodified. See Lisle/DuPage. “Quite a personal history. Impressive.” Noam Chomsky. MIT. Early December, 2009. Dr. Chomsky is aware of the fact that I am an “Independent,” I regard him as a [“patriot” of the Left] or a high scholar of [reform in] the post New Deal tradition. The Common Good (1996-98) seems a nice example of compilation and contemplation for Dr. Chomsky, in which he champions the Middle Class through high scholarship and Aristotle, and gives a nod to FDR, though he says there is a ‘way to go.’ 4/18. Suburban Tribune on-line, Lisle site. Note also in the Common Good Dr. Chomsky’s discussion on the rarely mentioned terror war by multi-fated Indonesia of Mr. Barack’s formative years against East Timor. The End of the Cold War: 1989. Bush I/Mikhail Gorbachev. Chomsky joined on that to, in specified direct sections from 3/91. MIT: “fascinating,” (1992), “liked,” (1993) simple re-affirmation on direct document from 1991.(Credit where’s credit’s due: “The Revolution of 1989,” 1/29/90, MIT, Dr. Noam.) I had Accomodation in 1986 in my 1988/89 Library of Congress Registered “Ciao,Adorables.” (Articulating the “Romance,” as in the languages of the people upon the dissolution of the Roman Empire and universal high Latin.) Novella first version to Penguin, not accepted. 5/2. Over the last several days, all Republicans agreed to allow to issue to the floor for debate and decision. First move of real “bi-partisanship” made by the Republican Party. Chicago Now regional publication, along with the mass free press, Midwest, Redeye. April/May? Google Search:#2. #3 for an weekend, with Navy Federal(/7-11?), in accord and direct contradiction to Dodd/ New York Times prior to intrusion of Liberal Mass Whitewash on totally misinterpreted formulation of “reform.” Thesis stands on the merits: Main Street Bailing Out Wall Street. Ref: Federal Regulatory Overhaul. At third to fourth weekend, version of this in top 10 -15 on simple Google Search with Kai Wright and Robert Johnson in forum on Democracy Now! “Will Proposed Financial Regulatory Overhaul Actually Reform Wall Street?”; Navy Federal/US Post Today, May 21, “Trades Oppose.” And Bloomberg Business Week, Sat June 5, Jeffrey Lacker. 6/5/10. MVB. Tonight 9/4/10 the Chicago Tribune stands with its stringer again at #1 on Google Search for FEDERAL REGULATORY OVERHAUL. Contra-Obama/Dodd. (It was a bad law, and we informed them all the way through, wading through the Liberal Bombast; thanks to Google/Microsoft for apparent ‘even’ Web knowledge.) April IRISH BLOGS. 1 WEE ROCKETS by Gerard Brennan Click the image to visit the publisher’s website. WEE ROCKETS does for Belfast what Irvine Welsh did for Edinburgh. It’s a frank look at the drink and drug-addled youth ejected onto the streets of a socially deprived community as they smirk in the face of authority and play Russian Roulette with their adolescent lives. Praise for WEE ROCKETS: “The Wire? This is Barbed Wire. A cheeky slice of urban noir, a drink-soaked, drug-addled journey into the violent underbelly of one of Europe’s most notorious ghettos, WEE ROCKETS make The Outsiders look like the Teletubbies.” – Colin Bateman “Gerard Brennan stands apart from the Irish crime fiction crowd with a novel ?? rooted in the reality of today’s Belfast. The author’s prose speaks with a rare authenticity about the pain of growing up in a fractured society, shot through with a black humour that can only come from the streets. WEE ROCKETS is urban crime fiction for the 21st century, and Brennan is a unique voice among contemporary Irish writers.” – Stuart Neville “In WEE ROCKETS Gerard Brennan has written a fast paced, exciting story of West Belfast gang culture; brimming with violence, authentic street dialogue and surprising black/dark humour. This is a great debut novel. Brennan takes us into the heart of Belfast’s chav underclass, in a story that lies somewhere in the intersection between The Warriors, Colin Bateman and Guy Ritchie. This is the first in what undoubtedly will be a stellar literary career.” – Adrian McKinty THE POINT by Gerard Brennan 1. Andersonville Irish — Blogs, Pictures, and more on … – – Cached On 19th and 20th September, 150 years ago, the Battle of Chickamauga was fought. The titanic clash resulted in a resounding Confederate victory, sending … 2. Andersonville Irish — Blogs, Pictures, and more on … – – Cached • Start a Blog • Sign In • Tags » Andersonville Irish » Page 2. Sorry, we don’t have any posts here with that tag. Older Posts • Newer Posts. 3. Strong Irish Presence Among Medal of Honor Recipients – Irish Central…/The-Irish-dominate-Medal-of-Honor-recipients-95099859.html – Cached – Similar May 28, 2010… Calvary were later captured and spent 23 months in different Southern prisons, including the Andersonville death-camp in Georgia. He was … 4. The Irish in the American Civil War , 150,000*************xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx****** in Union Army, 25,000 ……/the-irish-in-the-american-civil-war–150000-in-union-army-25000-in-confederate-119724549.html – Cached – Similar Apr 12, 2011 … Yank, I was just suggesting a great story about Fr. Peter Whelan who was called the “Angel of Andersonville.” He was the ONLY minister/pastor … 5. Bloody Sunday families slam $77,000 compensation offer from ……/Bloody-Sunday-families-slam-7700-compensation-offer-from-Britain-as-an-insult-191520221.html – Cached – Similar Feb 16, 2013 … While both sides incarcerated prisoners under horrible conditions, Andersonville deserves special mention for the inhumane circumstances … 6. Is this Ireland’s greatest gift to America on this Memorial Day 2013 ……/Is-this-Irelands-greatest-gift-to-America-on-this-Memorial-Day-2013-209045731.html – Cached – Similar May 27, 2013… Calvary were later captured and spent 23 months in different Southern prisons, including the Andersonville death-camp in Georgia. He was … 7. Irish documentary capture the story of the American Civil War’s first ……/-Irish-documentary-capture-the-story-of-the-American-Civil-Wars-first-casualty-172840781.html – Cached – Similar Oct 6, 2012 … The Donegaman was captured and spent about 2 years in the notorious P.O.W. camp in Andersonville, where he survived until the war ended, … 8. The top Ten Irish outlaws and gangsters – SEE PHOTOS – Irish Central…/The-top-Ten-Irish-outlaws-and-gangsters–99928049.html – Cached – Similar Aug 4, 2010… civil war, survived Andersonville and the Sultana explosion) 10) William “Wild Bill” Donaovan (WW I and later head of the OSS in WW II). 9. Crime Scene NI: Ken Bruen on Adrian McKinty’s Fifty Grand…/ken-bruen-on-adrian-mckintys-fifty.html – Cached Jan 7, 2009 … So about that time I’d been reading a lot of books about the US Civil War and Andersonville Prison had a Dead Yard that was ….. Irish Blogs … 10. Benedictine University announces Spring 2010 Dean’s List – TribLocal…/benedictine-university-announces-spring-2010-deans-list/ – Cached Jul 16, 2010 … Big old IRISH BLOGS from Andersonville should be coming, a tad ‘status quo.’ (Make a good first impression). Searchtechnologist have been … Ads 1. Rachael’s Blog What happened in the life of Rach last weekend? Find out here! 2. Have an Irish Surname? – Find where you come from in Ireland … [w/] a descrete literary renaissance of 1912-1914 … with a brilliant “little” branch in Chicago.’ Hawthorne, Melville, Twain and [Edith] Wharton presaged literary battles against materialism and the deleterious aspects of American capitalism, often in the solitary ( see Katie Basile, Thanksgiving, on Jiminez and hermit-like later period, CHICAGO NOW, 11,000+ circulation and the Red Eye) of the writing or counting rooms.’ Concentration camps, Axis Collaborations, Supression, Mass Genocide: Shed us Light on Franco the Horrible. Now be it for our “friends” in Espana, still reeling from subway terror. “La Romance,” reeled back to Seutonian levels. As Nero “fiddled …” (Portuguese Repubblicus, “under stressors.” – ‘jeeze, Loiuse, not again.’) – and then executed Saints Peter and Paul: upon this rock, “my bedrock:” Gery Chico. [X] KING MANUEL. (A Moderate Monarch in the Age of Discovery.) AMPHIERRA: Good morning, sweetie. What are you reading. (You Stepped Out of a Dream, Anthony Braxton, Chicago Music School, Top 3 Chicago Metro.) … VIOLETTA: [for Banny … help her write a book] … Banny on a swimming pool in Hollywood [with Rahm and Oprah at her well-established mansion, Gayle aside]. Seems like that’s what she really wants … AMPHIERRA: O.K. cutie. [To Wit: Ernest Hemingway.] VIOLETTA: I remember this quote, Amphierra. “I was always embarrassed by the words sacred, glorious and sacrifice … We had heard them … read them … slapped up on billboards … now for a long time I had seen nothing sacred, and the things that were glorious had no glory and the sacrifices were “like” the stock yards at Chicago [see Hog Butcher to the World: In this World, with Sandburg on Lincoln – with a ways to go – with a big old 3 Pulitzer Prize Awards otherwards and a Grammy, at 1878; For: “ Team Carol,” 2011, her ‘cut] if nothing was done with the meat except to bury it … [[!OBSCENE/ Abstract words such as glory, honor, courage … Were !]] obscene. By Mark V. Basile. Skokie, Illinois; on a Sunday morning. Forum: the municipality of Mayor George Van Dusen, with a tad of the tastiest anywhere ‘from the Greeks:’ Pat’s Place and Annie’s on Oakton upcoming. Breakfast . United States’ Senator Mark Kirk off the scene, so we’’ just take his fiancé ex- the stupendous Kimberly Vertolli at Briefer to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Lawyer for the Central Intelligence Agency law degree and “pocket it,” in Majors Jurisdiction Law Chicago Metro, along with (Big) Jim Thompson a 16-year Governor of the State of Illinois who [[gave everything away to Oprah and “Harold,” whose name nobody the f does not know in Chicago Metro. Slumbering]] under the “Glacial Sheet” waiting to accompany the Titans, in “relief.” Say we this Lenten Season, in Resurrection? Alderman Joe Moore somewhere abut Southeast, running Rogers to Edgewater – Edgewater back to CASA 49 rim @ Little Jamaica; last night – Andersonville; AD – on/ There’s no one who does not recognize “ethnicity” at very least, and Harold Shattered the Iron Curtain in Chicago. Known for Machines and Legacies, a couple of attempted or murdered off starts from the “Central Europeanists:” Bilandic prior Anton Cermak. Perhaps what could have been, perhaps “business as usual,” The Turn Stopped “COLD.” Harold Washington, an African-American, slumped over his desk at work in City Hall, downtown Chicago, “massive heart-attack.” DOA. Dead “on the spot.” Chicago. “Opinion” elections 2011, Mayoral. Gery Chico. The Lituanian. steroid led minorities Bloc got “shaved” sufficiently to cheat them out of a run-off. The (great) Pretender, prepares to receive transfer of crown. (ie; fund raiser to investment banker, as qualified – no Big Shot college, mass Shy Town ‘gratis’ – legal eagles ?: Hail NEW King of Kings !! Ye Glorified go-fer seen by MANY !!! of Ubu Roi.) [Ref: STUPENDOUS, apology –front page Sun Times this morning/cut – Thursday; as received.] See also as Rahm corrects for the BAD WINDS in TIME GALESBURG, 1878, “within a breath, of a contemporary observer.” Sorry, though. MVB. “ … and pile them high at Gettysburg,” “Verdun” 1918. Henry Holt & Co. From Cornhuskers. Pile the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo*. (See ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Caribbean, First Bank –1791 – National Landmark, repulse of the Jacobin Navy –1797/98 – The Federalist Papers, purportedly of interpretive value, The United States Constitution. Finished and joined, December 1982, MVB, The Constitution as an Institution – on Karl Llewyllen of the University of Chicago.On-site,, commentary.) And FIN: “I am the grass. Let me work.”  Sandburg. See esp: The Lincoln Museum, Springfield, Illinois.+(“partners” fin ? as regards impossibility on the book;  1871 the City Burns,as  1878/77. The Federal Troops pour in, as the Plantation life and disenfranchisements pour back in. Xyx “Grass.” Carl Sandburg. Ref: Chicago Tribune, today, — State Senator the Reverand Meeks joined with Danny Davis, PhD – MA, CHICAGO STATE — and — Ambassador Braun (Arms High and Joined, PIC) in unity under the — most Reverand Jesse Jackson’s deep Chicago doctrine of Unification. “Rainbow.” See also: uplift and equity in structures, ‘Rainbow/PUSH:’ The — Reverand Meeks of a Chicago pastorship of 20,000 as Executive Vice-Chair/ –. Legacy under current Guarantee: 3 Pulitzer Prizes, with a Grammy in 1959. The splendid H.L. Mencken (‘on you to read list’): “indubitably an American in every pulse-beat.” College: Galesburg, Illinois. At Kansas: A bricklayer and a farm laborer on the wheat fields (WIKI) Vet. 1898. Stationed in Puerto Rico. 1919-1930. Harbert, Michigan; suburban Chicago; Evanston – IL; 331 S. York in Elmhurst (a suburban Tribune site.) For Kids! Rootabaga Stories. 1922. Chicago Daily News. Reporter. D. Flat Rock, North Carolina. “Chicago,”* Poetry collection. Today, for our unity 3 above! Famed pen at “Hog butcher for the World … BIG shoulders.”* (Real HISTORY saved in poetry, get it; Dr. Davis is the brains of our operation.) URBANA. Collection and archives. Illinois/Public. Friend Abraham: married to Mary Todd in Springfield. “This week has been full of some amazing highs. Congressman Danny Davis and Rev. James Meeks have both asked their supporters to back me as I work to take Chicago in a new direction.” Carol for Chicago, January 4, 2011. Senator Meeks, a Chair and a Vice-Chair, State of Illinois, upper house. Submitted by Mark V. Basile. Essayist and Playwright. 1/2/10. My partner, to date, read aloud in Skokie for me 3 months ago from The Emancipation Proclamation. She just up and picked it out of a collection of 30-40 essays in Negotiations, purchased for me by my brother. Katie is the co-reviewer in my Soul Sisters/Flying Feathers – CBS. “This cuts Madison standards,” “A” student through High School in Niles Township, now a senior. From #3/5 to #1 Public, “Heartland.” “Did you know Tim Russert was wild over Boston College?” No. [well let me tell you, Judas – kids – on and on – frig MEET THE PRESS, yeah the heisman top 3, it was his KIDS man.” Spose, dash the THANG off to Randster. [Problem, MB – are I back to a squeely little CLERIC – “vroom” MS, in prog. Bagged a couple month weekend Montesterros’s – “sure, ASS !!] NARRATOR: And back simply to mirth and traumas various amongst Americana and as We would like to conceive: our Greco-Roman “basin,” to Civilization. 4/11. Commence. May 25, 1990/1989. Entail 1871. (With the “Register of Copyrights.”) The GREAT Chicago Fire. The GREAT Rockefeller “Conspiracy.” JUANITA: I know you and Val like Pavarotti on Puccini. “Maudites soyez-vous, o voluptes humaines!” is Faust. Placido Domingo is my favorite on Joe Green/Italianne. What about you? (Without Pausing.) Great voice, Crystal Gayle. You heard that Sonny Stitt invented be-bop? AMPHIERRA: Say what? Is that “revisionism?” JUANITA: That sounds like one of those neo-s. I just don’t get it. I’m just saying that the time period conforms and that is what Sonny Stitt said. Take a scrutinizing ear to any of his material – so he’s not sh_t-faced all the time like “Bird?” Got all the changes. Maybe Stan Getz was saying “maybe” when he did a two album set with Sonny Stitt. (p.65). AMPHIERRA: Aye, Brutus. (Lettera, Marcus Cicero.) JUANITA: Nevertheless, “in our heritage” we will always have Charlie Parker of Kansas proper … of course there’s always Saul Bellow. Among the billions and billions, he’s been with us in Chicago for said years. Middlins come and go. ‘As the Hollywood triflers speak passing “of Michaelangelo.”’ AMPHIERRA: Aye, Brutus./Did we hear an IBID, op cit, or oops. JUANITA: Dwell us not below. I am up on my Aristophanes !! I mean Carneades. Or go **Clouds. AMPHIERRA: Aristophanes? The lesser, that is the less well-remembered of the BIG THREE: Aeschylus, Euripides, and Aristophanes. (Somewhat becoming interested in the conversation now.) Jeeze, Louise !! They’re Greeks. JUANITA: Correctement. Say: Greco-Roman Basin. AMPHIERRA: OK, but do we indeed know the “true” nature of ELEKTRA. We seem to know clearly of: Klytemaestra’s Avenge, For Her Slaughtered “Descent.” JUANITA: Can you play it in E? Hardy, ha. AMPHIERRA: Even mighty Pallas, that is Pallas Athena, while stopping a terrible practice, left the second barbarian murderer – he who commiteth of the historic “matricide” – more or less free to walk. ORESTES – one word; “infamy.” It was “the judgement” of the FURIES, which indeed appeared correct. The practice of strings of retributions, something which need be laid to rest in time, at it’s historical place in specificity. As did Draco the Great, where he provided: ****“Sanctuaries.”/See the symbolic, in Greatest of Plays – Pallas Athena at the – COURT – of Aereopogus; “Finality,” established in law. LATER: VIOLETTA: ‘Just look at this mess of notes by BANNY on the upper class and disorganization in politics. And here, even Juanita on “satellite surveillance,” kinda like Global Positioning for Liveries and cars … and what? … mental wiretapping. Spose some kida science fiction. “I, Robot,” “The Foundation,” MIT: HOMEPAGE. Satellite-based technology directed against the civilian population. ONE PARTY STATE. ONE PARTY (Corrupt) STATE, Mark Kirk, United States Senator, Election Night November, 2010. ALL MEDIA. ONE PARTY STATE. Mark V. Basile/Martin Malia, rip. Oakland Convalescent Home, 2004. See: Nicholas Riasonovsky eulogy. Web. From Cold War Socialist to Cold War Liberal, now “purged”.Z on Z (??) Compare, Conquest at Hoover with Condi.[Condoleeza, of Notre Dame/RAND, autobiography, with Martin Luther King at the wake side of 4 young girls killed by a Klan bomb in 1963 5minutes away from her, also in Church.] Does this mean even the RockeBLASTERS[fellers] could have their own satellites that they use to “observe” various Civil and business with a scrutiny, and “Criminal” including the heinous without a word for over three decades ?!? (As the soulless destroy the soul many, Nancy P-losi Incorporated. Do the souls millions go to Pelosi’s Purgatorio or are condemned forever as per Dante – to “Burn” below? MAN must conceive. One single man, a Papal Regent, condemned by a man, now let we the many trade this cast for a miscreant. “Citizenship,” James Kettner. Harvard/Cal. @ #1 Public. Chair, Cal., my Big Boss, Fellow Co-Ordinator, excrutingly and painfully aware that all my overseas relatives were Communists or lived under neo-fascism as per Craxi in the Hitler-Weimer “pub” style on to Berlusconi to the startling temerity of not just arranging for threesomes while a married Head of State, but also holding bald “prostitutes’ parties. Speak soon, Katrina, these are no simple movies … as it was indeed “[Debbie] Does Dallas.” – Desiree, with NO themes whatsoever … (your people wrote the stuff, Rahm at LA Lakers Floor Seats as Carol from Chicago served Thanksgiving Dinner to the needy with Legislators and Helpers, 2010 – I read “every single word’ of your proferrance of Pelosi over the majoritian concensus in the Democratic Party as she came up to Speaker — )) NARRATOR: On “Soul.” A Conception, But WAIT, the “Guru” was a Shy Town knucklead. BIG MIKE – gave it his all and gave us 6 !! w/ that “indespensible element” Horace Grant. From our Fathers, oh so “Pagan,” albeit (WIKI): As to the man whose character reflects that of an oligarchy, Plato says that he might have been the child of a timocratic man: The son initially emulates the father, and is ambitious and craves for fame and honor. When, however, he witnesses the problems his father faces due to those timocratic tendencies – say, he wastes public goods in a military campaign, and then is brought before the court, losing his properties after trial -, the future oligarch becomes poor. He then rejects the ambitions he had in his soul, which he now sees as harmful, and puts in their place craving for money, instead of honor, and a parcimonous cautiousness. Such men, the oligarchs, live only to enrich themselves, and through their private means they seek to fulfill only their most urgent needs. However when in charge of public goods they become quite ‘generous’. Oligarchs do, however, value at least one virtue, that of temperance and moderation – not out of an ethical principle or spiritual concern, but because by dominating wasteful tendencies they succeed in accumulating money. Thus even though he has bad desires – which Plato compares to the anarchic tendencies of the poor people in oligarchies -, by virtue of temperance the oligarch achieves to establish a fragile order in his soul. Thus the oligarch may seem, at least in appearance, superior to the majority. [edit] Democracy Oligarchy then degenerates into democracy where freedom is the supreme good but freedom is also slavery. In democracy, the lower class grows bigger and bigger. The poor become the winners. Diversity is supreme. People are free to do what they want and live how they want. People can even break the law if they so chose. This appears to be very similar to anarchy. NARRATOR: “eh,” Say more. P-L-E-A-S-E./ “Not at this time.” Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/– ONE FOR “Rahm,” an interior presentation, FOR HIS FRONT PAGE HEARTFELT APOLOGY for the BIRGE CASE; Chicago Illinois of which he could have had no knowledge. 9/13/13. 1:01pm. Wanna a STOGIE, I have a ½. [SO WE CHOOSE TO “TRANSFER” the BIG FUC-YOU TO/ Plato, and-(uh) why the HADES] – “NOT.” Plato uses the “democratic man” to represent democracy. The democratic man is the son of the oligarchic man. Unlike his father, the democratic man is consumed with unnecessary desires. Plato describes necessary desires as desires that we have out of instinct or desires that we have in order to survive. Unnecessary desires are desires we can teach ourselves to resist such as the desire for riches. The democratic man takes great interest in all the things he can buy with his money. He does whatever he wants whenever he wants to do it. His life has no order or priority. VIOLETTA (cont’d): My G_d, does that mean that sex creeps like John Kennedy, Barry (certainly) aka Barack Hussein as he knelt and prayed Indonesian-style Muslim in his formative years, Indonesia having been a terrorist state at a time specified which I have heard not scant concerning except for the NOAMER,// THAT however – what everyone knows – East Timor. (His Common Good, with chaos – running below – week after week of “Z.” Reminds me of Eugene Wilta, where the author called himself, The Genius.) – little hand graphics, remind me of Henry Hyde’s of Illinois – GUESS WHY !! [Rahmbaby – what see yes NOT !!] Narrator: But see, the “set” for the turn around; William Daley makes,”Al Capone look like an amateur,” as Rahm is slammed out of office by the FURY of the Populous, at the “Jakatan” conceived version of the SUPERMAJORITY. As CRETANS-“Amongst Us,” Bainer – Dayton’s 8th takes the House, Great Dan Fleish’s Air “Codes.” As his fellow 17 Fulbrights: SHIT. and myself, with a couple of the NOAMERS “real” Nobel Peace – as of course Bishop Tutu, Lech of Gdansk, and Nelson the Splendid Mandella – Could “observe” females in their apartments? A drape being something for the naked eye, a pane of glass not even yet put up for high tech. (p.79) NARRATOR: Space Warfare, 1990’s, p.110. “LODE system. The space-based research program also includes the Large Optics Demonstration Experiment which will provide a 13 ft (4m) “optical” system to demostrate the feasibility … another major (research) area is in LASER acquisition, pointing and tracking (APT) … intended to produce a device capable of pointing a laser at a target extremely accurately [PIC: chemical laser battle-station with “pointing telescope, communications antennas, laser beam generator and “surveillance.”] [PIC: Man posing in structure five times taller than himself prior to the structure’s impact by “the devastating effect of the Mid Infra-Red Chemical Laser (MIRACL) o the second stage of a Titan I booster missile – see also 1990’s article(s) on satellite obseving and probing of absolute bottom of the ocean floors.] VIOLETTA: ‘No wonder the elite are still ‘buying’ their into government. Suffer us again, see the Pop Elite of Domhoff, prior referred to, as we have had it – that is had it entirely, not only as regards last night, 4/10, but in general as regards “changing diapers” out of Park Ridge/Niles. It’s right up on site, the BALD atempt of Warren Buffet, Obama Absolutist to place a “piggy-banking” clause, Domhoff “joins:” Oflama will be different — ?? Swearin ? into FEDERAL REGULATORY OVERHAUL.(Chicago Tribune at Democrats – all strong, “no problem.” And indeed, they Scott Browned it, ALL THE HECK SCREAMING OVER MY G-MAIL ALERTS: Scott Brown Bail-Out. Olympia DIDN’T DO IT.// … ss and carefully cause suspected serials not yet capable of apprehension. Can the “secret Police” gather information on the “bulk of” … Aloud: This has to be Science Fiction. AMPHIERRA: Is he a Communist … uh … or a Socialist or … JUANITA: I do not know what you are talking about. Anyway, what does this have to do with music’s quality? (p.78, Ciao Adorables.) … … Now pick up this phone, pr_ck. (Juanita chuckled with a slight leer.) JUANITA: Lanza, sure. (Catching Amphierra’s attention again.) Flora Purim? !! Magnifique. AMPHIERRA: Who? (Still glaring at Violetta). JUANITA: She was on the Return to Forever album. (p.59). You know … VIOLETTA: ‘Just look at this mess of disorganized notes by Banny on the Upper Class – WHO RULES AMERICA? – and these dis-organized notes on politics. And here are notes on satellite surveillances ..’ JUANITA: Chick Corea. Return to Forever. With his technically brilliant soloing and accompaniment. BOBBY’s Back ! Don’t forget his Robert Dole Institute Heartlands Think Tank, “intriguing” possibilities. (out of the honor, for that other ladder-climbing guy with a “mad-on,” VACUUM-BRAINS “Bob.”) Narrator, perCHANCE – said Rahmbaby; at a LA “pool,” like I gots to do – have you not just been contradictory, Author. Corea’s equally impressive – “as if” going on/ on electronic or percussive piano. He can outside, inside or popular. As a matter of fact, his jazz was just about state of the art in the late 80’s. “Creams” his changes in Stittian or Woodsian be-bop, remember “Nefertitti,” “Willow Weep for Me,” live at Rick’s at the old Holiday on Michigan … AMPHIERRA: Is Sonny Stitt still around? JUANITA: No, he’s passed. Heard he used to hang at the Orbit. I heard him a number of years back at the Jazz Medium on Rush. He spent his last few years in Chicago. Guess he liked it better, revisionist perhaps, than New York or LA. AMPHIERRA: Jazz Medium still around? JUANITA: No. Some as_hole tore it down, along with the other one on Lincoln Avenue. Best we had pretty much. Those mega-bucks Daley Lake Front Liberals are always coming up with some brain sttorms to line theor pockets no matter what’s involved – God, nor cultura, nor man – “existential” – albeit in ‘non’being.’ (Pause) AMPHIERRA: Flora Purim? (Holding her temper a bit – ask Professor Jim Ryan out of DuPage if he has ever seen me kinda “simmering” – multi/muti-awarded Political Scientist which has nothing to do with this) JUANITA: (Realizing that she was starting to ramble.) Earthy adagio without that pathetic American mulsh. Brightness and virtuostic humility. Gotta give her a nine, but I may be having a bad day – dig it Benedictine? Sounds like a human flute en ensemble. Deep or full-voiced undertone. Voce divinio. AMPHIERRA: ‘This Lady sure seems to know how to describe the “musical” qualities of a performer. Not just how her hair is done and [[How her blouse lays on her breasts.’ – SMILES –]] (Amphierra stares down Juanita, forcing her pause.) [But then:] JUANITA: Purim’s an extremely intelligent singer, whatever that means, (Chuckling) floating above Corea’s driving keyboards and dynamic accompaniment. Beautifully projected altissimo whispers. AMPHIERRA: Gimme a cite. I “require” more” cites. To madness you are driving me with your wiles and FEMALE DRIVE. JUANITA: Circle something or other from Paris. ‘Catch it !!’ No that’ s the bass player from … uh … Dave … Uh. Musique du Bois. No, that was Phil Woods’s album. Uh. What was the question? VIOLETTA: ‘she talks now about “circumscribed” invisible – though available for feedbacking and projections and “terror,” mental t-letaping, and teletaping abused by the government – as where “A Woman’s Love of Her Husband, as it be, With Her Family” is removed from her head and STORED on Government computer file (pray Dr. Robert Gates, mtvU Man of the Year – “he’s hip”/2010 is up for this “reigning in” as he cleans up the cataclysm of Wikileaks in State – G-D knows what California’s P — is doing or that simple Governor out of AZ) – said technologies prior simply handed to the private secte, barely even willy nilly, said Barry aka Tsar Barack Hussein avec mania to us “generals” yet unawares if any talkings to IN THIS WORLD are finding “practice” …’ AMPHIERRA: Please tell me how I can purchase the Flora Purim album. I am crawling the f- walls, screwey dollie. JUANITA: I don’t know anything about a Flora Purim album. But you can hear her on Return to Forever. That Corea has the inflections virtually of a horn. Crystal crisp motific ideas; hits his Coltranish substituted climbs on the mark. Apparent fluency in 13 keys. (Little Ladie’s giggle) Can’t wait to hear him on high volume multi-synthesizer with compatable computer. 1989. AMPHIERRA: Return to Forever. (A “Review,” avec la femme formidable, Flora Purim, espana.). AND YES !! Did I fail to state that this was merely my “concept” of DISPLACEMENT of ire at the NEW YORK TIMES upon the New York Review of BOOKS. Mark V. Basile, Skokie. Fin @, 2013; heard on tape – we got the Masello back !! Anyway he’s nowhere to be found, on the internet, as of last night. As only Glenview Publishes me anymore – and SO BE IT. (on the National Web with ALL-EASTER, from 2012 at the Addington/–c/o Glenview Lantern and City of Glenview Recoup). Wagner Farms. Oops; 10 as regards Anita Alvarez vs 60 Minutes. 1 – American Bar Association. (eh,?) 2 ?? 2 of 2; And Now we can Swing it Right, Dr. James Gomez. & 2 WEE ROCKETS —————– For Messeurs Neil and George W. Bush; A Honor Posited. NARRATOR: Yes, or No ? “Becker:” [Reprint.] 15 Posts Up for ‘Recess Appointments: “bypass the advice and consent traditions of the Senate.” One, Becker, has already been through the Senate process and was voted down under rules/guidelines accepted as valid and normal by all Republicans and 2 Democrats on February 9. But here he is again under a NO VOTE situation, ready for simple placement into a job by executive fiat. Immediately preceding nexus, supermajority steamroller attempt at sweeping legislation thwarted by simple democratic process, Military/Legal lawyer Scott Brown ‘out of Massachussetts-Kennedy machine’ elected. Democrats respond immediately with mechanism they could have used all along, if there weren’t questions as to its validity with respect to application of specified law. Reconciliation/nuclear option? Legislator Trent Lott, who had been followed by Dr.Bill Frist (heart and lung transplant) – perhaps the best overall qualified Legislator since Henry Cabot Lodge to be Majority Leader (Cabot Lodge was a JD like most Legislators but also with a PhD) stated directly that he had used a ‘different form’ of reconciliation, and in fact he had worked hard across the aisle for 4-5 major pieces of legislation which he immediately named which effected factual 2-party “bi-partisanship.” (ABC News, 3/21). John McCain, acting as a clear moderate, co-ordinated a middle ground consensus group in one case to remove the taint of reconciliation/nuclear option which the Democrats had been utterly screaming about at the time as concerned judicial appointments specifically. “I think the process has broken down.” Chief Justice, CNN, 3/10/10. Appointments is the issue up again, and the Democrats have in two different manners changed the terms of the game in mid-stride. The validity of filibuster checks or bi-partisan values having in practice of in operating guideline and ideal being simply brushed aside for realpolitique and power politics. Steamroller legislative process is the term I use, and I iterate that this comes in the virtual instantaneous nexus of proceeding virtually totally oblivious to pre- and post-election guarantees of “bi-partisanship.” POW Veteran/Senator John McCain along with Leader Mitch McConnell now have everyone in agreement, no more Olympia Snowing the Republican Party for the most transparent imaginable facial bi-partisanship. Genuine democratic process had rejected Becker once, but now he’s back under fiat, with the prospect being that he will change a ‘traditionally bipartisan labor board … (into one that’s) agenda driven.” CNN, Saturday Night, 3/27/10. This NO VOTE FIAT comes so enormously close in time nexus to reconciliation/nuclear option in health care where 15-20 million (30-32 million covered out of a real total of 47-50 million uninsured) were simply left out in the cold, leaves me with the sense that procedure and institutional balance and stability are being shaken by the Democratic consensus. Mitt didn’t do this. His system was different, but he placed mandatory 100% Healthcare in place in Mass. as its chief executive officer from 2003-2007. If you reach into “real biography,” Mitt Romney came from a lineage of a stable family of faith, with a mother and a father who saw him through his youth and guided him to his father’s choice as a public servant. Absolutely wonderful international service as head of an Olympics games. Questions remain on the record of Obama simply dissing the preacher with some problems concerning his facts who he saw from the baptism of his two daughters, attended mass regularly without contemporary comment on, and then simply cutting contact with leaving a man/preacher with views not particularly out of mainstream with a significant number of his own African-American peers. This preacher boldly restated his views to the public on national t.v. after being denied and cut down to the core by the man who wanted to lead his nation state. Obama “slapped together” a treatise on faith and religion. I don’t go for it. This Muslim outreach so proudly offered to the middle east upon entrance into office seems to be in abeyance and retracted because maybe nobody else fell for using Religion ?? as a instrument of policy. Especially one which he specifically wanted no connection to on the campaign stump, does not adhere to in public letters, and is the mere byproduct of a foreign national who just had a more or less ‘one-night stand’ and summarily left the country. Little stop off at Harvard, not my ‘fav, to tune up as a full member of the government of a foreign power: Kenya. The color of the biography seems less and less attractive as scrutiny indicates a heritage of irresponsibility. I’m still waiting for some denial commensurate to what he dealt his childrens’ preacher of the terror of his childhood host state against a now democratic and relatively pristine little East Timor. I am an essayist and a playwright with one play having been fully produced and in the system and out in private playhouse in the city with two others variously on the market. I do not intend to be forced into the position of becoming a newscaster or analyst. However with the blast impacted recently upon the Supreme Court leaving Justice Roberts articulating grave concern to the general public and Justice Alito speechless (but with observed and reported disturbance astounding (!) the mainstream press doing ‘facial analysis’ on an entirely silent Supreme Court Justice who remained entirely silent while being LAMBASTED at State Function by the National Executive,) there seems a question of the executive’s respect for co-equal branches of government as articulated in bedrock constitutional understanding by John Marshall in 1803 (Marbury v Madison). “Stare decision,” baby. Site sponsor TOTALLY oblivious to dangers to Republic where this could in fact be put to extra-Constitutional question. And it was ?!? “Bi-partisanship” was part and parcel of the deal. In the immediately preceding nexus I heard so many possible Republican alternatives, maybe with a general specific dislike for the public option, but in the final moments decided by Democrats and their executive with Republicans simply locked out or “behind closed doors,” that I wouldn’t want to talk to any Democrats anymore either. I happen to have liked the public option as a spur to competition, but then I’m an Independent. The only question for me remains: “is it even viable to remain an Independent?” I have made phone calls, with witnesses, in good faith, and our Chicago-based state Independent apparatus simply has no interest. Last I checked, they were backing the Democrats ideologically by assuming a position just to the Left of the organization. I worked with Ross, he lost and then just up and disappeared (but probably in the process handed the election to Mr. Clinton inasmuch as he had grabbed so much of the Republican base. The only practical purpose Ralph Nader served in 2000 was to tip the election to George Bush II. So it evens out. I haven’t heard of any memoirs in the works for Mr Bush, as with Cheney with assistance from his University of Chicago Law daughter (with superb diplomatic and government experience and a husband at the helm of 1500 lawyers in Homeland Security for [Federal Appellate Judge] Chertoff) but within the last three weeks the generally mainsteam center-Left Newsweek stated with a bold cover that Bush-Petraues had found a timely and interrupted though complete victory in the democratic elections in Iraq. George Bush II had left Al-Queda/Taliban in a simple “hold-out;” the sort of thing police and/or Federal officials always win absent total incompetence. Becker has already had his chance in democracy and democratic process, what’s he doing back again? The recess appointment of him, as the point for 14 others, would “bypass the advice and CONSENT ‘traditions’ of the Senate.” I clearly remember the enormous grief one single lawyer gave Clarence Thomas simply because he engaged in fully consensual talk of an adult nature, as a mere aside, on matters generally speaking which have come before the courts and could easily come up again – witness the fact that in law and in accord with absolute public demand movies are rated. But he didn’t duck Senate review, even though what may have been privileged conversations we aired publically. “I just want to be able to continue to go to McDonald’s with my son,” Thomas, Yale: US Senate. Now we just let anyone whatsoever through? There was a nut named Zoe Baird who wanted to be Attorney General – the Peoples’ Lawyer (!) — George Stephanopoulos spoke strongly on her behalf. It’s kind of scarry that she could of become the Public Lawyer with her serious background problems in ethics and law, but I have developed that fully elsewhere with over 200-300 readership, if one can believe this !! I am just personally thankful, and in public print, that the system was able to weed this particular one out. What kind of precedents are we establishing here? By Mark V. Basile, essayist and playwright, Chicago Metro. 2012-2013 Re-Print. Why ? // – // REGARDONS, Immediatement – si tu plait. Litman has kissed us off twice (forget it, bunch of BS. As of 5 pm yesterday – after he saw me IN PERSON, no probs even brought up to discuss – SET UP, and SOAK. Chicago Thug, until otherwise.) “Drawback – Rebate – Drawback,” calculus. Trump 1 w/ myself brokering.doc Independent: At 12/11; saw talk Wild Man Newt (doe/-sn’t – better “prove” it was M. Jay, living and on sabbatical as of 2 years with a Euro-based letter; as of recent doesn’t mind quoting Mein Kampf in the same breath as HIS “Sea Change” to Amerique-style/ cut) or Mitt. Uh, duh. “Yes I did say Florence,” and some sort of “attention-grabbing” news. 1-1? Yes. On the teleconference ? Which one. Monday After, — “We’ll miss you.” Who is “we !!” “Don’t listen to V_rginia, listen to me.” OK. One better, I quit before January 1 st in the middle of a Convention – but I said, not really interested in the one and his wife who “represents the Archdiocese and DOES MOVIES – yeah,” I’ll just take PABLO, J. (inf/) ¾. [He mainly listened, always seemed to make the meetings.] First !! Budda, sorry. You did Search Emory. Nope. Just “the job,” friend. Frank Main celebration b/c !! We cut out the “minority.” (2011 Pulitzer; M. Kim photojournalist including Bosnia and 2 Kuwaitii-based W. and H. Walker Bush avec Monsieur Francoise) Let alone – any imaginable possibility on how those 3 got into our choo choo operation; EMBEDDED at Bosnia, where b) Even WIKI, HADES M.B. – please tell us – what is the Russian Maf_a? b.1) Spoilsmen “take their cut and split-“ style; Privatization. b. 2) Ask Vlad, about periodicity and Streets and Sanitation; where the usual terminology fits. (“Oral – entendre,” Thanks mf. MVB – VLAD; will impose order on your civvies and go through proper channels – Hegal, OK/ 50-50. A Chain of command is an earful/ 1/2/3/ – surein’/ did he limp or RUN home.  Oh no, not AGAIN – I frig alluded/ IT IS Brahm Stoker, for Jesus’ sake !! (NOT the 1400’s nobody turned INVISIBLE, the turned into DUST, with the prior “bite” Oh no, I am a Vampire also. But it’s daytime, and “Nobody told me the rules – Bloombaby, told ya clean money, why you BOTHER ME !! “Bud.” 16th; we’ll check out “Chowderhead.” Not you Judas Priest, how the HADES did you put up with that MONEY-HUNGRY Beast you dislucked into ? I give up: Search “settlement.” CPS RULES !! So ya know what that means THE DONALD. Yes !! A+ first reading. Inf/Trump is no longer a Republican, fueling further speculation that he might be close to launching a third-party presidential bid. The business and reality TV mogul — who recently backed out of moderating a GOP debate and has had a back-and-forth flirtation with the idea of making his own presidential run — has switched his party affiliation from “Republican” to “unaffiliated,” ABC News reported. A source close to Trump said the switch happened Thursday because of how “disgusted” he is with the way Republicans are handling things in Washington, according to the network. *** offer/ highest level – office staff at capable level based at nomenclature observation. MB. “Independent-Streak” directly stated to as “I advised,” watch the back collapse @ “unopposed.” MF Lady “held it.” Super sh_t effort, THE WHY. Atta x. “Where,” info@ — I keep info at “job-holding” vs. res.where no preferred in total Rehabs at 57 going on “the depressive-“ like gimme that Gomez guy, I have more memories of REALITY and people to; Lay to rest. Gomez, we can feel his “tears,” the instant his friend in the Vatican “abdicated.” TX, doctor. NEVERTHELESS: The Question is – WHO is Vladimir Zhirinovsky? HADES ? Yed. Closest confidante of Vladimir Putin in the Legislature, a body of 4 Factions and 2 apparent Political Parties. ****************Radio Free Europe. From Search/Zhirinovsky. MVB, prior. Leader, National Salvationa Front. “Current Periodicity,” Love of all that IS NOT-of-the UNHOLY. “Two Just Plain Jerks Going at it.” RSS or RSS ??/ Russ. I mean, is it claimed by you seat of the pants intelligentsia, that – for example in Gorby/(Corbacho) – I with held, a miscontruct of an “ill-formed” Big Apple locus Party Zone generated “Federalism.” GREAT WHITE RUSSIAN CHAVANISM ? En Garde: Medevyev: impossibility, at this time. (Even if you have to “spank” that Pilot Fish ? ) Aaah. No I have nothing to do with the Orange Revolution !! OK, neighbor RUSS, “the hot stuff,” you may pass – to the horizontal. Floor One. 1974. The Croatian Club is formed in the 50th. Ballpark it 80% jugoslav(ian) or 20% occupied with “Adolph” placed figurehead – WIKI blocked name – “the” 8 day march, as Marshall Tito: “Parted.” For buffs [ROAR. Attsa our guy.] –20/20 + (said) 800 flat. Spose. For and Day/NO MORE; try to find it !! CROATIA-RSS, according to Mutt=Jeff=The Slav present; behind. End Tagged Trump 1.doc Wait: Kids Moscowtimes various, WHO IS ‘THE SLAV?” Historically they are we are they not? M. Vladimir – “Someway, somehow.” MVB: 1287///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AH ! “The “procedure” I may see mein Cardinal, and make a request of Review. MVB: I encourage you, Mr. Prime Minister – as M. Nevsky negotiated with the Golden Horde, he established himself as among the Finest of Diplomats of the Middle Ages, perhaps even nearer to the abroad. FEDERAL REGULATORY OVERHAUL: “Reform” in a state of Public Disinformation By: Mark V Basile 04/20/10 10:00 PM 68 hits Thank G_d its not the “Constitution” again. (Not yet at least). Public Official nominee(s) being shoved into jobs after specifically being rejected via Advise and Consent by the United Senate through ‘recess nominations.’ Reconciliation/nuclear option in to maintain questionable steamroller legislating in avoidance of reasonable checks and balances after Democracy appeared to step in and just plain stop it through the election of Senator Scott Brown out of Mass. Inasmuch as John McCain had addressed the same Democratic outcry on nuclear option with the formation of a significant bi-partisan middle group, out of the structure of the Senate erupts an Extra-Constitutional actor – this nobody nohow Parlaimentarian to interpret away checks and balances as per filibuster and simply force the redirection to the House for a vote, where s/he knew s/he had the Obama/Pelosi votes to pass Healthcare, which indeed left 15-20 million out in the cold. Congressional Budget Office/ New York Times (3/18/10)/CNN (3/17/10).*Subsequent articulation of “hands-up/hands-down” definitively describing ‘nuclear option’ with potential long-term implications for evisceration of checks and balances as things currently stand in the structure of our Constitutional 3-part government: The executive, the legislature and the courts – with States’ Rights and Federalism considerations. 10/13/10 comment. FEDERAL REGULATORY OVERHAUL; Step one, Olympia Snow it. OK, this is still the Constitution. Steamroller, albeit, but not technically extra-Constitutional. 4/16/10, CNN. Still, “checks and balances” is a core “understanding.” Cloud on the horizon:’policy of overriding importance than articulated principle of bipartisanship.’ Obama. But what about the leadoff? A “broadside” leveled against the United Stated Chamber of Commerce by the US Treasury Secretary. 3/24/10, Wall Street Journal. The Chamber of Commerce ‘pigeon-holed’ as a “special interest?!?” Chamber of Commerce “officials sat aghast.” It’s Chief Executive responded with enormous reserve, it was a bit of a “political speech.” He noted, ‘we were called no kind of “special interest” when we backed the Stimulus Bill or the efforts concerning General Motors’ (addressed in specifics elsewhere, where Obama sent a prostrate Motor City back as a Big 2 with foreign ownership now fully imposed upon one of the Big 3 by Obama fiat.) Other members of the Chamber of Commerce were more assertive, though still enormously moderate in approach: “The Constitution is very clear on our right to raise issues.” Wall Street Journal, “Federal Regulatory Overhaul.” Is there a question: if overweening authority ‘calls you’ a special interest, are you to simply lie down and give up your right to “speech?” Howard Zinn, rip, says “protest” and “resist” are actual rights. Albeit Left of Center by all standards, I’m sure that’s what the Brits though of us around Valley Forge. (See for full review on Zinn, caveat, mild mannered but with a lot of punch). Spin/Pigeon-holeing. From the United States’Chamber of Commerce as a “special interest” to a social conservative, coming out of a 53% Independent body politique base as a Rightist, that’s Sarah. Skeletal Teddy Roosevelt and the Progressive Party (Bull Moose) now established out of Liberal lambast (witness Gallup, 12/09, one of 2 most admired women in the world). Sarah with doubly unstated family profile of Christian charity and ideological left centrism, a fully accepted and welcomed into the nuclear family single mother who is still only 19, and a two or three year old son with Down who she has vigorously spoken out in advocacy and for those with mental health backgrounds on at least 3 high profile occasions, boldly taking on Rush for aping Emmanuel’s use of something like “r_tards.” I still stand by the firm contention that in NO WAY is pro-life Rightist, Amnesty International virtually held a gun to my head if I accepted a capital punishment case over a 5 year period and didn’t argue against it. Nobel Peace Prize. See “Right-to-Life” clause of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN, 1948. So I simply said, the one Nobel nomination for our ex-Governor who emptied death row was “good.” I hope Big Jim of juris 16 years gets him that $60,000/year pension after he finishes his time, FOR NOTHING HE DID AS GOVERNOR. Our head of state won’t even go to a Warsaw Pact (former’s) funeral for a tragic
  5. Casey R

    Wether Isakson did or didn’t write it is of no matter. The Dems are behind this 100 percent. This is un american .

  6. Pingback: Sarah Palin: Troubling Questions Remain About Obama’s Health Care Plan. We Give The Final Word (Hopefully) On “Death Panels” « A Time For Choosing

  7. Pingback: Sarah Palin: Troubling Questions Remain About Obama’s Health Care Plan. We Give The Final Word (Hopefully) On “Death Panels” « Sarah Palin Information Blog

  8. Mark V. Basile

    As an “Independent,” and a mental health consumer, I need consider my own well-being in addition to that of my peers. John McCain whom I have heard Sarah is now on stump with seems to have a relatively stable notion of “safety net;” of course Mrs. Palin was his ‘right hand man’ with their self-description of ‘maverick’ in 2008. I fully admit, I got confused and caught up in the media circus of 2008, and didn’t quite fully realize the enormous command and military-requisite background of John McCain, with his moderate domestic portfolio, in combination with a business-political “team” with his wife Cindy. And having had the time, after the dust has settled, as a free lance writer, I apologize for not having spoken out concerning John McCain’s devotion to country, where instead of allowing himself to be used as a propaganda tool, in the relatively accurate domino-theory effort of the Cold War, he endured 5 1/2 years of inprisonment at the hands of those who shot him down over Hanoi. And he was brutalized and subjected to solitary for extended periods of time. Still, he did not break and use his connection to his father who was a 4-star Admiral, I believe, and Commander of the Pacific Theater to gain advantage his fellow captives could not have. I’ll have to check this exactly, I just came across this site and I wanted to make a note.

    In short, John McCain has the true qualifications to make “secure” command decisions, now from a position of leadership in the Senate, and his word should be golden, that he will ensure “safety net” for the truly needy. So Healthcare should not in fact be dead, it simply should be at a point of haitus where a Democratic steamroll will simply have to reasses what a man of the best word has stated concerning the prior attempt: “they (the Democrats) just won’t talk to us.”

    And John McCain still has at his side, though out of government and this month picked up by FOX in the field of her professional training newscasting from the major ‘public’ institution in the state of her birth, on the stump with him his compadre and former homemaker of 15 years. And talk about trying to see through the dust and the media circus, Sarah was chosen as among Barbara Walter’s “Top 10” in 2008, among the 2 most admired women in the world as late as last month by Gallup, and has a memoirs of the 2008 neck and neck Presidential Race up until a major economic event which was blamed on the then current executive and pretty much sunk the McCain/Palin venture — with pretty little Bristol receiving an onus herself at only age 17. GOING ROGUE: top of the New York Times best seller list for 6 consecutive weeks.

    I am more than casually interested.

    Sarah Palin used emergency regulation to produce a Senior Benefits Program so low income seniors would not go hungry in 2007. As Governor, she had an additional program of cash payments to seniors in need according to this site. Work is encouraged by her February 1, 2008 Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day, and she gives back to the public a portion of proceeds from oil-rich Alaska. I can’t believe this could be criticized as the creation of ‘subsidized freeloaders.’ Almost at best, this knd of critique would be hypocrisy coming from anywhere left of center. November 17, 2007 was declared ‘Salvation Army Day,’ more or less instituionalizing a public/private endeavor with spotless charity and their support that can be marshalled and brought into the fight to alleviate the harshnesses of poverty and other societal ills, as I recall from my 5 years as a Salvation Army volunteer in Evanston, IL – a contiguous northern suburb of Chicago. Faith-based initiatives are earnest, and subject to being simply brushed aside by liberal media bias. And John McCain does have in his portfolio of initiatives housing assistance to low-income families (2004). Homelessness and voucher a bit earlier.(2000)

    I find this rather compelling, now that the dust has settled and all this media haranging can be sifted through. Personally, I’m not looking for a handout without any effort in return; at this particular moment I am a contributing member to 3 independent charitable and academic organizations which does in fact consume time I have available, I am just looking for a program which will continue uninterrupted to drop down social security to the handicapped and extend Medicaid uninterrupted, where for example, I have what otherwise would be incomprehensible bills of $1200/ month in bills for ncessary physical and other medications.

    So that’s what I’m looking for out of Sarah Palin after she finishes her labor of companionship and friendship with John McCain: guaranteed stability in “safety net” allowing me to contribute as a member of the mainstream, perhaps as she would like to leave a society in which her own 2-year old with Down’s can participate and contribute while being protected as per “need” by society. She has already spoke to her own perception on how certain varieties of Healthcare reform might in fact redound to the detriment of her 2 year old, I think. She spoke of “death panels.” I have not personally reseached this aspect of the raging debate over Healthcare, but in any case with the Massachussetts verdict in, the Democrats now have no choice but to talk, not just strip away issues and claim some phony bi-partisanship.

    A voice from ‘small town America’ is truly refreshing. Her guarantor, a proven patriot, and “man of merit” and so much more of a “role model” than any of us middlin Americans across the aisles would hope to be in a lifetime. And don’t forget McCain’s wife Cindy, the quiet partner of entirely independent business qualifications and among the ultimate models of first lady behavior. They ran a good race, Arizona if it makes the McCain’s their choice should be in the best of hands, also providing for his Legislative Body a solid “leader.” Mark V. Basile, Skokie, IL 60077.

    • Gary P

      Really great post. Incredibly inspiring.

      Thank you.

      • Mark V. Basile

        Thanks Gary. I’m 3/4 sold on a 15-year homemaker, who did in fact get a fine BA at the best public university in her HOME STATE. That is, her place of birth. Note, Governor does in fact entail Commander in Chief of State Arms, and I heard she was most affectionately referred to by her troops as ‘Brigade Mom.’ “Arctic Wolves” on the ground finishing up the democratic revamp of the cradle of civilization devastated by WMD’s and dictatorship by Saddahm, I think her son’s name was Track, he was an “Arctic Wolf.”

        Coming out of Wittenberg, Chicago Music School (Roosevelt) and Cal grad US History, I was attuned to that ‘progressive streak’ in Sarah clearing out the private sector intervention into the Oil and Gas Commission she sat on. “Leaking.” I can’t find my exact citation at this time, but my memory was that a recognized Historian Grant McConnell had a ‘capture thesis’ as concerns undermining of public agencies and regulatory agencies. I can’t go back and correct every single citation where I can’t find it in its exact wording, but indeed one of the endemic problems remaining from the partially successful, though most significantly articulated and attempted ‘trust-busting’ of Teddy Roosevelt, was that overweening big business would just come back and attempt to undermine the ‘regulators.’ Take lobbying where it goes too far, as an analogy. It can undermine “democracy.” Same kind of thing with respect to influence peddling.

        So you folks have my e-mail, I haven’t heard from you. I am postively inclined and have written independently PRO-Sarah, maybe first things first, send Ms. Pelosi to minority status. By the way, that “Woodstock in Nevada” was an absolute riot, considering the way Obama/Reid wouldn’t listen to a single word of bi-partisan attempts by Mitch/John McCain and Lindsey Graham. At least the public got a chance for a good listen. Those 15 years of step aerobics with her 5 closest homemaker friends, kept the Governor up to speed albeit a couple years older (and wiser) from her State Basketball Championship days. Captian of team, right? I do not see the same Barack Obama as I saw coming up the ladder ‘hometown,’ and as stated in Audacity. Technically, I retracted my “review” so I had some breathing room to consider stated ‘unilateralism.’ In reality, i feel Tony Blair and George Bush II went at it in “bi-lateral determination” with sufficiency of additional support. I think the popular or poll numbers hit Blair hard in standing up for Liberty and liberation, so too McCain/Palin with that additional very hard economic event. Mark V. Basile

  9. Mark V. Basile

    Please put me on the Sarah Palin e-mail list. Mark

  10. Pingback: 6000 cheer on Palin and Beck in Tulsa, Oklahoma - Political Forum

  11. Pingback: 6000 cheer on Palin and Beck in Tulsa, Oklahoma - Page 6 - Political Forum

  12. Mark V. Basile

    Chief Executive, at Federalism’s penultimate level, Commander-in-Chief of Guard including Arctic Wolves on the ground in Iraq – Commander Burt Thompson speaks most highly of ‘Track’ whose too mild-mannered to speak out himself, nabbed a ‘leaker’-feather in the cap in the tradition of the Progressive Party and Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders – in a crucial Agency — national economic security’ish Oil and Gas, increasingly looks like an “illegal” chasing out of office last July by mountain of ‘lawsuits’ as opposed to regular first amendment protest, left-center (progressive) protector of (young) single mother with her own 2-3year old with Down to nurture and advocate for, pro-family with unimpeachable personal biography from State basketball champ and Captain and 15-year Homemaker: “GOOD” BA form top publid institution in state of her birth in real world field, communications, vetted at family level to 4-Star Admiral of 2 Generations – Commander of Pacific Theatre,”well-liked” over time, from Elite 6 to ‘hockey mom’ to “Tea Party” greater vista. One of 2 Most Admired Women in the World, Gallup 12/09(and 10 most fascinating, Barbara Walters 2008, at least 6 weeks NYT best seller list): Earned.

    Woman of Character and “Merit.”
    Highly Qualified, with sufficiency of support staff, for higher office. Clean-cut “Advocate” for the Heartland. Small town voice — a little bit extra, as a breath of fresh air!! Viva Wallisa.

    MVB, Chicago Metro.”Close-Up,” State of Illinois, 1/23/98 – State Senator Kathleen Parker, Dst 29, “wonderful program.” Writer’s BIO, 1989-2010, available. A: 55 in August.

  13. Mark V. Basile

    John McCain. 2010.

  14. Mark V. Basile

    A breath of fresh air!!

    Like high school trip to see backyard grade school ‘best friend’ friend and family in Lewiston, Idaho; backpacking in the Oregon Wallawa Mountains, Oregon. Impossible to have imagined a more wonderful place could be found. Craig came back to visit me and ‘significant’ as I graded papers across from the Bay Area Transportation parking lot in West Berkeley.(BART) Stanford. ‘conservative.’ Sisters Denise and Mary, simply ‘splendid’ and unaffected. Dad, MD.

    “In His Footsteps.” Craig and family recommend to all on his Christmas card and family rally note.

    MVB. 63 BC, Cicero Consulship. General Sallust observes aristocrat Catiline in revolution, “contemporary observor” rec: Raphael Sealey, pub. U. Chicago with its acclaimed Oriental Intitute, Cambridge and Oxford. Tiro: swansong, An woe (!), as “Every friend of our republic [has] abandoned … our country (,) to the cruel devastations of Fire and sword.” Ref: Brutus and Gallic (France) Wars. “Imperium” to Empire of tyranny. (“Doveneck Jeannie of Park Ridge, Her sister combs her — auburn tresses; First year of law school, Working for he underpriviveledged, she — Likes Chopin, Verdi and MAHLER.”)

    Q: Peter Brown and Augustine of Hippo. Augustine also spoke for himself.

    Unlike Christ, a peripatetic preacher with Saul, a tax collector of ROME. Christ didn’t write. 12 “contemporary observors.” Foundation of our basin of Faith. The testifiers of Christ.

    People and institutions subject to any of immense frailties and fraud. Erasmus, the Lion of “The Reformation.” Problem, insitution ‘dug in,’ wouldn’t budge, as the cretan of frailty, fraud and simple object of our universal disaowal, Cardinal Mazzarin, would weild the ‘hatchet’ for the creator in revolt of the Enlightenment, the SUN KING. Erasmus Letters, Cambridge, Lorenzo the Great, chartered Amerigo, also saved ‘letters,’ one entitled New World. (sent version to Midwest Governor’s chief, 2006).

    ‘Homeland: “We were well-prepared before Hurricane Dolly hit because of [Governor Perry’s] efforts.” Elsa Mayor Senovio Castillo. May 7, Mission, Texas.

    Governor Perry with regard to trust and respect taught to model Mexican family … “he has treat[ed] us well … time after time …[and] … not let us down.” Home. Mission, Texas, May 7.

    Ref: NAFTA, a new reference point of sovereignity.

    Viva Wallisa.

    JohnMcCain, 2010. (You can share with Bristol, ABC Family was nice, like the 2 of you on Oprah/ABC, but she’ been through more than her years fairly bear. [Whole situation must have “stressed” slightly younger Piper] .Appealing P.R. hawking by her pard’ Brittney Spears on the tank tops: “I’m sexy enough for you to wait for”) ND/73, Niles, IL. Reagan born in Tampico, went to Eureka College and worked as a sports announcer out of the Chicago Cubs’ farm team in Iowa. He has a mini-manifeto on pro-life, nobody ever argued with his script writers, though he was a rum dumb. He lost his bearings apparently when he got into the Hollywood scene; ref. also: Dark Victory. Jane Wyman shuld have been more than a Midwest hick could ever hope for. Nancy Davis is simply not at issue.

    FEDERAL REGULATORY OVERHAUL, tonight #1 Google Search; Tribune at Lisle location/site of NLU – elevated to regional Chicago Now and mass free Red Eye April/May.

    REFORM: “Spun” into meaninglessness by Dodd and Chicago strongman. Chaos in public information. Tuesday, 4/20/10. “FEDERAL REGULATORY OVERHAUL”

    Constitution/”checks and balances” or both? Public Official nominee(s) being shoved into jobs after specifically being rejected via Advise and Consent by the United Senate through ‘recess nominations.’ Reconciliation/nuclear option in to maintain questionable steamroller legislating in avoidance of reasonable checks and balances after Democracy appeared to step in and just plain stop it through the election of Senator Scott Brown out of Mass. Inasmuch as John McCain had addressed the same Democratic outcry on nuclear option with the formation of a significant bi-partisan middle group, out of the structure of the Senate erupts an Extra-Constitutional actor – this nobody nohow Parlaimentarian to interpret away checks and balances as per filibuster and simply force the redirection to the House for a vote, where s/he knew s/he had the Obama/Pelosi votes to pass Healthcare, which indeed left 15-20 million out in the cold. Congressional Budget Office/ New York Times (3/18/10)/CNN (3/17/10).

    Step one, Olympia Snow it. Targets named, Corker of Tennessee and Gregg of New Hampshire. They got part of it. OK, this is still the Constitution. Steamroller, albeit, total and stupendous disregard for stated Administration doctrine of “bi-partisanship,” but not technically extra-Constitutional. 4/16/10, CNN. Still, “checks and balances” is a core “understanding.” “Hands-up/Hands-down,” stated procedure for general Senate vote. Now in the books.

    But what about the leadoff? A “broadside” leveled against the United Stated Chamber of Commerce by the US Treasury Secretary. 3/24/10, Wall Street Journal. The Chamber of Commerce ‘pigeon-holed’ as a “special interest?!?” Chamber of Commerce “officials sat aghast.” It’s Chief Executive responded with enormous reserve, it was a bit of a “political speech.” He noted, ‘we were called no kind of “special interest” when we backed the Stimulus Bill or the efforts concerning General Motors (addressed in specifics elsewhere, where Obama sent a prostrate Motor City back as a Big 2 with foreign ownership now fully imposed upon one of the Big 3 by Obama fiat.) Others were a bit more assertive, though still enormously moderate in approach: “The Constitution is very clear on our right to raise issues.” Wall Street Journal, “Federal Regulatory Overhaul.”

    Is there a question: if overweening authority ‘calls you’ a special interest, are you to simply lie down and give up your right to “speech?” Howard Zinn, rip, says “protest” and “resist” are actual rights. (See for full review on Zinn, caveat, mild mannered but with a lot of punch).

    Got an insight into economics through Business History a ways back. Just found a fellow named Roger E.A. Farmer. He’s concerned about “financ[ing] by borrowing.”
    a) Have to be paid by those who come after us. (As our children directly look into our eyes with trust that we are indeed providing for them).
    b) 3/5 of wealth is in manufacturing and the US must be much more aggressive in maintaining its manufacturing base; be alert to dumping, even tariffs to protect fold-ups of nation-based industries.
    c) Huge debt to foreigners. Everyone knows about the T-Bills and China.
    It’s the issues I am producing and a potential source from the murky world of economics. What about unemployment? Not going down.(9.7%. Sunday, ABC National, 6/12). I suppose we give these people two terms to drag the failed Stimulus Bill claims on. And indeed, the kids and the grandkids will foot the $700-$800 billion bill. This was not the Obama extended Bush policy of saving whole economic sectors, with major ripple effects. Total reniging on simple $250 follw-up for those on the border or directly in need.

    “Codification” of the circumstances which led to the last financial crisis. Senate Minority Leader, Kentucky, blue grass state – heartland. 4/16/10. CNN . Stands. 6/14.

    Spin/Pigeon-holeing. From the United States’Chamber of Commerce as a “special interest” (3/24/10. Wall Street Journal.) to a social conservative, coming out of a 53% Independent body politique base as a Rightist, that’s Sarah. Increasingly formed as per a Teddy Roosevelt, Republican coming out Progressive Party (Bull Moose), now established out of Liberal lambast (witness Gallup, 12/09, one of 2 most admired women in the world). State Chief Executive with doubly unstated family profile of CHRISTIAN CHARITY and ideological left centrism on at least 2 ‘special interest’ issues, a fully accepted and welcomed into the nuclear family single mother who is still only 19, and a two or three year old son with Down who Sarah has vigorously spoken out in advocacy and for those others with mental health backgrounds on at least 3 high profile occasions, boldly taking on Rush for aping Emmanuel’s use of something like “r_tards.” I still stand by the firm contention that in NO WAY is pro-life Rightist, Amnesty International virtually held a gun to my head if I accepted a capital punishment case over a 5 year period and didn’t argue against it. Nobel Peace Prize. “Right-to-Life” clause of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN, 1948. So I simply said, the one Nobel nomination for our ex-Governor who emptied death row was “good.” I hope Big Jim of juris 16 years gets him that $60,000/year pension after he finishes his time, FOR NOTHING HE DID AS GOVERNOR.

    I call this whole thing “Steamroller Politics.”

    a) Hofstadter, Columbia School, broke the ground with the Age of Reform ( a little too close to FDR in time nexus for best comment).
    b) Henry Kissinger: “Restoration.” The triumph of diplomacy and replacing in relatively moderate forms the pre-Napoleonic compacts of the Enlightened Monarchs/Despots. 1815. Century’s Peace, but Crimea and the insistent world ‘meddling’ of the Brits, and the Franco-Prussian endeavor, 1871.
    c) ‘Dick’ Abrams and Larry Levine, Columbia – they had their day — my boss and the colleague and employee of his protégée (See: The Modern Temper). Burdens of Progress and the Shaping of the 20th Century. Larry on the Populist/Agrarian-based “REFORM” running in tandem with Teddy with his spell with the real-life Rough-Riders and got under “the Machine,” Tammany Hall (Plunkett of Tammany Hall, Cal staple) and then took Trust-busting and the taming of the New Industrial State to the National level. Foray: The Progressive Party, he just didn’t get the votes as Third Party. (Populism has a dictionary definition which takes it entirely out of the Bryan/Teddy Roosevelt nexus of an attempt to bridle in the erupted Big Business structure and apparatus to the Constitutional order. And this is not a ‘citation,’ this is the essential REFORM intended cross-party by the Great Commoner and a man who joined the people.) Bryan, Bible conservative by 1925, effectively died 6 days after the mental terror of Clarence Darrow in a clear extra-judicial proceeding of attorney interrogation – which indeed the trial judge, who calmly held prayer every day before Court – did put a stop to and expunge the day before’s testimony. With, at direction of Dr. Paul Gross, ecologist and entomologist, student of History of Science. PGross Copyright, all research and specific developments as concerns ‘evaluation’ of Scopes and “teachings” language of Butler, aff. Tenn Supreme Court, Dr. Paul Gross.

    Former Secretary of State, Arlington National Cemetery. Victim to a monster of “modernism,” Clarence Darrow, whose client was directly solicited by the ACLU to suppress “teachings” legislation, akin to ratings for public t.v.

    E,f,g, stated in other places. There was a time at which the French sincerely believed they were engaging in a style of “reform,” which turned out to be destructive in nature, used the best trained minds of the time to run a douplet against morals as a foundation for belief, simply tore the Church to the ground and then dissembled their own government forthwith. From keyword to buzzword. ‘Mendacity’ (-) in politcs. “Reform.” Jacobin Terror, through Code Naopleon, to the ‘flattening ‘ of Europe. (Site states cannot quote exactly, Dr. Martin Jay, Cal – way too much Hegel, otherwise, not too clear on the use of Georg Lukacs as concerns ‘human liberation.’ He came directly out of a Warsaw Pact nexus, which included the devastated Hungarian “liberation” attempt – like Tienemin?) Marx was the materialist (and proto-sociologist/political scientist); Hegel came out of an unearthing of German and Medieval heritage, Christianity hardly anything resembling atheism, out of the Kantian ‘idealist’ setting: “organicism” similar to Burke with a slight dysfunction of creating Godlike qualities to the Nation-State, which was then only Prussia, in addition to the Creator. But see Otto von Bismark and German nationalism during Euro-peace of 1900’s up till “The War.”)

    Our head of state wouldn’t even go to a Warsaw Pact (former’s) funeral for a tragic death in a plane crash. Like trains can’t travel under clouds of volcanic smoke. A man worth $15 Billion who started out with virtually nothing, Bloomberg the Democrat turned Republican turned Independent, takes the subway to work every day in downtown NYC. (Photograph Khue Bulfor/Newsweek, November 12, 2007).


    1. 30% view the Federal Government as a major threat to their personal freedom up from 10% (in the teeth of the response to 9/11) in 2003. ABC News/Washington Post.
    2. Pew Research Center: “the general public now wants government reformed and a growing number want its power curtailed” (including Barack Obama as regards the economy.) 4/19/10
    Richard Shelby of Alabama responsive to general will: “another grand experiment in big government and central management.” 6/10
    3. We can’t “codify” the circumstances that led to the last financial crisis. Mitch, 4/16/10, CNN.
    The Washington Post boldly sub-editorialized within text on interview: “speed is important” Obama, June 17,2009, with “Senior officials debating using a bulldozer to clear the way for [alleged] reform but decided instead to build within the existing system, offering what amounts to an architect’s blueprint for ‘modernizing’ (face-lift, P.R.??) a creeky old building.” Ezra Klein’s Wonkbook, Applebaum and Cho.
    4. “An oversight board that is made up of the very regulators who failed to act for the last decade, can overrule …” Democracy Now!, Kai Wright, 3/25/10.
    5. ‘Good “thesis.”’ MIT Leader (linguistics and critical politics). On initial 4/10 essay.
    6. Dodd, Dem. Connecticut, 3 decades on Banking Committee with lax government oversight and fat political contributors. (the wolves sheparding the sheep?) Wall Street Journal, David Rogers, 4/20/10
    New York Times brazenly admits to this in boilerplate intended for polemic for opposite effect: “Americans are still paying and paying [for] regulatory weakness and indolence.” June 11- 13, hard copy, p. WK9.
    7. The Dodd Bill allows for the special deals that Obama practiced when he “divied up the automakers’ assets.” National Review/Wall Street Journal, 4/20/10
    New York Times.
    Without pausing to breath admits a ‘broad expansion in government.’
    [necessitating best possible scrutiny of an] “increasingly complex banking system and financial markets.” Durbin of Illinois highlighted upon Bill coming to full floor.(So WHERE’S the screaming about nuclear option? The man who de-escalated that issue by the formation of a bi-partisan group on Judicial Appointments upon Democrat rantings, which were perhaps justified, is directly now in the middle of a Federalism hidden forum challenge based on a spitball of racism and reverse racism.) Well Captain Purple Heart many times over John has got Big Governor Perry almost next door on the border to cover his back. Texas Governor Perry specifically “enjoy[s] support in the Hispanic community,” (Dallas News, 6/14/10), and is widely endorsed and complimented, with a “friendly business climate and a strong economy.” Rio Grande Valley. 5/10/10.
    John’s McCain’s concerns, as stated in his clear 10-points are: BORDER PROTECTION. Home page.
    8) Navy Federal credit union, and trades (7-11?) Against. First Google Search article on issue last night, same tonight. Prior, Chicago Now and Red Eye with a publication, For Katie Basile, Thanksgiving which included poetic historiography from the Generation of 1898, through the murdered surrealist Lorca’s visit to NYC during the Great Depression, through the ‘aristocracy of the common person’ and Jiminez – with the legendary ambulance corps reserve of Hemmingway as regards “Franco” and then the Axis. The instant article, published under Chicago Tribune, 2nd cite last night, 3rd for apparent policy reasons tonight (5/23) as regards Liberal Media/Dodd/Obama,

    Medill adjunct in agreement with me on the issues. 2 hours casual and in-depth discussion on Saturday afternoon upon notice of item being picked up by Chicago Now regional sometime after the first publication on April 20th. Also at Twitter:@redeyechicago. Co-write may be coming next Saturday, though it’s not my general practice. Medill expressed an interest in Chicago Now Physician Ron Paul and the intricacies of his Libertarian Republicanism. “Commanding” expression of Big Tent and “reform” with open arms to bring Socialists into Government. (The Conservatives at 10 Downing willy nilly picked up the Liberals as opposed to staunch American Ally, Tony Blair’s Labour, for “coalition” politics; there’s no breach of decorum of Dr. Ron Paul’s part to “reach out” to those without political voice. )
    NEW YORK TIMES/The NATION: grievance. ‘Buried’ article on “creeping rightist revolution” by that overdoing it drunk Boris against REFORMING Nobel Laureat M. Gorbachev in 1991 followed by “purge” of Legislature elected along with him (if any of the elections were any good) two years short of their due 5 year terms. Gennady Genayev seemed to remain in bona fide democratic ‘opposition.’ I still see nothing wrong with Ruslan Khasbulatov, as I wrote the NYT and The Nation but they buried, as Head of Legislature, disbanded under immediate threat of liquidation old style. It’s just Khasbulatov went secession crazy and tried to get a county to secede as opposed to full provinces, now nation-states, like Russia’s close ally and ‘near abroad’ Belarus. Language of Gorby in conjunction with response to ‘alternative intellectual heritage:’ Glastnost (openness) and Perestroika ( less clear to me, mixed economy, governmental structures reform- Kafka had something on the tyranny of bureaucracies entitled The Castle. The Metamorphosis is just too far out for logic or common sense in interpretation or ‘relating.’)
    9). 56% say government does not do enough to help AVERAGE Americans. Wall Street Journal/Andrew Kohut/President of PEW/Past President of GALLUP/founder Princeton Survey Research Associates. 4/19/10

    By Mark V. Basile, essayist and playwright. Wittenberg, downtown Chicago Music, Cal Berkeley, 3 terms “reader” for university classes; #1 insurance manager 2 months in 1984 for #1 region in #2 carrier to Prudential. MILICO marketer’s carrier. “Clerk” for Robert Stephenson, Federal Judge John Powers Crowley and George Cotsirilos. Grew up, obviously, with relatives and cousin(s): Prudential (of ‘Pennsylvania’) to Kemper to Swiss Consortium. 2 years Girl Friday at NLU, Chicago-Alexandria. Actual research clerk and academic assistant. 5/23. The New York Times/Dodd are ‘misinforming,’ as regards “Reform,” this goes beyond occasional Democratic Party bombast by the NYT). ND/73. Niles.

  15. Mark V. Basile

    Politely Had Doors Opened for Her as a Secretary, Receptionist and English Teacher in Italy; Maintained Bearing of a Texas Federal Judge’s Daughter, Now OPENING SKYSCRAPERS FOR WOMEN AS former CEO of HEWLETT-PACKERD (, 2004). Carly Fiorina.

    CARLY FIORINA. Married into and recipient of top award of La Societa Dante Aligheri de Massachusetts, as did Lee Iaccoca. No strangers to the world of the finest arts, top 2 West Coast Stanford BA in Philosophy and Medieval History. Mother a Portrait and Abstract Artist. On ‘Italianess’ see: Carla Fiorina in Cristogianna Borsella (On Persecution, Identity and Activism – ‘Italian-Americans,’ also ref: Mangione and Morreale, 1993, 198-9, 406-7). Family through marriage and name inheritor of the poor, political pioneers and those of humble origins of the Italian Mezzogiorno. Borsella – Fiorina lends her mass biography to the proud carriage of the heritage of Columbus and Vespucci (America), et through name and symbol of Dante Society. There was no particular reason why she didn’t stay with Sneed otherwise – but I hypothesize!)

    — MBA, University of Maryland, 1980
    — (Graduated High School in North Carolina)
    — Towering MIT graduate education, M.S. from Sloan School School of Management
    — Fortune Magazine, named “most powerful woman in business.
    — Time, Top 100 while maintaining Fortune listing throughout Hewlitt-Packard tenure
    — Forbe’s, #10 on list of The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women for 2004.
    — GLASS CEILING SMASHED, as first woman to head up a Fortune 20 Company (WIKI)
    — C.E.O. Hewlett-Packard 1999-2005 (interesting power business politics with rival computer company Compaq in 2002 merger.)

    Born Austin, Texas; 1954, Heartland Roots

    According to Bloomberg Businessweek, 8/12/98, Carly holds essentially a double hat in business at AT&T and Hewlitt-Packard In the trenches vs IBM, et. She joined AT&T as a management trainee in 1980 and worked her way up to Senior Vice-President in 1995.

    She “paid her dues.” (In spades, a Federal Judge’s daughter/son needs do little more than go to law school and then walk straight through the inner corridors of the establishment. Carly did in fact attend a term at the very good UCLA, but decided she just plain did not like the law.)

    Assigned to upgrade and update Lugent of AT&T in 1996, and when it spun off, Carly became President of a $19 Billion corporation, Lugent in 1998. At age 40, she was AT&T.’ Navigated the Clinton high tech bubble.


    Rising to head of North America Operations at age 40.

    (note in the literature that the Irish Democratic Machines drove many Italian-Americans into the Republican Party. This has never been a top priority issue for me personally, but I did take note when Richard Daley single handedly destroyed one of the most vibrant Italian-American communities in Chicago when he wholesale threw out the Italians without other provisions for placement of a university, inter alia.)

    John McCain. 2008.
    Up by 1% point in her own race for US Senate, September 7, 2010.
    Google “The Women’s Conference” of Governor Arnold Schwartzennegar and Maria. ‘Largest of its kind,’ celebration of “lives and lessons.”
    Cancer survivor.
    Condeleeza Rice. Double Government Higest appointive offices and Stanford Provost; endorses.
    Carly favors ‘most expansive public care. Including the public option.
    Counter-veiling “feminisms” argued in Senate Race. Absolutely impossible to beat self-made woman relief.

    Carly for Senate, 2010.
    Election 2008 was an aberration flowing from economic cataclysm. It swept out the thing people could get their hands on, the Republican Executive and barely gave any hearing on the “merits” to McCain/Palin. We saw this with Herbert Hoover’s summary removal in spite of academically established qualifications of enormous quality for the ‘job description:’ US President. So we got an unknown quantity and a neophyte, indeed even with staff a frequent bungler. The “crisis” uneqivocably is now the Democrat’s, though it may be claimed that continued screaming of ‘crisis’ is a ruse for an authoritarian impulse and the creation of an election issue which is totally false in nature.

    See also Willow Creek Community Church. Initiated 1975 in Palatine, Illinois.
    Carly’s engagement with Christ maturing and deepening, Willow Creek:
     There is one God, eternal existing in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – each possessing all the attributes of Deity.
     Humans were created by God to have fellowship with Him or Her, but due to their rejection of God, they need His saving grace, which must be received by repentance and faith, in order to end the separation from Him.
     Jesus Christ lived sinless, the Holy Spirit draws us to God and equips for personal growth and service to Church, as the Church is to give glory to God.
     Those “forgiven” will enjoy eternal fellowship with God.

    By Mark V. Basile. Essayist and Playwright. 9/18/10. Some might call it ‘blood.’ See Italiana/Italiano – Glencoe. Political “Independent.” Some might call it ‘disgruntled Democrat —

    (I am becoming more interested in this Web site programming than my former/usual suburban Tribune,, Chicago Tribune. 10/2/10. MVB)

  16. Mark V. Basile

    None of my last 3 comments/articles have been posted. Good luck,nevertheless. 10/2/10

  17. Mark V. Basile

    OK Gary. I’ll get back to you tomorrow. 2 of the 3 items were with regard to the Dante lede in C. Fiorina’s article, whom by the way I like also. They concerned the Founder’s heritage carried as per Columbus, Amerigo (America) Vespucci, and John Cabot (actually Gionanni Caboto) who the English and the Candian government s both agreed landed at Newfoundland. I don’t have the facts directly in front of me concerning Verrazano Narrows. Though looking for the spice routes and avoid the arduous land route of Marco Polo, the Italian captains flying under different flags did in fact find our double continent where our standard Founders the Puritans were able to set sail for around a century later as ‘religious/political “asylum”‘ seekers. My poem, America, ‘on the hub of the half Millenium’ was written in the year 2000 to celebrate the “discovery” of our Monroe Doctrine continents, with Amerigo carrying the “namesake” and/or the stars and stripes and his letters back to Florence a little after Lorenzo the Magnificent died in 1492, these being published in Europe in 1502/03. They translate into “New World.” There are also Lettera.

    So our Italos carry with them, in the blood of their national heritage, the discovery, naming and perhaps the genesis of the flag. Cicero is the great archaic President/Philosopher from 63 B.C., closely followed by the devolution of Republic into tyrrany and absolutism or Empire of Augustus.

    Thanks, Gary. Sincerely, Mark V. Basile, Essayist and Playwright. Chicago Metro/Skokie.

    • Gary P


      Sorry those went away. I’m glad I have a spam filter. One can only take so many Russian porn sites hammering your blog, but unfortunately, sometimes it catches a good comment.

      I only moderate out the haters and the crazies past that.

  18. Mark V. Basile

    Good. I’ll get back to you with AMERICA, year 2000. Rededicated to Sarah Palin c/o Carly Fiorina and my sister Katie. (Ultra-clean cut, ‘On the hub of the half-Millineum travelled Vespucci …)

    What follows is from the suburban Tribune,, alternate version on the Lisle/DuPage site, re-published in CHICAGO NOW (circulation 11,000+) and the Red Eye mass free press ca: April/May 2010. Since July, it has stood against Barack/Dodd at ##1-10 National Google Search. Democratic Wall street so-called reform:
    A. Main Street Bails out Wall Street;
    B. “Codification of the circumstances” which led to the “crash” of late 2008.
    It is #1 tonight.

    Mark V. Basile, ND/Niles ’73 salutatorian, Wittenberg (small town central Ohio, top 20 for beauty of campus and faculty, Princeton Review), Chicago Music School, Cal Berkeley- 3 times Instructor/”reader, 2 legal letters 1986 of firm of Federal Trial Judge John Powers Crowley and Midwest Superlawyer George J. Cotsirilos (3/10).

  19. Mark V. Basile

    FEDERAL REGULATORY OVERHAUL: Step one, Olympia Snow it.
    By Mark Basile

    “REFORM:” Spun into meaninglessness. Chaos in public information. Tuesday, 4/20/10. “Reform” is now an instrument of Public Policy ‘spin.’ Same old medicine offered, general public subsidizing “too big to fail.” or counterveiling logic at the edge?

    Cloud on the horizon: ‘policy of overriding importance than articulated principle of bi-partisanship.’ Obama.

    Columbia School. Hofstadter. The Age of Reform.

    Columbia School. Leuchtenberg. FDR. (Liberal ’tilt’)

    Chicago, Illinois. Studs Terkel. Hard Times. (the government officials are a bit self-

    “More negotiations still needed.” Susan Collins, Maine

    ‘Main Street Bailing Out Wall Street.” Mitch McConnell

    We’ve already seen Public Official nominee(s) being shoved into jobs after specifically being rejected via Advise and Consent by the United Senate through recess nominations. Reconciliation/nuclear option in to maintain questionable steamroller legislating in avoidance of reasonable checks and balances after Democracy appeared to step in and just plain stop it through the election of Senator Scott Brown out of Mass. Inasmuch as John McCain had addressed the same Democratic outcry on nuclear option with the formation of a significant bi-partisan middle group, out of the structure of the Senate erupts an Extra-Constitutional actor this nobody nohow Parlaimentarian to interpret away checks and balances as per filibuster and simply force the redirection to the House for a vote, where s/he knew s/he had the Obama/Pelosi votes to pass Healthcare, which indeed left 15-20 million out in the cold. Congressional Budget Office/ New York Times (3/18/10)/CNN (3/17/10).

    Hard to catch this one as it drops.

    ’Olympia Snow it,’ first step. Targets named, Corker of Tennessee and Gregg of New Hampshire. OK, this is still the Constitution. Steamroller, albeit, total and stupendous disregard for stated Administration doctrine of bi-partisanship, but not technically extra-Constitutional. 4/16/10, CNN. Still, checks and balances is a core understanding.

    But what about the leadoff? A broadside leveled against the United Stated Chamber of Commerce by the US Treasury Secretary. 3/24/10, Wall Street Journal. The Chamber of Commerce pigeon-holed as a special interest?!? Chamber of Commerce officials sat aghast. Its Chief Executive responded with enormous reserve, it was a bit of a political speech. He noted, we were called no kind of special interest when we backed the Stimulus Bill or the efforts concerning General Motors (addressed in specifics elsewhere, where Obama sent a prostrate Motor City back as a Big 2 with foreign ownership now fully imposed upon one of the Big 3 by Obama fiat.) Others were a bit more assertive, though still enormously moderate in approach: The Constitution is very clear on our right to raise issues. Wall Street Journal, Federal Regulatory Overhaul.

    Is there a question: if overweening authority calls you a special interest, are you to simply lie down and give up your right to speech? Howard Zinn, rip, says protest and resist are actual rights. Albeit Left of Center by all standards, Im sure thats what the Brits though of us around Valley Forge. (See for full review on Zinn, caveat, mild mannered but with a lot of punch).

    Spin/Pigeon-holeing. From the United States Chamber of Commerce as a special interest to a social conservative, coming out of a 53% Independent body politique base as a Rightist, thats Sarah. Skeletal Teddy Roosevelt and the Progressive Party (Bull Moose) now established out of Liberal lambast (witness Gallup, 12/09, one of 2 most admired women in the world). Sarah with doubly unstated family profile of Christian charity and ideological left centrism, a fully accepted and welcomed into the nuclear family single mother who is still only 19, and a two or three year old son with Down who she has vigorously spoken out in advocacy and for those with mental health backgrounds on at least 3 high profile occasions, boldly taking on Rush for aping Emmanuels use of something like retards. I still stand by the firm contention that in NO WAY is pro-life Rightist, Amnesty International virtually held a gun to my head if I accepted a capital punishment case over a 5 year period and didnt argue against it. Nobel Peace Prize. Right-to-Life clause of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN, 1948. So I simply said, the one Nobel nomination for our ex-Governor who emptied death row was good. I hope Big Jim of juris 16 years gets him that $60,000/year pension after he finishes his time, FOR NOTHING HE DID AS GOVERNOR.

    Our head of state wont even go to a Warsaw Pact (formers) funeral for a tragic death in a plane crash. Like trains cant travel under clouds of volcanic smoke. A man worth $15 Billion, Mayor Bloomberg, who started out with virtually nothing, takes the subway to work every day in downtown NYC. (Photograph Khue Bulfor/Newsweek, November 12, 2007).

    1. 30% view the Federal Government as a major threat to their personal freedom up from 10% (in the teeth of the response to 9/11) in 2003. ABC News/Washington Post.
    2. Pew Research Center: the general public now wants government reformed and a growing number want its power curtailed (including Barack Obama as regards the economy.) 4/19/10
    3. We cant codify the circumstances that led to the last financial crisis. Mitch, 4/16/10, CNN
    4. Dodd, Dem. Connecticut, 3 decades on Banking Committee with lax government oversight and fat political contributors. Wall Street Journal, David Rogers, 4/20/10
    5. The Dodd Bill allows for the special deals that Obama practiced when he divied up the automakers assets. National Review/Wall Street Journal, 4/20/10
    6. 56% say government does not do enough to help AVERAGE Americans. Wall Street Journal/Andrew Kohut/President of PEW/Past President of GALLUP(/founder Princeton Survey Research Associates). 4/19/10

    Vote coming right up: “comment.” MVB

    7. 4/27/10. “Too Big to Fail” is being systematically addressed. Need continued ‘negotiations.’ Shelby, Alabama.

    8. Ben Nelson closely attempting CONSTITUTIONAL correctness on avoiding “takings.” CNN, 4/27.

    9. Obama ultimate billionaire stalwart wants own ‘piggy-bank’ exception written in. Warren Buffett.

    10. Democrat Nelson indeed “worried about the legislation’s impact on

    MAIN STREET … [doesn’t] … want to push forward a bill that isn’t “finalized.” 4/27.

    11. ABC News. “Artificial deadlines” can be “unreasonable.” July 20,2009. Governor Romney out of George Romney family Presidential run, 1968. “Negotiations for a major piece of legislation takes time.” FOR THE SAKE OF 47 MILLION WE NEED TO GET [HEALTHCARE] BACK ON TRACK. (“Real” universal application in Mass, Gov. 2003-2007).

    12. MODERATES, Brown of Mass and Susan Collins of Maine (I have a Mitchell/Bentson companion pieces confirming background, experience and analysis of major institutional historian at Harvard, ref: to MIT leader): ‘do not want to feel pressured to vote to start the debate before the deal is negoiated.’ CNN, 4/27

    TOMORROW, Wednesday. Harry Reid manipulates procedure to push up vote.

    The Question is: with sound legislation, that will stand in time and stand scrutiny of a multiplicity of points of view — Dr. Ron Paul had Socialists looking in now, McCarthyism is over, as the Cold War — does the reasonable man RUSH to ‘steamroll?’ At least we are not at reconciliation/nuclear option, which Trent has directly come on T.V. and explained that he used this for circumscribed reasons, with allowance for the public to enter upon reflection and bring in the John McCain bi-partisan negotiation group in the Senate.

    By Mark V. Basile, essayist and playwright. Wittenberg, Cal Berkeley, et.

  20. Mark V. Basile

    I. AMERICA (For Sarah Palin c/o Carly Fiorina and Katie, 10/5/10.)

    x. Half Millenium

    On the hub of the half Millenium
    Travelled Vespucci
    Along the Central and South American coasts

    Born of Florence
    A commercial and banking agent of the Medicis*
    Travelling of the Italies, Spain, and France

    Amerigo Vespucci traveled
    Six thousands of miles
    Along the New World coast

    1505 taking on Spanish citizenship
    Shortly thereafter, a
    Major Pilot of Spain

    • See Lorenzo the Great. In addition to sponsorship of the arts, the Medicis ran Europe’s largest bank, at that time. Friends of the Vespuccis. 9/1/00. (Lettera, JBC and British Library; YALE Daily News, a show featuring Mondus Novus from (America) Vespucci. Lorenzo the magnificent d. 1492. Florence. Mundus Novus pub. 1502/03.
    • See also: “Augustine of Hippo.” Algeria. “Anglican Communion.” D. 430. CITY OF GOD. Jerome, contemporary. ‘catacombs’ … “came to me the line of Vergil, ‘Horror unique animos, simul…” (Commentaries, C. 40, v.5). Ok, Peter Brown was ‘the greatest.’ Nicest guy in the world, groovie tennis to all classes. “Sea Power,” the basin; class.

    II. Publius Sighed

    Fair Scipio standeth,
    Amidst troops of splaendor,
    Splaendor, courage, steadiness, and
    Centenial scowl;

    Un-cautious behemouths had entered, with
    Men sharp of weapon, with those
    Travellors giant,
    Behemoth of age.

    Proceed toward the heartland,
    And feel finality,
    The end of process, as enter
    (Two thousand year) glass cage;

    Would heartland speak as softer hearts
    Gaius Laelius and Scipio; simultaneous
    Others – on philosopher Panaetius,
    And Publius Scipio.

    Prepare them better, for
    Archaic democracy?
    For a better Repubblicus, so
    State Marcus Cicero

    Destinies query,
    At forested beachheads;
    Champion for us at shinnied, at
    Shinied brine?

    By Mark V. Basile, current resident of Skokie. 9/1/00.(academic assistant to MSWC, NLU, fall 2008 – fall, with MOSIAC publication June/July 2010. Chicago Metro campuses to DC/Virginia –Poland. “For Katie Basile …” Also on Katie, “Doveneck Jeannie;” CICERO, Letters, Brutus, Tiro – swansong for Republic, 49BC, General Sallust, Catalline, 63-62 BC (‘Completed Ancient ‘Human Character, ‘’ from Brenda Weitzman, South Africa/ Naval (psychological) Intelligence, Pacific Theater. 6/18/78, A+) On site Skokie/122 S. Michigan with Essie and Lisle.(General Scipio Africanus) Latin/Italian ‘basin:’ 509 BC, expulsion of Tarquin Monarchy, settlements and civilization but no prior Roman origins. Under investigation: Saul, Roman tax collector, and ‘moderate’ Empire through ‘crucifiction’ through East Rome/Byzantium. Fascinating implications for monarchical/empirial termination through East Euro-marriage. 1453, Ottomans destroy East Rome; Byzantium.
    For: Tri-State Air
    (Ref: Hannibal of Carthage, an historic outpost of the great ‘Phoenecian’ seafarers, subsequent to Carthaginian aggression, province of Roman Republic. Historic event famous for the Great Elephant Armies)

    ii. Morning Dew

    Morning Homes
    Activities stirring
    Business and small proprietorship doors
    (waiting to open)

    An early bagel
    Pastels for the artist
    Revarnished antiques
    Wash for the household

    Trees shading still a seniors’ bench

    Western fires!
    Burning heavily through last evening
    Wo/men saving lives and
    Homes and the

    As others pass, through
    Widespread inferno

    Sunday’s aftermath
    Next weekend sure
    To be

    Morning’s dew, on
    Monday’s grass

    Sparkling crystal atop green

    (August, 2000).

    iii. Cross Ways/Cross Roads. Eternity Touches Once

    As a pin tip
    Falls lightly
    Upon shale
    At slick rock’s side

    Zagged alleys
    Hoarse human voices
    Pain of centuries
    Heard not even once

    Eternity’s vision
    In a mirror
    Thenceward looking
    Pained the eye

    Mute voices singing, as
    Descried the crossroads
    Baby’s breath, upon
    Eternity’s lie

    (Without listening, civilization whirls
    and kicks – as Donatello’s
    emotions and gouged human faces
    of 1450 see the decade’s breadth)

    Eternity’s vision
    In a mirror
    Thenceward looking
    Pained the eye

    As a pin tip
    Falls lightly
    Baby’s breath, upon
    Eternity’s lie
    (9/1/00: Transition sponsored and Enabled)

    (ref: Michaelangelo, da Vinci articulates the absolute certainty of Christianity (The Last Supper, 1490’s, Milan), Botticelli, Erasmus. Bn. 1466. Father of Great Reformation impulse, “perceived and half-created the tidal changes of his own epoch,” Yale Review of Books, Spring, 2009, Raphael and ‘da Vinci’s corpses,’ in Translucent Midnights, 1991/2009, discovered and rev. M.I.T. 1992/1993/12,2009 “impressive,” and Dr. Joanne Koch (Evanston): “fine play.” (2009) Adapted from DVD from the Atrium, still available, also at Theatre Building Chicago, 1225 W. Belmont, 11/9/09. “Impressive,” Noam Chomsky, US #1 Linguist century, 12/09. (By Noam: see also The Common Good, 1996-98, ref: Aristotle on ‘the middle class” and FDR, with some exceptions.) P.5. Screenplay available. “Scene-by-scene” ‘with’ Senator from Mass.and his ‘Idol’ daughter. Further note from YALE: John Huizinga was “the great historian of medieval culture, was one of those rare figures whose own stature and sensibility easily matched those of his scholarly subjects.” See also: The Cambridge Letters of Erasmus, Trans. D.F.S. Thompson, 1963. Guarantor of the contemporary reformed Catholic Church at level of theology not incorporated into institution? Cambridge. Implications for problematic Henry the VIII and culture. Judge Antonin Scalia, Shakespeare scholar. Google: Cambridge/Carlos Fuentes – NAFTA. Dr. Steve Masello, NLU-Cambridge/Skokie; English and Philosophy Chair. (On origins, ad and Letters, see: Harvard College/John Adams, interesting English high philosophy ‘hands-on,’ John Locke (Essay Concerning Human Understanding, interpretation, Martin Malia of Harvard, ‘writer’ for my admission to Cal graduate) and South Carolina Constitution, ref: Treatise on Government. Blackstone, English Legislature, Commentaries, used in American law schools through 1920).

  21. Mark V. Basile

    “I would like to acknowledge our agreement to provide students at Chicago State University an opportunity to view [Mark’s] poetry and paintings through the 96-97 academic year.” 7/11/96. Professor Larry Crost.

    “Thanks for the poems … proud to have inspired …” Department of Politics, Corwin Hall, Princeton, New Jersey 08544-1012. Chairman of Russian Studies. 1/30/95.

    CLOSE-UP, State of Illinois, 1/23/98. (On MVB and ‘friends,’ for 1996/97 at Greenwood in Evanston sponsored by Del R., from three hour 1-1 interview with Kevin Kavanaugh Head of a Humanities Department for the State, “wonderful program,” State Senator Kathleen Parker, 1998.)

    NOTRE DAME, All-Alum Publication. On ‘Charge Nursing.’Del R. also sponsored. 12/97,1/98? President Kenneth Molinaro, C.S.C.

    “The Labyrinth,” (slightly edited form). Mandatory reading at National-Louis University the last two falls. On-line. MVB. Originally in MOSAIC, NLU’s Masters of Science in Written Communication Honors magazine. Considerations of diversity and the Chicago music scene in the mid-70’s. The “beat.” Big Band, soul and funk.

  22. Mark V. Basile

    I happen to have a couple of other articles, Gary, about/rebutting the lamestream press on our super-Governor (who really never left office except under what appears to me to have been a mass illegal activity, overwhelmingly costly manifestly ‘frivolous’ lawsuits — which were thrown out of court or dismissed in toto in the final instance). THIS WAS MALICE. Sarah Palin was wronged, and the lamestream press continues to misconstrue and toss around frivolous allegations of Rightism. But I just got back from work, and I’ve never seen Bristol on this dancing thing. I’d like to catch that, and then I’ll find a Web production of mine which you may like — we’ll see. I have one that’s a rebuttal to a vitriolic criticism of Governor Palin and ‘conservative white women’ by Newsweek. Sincerely, Mark (I hope Bristol’s still on — read about an interesting and extremely promising foray to the lecture circuit by her on family values and reducing teenage pregnancies).

  23. Mark V. Basile

    Dancing With the Stars, Tuesday 10/5, the elimination:

    — Our single-mommie Bristol was AGE PERFECT when asked to comment on being among the lower group; “bumming real hard.”

    — Her partner Mark put on an enchanting ‘duel’ with his (also) dancer/musician brother, in which Mark edged out his brother — not so much as regards the dancing which I do not know too much about, they both seemed superb with their beautiful partners — but by switching acoustic to a dynamic electric guitar at the end of the segment.

    — Honda reminded us of some wonderful Americana with a commercial featuring the song “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.” (Also a ‘standard’ I used to love to play during my 2 1/2 years working free-lance in the Chicago Musician’s Union — alto saxophone).

    — Enterprise almost matched Honda with childrens’ “special memories” in a Family Setting.

    — Those of us who live with various burdens of the handicapped should have appreciated it when one of the ladies ‘in jeopardy’ spoke of the importance of “self-acceptance.” Also, MVB, Evanston Review, 2001 (cite available — I believe it was sent privately to the Palins on a public Web site, perhaps partially in empathy with the Palin family’s own handicapped situation.)

    — M. Boulton’s (sp?) childrens choir was a truly nice touch. “Hallelulia!”

    — Giannoulias (sp?) lost multi-millions of dollars in Illinois family’s college funds. He also was part of the process of a family bank (Broadway?) going under to the tune of $390 some million loss to Chicagoans and their neighbors.

    9:40 pm.

    John McCain, 2010. Mark Kirk, 2010. “Active.”

  24. Mark V. Basile

    “From the community” (in the suburban Tribune on-line).

    Cover: Newsweek. “Saint Sarah (Palin).”
    Response By Mark Basile

    Apparent target includes “Conservative Christian Women.” (Is this guy some kind of chauvinist?). The “Right,” an aspersion. P-ss on him. IGNORE this rant.

    Meacham’s own cherry-picked source the Conservative Charisma referred to Palin as among one of their Queens; this is in no way divine. Esther, an elevated, non-elected leader. OK ,that’s from the Bible. What’s Meacham/Newsweek’s source for moral and spiritual guidance anyway? For Chr_se sake, in his exact next paragraph, Meacham has Sarah using the most mundane, though perhaps naturalistic to describe populism and greater forces in play: she calls herself “Mama Bear.” Nowhere do I see any hint of violation of dictum reaching even deeper into history than the 13 DIRECT PARTICIPANTS and OBSERVORS who broke bread: the Bible as per ‘the Old Testament,’ No False Gods. Meacham’s just throwing around sources, and though my high school in Niles prepared us fully for the modern age as they taught us evolution in Biology, our instruction that we were to interpret ‘literally’ or ‘metaphorically’ aspects of the New Testament as would suit us best for life as we studied the “teachings” for a mandatory 3 years. Perhaps a fleeing people might not have with them any sort of gold necessary to construct a “calf” as Moses chastised them for according to archaic memory, but they sure as anything the nail my Prophet to a cross. The Roman Governor even gave the religious leadership and the body politique a choice; Barabus or Christ.

    I’m not so thrilled about this ‘nailing’ my ‘Culture of Life’ Mama Bear is getting in this article.

    Again, Social Conservatism is just as much the Right as Pelosi/Dodd Liberalism is Stalinism. Name-calling. Pigeon-holing.

    And Meacham/Newsweek is just plain DEAD WRONG on the mixed politics of the 20-40 year accord in place between many Protestants and Catholics on the ‘one-issue’ of pro-life. So Sarah incorporates this into a recasting for the Christian Democrat/Fundamentalist loose co-alition as a ‘new feminism’ where you can have job, family, Church and charitably conscious personal or financial involvement, if the National Government would ever come up with anything other than that dysfunctional $700 Stimulus Bill, which the mendacity of history put into place through the Democracy disrupting economic calamity of 2008 and intendent Supermajority/”hand up, hands down” dictation of government.

    Even Ron Paul says the Left as symbolized by 5 times Socialist Presidential Candidate Eugene Debs after his support of Democrat Bryan in 1896 is welcome, under freedom of speech, and in his own tradition realizing the genocide of Stalin is not in doctrine or structure in the Left’s essential nature, it was merely the madness of the man. But totalitarian bureaucratic structures were also a part of the critique of Stalinism. Say more?

    And social conservatism has adapted, in cases moderated to its alleged 1970’s calculus of pro-marriage, anti-gay and pro-life. (Meacham/Newsweek 6/21/10). I’ve argued “conception” and the origin of ‘uniqueness’ in other places; why in the world (!) Meacham would want to lump in marriage as part of the polemic I don’t know (though I don’t consider him an atheist and opposed to majoritarian conception of marriage as a sacrament); and anti-gay. Well there is strong talk in Defense with Republican leader and Academician Gates modifying don’t ask don’t tell (his superior the Secretary has already issued language along the lies of ‘if a gay or lesbian came uo to me and told me s/he were gay, I would not have them removed from the military’). Ultimate insider Karl Rove on the record as concerns the apparent other life homosexuality of his father: “I don’t care. He was my father, with whom I had a wonderful relationship and whom I loved deeply.” Washington Post, 3/7/10. Dick Cheney actually has toned it down a bit since Mary has brought to him 2 grandchildren, through artificial insemination means. Some day he should though make up for being a stick in the mud as Mary and Heather Poe posed perfectly of the AP at the 2004 Convention in support of a not fully developed big tent.

    Moreover, is this tryptich of Newsweek even accurate?! On 2/6/10 the “Tea Pary” in Nashville, Tennessee specifically articulated an Energy, Tax cuts and Lift the American Spirit calculus. Again, we see Newsweek in its hard-driving (effectively anti-Christian, at least in a reasonable person’s interpretation of “the text”) pigeon-holing of admittedly 48% of the female population as pro-life population as RIGHT or neo-Nazi:

    Wrong on the platform and issues as it reaches into the 1970’s to distract; and

    Picking on Religion in a rather callous and agnostic style.

    “She seems like an ordinary Christian woman who has done extraordinary things,” in the text, full Georgetown Professor.

    But I’m an Independent. Off an MIT PhD’s Independent Democrat’s run for State Representative in 2008, search the Skokie Review in October, 2008 for my article in favor of Daniel Biss, ‘Choice is not an Issue in the 17th.’ Matter of fact I was with a Hungarian-born democratic candidate from around 1997 – 2001/2002, and not simply because of the greater Austrian dual monarchy shared background – though that husband of her’s Appellate Judge Grieman was a great guy, sat in personally and threw pizza parties for the disabled of the near neighborhood. I just like the pro-life and the Teddy Roosevelt keeping regulatory agencies clean and independent and coming out to lionize for the disabled. The Progressive Party and the Rough Riders. Sarah, reasonable issues descent.

    And to re-address this Holy Personna accusation of Meacham, he’s going to lose readership, including my own subscription of 7 years if he keeps going after Catholics and Christians. No one anywhere can control what other people call them. Maybe there is a ‘cult’ somewhere that thinks Sarah Palin is a Savior or Prophet. I’ve never heard anything like that. I so, how the f- should that matter to anyone whatsoever. These sorts of Christian stalwarts know full well of the Golden Calf. I heard Sarah had a Woodstock in Nevada, moreover, where everybody kept their clothes on. No dope. Meacham cites an “Ethics and Liberty Commission” making an endorsement in the face of allegations not in any way proven, presumption of etc., which have been totally denied in South Carolina.(Where the Great English Philospher John Locke came hands on during his era to work on the Carolina Constitution!) Maybe its just the same old nasty politics and lack of civility. The Age of Bombast, MVB, 2010? Maybe its just a index of the formidable nature of one Nikki Haley. Maybe this crashing of the glass ceiling is going to be big! A person to watch –

    Abortion-peddling Planned Parenthood is held up as some unimpeachable source. This is an opinion, and a bad one at that. Though Liberal Bombast, The New York Times and – shall we dare say one word critical about anointed not even (humanistic) secularist ACLU (?) – I dare say Moses over Planned Parenthood. There’s no treatment anywhere whatsoever in ‘the original understanding’ for the Bill of Rights being a place for abortion to hide, kill and maim. But there is an “unusual treatment” in the Eighth.

    Tit for tat. If Religion on a mass level can be Rightist, then the ACLU can be Stalinist, indeed with some talking of the ongoing abortion as genocide. It’s not my conception. I find WIKI concise: Sarah Palin is a “Bible-believing Christian.” Just like the Great Commoner of the Democratic Convention of 1896 who merely did not want youths in the grade schools to be trained in atheism, from Big Bang or Expanding-Contracting Universe to Monkeys that talk. Save that for college.

    This thing about “Evangelicals” and being “White,” is discussed entirely without context; the pro-life kept-African-American Baptists of the mulatto ‘on top’ running a free-wheeling enterprise of bombast against anyone who speaks up.

    “Broadside” againsr US Chamber of Comerce. Chief Executive, it was a bit of a “political speech.” “Official [in attendance[ sat aghast. Wall Street Journal. 3/24/10

    “To White Evangelical Women,” and Newsweek, you have been singled out and treated with a degree of “bigotry” in the article lede. Ignore this article. Cultural Pluralism is natural, pigeon-holing a political and Liberal news tactic.”Push Comes to Shove,” protect your own … (Let the arrogators of their own Crowns save the universe, “billions and billions of etc., highly questionable speculation from the most overrated of the Ivys, more or less.)

    It’s “fine” even “excellent” to be a ‘Conservative Christian Woman.’ Be you own person, live for family, career and community. Rush has got 20 million. Even if he seems too much for you personally, still, he’s got the backbone to ‘effectively adovocate’ for a greater “base.”

    Ignore Newsweek this edition. But just look at the prejudiced cover when it comes out. Either way, clapping or promoting a prayer, it looks like Sarah Palin is clapping to me — our “small town voice” come to us as vanguard for “the heartland.”

    By Mark V. Basile, essayist and playwright. Chicago Metro. ND/Niles, 73,#2. Wittenberg, Springfield Ohio, 3.90 AB, biochemistry, music and Honors. #1 in plates ready for final production and distribution, MOSAIC, Masters Honors Chicago Metro/Alexandria-DC. An encounter with the Frost School of Harvard School. Essential agreement with my boss, Dr. Joanne – ‘Frost was (a) cold (fish).’ Midwest Emmy, Illinois Council of Arts Fellowship, Ohio State Psychiatric Award for Drama. “Fine Play,” Translucent Midnights, 2009, NLU atrium and 1225 W. Belmont near Racine Theatre porduction.Triple MIT “review:” Reiterated 12/09: “Impressive.” DVD available. Homelessnes, “girlfriends,” and tragedy pursuant to hate crime. “This is how its really done, you d_ke.” From play. MOSAIC of last year, “mandatory reading” in Dr. Joanne Koch’s co-taught Advanced Writing class, with husband Lew who debunked Padilla. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Direct on-scene investigation of trial in Florida. He directly briefed me twice: Padilla, though a former gang member, with probable terrorist training, in no way had the technological know how to construct a ‘dirty bomb.’ The “core” of the issue.

    “TERROR BEGINS AT HOME,” Newsweek, February 22, 2010. Let us pray not.

    With Newsweek riding Sarah like some dumb mule to be beaten.. What happened to ‘the merits’ ladies and gentlemen?

    Newsweek, February 22,2010. Allegedly, terror begins at home. If so, Mr. Obama’s Newsweek, kind of like M. Huffington of Sunday morning’s ABC National News and the Huffington Post, has shot itself in the foot again. George Bush took it directly to Al Queda and its host nation Afghanistan, with its enormously backward ruling Taliban, OVERSEAS, for the express purpose of “preventing” or minimizing terror from countries or non-contiguous states “at war” with us from metasticizing and even reaching our home borders.

    This is why we have a government –

    And our volunteer professional heroes in the military (led by an immaculate academy-trained officer corps). Witness the scrupulous attention to past deficits in the enormously difficult task of policing the constantly evolving landscape of a civil war, after the rapid removal of a dictator, practitioner of genocide with a record of use of WMD against his Shiite majority, with the measured Bush-Petraeus overwhelming success in completing the preconditions to established constitutional, democratic and representative government in Iraq.

    Meacham/Klaidman are all but dead wrong in pointing consistently to “domestic spirit” as the front line of the war on terror. (p.33). It is the “government’s (job) to take care of (us)” in wartime with its complex of State, Security/Intelligence and Defense/Military – contrary to Newsweek’s sarcasm. And it’s a complicated endeavor, Afghanistan/Pakistan, Yemen with diplomatic contact availability now in question, with some questions on the nature of the rampant Somali* pirates in the guts of our oil lanes outstanding.(Yemen now a ‘Host State?’ 6/20)

    And a weekly major does not necessarily speak on an issue, make its point, and then go on to topical issues as they arise. The contents on 2/22 read ‘Republican scare tactics.’ Just three months earlier Meacham/Newsweek had been on stump against our “maverick” homemaker from Alaska equating her, without the slightest real connection being made to a polemic against Goldwater ‘extremism.’ 11/23/09. Nothing more to equate her was said than “now comes Sarah Palin, an heir to the Goldwater tradition.” P.4 More was said of course, but Meacham made a polemic against one sentence of Barry Goldwater’s, not even from his debatable but well thought out book, The Conscience of a Conservative, in which Goldwater, coming out of the same Cold War and Vietnam foreign affairs nexus as brought down the LBJ administration, argued for the primacy of “liberty” as a core American value to be defended. Brushed aside was Meacham’s own admission that Goldwater received a 41-second ovation from his supporters. “Justice” too is articulated as a value worth defending to the point of no compromise. And indeed the instant General Eisenhower made his way to the civilian bully pulpit, he placed Chief Justice Earl Warren, and from Landmark 1954 to 1956 Supreme Court decisions, removed the blight of Plessey, separate but equal, responde to Rosa Parks and formlated National Security “Open Skies” in 1955, and let Martin Luther King Jr. through who cross-endorsed the General with his civil rights decision in Justice in concurrence with the NAACP. So what could Meacham be thinking in using Eisenhower as a central source of critique of Goldwater when he immediately turns around and talks about the alliance of General Eisenhower with the Rockefellers which would turn your stomach if you simply google our impeccable muckraker journalist supreme Ida Tarbell on the Rockefeller Conspiracy of 1871. My source is Stephen E. Ambrose, not Perlman, who is universally acclaimed in and outside the university empire with Eisenhower and The Rise to Globalism,et, where indeed the nuclear cowboy may have been Mr. Kennedy with his missiles in Russia’s underbelly contributing enormously to a Caribbean superpower run-in, which is the topic for another time. (Nevertheless, Khruschev did let the ‘zeks’ from Stalin’s Gulags free and could have been our first Gorbachev.)

    And even if you do not take into account Meacham’s extremely selective interpretation of Gallup, where on the face of it he admits that 65% of Americans would consider voting for Sarah, I do not see in the 2/22/10 article any follow-up on his own source where Gallup determined in 12/09 that Sarah Palin was deemed one of the two most admired women in the world by the American public. Now how can that possibly be a reflection of reduction to “irrationality and civic incoherence.” (Also Barbara Walters’ 10 Most Fascinating in 2008). She threw an influence peddler off the Alaska Oil Commision Regulatory board, she spoke out equally against Rush and Rahm Emmanuel for rhetoric abusive of those with disabilities and M.I. (US News and World Report, 2/10), and she boycotted the most recent general Republican CPAC forum thereby giving an enormous opening to the formidable Libertarian/ Republican-Independent Ron Paul on the basis of the CPAC being significantly sponsored by the Rightist John Birch Society – whom I am willing at this point to look into and consider if they have any redeeming qualities considering the powerful bias of mainstream press. Off the topic, Sarah married a small town fisherman she had known since high school or before. 15 year homemaker, maintained close friends for step aerobics and Alaska diminuative diner recreation. This is some kind of POWER ELITE background?!? Big business and mass financial resources handed through descent absent any kind of merit? NO, “a small town voice” resounds.

    I’ll stick with “maverick” with the possibility of true independent leaning. John McCain’s “safety net” is of particular relevance to me — let alone Mitt’s Universal Healthcare in Massachusettes. I’m not enormously disappointed that dictatorial legislation is currently in abeyance with the Senate Supermajority trimmed down by that one vote out of Massachusettes.

    But let’s return to the domestic forum and this contention of scare tactics by a clear minority trying to marshall its resources for incremental gains at the midterms. George Bush II advised ‘alertness’ while continuing to function and live as normal as possible lives even when the government threat level was raised. Police and fire,et were marshaled however. In no way did he suggest civilian involvement in actual matters of security or national defense, or that a “line of defense” or the front line be a so-called ‘concerned and resilient citizenry,’ G_d forbid the true “extremism” where simple citizens were indeed left alone, surprised and totally unguarded by their government, untrained heroes having to act to foil terror (cf:33) as the 9/11 plane bombing stopped around the state of Pennsylvania suspected to be on its way to the White House and ended up with 100% of the passengers DEAD. Only after having successfully neutralized enemy combatants, or prisoners of “war,” can the homefront even be considered as a forum for the response to terrorism for “military tribunals,” Guantanemo being better for the safety of Americans in general – most of these people are enormously indoctrinated, look at real statistics on those released going right back to the battlefield, we want this roaming our neighborhoods on parole? Guantanemo perhaps is an eyesore because of the state of US/Cuba relations. (Pursuant to ‘bungling’ Clinton/Obama both rejected Fidel/Raul overtures, with Raul Castro specifically offering an deal which involved a degree of “reform.”)

    But even this is being bungled by administration policy focusing on dummied-up or lawyered-up “convictions” (FOX, roundtable, 2/21/10), as opposed to full interrogations (Liz, 2/21) perhaps with reduced sentences in return for cooperation. A lawyered-up “conviction” of an enemy combatant can obviate innumerable informations and planned events becoming known to our authorities. “Dangerousness” remains an outstanding issue.

    It’s one thing to have lively debate in the press and media, but even partisans need some degree of objectivity and openness to reasonable discourse.

    The Democrats are weaker on National Defense.

    By Mark V. Basile, freelance essayist and playwright. 2/24/10.

    *With at least 2 acts of direct terrorism generated withing Somalia with impact outside its borders, Somalia does actually appear now as a new “host state” as regards international terrorism. 10/6/10

  25. Mark V. Basile

    Other More Other ›
    From the community
    suburban Chicago Tribune on-line, Thanks to the Trib.

    Bedfellows Huffington Post and Joe Biden Question NATIONAL “SECURITY DEFENSE.”

    ABC Sunday Morning mainstay says her magazine is similar to a social networking site. “We’re doing social news.” Arianna Huffington. Newsweek, 8/2/10, p.47. “grabbing sexy stuff from other Web sites … the trick is to design stories in such a way that they will get pushed toward the top of the search rankings.” P.47.

    Like photos of Jennifer Aniston’s topless perfume ad? P.45 This is really important national conversation, as Huffington of the Huffington Post aspires to? “Plenty of tabloidy stuff” along with “a spot for Huffington and her lefty celebrity friends to vent about the Bush administration.” P.45. “The whole thing is about editors following their passions.” Huffington quoted in Newsweek. Ok, I don’t like New York and California, where Arianna lives.

    I would guess if you’re a major there would be repercussions if you directly quoted someone incorrectly:

    “We have a clear attitude. On the Afghan war, for example, we’ve been clear that we believe it’s an unnecessary war.” Huffington quoted in Newsweek. p.47, 8/2/10.

    Submitted by Mark V. Basile, essayist and playwright. Just scoping out my subscription to Newsweek, and reflecting back on the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania fields heroes who probably saved the White House. 7/27/10.

    Joe Biden complains about ‘putting 2 wars on the credit card.’, 9/15. This is Administration! Just another ‘foot-in-the mouth’ Biden??? (Of course, no mention of $700 Billion + discretionary Stimulus Bill where unemployment went over 8% and is now hovering at 9.7 (ABC, Sunday morning major news, unrebutted) – 10%. 12% in Michigan. FOX Forum, major Sunday morning, 6 weeks ago. Chris Wallace gets agreement of 10% unemployed figure from major figures the last 2 weeks.)

  26. Mark V. Basile


    5. All Are Equal Before the Law, 8/11/94, M. Vincente
    Among 27 basic cites by A/The Leader of the Free World; Sarah Palin. Evening of 10/5/10.

    September 21, 2010 … “Dear Mr. Basile, Thank you for your correspondence to the Post Adoption Program of the Children’s Home Society of California. We are in receipt of the items to be placed in the record for your daughter. We have completed your request. Thank you. Sincerely,” … Corporate Headquarters, 1300 West Fourth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017.

    Pg. 6. AT HOME (With Sandra Lamb, Lighthouse for the Blind)

    The Highlands, the Moors and Glasgow,
    One twilight the heat was intense.
    The day had seemed, to
    Go on forever –
    I thought briefly of walking on the Scottish beach:

    With that special person;
    Walking home,
    Coming back from …

    … a thought of Saint Andrews,
    Twenty miles from Dundee, Scotland.

    The day had seemed to go on forever –
    Now home and the hearth with
    My Scottish kin.

    With that special person, in the
    Highlands, the Moors, Glasgow …

    1/23/96; Park Ridge, Illinois.

    7. TWILIGHT, featured in “Writing, Creativity and Recovery;” “wonderful,” 11/09. (Originally June 14, 1995).

    8. WATER, 9/95.

    Nude at the ocean front,
    A dog at his side
    A series of orbs being pondered,
    Or merely being observed.

    The dog is resting.
    Black and white with a collar,
    Oblivious to the orbs, being
    Pondered –
    Or merely observed.

    Mountainous hillocks reflect off the bay,
    Bright yellow –
    In the evening’s sun.

    Water laps over our subject’s knee

    Forty feet inland,
    A hand rests gently on the bay.

    Color but no particular meaning;
    To stop and observe these orbs might seem insipid.

    Dry ocean floor,
    Waterless ocean bottom.
    Stairsteps (!) –
    To the dry, dry ocean bottom.
    Dog resting;

    Squid inanimate.

    Subject suggested by Ruth Crost. ‘Truly innovative (her program),’ Governor James R. Thompson. (16 year Governor). Here: Euro-surrealism. Ruth, ATR, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, #1 in US, U.S. News and World Report, 1997.

    Pg. 9. A COLLECTION OF MOTIONS, 3/22/96, M. Vincente
    (Not an enormous difference from ABC: Dancing With the Stars – last “star” saved last night, Sarah Palin’s daughter).

    Me and Bobby McGee:
    Swing up arms, and
    “Nothing left to lose.”
    Swing down arms, and
     “Bobby McGee.”

    Step left, step right,
    Left, step right, clap.

    Circle, clap “me and
    Bobby McGee.”

    Two steps forward, and kick.
    Backwards and kick (!)

    Backwards: and Bobby McGee.

    (Obviously, this is Joplin. Look at the “loss.” The pushers are directly trying to get you into that harder stuff, and I ask you, wouldn’t it have been nice to hear 20-40 more years of the absolute Dynamism of Janis Joplin?)

    10. Park Ridge Etudes.
    “Ships that Sink”

    Are top heavy, with
    Insufficient substance below;

    Have been torpedoed by
    False friends and illusory relationships;

    Are arrogant,
    Artificially inflated by society;

    Are overloaded with refugees fleeing

    Where are American laws and values,
    Because those Haitian refugees were not given guaranteed ‘political asylum;’

    Are from grinding poverty backgrounds, moreover,
    Who never had a decent chance.

    Clinton Regime, 12/13/93, M. Vincente with Bird Wave.

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 20D-219, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
    “Dear Mr. Basile, Thanks for sending me the ms., which I enjoyed reading. Sorry I never got back about the other, which I also liked …I’m afraid [Uncle Sam’s] going to go on wanting the same things under Bill – whose solicitude towards Haitian refugees, which you mention as a possible sign of hope (I was hoping for the same), was quickly demonstrated.” January 25, 1993.

    11. TODAY’S RAINBOW, Reviewed and accepted for publication by Kevin Kavanaugh, State of Illinois. 8/21/95,
    By Mark V. Basile, Park Ridge, Illinois.
    “Ruth (Crost)- Thank you for sending Mark V. Basile’s poems. They are very good. My favorites were “War” and “Today’s Rainbow.” If we publish a second edition of our literary journal (I hope to), these poems would be a welcome addition. I wish you the best. Kevin.”

    (Author note; in 1989 George Bush I and Mikhail Gorbachev ‘ended’ the Cold War.)

    Savimbi is a terrorist,
    And Angola weeps.
    With the support of Clinton internationalism,
    Savimbi kills, maims and keeps the economy in ruins.

    Jonas Savimbi is a terrorist. And
    UNITA has committed atrocities and bloody human rights violations;
    Even after UN guaranteed free elections.

    Under the knife of U.S., Zairian and pre-Mandellan South African interventionism.

    As Bill Clinton smiles cynically afar
    In Washington;
    The reactionary New Democrat.
    Puppet on a string Boutros Boutros-Ghali continues to
    Collaborate, with the
    Democratically defeated UNITA:

    Let us join as one and pray, as
    Angola Weeps.

    By Mark V. Basile, 8/94. Cal Berkeley/et, Master’s Equivalent

  27. Mark V. Basile

    My password (for drafts, ie) at the Chicago Tribune, suburban Tribune on-line, is “school.”

  28. Mark V. Basile

    RUSSIA: Republication of April 12 letter appendix in Spring Pictures of May, 1993; M. Vincente with B. Wave. (Clinton/Yeltsin fiasco years.)

    … I was quite impressed with your April 19 article in the Nation on economic distress in Russia. As a fiction writer [and playwright], I had noticed a three part split of the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev under “accommodation” into the following loose socio-political factions: old guard Communist left ( at this point you might guess, once again I received no response to my letter, MVB); perestroika and glastnost with Mr Gorbachev around the Socialist center; and Westernizing [so-called] reform coming up on the [R]ight with perhaps two major figures, Mr. Yeltsin and Mr. Sakharov. Now with the Gorbachev [faction] apparently collapsed — though Mr. Gorbachev is again [perhaps through some miracle] appearing in public – you have noticed a more ominous pattern of old guard, Yeltsin [as described] Westernizing (perhaps without the enormous human rights impulse of Mr. Sakharov), and National Salvation Front (radical) right (perhaps ultra-patriotic retrenchment). In addition, I think that you did a very good job of outlining economic effects of [that crazed] shock therapy which may continue to polarize Russian society and perhaps enhance the standing of the radical right. [NSF]. Rising prices and the sinking ruble (1992), an estimated 85-90% of the population below the poverty line [see esp: Studs Terkel, Hard Times, minus the politicos – The Good War, note, Pulitzer Prize], consumer spending down 38%, child beggars with speculators reaping enormous profits [in essence the eventual chopping up of the state largess wholesale by Yeltsin and distribution to cronies which “we” called mass bureaucrats or apparatich], complaints about even being able to cover food bills, and an increase in organized crime. [aka: Russian Mafia]. Professor Cohen the Princeton Chair wrote in The Nation the week prior also of the enormous economic distress engendered by shock therapy, the authoritarian [semi-Hitlerian] authoritarian (or Napoleonic) streak of Boris Yeltsin, and the counterproductive aspects of what he termed American missionarianism.

    I agreed with Mr. Cohen tha President Clinton’s ‘no compromise’ support of Mr. Yeltsin stank of misplaced Kennedyism and was counterproductive where underlying impulses of oligopoly capitalism [hence, the chopping up and distribution of gigantic portions of The State] and authoritarianism were less desirable than reasonable discussion or negotiation with respect to mixed economy [nicely placed by French Socialist Francois Mitterand — staunch NATO ally/also Alliende;], stabilization of a political party system, true efforts at economic stabilization rather than dogmatic shock therapy (perhaps considering Herber Hoover overtures and probably failed Keynesian alternatives as we did during our economic ‘event’), the firming up of parliamentary structures in the government, and a reasonable command/demand discourse – [as opposed to leveling of all major structures elected at the time he was.]

    With respect to some of these issues, I caught a Gorby interview on this morning’s CBS morning show, I believe facilitated by beautifully by Paula Zahn. On the show, Gorby indicated that the food supply was not good and that Boris’ idea of the currently intended referendum or plebiscite was a poor idea with concentration on proper ‘division’ and combination of authorities such as legislature, courts and executive being a more rational path of examination with respect to institutional [“reform”].

    Now I am just a fiction writer, and I do not want to tell you what to read, but have you looked at … [The Revolution of 1989, Noam Chomsky, The Nation; #7 in world citations, Chicago Tribune, 1990’s; see also my play “Gorby” or “The End of the Cold War,” on the market, 1991 for Accomodation, 1989, George Bush I and Mikhail Gorbachev, further George Bush I on a New Peace and A New World Order.] … Mr. Stephen E. Ambrose is quite well balanced.

    In any case, Mr. Clinton in a rather Kennedyesque fashion [playing it to the ‘brink’]seems oblivious to even the simplist of compromise initiatives, such as not only reaching further into the Yeltsen camp to generate activity, but also to even bother to talk to the Khasbulatov faction/party or dealing squarely with ‘Parlaimentary’ moderates such as Vice President Alexandr Rutskoi with his popular appeal, his favoring of mixed economy, an independent streak out of the center-left alliance – [as opposed to the Rightist obtaining of office by Yeltsin; no Christian Democrat here]—Rutskoi’s patriotic credentials including the rescue of Mr Gorbachev in August of 1991 (August coup d’etat covered even by Google Search nowadays), and his (Rutskoi’s) moderation with respect to the favoring of private while still critical of the ‘structure’ of privatization …

    By Mark V. Basile. Essayist and playwright.

    Wittenberg, Chicago Music School out of Roosevelt University, Cal. multiple “reader,” Cotsirilos and Crowley LTD – clerk – letters 1986 and 3/10. P.126 fin in Appendix in Spring Pictures. MILICO of Massachussets, 1984, #1 manager for 2 months in #1 Region of marketing arm – Time, 8/84. Close-Up, State of Illinois, 1/23/98 – laudatory note by State Senator Kathleen Parker, Dst. 29, very special thanks to the forum members of the Close-Up forum who created out of nothing Evanston Great Books with ‘reading list’ under word-by-word command. (May need a little refresher, but these folks ‘got it,’ responsive, intelligent and enormously enthused about world High Arts).

  29. Mark V. Basile


    The later Edmund Burke was more concerned with the radical disfigurement of the traditional consensus in French government than he was, most probably, in the internal contradictions of the self-proclaimed visionary Enlightened philosophy. He was also alarmed that the exponents of the French Revolution were forming clubs and thus metastasizing into England itself. As early as February 9, 1790 in a Parliamentary debate Burke spoke out strongly:

    “Since the House (of Commons) had been prorogued in the summer much work was done in France. The French had shown themselves the ablest architects of ruin that had hitherto existed in the world. In that very short space of time they had completely pulled to the ground, their monarchy; their church; their nobility; their law; their revenue; their army; their navy; their commerce; their arts; and their manufactures … [there was a danger of] an imitation of the excesses of an irrational, unprincipled, proscribing, confiscating, plundering, ferocious, bloody and tyrannical democracy … [in religion] the danger of their example is no longer from intolerance, but from Athiesm; a foul, unnatural vice, foe to all the dignity and consolation of mankind; which seems in France, to have been embodied into a faction, accredited, and almost avowed.”

    England of Edmund Burke was a parliamentary regime, nevertheless it retained many ‘Old Regime’ characteristics after the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The monopoly of the established church was reduced, yet the Anglican Church remained quite powerful and closely intertwined with the state. Modern liberal democratic standards of complete separation of church and state were not yet in historical contemplation, but the wholesale tearing to shreds of the entirety of church activity and/or spiritual authority intended by so many of the French Enlightened is contemplated nowhere in the 21st century, barely even in remaining extreme Communist regimes where the people cannot vote.

    Indeed England was still top heavy with king and oligarchy, but did not one of the very most prominent thinkers, first liberal (actually Whig at the time) and then conservative in reaction to above perceived atrocities spring from the Commons? As a young Whig looking in from the outsider’s perspective as a native Irishman, Burke had taken rather liberal stances on many of the issues of the day confronting England. He was conciliatory toward American colonial grievances, championed the rights of Catholics to sit in the legislature, and defended the Hindus against overbearingness or worse by the East India Company.

    With the momentum toward total devolution and decay in the French Revolution, in addition to a perceived seditious nature to the cropping up of revolutionary societies in England, Burke quickly turned about and became a defender of the status quo and a conservative, a first hand observer of change, disfigurement of government and the virtual total anarchy of the Jacobin reign, also known as a terror. In his Reflections on the Revolution in France, Burke dismantled the application of abstract Enlightenment concepts to French society. He inveighed against the the ‘inexperience, unlearned, and mechanical’ masses of lawyers who ruled the National Assembly and the ‘destruction of a millennium of constitution.’ As regarded the National Assembly: “Their science is presumptuous ignorance. Their humanity is savage and brutal.” (Bobbs-Merrill, 1955, p.90).

    Burke supported his traditionalism by an appeal to the wisdom of ‘old regime’ values; values embodied in and protected by the monarchy, the aristocracy, parliament and the Church. Recall, Burke himself was a ‘commoner.’ The state, analogous to the human body (hence ‘organicism’), was a balanced system with each of the parts providing vital functions. In opposition to what he perceived to be the leveling tendencies of the French, Burke claimed hierarchy to be favorable to the harmonious functioning of the state and confluent with the nature of men and women.

    He further justified traditional values and political structures as being organically linked to antiquity. The ‘words and spirit of immortal law’ were ordained by God and handed down by the English forefathers through history to modern times. Always having in mind an analogy between the French and English ‘old regimes,’ Burke claimed that the French were not only violating a “social compact” but also divine constitution when the National Assembly suppressed the monarchy, subordinated the Church and confiscated its land and removed much of the proscriptive hierarchical relations from France.

    Hence, the historical basis for the status quo which demanded a ‘reverence to antiquity’ was just. Society, political structure, wo/men and God were interrelated. The aristocracy, monarchy and the Church were guardians of the traditional and semi-sacred values of society. Although Burke saw a role for change, indeed especially where necessary for society to preserve itself, history acts much less as a dynamic force for change than as a vehicle through which to conduct the passage of ancient values and socio-political structures – changing only as necessary to preserve the essential content of such. The ‘true rights of men’ were protected by these traditional institutions and included the rights to the fruits of one’s industry (allowing for ‘advancement?’), the acquisition of one’s parents, to nourishment and instruction, and to consolation in death.

    The spirit of freedom in society must be tempered by an ‘awful gravity,’ and Edmund Burke gave stern warning and chastisement to the architects of the new Enlightened French society, now traumatized by the “terror” of the Jacobin rule:

    “All your sophisters cannot produce anything better adapted to preserve a rational and manly freedom than the course the [the English] have pursued, who have chosen our nature rather than our speculations, our breasts rather than our inventions, for the great conservatories and magazines of our rights and privileges.” Reflections on the Revolution in France, p.39.

    Where Galileo and Bacon proposed the separation of specific scientific problems from overriding cosmological concerns and the Enlightenment continued this ‘disjoining’ to an almost total separation of the emotional from the rational and scientific, Jean-Jacques Rousseau demanded a rekindling of the inner light; a search for a new wholeness to wo/men. ‘Take away our baneful progress’ and the chains of highly abstract reasoning, he exclaimed. “The vast mechanism of the world is beyond our grasp. We cannot calculate its ratios; we know neither its first laws nor its final course. We do not know ourselves, we know neither nature nor the primary force that moves us.” The Essential Rousseau, New American Library, 1974, p.255. Only “in our power of willing” can wo/men find “spiritual acts about which nothing can be explained by the laws of mechanics.” Rousseau, p.153.

    In England, Wordsworth continued analogously by advocating rural life and awareness of men’s and women’s natural feelings as opposed to the frenetic motion of modern urban life. The poet donned the robes of the bard and spoke to wo/men to join the ‘household of man.’ Once a supporter of the French Revolution and having prior attacked Burke, Wordsworth came to admire Edmund Burke. In his Two Addresses to the Freeholders of Westmorland Wordsworth called Burke “the most sagacious Politician of his age” whose predictions ‘time has verified.’ His poem The Prelude both apologizes to Burke for prior critiques and praises him. Samuel Taylor Coleridge had a similar change of heart concerning Burke defending him in Friend of 1809-1810. In Coleridge’s Bibliographia Literaria of 1817, he hails Burke as a “scientific statesman, and therefore a seer.”

    Burke, who died in 1797, was both a Romantic and a proto-Romantic, with the ‘Romantic Reaction’ reaching its fullest expression following the defeat of Napoleon in greater Europe. The Romantics who were to follow nevertheless incorporated or picked up on the notions of the organic link between the individual and society, will and freedoms of persons being expressed through society and the state, and the inextricable relationship between wo/men, society, the state and God.

    Sunday, November 14, 2009
    By Mark V. Basile, Master’s Equivalent, UC Berkeley and National-Louis University, Skokie,et. For Dr. Steve Masello, a guardian of freedom of expression in University and societal letters in our multi-ethnic area of 80+ ethnic/religious groups. Drawn from intellectual historian and Cold Warrior Martin Malia of Harvard/Cal Berkeley – perhaps also a member of the Mitterand affiliate ‘braintrust.’

  30. Mark V. Basile

    Last 18 ‘Glencoe’ removed.

  31. Mark V. Basile


    By: Mark V Basile
    12/21/09 06:30 AM 43 hits

    WITHOUT (!)
    The ability to protect themselves:

    Hearts and minds.

    Too young to vote in their own interests,
    Unable to speak on their own behalves:
    Hearts and minds.

    Still possessed, with
    A sacred potential, to become
    A Lincoln, Ghandi or Doris Day.
    Bodies imprinted from conception,
    Personalities in-part presaged,
    The miracle of genetic code.

    Without the ability to protect themselves,
    Unable to
    Speak on
    Own behalves:

    Hearts and minds.

    By Mark V. Basile, Masters Equivalent, California, Berkeley and NLU, Skokie,et
    8/11/94, then publishing under “M. Vincente.”


    (My) Stuff — advertised Web site, just off of t.v. tonight, though in pain at the time.

    Response by Mark V Basile 12/18/09 09:32 PM

    -Time in partnership with CNN, 11/11/09. “The Rogue Returns.”
    “[Sarah Palin] denounced America’s abortion rate with vehemance.”
    -Library of Congress registered, May, 1993, “Spring Pictures,” M. Vincente with B. Wave (a mother of 3, now) (Library of Congress Associates Card for 1995/96 issued to author, Chicago Bar Association Jr. card issued to author around 1982).
    “Humanity and positive human rights demand that such protections be extended to those without the ability to protect themselves, those with the greatest underdeveloped potentials in their less-developed tissues, hearts and minds, those without sufficient voluntarism to speak in language for themselves.” (“Gone too Soon:” Michael Jackson.)

    Response by Mark V Basile 01/03/10 09:35 AM

  32. Mark V. Basile

    ‘Cloud on Horizon’ continues in US Senate. (see October 5 posting).

    Deep Cloud over the Election itself.

    “HANDS-UP, HANDS-DOWN” (nuclear option definitively) proposed on Debt Commission vote by Democrat Stennie Hoyer.

    Continue to eviscerate checks and balances in the Senate.
    Continue 1-Party Legislation regardless of incremental Republican gains in Senate at mid-terms.

    Potential clear necessity of taking House —

    Connecticut woman running for Senate with background in World Wrestling.
    Believes in 1st Amendment, but watched over its re-rating to PG-13.
    As regards entertainment, she likes the depiction of strong women.

    Otherwise, a top businesswoman and CEO.
    Has endured personal trials of her own bankruptcy and overcome.
    Sarah Palin calls a “Mama Grizzlie.”

    Female French Finance Minister.
    There is a noticeable difference in woman top executives and men; less ego injected into decisionmaking.
    Barack has opposed (interefering opinion?) France’s preference of Private over Public investment. Allowed for better growth.
    Finance Minister on ABC National personal interview calmly explained how ‘safety net’ was maintained. (This was guaranteed explicitly by McCain/Palin ‘maverick’ candidacy in 2008, which I mention as something of continued concern and scrutiny by myself and in an advocacy position.)

    Cross-Atlantic, US deficit to Japan $700 Billion; China $800 Billion (specifically from Rand Paul and Tea Party) as regards (wild) public mis-information by lead House Democrat to Representative Cantor (Rep) this morning that the Republicans “explode(d) the deficit.”

    FOX/ABC National. This morning. (more in notes, for example, how on balance did the Democrats “save jobs” with unemployment at 10% as agreed upon for weeks now?)

  33. Mark V. Basile

    DANCING WITH THE STARS, “acoustic,” The Dance, Monday, October 11, 2010

    * -Best of Show: HONDA. A beautiful “Smoke gets in Your Eyes.” Claim: “Greenest in America,” Chicago Auto Show, 2009. MVB attendance and interviews along with 1-1 consultation on-site with Chicago Tribune Pulitzer M. Schmeltzer, a business journalist.
    2 -Runner-up. Prego. “Veggie Smart.” Claimed 50% of your vegetable requirements.
    3 -ABC joins in with some fun. A Frankenstein clip during the commercials without any explanation. (ie; that was truly nutty.)

    ABC hosted an Acoustic Night featuring wonderful strings with orchestra. And how often on a Major do you see violins and acoustic guitars featured. A double splash of the “fine arts” in combination with the feature, ballroom dancing. And oh, for the athleticism when done by professionals. But Kurt Warner is anything but a stranger to athleticism. Super Bowl MVP. And he enjoyed the ‘passion and the love of the rhumba.’ First thing in Kurt’s mind: “[I] wonder what my wife will think (of the intimacy.” So she just showed what their marriage was made of, one way or the other, and flew down to Tinsel Town to watch. Kurt thought that the Rhumba would be easier because it was slower. Misperception. Moreover, a lot of action needed in the hip.

    Congratulations to Kurt Warner. One of the most popular shows on t.v. on his 13th wedding anniversary. Score: 34.

    Brandy: 48/60
    39/60 for our NBA Star.
    28 for the Argentine Tango and the Situation.
    35 for Florence Henderson.
    56/60 (!!): Jennifer Grey. First 10, and first two 10’s of the season.
    32: Bristol. “That really s_cks.” (On her performance). She did beat one performer by 2 points however and only 2 points behind the Super Bowl MVP. But Kurt Warner is an American icon, Bristol better set her sights on that fellow that she beat flat out by 2 points when it comes to the audience weighing in.
    Finish up with front runner from last week.

    Other winners:
    — “Family, friendship and community.” Call any realtor.
    — Welches. “Healthy Start.” 3 kinds of grapes; beautiful vineyard setting.
    — Some vegetable juice commercial. Most healthy, with a fanciful and colorful presentation.
    — Crash bang Ad for one of is own shows. “Extreme Make-Over, Home Edition.” Kind of educational too, building a home. Largess bestowed on the basis of life situation, so an uplifting show overall. Though chances of getting the home are enormously miniscule, the lottery effect is of so much more value than lotteries in general or gambling where largely blue collar people chronically waste their checks on the glamour of an absolutely no-win situation. Just like Vegas: The House Always Wins. Significant number of bankruptcies too pursuant to gambling. M.I./Substance/Anger Management and Gambling are treated through mental health. It can simply get out of control and border on or become a “disease,” gambling. “Make-Over, Home Edition;” no chance of anybody loosing. Entertaining and the family getting the new house always is of merit or has a difficult life story which the Network does its part to contribute to “making right.”
    — Chicken and Bacon Ranch looked delicious at Subway. I go to mine 2-4 times a week and fire up on Dr. Pepper, my fav with Mountain Dew. Got a tuna sandwich special on Tuesday after work. Whole works under $5. Never a grouchy face at Subway.
    — (Fischer-Price actually should be one of the close runners-up with extremely nice childrens’ products in a family setting).

    Bristol: “teen activist.” Single Mom.
    “Being on [the show] is stressful, but when I get home to Tripp [it is wonderful].”
    Tripp showed up, all 2 years of him and ‘loved to watch us dance.’

    Brandy; Interesting model for “modesty.”
    Not married at this time and hasn’t had sex with anybody in 6 years.
    Doesn’t ‘play the sex card.’
    Nice corollary to ABC FAMILY principles various.
    R & B Star. Every temptation in the world available to her, and no one would question it, being just part of the scene. Maybe she read her BIOS of Billie Holliday, and saw how you can snatch your own life from yourself in the milieu of ultimate acclaim. Janis Joplin and Jimmy Hendrix are still fresh. Anybody still dig Hendrix’s musical pledge to the country and flag? Some people call it disrespectful. I found it eerily exhuberant, avante garde and patriotic.

    By Mark V. Basile for sponsor Web site.
    Sponsor: Gary P. and Stacie through ‘agency’ for the runner–up to the 2008 general for Vice-President. Nobody comes close before or after as regards relevant ceilings except Geraldine Ferraro ( long off the active scene). Aside: our teen single mommie Star’s Mom was in the audience tonight, whooping it up like any vibrant hockey mom in her 40’s. (Bull Moose or Shooting Moose, John McCain is fully endorsed by the NRA.)Got her own 3 year old, will need special education.

    Kurt Warner,
    Our Nationa Economic,et Security Ally Honda carrying perfect musical Americana, and
    Florence Henderson* with strings.

    To complement some of the finer dancers in the world, to acoustic. No stars, 5 stars – I’ll tell you it’s one or the other and not both. ABC. The Disney Family, including remarkable parks in Fla and Calif of course.

    *In most years since the mid-1990s, the song “God Bless America” has been performed by [Florence] Henderson at the Indianapolis 500 accompanied by the Purdue All-American Marching Band,[citation needed] Henderson being a friend of the Hulman-George family, the owners of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.[citation needed] (WIKI)

  34. Mark V. Basile

    (How ironic the lamestream press fails to re-articulate Governor Palin’s true Security claims that she directly abutted and was keeping an eye on Russia. Even after the stress put on Bush/Gorbachev Accomodation of 1989 by that crazed Yeltsin/Clinton endeavor of “shock therapy,” Senators McCain and Kyl of Arizona had to come out in critique of Barack’s START for failing to address Iran and North Korea. And what about the hard to predict, sometimes called crazy, foreign affairs of North Korea? George Bush II and Sarah collaborated in an ABM system in Alaska, with missiles coming closer and closer to being able to hit the US as south as San Francisco. Pacific rim Taiwan always under stress from the mainland. North Korea only recently dropping the armistice in place at the 38th Parallel since Eisenhower with a million man army ready to back up any blustering. An atomic explosion in clear violation of international accord.
    With Japan, currently holding $700 Billion of our debt, militarily prostrate in accord with the WWII agreements,

    –watching perhaps in (semi-) terror as North Korea recently simply dumped missiles into the Sea of Japan, knowing their capability of putting nuclear warheads on at least 6 of them.–

    (Korea’s not just bluster, witness the recent Israeli mission to remove a North Korean established nuclear facility in Syria).

    “Brigade Mom” to the Arctic Wolves in Iraq with her own Track on the ground. 1-1 personal and friendship relationship with her commander on the ground, Colonel Burt Thompson. Running mate with a naval aviator who had the rank of Captain with a father and a grandfather who were 4-Star Admirals. 2008. Commander-in-Chief, Alaska National Guard. Sarah. (I didn’t see Sarah Palin on the floor of the Chicago Auto Show 2 years ago, but you bet your money on an ace of spades that she has been attentive to the National Security and National Economic Security aspects of one of our closest allies, Japan — this paper received a grade of 97% from a 20-year Chicago Tribune veteran, a Medill Adjunct looked at it and said ‘this grade is “good”‘)

    Note: Honda assembles in America. 10/12/10. MVB.

    Chicago Auto Show
    Mark V. Basile, 2/28/09

    Automobile Hybrids:
    The Future’s Future or the Present’s Future?

    Gas-saving and environmentally-friendly hybrids were highly featured at last year’s CHICAGO AUTO SHOW on Tuesday, February 17 at McCormick Place.

    Indeed, energy self-sufficiency is a key goal of U.S. national security along with climate-consciousness. A hybrid car uses both gasoline and electric motors for higher power needs. Electric power may predominate at lower speeds and even take over entirely in stop-and-go traffic and during braking and idling. Our firm ally-state, Japan, has taken the lead in producing hybrids – especially the firms Toyota and Honda. Mitsubishi is another important Japanese friend.(Also with a superpower stabilizing outlet in Chinese Hong Kong, which the CIA Web site maintains significant elements of democracy.2010.)

    Toyota’s promotional people exuded a quiet confidence in their industry-leading hybrid, the Prius, at the auto show. You can expect to pay just under $23,000 for a 2009 4-door standard hatchback and get 48 mpg city and 45 mpg highway, according to Kelly Blue Book. Prius is rated “recommended” by Consumer Reports. According to the latest available government statistics complied by the Bureau of Transportation for the year 2006, the regular gas-consuming passenger car got on average 22.4 mpg.

    So confident were the Toyota spokespersons that they didn’t mind you coming back two, three, or more times to shop and compare the many hybrids. When asked about an American hybrid competitor, Toyota spokesperson Joyce, a marketing specialist out of LA, quickly pointed out that at Ford “you can look to pay $5000 more for the Fusion [Hybrid].” She further emphasized Toyota’s long-standing commitment to the high gas mileage option with low or “near-zero” emissions. Joyce, vibrant, beautiful and extremely well-informed – with a full portfolio of backup information and statistics – cast some questions concerning whether or not a competitor or two had actually swiped a portion of their advanced hybrid technology in an attempt to reduce Toyota’s industry-lead which had been effected through years of dedication to energy efficiency, green consumer products, with the backbreaking real work of R & D and lab testing and development.

    Prius was described as ‘the class of the Chicago Auto Show’s hybrids’ by WGN-TV on a show aired at 6pm, Saturday, February 14. For the fifth year in a row, the survey conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center found the Toyota Prius hybrid to be the top car for owner satisfaction.

    Costing consumers just under $24,000, the Honda Civic Hybrid gets 40 mpg in the city and 45 mpg on the highway, according to Kelly Blue Book. It is also rated “recommended” by Consumer Reports, with a road test score of 72 to Prius’ 68. Luis at O’Hare Honda accurately referred to Consumer Reports’ description of Honda hybrids as being among the “greenest,” or most environmentally-friendly, sedans. According to the J.D.Power study for 2006, Honda, Toyota and Ford placed the most vehicles, six each, on the list of the 30 most environmentally friendly cars. Honda assembles its Civics in America as opposed to Prius, which is assembled in Japan – for those looking to a finer point of American interest.

    Back at Toyota, Joyce countered that although Prius and Civic both seat five, there is less leg room in the back seats of the Civic.

    Still, in an era of climate change, with a barrel of oil recently costing more than $140 and rising competition for fossil fuels, Japan is further meeting challenges with the first hydrogen fuel cell automobile ready for mass production, the Honda FCX Clarity. Fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen from ordinary air to make electricity. The only byproducts are water and heat.

    The 2009 Clarity gets 280 miles on a tank and the EPA estimates 68 mpg city/highway.

    BMW has already tested the waters with a hydrogen luxury car in 2006. GM hydrogen cars should reach the showrooms as early as 2011 and Toyota plans to begin hydrogen car sales in 2015, according to The New York Times, 1/12/09.

    Building an infrastructure of hydrogen filling stations beyond southern California will take some time, but the main problem now lies in the price. Takeo Fukai, Honda’s president, said it will take less than a decade to get the price under $100,000, according to The New York Times, 6/17/08. Meanwhile, Honda will lease the Claritys for $600 per month.

    By Mark V. Basile, Master’s Equivalent California, Berkeley and NLU, Skokie,et., 2/28/09. Thanks to Dr. Paul Gross at NLU for his companion work study concerning the environment, ecology and food production and wildgrass and wildflower protection and rejuvenation utilizing hard science to tackle instant issues using advanced government guidelines adhered to by a significant minority of states ecologically advanced even beyond standard organic farming which in fact does use pesticides, simply non-synthetic ones or the kinds which do appreciable collateral environmental damage while allowing for increased crop production. Dr. Gross’s dedication to scientific collection, categorization, and National Agricultural Library assisted study of what remains of natural plant life from the years of pioneer Westward expansion, disregard for natural environments, and the effective stripping away of the natural scene through man and woman’s desire to settle and develop is determined and scientifically sound and intensive. Nationally-heralded Chicago (Cook County) Botanic Gardens is in progress of reproducing the 10-foot or so native grasses Westward settlers confronted in the 19th Century on one of their islands in the Gardens. Far away in Crawford, Laura Bush is performing a symbolic labor of love by stocking and replanting native grasses in her family’s future historic landmark, the rustic location of her daughter Jenna’s marriage — young lady who abandoned the rarest of American opportunities, to have an White House wedding, in favor of reaffirmation of family and Presidential origins symbolism.

  35. Mark V. Basile

    “The world’s your oyster.” Mom on Oprah to teenage single mother daughter. Prior, national media circus on underage First Daughter, American Federalism.
    “I was really proud of [Bristol]” Partner Mark, stellar musician and ballroom, fine arts dancer. 10/12/10.
    (Daughter: “teenage activist and public speaker;” Mother/”Maverick.” Former partner, POW vet Hanoi, son and grandson of 4-Star Admirals.)

    Daytime:ABC(/”Melodrama,” TBC)
    Extremely strong women. Ericka Kane.
    The man you love to hate. Todd. Also a newspaperman.
    Couple of young single mothers. One a Lesbian who carried her child to term subsequent to a violent rape. The other, the underage daughter of an ill-tempered but possessive Todd – ex-wife on show, can carry a nice Americana “standards” tune.

    PRIMETIME: “Dancing With the Stars.” [Instant Publication]
    Extreme Makeover, Home Edition in attendance.
    HONDA: Best of Show. FCX Clarity. ONLY EMISSIONS WATER AND HEAT. 280 miles on a tank. ‘Hydrogen Car.’ (available now for lease, some locations).’van and Odyssey less pricey for style.
    Tad avante garde in a spot or two. ‘Stretched Out.’

    By Mark V. Basile. Essayist and Playwright. Independent(/Maverick). 2010.

  36. Mark V. Basile

    A Look Back at the System, Perhaps Even the CONSTITUTION, under stress perhaps dysfunction.

    Axelrod: President still feels ‘will get the necessary votes to pass sweeping overhaul of healthcare system.’ Today/Sunday. Reuters.

    That in fact goes to the heart of one of the Republican arguments against reconciliation as it is termed, a bill of this wide-ranging nature was never intended to be put into law using this technicality which the executive immediately dropped to after he lost the supermajority steamroller with the Mass. Senate election of a Republican. The public seemed to have spoken, even more, out of the Hyannis/Mass state semi-machine stronghold. A state which does in fact have 100% Healthcare through Mitt’s governorship of 2003-2007. And Mitt Romney is no aberration, he comes out of the most fine political lineage of the heartland Governorship of his father George Romney out of Michigan.

    “I think the process has broken down.” Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court. CNN, 3/10/10.

    Personally I have worked with mental health care advocacy, in groups, as a co-facilitator, and in letters for almost 10 years now, picking up general health care reform with an overriding concern for 47-50 million insured with technical issues such as the uninsured using emergency wards as their effective primary physicians, but I truly have an uneasy feeling about this ‘hands up, hands down’ thing which all of us have heard before. I remember clearly John McCain addressing the public uneasiness over this exact same concern on another issue by trying to put together an effective bi-partisan semi-centrist group to address still in disrepute Trent Lott’s articulation of the exact same language on another calculus of issues at a time at which the Republicans in the Senate could have simply dictated. I fear Democratic Leader Reid has impliedly admitted that reconciliation was not met on the technical, or even legal grounds, for which it was intended; taxation and budgetary matters. Behind ‘closed doors’ the Democrats were attempting to solidify their support for the ORIGINAL LEGISLATION, with only the ‘modifications’ conforming to legally empowered ‘budgetary-related’(CNN, 3/12) necessities of reconciliation, in avoidance of Constitutionally provided for filibuster ‘checks.’ It is impossible for anyone in the general public to know all of the particulars of Democratic/Republican wrangling on the specifics of or the varying specific plans for Healthcare reform, but in absence of clear consensus, I would personally ball-park “bi-partisanship” as including a minimum of 5-10 real Republican votes in the Senate – and that’s out of 40!

    Under reconciliation’s effective predecessor, supermajority decision-making, we seem clearly not to be batting 100%. The car industry came rather humiliated and begging for something to see them through the Bush/Obama depression (where absent national initiative, George Bush II seemed to give us an object lesson that we were experiencing an economic event not precented in a while, at least since the high tech bubble burst or even back to an economic bottoming out which sank the presidency of a man ‘every’ academic can find touted, at least in minority opinion , as the best prepared man for the presidency of last century (Herbert Hoover), when he did not utilize national initiative and we witnessed the disappearance of what most observers regarded as among the most clean cut private sector economic entities, Lehman Brothers). Through national economic security bungling, our American owned core left Washington with executive imposed foreign majority ownership of one of the majors by Fiat.

    That’s all she wrote, the American ‘Big Three’ is now just plain gone.

    In addition, executive discretion has been displayed on other simply offensive and inappropriate manners. Why in the name of G_d single out a nineteen year old single mom trying to get a fair hearing in STATE COURT for custody and support, which her high school drop out ex- had simply not even come close to providing as of the end of last year that being 20% as per forum law and the State of Alaska, with a truly nasty crack last month that a lady who had at one time been a potential first daughter had stimulated an increase in teenage pregnancy? How could this be anything other than “partisanship” gone overboard and awry? Moreover, Bristol went above and beyond any sort of legal, even moral, responsibility – not even 21, impregnated by at full man at age 17 – to virtually get directly off her birthing bed to caution the public against the difficulties of teenage pregnancies. (There was even a truly wayward site which saw her directly through her pregnancy with a Saturday Night Live sort of skit ongoing about what her fetus might say). No claim whatsoever that Obama was a part of that, but I do believe this is an index of the polarized atmosphere in letters, reflected in no-bipartisanship in the Legislative and Executive branches and the drop down from supermajority steamroller to reconciliation, or so-named. And while Huffington is now continuing to give a forum to Bristol’s ex- (with his character witness under 3-year house arrest for controlled substance peddling) with some language on birth control (which is never 100% effective, indeed the pill can create eventual medical problems eventually which scientists and the pharmaceuticals are increasingly discovering), Bristol by necessity, belief and choice has responded to the national court of public opinion as a public spokesperson to reduce and attempt to reign in teenage pregnancies, indeed any sort of pregnancies absent the family comfort and stability of marriage with she and her family’s own religiously consistent approach to stopping pregnancies outside of marriage. She has incorporated herself as a proper business person in a semi-charitable manner to work in conjunction toward these goals as a vigorous advocate in conjunction with and as the abstinence spokesperson for Candies.

    This simply is not contributing to teenage pregnancy. Facts would seem to belie any contrary claims in addition, virtually beyond a reasonable doubt. All the websites show that her whole home forum of only several thousand knew of the underage pregnancy, they hardly needed to go to any court of national opinion to look for Bristol’s sentiments quoted exactly by a lady who has been ALL OVER HER from virtually day one: “I made a bad choice … [I] wouldn’t trade [Tripp] in for anything in the world … I’d do thing differently … I wouldn’t have had sex.” The Huffington Post, 2/26/09. Even ABC and Oprah made way for an honest forum for Sarah and Bristol to talk about their commitment to affirmatively reducing teenage pregnancies. As an Obama absolutist, Oprah may have done this grudgingly under the direction of her network, indeed also she plans on leaving the forum entirely and relocating entirely somewhere in the vicinity if Tinsel Town, nevertheless ABC understood that word plus action amount to commitment. They did indeed give Bristol a forum to rebut and advocate, as a mature, clear-thinking woman of age nineteen. And a single mom, giving every comfort and nurturance to child of person and family, Bristol herself by circumstance now perhaps the moderate and also coming up on stump for those with M.I., her mother perhaps more the grudging social conservative, made to adapt to ‘life circumstances.’

    Still, the overriding issue: DOES THE POLARIZED ATMOSPHERE MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO BE AN “INDEPENDENT?” (If you read closely and between the lines, the House may be taking recognition of this serious problem of no bipartisanship by incrementally reaching toward that 38th vote necessary to reject ‘reconciliation.’ Guitierrz of Illinois also spoke on chronic interest group and general public interest issues when he spoke as concerns immigrants, 11-12 million ‘illlegal’ for example, at issue. Hard workers, dong jobs many Americans do not want to do but must be done of necessity, availing themselves of legally allowed for support to less fortunate family members back at home, with legitimate interest in some modified form of what we century-established Poles, Italos- and Jews used to avail ourselves of for economic and political reasons, the now attenuated open arms of Ellis Island). Mark. Fin. Sunday morning, 11am CST.

    By Mark V. Basile, essayist and playwright.

  37. Mark V. Basile

    Another Glance at 1-Party Legislative/Executive Process.

    15 Posts Up for ‘Recess Appointments: “bypass the advice and consent traditions of the Senate.”

    One, Becker, has already been through the Senate process and was voted down under rules/guidelines accepted as valid and normal by all Republicans and 2 Democrats on February 9. But here he is again —

    under a NO VOTE situation, ready for simple placement into a job by executive fiat.

    Immediately preceding nexus, supermajority steamroller attempt at sweeping legislation thwarted by simple democratic process, Military/Legal lawyer Scott Brown out of Massachussetts-Kennedy machine elected. Democrats respond immediately with mechanism they could have used all along, if there weren’t questions as to its validity with respect to application of specified law. Reconciliation/nuclear option? Legislator and surgeon supreme Trent Lott stated directly that he had used a ‘different form’ of reconciliation, and in fact he had worked hard across the aisle for 4-5 major pieces of legislation which he immediately named which effected factual 2-party “bi-partisanship.” (ABC News, 3/21). John McCain, acting as a clear moderate, co-ordinated a middle ground concensus group in one case to remove the taint of reconciliation/nuclear option which the Democrats had been utterly screaming about at the time as concerned judicial appointments specifically.

    “I think the process has broken down.” Chief Justice, CNN, 3/10/10.

    Appointments is the issue up again, and the Democrats have in two different manners changed the terms of the game in mid-stride. The validity of filibuster checks or bi-partisan values having in practice of in operating guideline and ideal being simply brushed aside for realpolitique and power politics.

    Steamroller legislative process is the term I use, and I iterate that this comes in the virtual instantaneous nexus of proceeding virtually totally oblivious to pre- and post-election guarantees of “bi-partisanship.” POW Veteran/Senator John McCain along with Leader Mitch McConnell now have everyone in agreement, no more Olympia Snowing the Republican Party for the most transparent imaginable facial bi-partisanship. Genuine democratic process had rejected Becker once, but now he’s back under fiat, with the prospect being that he will change a ‘traditionally bipartisan labor board … (into one that’s) agenda driven.” CNN, Saturday Night, 3/27/10.

    This NO VOTE FIAT comes so enormously close in time nexus to reconciliation/nuclear option in health care where 15-20 million (30-32 million covered out of a real total of 47-50 million uninsured) were simply left out in the cold, leaves me with the sense that procedure and institutional balance and stability are being shaken by the Democratic consensus.

    Mitt didn’t do this. His system was different, but he placed mandatory 100% Healthcare in place in Mass. as its chief executive officer from 2003-2007. If you reach into “real biography,” Mitt Romney came from a lineage of a stable family of faith, with a mother and a father who saw him through his youth and guided him to his father’s choice as a public servant. Absolutely wonderful international service as head of an Olympics games. Questions remain on the record of Obama simply dissing the preacher with some problems concerning his facts who he saw from the baptism of his two daughters, attended mass regularly without contemporary comment on, and then simply cutting contact with leaving a man/preacher with views not particularly out of mainstream with a significant number of his own African-American peers. This preacher boldly restated his views to the public on national t.v. after being denied and cut down to the core by the man who wanted to lead his nation state. Obama slapped together a treatise on faith and religion. I don’t go for it. This Muslim outreach so proudly offered to the middle east upon entrance into office seems to be in abeyance and retracted because maybe nobody else fell for using religion as a instrument of policy. Especially one which he specifically wanted no connection to on the campaign stump, does not adhere to in public letters, and is the mere byproduct of a foreign national who just had his stand and summarily left the country. The color of the biography seems less and less attractive as scrutiny indicates a heritage of irresponsibility. I’m still waiting for some denial commensurate to what he dealt his childrens’ preacher of the terror of his childhood host state against a now democratic and relatively pristine little East Timor. (Noam Chomsky, The Common Good, 1996-98; first page pronouncement of his FDR heritage, albeit of an enormously sophisticated nature, he has to correct me from time to time because the sophistication of his arguments, followed by a Euro-heritage basin support for the middle class through the letters of Aristotle. East Timor: full U.N. validation.)

    I am an essayist and a playwright with one play having been fully produced and in the system and out in private playhouse in the city with two others variously on the market. I do not intend to be forced into the position of becoming a newscaster or analyst. However with the blast impacted recently upon the Supreme Court leaving Justice Roberts articulating grave concern to the general public and Justice Alito speechless but with observed and reported disturbance, there seems a question of the executive’s respect for co-equal branches of government as articulated in bedrock constitutional understanding by John Marshall in 1803 (Marbury v Madison).

    “Bi-partisanship” was part and parcel of the deal. In the immediately preceding nexus I heard so many possible Republican alternatives, maybe with a general specific dislike for the public option, but in the final moments decided by Democrats and their executive with Republicans simply locked out or “behind closed doors,” that I wouldn’t want to talk to any Democrats anymore either. I happen to have liked the public option as a spur to competition, but then I’m an Independent. The only question for me remains: “is it even viable to remain an Independent?” I have made phone calls, with witnesses, in good faith, and our Chicago based state Independent apparatus simply has no interest. Last I checked, they were backing the Democrats ideologically by assuming a position just to the Left of the organization. I worked with Ross, he lost and then just up and disappeared (but probably in the process handed the election to Mr. Clinton inasmuch as he had grabbed so much of the Republican base. The only practical purpose Ralph Nader served in 2000 was to tip the election to George Bush II. So it evens out. I haven’t heard of any memoirs in the works for Mr Bush, as with Cheney with assistance from his University of Chicago Law daughter (with superb diplomatic and government experience and a husband at the helm of 1500 lawyers in Homeland Security for Federal Appellate Judge Chertoff) but within the last three weeks the generally mainsteam center-Left Newsweek stated with a bold cover that Bush-Petraes had found a timely and interrupted though complete victory in the democratic elections in Iraq. George Bush II had left Al-Queda/Taliban in a simple “hold-out;” the sort of thing police and/or Federal officials always win absent total incompetence.

    Becker has already had his chance in democracy and democratic process, what’s he doing back again? The recess appointment of him, as the point for 14 others, would “bypass the advice and CONSENT ‘traditions’ of the Senate.” I clearly remember the enormous grief one single lawyer gave Clarence Thomas simply because he engaged in fully consensual talk of an adult nature, as a mere aside, on matters generally speaking which have come before the courts and could easily come up again – witness the fact that in law and in accord with absolute public demand movies are rated. But he didn’t duck Senate review, even though what may have been privileged conversations we aired publically. Now we just let anyone whatsoever through? There was a nut named Zoe Baird who wanted to be Attorney General – the Peoples’ Lawyer (!) — George Stephanopoulos spoke strongly on her behalf. It’s kind of scarry that she could of become the Public Lawyer with her serious background problems in ethics and law, but I have developed that fully elsewhere in the Tribune (“Security Council Blues,” with Neruda as encore, play now complete in semi-realistic mode) with over 200 readership. I am just personally thankful, and in public print, that the system was able to weed this particular one out. What kind of precedents are we establishing here?

    By Mark V. Basile, essayist and playwright, Chicago Metro.

  38. Mark V. Basile

    Woes and Terrors of the 20th Century; still the Chicago Tribune provided us with a recollection of some of our finest in cross cultural relief with E.U. Spain: “Individualism” and literary “Surrealism” (US novelist supreme Brautigan, ‘Trout Fishing,’ elsewhere on


    If Indian Summer, were
    A Transcendentalist’s day dream,

    Looking back upon
    August’s mud bath, and
    Broken Treaties and
    The violence of white men in New England;

    Would then Emerson travel in
    A boat ** through the Adirondacks ***
    To the musings of Jonathan Edwards on “individualism, **** whilst
    Cogitating on thinker supreme,
    Margaret Fuller? *****

    Whence toward goeth ‘progress?’
    Unwritten point translucent, of
    The Pilgrims’ faith.

    Arlington Heights, IL 1994, upgraded 11/9/09
    By Mark V. Basile, Master’s Equivalent UC Berkeley and NLU, Skokie,et. Still writing then under pen name M. Vincente

    Anxiously awaiting a noon call on Katie’s continued recovery from HINI, and her stated intention to attend MVB’s second opening night of the play “Translucent Midnights” at Theatre Building Chicago on West Belmont Street. This was 11/9/09.

    *Also for Professor Sam Haber, UC Berkeley
    **But see Le Bateau Ivre and Mallarme
    ***See always the poetry of Ralph Waldo Emerson
    ****Jonathan Edwards, primary sources
    *****In The Feminization of American Culture (A. Douglass) (quite good)

    Spanish letters, introduction.


    Have the Spaniards or the French,
    Been the leaders on twentieth century literature?

    Certainly the Spanish-speaking world had led the way, with
    Lorca, Jiminez, Social Realiam, Neo-Realism and Mala Hora.

    Pre fin-de-la-siecla 1880’s “Modernismo” led to, the
    Generation of 1898 …

    Movement of intellectual and social self-criticism,
    Examination of the haunting experience of defeat by writers, poets and thinkers –
    Spain had lost everything internationally, it was
    Crippled by borrowing and foreign ownerships, even the hope
    A Republic appeared lost:

    “Sorely wounded Spain …. still decked out in Carnival’s dirty tinsel … squalid, poor and drunk … yesterday … to sail forth in a golden vessel towards the high seas … the background of our dream(s) … of a century that went beaten and inglorious … our Spain … now with evil wine: blood from her wound.” *

    Or see the light and darkness in Federico Garcia Lorca, the
    Finest Spanish surrealist of the Generation of 1927.
    He writes against war in an aestheticized and poeticized fashion. **
    Lorca writes also of the agony of Depression:

    “Tumult of cemeteries … sleep the dream of that child – who wanted to cut his heart on the high seas … each afternoon in Granada, a child dies …” ***

    But light and hope also are present in the early Lorca, with
    Love, archers and their quivers, ****
    Christ and Spain,
    Lights, stars and sailing, ***** the
    Beauty of ethnic Spain; its
    Cities and natural surroundings. ******

    But darker grows the Dali-like palette as the 1930’s emerge;
    Agony and corpses in the cities,
    Machines disturbing nature –
    Crowds in anguish,
    Furious swarms of coins.
    Rootless science.
    Abandoned children, where
    No mourn or hope is possible.*******
    “Suburbanites stagger …”
    Back from the “shipwreck of blood.”
    So too saw Lorca the Depression in America, and
    His heart went out to kindred souls. (See collection on New York City)

    In Jiminez we see both liberal democratic theoretician and poet laureate.
    Writing of poetry as a progressive endeavor – to

    Foster a true society of
    Material and ideal nourishment,
    The best of both the old and the present.

    Freedom he equates with
    Bread, schools, hospitals, national independence and a sense of dignity.
    Progressive democracy is to replace state colonial democracy
    Permeated by imperial indolence and malevolence.
    But woe, then came Franco.

    Juan Ramon Jiminez wanted to see a common person aristocracy within
    Progressive democracy, where
    Superior consciousness was produced,
    Idealism and simplicity coexisted, where a polity of
    Democratic “aristocratic” individualism was generated, in a
    State of profound cultivation of interior idealism and simplicity:

    There were simpler times for Jiminez, prior to his
    Retreating into a more solitary individualism in the
    1940’s and the 1950’s,
    His loneliness, religious
    Semi-hermetism, his anguish with
    The unknown and dreams.

    Read his youthful brilliance******** and his musings on
    Eternal life and dazzling moon(s);
    Anxiety, flight and dreams (soul voyages); the
    Soul, death and the sea;
    Love and earth-nature images.

    (More coming on the Sleepyheads in the future)
    1* Antonio Machado. ( In Barea or Borea, p.5)
    2* “Gacela of the Terrible Presence”
    3* “Gacela of the Dead Child”
    4* 1922
    5* 1921
    6* 1921-24
    7* See esp. “The Death of Ignatio Sanchez Mejias”
    8* 1917-1923

    Franco, Axis collaborator;
    ‘History in Literati Symbolism,’ Hemingway and the Ambulance Corps (WWI). 7/26/10. Chicago Now regional and Red Eye mass free press (Chicago Tribune), April/May. For Katie with Mark, ‘challenge’ to the Harvard idea. On “Design.” National-Louis international/Chicago Metro. Katie and Mark to facilitate and accept awards NLU downtown, 7/12. (Katie kinda single-handedly saved Margaret Fuller (treatment) – for Chicago Metro, esp. Glencoe/Jewish – through the Yeltsin period, up this morning in former home, Arlington Heights.)

    . Note: During the Second World War, Franco officially maintained a policy of non-belligerency and later of neutrality. However, he supported the volunteer Blue Division who fought with the Axis on the Eastern Front.
    After the end of World War II, Franco maintained his control in Spain through the implementation of severe measures: the systematic suppression of dissident views through censorship and coercion,[4][5] the imprisonment of ideological enemies in concentration camps throughout the country (such as Los Merinales in Seville, San Marcos in León, Castuera in Extremadura, and Miranda de Ebro),[6] the implementation of forced labor in prisons,[7] and the use of the death penalty and heavy prison sentences as deterrents for his ideological enemies.[8] During the Cold War, the United States established a diplomatic and trade alliance (regrettably – to fight the USSR and maintain NATO solidarity for such.) WIKI. Ad: 10/10.

    1. The worst genocides of the 20th Century
    Francisco Franco (Spain), 30000 (dissidents executed after the civil war) … Second, Winston Churchill and

    Harry Truman

    did not start that war: they ended … – Cached – Similar (Google Search citation is source).
    AP- 2002, 150,000 political prisoners executed during the war and dictatorship.
    G. Jackson, 1931-1939, 200,000 executed by Franco, 20,000 by the Republicans.


    from the
    Encyclopædia Britannica
    Spanish Civil War, (1936–39), military revolt against the Republican government of Spain, supported by conservative elements within the country. When an initial military coup failed to win control of the entire country, a bloody civil war ensued, fought with great ferocity on both sides. The Nationalists, as the rebels were called, received aid from Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The Republicans received aid from the Soviet Union, as well as from International Brigades, composed of volunteers from Europe and the United States. (Author Note: There was no Cold War until 1944/45; the Nationalists noted here were the Franco faction.)

    November 2, 1950, Truman sends Ambassador to Spain. (State Department.)
    (Specific Franco notes from October, 2010, otherwise from the studio of Ruth Crost, #1 Nationally School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and Larry Crost her son, Professor Chicago State at Glen Oaks in Northbrook, some of the materials produced at this studio were used for classroom use at Chicago State.)
    Subsequently published in Chicago Now and the Red Eye. (April/May 2010).

  39. Mark V. Basile

    Interesting choice and placement of “Boris,” the drunken governor:

    a) VICE-PRESIDENT Alexander Rutskoi, ‘critical of the structure of (so-called) privatization.’
    b) Cabot Lodge. JD/PhD. “Hands-On,” Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 with Republican Senator John Sherman of OHIO (with 8-Hour Day “Hands-On” with the AFL), inter alia.
    c) Shootin’ Moose or Bull Moose. Kind dig ’em both.

    MVB, 10/15/10. Still on the docket as an academic affiliate, just got my new NLU “card” this week for 2010-2011. Submission for MOSAIC solicited and turned in. June/July 2011. FEDERAL REGULATORY OVERHAUL: “Reform” in a state of Public Disinformation. Lisle-122 S. Michigan-Elgin-Skokie-Alexandria, Virginia/DC and Poland (personal award of honor and gratitude to NLU Poland President from President of Poland).

  40. Mark V. Basile

    What really got to me was that sexist crack about Bristol by Barack.

    A single mom at 19 with dirty politics and dirty media in her face from age 17. (Pretty fithy ex-too, describing sex acts for sensationalist mass media from around last Thanksgiving when the Palins were still offering him an open invitation to join the family which he ‘spit on’, seems to admit to internet reported “leaks” of actual ‘posing’ with agency slapped together rapper nonsensence with public lyrics which include ‘show my p_nis’ in the context of what appeared to me as a slick Hollywood P.R. job which careful university pop culture analysts I feel would agree with me in context constituted an admission. And here comes Huffington, once again in vigorous adversary position to Bristol, jumping on the cover up of the frontal nude poses with the “leaks” by announcing this Levi fellow’s Playgirl was coming out on February 22 ‘topless.’ This is not news, but an intervention into ‘character’ in state court proceedings. I don’t have the specifics beyond that, but if Levi didn’t pay up his Alaska Law demanded 20% of the $25,000 contracted for, it should be an open and shut case for him once more ‘in arrears’ on child support, at least as of the beginning of this month. And down the road come the bullies, a recent Miss America took on bullying as her entire theme upon her success, showing the baby daddy naked to Bristol’s son at what age? 3? 4? 5? I have never met one of the Palins nor do I have any current intention of dragging myself out of Skokie to listen to any politician speak. I get downtown on occasion, that’s about it. Our Art Institute is one of the best in the world, (I hear NYC has some of the best Van Goghs in this country, however, my fav.)

    Overall, teen pregnancy has been going DOWN for a number of years. Look it up. Bristol’s actual example following the birth, and her direct personal language coincide with the fact that in no way was Mr. Obama sensitive, “civil,” or even accurate when he claimed that Bristol Palin’s pregnancy stimulated teenage pregnancy. It was a DIRTY comment in and of itself, let alone aimed at a past and possible upcoming (State) First Daughter and family member of a political competitor.

    At any rate today I have stated the opinion of an Independent, echoed somewhat by the Coffee Party’s founder that ‘it is ‘not aligned with any party,’ and she calls the two-party system ‘out of date.’ 3/13, CNN. The Tea Party is in fact partisan, as observers and participants are aware. It’s not clear to me however if Sarah or the clear centrist Ron Paul is the primary leader of the movement at this time. Sarah simply did not attend (the CPAC) for reasons of clearly stated principle. So the mainstream let alone dominant Liberal news is not clear at all in their coverage, with a tendency to broadly lump any social conservative or Republican, does this include Schwartzenneger with his pro-choice leaning (!), into a Rightist category. My level of scrutiny is no more than an approximate Master’s equivalent in law, (with a bit of US History) and English. I know that the JFK Harvard braintrust was a total bust, ‘the best and the brightest,’ but that is becoming virtual orthodoxy among objective academia.

    But make up your own minds, I’m just particularly interested in seeing an end to the virtually violent abuse of an unwed 17 year old from a thousand points of darkness. I believe I have the case ‘open and shut’ against Huffington, so I’m just going to tag along and see if this third stringer gets sober.

    New York Times. Today. Sunday. You consider, I’ll try not to editorialize. “As Health Vote Awaits, Future of Presidency Waits, too.” This is not coming from Rupert Murdock, FYI.
    a) Republican leader McConnell noted that passage of the instant bill would result in the Democrats losing in December.
    b) NYT stated that failure of all-Democrat Healthcare, in light of political capital invested would damage “[Obama] as a leader for months, and maybe years.”
    (But is this entirely accurate, or somewhat backwards? Perhaps ‘jamming Obamacare down the throats’ of Congress and the country could create a backlash rather than an impulse of momentum.)
    c) Rahm Emmanuel said Bill Clinton’s problem (Hillary was at the point in Congress, of course) was not “taking on” health care but in “losing it.”
    Rahm now all-but-nowhere to be seen as far as national politics go. (10/15/10). So does his voice matter in the least outside of some local politics coming out of an urban “machine?”
    d) NYT slipped however and stated that Clinton recovered to win in 1996. NO WAY, Ross Perot handed it to him by tearing a mass chunk out of the Republican Party and added confusion. Ron Paul appears committed in a stable fashion to the Rep Party recently coming out of the CPAC as a party stalwart leader. Mark. 6:05 pm. Family partnered up with a “Tea Party” son Dr. Rand Paul (NO PHONY LAWYER) running for US Senate to be Leader Mitch’s Junior.

    Most unfortunately, we in the general public need also be aware of some of the general perimeters of the Cold War Epoch’s antecedent, the war against Al Queda, with some salient disturbing activity in Yemen, at the very least. ITS NOT THE GENERAL PUBLIC’s WAR, it’s a battle being waged by our government. Stable Bush doctrine is go on with your lives and economic activity, raise your alertness if the government raises an alert level. Public information and not disturbing the public are not currently in balance yet, in my opinion. But this GITMO thing is two months late from executive promises on its resolution. GITMO or Guantanemo ‘prisoners of war,’ like the Nazis we captured in WWII, may have the effect of raising a danger level on the domestic front if transferred here. I am limiting my personal opinions at this point. The question is: do we really want 190 of these ‘people’ transferred directly here to Illinois ironically as proposed by our forum’s own alum, that’s the Thompson facility in IL? This is the suburban Chicago Tribune, our interests do not necessarily coincide directly with East Coast/Harvard and DC elitism. At least Legislators are ‘elevated lawyers’ and lawmakers who know that you have to speak English to get elected. That’s plain talk.

    Somalia metastisis from kidnap and ransom haven to full terror “host state.” (10/15/10, suburban Tribune on-line, Chicago Tribune.)

    Top Republican in the House and senior White House Advisor John Boener of Ohio says no, there is “no reason to increase the threat level here.” CNN, 11:45 CST. Obama’s late, Eric Holder seems to be a go ahead. GITMO transfers to the US “makes no sense,” Bonier. He feels quite strongly: ‘I wouldn’t vote for this if you put a gun to my head.” I too feel a bit uneasy about having these ‘people’ in the neighborhoods after they do their lawyered up civilian terms and take advantage of parole rights afforded US citizens, with ‘cult-like’ training a part of their alternative intellectual heritage. We can’t forget the countless numbers of suicide bombers in Iraq, the Middle East and infiltrating Israel. Directly kill yourself for extremist thought? NO WAY the general public can deal with this. George Bush, Condi and Judge Chertoff with Liz’s husband working as General Counsel with 1500 lawyers under him must have had an enormous task on their hands to keep us clear of another dark September which forced George Bush II’s hand, and transformed him out of clear and outstanding necessity into a war President. Robert Dole’s ‘big tent’ never appeared fully formed to me, and but for the worst possible of violences against America since Pearl Harbor and George Bush II’s pitched battles over the Pacific, we had a commitment to ‘compassionate conservatism’ on the part of George Bush II which I don’t recall being authoritatively rebutted, except by Democratic diehards and those simply unwilling to ‘talk,’ ie; “bi-partisanship.”

    By Mark V. Basile, essayist and playwright.

    (Update as regards Bristol. Engagement talk of July is apparently entirely finished. “Teen Activist” with a Launch as a Public Speaker, Family Values and Culture of Life,et. Modest but significant $10,000 picked up this month by Bristol for a speech.)
    As Bristol Palin prepares for her “Dancing With the Stars” debut she made clear that she does not want ex-fiance Levi Johnston in the audience of the reality show, PopEater reported Wednesday.
    “The last thing in the world Bristol wants is to look up from her cha-cha-cha and see his big goofy grin looking at her,” a family friend told the Hollywood gossip website.
    “This is her time to shine and she doesn’t want him trying to steal her spotlight,” the Palin family insider added.
    Palin is currently living in Los Angeles with her 21-month-old son Tripp as she rehearses for the show, whose 11th season premieres September 20.
    “Security is very tight at ‘Dancing With the Stars,” an ABC executive said. “If someone is not wanted in the ballroom, I can assure you they will not get in.”
    While Johnston is unwelcome at the ABC show, research revealed this week showed that three-fourths of Alaskans have an unfavorable view of him as he prepares his campaign for the Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.

    ¾ of Alaskans view Levi unfavorably. 6% give him a positive rating. New York Post. 10/15/10 for 9/8/10.

    Read more:

  41. Mark V. Basile

    DANCING WITH THE STARS, the Dance. Monday October 18

    Looks like we’re going out. But with style. Making a statement.
    Bristol was complimented for having musicality, but she’s not going to be a phony, she made it half way there on her 20th, and that’s a home run in anyone’s book for a simple fisherman’s daughter from Alaska.
    Criticized for not exhuding sexuality. (We used to square dance in gym class at Field School grade school in Park Ridge; there was no such talk whatsoever of feigned sex approximations in the dance. This simply does not seem to be a proper prerequisite.)
    She countered further last week with highly musical lyrics: “You can’t hurry love, you just have to wait.”
    This week: lowest score.
    But she showed the Judges that she could indeed just “have fun” and she came out in a monkey suit, a wonderful clip for her son to watch when he’s 3 or 4.
    Her partner Mark got in on the idea, and he ordered up clown lessons to loosen up. To help to “show [she] can let go.”
    Mark, further, had her working in group on facial expressions. Seemed to get the idea that he was basically helping a young mom put on a show she could be proud of for her two year old, also her mother’s 3 year old! And who doesn’t appreciate a mother who can make funny faces for their infants?
    Theme song confluent with the monkey suit: “we’re the young generation, and we got something to say.” (The Monkeys).

    Florence Henderson 21/30 to Bristol’s 18 score. Did her own Brady Bunch to the Tango … “the youngest one in curls.”

    Dreamworks dragons looks like interesting animated family fun.

    CLASS OF SHOW: Extreme Make-Over, Home Edition.
    Classic version of ‘When you dream upon a star.’ Absolutely beautiful music.
    Sure, it’s a one in 10 million shot, but absolutely no one ever loses.
    ‘The House’ always pays.
    And they do bring at a truly down and out time a ‘wish upon a star.’

    (Might be interesting to catch a show based in Detroit, check ABC for details).

    Gubernatorial’s release of recidivists to MOB action or worse. State of Illinois. Allegations in Ad.

    McCain 2010, Mark Kirk 2010. By Mark V. Basile, essayist and playwright. See also Carver County, Minn. Family farm and place of birth of State Lieutenant Governor Carol Molnau. which includes a cite for Carver County has also sponsored author. Wide variety of rural and out of the way vacationing on site.

  42. Mark V. Basile

    ‘From chimp to champ’:

    Bristol Palin gets her best score yet on Dancing With The Stars

    By Daily Mail Reporter (UK?)
    Last updated at 9:54 AM on 26th October 2010
    Bristol Palin went ‘from chimp to champ’ this week as she clawed her way back up the leaderboard.

    In keeping with the rock week theme, she wowed the audience with an out of character air guitar section during her tango with Mark Ballas.
    And in her leg-baring purple slit skirt she succeeded, scoring 23 points, her top mark of the competition.

    Submitted by Mark V. Basile, Essayist and Playwright. For the keepers of news and t.v. clips and the like, I would like to repeat that Bristol and Mark’s ‘monkey suits’ in combination with “we’re the young generation, and we got something to say” should truly stand out among the highest points for the youth audience, 6 and under, 10 and under. Younger people should be made to feel that they have a place coming in society, and that let’s say through following through on getting those High School diplomas and college degrees, they will be listened to. For now, the “fun” of animal entertainment embedded in family adult entertainment was a remarkable insight — and indeed, Bristol and Mark swayed the audience and they remained to dance one more evening. Good for them. And good for Mark, he’s really getting into the swing of working with a just recently age 20 (single) mom! — and this Mark is no lightweight whatsoever, merit top of field in dancing, and I worked free-lance musical performance in the thriving Chicago Musician’s Union for 2 1/2 years, his acoustic and electric guitar are AOK!

  43. Mark V. Basile

    “Overall, teen pregnancy has been going DOWN for a number of years. Look it up. Bristol’s actual example following the birth, and her direct personal language coincide with the fact that in no way was Mr. Obama sensitive, “civil,” or even accurate when he claimed that Bristol Palin’s pregnancy stimulated teenage pregnancy. It was a DIRTY comment in and of itself, let alone aimed at a past and possible upcoming (State) First Daughter and family member of a political competitor.

    At any rate today I have stated … “(October 15, MVB, on this Web site, prior on the on-line Chicago Tribune,

    ‘What really got to me was that sexist crack about Bristol by th executive.’ Lede.

  44. Mark V. Basile

    Security Council Blues, (continued after an hiatus.)

    MOON: … Commendable, if “real.”

    Our REALITY however is of an Attorney General-designate who not only hired undocumented persons, but showed direct presence of mind of this act or crime by evading the Social Security income taxes on these persons hereby attempting to hide their employment or the nature of the employer/employee matrix. Only AFTER she was discovered, did our darling Zoe simply pay a fine. And this was after two years of continuous offense.

    The fine appears to have been pocket change to an individual who had socked in half a million dollars a year working for big insurance. And now we are to trust her with Public Interest? And indeed the modern or model notion of the Attorney General is of one appointed and approved by the political sector, but then under compulsion to function in a non-ideological fashion as the Peoples’ Lawyer. To serve the Public Interest.

    Indeed we were given the poorest of advice by Communication Director George Stephanopoulos when he expressed ‘complete confidence’ in Zoe Baird.

    The Communication Director would or should have had access to Baird’s immigrations violation, tax evasion, and her miserable record on Public Interest issues.

    Just another insider nomination drawing from the old boys’ club.

    Look even further at the structure of Zoe Baird’s work history. At Aetna, she devised a private sector initiative to attempt to keep government from effecting reasonable Healthcare reform. She lobbied for “strict” caps on products liability settlements for those injured or crippled by dangerous accidents.

    Ralph Nader had to step in personally, along with other public interest groups, to challenge this nomination as the Public Lawyer. Baird indirectly, and probably directly used the old boys’ club to gain this nomination, using ‘strings’ as a former lawyer in Warren Christopher’s law firm. Warren Christopher was no less than the President’s transition director AND the Secretary of State-designee.

    I hate to offend your sensibilities, friend Saturn, but can you imagine any self-proclaimed Democrat who has lobbied against ‘whistle-blowers,’ other self-correcting mechanisms in our new industrial state? Julia Roberts has enough information from this Zoe Baird alone to scare the public with a new 1984-style Erin Brokevich movie. These may be ‘New Democrats,’ but they certainly are not improved Democrats.

    SATURN: We agree with your judgment Terran Moon that this is a poor candidate for Attorney General. The general nexus of the tax evasion count alone would bar her from such office in our society.

    MOON: Bear with me the shortest amount of time further, friend. Zoe Baird went on to scandal-ridden General Electric, and used every ounce of her legal expertise to help this big business craft an enormously complex program designed to allow the company essentially to police itself, thereby brushing under the rug any past and ongoing offenses. Such services came at the highest possible cost, outside of the upper class itself, and would hardly be available to any small, individual-based or even mid-sized business.

    SATURN: By temperament also Baird should be barred from being anyone’s Public Lawyer. Her panoply of anti-public interest positions and in-fact actions in addition to a multiple record as vigorous representative for the BUSINESS ARISTOCRACY would bring most seriously into question her credential to be the Lawyer for the Populace.

    MOON: Thank you Saturn. On the Moon we are very careful to keep our culture hidden from the Earth. In its semi-savage state, the Earth represents to us a threat, although we have not yet considered

    its satellite system,

    its human interaction and torment system, its space telescope. It manned and unmanned space fights to be acts of war.

    MERCURY: You are stoical. I shall pass your warning on to Mars as the next culture targeted by Earth in our solar system.

    MOON: Consider also the case of another candidate nominated to the Terran Executive Cabinet. Ron Brown, the FORMER CHAIRMAN of the National Democratic Party, has faced more conflict-of –interest questions than any party chairman since at least 1977. He has engaged in extensive lobbying, including foreign clients, and has ties to huge sums of legal but unregulated donations to the Democratic Party. (See specifically The Nation, 12/7/92, also the Daily Herald (Chicago Area), 1/4/93, sec 1, p.3 and 1/17/93, sec 1, p.3.)

    A massive $750,000 in fees directly to the National Democratic Party Chairman found their way directly into Brown’s pocket last year alone. A $140,000 chunk came in brokerage fees for helping an Ohio company land local government contracts. Prior, as deputy chairman of the party, he extended his influence to support to support the vicious and repressive government of Haiti’s dictator, Jean Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier.

    No screaming ‘racial profiling’ at that time. Simply ethics monster to tyrant.

    In the late 1980’s, Brown’s clients included about a dozen Japanese electronics companies interested in influencing pending legislation.

    No screaming ‘economic treason,’ or the undermining of national sovereignty in economic national security.

    As Democratic Party Chairman, Brown’s “influence” and influence peddling was felt among other places in Denver, the Capitol, Japan and New York City. The Mayor of Denver won a spot to speak from the podium at the Democratic Convention after Brown registered as a lobbyist for that city. Brown’s law firm was granted bond work in the Capitol, even though the firm had little experience in the field, after Ron Brown solicited the business. Other influential “connections” Brown has turned into business opportunities included being the part owner of a Washington, D.C. radio station with the husband of that city’s Mayor.

    Tad of double-pronged Soviet-style government information, perhaps.

    Further, while party head in 1989, Brown traveled to Japan on law firm business, but refused to divulge on whose behalf he made the trip. Indeed, he served on the board of a waste management company under criminal investigation for fraud in New York.


    The beach had gone silent. Two or three ash can lids were piled up several feet from the sewage ditch.

    Except for a few cloud wisps, it was a crystalline Cleveland evening. The moon, rather opulent, appeared ready to set somewhere around the west end of the Lake. The Lake, and ancient and wide body. Looked up at the skies, its partner of the centuries, weighted down somewhat by the pollutants of humankind; it exchanges pacific gazes with the stars.

    Venus shone in an especially splendid fashion that evening.

    Two or three empty bottles of Big Mouth protruded haphazardly from the sand along with various refuse from the past weeks. The vapour line from the sewage ditch arched upward into the Cleveland night air, obscuring somewhat the moon behing it and causing Galileo’s delight to shimmer a bit around the edges.


    By Mark V. Basile, Essayist and Playwright, February, 1993. 10/28/10 casting. AB, Wittenberg, Springfield, Ohio, et.


  45. Mark V. Basile

    Giuseppe Garibaldi and Unification of Italy.

    “He returned to Italy in 1848 with his small band of “Red Shirts” and fought in Milan in the war of independence against Austria. After Pope Pius IX fled Rome (1848), Garibaldi for a while defended the city from the French when they attempted to reinstate papal rule. His bold retreat through central Italy made him a well-known figure. He lived in exile again until 1854, and in 1859 he led an army in another war against Austria. In 1860, with no government backing, he raised an army of about 1,000 men and attacked Sicily; by the end of his campaign, he commanded 30,000 men, with whom he seized Naples. He handed all of southern Italy over to Victor Emmanuel II and hailed him as the first king of a united Italy.” (Encyclopedia Britannica)

    Italian National Hero. 1807-1882.
    1833 ‘met Giuseppe Mazzini, founder of Young Italy, created towards a united Italy … during turbulent years …. Stayed in exile in New York for a while in the early 1850’s …’
    Encourage by uprisings in southern Italy, in 1860, Garibaldi assembled 1,000 volunteers, known as Red Shirts, to seize the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies from the Neapolitan Bourbons. After his victory, he gives the territories to Victor Emmanuel II, addressing him as the King of Italy. Garibaldi continued to fight for complete unification of Italy, leading two expeditions into Rome. He retired in 1871, spending most of his time on Caprera, and died there in 1882. (Italian Historical Society of America). Garibaldi speech. 1860 (below)

    WE 1 must now consider the period which is just drawing to a close as almost the last stage of our national resurrection, and prepare ourselves to finish worthily the marvelous design of the elect of twenty generations, the completion of which Providence has reserved for this fortunate age. 1
    Yes, young men, Italy owes to you an undertaking which has merited the applause of the universe. You have conquered and you will conquer still, because you are prepared for the tactics that decide the fate of battles. You are not unworthy the men who entered the ranks of a Macedonian phalanx, and who contended not in vain with the proud conquerors of Asia. To this wonderful page in our country’s history another more glorious still will be added, and the slave shall show at last to his free brothers a sharpened sword forged from the links of his fetters. 2
    To arms, then, all of you! all of you! And the oppressors and the mighty shall disappear like dust. You, too, women, cast away all the cowards from your embraces; they will give you only cowards for children, and you who are the daughters of the land of beauty must bear children who are noble and brave. Let timid doctrinaires depart from among us to carry their servility and their miserable fears elsewhere. This people is its own master. It wishes to be the brother of other peoples, but to look on the insolent with a proud glance, not to grovel before them imploring its own freedom. It will no longer follow in the trail of men whose hearts are foul. No! No! No! 3
    Providence has presented Italy with Victor Emmanuel. Every Italian should rally round him. By the side of Victor Emmanuel every quarrel should be forgotten, all rancor depart. Once more I repeat my battle-cry: “To arms, all—all of you!” If March, 1861, does not find one million of Italians in arms, then alas for liberty, alas for the life of Italy. Ah, no, far be from me a thought which I loathe like poison. March of 1861, or if need be February, will find us all at our post—Italians of Calatafimi, Palermo, Ancona, the Volturno, Castelfidardo, and Isernia, and with us every man of this land who is not a coward or a slave. Let all of us rally round the glorious hero of Palestro 2 and give the last blow to the crumbling edifice of tyranny. Receive, then, my gallant young volunteers, at the honored conclusion of ten battles, one word of farewell from me. 3
    I utter this word with deepest affection and from the very bottom of my heart. To-day I am obliged to retire, but for a few days only. The hour of battle will find me with you again, by the side of the champions of Italian liberty. Let those only return to their homes who are called by the imperative duties which they owe to their families, and those who by their glorious wounds have deserved the credit of their country. These, indeed, will serve Italy in their homes by their counsel, by the very aspect of the scars which adorn their youthful brows. Apart from these, let all others remain to guard our glorious banners. We shall meet again before long to march together to the redemption of our brothers who are still slaves of the stranger. We shall meet again before long to march to new triumphs. 5

    Note 1. Delivered late in 1860 on his departure from Naples after having relinquished into the hands of Victor Emmanuel his dictatorship over the Neapolitan provinces. Given here as reported in the London Times. [back]

    Note 2. A village of Northern Italy where in 1859, between the Battles of Montebello and Magenta, the Sardinians, under Victor Emmanuel, and aided by the French, defeated the army of Austria. [back]

    Note 3. Francis II. was besieged at his stronghold of Gaeta early in 1861, and on February 13 surrendered to Victor Emmanuel. [back]

    A note on the arts: The Cambridge companion to modern Italian culture, Baranski and West.

    Artist rendering, Giovanni Fattori, Garribaldi in Palermo, 1860-62
    “painters were deemed to have a key function in spreading a sense of patriotism, as well as adding rhetorical emphasis to historical facts … 1861 exhibition … new artistic genre … subject matter episodes from [war] of unification and other patriotic motifs … centered on contemporary history. P.244
    Artist rendering, Odoardo Borrani, 26 April 1859, (1861),
    Of a “woman sewing pieces of fabric in the colors of the Italian flag.” (Corresponding to Leopold II’s fleeing of Tuscany in 1859.

    By Mark V. Basile, Essayist and Playwright. 10/10.

  46. Mark V. Basile

    DOVENECK JEANNIE (For Katie Basile)

    Doveneck Jeannie,
    Age 19, and
    Never touched.

    Her sister combs, her
    Auburn tresses.

    Jeannie’s mother a homemaker, and loving
    Parish “leader.”
    Of so many HEROES
    For “democracy.”

    Or be it Repubblicus.

    509 B.C. and the tribes of the Latins,
    Expulsion of the Tarquin monarchy.
    Say glories (!) of Marcus Tullius, antecedent to the
    Rationalization of LAW under the 12 Tables.
    Say Scipio (!), and the
    Defense of the Heartland.
    (Woe unto Carthage, your elephant armies brought back to you, a
    Response and Void.)

    ‘Unification’ in the 200’s, not so long until you would need
    A Garribaldi, Verdi, and Victor Emmanuel.

    But woe, spleandor of our ancients, as
    “Every friend of our republic [has] abandoned … our
    Country [,] to the cruel devastations of
    Fire and Sword.”

    Marcus Tullius – 49.

    Arise now in a New Tyrannical Spleandor
    Gaius Julius and Satan Augustus.

    Twelve Apostles tremble, unto
    “CITY OF GOD.”

    Doveneck Jeannie of Park Ridge/Arlington Heights,
    Her sister combs her auburn tresses;
    First year at Yale Law and longing for home –

    Working for the underprivileged.

    By Mark V. Basile. Essayist and Playwright. 1994/2010. National-Louis University/Poland-USA. 6/26/2010. Campuses also at Skokie, 122 S. Michigan, Lisle, Elgin and Alexandria, Virginia/DC. (Ref: “New World,” published 1502/03, from Amerigo/America).

  47. Mark V. Basile

    BIO abbreviated, October 2010, Mark V. Basile (Chicago Metro)

    Six CHICAGO NOW’s (Federal Regulatory Overhaul; For Katie Basile, Thanksgiving; written out resume as of June, 2010; Ron Paul; Homelessness (a ‘realist’ poem set); Vietnam at Home, under M. Vincente, a critique of the psychiatric gulag industry, 1991/92) including 2 Red Eye’s in 2010. Version of Federal Regulatory Overhaul at ##1-10 National Google Search July-October. Materials in classroom use, Chicago State 1996-97, NLU M.S. 2009 and 2010. Several Pioneer Press 2001-2008. “Proud to have Inspired,” Chair of Russian Studies at Princeton 1995. Plays, among several things, “reviewed” by MIT top linguist, “fascinating,” “liked,” 1992-93. (Included, ‘Gorby,’ then “Chit Chat.”). 3 times Instructor/”reader” Cal Berkeley, #1 Public in my graduate field, US History. Close-Up, State of Illinois, 1/23/98. ‘Excellent work-product and for resume,’ George J. Cotsirilos, Esq and for Federal Trial Judge John Powers Crowley. 3/2010 reiteration of 1986. (Dr.), various reviews 2000’s. MIT play, The Atrium at 122 S. Michigan, summer, 2009 and Theatre Building Chicago, 11/09. Professor Noam Chomsky, “Impressive,” 12/09. Dr. Joanne, NLU, “fine play,” ‘I almost cried both times I saw it.’ “Independent.” Current preferred on-line Web sites for essays and blogging: A Time for Choosing, and (the suburban Chicago Tribune).

    (11/6/10. MVB)

  48. Mark V. Basile

    Continuing subscriber to A Time for Choosing, e-mail version. 11/8/10. MVB. Chicago Metro.

  49. Mark V. Basile

    “The World is Your Oyster,” Mom to Bristol Palin on Oprah.

    “A Million Reasons to Believe” (And a Moment of Silence or a Group Prayer)
    — New York Yankees – No matter what team they support, baseball fans have to tip their caps to the Yankees for the joy they bring to kids who wish to meet them. The Major League Baseball club entertains about 30 wish kids each year, enabling them to meet players in the dugout before games, tour iconic Monument Park, go behind the scenes at Yankee Stadium, and watch their favorite players in action on the field from VIP seats. Yankees manager Joe Girardi also thrilled the six wish kids who attended the 2010 MLB All-Star Game in Anaheim with a private meet-and-greet after the pregame press conference. (Home Page, Endorsee)
    MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION. (For children with life-threatening medical conditions.)

    To Life: Simple but Perfect. Fischer-Price.
    a) Motor Skills,
    b) Set World in Motion.
    Grand Prize Winner, 11/8/10, DANCING WITH THE STARS/ABC.

    Look in that mirror, “I see a strong, confident, beautiful woman.”
    “Tangled.” Movie. Animated.

    For “love.”
    “Open Heart Collection.”
    Kay Jewelers.

    Bristol, after her Vienese Waltz.
    ‘Homesick,’ so she saw her family.
    Partner Mark: “She’s missing her son.”
    Sarah: “Have fun!” “Take over.”
    Bruno, finally! Perhaps as we last see Bristol. To a (just) ‘teen activist’ and single Mom.
    “Fire,” not ‘sexuality.’

    How about Seattle’s Best ?! Featured at Burger King.

    USA: Lincoln-Mercury.

    A) Good Golly, Miss Molly
    B) Journey (the group), for t.v. star on second round of evening.
    C) MVP Kurt and Russian prima, Anna Tra-bun-skia.
    (START on Primetime ?!)
    D) Samba for second round
    E) R & B, Rhythm and Blues: Brandy, a little fun and African-American excellence;
    (Top of the Leader Board last week)

    ADVAIR. In part intended to improve Senior life. COPD in particular.

    Johnson: A “family”/company.

    ‘Just being Mom.
    A) LEADER: Glass Ceiling,
    B) Known for Ladies’ (and Mama Bears’) Tea Party,
    C)‘Arguably, the Leader of the Free World:

    For Prime Time:
    ‘Is it like a lap dance and something scandalous?’

    (with a giggle) –

    Sarah. (15 year homemaker; step aerobics and a meal at a tiny deep Northwest diner with 5 closest lady friends).
    Web site sponsor.

    “Arctic Wolves” perhaps looking on to their (former) Commandant and “Brigade Mom.” Hardened Iraqi vets. She attended every deployment in person.

    DANCING WITH THE STARS. A Rendition. Kicking back after “mid-terms.”/ABC. (The Dance)

    MVB. Chicago Metro. Essayist and Playwright.

  50. Mark V. Basile

    Oops! It’s Bristol, Willow and Piper in that order. I referred to Willow as her younger sister one time on on the Park Ridge/Cook County and Elmhurst/DuPage County sites in a recent essay entitled “Midterms.” You see, the only celebrity mag I pay any attention to whatsoever is People because its Time/CNN, so I really do not keep up on any kind of social news as regards fru fru and Hollywood and that kind of epiphenominon. Mea Culpa, especially since one of my last entries on this site referred to the Ladys’ (and Mama Grizzlies’) “Tea Party,” which by the way did include Dr. (Senator) Rand Paul of Kentucky who headlined on ABC morning major news last week:
    inter alia;
    — ‘will not cut those currently on Social Security’ (praise to the higher powers, MVB), and
    — national defense is the most important thing we do in Congress,
    –(also an intense awareness of the problem of the debt/deficit).

    Wonder what kind of a duo Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Dr. Rand Paul as his junior Senator will make — whatever the politics, as a general proposition, it is a breath of fresh air to have as a major Legislator someone who IS NOT JUST ANOTHER LAWYER, like his Dad, Dr. Ron Paul Congressman out of Texas.

  51. Mark V. Basile

    It has come to me that my sponsor, Sarah, is criticized in a kaliedescope of fashions, including the fact that she reads quite widely, perhaps with a voracious appetite for our world and country, clearly looking at items that she both agrees with and disagrees with intendent gray areas.

    Now I call this irony or hypocrisy. I remember specifically a blast being leveled against her because a photographer had gotten a picture of her at her desk with some John Birch material on it. Did that bastion of “trusted reportage” go on to state what was one of the most salient aspects of the midterm effort? Sarah Palin lost an enormous amount of momentum by boycotting the Regular Republican CPAC because in fact the John Birch Society was a major sponsor of it. Being a Cal “reader” we never used John Birch materials, but I heard something about it being Rightist.

    I doubt if Sarah Palin was trying to “pose” with materials she was simply educating herself on, and when a time for actual decision-making came due, she indeed rejected it.

    America, our name and namesake, seems to have found a shared interest by the Governor and myself, myself at least as since produced and articulated in my Millenium Brochure of 2000. Doveneck Jeannie in poetic form tries to look at derivations in the ‘classics’ of the national origins of the explorers and sponsors who brought to us the most direct ‘discovery’ and eventual naming, songs and the flag and our Pledge when used as a douplet with “Half Millenium”/America. Sarah re-sponsored this for you.

    Moreover, Harvard Classics through its Chair and Cambridge through classicist poet scholor David Ferry seem to agree in the essential veracity of Sarah’s and my “rendition” of namesake derivations and essentials of classical (Roman Republic) roots through a posting and publication. at this particular moment visiting my google search site stemming from initial reflections upon Homer’s Roman apposite as concerns the Troy venture of 1184/1200 B.C. (Vergil) Very nicely, Ms. Jenny Attich coordinates or sponsors the Thought Cast site with an academically and high journalistic background.

    The midterms are over, some items indeed were ‘on stump’ in their casting, but I found the Governor “open” and “trusted” as an “Independent” writing on her site. I absolutely cannot believe her bravery and genuinesness, referred other wise as being “principled” in the publication of the critique of Franco, above !!

  52. Mark V. Basile

    My personal perspective is it is nice and really pleasant to see Bristol Palin, on behalf of her family, having some fun — sometimes cursing her own self out a bit which is unsightly but pretty funny — on a stage which has made amends through its own resources for the horrendously nighmarish scene which 80% of the American public put Bristol through at age 17 for what, in my strong opinion amounted to an act of superior “courage:” bringing to life a child through an unplanned preganacy without the benefit of a marriage. I’ll be frank on behalf of her, and I invite any joining on the sentiment, Bristol Palin was pilloried.

    Sarah Palin aside.

    Every week it seems Bristol is going down the tubes on “Dancing With the Stars,” but the public has prevented her from bottoming out almost 4 or 5 times now. So indeed, we will see her again on Monday Night with her absolutely stellar professional dancing partner Mark Ballas. And thanks for that one really crazy kid friendly night with the monkey suits (!!) THE PUBLIC apparently has loved seeing and listening to Bristol, just turned age 20, but make no mistake about it, this is a Mark Ballas show. He made the commitment, he saw it through, he held his breath every week along with his pal Bristol — to my eye gained the affection of the entire Palin clan, including one of the most formidable women since Abigail Adams, and worked like a just plain dog for and with a young woman who a little more than two years ago was living a National and virtual total nightmare for personal activity which didn’t even resemble a misdemeanor. And he gave us a show with his own flesh and blood, his brother — who was a just plain groove. Dancing AND musical performance.

    My personal politics have not wavered as “Independent” since I broke away from the Democratic apparatus around 11/09. Sarah has given me a site for essays and blogging, in addition to my prior and on-going (Chicago Tribune on-line), included me in numerous e-mails and e-mail exchanges especially through Gary Jackson and Stacy, and has exhibited the qualities of “openess” and “flexibility.” Remember, Alaska is a 53% Independent-base state and she was never defeated there as governor at the polls.

    In sum: “bully,” for Dancing With the Stars., 11/13/10 republishing Hollywood Reporter, 11/11/10:

    ” …On Wednesday, the Yahoo Twitter page said Palin had “received 10X more searches on Yahoo! Than Jennifer Grey this week.” Grey has consistently scored higher than Palin.

    And Dancing with the Stars indexes in TV’s top-ten among Republicans, according to data from Experian Simmons that appears in the new issue of The Hollywood Reporter. It comes in at No. 9 on the list top shows among Republicans. And while Dancing indexes high with Democrats as well, it still does not crack the top 15 favorite shows among Democratic viewers. [RELATED: How Dancing With the Stars almost never aired.]

    Palin told USA Today that “it’s crazy” how far she’s advanced on the show. Dancing with the Stars executive producer Conrad Green admitted to Bloomberg that Sarah Palin’s popularity could certainly be helping to fuel her daughter’s success. “There’s a strong popular movement behind Sarah Palin at the moment,” said Green. “It’s entirely possible some of those people are behind Bristol for political reasons.”

    Mark V. Basile, 11/13, essayist and playwright, Chicago Metro. academic affiliate, Chicago Metro.

  53. Mark V. Basile

    Now you want to talk about “open” and a “trusted source,” with no person anywhere questioning the fact that an election or the recent mid-terms is at absolute heart a partisan affair, as soon as we got through with this ardousness and at times unpleasantness, (TV) CBS Chicago (11/14/10) — nationwide and locally/regionally known as the (more) Liberal of the general stations, reached into Sarah’s November 6 posting/publication of the abbreviated BIO of this writer and on-line published 2 fundamentally different CHICAGO NOW Chicago Tribune publications (which is in fact a rather Republican local/regional publication) for the “written out resume” and psychiatric critique “Vietnam at Home” at

    The Sarah Palin organization had been carrying the written out resume of mine for many weeks in-house, and was more than directly aware of the fact it was of an “Independent.”

    In accord, I re-iterate that although my figure is about a year old, it was a 53% base in Alaska announcing their political views or standing as “Independent” that saw Sarah Palin through the local Federal System, from alderperson to mayor of her home town, Walissa, eventually to the Governor’s mansion where she was never defeated at the polls. Electioneering attempts at Rightist pigeon-holing are overwhelmingly belied by the absolute majority of persons in her home forum and State. Go back a little ways and regardless of the fact that I regard Captain, Naval Aviator and Senator John McCain as one of the purest moderates in the Senate, the statistics and apparent pure facts make the argument almost undefeatable that “maverick” or moderate of some sort of variety was an accurate description of his running partner in “team McCain 2008.”

    I still have a laugh, as I put into print under the headline of my title swipe Going Rogue of 1/10 in, at the fact that there can be no question that Sarah Palin looked the stupid word up in the dictionary before she put it in the title of her book. The Good, The Bad or The Ugly, this lady’s got one real sense of humor outright calling herself “a scoundrel.” (The “ugly’s” a tough one though, narrowing alternatives, as any BIO shows her playing simple flute and sweeping to second runner-up in Miss Alaska years past.)

    Note: I have no current endorsements outstanding post-midterms.

    Mark V. Basile, Essayist and Playwright, Chicago Metro. Play festival night with aunt and brother, a double Midwest Emmy, 2010. ‘Italian-American Veterans From WWII.’ Bob Sirott, local “luminary” narration.

  54. Mark V. Basile

    I noticed this morning that Mark Ballas had visited my Web site. I enjoyed considerably what I read. (!!)

    I recommend that others check out his WIKI. He has shown us unusual facility in fine arts dance and music performance on “Dancing With the Stars,” with his superb brother. He also states to composition and songwriting, also in conjunciton with a/his band.

    I like the fact that he worked with Kristi Y. the Olympic champion. His Anglo-American angle is of remark. Texas birth with NAFTA lineage brings him into a position where the Palins might like to introduce him to ‘Jeb who was born in Texas also, married a Mexican national who by my knowledge was a wonderful USA State First Lady, and the stupid net will not let anyone forget that Governor Bush’s daughter Noelle had a substance problem, not long after 9/11 when her uncle was tearing his hair out in the White House — but this is long gone, Noelle in her early 30’s has had a stable 2-yr job that you can SEARCH and her mother has responded vigorously by sponsoring substance assistance based in NYC which is directly a division of mental health in the State of Illinois, Department of Human Services, hospitals and clinics various. ie: there was [no crime], we had a situation of “use” and perhaps clinical relapse. So pursuant to NAFTA/Mexico familiarity, corresponding State First Daughters draggin along one of the best ballroom dancers in the country, inter alia, maybe I could suggest the ‘Jeb faction as persons to look up. You might have fun in the Sunshine State, and have Mark bring his faction of “Camelot” to the status quo as noted.

    Thanks again, Mark for your offer of an introduction via your tech visit. Congrats on last night. It is manifestly in the nature of the beast that unless you are working with a top professional athlete, you’ve got extra feet around that you have to bring into the corral and get down to something manageable, let alone sweet to the mid-mind and swingin’

    Sincerely, Mark

  55. Mark V. Basile

    “Team Mark Kirk” with notice of his stupendous ex- Kimberly Vertolli, rewarding, on-screen with regards to follow-up with an official invite. State of Illinois, US Senate.

  56. Mark V. Basile

    There appears to be an apparently rogue site called Uncovered Politics coming out of Chicago central. In addition to being entirely no-name by any standard I can determine, it has in my experience used totally faceless “cyberbullies” after it induces, or falsely induces, you onto it’s site.

    Otherwise, whatever you feel about the vicicitudes of politics and major politics, let alone Tammany Hall yesterday and today, we need employ reserve in lumping in our “career diplomats” and career overseas representatives into the partisan domestic debates of the inevitable ebbs and flows of an established ‘basic’ two-party system. Independents such as myself in the final run most usually ‘endorse’ and vote, often indeed casting that deciding vote. Back a bit, I never heard even one word that Carol Moseley Braun’s NewZealand Ambassadorship, also to an affiliate of our basic bi-lateral “partner” Great Britain as is Canada for example, was anything other than PERFECT. And it must have been done with enormous grace in that she was surrounded almost in toto by whites. Also, her Dad was a cop. No priviledged Chicago Irish machine sort. She knew right from wrong from the streets, not simple law which she would pursue at the Chicago major later, and indeed the only other Black ever to serve in the United States Senate was a male.

    I recently came across a citation of the American Medical News on what is referred to by those who know of it as “cyberbullying.” Mark

    Watching TV out of the corner of my eye. Have no idea who won, but really class act put on by Bristol! 3rd place. (I am making this comment off a an entry onto Google Search site “Mark V. Basile” at the title at the top of this page, A Time for Choosing.)

  57. Mark V. Basile

    Willow Missteps, Ref; (Ref. also, statutory age 18 or 21, Bristol apologized, age 20)

    GOProud is a group of very right-wing gay conservatives, many of whom broke a couple of years ago from the traditionally do-nothing Log Cabin Republicans (who have since been quite successful!) They organized just in time to catch the conservative movement’s Tea Party wave in the last election cycle and have won a fair amount of press since — most notably for their masochistic decision to let Ann Coulter insult them all in a speech at September’s “Homocon” party.

    Gawker Reprint: 11/17/10

    Submitted by Mark V. Basile, Essayist and Playwright.

  58. Mark V. Basile

    “Willow Weep for Me.”
    Julliard, clarinettist.
    Phil Woods.
    “Musique du Bois”
    Wood Music.
    With Billy Joel, “I love you just the way you are.” (Party time !)
    ca: 1975-1977. Days Inn, downtown. With Aunt Pat.

    Yale University Publishing gives an apparent nod on pagan roots noted at Tarquins at 509 BC. to Cicero. ‘Our rendition’ of development to One Nation Under God. Rutgers. Brian Beyer. Original post, 7/2/08. Thank you very much Brian, this was very kind of you. Ref: Vespucci.

    Comment: Not the best planning to compete with Saturday Night Football. p.31. ‘ratings.’ Wednesday, November 24, 2010. Chicago Sun-Times. Cover: Grey Crowned Dancing Queen. ALASKA.

    “Scene-by-scene,” Mark V. Basile, August 4 (2009)
    Translucent Midnights


    Two young adult homeless women, DAY and STOREY, talk in easy-going and caring manner about street food and money. Establishes relationship.


    Day tells Storey about her prior relationship with ALICE and Alice’s tragic death. Gives background to one of the characters.


    Storey gives poetic description of snowfall and street scene in a voice over; she also expresses her unwillingness to leave the loft to seek warmth and shelter. Establishes intelligence of Storey and creativity while setting in motion conflict in the screenplay and foreshadowing the tragic demise of Storey.


    Day and Storey discuss goal of owning a women’s antique store. Establishes shared dream of the two in the midst of reality of poverty and homelessness.


    Storey attempts to tell a ghost story before leaving to seek shelter while Day attempts to change the subject realizing that the cold of the early morning is dangerous. Conflict continues between the two women on their immediate goals.


    Endearing poetic and creative side of Storey is further developed in voice over. Sympathy of audience for the women is further engaged as the affections of the two women for each other is further established.


    Day relents and begins ghost story for Storey in which a parallel world of struggle by two women is developed. The will of Day is not strong enough to prevail upon Storey: she is not able to convince her partner to seek better shelter immediately.


    The two discuss panhandling with a sense of humor. The reality of homelessness is touched upon.


    Storey in voice over further describes the late winter street scene, but this time Day in voice over is more critical, insisting that sleep at this time might result in their freezing. The reality of their situation insisted upon by Day conflicts with Storey’s romanticizing of nature.


    For the first time there is a scene which alludes to the trauma Storey sustained at the Salvation Army shelter. A prior sexual assault against Storey, which she has kept a secret from Day, complicates Day’s goal of seeking shelter and provision for the two, even saving Storey’s life.


    Storey asks about obtaining Liquid Plumber. Day suspects something is dreadfully wrong with her partner who may be contemplating suicide.


    Storey discusses panhandling and seeking temporary shelter. Conflict eases temporarily as Day sees hope of the two shortly leaving their almost freezing loft.


    Storey in voice over returns to romantic observation of nature in an urban setting. The paralysis of Storey undermines Day’s brief hope.


    Day tries exhortation of Storey unsuccessfully. Day’s hope and will are not strong enough to convince her partner.


    Storey launches into a brief social and political tirade against government administration. Storey touches upon reality, and the prejudices against the homeless and those in same-sex relationships.


    Storey encourages Day to go out on her own to get some food. Day declines claiming that they are a team and establishes that she will not abandon her partner in spite of Storey’s unreasonability.


    Conversation goes back to the ghost story. Day again cannot impose her will upon Storey.


    A Salvation Army wellness representative, ADAM, arrives and pleads through the door with the two women to come in to the shelter and pantry for assistance. Penultimate conflict begins to save Storey.


    Adam and Day argue with Storey on the need to avail themselves of the shelter and the pantry’s assistance. Reinitiation of Storey’s psychological trauma.


    Storey’s face convulses as she struggles with a MALE ASSAILANT. Realization of a portion of Storey’s underlying psychological profile and apparent unreasonability.


    Adam convinces Day to come to the shelter and she gets up to leave the loft with Storey desperately calling out her partner’s name with outstretched arm. Apparent break-up of the “team.”


    Day closes the loft door from the outside and follows Adam down the outside stairs. Day appears to have failed in her goal to save herself and her partner, and decides to save herself.


    Storey suffers an even more violent flashback to the rape of several nights back. The flashback reveals how Storey is a true prisoner not only to homelessness, but also to the fragile nature of life as a homeless woman.


    Day returns with a thermos of hot soup from Adam after only a short period of time to view with horror Storey lying apparently inanimate on the floor; she revives Storey, and Storey finally tells Day of the rape at the shelter. Day too is a prisoner to her partner’s traumatic event.


    Day assures Storey that no terrible event could come between them, and with Storey’s assurance that she will indeed leave the loft with Day within an hour, Day continues the ghost story – but Storey is truly weakened. A last moment of tenderness between the two before Storey’s demise.


    From behind the cash register, Day happily watches Storey straighten up their store and bargain for antiques with customers. Day relives the dreams of the two young women.


    As the girls in the ghost story triumph over the forces of the night, Storey grows incoherent and finally crumbles, dead, into Day’s arms. The tragedy is complete, homelessness has conquered over love.


    Day grieves and rocks her mate in her arms; she starts the ghost story over again briefly until the end of the screenplay as a means of consoling herself. This is a brief outcome.

    (“Really Liked,” Dr. Joanne, Chicago Metro, 2009, CBS – Flying Feathers with “klezmer,” FOX series – Midwest Emmy.)

  59. Mark V. Basile


    As it turns out, I do have a solid 2.
    Laura with her three, Indy. 500, two years ago, my cousin, Associated Press. Bud and I both dig Danica, big profile low performance Italos Andrettis, but 1 for ‘Mario’ (1969?), 1 for Danica in Japan ‘on circuit.’ (very recent) Swipe from Letterman/Rahal. Saw her BIO on TV, “merit.” Suppose we can let her make a couple bucks with PG+ Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition and ‘Go Daddy.’ Bejing and at least 1 Superbowl for young Bud, Uncle Bud at St. Mel’s out of Croatian ghetto. (ROTC?)

    Mary Plesha/Polich. Nee Indiana. My cousin (fle) and I used to play in the backyards on South Side double homestead; Wisconsin, government board, son married fab cute Beloruss at Madison. When I was 3/4/5/6 I used to sit in the backyard on the South Side with my next door neighbor Kicker, whose family my Grandmother with a 3rd grade education used to call hillbillies. We would spend hours and hours in youth-style of chatter while we drew pictures with wood sticks in “the dirt on the ground.”

    Indy bus station. Every 2 months 1973-1975. Yours truly. On to straight run through rolling Indiana to Dayton/Gilly’s/Grover Washington Jr. with his (ultra-) fox – Columbus. Concurrent with my cousin, full BA top 20 (Princeton Review). Grandparents, Protestant ‘basic:’ the Browns of Chicago Metro. Alum came back (twice) to name Provost, I gave them Professor Scott out of Ohio State out of Head of Department Susan Gabel’s stable, Disabilities-Equities- contributing and sitting member; “Accept” as finalist. Ask that goof Biss what he did with the second request that I handed to him about 3 weeks ago. He thinks he has anything beyond a “myth,” which is iron clad orthodoxy, because the goof mathemetician had me hand him the archeologist’s date of 1184/2000 BC. I mean, just take even a cursory, and mean the barest of cursory looks, at Rome’s (Romulus) version of Genesis, with Aeneas coming back from Troy (dates all the heck screwed up) and wolves bringing up the Founders of Italia. Wolves, man, and Daniel wants to single out Sarah with his totally transparent attempt to legislate morality and history where it relates to ‘belief,’ that is specifically Sarah’s shared belief. If you look at the site, which is still up next to yours on google search/me, it was NO SMALL SHAKE dragging a reality “basin” of 509 through Hannibal/Scipio Africannus and the stupendous 12 Tables through Cicero, 63-49 with a ‘swansong’ in Tiro. You are a tad of a Hero, Sarah, and like I said, “read” Rutgers/Yale University Press, their nod is a corollary to Harvard Classics/Cambridge: ‘as regards a rendition, you folks are fine if you want to go 509 BC to 1502/1503’ with Foundational family friend of Florence having passed in 1492. Ref: America Vespucci. “On the hub of the HALF MILLENIUM,” (year 2000, Bush) dead in the waters until Sarah, Gary and Stacy — with enormous help from our brothers and career ladies at the Chicago Tribune — “with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all.” SOURCE of law, the United States of America, Roman Law, AD: GOING ROGUE, my title swipe, 1/10/ A ‘friend’ of Alaska. ” … setting a TLC record last week … ” Hollywood Reporter in Chicago Sun-Times, Wednesday, Novemeber 24, 2010. p.31. Urban core Heartland Major. Sarah, “Barbara Walter’s 10 Most Admired” of 2008. ‘Palin’s Alaska.’ Gallup, Top 2 Most Admired IN WORLD, 12/09. New York Times Best Seller List, minimum 6 weeks. By Heart, ‘Sarah comprehended me virtually entirely as a pure academic would,’ University of Chicago. Business/ Economics. #1 by orthodox assent, California to MIT/Georgetown/Yale. Now this is a REAL “review.” See: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, review and review coverage — have one or 2 do it closely or clause-bound, I personally go business over markets, you tell me (?). I chatted with Yale, general topic: “Main Street.” Breaking News: Paige Wiser, “Tea Party support couldn’t help Bristol Palin on finale night.” ( … [most probably] Grey was in exquisite pain … [surgery for ruptured disc the morning of]). p.31. CHICAGO.

    (Moreover, I have a tad of a reactionary streak, ‘protection’ of (fledgling/embattled) industries directly out of Alexander Hamilton; Condi was orthodoxy, National Economic Security essentially is new; Federal Appellate Justice Michael Chertoff out of office at Covington directly watched the whole friggin’ thing drop in Somalia as kidnap and ranson haven drew ‘ the metastisis,’ minimum of 2 strikes within 6 months, last one, 70+ dead in African heartland with escape back to “Host State.”)

    (“Now:” the letters, theology and thought, and scholarship of The Lion of the Reformation, Erasmus of the University of Paris/Cambridge – the “words” of the Renaissance. My recollection of ‘the year;’ 1517, Erasmus hands the mass scholarship of The Bible to Martin Luther. 911 — put in the call on site, Harvard Classics, Cambridge with its corollary to ‘our’ Lattimore (Trib – site, Basile Thanksgiving, incomplete but sufficient, ‘on site,’ from Aeschylus and the Golden Age fine arts female literati escorts to The “Women of Troy” and ELEKTRA; opinion, Bruno Snell: “essential”) the poet laureat/translator David Ferry, Yale University Press and their little brother Ivy, Rutgers — with a shout out to our renaissance Lady of Letters, Ms. Jenny Attich.)

    “We’re the young generation, and we got something to say:” Bully! Bristol and Mark (Ballas). ABC PRIMETIME. (Ballas, UK “bi-lateral,” the arts, very recent — with Ambassador Carol, UK Pacific Rim Security — in diplomatic lineage with the Iron Lady and the Gipper, 1982, Argentina directly invaded a self-governing entity; Falklands — my recall, ‘hell_cious.’)

  60. Mark V. Basile



    Most easy google. I did a bit myself, but at any rate, I personally simply have not heard anything of a negative nature. Bn: Chicago/Cook, 1955. No more than 4 weeks out of state since 1986. Ie; you an f- Republican, give ’em a simple buzz and ask about charitable, philanthropic and possible arts brochures. Bunch of ’em, fear they too are ‘notorious understaters of wealth.’

    Assignment at my desk side: Milton and Rose by Heart. Also Chicago. Ref: 11/24/10.

    Work product. In progress. “Learn to write for stage and screen.” Double front page notification this morning. Chicago Tribune. Boss got right back with nice thank you. About 20 UP in DuPage, Cook and ‘our feeder’ at Lake County JC. Keywords: Basile, Koch, National-Louis University (also of Poland, founded at post Warsaw Pact — Lech !!/Solidarity, Head of State — you see we don’t have it Governor, it’s called Labour and we’ve talked about England. A 3 Party System.)

    Caveat: A Genre. “Hometown Boosterism.” Mr. Loaf and Mr. Leach. MIT on 3-part set; 1992, ‘fascinating,’ 1993, ‘liked.’ Father of Modern Linguistics. WIKI. #7 in World Citations, Chicago Tribune, 1990’s. AD; Conrad Hilton Grand Ballroom, contained in NLU mandatory reading 2009 and 2010. (I hear they got a Malibu ‘bad girl’ who likes to ride on Brian Urlacher’s shoulders screaming like a real dope; Brian, still with Lovey of St. Louis, seen his best — sorry — but 10 years #1 in the country at the keynote position on “D” — Lance Briggs is still in his prime, and it’s the real deal). Back, event: “cotillion.” Through legacy Grand Marshalls, Ambassador/United States Senator Carol and partner Bobby Rush, Black Panthers former. Reading for fun, among my catch everything jumbalia, “Be My Guest.” Son, everywhere in Hollywood, drummer — same as when I knew him, quietly assured of ‘descent,’ Frank Derrick on alto, every year I was his first call for his second seat. Bunch of stuff additionally, alot of South Side upswing. Ie; a Big Band costs money, and on at least one occasion, Frank had to call in the Chicago Musician’s Union. Any question? 100% payment enforced upon debtor by CMU. Petrillo Music Shell? Hard to keep track, but I did give Bristol all those elite tiny galleries to run down of my Art Institute mentor, courtesy of Chicago Tribune/Northbrook. Ruth. Professor son, mandatory reading, MVB, Chicago State mid-1990’s. South Side. Wife from Phillipines, visited and worked side-by-side in her husband’s and mother-in-law’s workshop. (Tell Toni, Carol; about my age).
    Ad. I do know the wonderfully stellar CSO plays classics under the stars during the summers. We had Sir George Solti in Chi Town for an era. He was a bear, he said ‘I don’t care about anybody’s sensibilities or angers, if you WANT ME, you’re going to listen to Wagner in Israel.’

    Main Street: In your hands, Sarah, Gary and Stacy, do you want to erect relavant “hometown boosterism” / on behalf of / as regards mano-a-mano, “greedy and self-interested” presentation of Moore. From a crabby comment, ref: 11/24, ‘urban’ major. Our friend M. Carol has her own issues with her Baltimore waitress/Tinsel Town fixture with the permanent mansion/Harpo-Ms. $2 Billion — one of if not the single most significant hands in Iowa, election 2008. She knows the demographics. I shop at Jewell, caveat but not as regards you, there has been ‘an issue’ all over the garbage which simply has never been resolved at the Altar. YOU, just put up the screenplay off the triple MIT “text.” DVD available; ‘not’ in the text, but if you watch if as 100 did in person in the summer of 2009, moreover, there is another local issue addressed in ‘tragedy’ which Ambassador Carol can ask her Alum Toni if she wants to share the opinion of the leader, PhD, at the Atrium: “fine play,” ‘this is the second time it almost made me cry.’ Been talking for 18 months and sitting a year, specifically in writing as welcomed “member:” U Chi Law affiliate, 70 East Lake.

    Belmont by Racine. Theatre Building Chicago. “Translucent Midnights” performed in November of 2009. About Face responded to submission with ‘will get to it, snowed under,’ tardy at this point. Wrote out a contract in agency to a solo marketing company out of Skokie. Along with Gorby. His possible exclusive claims have expired due to lack of “performance.” I’ll accept the underlying principal of critique, not spittle in the face. Especially from a guy who offers his hand once to two times a week in person.

    Family again on Sunday. Birthday. There are 3 Maines in Park Ridge. I believe I have this right, Maine East provides just about the finest education for Latins in the State of Illinois. Moreover, it is “straight competitive.” (Big name ditched it to go to the “right side of the tracks” for her diploma at South, It Takes A Village, Reading Room – forum: “Goldwater Girl,” Park Ridge Public Library – meeting point of Prospect, Northwest Highway and the 290 out of Howard Station multiplex Chicago. Touhy.) ND/Niles, Class of 1973, #2. (The 50 year Nicholas Blase ‘machine,’ now, jail. Go to Blase’s, a fixture tavern, Niles.)

  61. Mark V. Basile


    Heat had been oppressive. It had been broken by a late spring’s storm. Summer had come early this year. Torrents hailed the evening’s bus ride. Under a minute by air, over half an hour by ground.

    Tomorrow’s thought could be of Minnesota. Or of several stuffed cheeseburgers on the grill. Or of all of those well-to-do superficial people in Southern California. That is, “partying” is the basic staple of Hollywood. Year in, year out; same old damaged product. New shiny wrapping perhaps. “Tinsel.” Glitter under crystallized blue toxic cultural lakes. Inscrutable, nonetheless. Shimmering at twilight, ‘stars’ cold, so cold. By appearances, as if you could touch them. Don’t take Harvard to tell you that contact with a sun may not be the worst kind of death. One instantaneous. But suicide’s illegal, even for astronauts dreaming of asteroid belts.


    Sweetneck Simpsoon had the afternoon off. “Fish a spell,” he muttered earlier. Pretended he was a Police Officer and caught himself speeding. A ‘Jag.

    Sweetneck had caught a rather nasty cold earlier in the week, moreover … not above out and out burping once in a while.

    Whiskey twilights.

    Or an Amtrack ramble.

    Amtrack ramble.

    Nine hours, through Madison and the Dells. County Stadium with it’s Brewers, ‘bunk thinking of drinking that too, due west of the tracks and farther south. On to the great north Mississippi, and a bandshell off of Lake Calhoun, for frisbee; maybe an open air concert band from the city. A couple of ‘mugs down the street. Down sane streets, up walking paths. The ‘male eye’ may light upon jogging in tank tops. Always, alert for ‘brew. Friend Sweetneck picked up a couple pounds of hamburger and a case, while the ever-burdened homemakers concentrated on “nutrition” till budget met shopping cart.

    And on! A few hours of canoeing and wind surfing, sail boats finally docking, as crystal blue twilight shimmered.

    Last week’s left overs simmering in a pan in Watts. “Shoot to kill.” Daley, Chicago. TV. Amnesty runs proportionality ad nauseum. Just words, tailored to discretion. And that’s private sector, baby. By any other description.

    “Whiskey twilights.” Deserts, below. Varesse.

    Broken homes and burnt out neighborhoods. Yesterday’s sale still up, now reduced.

    Simmering in a pan in Watts. Thanks for the ‘good times.’ This was “the promise?”

    Swimming in sweat under PICASSO.

    Couple dozen fire hydrants had been broken open in the neighborhoods. Renoir twinkled in effervescent reds and blues, whatever, to life! Sweetneck Simpsoon cracked open a can of Hawaiian Punch. Crossing traffic made a blur of the Statea. Dead center “core” offset at Michigan and Madison. “Tomorrow’s lunch could be a salad,” thought Sweetneck, (more probably) ‘a pack of camels to bass line musings.’ “I already chowed down on pickles and meatballs for today,” as friend Sweetneck cracked open another Hawaiian Punch forthwith consuming it.

    “I like to eat.” Inspired. Our ‘friend,’ and manifest “normal” Chicagoan.

    Whatever pleasure thereby expressed, facts of the matter were that he was merely good at it. “Chow down on a couple of pork chops. Leomonade and a mitt full of celery.” Celery a question, but pray also what of the doo?.

    “Fake that I am sick again this week so that I can eat for a couple extra hours on Tuesday.” Again, one might guess at musings flatline.

    In any rate, what would this saison d’enfir on Tuesday be? Sweetneck indeed would be no part of it, as sails flapped in Lake Merritt’s breezes. Delicate waves, then those more forceful, placing themselves on the Oakland sand. A real good pal used to call the thing Jokeland; China Lobby and Cal PhD classics. Harvard and Yale in the mix, and running back a generation or two. We sat attentively as Martin told us of ‘Diets’ in Poland, Cal undergrad was pretty groovie on audits when space availed physically. The class groaned, they wanted the mind of the 20th Century, but Martin of Cal/Harvard said the Warsaw Pact was “pressing,” he had just returned from the catacombs and he had responsibilities. I waited breathless for him to write for me from Paris, never determined the rumors that he was integrated auxiliary to NATO-Mitterand braintrust. Rachel came screaming out of the office in Dwinelle Hall, Ecole something Parie was in, Martin rarely ‘writes.’ 1980.

    Quietly then, taking the Broadway bus parallel to Telegraph downtown. Egbert Sousie’s (sp?) was my watering hole. Dropping off at some point of time with Stan out of Fire, his son a SF Fireman’s legate, and Stan’s chocolate and my cream, best buddies from the bank – all 6 foot of Stan’s and my sweetie at 5 even – that is dropping off at the Coliseum or whatever it was called to watch Rickey Henderson steal second and then third. Glowering, crowd breathless, that is glowering 90 feet down toward “home.”

    Maybe Jose Canseco will poke one four twenty. Perhaps a mass four-o-seven to Left. Did they ever fix that last urinal Billy Martin destroyed in a fit of rage? Man, coach, wrecking crane: parts of each. The magic word was “Billy Ball.” And you had to be present to believe that those absolute lunatic fans were wearing caps which read the F_cking A’s. That’s in Athletics. “Fingers” was big too. As in Reggie and Rollie. Coliseum Saturdays and Frisbees under Billy Ball banners. Lake Merritt peeking south to Rickey on third, roll then motionless seemingly seamless water – like an eyeball.

    Or not.

    Still, wistful for a moment for those echoes. BLANDA. Whiskey twilights call, but ‘the mad bomber’ reaches into memory. Turnip green high rises. Alright, alright: Daryl Lamonica. More or less a .260 hitter who put every fifth a bat onto Waveland.

    By the way;

    You can get into some pretty hot soup for cracking open a fire hydrant. Manifest snail’s pace as air conditioners work their ways down the socio-economic ladder. A bus ride, on occasion, indeed can save ‘the burdened’ an ER visit. Get you to a tavern perhaps; indeed again, may result in some motion sickness pursuant to activities therein.

    Friend Sweetneck’s still around. Will get back. As if “the basic idea” hasn’t been placed. Chicago to Podunk. NO EXIT. My word was that al-bear Camus died foot to the pedal in the Euro- mountain turnpikes. Help yourself minions, L’Etranger. This was an essential douplet, high brow coming to the attuned mid with the attuned writer “popularizing” and presenting with clarity.

    That’s all I do. Nothing more. Albert obviously has a Euro-pronunciation, en Francaise.

    Almost back into Midtown mythology, the Mayor’s Moor offers its amenities. Bright blue pop and some rip snorting cheeseburgers. You gotta get in the car to hop up Northwest for the actual life-sized Medieval gladiators. Sweetneck’s drawn by the squirrel smashing. Competitive, but everything consumed. Sweetneck would jump up when his turn came – lickety split – to brain squirrels, and consume them warm, others would bar-be-que, not the skull and eyeballs however. “Some people consider this gross,” he reflected. Nevertheless, across the board failing to concern himself with universal literacy guidelines, failing to aid in the (peaceful) overthrowing of the (apartheid) South African government, considering to be a theory or a concept anything which he cannot eat, engaging in international irresponsibility by failing to march against gross civil liberties’ violations in Kuwait – still, not considering it so gosh darn AOK that some males are allowed to have 4 wives in that country. Even Friend Benighted Sweetneck has – ‘limitations.’

    And somehow, the locals have a sense that this consummate rube and manifest White Guy is ‘not a threat’ – albeit, without the slightest interest in supporting Martian space exploration – like ‘a good Boy Scout.’

    And then you’ve got the Michael Jordan and Iron Mike’s. Mix and meet. “Pads,” baby. Like Boston’s little present to Midtown, the restaurant and observatory in the John Hancock. Us AARP remember when the Rock looked East and described the skies. Pru to us. Nationally, The Prudential. Gave my cousin a start in Philly, she was “qualified+,” nevertheless: Thank you. MVB.

    Iron Mike’s. You can just plain scratch if (you don’t know about his Superbowl). A couple of Pritzker ladies chat on charitable foundations and hotel accounting. Who in the world knows what these Neptunians dream up. Maybe a little on hometown baseball and out of town soccer ideas. One is aglow from a recent TV presentation, another mentions Newberry Library – Newberry Library – and the equally all person access Public Library event … admiring their megalopolis neighbor in a small town fashion. Saul Bellow a couple of tables due south. “If he will date and autograph my Herzog, will you give me a nickel?” said one, briefly short of breath. INSTANTANEOUSLY out of the purse, “take my Sammler’s Planet and his new release A Theft with you, if you please,” was the response.

    TBC, I don’t actually have a date on this one, but I’m transcribing it out of a collection in which it precedes Chicago Gorilla, a 1990/1991 production. Genre: Fiction/Fantasy/”Hometown Boosterism.”

    By Mark V. Basile, Essayist and Playwright. Loretta Hospital, 8/4/55. (Cook). Croatian/Yugoslav but Grandpa Polich used to tell me constantly, “my immigration papers read Austria.”

  62. Mark V. Basile

    (All Rights Reserved on behalf of Dr. Paul Gross, NLU, Skokie-Elgin. This work was done SOLELY as an employee of Dr. Paul Gross. Restatement, 11/26/10. Mark V. Basile. Ref. today, I do not have any specific evidence that Sarah either does not take into consideration or is not “concerned” over the legacies of our lands. I am well aware that there is a “hot” Alaska issue revolving around environment, animal species and oil as National Economic Security. Apologies, however, I am not ‘specifically’ boned up. To this f- day, I don’t have a clue what the capitol of Alaska is; I know Juneau is southerly and Anchorage is a location of incorporation to limit personal liability for Sarah’s daughter.)

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    Copyright, November 3, 2009, Mark V Basile for Dr. Paul Gross of National-Louis University, Skokie,et IL. All Rights Reserved

    • Mark V. Basile

      Name: “Katie Couric.”
      Give this to Gary P./: “Respondiat Superior.”

      Where CBS Regional did in fact break off/regards with respect to — my information is that Bill Kurtis (sp?) took the one-on-one/Northfield, though hit to Evanston. (Not me, quite yet – “maybe.” See below. If you remember where the heck you sent me out of the blue, “weird,” to Blog.

      Now with regards to the Willowmeister, whom I am still pretty sure is a minor. OUTLOOK took both my copy of her Homepage where one said: I love my Mom. And another, same but with a picture of and some language by —

      // Hillary Cl-nton. Recall. (Please do not mail to my Yahoo. Some old guy.)

    • Mark V. Basile

      I was going to get to Drrs. John S., Ofra and Renee (molecular biology, PhD); so please leave them “out” of obvious political miasmas. So where it is the case, thanks (oh, yonder Will/) on behalf of. As/stop: preservation of “invention”/copyright. — [Chicago Botanic] one on one, is interesteded in (the) Grayslake — ORGANIC TURKEYS !!

      Level major/main architectural – nice computer graphics-soft; think “supervisor.” fle. (taken).

  63. Mark V. Basile

    Mark V. Basile, December, 2008

    Writing, Creativity and Recovery
    Could creativity be the ultimate anti-depressant? I’m not a psychiatrist, but I can attest to the healing power of writing and creative writing, the significant role it can play in recovery. Recovery, or healing, from mental health problems is a process, goal or end-product of therapy, individual initiative even medication. It may come in phases, subject to situational stress or relapse, and be tailored to the individual’s background and achievable goals. My recovery was aided by a return to efforts and achievement in writing and this may have helped to save my own sanity.
    Indeed, the use of creativity and writing has been increasingly recognized as a valuable tool in the healing process as exemplified by the growth and establishment of art therapy and the utilization of poetry, creative writing and narrative writing as standard elements of mental health and recovery therapy. Looking back upon her own bipolar illness suffered since age seventeen, renowned Johns Hopkins scholar/psychiatrist and author Kay Redfield Jamison has written:
    “ Poets who themselves have been touched by despair or madness bring wisdom back from the edge, not only to the healers who would be otherwise untouched and uninformed, but to the patients who would otherwise be bereft of solace. I, like many others who have been sick in mind, owe an inexpressible debt to poetry.” (“Wild Unrest,” The View from Here. Vol. 187, no.3, 12/01/05.)
    Twenty-five years ago, when I was coping with my own mental health problems, I had no knowledge of Jamison or the nascent recovery movement. I instinctively gravitated to fiction and poetry and began to experiment with short stories and plays. My onset of diagnosed mental health problems occurred at a relatively late age, during my second year of graduate studies in l982, after I had already taken two and a half years off from schooling to work and study as a professional musician. Following a possible trauma (see: appendix of Spring Pictures) and my formally dropping out of graduate school in the spring of 1983, I experienced three to four difficult years, with intermittent treatment. With difficulty, I held down the first job I could get, in insurance management, but I experienced a profound sense of loss.
    According to Steve Zeisel, LCSW and Kayla Chase, LCSW, MJ: “Coping with loss is a portion of the lot of the mentally ill. Loss may include that of career, time, direction, friends, family intimacies and prior financial level.” (Basile, Mark, “A Welcome Place to Receive Support,” Evanston Review, June 21, 2001, p.24.) My loss included that of a potential career as a U.S. History professor , in a double degree law and PhD program, and a loss of connection to the world of progressive values and ideas freely expressed on major portions of my campus, the University of California at Berkeley. My sense of loss is reflected in one poem of January, 1997, “Pocked on the Ice:”
    As a sheet of ice suspended
    for reflection or upon which to skate –
    in melancholy,
    upon years wasted,
    or upon those having borne fruit thereupon lost
    by the wayside …
    And then as dust aimlessly settles,
    as upon a sheet of ice;
    lost lives alighting variously in succession,
    on the frigid windswept plain.
    For those not familiar with the general meaning of a progressive, it may be loosely defined as one who adheres to liberal-democratic values with a sense of independence. In the 1980’s and the early 1990’s many individuals and groups expressed progressive values in a broad coalition opposing the Reagan-Bush agenda. One group and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Amnesty International, maintains a steady adherence to progressive values, such as opposition to the death penalty and opposition to international anti-democratic practices – whether or not the nation state involved is a U.S. ally – regardless of which political party is in power in America.
    Somehow. I persevered, and by the late-1980’s I had made preparations for avocational work in creative writing. From 1989 to 1995 I completed several collections of plays and short stories. These collections tended to be “realistic” with some attempts at humor or the use of absurdity. A brief example of my brand of realism can be found in my Spring Pictures of May, 1993:
    “In any case, Mark, the Teamsters are under a new generation of leadership with president Ron Carey and the Teamsters for a Democratic Union. The Teamsters for a Democratic Union have engaged in grass-roots organizing, fund raising, democratization, in addition to standard practices such as fighting for better trucking contracts.”

    “Like I said, Vic, there is no argument with progress. I just think that the old Teamsters were a pretty gutsy group, who along with the more passive AFL-CIO, took on a highly laudable task: organizing workers in their own interest in addition to providing a private sector institutional counterbalance to run away big business capitalism in the twentieth century. Did you see that gutsy performance about the Teamsters by the actor from that show about Tony Baretta? In any case, sure the truck drivers’ union has had some problems: collective bargaining failures, MOB infiltration, some corrupt officials – but what do you expect, a cotillion? Look at the socio-political environment the Teamsters had to deal with: industry union busting, reactionary l’aissez faire ideology, a public largely passive to the panoply of threats to civilization by big business while simultaneously sensitive to anti-union propaganda, and direct and indirect union busting by the government. Look at how Ronald Reagan smashed to shreds the entirely legitimate air traffic controllers’ union based in Chicago.”

    “I think we are largely agreeing, Mark. The New Teamsters still deal with examination of the political environment and collective bargaining …”

    These collections were copyright registered under the pen name M. Vincente, a Latinization of my first initial and middle name, and were made available through the Library of Congress’ Copyright Office under the blind and physically disabled access program. I subsequently received a Library of Congress Associate’s card dated 1995/96. That’s as far as any regular publication went, due in part to my mismanagement of the marketing of my writing, the lack of demand for critical fiction and/or the novice nature of my writing. I did however privately print several of my collections, and by 1992 I was receiving encouraging to fine “reviews” of my collections and/or letters relating to them from two renowned scholars: Noam Chomsky, the acclaimed linguist and political commentator from MIT, and Stephen Cohen, CBS consultant and Chairman of Russian Studies at Princeton, now at NYU.

    Their critical reviews of my short story and play collections encouraged me to believe that my writing had some value beyond the personal satisfaction that its creation gave me. Being able to express myself in story or play form functioned in part to replace my sense of loss with a life-affirming activity. One collection, Chicago Non-Recalled, of May 1991, contained a light-hearted home town short story and two more serious plays. One play was a tragic love story between two women caught in the grip of homelessness at the end of winter. Here is a passage from the play:
    MISZY STOREY: How cold is it going to get tonight?
    MISZY DAY: Pretty. (Moving the curtain slightly and sliding out the cardboard flat.) Life is beginning to rustle. A car door is opening with tail lights on. The street is now clearing, except for the graying non-colored mush. The snow is slowing. (Pause.) Maybe we can get some good sleep today.
    MISZY STOREY: Yeah, gal. (Nodding off a little, but cogent.) Maybe tell a few ghost stories.
    MISZY DAY: Like the one about …
    MISZY STOREY: Not now sweenie. (The two chuckle.) It’s only sunrise. If that skylight (Transluscent double plastic sheeting) doesn’t go under the snow – sweetie – we should get some warm sun by ten or eleven.
    MISZY DAY: Yeah, man. Full out by two or three. Wanna sell some junk this morning?
    MISZY STOREY: We got much money left?
    MISZY DAY: Right. (With friendly sarcasm.)
    MISZY STOREY: I see. (But then, as if drifting off.) So these two scared girls are huddled up in a broken down old mansion in the country. Its winter and the snow is blizzarding. (Pause.) Coming down in watermelons.
    MISZY DAY: Can-tow-low-pays. (As if preoccupied, but listening.)
    MISZY STOREY: (Rhythmic response, chuckling.) Watermelons, can-tow-low-pays and water balloons of snow.
    MISZY DAY: You ever been in a wet t-shirt contest? (Energized but muffled and aimless.)
    MISZY STOREY: Heck no, idiot.
    MISZY DAY: (Pause.) My idiot husband made me enter two or three times. Jerk.
    MISZY STOREY: Not for me, idiot.
    MISZY DAY: Same here. Anyway, I thought no ghost stories for now. (Slight pause, and aimlessly again.) Life is beginning to rustle. Snow sheets in directioned eddies (No pause.) I love you.
    MISZY STOREY: I love you too (Sleepily.)
    MISZY DAY: Inchoate life teems in potential. In hiatus depending upon drift. Drift, draft, drift, eddies. Vacuum swept. Along the sides of buildings. Not sticking now, or melting, but bouncing off. Or disappearing in minisculia. Another car rambles. Rooftops in blanketed relief.
    MISZY STOREY: Got a radio for this afternoon’s weather? (Eyes closing.)
    MISZY DAY: (Hands her friend an antenna.)
    MISZY STOREY: Huddle up back next to me. I am cold …

    The concluding play in Chicago Non-Recalled revolved around the recent changes and liberalizations in the Soviet polity under Mikhail Gorbachev, referred to as glastnost and perestroika, and their implications for ending the half-century dominant theme in U.S.-Soviet relations known as the Cold War. Dr. Chomsky referred to Chicago Non-Recalled as “fascinating” (6/12/92) and he also said that he “liked” it (1/25/93). Dr. Cohen, with reference to materials drawn from this collection and related letters and realist poems wrote: “Thank you for your letter. We seem to agree about important things.” (4/15/93). He also wrote: “Thanks for the poems. I’m proud to have inspired one of them.” (1/30/95).
    It is fascinating to follow up Stephen F. Cohen’s writing on U.S.-Soviet relations concerning what he, as some other observers, regard as a potential return to a Cold War, with a Cold Peace currently in place. Recent articles in The Nation by Cohen include “The New American Cold War,” July 10, 2006 and “McCain, Obama and Russia,” June 30, 2008.
    I wrote a couple of collections after Chicago Non-Recalled. One of them, Spring Pictures, completed on the cusp of the transition from the Bush to the Clinton Administrations in May of 1993, again received strong review from Noam Chomsky: “Much agree with the skeptical direction you’re taking, which seems to me more and more supported by ongoing events. Hope you’ll manage to keep up the interesting things you are doing.” (6/3/93). I was encouraged again, but I moved in a slightly different direction in an attempt to gain publication. That was to poetry. Here is one of my earlier poems, “Light in September,” from 1994:
    Dark morning’s penumbra,
    A pain of dew on the ground.
    Street lights beckon (!) –
    Beacons enshrouded
    In the crisp morning’s air

    The trees have gone,
    Morte; fauna, dans la musee
    Flora shorn, of finer foliage –
    Such lay burning in decay.
    Writhe now ye concubines of summer, in your
    Shameless death sweaters
    Of orange,
    Brown, and

    Under microns of glass
    Bosh, dip, squeep,
    Woman, child, Chicago
    “Skid” –
    On the concrete
    For dark morning’s spouse:
    Light morning’s chill

    But a sign of hope arises,
    Nobel Peace Prizes for Mikhail Gorbachev, Nelson Mandella and the Burmese dissident, as
    Peace talks continue with Jordan and Syria,

    Europe shudders
    As a glowering cloud rumbles in from the East.
    Light morning’s chill shies, and
    Whinnies for her life-mate:
    Hyperinflation, mass-declassing, democracy at 20%:
    Ultra-rich absent merit towering over child beggars, scapegoating:
    Militarism and authoritarianism.

    As the sun also rises
    Reflects off of
    Dark morning’s passive umbra.

    Several dozens of poems later, I seemed to be finding a niche. I connected with a mother and son team of Art Therapists in Northbrook who were also quite amenable to facilitating poetry and poetry therapy. I had ten to fifteen poems accepted for publication by Creative Forecasting and a handful accepted for publication by Kevin Kavanaugh and the creative division of the Department of Human Services/Illinois Council on Long Term Care. According to Ruth Crost, BFA-MAT Art Institute of Chicago, “the human spirit prevails when one is creative.” Ruth and her son Larry, a professor at Chicago State, felt that persons with disabilities could improve self-concept, increase initiative and restore confidence through art therapy, indeed also through poetry therapy. (Basile, Mark, Northbrook Star, 10/25/95). With my publication in the Northbrook Star, I reinitiated expository writing akin to the type I had produced in graduate school. I would continue newspaper and newsletter publications in this century in the Evanston Review and the Turning Point Review and the Skokie Review. My work with Ruth and Larry was brief but productive. Here is a short poem from that period, “Twilight” (6/95),that was among my favorites:
    It is a meeting time,
    of light and temperature,
    a time of holding hands,
    or of kids holding balloons,
    on their way to 31 Flavors.

    But then twilight is a flavor,
    a wispy flavor.
    a time of double shadows,
    of sun and street light.

    A fraction of time,
    spread out over an emotion.

    My subsequent interaction with therapists Steve Zeisel and Kayla Chase at St. Francis,CMHC in Evanston was and continues to be helpful and productive. Although writing was not the primary focus of the St. Francis therapists, Steve and Kayla were excited by the possibilities of newspaper articles to popularize therapeutic programs for mental health clients. In addition, Zeisel “welcomed the use of masters’ fine arts poetry for enjoyment, analysis, social concern and therapeutic purpose” in his groups. ( Evanston Review, 6/21/01). For me, creativity was becoming treated less as a psychiatric symptom and more as a therapeutic instrument. 9/11/01 was a tragedy for all of us here in America and for many friends looking on from abroad. Nevertheless, progress could not be forgotten as a core American value in spite of fear and war. Steve, with programming help from me, continued to expound upon social justice, the values of individualism, and the importance of continuing to dream and achieve goals – even to hope for peace – as seen through the eyes of master writers and creative artists Gwendolyn Brooks, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou, among others. (Basile, Mark, Evanston Review, July 18, 2002, p.26.) I admire Steve’s courage in taking such a stand in the constricting political and intellectual atmosphere following 9/11.
    Although Steve has moved on from St. Francis, Kayla to this day asks me in our bi-monthly sessions what sort of progress I have made since our last session and what I may have written for mental health care advocacy, the Turning Point Review, or recently for my scholar and outstanding creative artist professor, Dr. Joanne Koch, in my graduate program at National-Louis University. Kayla does not give unequivocal support for the ideas I bring up, but she does fully support my writing all of the ideas of importance to me. Concerning letters of mental health care advocacy, here’s an excerpt from a recent representative letter of mental health care advocacy to Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky’s aide of 11/18/07:
    …. I appreciated your response at the (Skokie Chamber of Commerce Legislators’) forum in support of Medicaid. I might note that Medicaid is crucial to the disability community for, among other things, its funding of doctors’ and therapists’ visits in addition to medications (thereby aiding in clients’ stability and growth and reducing the enormous costs for hospitalizations.) Medicaid also provides housing for the mentally ill in halfway houses, persons who might otherwise be homeless, thereby enhancing America’s status as a ‘good society.’ Medicaid is also a funder for agencies, in addition to job preparation and training and schooling for the mentally ill (thereby also reducing some costs to taxpayers through the reduction or elimination of disability checks –SSI or SSDI.)

    The Congresswoman replied personally on 3/26/08 and affirmed that she would do everything that she could to block Bush Administration cuts to Medicaid.
    Finally, my story of healing began with writing as an expression of loss, but I now write to advocate for mental health care, and to achieve a level of professionalism that will allow me to have more articles published, perhaps some plays produced. Happily, in recent years, the importance of writing and creativity have been increasingly recognized by leading scholars, institutions, and doctors and therapists in the field of mental health care. The importance of personal initiative and clients’ direct involvement in the shaping of their own healing processes has been recognized by an burgeoning “recovery movement” over the past forty years. According to Mary Jensen, R.N., the State of Illinois, six foundational principles of recovery include hope, personal responsibility, self-education, self-advocacy, support and spirituality. (Basile, Mark,” Consumer Councils: A C.R.C. Meeting and Presentation from the Department of Mental Health,” Turning Point Review, December, 2006. See also: Pathways to Recovery, A Strengths Self-Help Workbook, University of Kansas School of Social Welfare, Lawrence, KS, July, 2002). Recovery works to identify an individual’s strengths, enhance them and expand then into new arenas. Recovery also addresses coping skills for dealing with “triggers,” or situations or individuals which may stimulate relapse or recurrence of symptoms. (Graham, Caralyn, LPCP, Turning Point BHCC, Skokie, Illinois).
    Happily, in the fall of 2008 I have been published in the Skokie Review (“Choice No Issue in 17th,” October 23, 2008. P.26.) I also received a compliment on my “Collected Essays, 2007,” the same essays as I used as writing samples for admission to National-Louis University, by President-Elect, Barack Obama: “Thanks for writing. I appreciate your reviews of The Audacity of Hope and other works. It was good to hear from you …” (10/15/08). And without attempting to address the issue of whether I am in ongoing recovery or if I have fully recovered and for how long, my writing, publication and review, as seen in the words of my first journalism collaborator Ruth Crost, has “improved my self concept” and put me in “better touch with tangible goals”. (Northbrook Star, 10/25/95).
    As I look forward from the early winter of 2008, I hope to continue and improve upon writing in health care and mental health care, for vulnerable populations and in progressive politics.

    By Mark V. Basile, December,2008 (November?)(Pretty sure actually November)

    “Wonderful,” 11/09. Dr. Virginia Goldrick at (Department of Human Services/DMH: Region One, Chicago Metro).
    NLU project. (All my final grades were [A])

  64. Mark V. Basile

    Mark V. Basile. 1/10. “Harvard Business School watch out.” In ‘review.’ Going Rogue.

    University of Chicago Business School. (Booth?). Loosely similar. UC Professor reviewing Sarah on her ability to understand with exactitude and relate from his own book. Moreover, the issue of comprehension of the academician’s relation of markets and business may to the lay person have an appearance of the ‘esoteric.’ Notwithstanding, this business school puts guys and gals up to the very top at the Midwest Core: The City That Works. News reportage, Chicago Sun-Times, 11/24/10. (The Governor looks as if she is coming out after a good night’s rest and 3 square in her second book.)

  65. Mark V. Basile

    Community Calendar More Events »
    Widely Produced Playwright & Emmy-Winning Screenwriter Leads NLU Skokie Class
    Tuesday, January 11, 6 p.m. – 8:55 p.m.

    National-Louis University, Skokie, 5202 Old Orchard Road Tel: 1-800-443-5522
    Add to my calendar Add to iCal Add to Google Calendar Add to Outlook Download .ics file You don’t have to go to Hollywood or New York to learn to write for stage and screen. Joanne Koch, Ph.D., whose musicals and plays have graced stages from Los Angeles through Chicago to Off-Broadway, will teach a course in the art of dramatic writing on Tuesday evenings, 6-8:55 p.m. at the National-Louis University North Shore Campus, 5202 Old Orchard Road in Skokie. Dr. Koch is the co-editor of the anthology of ten plays, Shared Stages, that includes Pulitzer Prize winning “Driving Miss Daisy,” now on Broadway with Vanessa Redgrave and James Earl Jones, as well as “Fires in the Mirror” and Koch’s own widely toured “Soul Sisters.” Classes begin January 11, 2011 and meet once a week for 10 weeks, until March 15. “Dramatic Writing for Stage and Screen” may be taken for 5 quarter hours of undergraduate credit or 3 semester hours of graduate credit. For more information or to register, email Dr. Koch at or call 1-800-443-5522, x3103.

    Submitted by Mark V. Basile, assistant to Dr. Joanne Koch, Director, Master of Science in Written Communication Program, National-Louis University, 5202 Old Orchard Road, Skokie, IL 60077.

    Contact: Dr. Joanne Koch, 1-800-443-5522, x3103,

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    By Mark Basile Friday at 9:47 a.m.

    I was doing a little after the game paperwork and I saw at the foot of my computer an issue of Newsweek I had commented on concerning, some additional Arianna nonsense, because I didn’t know if I wanted to actually comment on the cover article, which actually did not have an enormously helpful Headline. August 2, 2010. I don’t want to caveat it, let alone caveat it extensively also in as I haven’t left Illinois for more than 4 weeks since 1986 and NYC is the (most) very last of my interests, but the times in which the Reverand (and activist) Sharpton has been close to Mr. Dinkins, a former Mayor, in addition to an amazing aspect of his family, the fact that Malcolm X’s widow is a Godmother to one of his family is worthy of the tip of my cap personally. I’m not saying that’s worth anything, but just in case it is, I will just pass on that the Autobiography of Malcolm X was one of our prize Cal “staples.”

    Sometines you get a little irritable later on, with an upcoming week to deal with. Unfriendly internet persons, I have this Darcy fellow who blew this writing by me then hit the bricks leaving a site for days and days, kind of leave one at a loss. Some direct neighbors stepped in to indicate that this strained situation was being covered entirely within 2-15 minute bus rides. I have a thanks ongoing at least from 11/24 to our arts community as prior indicated (leapfish) and associates in title at very least… I did personally facilitate for my boss a production of her “Soul Sisters,” which at that time did not include the Web but involved person-to-person and and running around a bit, about a year back, on the third floor at the Old Orchard location. I did not have contact with Leapfish, or know of them at the time, but we are a multicampus fully integrated, and my boss had me co-facilitate with Essie downtown “Soul Sisters” again at The Atrium across from the Art Institute of Chicago then turned around and produced my MIT production twice, at The Atrium before around 100 persons, and up on Belmont near Racine at Theatre Building Chicago in November, 2009. Skokie directly abuts Chicago, and at this time I work primarily person-to-person with Dr. Joanne just West of a mall which we used to call Old Orchard. I thinks it’s Westwood now. My work is academic assistant and shows assistant for a screenwriter and playwright of strong views, ethnic and religious background different from mine, with a sense of “social concern” and the courage to write on behalf on injustices. So inasmuch as it is within the realm of my purview, I extend “welcome” (there is no technology for BOLD on this site) and thanks for the voices of Leapfish also in that in my opinion, as assistant since the fall of 2008 -, NLU-Skokie produces very high levels of culture, written communications at the BA and Masters level, with local/regional culture and humanities taught and produced by my boss and big boss Dr. Joanne and Dr. Steve Masello, multiple-Chair.

    All Politics is Local, Alexis de Tocqueville in the wonderfully amazing Democracy in America ( a gift from France), with a well-know iteration by “Tip,” who sadly we know has passed. Perhaps a model of a ‘pristine’ look, early mid 1800’s. I am reminded of the business analogue to politics generated from locality upward evertime I go to our area-leading public library, past our snuggled in City Hall, as I pass by ‘versions’ of “mom and pop.”

    MVB. Sunday after Thanksgiving.

  66. Mark V. Basile

    ‘Sarah Palin’s ALASKA set a TLC record last week.’ Chicago Sun-Times, p.31, Wednesday, November 24, 2010.

    … Robins singing:

    “Weary Blues.”

    Roll Michigan.


    NICOLE AT 21, #21

    Blue and white plastic bracelet,
    Plastic tubing from her neck;
    Complex machinery alongside –
    A big oxygen tank.
    Stuffed dog and a lion,
    Sewing and drinking root beer

    Cosby on the tube

    Adorable stuffed cat.

    She’s waiting for a heart-lung transplant
    – Medicaid Denied.

    Hospitalization constant,
    Aged 18-21
    Now confined to bed, for the last
    18 months.

    Nicole wanted to go into special education, moreover she did indeed used to
    Babysit mentally retarded children.
    Chicago downtown was her place of recreation, herself
    With her friends.

    Now, heart-lung transplant necessary
    – Medicaid Denied.

    Still planning to continue a life-work, with
    Profoundly disabled children,

    School to finish

    “Dreams” of stopping again by the Lake

    Dreams further of being free from machines,
    Watching live animals
    We have Brookfield and Lincoln Park –

    With her friends
    Again enjoying spring afternoons “downtown”

    Now waiting for a heart-lung transplant
    – Medicaid Denied.


    CAFÉ, #22 (9/95)

    SMILE GREEN GARGOYLE, #23 (9/95)

    WAR, PT. II, #24

    Senseless bloodletting and
    Savage wounds.
    Stained garnments,
    Savaged faces.

    A piano with fish for keys;
    Fluid clocks over tree limbs … (10/95)

    FESTIVAL ! #25

    Parallel strings,
    Brown chasses;
    Mellifluous chords,
    Three strings bent,
    Double reed bassoon.

    Balloons elevated,
    – Up
    Infant hands clutch joyously
    Cotton candy daydream.

    Golden valves,
    Golden tubes,
    Curving metal;
    Three horn choir.

    Three feet tapping,
    Eyes closed, cheeks puffed.

    A quick glance upward.

    By Mark V. Basile, Essayist and Playwright.

  67. Mark V. Basile

    Who Loves ‘Ya, Baby?
    Musique du Bois: “essential.”
    Julliard. Alto Sax.
    ‘Whatever:’ Life Goes On.
    Site: Elmhurst/Park Ridge. Plenty of 2-bedrooms, and tons of homes with the room for ‘security.’
    Site: Parking. Ohara. City of Chicago. State of Alaska.
    By car: Cumberland and the Kennedy.
    By bus: 250 Dempster, “Kiss and Fly.” And straight over to the Linden/Lake-Adams/95th.


    1311 Liberty, Apt.3
    El Cerrito 94530
    Reg. Number 80013359

    … and the presidency of the sixth grade student body.

    At Notre Dame High School, I applied myself with determination and enthusiasm to my studies, which focused on mathematics and the physical sciences. My academic awards included two National Educational Development Test Awards (January, 1970 and February, 1971), election to Who’s Who Among American High School Students (1971-72 edition), and the Illinois State Scholar Program Award (1973-74) school year. In June of 1973, I graduated as salutatorian of my class of two hundred seventy-four students. Further, I received four Notre Dame High School Father’s Club Awards for Outstanding Contributions to the school in 1970, 1971, 1972 and 1973.

    I also continued my musical studies in high school, which were [enjoyable] as well as an opportunity for competition. In three years, I won eight first-place and two second-place for solos, duets and quartets performed in the Illinois State High School Association and Chicago Archdiocesan music contests. Also, ours was the only high school ensemble in the country to play, alongside the bands of Count Basie and Al Cohn [with Townsend State], at the opening of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.

    [Work from fifth grade, x-rays, tooth and bridge ‘wax-ups,’ gold finishing for Pops, et. Gardening, on the house.] The work helped to motivate me toward enthusistic scholastic work by giving me a sense of accomplishment and a feeling for the continuity for the continuity of academics with the more practical, work-oriented experience. [Also, had ‘a time,’ with ‘the boys’ and on dates and double dates with enthusiastic ladies our own age — the job provided the means, ie; the money. Gardening: Italiano, see ThoughtCast from a week ago or so, Italiana at [SEARCH].]

    Mark V. Basile, August, 2009


    Same Noam Chomsky reviews as play, subject to Dr. Chomsky not liking the minor adaptation for screen.

    “Really Liked:” Dr. Joanne Koch, Emmy–winner, awarded prolific playwright.

    Play version first copyrighted 1991 by Mark V. Basile under the pen name of M. Vincente. Co-creator Mary —–


    Two young adult women, DAY and STOREY, are huddled together under several layers of blankets in the corner of the room. They are adjacent to the door and across from a large hole in the wall which is covered by a piece of cardboard and a frayed curtain. The loft is barren of furniture but strewn with antiques and collectibles on the floor and affixed to the wall as art. One car headlight with wires attached is also nailed to the wall.

    This smells fresh. I remember we just got it last night. Eat some of this baloney, jive turkey.

    Day passes some slices of meat to Storey on a clean ashcan lid.

    Thank you, idiot.

    You’re welcome, ureter. Have any jingle, baby?

    (With sarcasm)
    Right …
    (both chuckle)
    Maybe I can fold this baloney between two dead birds. Sandwich style, babe.
    (Day laughs)
    Antoinette and King Louie luncheonette.

    This one looks fresh. This other one …
    (she reaches to the left to a dead bird)
    looks stale.

    When you were with ALICE did you used to eat dead birds too?

    Not at first. We had a nice one bedroom apartment. Heat in the winter. Air conditioning in the summer.

    The works!

    We both had jobs working for the state, but then we got laid off for reasons which were not clear. There were rumors though that it was because of our relationship – you know, if you’re dykes, take a hike.

    Wait – your off-color remarks are beginning to offend me, knocker nose.
    (both chuckle)

    I love you.

    I love you too. How long ago did Alice –

    Let’s see …
    (with a slight moistening at the eyes)
    my nuptial companion hath
    perished coming on two years now. We lost our apartment about six months before then.

    How long were you symbolically married?

    (warming Storey’s hands)
    Your fingers and hands are cold.

    How long?

    Two years.

    So sorry.
    How did she die?

    (pause, as if preoccupied)
    Run over by a star cluster.
    (still preoccupied, but chuckling nervously to herself)
    Anyway, I told you. She was stabbed to death in a street robbery.

    So sorry. Heh, honey. Would you attach that headlight to the wall next to the other headlight? Maybe we can construct a face.


    Day crosses the room and picks up a headlight from the floor. She also picks up a flimsy hammer and pounds the headlight into the wall on a horizontal plane to the other headlight. The two giggle and point toward the headlights. Day also moves toward the hole in the wall and straightens out the curtain covering the cardboard sheeting and the hole.

    Storey rises also while rubbing her hands together for warmth. She pushes the curtain aside and lifts up the cardboard, and looks out and down four stories to the street.


    It is snowing lightly onto the street, parked cars, a few moving cars and several pedestrians.

    STOREY (V.O.)
    Life is beginning to rustle. A car door is opening with tail lights on. It’s snowing lightly. The fresh snow covers over a layer of graying mush.
    Maybe we can get some good sleep today. I’m awfully tired.

    DAY (V.O.)


    Storey pushes back the cardboard and replaces the curtain. She turns back toward Day.

    Maybe tell the ghost story.

    Not right now. Now we have to get a move on to some shelter and warm up.

    Like the one about –

    Not now sweetie. You’re cold, and I’m not doing so
    well myself. It’s just past
    sunrise. We should get some warm sun by ten or eleven, sweetie.

    Yeah,man. Full out by two or three.

    But we can’t just wait for the sun to break through. We’ve got to move around.
    (with emphasis)
    I’m worried about hypothermia. Those hands of your’s look bluish. Better get some circulation going.
    (rubbing Storey’s fingers)
    Wanna sell some collectibles today? We should be able to pick up two, three dollars at the pawn shop. They’ll let us stand around for a while and warm up, as long as we have some business to conduct.

    Not right now.

    Let’s at least go to the Salvation Army, get some hot soup and warm up.

    Not there. How much money we got left anyway?

    (with friendly sarcasm)

    That much. But we can get on our feet in the spring if we both get jobs – any old thing — just long enough to put a down payment on that women’s antique store.

    I’ve still got some buddies from when I worked for the state. We can pool our money and buy into a shop to start off with. Save some money meanwhile by staying here.

    Then we can go out on our own to set up just the kind of shop we’d like to have. Antique dressers and vanities, desks, mirrors, clocks –

    We can start in the $25-$500 range to build up our inventory.

    Yeah. We can buy into a line of bed and bath linens to draw in the casual customer off of the street.

    (Storey seems to drift off while standing in place)
    “So these two scared girls are huddled up in a broken down mansion in the countryside.”

    Storey slumps slowly toward the floor while rubbing her arms and hands.

    What? Don’t start the ghost story now.

    (righting herself and continuing anyway)
    It’s winter and the snow is blizzarding …
    Coming down in watermelons.

    (trying to direct Storey away from the ghost story and inject some humor)

    (picking up the humor, in rhythmic response)
    Watermelons, can-tow-low-pays and water balloons of snow.

    (Day still tries to direct Storey away from the ghost story)
    Heh, you ever been in a wet t-shirt contest?

    Heck no, idiot.

    My dopey wife made me enter two or three times. She wanted to show me off. The jerk.

    Not me. And you are the jerk for having entered.
    (turning back to the street)


    The snow continues. Signs of morning activity are picking up.

    STOREY (CONT’D) (V.O.)
    Life is beginning to rustle. Snow sheets in directioned eddies.
    (somewhat sleepily)
    I love you.

    DAY (V.O.)
    I love you too.

    STOREY (V.O.)
    Inchoate life teems in potential. In hiatus depending upon drift. Drift, draft, drift, eddies. Vacuum swept. Along the sides of buildings. Not sticking now, or melting, but bouncing off. Or disappearing in minisculia.

    Another car rambles.

    Rooftops in blanketed relief.


    Storey returns to the opposite corner of the room and huddles under several blankets.

    Cuddle up next to me. I am cold.

    I’d rather we find some better shelter. I’m cold too – and I’m hungry.

    Just for a minute, honey, tell me a little bit of the ghost story. Just until it warms up a bit more.

    (Day covers herself with blankets and puts her arms around Storey)
    Just for a minute, honey.

    Thanks, idiot.
    (she shivers)

    So these two scared girls are huddled up in a broken down mansion in the countryside. Watermelons of snow are thumping onto the roof.
    (she continues Storey’s ghost story)
    Rafters shaking. Walls unsure. Wind whistling and wheezing at the window ways. Half buttress aching under wind and Arctic Chill. Wanderer, the girls’ only protection other than the ancient mansion itself, nuzzling up to the girls to give them some comfort.

    Big shoulder ceiling, buttress aching; aching, bending and bowing. Windows and walls in pain. Zrymanes, Ylanaez and Arctic Chill
    whining – pounding at the
    sides of the mansion and excavating at its base. Zrymanes pounding at the structure, structure not yet giving; bowing but not giving. Ylanaez wheezing, eager to get at its prey.

    The two girls huddled, not quite cuddling. Taking deep breaths, as if in support of the structure itself. Supporting each other. Bowing and wheezing above.

    Blonde and brunette below, huddled amidst, mansion ancient, stately but bowing.

    (now interested; eyes wide open)


    Does Ylanaez get in?

    No, but Zrymanes begins to slip through the window pane cracks and the walls.

    Is Zrymanes male?

    A monster without gender.
    (Day stares deeply into Storey’s glowing blue eyes)

    (peering back at Day’s penetrating dark eyes, she strokes Day’s soft black hair)
    Where is the protection against my own anxiety?

    On the steel slag heap near the fireplace upon which the two girls have gathered wood and built a small fire.

    A warming, cheerful fire?

    Warming, yes, but small. Nothing can allay the girls’ fears at this time of the evening.What are we going to sell today?

    I am tired.
    (she closes her eyes slightly)

    Not yet, honey. Wait until noon to sleep. The sun should break through the clouds and haze in two, three hours, and the morning chill should have broken.

    Day rouses Storey a bit and rubs her hands and cheeks.

    Let’s make a quick dash to the dumpster in back of the Pizzeria, see what they left from last night, and then go to the pawn shop and warm up and make two, three bucks.

    Even in my worst foster home I never had to eat out of a dumpster. Good thing we found Gino’s where they’re throwing away all kinds of stuff in boxes and containers so we don’t get sick from it.

    Yeah. Evenings are the best time to scrounge over there. The pizza is still fresh –

    Maybe some spaghetti and meatballs.

    I don’t trust left over chicken, you can get sick pretty easily from spoiled chicken, but the salads can be kind of refreshing.
    I remember preparing fresh meals with Alice. We never had to worry about having
    enough food, except after we lost our jobs. Being on a diet then was chic, now it’s a way of life.

    I bummed this friendship ring a couple of days ago. A rock and some gold.

    Storey pulls a ring out of her pocket and shows it to Day.

    (visibly surprised)
    I had no idea. I remember me begging and you standing there looking statuesque, but I thought you just got a handful of small change.

    Day takes the ring, stares at it at moment and shines it.

    DAY (CONT’D)
    That lady must have really felt sorry for us. That’s gotta be worth something.

    Yeah, sure. You want to buy some shrimp and dip and have one meal or would you rather eat for three days?

    Buy some blue chip stocks while we are picking through the garbage?
    (the two roar)

    Did we do anything with those two headlights we picked up last week?

    Just hung the second one on the wall, as per your instruction.

    Day gets up and straightens out the two headlights so they are exactly even with each other.

    Oh yeah, there they are. Two eyes. Got a nose to put up?

    No, but how about a cigarette butt collage for a mouth?


    Day smiles and watches her mate from behind the cash register. Storey cheerfully pitches a vintage table cloth to TWO ELDERLY WOMEN. Storey runs her hand along the hand embroidered lace edges.

    Sensing that the women have some money to spend, she directs them to an antique clock with an ornamental base. Simultaneously, Storey laughs and points to the hand-painted shade of a nearby antique lamp.


    Storey rises – shivering and rubbing her arms and hands – with a blanket still around her. She pulls back the curtain and lifts up the cardboard.


    The snowfall has decreased slightly. Car traffic and pedestrians on the sidewalks have increased a bit.

    STOREY (V.O.)
    Drift, draft eddies. White-lined bumpers. Snow-dusted fur caps. Snow blanketed lawns, like a thousand snot rags waiting for a concert in the park.

    A bundled up PEDESTRIAN carrying a pooper scooper passes by. Her dog is wrapped in a doggie jacket with booties on.

    STOREY (V.O.) (CONT’D)
    Snow men in potential, waiting for their sleepy head makers. Draftin’ – eddie – drift. Went to a high school dance with someone named Eddie, out of whatever foster home I was living in at the time. He was already married to his wrestling knee pad.

    The dog urinates on fresh snow. Cars go by, further dirtying the snow.

    Potential white decreased in tufted drifts. Morning glow and early risers in their cars discoloring the mess.

    A middle-aged MAN in a ragged and skimpy jacket holds out his hands to a passing BUSINESS PERSON in a down jacket with sharply pleated pants and a leather business case. Without appearing to look up, the business person summarily passes by the beggar.

    STOREY (V.O.) (CONT’D)
    Less translucent. The top edges of branches painted white. Sidewalks still covered.

    A few lines of footprints

    (warming Storey)
    Just look at you, shaking with cold. Not freezing now might suffice.

    Storey turns lazily in the direction of Day.

    Sure, man.
    Let me cat nap and purr. You know how cute I am when I’m
    sleeping. All buttons and
    one nose.

    I had a boyfriend for about four weeks when I was twelve. He thought I was so cute that he kissed me on the cheek and chin once while I pretended I was cat napping.

    (slightly sharply)
    Not now. We can sleep later in the day. Maybe now we can get over to the Salvation Army shelter for –

    Storey, visibly angry, turns directly toward Day.

    I said no!


    A MAN and a young adult woman struggle violently. The man tears at the woman’s clothing, covering her mouth with his hand.


    Do we have any Liquid Plumber?

    (entirely surprised)
    Say what? And what were you just thinking about. You looked scared for a moment.

    I just can’t stand it.

    What? What can’t you stand?

    Just put some in a cup and hand it to me.

    But the bathroom hasn’t been working for months …
    (pause, then incredulously)
    You’re not talking about suicide?!?

    Save it for later. I can always take care of it.

    Take care of what, for God’s sake?!?

    Storey regains her composure from the flashback.

    (as if to put an end to the topic)
    I’m tired.

    Go ahead and get bundled up and purr … around eleven or twelve … after the sun breaks through … uh … after we sell that rock and that clump of gold –

    Put a rock in the zouppay.

    Let’s see … pouppay is a French puppy. Sloop is ship. Zoup is soup.
    Stone soup?

    Why not?

    Day rises to her feet, animated.

    Wanna pick up some stones by the lake and put them in some soup?!?

    Pew …
    Over there is a carburetor, maybe we can sell that at the second hand hand auto shop. Next to it are copies of Huxley and Orwell and a wedding dress in a cleaning bag.

    We are not going to sell the books. That’s what keeps us in touch with the reality.

    There is a moment of uneasy silence as Day motions toward a copy of George Orwell’s 1984.

    DAY (CONT’D)
    Anyway, you have that rock with the clump of gold.

    Carburetor and a deck of cards.

    Save the deck of cards, it often helps us pass the time.

    Storey turns back toward the street.


    The snow has piled up a bit on the parked cars.

    STOREY (V.O.)
    Sheeting on rooftops. Lining the gutters. Icicle descent not quite fully formed yet. Splotches and white patches on steepled roofs. Cars carpeted but not snowed in. Street signs painted in white. Sheeting wisps disappearing then sticking as they impact.

    A U-Haul van pulls up to a neighboring house. A couple of burly men emerge and proceed up the walkway.

    STOREY (V.O.) (CONT’D)
    Inchoate rustling continues. A few more people emerge from their homes and apartments, passersby increase. Straight up and down, herky-jerky or huddled over, as if that’s going to help against the snow.

    Cloud feets’ fog lingering.
    Always moving backward To sea, lake or pond … wispy lingerings.

    And the women come and go. Talking of Picasso and DaVinci’s corpses.


    Don’t talk about corpses. Anyway, over there is a set of designer glasses.
    (she points to the floor by the wall)
    Maybe we can sell them and some clothes. Couple of dozen tops. The pants are washed.

    Storey turns back toward the room.

    Good idea. Go out and sell those cups, and save me some pizza from the dumpster. First go up to the back door and beg some spaghetti and meatballs. Tell them all you want is a little bit.

    I am tired.

    No. You know we are a team …

    Storey turns back to the street, ignoring Day’s last comment.


    STOREY (V.O.)
    Smokestack dreaming. Tufts of cold heat poofing out of the rooftops. Billowing and swirling out of smokestack jungles with their dreams. Dreams of warm snow. Soft and friendly.

    But distant. Over iron cross antennas. Around ventilator ducts. Through the mind’s eye. Resting on the Sacred Wood.


    Day and Storey approach the altar. They kneel and then rise. They each light a candle. Each holds a brown paper sack with sandwiches and an apple which they open.


    Hugging the snow-capped rooftops and sliding along on gerbils’ mittens.


    Storey’s head slips to the side.

    Time to dash! Grab the blouses.

    Not now.

    Storey moves back to the corner of the room. She crouches down and throws on more blankets.

    Let me rest.

    Time to dash! Fuel gauge on low. Zouppay around the second bend. Broken cloud lining. Spirits rising. Jewell hamburgers, pepper and olive omlettes around the third.

    Not yet. Come back here.
    (snuggling alone)
    Let’s cuddle and sleep.

    (as if dashing off)
    To eat; tweet, tweet. Zouppay and –

    Zouppay and curley bugs.
    (she chuckles with a tiny snort)

    O.k., then. You tell any old ghost story you want.

    (yawning and shivering)
    Rumplestiltskin was yawning. Richard Nixon was bugging the Democrats and lying through his teeth to the public. More gas out from the fanny –

    False fart, silly. This is no ghost story you are telling.

    A twisted autocrat has just exited the political scene. But what does that mean for us?
    (momentarily in a strong voice)
    Socialism for the highest in society, the bankers and the auto magnates. Homophobes were the ‘in thing’ to be. Total indifference to those who weren’t rich. Well maybe that will change, if we haven’t spent all of our money already on the ultra-rich and the powerful. Homelessness was a social embarrassment or something to be swept under the rug …
    (she nods off a bit)

    We’ve got all the time in the world to talk about politics, but that isn’t keeping you up right now.

    I’ve decided it’s not nice to use food for art.

    Storey points to the two headlights on the wall.

    So no dead birds on our glowering Anita Bryant effigy. Maybe we can make it Rush Limbaugh. Two headlights for eyes. That should be classic. A row of cigarette butts might do nicely for a mouth. Gritty. How about a couple of pistons and a hacksawed bumper for the nose and ears?

    A couple of cheap earrings hanging from the ears would make our wall art Anita Bryant. But anything goes with that drug-crazed Limbaugh.

    Come to think of it, the earrings might get us a couple of quarters anyway. 19 cents a packet for Top Ramen at Jewell.

    O.k. You go out and get us some Top Ramen, aspirin and apples for lunch.

    Too depressing without cheese.

    Hold it! One minute were talking about the glories of picking food out of the dumpster and now you’re talking about spending a couple of bucks for a brick of cheese.

    Sorry. My bourgeois background coming through again. Make it Top Ramen, two aspirins each and a pear from Jewell, and a 50 cent bagel from the Jewish Delicatessen.

    Good. Get going.

    I thought you were agreeing to go with me.

    Not yet.

    Well I don’t want to sit around and talk about when Barack is going to save us. At least he’s not going to send a violent mob of conservatives to throw us out of our home like happened to Jack Nicholson and his friends in Iron Weed.

    Do you want to know if Ylanaez gets in?

    I thought it was zyrmanes that was inching through the wood of the girls’ abandoned mansion.

    They both are, along with Arctic Chill.

    What about Wanderer?

    Wanderer is the girls’ friend. I thought I made that clear. Wanderer is the protector of the underclass and the thrown away persons in society. It knows the girls in the mansion need its special protection that night.

    We just have one another.
    (they exchange a soft kiss)
    And our own antique store in the summer.
    (Storey nods off a bit and shivers a bit more heavily)


    A man in a heavy jacket with a patch on the side which says Salvation Army and a cap which also says Salvation Army on it approaches the door. It is snowing lightly out and snow has collected on his cap and shoulders. He knocks several times on the loft door.

    Salvation Army, wellness check.


    Is that you, ADAM?


    Sure is. Is Storey with you?


    Tell him to go away.

    (to Adam)
    We could use a little help.

    You bitch!


    I heard you, Storey. We haven’t seen you two at Chicago Gardens during this recent frost.
    (concerned, but forceful)
    This loft doesn’t look too warm. Have you had anything to eat this morning?


    Storey had a little bite of baloney, but the sun should break through pretty soon. We’ll get to the dumpster behind the Pizzeria, and then see if they will let us come into the Church for a while.


    The snow continues to fall on Adam. He pulls his collar tighter around his neck, zips his jacket all the way to the top, and tightens a scarf around his neck.

    I’ve got a van right outside. I can take you to our shelter where you can warm up, and then we’ll get you some hot food at the pantry.
    (almost pleading, but still in a strong tone of voice)
    You must have sustained a pretty good chill to your systems last night. We really should get you out of this cold. They’re predicting below freezing tonight.


    I’ve been trying to get Storey moving this morning –

    (truly irritated this time)
    I’m not going anywhere with the Salvation Army.


    Storey and a male assailant struggle. Storey’s face is contorted. The assailant, whose face is not clear, rips at Storey’s jacket with one hand while he covers her mouth with the other.


    And why in the world not? It’ll be too cold to beg tonight. And I am cold –
    (in exasperation)
    you’re even colder than me –


    C’mon ladies. Our shelter is warm, with real beds and clean blankets.


    (as if a strength rose within her)
    No, Adam. We’ll be just fine. We just need a little more time for the morning chill to break.

    (growing increasingly irritated with her companion)
    Be reasonable, Storey. We’ve got another cold night ahead of us. We could really use a night at Chicago Gardens.


    We care about you at the Salvation Army.
    (very forcefully)
    But we’ve got to get you out of the cold first. You’ve been out in the elements for five days now!


    O.k., Adam. I’m really starting to get concerned about Storey … we might –

    (in a weakened but almost hysterical voice)
    I said ‘no way.’ I’m not going to Chicago Gardens.

    Well maybe I am!

    A look of fear grows on Storey’s face

    You’re making the right decision.
    (muffled through the loft door)
    We can get you a hot shower, warm soup – a hot meal.

    That does it.
    (in a loud voice intended for Adam)
    I’m going.


    I’ll wait for you in the van.

    Adam walks away from the door and off of the platform. He proceeds down the stairs.


    (imploring but firmly)
    Now would you please get some sense into your head and come along with me, Storey?

    (almost fully sobbing)
    I just can’t.

    Day unwraps herself from the blankets, leaving Storey under the covers, walks across the room and picks up another tattered coat. She puts it on as she walks back to the door. She hears Storey sobbing and glances back to see Storey with one arm outstretched, but Day proceeds to the door, opens it and leaves.

    Day … Day …
    (but now only to herself)
    Day …


    The struggle with the assailant has intensified. He hits her numerous times on the back and side of the head.

    Storey’s jacket has been torn off, and the assailant tears at her shirt. Storey’s face is contorted in terror.


    Storey collapses on the floor, alone in the loft. After an interminable number of seconds Day reappears at the door, a light snow cover on her jacket, and looks in horror at her companion lying apparently inanimate on the floor.

    Storey! Storey wake up for the love of God!

    Day rushes to Storey’s side. She firmly shakes Storey.

    Please wake up!

    (somewhat dazed)
    Day. You came back.

    Of course I did. Why wouldn’t you come to the shelter? You’re weak. We could have had food and –

    Last time I was there, at Chicago Gardens, I was … I was raped.

    Oh no! Why didn’t you tell me?

    Day twists the cap off of a thermos of hot soup and puts it up to Storey’s mouth.

    I was afraid you wouldn’t care about me anymore.

    Nothing could stop me from loving you, but you’re very cold.
    (rubbing Storey’s hands)
    You could lose your –

    I can still hear him saying to me, “this is the way it’s really done, you dyke.”

    Put that behind you. We’re together now. That’s all that matters.

    Let’s cuddle up and purr.

    Day gets back under the blankets and puts both arms around Storey.

    Keep on telling me that ghost story. Later … we’ll go to the Church. Now I want to hear about the girls in the mansion … fighting off the forces of the night.

    Day is enthused by her partner’s expression of hopefulness. Still, Storey nods her head and closes her eyes for a moment.

    I’ll get to it. Just don’t sleep.
    (shaking Storey)
    Maybe now’s a good time to trot off to the pawn

    DAY (CONT’D)
    shop and sell that ring, warm up, and get some money for lunch. That guy at the
    repair shop is nice. Maybe we can bum a couple of second hand engine parts and hop over to the junk yard and sell them.

    First, we get to the Church and warm up. The Pastor has given us free peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before.

    (shivering, with a slight glaze to her eyes)
    Let’s sleep just one hour and then go out.

    No! No sleep out here. Not yet.

    Day slides her head to the side and gives Storey a peck on the lips, on the neck and under the ear.

    DAY (CONT’D)
    Maybe I can explain what happened to you to the Salvation Army’s Captain. I’m sure he’ll let us cat nap in the office where we’re sure you’re safe.
    (Storey doesn’t respond)
    Just stay awake!

    So these two girls are in the mansion.
    The girls …

    The girls are trying to stay warm. Arctic Chill is mean. Even Wanderer now has its back up against the fire for support.

    Storey’s eyes are closing. Day raises her voice.

    But Wanderer begins to get the upper hand as Ylanaez, glowering and furious in apparent defeat, dashes itself with fury against a Butte, Montana octopus flying low overhead.

    Storey! Are you listening?

    (slurring her language a bit)
    Low-flying … octopus.

    Now even Wanderer can rest. Setting to the side to while away time with the girls. Trading ghost stories. Telling upcoming summer tales. Wintergreen stasis in embroidered temporal patches. Spring and regenerated life. The girls perk up in warmth’s umbra. Awaiting morning, food and friends.


    No response. Day shakes her friend and is almost terrified at the coldness of Storey’s hands and cheeks.

    (slowly, almost unresponsive)
    Awaiting … morning …

    (in a strong tone of voice)
    Food and friends. Freedom from fear. Wanderer now watched as the girls chatted between themselves. Wanderer and the fire bottling up the flue as slag heap glowered. Another night alone. Together. Always unsure. Wanderer awaitin’ … awaitin’ those dreaded moments of Valley Forge fear and the looks of innocence smeared –

    And Wanderer protected them from …

    Storey crumbles unconscious into Day’s arms.

    Storey! Storey!

    Day shakes Storey firmly, but Storey lies limp in her arms.

    DAY (CONT’D)
    My God, she’s gone! Storey!

    Day sobs uncontrollably. Then, mournfully rocking Storey in her arms, Day begins.

    DAY (CONT’D)
    So these two scared girls are huddled up in a broken down mansion in the countryside. Watermelons of snow thumping down on the rooftop.
    (less loudly)
    Buttresses aching, bending, bowing … windows and walls in pain …


  68. Mark V. Basile

    The government has cogently seen and addressed copyright and issues of ownership of creative materials and the materials of writers. This is through modern copyright law. I generally assign liberally to create “family enterprise.” For example, my Dad — though in no way an endorser of the variety of what I may say — enthusiastically shook my hand as I told him that I wanted to assign him 45% as regards total estate, which translates into where monies were made, that portion would go to him. I had that put down in writing and saved in several places thereafter, secure severally in family. (No pre-nups in my parent’s day, not at least as regards the middle class.)

    No one in my family to any extent whatsoever is responsible for the content of my writings. Though, as a side note, as concerned endeavors especially including writing assist, my mother happily accepted to save a thank you mailing from John McCain/team McCain I gave her a copy of right after the mid-terms. “Of course, I like John McCain;” Mom.

    Thence, I made an implication, drawing prior from an allusion from the Phil Woods cut in Musique du Bois, “Willow Weep For Me,” that a “use” was offered on-site of a clear material. The principal is this site’s sponsor with her modest husband, a commercial fisherman — who I recently read was showing his Iraqi vet State First Son Track aspects of the family business which logically would have been the primary support of family as Sarah was tending to the business of being a homemaker for 15 years, alone contributing to a “perfect” character reference but in combination with the in toto “dismissal” of the harassment or ‘frivolous’ lawsuits which caused Sarah to tear her hair out and resign the Governorship in July of 2009, constitutes social and to an exacting legal description, indeed outcome: What we might refer to as a ‘Character Reference’ of an amazing quality. Personally, I still see “maverick” now as per Tea Party and moderate as per her famous partner’s bona fide life work — Naval Aviator, POW and Senator John McCain.

    So it is author’s specified and specific intent as concerns this screenplay, with 3 finished plays produced as indicated and in the public sector and another 6 finished but not transferred to computer — myself possessing the immediate ability to transpose plays into movies: For Willow.

    (In case ‘intervention’ occurs, that was an “offer.”)

    MVB. Site contributor. A Time for Choosing e-mail recipient and respondent as of twice today. Current essayist, et and blogging contributor to sister station of the Chicago Tribune. Check out CHICAGO NOW for a publication taken off the suburban Tribune yesterday, “Malcolm X, Muslim Minister, Public Speaker, Human Rights Activist. ‘Autobiography:’ essential.” You see, Sarah has known for many months that I wrote that lionization of a Nation of Islam “Martyr,” she searches my sites, I had it up variously — the longer you/one attempts to “pigeon hole” the Palins as Rightists, the longer you simply hold yourselves up to public ridicule. In addition, look at where it got the real dogmatists as regards the mid-term result, November 2. Crash and burn ‘in the House.’

  69. Mark V. Basile

    Mark Ballas, co-bronze winner from “Dancing With the Stars” has chosen to remain on my Google Search with some updates for me, even putting Sarah’s daughter in his fine arts WIKI. There you go Governor. I believe that is a very “nice” citation to add to your 20-year old’s multiplex ‘resume.’ Let’s see, personally speaking, I “like:”

    Junior Latin American Dance Championship,
    Junior Olympics result very cool also,
    ‘Grandmother a famous Flamenco dancer who appeared in several movies and studied in Spain,’ with the entertainment relationship to a “priceless” person of Americana:
    K. Yamaguchi.

    So the Palin troop can feel considerably satisfied with a person carrying these items, inter alia, in his brochure, where he states:
    [Bristol] was an angel
    Never complaining
    11 (!!) hour days
    Houston Chronicle, 11/29/10.

    Deadbolt. “At the beginning she couldn’t even “walk” in heels.” (Fisherman’s daughter ‘syndrome, Mark? Whatever.)

    I’ll check right after I post this, Mark, but I believe Helio Castraneves is a driver with the Penske team. (Both, ultra-hot; hot,hot,hot)

    As regards your relationship to Houston, Mark, I would just mention to you that quickest of Web searches show you that that’s where a President lives with his son Neil. Very clean business around the airport for the 80-some father, and very clean cut China Lobby for Neil. FYI

    Best Regards, Mark.

  70. Mark V. Basile

    Ref. One. ” … low-flying octopus …” in Willow text. Author intent: interpolation of French-style “absurdism” into text, double-‘function’ or re-iteration or resurgence of playfulness and slapstick nature of “girl-friends” relationship — absent “tragedy.” Translucent Midnights. Play, triple MIT with Midwest Emmy: “fine play.” Screenplay adapted, Dr. Joanne, Midwest Emmy, CBS (“Flying Feathers”), FOX series: “really liked.” 2009, end of summer.

    Post Note: An unbelievable 3 Indianalopis 500 Championships for Helio. South American. I went back and checked. Ultra-hot. Our lady-friend Danica (Go-Daddy, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit) did finally get her dream in Japan two years back or so, First Woman to Win on Indy Racing Circuit. “Team Andretti,” The Godfather, Mario, 1969 (?). Ie; ‘hot.’ (Many top-15/10’s).

    Ref. 2: “Homoptera.” Cited by Governor Palin at; This citation is from ‘ultra-organics.’ You see, even organic farming uses pesticides, it’s just that they are “organic” and non-synthetic. I had nothing to look up (!), I directly did the research myself drawing especially from AGRICOLA, or the National Agricultural Library’s on-line service. Moreover, Sarah has directly “re-published” with information concerning Laura Bush’s on-going labor of love to replant ‘native grasses’ at Crawford, for the legacies of future generations as they might like to visit and enjoy the rustic/rural place of Presidential legacy. So as I said, I simply have not had the time to investigate the arctic issue revolving around our National Economic Security “gap” in oil as it relates to Alaska in what is deemed an environmentally-sensitive area, but I have not heard of any despoiling to the environmental landscape at this point, and Sarah’s out — thanks in large part to her having had no choice pursuant to a truly vicious battery of enormously costly definitively determined “frivolous lawsuits.” Ie; wholesale eventual “dismissal” of suits. That was July, 2009 that she stepped down. Moreover, perhaps we shouldn’t rush to blame the millions of 9-5 workers and middle class for forgetting the trauma Europe experienced when Russia invaded Georgia, former USSR, with the last of the 5 oil lines to Europe not controlled by Russia appearing for a while to hang by a finger nail. The Russians did in fact stay longer than they had directly indicated in this ‘punishment’ of Georgia for policing very minor break-away minded counties on the Russian border — almost saying “dare” to the West. That was my considered reading.

    Again, my reading is that Sarah is “directly” aware significances of the environment. I just do not see that this direct awareness is not indicative of a “concern.” She shoots “moose,” not white bears, as those among us in the Midwest shoot “deer” consistent with law and in line with paring down populations so they don’t just plain multiply beyond manageablity. I didn’t see Sarah Palin’s ALASKA because I can’t afford cable, but I hear intermittantly it has done very well, indeed smashing the cable’s prior ratings in the first week. Her dopey staff put it on the next week at the same time Saturday Night Football was on, so they dipped, but I have seen in passing that it has had a resurgence since then. I guess Alaska is simply moose country, as we ask no questions in the Midwest concerning shooting for consumption deer, even buffalo, as prescribed by law. Some fanatics might want to see deer knocking over their garbage cans and sniffing at back doors and scaring kids in outlying suburbs, which really are no longer so outlying with bus and train, not only making Northwest Indiana integrated as indicated on my MacDonald’s pop cup and Milwaukee to Minneapolis/St.Paul, but as per our ‘settled’ “megalopolis.” Chicago Metro.

    America By Heart. #2. New York Times bestseller list. Weekend info. 2-term President at #1 for that weekend and 2 preceding weeks. He was a “he,” we’re still rolling on Glass Ceiling Gary and Stacy (!!). Going Rogue, 6 weeks at New York Times best seller list. MVB title swipe “review,” 1/10, SEARCH, Going Rogue, Chicago Tribune. Caught a clip that Sarah’s doing a repeat of 2008 at Barbara Walters’ “Most Fascinating” for 2010, with the ‘male’ she just ‘pounded’ into “checks” at the ballot box. November 2. (“He” never apologized for a crack EVERY PERSON on the street, back alleys and Main Street heard as, ‘your daughter’s a s_ut.’ UK responds: “From Chimp to Champ.” On site. Like prima Mark Ballas said, 11 hour days, “an angel.”) Ref: below, RWR did leave us hommies with an excellent production in which he held his own, considering his in fact personal talent level, revolving around arguably the best college football team of the 20th Century, Notre Dame at the time of it’s “Four Horsemen.”

    On my Google Search site, starkly across aisle has remained a multiple academically questionable presentation originating out of Jacksonville, Florida/or even in collaboration with the “Chicago machine.” So Sarah is directly aware of a ‘reform’ Democrat competitor, in no way competing with her nationally, Ambassador/Senator Carol Moseley Braun (for Mayor). UK-sensitive at Australia/New Zealand/Falklands. Diminuatively, our first female African-American US Senator had been running a spices and organics foodstuffs middlin’ or minor company for a number of years. Perhaps I should “highlight” that point for the providers of this Web site.

    My boss for the AGRICOLA operation, “best assistant (of the kind) in my fifteen years on faculty,” 1/29/10 — still this year, but that will be my baseline rec. along with the re-iteration in March of 2010 of the 1986 ‘legal letter:’ “excellent job/work product” and on the resume, where George Cotsirilos of Cotsirilos and (Federal Trial Judge John Powers) Crowley of 1986 rec. has known me for a bit over 50 years. Sarah is aware of “the environment,” she simply does not d- with internet re-publications. She is a woman of Faith and Family, she does not exclude those who are not Christian. Lloyd Bentsen, triple cross, December 18, 1989, former Vice-Presidential Candidate (‘you are no John F. Kennedy,’ to the Honorable Dan Quayle, debate, Prime Time): Dear Mark … “Your credentials are impressive. Certainly someone with your background and experience would be an asset to any congressional office … I will keep you resume in my active file in the event a position of interest does come to my attention in the near future.” (Critiques of Harvard and William Appleman Williams, available, included to Senator Bentsen of Texas). “I was certainly impressed with your analysis of Morton Keller’s Affairs of State” (the major ‘institutional’ historian.) — November 7, 1989, Dear Mr. Basile … unfortunately, I do not have any vacancies on my staff at this time. However, this may change in the next few months. In light of your background and experience, I will keep your resume in my active file .. Sincerely, Lloyd Bentsen, D.C. 20510.

    Ref: 12/8/10. 1:06 am
    On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 5:33 PM, mark basile wrote:

    “Please let me get back to you, Senator. It’s after 5 pm, and I’m extending my Thanksgiving Holidays by dinner at a 7 year regular diner, a Greek place, that has this fantastic “Annie’s Burger” with big thick fries and tasty soup, Greek at 100% of course, with a chuckle and a smile when I order Italian and remind them that Annie’s Pancake House on Oakton is the only place I ever order Italian for sit-down outside of the comfort of Dr. — (Dad’s) home. In fact, my Mom and my Dad do patronize Lou Malnotti’s with me for the Big Lou, order out in Park Ridge and sit-down in Lincolnwood. Suits the lifelong Italian taste (all born in the USA) in a simply fine fashion.

    But on your message. Big support back to you on the business flight issue. Issue: corporate tax levels. Immediate and non-theoretical unemployment-impacts issue as regards intendent jobs loss when a business folds up shop and moves out-of-state.(I believe your specific reference is to the Nation-State with the flight would be from our country as a whole). Matter of fact, you did indeed invite me to a Town Hall in Mount Prospect where I am directly aware that there had been enormous pressure to seceed from Cook County because of the sky-high County taxes under Todd Stroger. Toni Preckwinkle states that this is something that she will address. But as of a week ago, I caught on the Web that neighboring Palatine still had local pressure groups with the desire to pull out of Cook County. Sum of it is, the business taxation issue is in line with economic sense and economic “reality,” according to my very best reading. Indeed also, with lower taxation pressures, even incentives where carefully crafted, small and mid-sized businesses — the motor of jobs provision — can better grow, and methodically ‘take on’ NEW employees to the payroll.

    Much thanks for keeping me on your list. Congratulations on your happy day, apologies again that I was not able to make it to DC on your invitation which you sent me twice, but the fact of the matter is I am a fixed income person, and if I told you that at the time I was informing you that I couldn’t join you in DC, I was afraid you might send me a plane ticket out of what I would think hardly remains after our tooth and nail 2 point victory. Sincerely, Mark V. Basile”

  71. Mark V. Basile

    A) Again, as an “Independent,” allowing full ‘ideological’ freedoms to the students whose records I administer, I have experienced similar freedoms under the Palin apparatus. (We all know, however, that every 2-4 years persons have to win elections.) In larger society, totalitarian Right, Left or juntas and that sort of thing — not so enormously keen on. Now that Franco’s gone, Sarah has facilitated absolute outrage at the Right, his anti-democratic coup d’etat, suppression of writers and killings of them and general genocide. And this was NATO! And believe me, speaking out in this fashion was not without pain to myself inasmuch as among the many who fought against Franco in the Spanish Civil War were the partisans of the Tito Left, who came back to place a Leftist totalitarian lid on my native Croatia until my cousins simply had to fight their way out of it by civil war, 1991-95. In no way whatsoever was I “cool” with this Communist-Serbian satrapy. Indeed, it now is gone. As is the minoritarian junta of Saddahm. In both cases “most good” for Europe and the Middle East. It simply strikes me as the adherance to a streak of a totalitarian mindset, where right to life is unquestioned where Amnesty International fights against capital punishment, and this is “progressive,” and those in progress of birth cannot even receive a “voice” inasmuch as it takes even a year or two before a birthed child can speak in any fashion whatsoever, let alone on it’s own behalf. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, UN, pursuant to the war to end all wars — at least ‘the great war.’ See: “5000 Miles From Home,” Bob Sirott narrator, double Midwest Emmy, docudrama WWII vets, Chicago production.

    B) A re-iteration:
    January 25, 2010 at 2:01 pm
    As an “Independent,” and a mental health consumer, I need consider my own well-being in addition to that of my peers. John McCain whom I have heard Sarah is now on stump with seems to have a relatively stable notion of “safety net;” of course Mrs. Palin was his ‘right hand man’ with their self-description of ‘maverick’ in 2008. I fully admit, I got confused and caught up in the media circus of 2008, and didn’t quite fully realize the enormous command and military-requisite background of John McCain, with his moderate domestic portfolio, in combination with a business-political “team” with his wife Cindy. And having had the time, after the dust has settled, as a free lance writer, I apologize for not having spoken out concerning John McCain’s devotion to country, where instead of allowing himself to be used as a propaganda tool, in the relatively accurate domino-theory effort of the Cold War, he endured 5 1/2 years of inprisonment at the hands of those who shot him down over Hanoi. And he was brutalized and subjected to solitary for extended periods of time. Still, he did not break and use his connection to his father who was a 4-star Admiral, I believe, and Commander of the Pacific Theater to gain advantage his fellow captives could not have. I’ll have to check this exactly, I just came across this site and I wanted to make a note.

    In short, John McCain has the true qualifications to make “secure” command decisions, now from a position of leadership in the Senate, and his word should be golden, that he will ensure “safety net” for the truly needy. So Healthcare should not in fact be dead, it simply should be at a point of haitus where a Democratic steamroll will simply have to reasses what a man of the best word has stated concerning the prior attempt: “they (the Democrats) just won’t talk to us.”

    And John McCain still has at his side, though out of government and this month picked up by FOX in the field of her professional training newscasting from the major ‘public’ institution in the state of her birth, on the stump with him his compadre and former homemaker of 15 years. And talk about trying to see through the dust and the media circus, Sarah was chosen as among Barbara Walter’s “Top 10″ in 2008, among the 2 most admired women in the world as late as last month by Gallup, and has a memoirs of the 2008 neck and neck Presidential Race up until a major economic event which was blamed on the then current executive and pretty much sunk the McCain/Palin venture — with pretty little Bristol receiving an onus herself at only age 17. GOING ROGUE: top of the New York Times best seller list for 6 consecutive weeks.

    I am more than casually interested.

    Sarah Palin used emergency regulation to produce a Senior Benefits Program so low income seniors would not go hungry in 2007. As Governor, she had an additional program of cash payments to seniors in need according to this site. Work is encouraged by her February 1, 2008 Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day, and she gives back to the public a portion of proceeds from oil-rich Alaska. I can’t believe this could be criticized as the creation of ‘subsidized freeloaders.’ Almost at best, this knd of critique would be hypocrisy coming from anywhere left of center. November 17, 2007 was declared ‘Salvation Army Day,’ more or less instituionalizing a public/private endeavor with spotless charity and their support that can be marshalled and brought into the fight to alleviate the harshnesses of poverty and other societal ills, as I recall from my 5 years as a Salvation Army volunteer in Evanston, IL – a contiguous northern suburb of Chicago. Faith-based initiatives are earnest, and subject to being simply brushed aside by liberal media bias. And John McCain does have in his portfolio of initiatives housing assistance to low-income families (2004). Homelessness and voucher a bit earlier.(2000)

    I find this rather compelling, now that the dust has settled and all this media haranging can be sifted through. Personally, I’m not looking for a handout without any effort in return; at this particular moment I am a contributing member to 3 independent charitable and academic organizations which does in fact consume time I have available, I am just looking for a program which will continue uninterrupted to drop down social security to the handicapped and extend Medicaid uninterrupted, where for example, I have what otherwise would be incomprehensible bills of $1200/ month in bills for ncessary physical and other medications.

    So that’s what I’m looking for out of Sarah Palin after she finishes her labor of companionship and friendship with John McCain: guaranteed stability in “safety net” allowing me to contribute as a member of the mainstream, perhaps as she would like to leave a society in which her own 2-year old with Down’s can participate and contribute while being protected as per “need” by society. She has already spoke to her own perception on how certain varieties of Healthcare reform might in fact redound to the detriment of her 2 year old, I think. She spoke of “death panels.” I have not personally reseached this aspect of the raging debate over Healthcare, but in any case with the Massachussetts verdict in, the Democrats now have no choice but to talk, not just strip away issues and claim some phony bi-partisanship.

    A voice from ‘small town America’ is truly refreshing. Her guarantor, a proven patriot, and “man of merit” and so much more of a “role model” than any of us middlin Americans across the aisles would hope to be in a lifetime. And don’t forget McCain’s wife Cindy, the quiet partner of entirely independent business qualifications and among the ultimate models of first lady behavior. They ran a good race, Arizona if it makes the McCain’s their choice should be in the best of hands, also providing for his Legislative Body a solid “leader.” Mark V. Basile, Skokie, IL 60077.

    Gary P
    January 26, 2010 at 4:36 am
    Really great post. Incredibly inspiring.

    Thank you.

    Mark V. Basile
    May 4, 2010 at 4:04 pm
    Thanks Gary. I’m 3/4 sold on a 15-year homemaker, who did in fact get a fine BA at the best public university in her HOME STATE. That is, her place of birth. Note, Governor does in fact entail Commander in Chief of State Arms, and I heard she was most affectionately referred to by her troops as ‘Brigade Mom.’ “Arctic Wolves” on the ground finishing …

    United States Senate, DC 20510 [Senate Majority Leader’s Office]
    Mark V. Basile
    Park Ridge, Illinois, 60068

    October 16,1989
    Dear Mr. Basile:
    Thank you for your interest in a position on Senator Mitchell’s staff. I was impressed with your education and your experience and I found your enclosed analysis of Morton Keller’s Affairs of State to be most interesting.
    …. no [current] plans to expand the staff … will keep your resume on file and if openings occur in the future, I will be sure to keep your qualifications in mind …
    Mary E. McAleney
    Administrative Assistant to
    Senator George Mitchell

    D) Final note: if you find it truly essential to conceive of and “pigeon-hole” the Palin Organization as of the Right, I caution you to be most careful in exercising self-defense in extreme circumstances in the State of Texas. Perhaps Virgina, also. They are known at Amnesty to have a “revolving door of death penalty.” One Midwest voice is growing more silent concerning capital punishment. Our Governor, who received one Nobel Peace Prize nomination for just plain emptying the entirety of death row before he left office (Ryan, G.), is at this time sitting in jail for white collar criminal activity which occured considerably before and never overlapped his Governorship. His pro-bono lawyer, a 16-year full Governor of the State of Illinois, to this date cannot secure him the meagerest of a $60,000 Governor’s pension pursuant to eventual release. I personally watched the Republican Brady make his acceptance speech for Governor this November 2, only to have a cache of unknown ballots appear after out of a Chicago holding area and tip the election by several thousand votes the next day. This is your Democratic stronghold. Chicago. As goes Chicago, goes the Madigan (check that name out) State Machine. The Party of the Governor who emptied Death Row was Republican, so check with Amnesty and see what’s back under Blagojevich-Quinn. “Deterrance” or the inability to determine with 100% certainty that all condemned persons are guilty? ‘Fraid it’s not empirical, you have to “make” the argument. ‘Better 100 guilty wo/men go free that one …’ (Holmes?, Berkeley adjusted).

  72. Mark V. Basile

    Justinian, 535 AD. “Rather let the crime of the guilty go unpunished than condemn the innocent.” (Source of law/”opinion” — Roman Law, an example)

    Thomas Jefferson: “Democracy.” — “A democracy is nothing more than MOB RULE” (where fifty-one (!) percent of the people [may] take away the rights of the other forty-nine).

  73. Mark V. Basile

    MIT PhD. He and wife under 35/33. Has nicely reviewed me. Very nice actually. One, actually simultaneous to holding position as policy advisor to Governor Quinn, not– the guy who got impeached unanimously: “This is very well written and I hope it gets seen and read by many.” 5/3/09. Let me reiterate, thank you so very much, Daniel, I use it as one of my 3-5 ‘showpieces.’ “Progressive” Democrat. “Safe but rare” continuous since I have known him in the summer of 2008. After election, invited to his home at home address to visit with his wife, two children, possibly brother — who Daniel told me was good enough in the classics to put out a CD and perform in person in conjunction with electioneering. Invited to inauguration in January and 2 hour reception after in the State Capitol, said he would give me a ride — he knows that I take busses since I can’t afford the insurance for a car. I said that I would like to see Lincoln Museum, which I have never seen before, in addition. Lowest level of the “Federal System:” State Representative, you actually need a lawyer or a Constitutionalist to explain why this is a significant factor, especially in cases which involve independents. Like I told CBS within the last 2 days, you have to examine “the issues.” Two election cycles is a significant amount of time, on the other hand, 28 months, not so much so. Personally, I do not see why we are not in the ballpark of husband and wife team “Presidential Timber.” Opinion. MVB. State of Illinois. (Note: The ‘mind’ of a MIT Mathemetician having earned his full PhD, with a top 10/5/3 University placement, let alone coming from a family filled from youth by musicians, is suggestive of very significant ‘new’ potential — with a little weeding out for nepotists and Johnny-come-latelies, I suspect his Harvard undergraduate e-mail list is going to produce a crop which may allow us who ALL in the Midwest ‘hate’ Harvard to allow them to begin to bury and make amends for their impositions and varieties of ‘Chappaquiddics’ (sp?)).

  74. Mark V. Basile

    “Independent” specifically from 11/09 – present.
    Completed volunteer work through the mid-terms for:
    “team Mark Kirk 2010,” and
    “team John McCain 2010.”
    Senator Kirk invited me to Washington DC for his inauguration, had to decline; fixed income.
    On the local level, I like Ambassador/Senator Carol Moseley Braun running for Mayor in the megalopolis abutting my suburb. Even if there were any viable Republican alternative in the Solid Democratic Chicago, this would not reduce the esteem in which I hold Ambassador Braun (for Mayor).
    On the national level, I specifically blog on a Time For Choosing because I have a high opinion of Sarah Palin. “Independents” claim some freedoms that reflect ordinary claims such as ‘I vote for the best person’ or ‘split ticket’ where common sense indicates one would not endorse persons of different parties running for the same position. That should be most clear. In accord, Governor Palin who is ‘mentioned’ widely as a Presidential hopeful, though I have not heard that she has specifically taken the step of ‘announcing,’ has kept me for 6 months give or take on the e-mail version of A Time for Choosing, where she has taken responses from me on 2/3 or so of her mailings. Google Search my Federal Regulatory Overhaul which was a the #1 and #2 positions nationally as of the last couple nights and within the top ten unchanged going back through July where I agree essentially with Leader Mitch McConnell’s ideas that this was an instance of “Main Street Bailing Out Wall Street” and that the legislation was “codifying” the circumstances which led to the crash of late 2008. This led me further to argue that this was NOT “reform,” but a maintenance of the status quo or something moving backwards.

  75. Mark V. Basile

    Enormously ahead of a next midterm in the form of a general this time, am considering “activist/pastor,” US military 1963-68, as he led a major crowd in “Yes Carol Can.” Chicago Tribune, 11/20/2010. I know my opinion of Bobby Rush was firm and favorable in and up to 1993 when I wrote the first chapter to Spring Pictures [UP,, SEARCH, several sites], of an intial opinion he has been steady in progressive mindset since — though if you glance at public writings, you will see quickly that we diverge on Barack. Even so, I did not throw up my hands until around Christmas, 2009. Maybe I can put something up over the next couple days that my firm base of 200-300 readership (local) might have for their consideration. As a Croatian, I all but have to be White, but as a 3 times Berkeley “reader,” it gave me virtually a thrill when the Chicago Tribune elevated to it’s CHICAGO NOW (circulation 11,000+) my “Malcolm X: Muslim MINISTER, Public Speaker, Human Rights Activist. ‘Autobiography:’ essential.” I don’t go in for no Liberal ‘color blind’ lingo, but I do go in for intergrity in the face of adversity, regardless of color, creed or any other divisivenesses of an apparent artificial nature as a ‘cultural Catholic,’ nevertheless, with a ‘leader’ of my own enshrined in immortality by the immortal in virtual perfect pitch Leonardo da Vinci in Milan: ‘The 13 Contemporary Observors.’ ca:1490-1500. 1502/03, in Evropa, was planted the evidences returning from commision by King Manuel from the hand of Amerigo, family friend of Florence’s Lorenzo ‘the magnificent,’ (d. 1492). New World, New ‘Vision’ or perhaps let’s say even a clue of where Puritans and ‘galleymen’ maimed and shackled might found.

    Carol: “Preserer of friends’ legacy through job description: “Every year on April 25 Australians celebrate Anzac Day, remembering the courage of the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (Anzacs) who fought valiantly at Gallipoli Cove, Turkey in 1915.” Frugal Monkey. ALLGOV: concerning a strong treaty of friendship and military with New Zealand. Samoa. Quasi-Governor. 2/8/00-3.1.01.

  76. Mark V. Basile

    ‘Communitas’/Visitors and Settlers.

    Chicago Auto Show, Mark V. Basile, 2/28/09.
    — National-Louis University, Skokie,et. 97%, Patty Tennison, Chicago Tribune 20+ years, Journalism Class.
    — Posted: suburban Tribune on-line,
    — Published, 10/10, A Time for Choosing.
    — A Time for Choosing Re-Publishes with Analytic Comments on Pacific Rim Security in Wu Lyf and Future Islands, 10/15/10.
    — Chicago Tribune Publishes in Home and Garden Tips, 10/11/10-10/18/10.
    — Pulitzer winner on-site at Auto Show, “good guy”, Chicago Tribune; directly consulted with all students from doubled up class, 5202 Old Orchard Road and 122 S. Michigan, NLU- Chicago Metro.

    Automobile Hybrids:
    The Future’s Future or the Present’s Future?

    Gas-saving and environmentally-friendly hybrids were highly featured at last year’s CHICAGO AUTO SHOW on Tuesday, February 17 at McCormick Place.

    Indeed, energy self-sufficiency is a key goal of U.S. national security along with climate-consciousness. A hybrid car uses both gasoline and electric motors for higher power needs. Electric power may predominate at lower speeds and even take over entirely in stop-and-go traffic and during braking and idling. Our firm ally-state, Japan, has taken the lead in producing hybrids – especially the firms Toyota and Honda. Mitsubishi is another important Japanese friend.

    Toyota’s promotional people exuded a quiet confidence in their industry-leading hybrid, the Prius, at the auto show. You can expect to pay just under $23,000 for a 2009 4-door standard hatchback and get 48 mpg city and 45 mpg highway, according to Kelly Blue Book. Prius is rated “recommended” by Consumer Reports …

    Amidst the enormity of State-based responsibilities, which did indeed include that ABM on her soil which I believe was tested to mixed success out of Hawaii by George Bush — you’ll simply have to go back yourselves to get where the launch was from on that test, now multiplied G_d only knows how many times by contemplation of THE 2012 run, Sarah — entirely consistent with her running back to the State Fair in Alaska for ‘mixing’ and fun with her family in the heat of the 2008 run — gave to a forum she is giving some examination to a not-so-dated re-publication of the Tri-State’s wildly popular Chicago Auto Show (from a writer she happens to view as ‘reliable’ — and thanks on that).

    Now you think the Palin Organization doesn’t know that Chicago/Cook County is a straight throw away politically speaking !!! Even with Republican suburbs, Toni Preckwinkle came in at 60-70%. In the City, Bobby Rush was running around 86%, almost 90% with absolutely every single metropolitan local knowing his Black Panther ‘skeleton.’ For Chr_se sake, WIKI shows you directly that he FOUNDED the Illinois chapter! So maybe our acquaintance form the ultra-boondocks is a little liberal-style “color-blind.” I took it a little on the chin when the Black lobby at MOSAIC directly inserted into my University publication the names of Bull Conners and George Wallace (Segregation now, segregation forever) with myself feeling an implication that I was not justified in being ticked for a couple of months for a 6 on 1 attempted murder. Sorry folks, Dr. Joanne told me “directly” and sat across the desk with me as she modified my A; “outstanding” text to also cut out the KEY empirical socio-locality fact: most gang violence, that is far and away most gang brutality in Chicago at least, is Black on Black; the monsters feed on, with tens of murders included totally non-gang CPS youths, their so-called own people — and then just use their enclaves to live in and continue day-to-day illegality, drugs and guns — recruitments down to 15/14/13. “The Labyrinth,” as edited, online. MSWC, MOSAIC – 2009.

    And woe, we have NAFTA implications. At least as regards the drugs and guns running out of the cartels in Mexico. Jan Brewer was struck down on the ‘legal issue’ of the right of the State to legislate recently — that’s Border Security, see also Home Page John McCain with his 10 Points — but drugs, guns and human smuggling continued absent necessary “law” as the Nation-State left a gap while claiming the sole ‘jurisdiction.’ (You would have thought with all the brew-ha-ha about racial/ethnic unfairness and Police checking IDs, that would have been the basis for the Obama assault on Arizona attempts to police — not so — Yale’s my guys on site, examine if you don’t mind my recall of the ‘legal basis’ for striking down Brewer, was that the proper basis, did that basis conform rationally to the majority of stated objections, is this consistent with the Democrats having tanked a National Bush Administration Border Security legislative initiative — ? That’s Yale Law. (I have an essay out called approximately Arizona takes the Lead … where I support McCain/Kyl not Brewer with my little CHAMP from the press Katie Couric getting the lead punch, Katie and the two Senators with Newt joing Jon Kyl on empirical attempts should be pretty solid, your call on the rest ‘guys and doll’ies).

    A) Cross-review: “fascinating/liked” 1992,1993 for “Chit Chat”/Gorby. MIT
    Crucial internal cite: Chomsky/MIT. The Revolution of 1989. From The Nation.
    B) Google Search: August Coup. (1991). Not mine.
    C) “Proud to have inspired.” Chair Russian Studies, Princeton. 1995 on Boris (the drunken Governor) on MVB.
    D) Sarah absolutely will not tolerate direct public information by the press on security. New York Times on ideological matrix, 1990’s. Re-publication from 8 or 9/91 original as cast in 1993 through development. MVB. Lamestream press ‘buries BOTH writings. This is “good:” Palin organization. 10/15/10. Note, the Palin Organization and I had no appreciable, if any contact until my Going Rogue title swipe in 1/10. Her man Gary had a little fun, albeit tantalizing, by publishing under the publications group Headline of “Oligopoly.” MVB republication for Library of Congress preservation, appendix, Spring Pictures, May, 1993. MIT supports generally through “review” contemporaneous. Library of Congress Associates, Member/’Charter’ card 1995/96. Sarah, Gary, Stacy and myself pick up best observations at an online print-out 12/14/2010. “… the trauma Europe experienced when Russia invaded Georgia, former USSR ..” (note on Euro-distress at oil lanes “threat”) Willow at age 16 “holds” a corollary position in France in fine arts as placed in Triple MIT reviewed, doubly performed play+. Daniel, MIT PhD, holding also — has not commented beyond invitation to join staff in Springfield for his inauguration with 2 hour festivities from 2-4pm after. He will give me a ride, stated 12/9.
    Q) Vietnam at Home (specifically cited at Grayslake/Lake County. Chicago Tribune. suburban Trib.) Would guess Sarah with her enormously understated interest in mental health care is not “thrilled” with this job. ie; ‘I am so “furious” with Family Guys negative portrayals of the mentally handicapped that I can’t even comment. I’m giving it to my son’s sister to handle.’

    Mark V. Basile. Essayist and Playwright. Saturday morning paperwork. Keepin up with sponsors and “support.” (See Foundational Principles of ‘Recovery’ for your brother, Bristol, State of Illinois, Department of Human Services)

  77. Mark V. Basile

    Emanuel out. New Trier Hall of Fame. … (Decenber 2, 2010).
    ‘Communitas’/Visitors and Settlers (cont’d and FIN)

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    Mark V. Basile | December 17, 2010 at 6:49 am | Reply
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Reform and ‘Progress’ are the basic issues we are grappling with at the geographic and advocacy cores.

    We’re at a ‘cutting edge’ of a concensus need for bi-partisan, including Independent ‘action.’ “We” have looked back with a basic sense of DISGUST at the National approach over the last 2 years and are simply moving forward without listening to any further National chatterbox b.s. We are directly aware of the fact that we do not have historic clean hands on either side of the aisle, with an interesting breakdown of Tammany Plunkett/Tweed and “reaction.” But we have “major” strengths, lying especially in our hard work middle and bungalow classes. We have unsung heroes such as the Reverand Jesse Jackson who stood with friend Martin and broke YOUR national imposition, YOUR “peculiar Institution,” and breaking backs of our Midwest Core also suffered under the oppresion of YOUR East Coast effitism and wildly untamed eruption into the Constitutional matrix with Wall Street onto our Main Street(s) and the New Industrial State. Look back at recent American History and Poilitcal Science; with no one able specifically able to predict outcomes considerable ahead of time — ONE single factor put to a dead halt the Presidency of Jesse Jackson, a man of his time and a man of equity, a man of the cloth: the factor of no prior political office having been held. We have the vitality of localites with megalopolis, an economic “motor,” twin towers and multiple Landmarks, lead educational with 2nd tier and feeders to approximately make Chicago the City that Works. We have Tri-State. Moreover, our generations 20-35 have no knowledge of historic biases between ethnic as we have all gone to school together in mixed settings or upon graduations from ‘ethnic enclaves’ where we ‘preserve traditions.’ Cutting edge national anti-Latin sentiment has not been something I have seen any of in the 26 years since I have re-settled. On my birthday every year, I go to “Little Poland” for dinner — that is, my 30-year old daughter is half Polish-American from a mother whose Dad had his name shortened. Angela is a Christmas Eve baby.

    So if your departments desire to continue to look and and contribute, share in center-outward rehabilitation, History and political science are germane. At law, we are all aware that you have put on The Courts an man, who walked to Senate proceedings for confirmation with his white wife, to answer all questions as per Constitution and ‘advise and consent.’ Not enormously hot on your Rocky douplet, their hundreds of thousands of Wikileaks spillings from the Executive’s State Department, and their Monica Lewinskis. Among other things, Clarence expressed the desire that he and his son could continue to go to neighborhood MacDonald’s for family meals — not the French Riviera. We have mixed opinions, but our growing concensus is that we want that guy OUT who pit-stopped us while putting an extra-territorial claim on Kentucky-Illinois’s Mary Todd and Abraham, cross aisle. Our friends in quad-State, “Mitch”/ and Drs. Rand and Ron (no phony lawyers) CHICAGO NOW, MVB, 2010 watched carefully as we introduced you to our friends in History and “From Under the Rubble;” Abe, Paul Simon and Glass House (1984, poli sci, “essential”), a Panther, and the recipient of the Attorney General’s SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD specializing in among other things, the Environment and Health Policy. Later: Good Foods Organic, Home Page, mid-2000′s, a Republican style of Public-Private Service and Entrepreneurship. Noam “reviewed” total text, May, 1993, ‘much agree with… “skeptical direction.”‘ 12/09, commends personal story and finds writing and play text “Impressive.” Invitation of December 9 to travel to Springfield for MIT PhD inauguration and 2-hour campaign team festivities. I will not be available on January 12.

    A former fellow observor at 3000 miles, now at 1/3 of that. Currently, the University of Chicago Law (MHAI), the Department of Human Services/DMH (Chicago Metro), NLU Chicago Metro-Poland. MVB.

    Ref: above. Martin Malia. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. “Bring back the ‘inner light.’” Contra-Liberalism. Schiller: “The Robbers.” Basin below basin, Sturm und Drang, Roosevelt by Landmark Buckingham Fountain, CHICAGO MUSIC SCHOOL.

    Leave a Reply //

    Ref: Yale, Yale University Press. Rutgers joined, prior. Held version of namesake through midterms. Thank you. MVB “On the hub of the HALF MILLENIUM …” Amerigo of Florence, ‘Romance,’ died in Spain. New World, 1503 Euro-placement, +/-. “six thousands of miles,” ie; this was NOT an alternative to Marco Polo’s land voyage for the lucrative “spices” and spice trade we had hoped for. But then again, at Sarah and my Holy Season, were not “spices” among the items of specie equivalent value brought to our Saviour as his mother held him at Bethlehem? On Christmas Eve we celebrate with fish; my, my the taste my family has for squid in red sauce. The now freed Croatians from their Communist Yugoslavia bogey-man come in roaring with High Roman Catholic Austro-Hungarian lamb and “sarma” on Christmas. 1991, Croatia declares and initates, on Papa George I’s watch — there isn’t any chance … ? CROATIA, War of Independence, 1991-1995; AD 925, Kingdom of Croatia, King Tamislav (peak under Kings Peter Kresmir and Demetrius Zvonimar); Lyons, April 9. (Got my Prince Metternick yet, Dr. H.K.?)

  78. Mark V. Basile

    BURN, Usher – “The party ain’t jumpin’ like it used to …”

    It’s burning me to hold onto this

    What I’m trying to say is that I-love-you I just
    I just feel like this is coming to an end

    I gotta let it burn

    We done fell apart
    Really want to work this out
    But I don’t think you’re gonna change

    I’m hurting baby

    The party ain’t jumpin’ like it used to

    *Let it burn
    Let it burn
    Gotta let it burn

    Now my fells do you feel my pain
    (with somebody else and) callin’ her by your name

    You know it’s over

    The party ain’t jumpin’ like it used to

    *(Repeat,) and end

    All credit and copyright to Usher.
    For entertainment and educational purposes only.
    Submitted by Mark V. Basile, essayist and playwright. “Dy-no-mite!”

  79. Mark V. Basile

    Mitch McConnell, Leader Minority (47 seats?) in Senate, loosely following right now. Unclear what Ms. Palin is doing around Chicago right now, cites I have show Rahm and University of Chicago “Old Guard.” Don’t see the “reform” anymore. Just got a message from the McConnell’s tonight, will guarantee Medicaire and Medicaid. Cheered greatly. Matter of fact, through all of this mass taking above, we almost lost Officer Mark Kirk on a 2-pointer, where the Republican Brady “declared” on election night and possibly ghost voting appeared out of Chicago to upend the election. Brady was just plain gone the next morning. Some wobbling on strongman Madigan in House — that disappeared from the sites “lickety-split.”

    Just to explain and not leave all these dead cites on my Google Search. Politicized nature seems to have caused a disequillibrium here. Saw Sarah take a trip to Isreal though, more probably than not, opening channels on the logjam on 2-State Solution would be fruitful, if not just still ‘trolling for Jews,’ and a cut and divvie spoils strategy with the offender and the ultra-Democrat Jewish Lobby.

    I’m out for now. Ms. Palin got 3-6 times the bargain, which indeed never included an endorsement. Texas A & M has a specified “grievance,” I have it on save. It’s not coming public. A&M, Robert Gates PhD cutting clean legal lines and these nuts Gary Jackson and Stacy Drake are going to hammer it out. But no way I’m going Barack Hussein in 2012. MVB. 4/15/11.

  80. Mark V. Basile

    OK. That was a clean posing, and the Franco did take guts.

    “We’ll see.” Give Bristol, her child and Willow calls good night. Van Flein was not a “crappy masters.” He was a “effective” advocate, on 1-2 situations of clear unfairness. And the lawsuits to ‘drive out of office,’ were UNAMERICAN. Yours Truly, Mark (4/15/11; followed note just prior — NOT happy about mixed signals on Rahm Emanuel sites, not only “front,” but the ‘filtiest’ politician on the block. Caveat, Van Flein — as just noted. Bunch on general Search sites.

  81. Mark V. Basile

    May 3, 2012. “Incredibly inspiring,” Gary . Jackson. That was January 26, 2010. What had I said; not much more than “Independent” and consumer. So I’m not inclined to fine tooth this a second time — though I wil get around t it of course; look at the dates. I don’t know when my Book Reveiw of Going Rougue was finished, it’s on save and it states the end of January, noting that the Governor had decided to join a person who had apparently become among her very best friends; naval viator/Senator John McCain in his campaign. The name McCain, in finer of finest circles — being “ultimate.” The Senator chose the main part of his service elsewhere, as said. Hear Sarah got thrown off of FOX, man Gary you just don’t have any idea the blessing that was. B) Look at the tapes of the violent 3 points of iterogation of Carly Fiorina just going into mid-terms by Chris Wallace, C) Soros provides a 100 for one with”Juan” getting a guaranteed several million dollar multi-year seat. Brain-dead, monopoly on “The Media” @MIT; A) At the midterms I caught a particular evening on the Web swing FOX News, 19/20 sites pro-Barack Hussein, #20 was a reversable stunt. They’ve probably smoothed out. See if Governor Tim i s_ber now on the report I gave him on the Wall Street Journal. Baby, he ain’t in the outlands now, he’s come around the:

  82. Mark V. Basile

    Well I really don’t know, Gary. Forget this “Independent” business, I was pretty sure I was playing it by the book on the Blog site. In another place your opinion differed from mine on Tedy Roosevelt, so you did indeed put that down – heck, your opinion, your set of actual facts — I’m supposed to cop some kind of an attitude. Judas Priest everyone in the world doesn’t agree with me. So what’s an auto show. [Right, hybrid economies agreed upon by judges as “Best in Show.” A Time for Choosing: Publish.] And thank you.[Home and Garden Tips agrees. Publish. So who is some stupid hayseed who happened to get a full college education in the contiguous 48 states?] Primary sources: interviews, Kelly Blue Book and Consumer Reports. [“Accurate, precise.]
    So I’m actually a bit p’od at this moment.
    talk show, nationally syndicated.
    Oh yeah man, public demand or they’d flat go out of business, the Best Seller List, major one used. 6 books.
    Couple years TV.
    as usual, wasn’t able to get the basic facts until I went to Web search using Ted/Atlanta, or former — see also On Golden Pond, have read information personally prior that says that “Peter” has a great deal of talent.
    I mean, is this Rupert guy so ruthless in his under the table relations with whomever is on top at the time (that is the international style of conservatism), that he is “collecting” substance ‘pundits’ for disposal processing?
    (Wouldn’t cough up on second search for Sarah Palin, Web backed up, only one site. Had to do difficult Search: Sarah Palin gets fired from FOX) — [OK, Stace and Gar, see if you can find Larry’s Mechanical Bride.]

  83. Mark V. Basile

    11/20/12. This was an interesting one to leave up Gary and Stacy, was it Heather who had joined -I can’t recall, but she seemed nice.
    Notice the wiped out Chicago Sun Times at 5-6 pioneers including Lincolnwood/a strong borber and the Morton Grove Champion up the guts — guess what ! (on-line running May/May 30th, 2011 – today; a politicicized publication whidh would not take out editorialized “saved my sanity” which I definitely did not write — thank you Gary and Stacy; but watch out – I may have spotted a new Homepage of a hardworking 17 or 18 year old, and I strongly approve of that: “All I want to do is re-gift to my Mom and “help out.” Do you think that that is nice !! Gary P. — cannot possibly tell you, MB. (!) – Web offerings, at no entry, everywhere by a real estate mogul who does not like us or anything that stands for education in the least; by his actions. [Does he own Chicago Now and how is it reflected in reader inducements through his headlines?]
    I’m thinking of eye-to-eye on speech, Saint Sarah reprint to addend withfor all; non-denominational Easter; one read one on one my a Catholic (MA) today – also Rome Projects/book it — married, no rubs whatsoever; “cool?” NO ! My MOM is cool. WHO’S THAT. You know, I DID NOT ALMOST ‘MAKE A “MISTAKE,” which would have been a bummer, but best friend in world sis said — he would of said, you’re cool; sh_t happens — YOUNGSTYLE.
    Guv, Gar, Stacie Drake — hope to see ya soon. You live in Skokie. [On the “eyeball.”]
    [Bailed on everything today, inlududing the Mundelein Review prior, all politics is local, en francaise and that Lynn Sweet job you have sitting in your box for the password. DC huh, leading lady, “sweet,” and remember, you folks run with me at 60-85 % being honest. Indeed, and this is what we do — here off the starting block, as]
    I have virtually scoured this and you let me “spaek” at 85-105% during horrific political pressures and times.
    Got querid and ditched by #1 Lynn Sweet in DC, “Would like an opinion on Dick Cheney and/or his autobiography. Chicago Sun Times.

  84. Mark V. Basile

    I resonded to Sweet 92-0 vote on Secretary of Defense. She held it up for a week, 2010/2011 and removed the site: therebey accepting. Eh, Liz — today? Or is Bishop Mitt’s e-mail list subsequent JAMMED?

  85. Mark V. Basile

    “Water” is a Salvadore Dali. It should be just plain fun, no more and where under the guidance of “Ruth,” #1 US School of the Art Institute of Chicago (US News and World Report) I think “we cut it,” here let’s say for you and your Diamondbacks ‘cohort’ Ms./Governor Jan Brewer to consider as regards (fine) arts and writing. You see because if you use a consumer description concerning the author of the poem you limit it dramatically to use in therepeutic settings — by the vast majority of persons who haven’t a clue; how to effect any healing through art therapy which is the field generally.
    Me too! Me the former. Indeed, Mrs./Ann Romney, but you have much much better — the “monster” – cited directly in a regular self text I believe at the time. You have the best of all worlds (as gargolyle), the mind of the author; perhaps even better ??!? en francaise/as per “Martin,” the writer as Voltaire, Flaubert, The Brothers Karamazov, the “icey” One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (AR- “dandy,” 100 pager), or Rousseau’s (Confessions) — MITT !! Is there any other century that you live in, we’re 12 years down on the next one you might notice on you South Korean Flower Calendar (which I “know” all about). Uh oh. THE MAN !!
    vite: as middle ground between the reading audience and high philosophy. We “speak,” no more.
    A further note, Guv (watch out for Schakowsky — believe she is Whip or #3)
    Corey Ca. got me started with the Pubs through editing and layout, so I give her first 3 (board as you enter/from 2 cut down to one and diluted at administrative soft browbeat: compliance)
    “For Murray,” out of her client base. I think you have been on that.
    In effect, the 2 styles; academic with the post-citation drop downs, and I have been told asked for 500 word, condensed cites internal.
    So I”ll throw a big a big town your way, since,
    [dream a little dream, you copied off my cite — but #3 and kinda really nice Corey Cal. takes you from Pub/Post to Pub — WPa (daesn’t internal Mums, you know, babbling off your own “stream of consciousness,” Proust -Politics and government ›

    From the community
    Human Services and Mental Health Care: Torn Between Deficits and Goals
    By Community Member March 19, 2009 at 11:11 p.m.

    Print Share on emailEmail

    There is not enough money in Springfield to expand human services in Illinois but there is hope.

    That was the message February 13 at Turning Point Behavioral Health Cares Eighth Annual Town Hall Forum at the Skokie Public Library. Turning Point is a psychosocial rehabilitation agency which uses the recovery model; it served more than 1500 clients last year, 90% of whom were low-income.

    The hopefulness springs from the new leadership in Washington and relief from gridlock in Springfield.

    Perhaps the most upbeat legislative presentation came from the federal level. Kris Sadur, Outreach Coordinator and Constituent Advocate for U.S. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, pointed out the $87 billion in the stimulus bill was directed toward housing and Medicaid. This came as a welcome relief to a disability community still reeling from tens of billions in cuts and proposed cuts to Medicaid by the Bush Administration over the last several years. Schakowsky has been a staunch advocate for health care, mental health care and domestic social services throughout her years of service to the public on the local, state and federal levels.

    Mental health care issues are as important as health care issues, Sadur said.

    A federal parity bill is gaining some steam in Congress, Sadur said. Representative Schakowsky has a bill to dramatically improve Medicare Part D, and she believes in a federal role in negotiating drug prices with pharmaceutical companies. In addition, Schakowsky supports President Obama on upgrading records technology in medical care.

    Human services are especially important at a time when so many have lost their jobs and their homes. Services to those who have suffered from or are presently suffering from mental illness a no-fault disorder like diabetes are also necessary. Thousands of individuals, along with their families and friends, are affected by mental health issues locally hundreds of thousands statewide. This translates into the tens of millions directly affected nationwide according to the National Institute of Mental Health, 2008.

    State Representative Lou Lang was a sponsor of the groundbreaking Illinois state parity bill mandating equal coverage for mental and physical illnesses in insurance policies. Still, a number of concessions were made at that time to insurance companies. It is his hope that the federal parity bill will pass and fill in the gaps in the Illinois law. Increased state funding for mental health care might be difficult right now with a $9 billion hole in the budget, Lang said. He suggested that income tax increases might be considered to address current financial problems.

    Representative Langs 22 years experience in the state House of Representatives allowed him to personally see how stigma against the mentally ill used to be a common problem even in Springfield. And even though mental health care now has the respect of legislators, Illinois still ranks 45th or worse among the states in provision of these services, Lang said. He encouraged consumers to talk to, educate and advocate both to their legislators and among themselves.

    In any case, Lang believes that communication with the Illinois executive branch is now substantially improved. Representative Lang has already had three conferences with Governor Pat Quinn, which is three more than [he] had with Rod Blagojevich throughout his term and a half.

    Through the highly stressed economic times of last year, there was a 20% increase in the use of the food pantry in Niles Township, said Marilyn Glaser, a township trustee. Glaser added that Niles Township gives grants to 55 agencies and has provided emergency funds to those who had lost jobs.

    United Way provides education and funding for 179 programs. Marcia McMahon, chief professional officer for the Northwest Suburban United Way, also stated that they assist in independent living and, simultaneous to President Obamas emphasis on service, United Way promotes and coordinates volunteering.

    One organization which focuses its efforts specifically on programs for the education and support of individuals with mental health problems and their families is NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Ann George, co-president of the Cook County North Suburban chapter, said that educating those with mental health problems to make their experience less devastating and confusing, in addition to persuading the general public to reduce stigma or prejudice directed at the mentally ill, are principal goals of NAMI. According to the NAMI Newsline of January-March, 2009, every individual regardless of sex, age, race or ability deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

    When NAMIs stateby-state ratings last came out, and Illinois ranked near the bottom at #48 for funding for and access to mental health care services, it shook the Illinois Legislature, stated Charlotte Koslowski, Chief Legislative Aide to State Senator Jeff Schoenberg. There was a new sense of urgency to prioritize health and human care services in Springfield.

    Senator Schoenberg, now an Assistant Majority Leader, had consistently supported health care including mental health care for years as the head of several appropriations committees. Nevertheless, with the budget in bad condition, we can focus only on sustaining and retaining [existing] programs Koslowski said.

    A client from Turning Point, Dustin Cain, advocated for many experiencing institutional and financial difficulties in nursing homes and intermediate care facilities (ICFs). Threats to personal safety and theft are frequent, said Cain. ICFs allot $30/month to each client for their personal expenditures, and this low amount makes any sort of normal lifestyle near impossible. In addition, no matter how many hours an ICF client puts in at a job, they are only allowed to keep a maximum of $50/month.

    Cain spoke further of the problems in obtaining independent living with supportive social services for those with the desire and ability.

    Dan Wasmer, Regional Director of the Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS), also addressed the problem of too many able persons being stuck in ICFs. The DHS partners with community organizations in its mandate to provide human services.

    Wasmer has embraced the recovery movement. Recovery includes the beliefs that consumers can regain control over their lives, reintegrate into the mainstream of society, and function on a more leveled playing field with their health care providers. For more information on the DHS June 12 forum on shared decision-making or power sharing in health care, contact

    –submitted by Mark V. Basile

    – hot on my journaling, MB – V !! WPa)

  86. Mark V. Basile

    Heh, send that ILLiad above you were helping with up to “Grayslake,” Erin C. usually contacts me.
    I didn’t have anything here to say this morning, but you tagged on the Harvard/Thoughtcast which “ugly, ugly” wiped out entrance to this morning. (Delta asked 4 months ago, so NO GO Italianne SICK).
    As if, an honor to one of their own — where you may know how extremely seriously I hate Harvard (you’ll see later when THE IDIOT allows his Alum site to open up again where they broke open some space for a marriage of one of a grad alum’s 3 daughters, Jewish which is no issue to me eithAmbrose of Milan. Of Acquaintance to Augustine of Hippo, Algeria.


    ated with Ambrose’s two siblings, thereafter, by the Holy Christian Church.)

    TBC. CHURCH FATHERS. Also John, Hermetic and Baptizer.
    For Drrs. Ferry and Thomas ; “observing” trained hand, request being off-field. Harvard Classics Chair/Cambridge Translator and Poet, Specialists: Emperial Vergil.

    Luke. 1:57 John of Judea (5 Miles West of Jerusalem.
    Belica, Muslim Commentator: John as (symbolic) co-crucified, at Calvary or on the Cross.

    Apostles and Christian Fathers as “conservators.” Those of recollection and contemporary observers.

    John as simple man of aesthete inclinations, with time in the Wilderness. Appears very helpful, as is Holy Koran with discussion of Christ as “Prophet,” not Saviour, several hundreds of years later.

    Josephus. From
    Line of Herod (the great) continues through early 40’s AD.
    Led Roman Armies..
    Herod, “King of the Jews.” Matthew 2.1, Luke 1.5.
    Domestic, Herod, ‘continually tyrannic near end of career.’ Josephus, Ant.16. 11.8, War 33; Matthew 2:16.

    Diocletian. Great Persecution. WIKI.
    303-311 AD.

    Councils of Rome 155 and 193 AD. As Peter “the Rock” with Saul the tax collector to become upon “conversion” Paul, Lions of Christ. See: Tyrannies of Caesars.
    Seutonius. Among outstanding greats in antiquities’ recollections. Also affirmed
    Raphael Sealey (Oxford, Cambridge, University of Chicago with the World Oriental Institute, had sitting position at California, Berkeley – to “my” great personal fortune. MVB.)
    Gerard Caspary. Introduces 2 of Chicago Catholic High Schools System to “Church Fathers,” not easily reached at OUR NEW TESTAMENT. M. Vincente/B. Wave. Vincente -2000.
    Nero murders Paul and Peter: the Rock, or Foundational upon transferred of spiritual/religious leadership upon premonition of upcoming doom by Christ.

    311. Galerius.
    End of Great Terror.
    “Edict of Toleration.”
    Right of Christians to “practice.”

    Constantine the Pagan only converts near death bed at 337 AD.
    Arian conversion after throwing over of Nicenas which he called in 325. WIKI.

    “Emperor of Church.”
    Son Constantine II also an Arian with Arian dominance in Court.
    Emperor Valens in East subsequent.

    “Tearing at Rome.”
    313 AD.Opinion: Battle of Milvian Bridge has establishment, “miracle” or ‘converting’ in mind of a Pagan who did no such thing until death bed, at very best “suspect.”

    Immediately upon “Toleration” of Galerius.
    Galerius had stopped Christians being “arrested, tortured, mutilated ,starved” and ‘slain for spectator amusement.’ WIKI.

    Rome with Ambrose at Milan “stood,” Rome withstood the “tearing” to Empire in the East.
    Ambrose as Governance second to Rome, virtually universally elevated to Bishopric, essentially out of Empire of West and into Church.

    Gaul (Gallia) STANDS. Father.
    Milan STANDS. Ambrose.
    “one of the most illustrious.” New Advent on Saint Ambrose.
    Ambrose. Bishop of Milan. 374-397 Ad. D: 397 AD. A. Domino.
    Apres. La Romance. Gaul. “After.”
    Roma. Ambrose resident intendent immediate upon passing of his father. 354.
    Milan. Da Vinci. “Inscription.” The “Last” Gathering and Meal of the Original Saints.
    1490-1500 AD. See: Thoughtcast. Developments, secular at verification, cross-verified at proferred “roots,” under Dr. Ferry’s Katie, at Pseudonymous assignment for carriage: “Doveneck.” 1994. 2010. Harvard/Cambridge “join.” And verify Katie Basile. That is Doveneck Jeannie, at #4/5 Google Search, October/November 2010. Essentially, 509 with Junius and the repulsion of Monarchical Tarquins extended through a “clarity” of Rebublic to Cicero, at Presidency/Consulship at 63 “Before the Birth.” Swansong for Democracy states: as according to Ferry/Katie Basile rendition at exactitude of TIRO, of 49 BC. Pagan.

    Note upon Search, the peculiar unresonablity bordering on ‘hatred’ of Saint Augustine for Scipio Africannus. Even !! intensely aware of Hannibalic Assualts. In committee, for further research. My sense is that “the Mind” of Augustine felt an effrontery of Roma, to come to and touch upon his dearest Africa at his close neighbor Carthage of the Seafaring Phoenicians at 800 +/- Before the Birth, in the simple act of SANITY, to stop the potentially devastating Carthaginian incursions through the French and Italian Alps onto Repubblicus Proper. Still in committee, the subsequent incorporation of Carthage into the Roman “Republic,” long before applications of Tyranny and Devolutions of – [Found Zama, off Carthage Plains, 200/210; 204 BD, joined Royal Numidian Calvalry, leadership broke out of Carthage.]

    Gaius Jullius. See also: Gallic Wars/considered further; self-serving but sources on Gaullic/French civilization @ Caesar/ See variously first “Triumvirate.”
    Marc Antony. Attache. Carrier of Letters and/or as Librarian of Jullius Caesar.
    Cleopatra the Great. Marriage, 3 years to Antony of
    2nd Triumvarate.
    Satan Augustus. Adoptive nephew of Gaius Jullius.
    Tyranny of Empire intendent with
    Dark Ages, Millenial.
    Seutonius. Master contemporary observer and collector of writings and inscribed recollections. On the Caesars..

    Father of Ambrose.
    Espana also. “Prefect.” Early embrace of Holy Church.
    Prefect Gallia.
    4 Great Prefectures shortly antecedent to shadow reduction at
    City of God. (Developments in progress, but seems at period reflective “collapse of governmental structure” under militance of Barbarian Liberators from Empire.)

    Daughter of Gallic Prefect.
    A “Nun.”
    Embraces ordained “Concept of [and “love for”] Virginity” as regards it’s relationship to institutions and God.

    Bishop of Milan, again at 374-397. After the Death. The “simple sadness” in translations.
    In tradition and of the
    “Chair of the Prince of the Apostles in tribune of St. Peter’s at Rome.” New Advent.
    89; Bardenhewer, Patrologie (2d ed. Freiburg, 1901), 387-89. Da Broglie, Les Saints, St. Ambroise (Paris, 1899
    Chevalier, Répertoire, etc., Bio-Bibliographie (2d ed., Paris, 1905), 186-
    For exhaustive bibliographies see); Davies in Dict. of Christ. Biogr., s.v., I, 91-99; BUTLER, Lives of the Saints, 7 Dec.; Förster, Ambrosius, Bischof von Mailand (Halle, 1884); Imm, Studia Ambrosiana (Leipzig, 1890); FERRARI, Introduction to er way,
    ***but my little item was on Easter — happen to know those folks don’t have

  87. Mark V. Basile

    Yeah, that was the problem. Comment and paste. It breaks up, so when you sent me a couple of months back a go ahead and Blog again, on the SarahPac e- re-entry, as it has been a while since the basic month after my sector’s Mark Kirk/John McCain mid-term’s efforts conclusion, I had to figure out how this system worked. See, I starred at the bottom what was boken off the text. You have like on of the 5 Blog portions of the Pub Easter, 2012 because I thought you would know how to classify a prior Publication as it was Posted full National Web. I hope I wasn’t unclear about that, Guv.

    Here, THE IDIOT, and that is INCREDIBLE IDIOT wouldn’t allow a rather fully “outlined” form of “biblical period,” not like that Doveneck/Roman Republic job which queries into roots of the namesake/Columbus at Amerigo/AMERICA. Also, thanks, of course; [Mr. 86 going on 55, For Dad; WPa – isn’t it possible for a “slightly better/’twinkle in’ – I get it, Bris, 9 months x 2, sh_t happens] THE GOVERNOR, NOT – TX, various, flamer/non-flamer.

    Maybe it’s the same in Arizona, I don’t know about that hands in the air way of going about things that virtually put your family up against a firing squad wall to swear you would stop. [Is this to include “that scrawney little cleric the Guv slipped onto the Rahmster’s advisory board; kinda because he knew who I could call — and maybe gave a squat, because he put THE ENEMY on his executive adisory board, and gave only a handful of people the pleasure of — possibly] — enough, I am out of gas with tha JUNEAU-direct ALL-Web, “heh man, do you or do you not know, YOU AGAIN !! (Can always count on good old Huff_ngton “lines.”)

    So the poem you left at Harvard, on Drrs. Thomas and Ferry’s Classics site, was written ON the Day of Easter with four other vignettes after. Even, the Archdiocesan Music Contests — now wait, it’s been a while — like since you were 4 !! or what, I can’t go to Search without wiping this thing out. Talk to Cara, I said it at the time: the Church had a theology which was not Catholic, but having gone to Wittenberg (#4 most powerful “person” in world, holding in namesake/1517 right?) So how do I get it right. Tell her “Your Author” realized his affront when, apologies I suppose, he discovered that 4-5 Popes were diMedicis – so we DASHED LIKE MADPERSONS over to Milan, aided by the “spirit of Gaetana,” and confirmed the dates on the DaVinci — 1495-1500 — and sent back out, “On the Hub of the Half Millenium,” c/o Angie — they would have killed Leonardo if he was caught doing dissections and drawing pictures. Date. “c/O”

    DVD. 1991. For Papa G./ “Midnights.”
    a) 400 showing at the Atrium. (2009) –“Creature Features,” eh? ONLY way to go. “cooome here.” Ann/Mrs. (truly – guess, fin.)
    b) 8. Chicago off-Broardway or FLUNK. 2009/Nov. Seen an MVB since then? WPa. PG./PG13.

  88. Mark V. Basile

    On the Town Hall, just above, you might want to say hello to Mrs. Anita, clear, off stump at least a week before the election. (Chicago Magazine, Top 40 most powerful) – at that nutty no party BLOC even at County, because they let her go unapposed in the Democratic Primary; though I have not specifically gotten back results.
    Aside from an “interest” at National, non-DC based (ie; I said you heard of the ADA, she implied yeah I know who I sleep, uh, have dinner with — and how many years at the table with the kids)
    Southsider, lifetime Chi-Sox fan, as she told me and in a formal fashion stated to: join the gang for a game. Pilsen. I may have said, as I mention on occasion before, historically — that also goes at “machine,” kinda famous since around
    [Uh sorry, I thought you said directly structurally “You are an Independent,” but the way they’ll do it to you if you conform accodingly, is collapse the concensus around you at a node of Irish Mob placed in University of Chicago out of in-shop dePaul law – [bring in way too much of everything too late, fool me once – “The Lituanian,” quasi-FACE (oh no, June 3 to June 6th, 2011, and … heck, 5 years Daley Chief of staff totally omitted from my 1-2 elections Chicago Mayoral on him, and it’s KNIFE in the suburbs everybody they got with the usual Chicago metastisis, with that lovely little namesake in suburban Glencoe right on the border of Lake Couty — remember Bishop Mitt //
    But at any rate, worse to worse, if they do not pay a Hispanic MD anything at all, people do get sick, even really sick.]

    So on huricane relief, with a cancelled campaining , I gave basic quick support and then found a Town Hall with [Lou] who I knew had been on issue for Health Care/Mental Health care for 20 years inter alia, and I knew after the cr_p of ultimate dohon himself, not Lou was over he break back into assertive form. Cause he’s our guy. Benn half a mile off jur for 10 years. Can hit 35% at effectivenes, get this, not so much in Chicago talk because he’s Deputy Majority Leader, but because the real CHICAGO GORILLA seems to like him:
    Michael Ma digan. And if you are from Illinois and you don’t know Michael Michael Madigan — kinda like Rip van Winkle – while stil just plain fast asleep. Said I had one real good one too. another at Township, had kinda been snookered and then we all got tripled over when — oh, well; SUBMIT.

  89. Mark V. Basile

    I am not sending you a collector’s Grand Old Man, whom “I like,” Texas guy Peggy@ Chefyahoo,where people seem to like the all coffee table Red Eye, though Chicago Now last look has gone back to disrepair. And just up. Mrs. Alarez, at Law. The idea is cutting the heck way back on Devil’s deals around here, and Zellster cut it close on suburban endorsements though LA probably thought he “was cool.” The minimize is our local SUPERMAN and naturalist, NO TALK, Urbana PhD and topped it off Ivy post-doc/Tech. A script. I told NLU using indirect that I didn’t want effectively to be tormented about my writer and major Boss being fired.

    Belizian Corals. “save.” Regionally loved trip. Pro-scuba. Site-stated other, glorious. I wrote the script with Paul also with Search. He just wanted to know my Search, I laughed, as he said just put the thing up on 12-14 sites the way I gave it to you originally. Reads Queen’s English to me. OK, OK — he gave a sentence and —
    a clause. Your MB, tell you highly compromised folk various — DO NOT TORMENT ME ABOUT Dr. PAUL. His mail is CUT. Like —

  90. Mark V. Basile

    Why did you wipe out my last comment? 1/17/13. (That is by removing the Post comment. No time for this now.)

  91. Mark V. Basile

    Oh boy — after everything — slipping in your own “mention,” tends (strongly) to revert.

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