Tag Archives: communists

NASA’s James Hansen: America’s Democracy Is Hurting Our Chances To Push The Global Warming Hoax, Calls For Economic Boycott!

By Gary P Jackson

If one needs more proof that democrats are nothing but crazed totalitarians who believe only they have the answers, and should be allowed to rule by decree, rather than allow America’s form of republican form of government work, you need to look no further than the hucksters pushing the global warming hoax.

We all know the real reason the left is pushing this lie, and it has nothing to do with the environment. The environmental movement was hijacked long ago by far left radicals who saw it as a way to re-ditribute wealth through a cap and tax scheme, one that would make investors like Barack Obama, Maurice Strong, Al Gore, and others, trillions of dollars, while at the same time destroying America’s economy.

One of the biggest frauds is NASA’s James Hansen. Hansen has willfully manipulated data, lied to the American people, and done just about everything possible to push the fairy tale of global warming on the public. Thankfully the American people are smarter than that, and reject the nonsense of man-made global warming outright.

Now it seems that Hansen is so upset that the people have spoken, he’s calling for an economic boycott of America!

Oh, and by the way, your tax dollars pay this idiot.

From Patrick J. Michaels writing for the Washington Times: [emphasis mine]

China-style dictatorship of climatologists

NASA’s Hansen prefers rule by decree to fight ‘global warming

November’s election made it quite clear that the people of the United States do not want to radically change our society in the name of global warming. Pretty much every close House race went to the Republicans, while the Democrats won all the Senate squeakers. The difference? The House on June 26, 2009, passed a bill limiting carbon-dioxide emissions and getting into just about every aspect of our lives. The Senate did nothing of the sort.

The nation’s most prominent publicly funded climatologist is officially angry about this, blaming democracy and citing the Chinese government as the “best hope” to save the world from global warming. He also wants an economic boycott of the U.S. sufficient to bend us to China’s will.

NASA laboratory head James Hansen’s anti-democracy rants were published while he was on a November junket in China, but they didn’t get much attention until recently. On Jan. 12, the hyperprolific blogger Marc Morano put them on his Climate Depot site, and within hours, the post went viral. In a former life, Mr. Morano was chief global-warming researcher for Sen. James M. Inhofe, Oklahoma Republican.

According to Mr. Hansen, compared to China, we are “the barbarians” with a “fossil-money- ‘democracy’ that now rules the roost,” making it impossible to legislate effectively on climate change. Unlike us, the Chinese are enlightened, unfettered by pesky elections. Here’s what he blogged on Nov. 24:

I have the impression that Chinese leadership takes a long view, perhaps because of the long history of their culture, in contrast to the West with its short election cycles. At the same time, China has the capacity to implement policy decisions rapidly. The leaders seem to seek the best technical information and do not brand as a hoax that which is inconvenient.”

Has this guy ever heard of the Gang of Four? Or the Cultural Revolution, which killed those who were inconvenient? Or the Great Leap Forward, which used the best technical information to determine that a steel mill in every backyard was a good idea?

Mr. Hansen has another idea to circumvent our democracy. Because Congress is not likely to pass any legislation making carbon-based energy prohibitively expensive, he proposed, in the South China Morning Post, that China lead a boycott of our economy:

After agreement with other nations, e.g., the European Union, China and these nations could impose rising internal carbon fees. Existing rules of the World Trade Organization would allow collection of a rising border duty on products from all nations that do not have an equivalent internal carbon fee or tax.

The United States then would be forced to make a choice. It could either address its fossil-fuel addiction … or … accept continual descent into second-rate and third-rate economic well-being.”

The WTO, in fact, has not “ruled” that it can impose environmental tariffs of any kind, much less those of such magnitude that they would destroy the world’s largest economy.

Read more here.

People like Hansen are dangerous. In their zeal to implement radical plans that would do nothing but line the pockets of the elite, and destroy America, they actively work to undermine the Republic.

As Micheals points out, the China that Hansen loves so much, just exicutes people who get in the government’s way. Is this what Hansen is advocating for America?

He’s most certainly advocating the elimination of our Republic as it stands. The fact that the United States is a representative republic, one where the people have a say, frustrates totalitarians like Hansen, as well as most of the democrat party.

It angers them that they actually have to follow the will of the people, not their own whims. Who do we think we are! The democrats like Hansen are much more “enlightened” that us mere mortals. [or so they think] America needs a master who can determine what is best for us, as obviously we are incapable of caring for ourselves!

Science is a wonderful thing, and America should support it, but when we find radicals in the scientific community who use their positions to push an ideolgy, instead of scientific facts, they should be removed from their positions and replaced with competent people who will use their abilities to benefit mankind, not enslave it.

Hansen is advocating the destruction of America and our economy if he doesn’t get his way. Rather than allowing this, how about we destroy Hansen’s economy, and demand he be fired from NASA! 


Filed under In The News, Politics

Just A Reminder Of Who We Are Up Against

By Gary P Jacson

Communists, Socialists, Revolutionaries …. Oh my!

Just a reminder of the sort we are fighting against. This video was taken at the “One Nation” rally, that took place at the Washington Mall, in response to Glenn Beck’s wildly successful Restoring Honor rally that was held on August 28.

The “One Nation” rally was sponsored Barack Obama’s permanent campaign Organizing For America, as well as SEIU, the AFL-CIO, and all of the Soros funded groups, which run into the hundreds.

Notice all of the Socialist and Communist paraphernalia, and it’s violent imagery. Hard to miss all the Che Guevara imagery are well. It’s quite telling that one of the worst mass murders in history has become the symbol for the democrat party, and Obama.

It’s not like America wasn’t warned of this either. If you remember, in Houston, Texas, one of Barack Obama’s campaign headquarters offices prominently featured a Cuba flag with Che’s picture on it. World Net Daily reported at the time it was disturbing that Obama attracts “people who think mass murderers are romantic revolutionaries.

Americans were warned in 2008 who these people are, but most laughed it off. Well, who’s laughing now?

This is why your vote next Tuesday is so important.

Americans have a clear choice: You can vote for Freedom, Liberty, and the Rule of Law, or you can vote for radical Communists who want to take all of your freedom away. Radicals who worship mass murders like Mao, Stalin, and Che Guevara.


Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

Bordering On Treason: L.A. Teacher Calls For Mexican Revolt In United States

“Where we now stand is stolen, occupied Mexico”.

Nice huh? Of course, let’s never let facts get in the way of a good anti-American rant! What’s really pathetic is this Marxist clown in the video below is a HISTORY teacher in Los Angeles. Quite reassuring if you have children in the L. A. School district.

The fact is, under the conditions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo the United States paid Mexico $15 million (equivalent to $380 million today) for the territory. The U.S. also agreed to take over $3.25 million (equivalent to $81.4 million today) in debts Mexico owed to American citizens.

Considering the shape California is in now, one could most certainly debate who got the better of that deal.

As you watch this video you hear all of the boilerplate Communist rants against Capitalism, Freedom and Liberty. Amazingly, as much as these morons hate Capitalism, they have absolutely no problem taking a pay check while doing it!

This video was taken at a La Raza rally at UCLA. La Raza,…BTW…stands for “The Race” and these people are every bit as racist as any Klan member you ever met, and more dangerous.

Some more gems from this traitor:

Communist Revolution

Frail, racist white people

Northern Front of Latin Revolution

40 million…revolutionaries…in the belly of the beast

Our enemy is Capitalism and Imperialism“.

Nice of this idiot to let us know he has 40 million more anti-American traitors here that are just like him. Sure makes our argument stronger!

Is it any wonder why the people of America are alarmed by the invasion of illegal aliens? Is it any wonder that the Nation is horrified that our President, a Communist born and bred, is just itching to make all of the anti-American communists legal citizens (and voters)?

No American is against LEGAL immigration. Americans welcome immigrants with open arms. People that jump through the hoops one must jump through to do it the right way, the legal way, make great Americans and real Patriots. These men and women understand America is that Shining City on a Hill. The world’s last best hope. A Beacon of Freedom and Liberty to the world.

When people work hard to come to America they hope to become part of the American experience, to jump into the great melting pot of American society. They want to build a new life that only America provides.

On the other hand, those who sneak across our border are criminals from day one. They are parasites who drain the host. They cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars annually as they flood the welfare roles, hospital emergency rooms, and jails. They have absolutely no love or regard for the American way. To them, this is just a place to make a fast buck to send back home.

Even worse, many of them, with this racist, Klannish, La Raza nonsense show they actually want to destroy the host, America, that they feed on. Typical parasitic behavior.

This is why we must seal our borders by any means possible, and send the illegals back home. The very idea we would give these communist radicals safe haven, and citizenship, so they can vote to destroy our Republic, to turn it into the same hell hole they left, is just too fantastic to fathom.

You can bet that any politician who signs onto an amnesty bill, which the Marxist Obama regime will frame as “immigration reform” is a traitor to the Republic, and should be treated as such.

We have STRONG laws on the books already. We don’t need to write another single piece of legislation. We simply need to enforce the laws we have, seal the borders, and remove the invaders.

Oh…and we probably need to take a better look at who in the hell we are letting teach our children!

I know some will say we can’t just round up all of the illegals and send them home. That it would be impossible. President Eisenhower would tend to disagree. Eisenhower was the last President to really deal with this properly. You can read how he handled the problem here.

While I don’t agree with the unfortunate name….I most certainly agree with Eisenhower’s methods!

The American way of life is under assault by radical Marxism. It’s bad enough we have a radical Communist President, and a Congress filled with these anti-American devils, we shouldn’t need to import any more revolutionaries to aid their cause!

Act now America, or lose your Nation forever.

Oh, and will someone tell that nimrod Joe Klein that THIS is what sedition looks like!


The organized incitement of rebellion or civil disorder against authority or the state; insurrection or rebellion

Video courtesy of Stand With Arizona.


Filed under In The News, Politics

Barack Obama’s “Safe and Drug Free Schools” Czar Is Huge Supporter Of The Nation’s Largest Homosexual Pedophilia Group!

Let’s all meet Kevin Jennings. His official title is: Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education. Another unelected, unvetted, unaccountable “Czar” in the Barack Obama regime.

Now we knew Obama had surrounded himself with some of the most insane, out of the mainstream crazies he could round up. There’s Dr Death, Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm Emanuel’s brother, who Sarah Palin made famous when she called out Obama on his “death panels.” Dr Death, who makes Joseph Mengele look reasonable, has written extensively on how certain folks don’t “deserve ” health care, and set up the very blue print for Obama’s “death panels.”

Then there is Cass Sunstein who is Obama’s regulatory Czar. This refugee from the asylum, who has the power to regulate, without congressional approval or input, pretty much every facet of your life, wants to ban hunting, and thinks animals should be able to have human lawyers, and be able to sue humans in court!

John Holdren, Obama’s science Czar, believes the United States Constitution would allow the government to force women to have abortions for “population control” and has advocated putting sterilants in the nation’s water supply. (As long as it doesn’t harm animals!)

And who could forget the recently departed, racist, communist, 9/11 truther, and all around nutbag Van Jones, Obama’s failed “Green Jobs Czar!”

It’s pretty easy to understand why Obama, who has appointed almost 40 people of this sort of caliber, quality, and level of insanity, used this method of appointing Czars to bypass Article II Section 2 of the United States Constitution. The part about the President needing the advice and consent of the Senate on key appointments, treaties and other important decisions. Most of these crazies would never even be offered a Senate hearing, let alone pass one.

Of course, as incredible as it seems, Cass Sunstein was indeed confirmed by the Senate along party lines. Only democrat/communists voted for him.

But you know, of all of the loons and subversives Barack Obama has surrounded himself with, no one made me physically ill until I learned about this guy, Kevin Jennings.

Jennings, by the way, is a Harvard graduate, shocker, and the founder and executive director of the national Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN),

Jennings is someone, like unrepentant, murdering domestic terrorist William Ayers, who has chosen education as the preferred method for infecting our children with Marxist ideals, and undermining the morality of the nation.

One can successfully argue homosexuality’s case, among consenting adults, but there is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance of any sort for pedophilia, whether it be homosexual or heterosexual. The theft of youth and innocence by an adult is one of the most heinous crimes that can be committed against a child. It destroys their life. Only murder is worse. And only barely worse.

And yet, Jennings was so proud to be associated with North American Association for Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) that he wrote the forward to the book “Queering Elementary Education.”

From the Washington Examiner’s Mark Tapscott:

Kevin Jennings, President Obama’s Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education, is in hot water this week for having failed to report that a 15-year-old sophomore student in his school had told him of having sex with an older man.

But failure to report what appeared to be a case of statuatory rape of a child may be the least of Jennings’ worries. Lori Roman of Regular Folks United points to statements by Jennings a decade or more ago when he praised Harry Hay of the North American Association for Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which promotes the legalization of sexual abuse of young boys by older men.

Roman provides damning details and links here. She also notes that Jennings wrote the forward “to a book called Queering Elementary Education. And another fellow you may have heard of wrote one of the endorsements on the book jacket—Bill Ayers.” Ayers, of course, is the Weather Underground bomber from the 1960s who is just an “acquaintance” of Obama.

Every presidential administration ends up with scandals inspired by controversial appointees, but typically those tend to revolve around financial improprieties, conflicts of interest, or some other form of white-collar misconduct. For Obama, the scandals seem to be developing in a pattern of disclosures revolving around radical left ideology that raises questions about their fitness for any job in government.

And that in turn raises the inevitable question: Is nobody minding the White House personnel store?

Let’s see, on top of not reporting the homosexual rape of a child, this guy, along with Barack Obama’s BFF, terrorist William Ayers, wrote additions to a book promoting pedophilia in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!

Our boy Ayers sure gets around on these books. As we all know, it has been discovered that Ayers was the ghostwriter of Barack Obama’s first book: “Dreams From My Father.” But of course, Obama and Ayers, despite working on several “education foundations” and funneling $100 million to groups like ACORN for “education,” have “never met” and Ayers is “just a guy in the neighborhood.”

With Obama’s track record of “honesty,” well, let’s just say we all know Ayers was a lot more to Obama than just “some guy.”

But, let’s get back to this Kevin Jennings pervert.

Tipscott references Lori Roman in his article. I must warn you, there is some pretty graphic stuff described at her website. Let’s just say it goes into details described in the book “Queering Elementary Education.” This however, really should be read, just so you can understand just how sick and vile all of these people truly are. But be warned “techniques” are described! You can read more here.

We all know the left wing in America, and really the world, have been trying to sexualize our children for decades. It’s a Marxist/communist method of seizing power. The destruction of a nation’s morality, and the co-option of the children is key to destroying society. And I think we have had our eyes opened very wide since January 20, 2009 and come to realize that Barack Obama and his group of nerdowells absolutely mean to destroy American society. Obama and his group, which is infected with 1960’s Marxist retreads, are looking to tear down society in ways they couldn’t in the 1960’s when they were trying to blow it up!

Here’s Barack Obama himself advocating teaching sex ed to kindergartners :

It’s interesting that Barack Obama is speaking at Planned Parenthood, a group founded by noted proponent of eugenics, and Ku Klux Klan associate Margaret Sanger. As you know, Planned Parenthood was founded by early “progressives” to help eliminate the “Negro problem” and weed out other “undesirables.” It was Sanger’s work, and the work of other early 20th century “progressives” that would so inspire Adolf Hitler and Joseph Mengele as they experimented with eugenics and eventually helped Hitler rationalize, to himself, the Holocaust.

Here is an account, from Sanger’s book, on the first of what would be many speeches given to groups of Klan women:

Here is a discussion of Sanger’s “Negro Project” which discusses the extermination of the black race. Sanger called them “human weeds.”

This just shows you the depths of depravity that “progressives” have had throughout history, and the extreme lengths “progressives” will go to get their message heard.

This sort of thing isn’t confined to America though. Sadly “progressives,” Marxists, and communists around the world push this sort of thing. Read any comprehensive book on communist techniques for coming into power, and it will talk extensively about breaking down a society’s moral fiber, and sexualizing children.

Here is a story out of Canada about “pleasure based” sexual education for children:

TORONTO, Ontario, September 8, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Lianne George of Maclean’s magazine has penned a piece published this week on a new trend in schools’ sexual education offerings to focus on the pleasure of sex. Her article highlights the work of Toronto’s Carlyle Jansen, the owner of a ‘sex shop’ for women, Good For Her, who has launched a new not-for-profit organization devoted to offering free, “pleasure-based” sex workshops to schools and other groups in the area.

Jansen has long offered pleasure-based workshops through her store, but, according to George, a year and a half ago Jansen started getting calls from local high school teachers who wanted her to come and offer sex-ed to their classes. Since then, Jansen guesses that she has spoken to about 12 or 15 classes.

“Kids are taught to death about all the bad things that can happen to them if they have sex,” Jansen told George. “They’ve said, ‘We’ve heard about sexually transmitted infections, we know you can get pregnant, but we want to know about pleasure and we want to know about healthy relationships.'”

In the classes, she talks to teens about whatever they would like to know, from masturbation to oral sex to sex toys (examples of which she brings to the classroom in case teens ask). She also teaches the kids about the sexual ‘pleasure centres’ using items depicting sexual organs.

Now, Jansen has helped launch the Sexual Health Education Pleasure Project (SHEPP) in the Greater Toronto Area, whose mission is “to provide free, pleasure-based sexual health education focused mainly on marginalized communities including youth, people of colour, women, queer and trans communities.” Course topic titles include “Negotiating what you want – in and out of the bedroom,” and “Cool, safe, and hot sex.”

A topic entitled “Re-visioning ‘pro-choice'” is also on the list, with the description: “Not just about abortion any more. Know your rights!” The group explains their vision of ‘pro-choice’ further on a page entitled ‘What We Believe In’. While the phrase is certainly used to designate openness to abortion, the groups sees it as including a broader range of sexual choices, including the freedom to exercise sexual license and the freedom to marry whomever one chooses.

Let’s face it, sex is very pleasurable, and what better way to lure young folks away from their parents influence! The idea, of course, IS to take the children away from their parents influence, so they can be indoctrinated in the agenda of the state at a very young age.

Like this:

Or this:

Or this:

Ever see the advertisements for “City Year” on television? One guess which famous “community organizer” is behind that deal!

This is the end game, the communists want your children. They want to break down the family, the parental unit. It’s hard to indoctrinate children if they have a strong family life. A family headed by parents with traditional American values.

This has been an ongoing thing in our country for decades. Older Americans, those born in the early 1960’s, or before have seen a rapid decline of morality in the last 40 years. Again, this is by design. It’s the communist and “progressive’s” favorite tool.

I’m not a prude. I honestly do not care what adults do in private. As long as everyone is consenting, and of age, none of my business. But the sexualization of children is a whole different situation.

The rape of children is even more despicable. It ruins the children’s lives, and more times than not, if they have children, their children are effected somehow by this as well. This is, in many ways, worse than death, worse than murder. The pedophile has murdered the kid’s soul.

And yet, the progressives are OK with it. In fact, look at the latest deal with thirty year fugitive from justice, Roman Polanski.

Thirty years ago, Roman Polanski, a famous film maker, gave a thirteen year old girl dangerous drugs and raped her in the most violent of ways. Now Polanski admitted this, and was convicted, but skipped the country before being sentenced, which was done in absentia.

Instead of rotting in prison, and having a new best friend named Bubba, Polanski was able to use his considerable fame and wealth to live it up all over Europe. Well, that all came to an end when he was recently arrested in Switzerland. Of course, Polanski is fighting extradition.

Predictably, Hollywood and pretty much the entire “progressive” movement is rushing to Polanski’s aid. The stories are too numerous to link here, that’s what Google is for, but Allahpundit over at Hot Air notes that over 100 film makers, names you’ll recognize, have signed a petition supporting Polanski.

Celebrities like Whoopie Goldberg, who has said is wasn’t “RAPE, rape” and Debra Winger have been almost tearful in their support for this pervert, who has written about other underage “encounters” with young girls.

Just as predictable, “progressives” are quick to excuse Roman for his sins. It wasn’t his fault, it was out of his control. You see, Polanski lost both of his parents in WWII Polish concentration camps. And Roman was married to the beautiful and pregnant actress Sharon Tate who was brutally murdered by the Charles Manson Family on that fateful California night. So, my goodness, how could we EVER go and blame him for the drugging and violent rape of a thirteen year old girl? His was perfectly normal behavior given the circumstances, right?

Of course not!

Now to be fair, Andrew Breitbart, the media mogul who brought you all of the great ACORN “hooker and pimp” educational films, has a counter-petition over at his Big Hollywood website for conservatives in Hollywood. You’ll also know, and appreciate some of the names on this list as well.

The bottom line though is this: “Progressives,” communists, liberals, left wingers, what ever you want to call these people, see no problem with the sexualization of our children. Fringe groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) frequently come to the aid of radical groups like NAMBLA, trying to legalize this deplorable behavior.

Men like murdering terrorist William Ayers, who has “rehabilitated” himself, and is now considered a revered and respected educational scholar, are part of this cabal. Ayers has put down his bombs to teach other teachers, and to write books that teachers use as learning and teaching tools, in an effort to infect the nation’s children with the Marxist agenda. And thanks to Barack Obama, a “man” like Kevin Jennings has carte blanche to infect your children with his insane view of a world where it is OK to for grown men to rape young boys and not only escape prison, but be celebrated for their bravado!

Of course, this seriously calls into question Barack Obama’s judgment, or lack there of.

We have taken to calling for Barack Obama to step down, resign. If he hasn’t done this by the 2010 elections, we will actively petition the new, Conservative Congress, to impeach and remove him as unfit to lead.

In the past few weeks we have wrote about Obama turning off the water to the most productive farm land in America, land that grows a large amount of our nation’s produce. In some cases, 100 percent of some items. You can read that here and here.

We just reported on the fact that Obama still is refusing payment of pensions to WWII veterans, after cutting these men off on his second full day in office. You can read about that here.

We are also witnessing Obama vote “present” on Afghanistan. We now know he has only talked with the Commanding General once in seventy days! Brave Americans are dying daily, and yet, Obama can’t be bothered. He has shelved the request for more troops to win the war.

And as we reported here, Obama is adverse to using the word “victory.” In Obamaspeak, he is “uneasy” using the word.

And what About Iran? They are only months away from having a deliverable nuclear weapon, and Neville Chamberlain Obama is chirping about “peace in our time!” Naivete of the highest order!

But, while brave men are dying in Afghanistan, and Obama is “thinking” about his next move, he had time to fly to Copenhagen to shill for the Chicago, Daley Machine, and all of his corrupt Chicago buddies, to bring the 2016 Olympic to Chicago, a city that is bankrupt, so bankrupt in fact, that is closing offices on certain days to save money. And at least half the city’s residents want nothing to do with this deal. But Obama, and all of his crooked friends who own land will be set for life if they can pull this scam off!

And then there is ObamaCare. The number of Americans who want absolutely NOTHING to do with this fiasco is growing daily. Almost 60 percent now say NO. Or as Sarah Palin famously said “Not no, but HELL NO!”

Over 80 percent of Americans say they are happy with their health care, and the insurance plans they have now.

And yet, Obama is rushing at breakneck speed to have a complete and total government takeover of the finest health care on earth!

Oh, we need to fix some things, for sure. We need tort reforms, major tort reforms, and we need to allow Americans, individuals and businesses, to buy insurance across state lines so there will be greater competition. But we don’t need anything that even closely resembles ObamaCare.

It took Barack Obama six months to pick his kids a dog, but he wants to take over one-sixth of the nation’s economy, completely usurp our Constitution, and destroy much of our freedom and liberty, at warp speed.

Even with all of this, the most vile thing Barack Obama has visited on America, so far, is appointing a man of such low character to his administration. It would be egregious enough if Obama had appointed this fellow to some obscure road and bridge commission, but nope, our “genius” of a President appoints this guy, Kevin Jennings, as Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education!

If this isn’t proof positive that Barack Obama does not have the proper judgment to lead, the common sense the leader of our nation must possess, then I don’t know what does.

All of these insane and unconventional Czars, all of the many lies Obama has told, all of the corrupt dealings. Obama’s decades long ties to murdering domestic terrorists, as well as the dual crime syndicates of ACORN and their sister organization, Service Employees Union International (SEIU) compounded with good old fashioned Chicago thug politics all leads us to one conclusion:

Obama must go!

Mr Obama, it’s time for you to resign. Time for you to go back home to Chicago.

Thank you Buddy Guy!


Filed under In The News, Politics

The Democrat/Communist Party’s New Strategy For Winning Elections: Arrest The Voters!

You know, just when you think the democrat/communist party has sunk as far as it can possibly go, they find new ways to dig themselves even lower into the muck.

At a townhall meeting in New Hampshire, Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter had a constituent removed for asking a question at her meeting. Carl Tommanelli, a retired police officer, challenged Shea-Porter on the presence of SEIU union thugs who were bussed in from out of her district, a common democrat/communist tactic nowadays. The democrat/communists use the union thugs as “enforcers” as well as astroturf style supporters. Paid to show up.

This is much the same strategy that has seen the democrat/ communists employ ACORN rent-a-mobs to make it look like they had support for their various efforts. With all of the heat on ACORN for their illegal activities, Obama and the democrats have taken to using the SEIU union rent-a-mobs in their place. SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, was founded by the same people who founded ACORN, and both office out of the same buildings in many locations nationwide.

According to “Now! New Hampshire” Carol Shea-Porter has become increasingly unhinged in recent weeks, and has been railing against her constituents calling the protesters “tea baggers,” a vulgar sexual reference, that the democrat/communists and the state run media, such as MSNBC and CNN ,have been using to describe patriotic tea party protesters.

Funny thing, back when George W. Bush was President and the Republicans were the majority, dissent was the highest form of patriotism. Now that Hopey-Changey and his pathetic group run the show, protesting is now somehow a bad thing.

Don’tcha just love the democrat/communist party? They give new meaning to the word hypocrite! They take it to an entirely new level.

Of course, what is striking, is the fact that Shea-Porter was a bit of an insurgent herself.

“The irony is, of course, that Shea-Porter used to be a ‘tea-bagger’ on the left,” writes Nashua Telegraph columnist Kevin Landrigan. “She stalked then-congressman Jeb Bradley at town hall-style meetings the 1st District Republican incumbent held throughout his district.”

Four years ago Carol Shea-Porter protested at the State House alongside people dressed as Nazis while accusing the federal government of trying “to brand us like sheep.” On Saturday, she disparagingly referred to people who do not trust the same federal government to run our health care system as “these people.”

“We remember when, Carol, do you,” asks Landrigan.

You can read more about this incident and see video here.

The democrat/communists are finally showing themselves for what they are. This bunch does not care about what America wants. This bunch is drunk on power and see an opportunity to fundamentally change America from a representative republic, to some sort of communist utopia. They want to disregard our Constitution and establish an all powerful central government with themselves in power forever.

It is up to patriotic Americans to stop them, and stop them now.

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

Thomas Jefferson

Now if you are still kidding yourself and think Shea-Porter is the exception to the rule on democrat/communists, here’s another incident of the fascists attempting to silence all speech that does not agree with their sick world views.

Last Tuesday over at democrat/communist Jim Moran’s townhall meeting a patriot outside was approached by a school district policeman Wesley Cheeks. Officer Cheeks, who obviously didn’t like the sign the man was holding, told him he had to take it down.

As the below video shows it got quite interesting.

First the cop said he would charge the protester with trespassing. When asked why he was being singled out over the numerous other sign carrying protesters, Cheeks told the protester that it was because his sign had a picture on it. After further discussion, the cop finally said “I can charge you with anything I want!”

Nice, huh?

Finally the protester says “This used to be America!”

Our man, Officer Cheeks, replied “It ain’t no more, OK?”

Well no, Officer Cheeks, it is most certainly not OK!

We can no longer sit by and put up with this. This violates the Constitution as well as 233 years worth of American tradition. This sort of attitude from Shea-Porter and Officer Cheeks, as well as the rest of the democrat/communist party should enrage you. It should also inspire you.

The democrat/communists are showing their true colors now. They are saying and doing openly what they had previously tried to keep well hidden from the average American. Now that more and more Americans see them for what they are, the democrat/communists are well on their way to be a minority party for generations to come.

It’s time for all good men and women to help them achieve this status!

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Ronald Reagan


Filed under In The News, Politics

Sarah Palin Continues To Help Shine The Light On Obama’s Corruption

Sarah Palin has been on Obama’s case for some time, taking shots at him in almost every speech and TV interview since he took office. Sarah warned us about the dangers of electing Barack Obama, but unfortunately, 52 percent of the nation chose not to listen. Now 100 percent of the nation is suffering because of this severe error in judgment.

The problems are many, and real solutions, proven solutions that work, are AWOL in the Obama regime. Many have real questions why Obama and his democrat/communist party are seemingly, deliberately, allowing the economy to crash and burn, while at the same time running up unprecedented, and completely unsustainable debt.

Many wonder what the end game is.

Of course, for those paying attention, we have seen this coming for years. The left wing loons in this country have been overtly pushing for socialism for decades. Back in 1961 Ronald Reagan warned us about socialized medicine as the first step to a complete socialist nation where all liberty and freedom will be destroyed.

Well, Obama and his unconstitutional Czars are about to make Ronald Reagan’s upmost fears a reality. As we previously discussed, Obama has some serious anti-American radicals advising him and even writing important legislation, such as the stimulus bill.

We now know that Jeff Jones, a founding member, along with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, of the Weather Underground, is a member of the Apollo Alliance, the group that wrote the stimulus bill that absolutely no one in Congress read before passing, and Obama signed into law.

One man, Glenn Beck, has been all over Obama and his illegal and unconstitutional Czars.

Glenn Beck has been doing a series of discussions on the various Czars all this week, to record ratings, on his afternoon Fox News show.

For her part, earlier in the week, Sarah Palin urged her nearly 900,000 Facebook members to tune in to Becks popular and essential show:

“FOX News’ Glenn Beck is doing an extraordinary job this week walking America behind the scenes of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and outlining who is actually running the White House.

Monday night he asked us to invite one friend to watch; tonight I invite all my friends to watch.”

-Sarah Palin

This of course, only helps focus attention to the vital information that Glenn Beck has been giving America this week.

It’s also interesting to note that no one of any credibility is disputing what Beck or Sarah are saying about Obama’s corrupt organization.

Even the White House’s only complaint is that Glenn called one of Obama’s communist advisors a Czar, when in fact, this man had actually passed Senate confirmation. That was the White House’s only objection!

Of course, the main concern over all of the 30 some odd Czars, besides the fact that they are radical communists (most self admit this) is the fact that appointing these Czars, who are officially called “special advisers to the President,” is an end run around the Constitution, and the Senate’s role of advise and consent over the Presidential appointees to powerful positions.

As many of these Czars have criminal records as well as ties to radicals, such as domestic terrorists, there is no way in hell they would even receive a Senate hearing, let alone be confirmed.

So what Obama has done is set up an illegal shadow government, made up of unelected and unapproved advisers who are answerable only to Barack Obama. They have no accountability to the American people whatsoever. No allegiance to America, or the Constitution, just Obama.

This is NOT what the framers of our Constitution had in mind.

This is the biggest power grab in American history, in what amounts to a coup d’état by a bunch of radical communists.

The similarities between today, and Nazi Germany in the 1930’s are staggering. Hitler also usurped his nation’s constitution by appointing people without approval. Hitler only convened his cabinet one time, for show, and then relied on his version of Czars, to do his dirty work from then on.

Now is a good time to point out that I catch flack for calling these people communists and radicals, even though Van Johnson, Obama’s “green jobs” Czar describes HIMSELF as a “radical communist!”

I also catch hell for comparing Obama to Hitler. But if you can find a better historical parallel, by all means, please let me know. Hitler took over the banks, took over the car companies (the Volkswagen “Beetle” was his idea) and nationalized health care.

Hitler’s ideas on eugenics and thoughts on who “deserves” medical care and who doesn’t, fall right in line with those of Dr Ezekiel Emanuel, brother to Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, and an adviser to Obama on health care.

Dr. Death, as we call him, and his extremist ideas that Obama and his thugs embrace wholeheartedly, are the basis for the “death panels” that Sarah Palin so poignantly spoke of.

So let me just insert a quote here from Abraham Lincoln:

“If you call a cow’s tail a leg, how many legs does she have?

Lincoln went on to explain that no matter what you choose to call a cow’s tail, it’s still a tail. So we can call what Obama is doing anything we want. Shoot, make up some hopey-changey sounding name like “rainbows and unicorns for everyone!” But that fact remains, this is communism, plain and simple and all of the sugar coating in the world won’t change that. It’s time to realize what we face, and tackle it head on.

Anything less is just insane, and very, very dangerous.

Now, on to Glenn Beck. Beck has been really doing the work no other TV journalist dares. He has been exposing all of those who advise Obama. There is not a sane one in the bunch!

Let’s start out with a primmer on this bunch as Glenn and Michelle Malkin discuss some of these people and how they were members of radical Marxist groups.

Someone very troubling involved with Obama is Jeff Jones, no relation to Van Jones.

Jeff Jones, as we mentioned above, along with Obama’s friend, Bill Ayers was the co-founder of the violent Weather Underground, a group of domestic terrorists who carried out bombings across the nation during their reign of terror, which included bombing the United States Capitol Building, and the Pentagon.

Please go here to meet Jeff Jones, a convicted felon, and a member of the Apollo Alliance, the group that wrote most, if not all of the stimulus package that Barack Obama pushed so hard for. So hard in fact, that no one in Congress was even given the time to read this monstrosity.

This is truly alarming stuff.

But let’s soldier on. The Apollo Alliance is made up of serious America hating radicals who worship men like Mao Tse Tung, and Che Guevara. Both mass murders in the name of communism.

Take time to read the info here and here, this will really make you sit up and take notice.

Glenn Beck’s latest chapter, in his week long discussion, is about Obama’s attempt to silence free speech in America. Now before you roll your eyes, let me remind you this is a thugacracy that urged everyday Americans to turn in other everyday Americans who were saying “fishy” (their words) things about Obamacare, and created flag@whitehouse.gov to facilitate this. So absolutely nothing should be considered too far fetched for this bunch!

Mark Lloyd is Obama’s FCC “diversity officer.” As you will see in the video below, he is a radical communist who laments that Hugo Chavez’s first attempt at setting up a communist dictatorship in Venezuela was thwarted by “enemies” in the United States government who aided the free radio stations in Venezuela and kept an open line of communication out there between the peoples of that once free nation.

That’s right, this Lloyd character actually calls AMERICA, the “enemy!”

Are you kidding me?

Insert unnecessarily long, multi-syllable curse word filled rant here:__________

As Beck and Rush Limbaugh explain, the plan isn’t to use the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” to silence talk radio. They plan to use various laws concerning “local content’ to force national talk radio stars, Like Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Mark Levin off the air, while at the same time funding National Public Radio which is no more than a propaganda arm of the democrat/communist party!

Of course, if those on the left had actual ideas Americans wanted to hear, they would be successful. But in the history of talk radio, which was pioneered by Rush Limbaugh, there has never been a really successful left wing talker. They only exist on government funded radio, and the perennially bankrupt Air America.

With over 20 million listeners weekly, it’s obvious that Americans like what Rush Limbaugh is selling, and that aggravates the democrat/communists to no end. You see, they can’t compete in the marketplace of ideas, because their ideas are unpopular, and unwanted. Rather than actually come up with ideas though, they’d rather just shut down all debate!

Watch as Glenn And Rush discuss this:

Sarah Palin warned Americans of the dangers of electing Barack Obama as she campaigned for Vice President. The left wing kooks lost their minds, of course, and attacked her as an extremist, but as we are seeing, Sarah was right on the money, as usual.
Now I can’t read Obama’s mind. He is certainly not the brilliant man, but he is smart enough to not openly talk about communism as strongly as all of those he continually appoints to his team of ever growing numbers of illegal and unconstitutional Czars.

But it is not unreasonable to judge a man by the company that he keeps.

Barack Obama was mentored by radical communist Frank Marshall Davis, from the tender age of 10 years old. Obama himself writes in his book that he sought out the radicals in College. He states that he purposely sought out Marxist professors.

Barack Obama served on two “education” foundations with violent domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and launched his political career in Ayers and wife, felon Bernardine Dohrn’s living room.

Barack Obama was a thug organizer for ACORN, teaching the finer techniques of radical communist and America hater Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals,” a book Alinsky dedicated to Lucifer (the devil) who he called “the first radical”

Barack Obama has already dispatched union thugs from the Service Employees Union International, which was founded by the same men who founded ACORN, to attack American citizens at townhalls who dare disagree with Obamacare. (Again, go study 1930’s Germany for comparisons)

As we wrote earlier, Barack Obama has sent out union thugs, through Facebook, to attack Sarah Palin and all of those who support her through that social network, running advertisements containing outright lies about her.

Again, this is nothing more than an attempt to intimidate those who dare disagree with the “Dear Leader” Obama!

A group that Van Jones, Obama’s “green jobs” Czar, an admitted “radical communist” (his words) is involved with is behind the unsuccessful boycott of Glenn Beck’s show.

To show you just how intolerant the left wing communist radicals are in this country, look at the latest attempt to silence free speech and free thought:

Whole Foods is a liberal nirvana. They sell overpriced, but very toney, organic and “green” groceries. The Austin, Texas based store is one of the best run out there, and has bought completely into the so-called “progressive” lifestyle.

This is a company that embraces every left wing style of management. And yet, it’s a great place to work. Most notably, Whole Foods has an incredible health care program it offers to it’s employees. It is truly a blueprint for a free market solution to the nationwide healthcare debate.

So Whole Foods CEO, John Mackey wrote an op-ed that laid out his ideas for a nationwide healthcare plan. Now since this was based on common sense, and actually works, it is totally different from anything resembling Obamacare.

So what has happened?

Well since Mr Mackey had the temerity to go against the wishes of the “Dear Leader, ” Obama, his company, which gives money to every left wing cause imaginable, is under siege!

There is a nationwide boycott being organized by communist radicals, some with ties to the Apollo Alliance, and as I’m writing this, I am learning that a group of labor unions are demanding Mr Mackey, the CEO to be fired!

As powerful and dangerous as the labor unions are in this nation, this sort of thing should have every America sitting up and taking notice. The tactics being used by the left are right out of the play books of communist and socialist despots worldwide. Hitler, Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Chavez and others have successfully used these methods throughout history to destroy liberty and freedom, and set themselves up as absolute rulers of whole populations.

Is this what Obama is angling for?

I honestly don’t know.

But it is certainly something the radical left wing communists that work for Obama espouse. They would love nothing more than to silence all dissent and rule over you and I with an iron fist.

These are very dangerous times. Glennn Beck and Sarah Palin are warning you to wake up and smell the coffee! It’s time to get involved. To sit up and demand Obama fire all of these Czars, or else.

It’s time to rally around solid conservative candidates for office, from dog catcher to President of the United States! No more democrat/communists, and no more squishy “moderate” Republicans who simply serve as enablers to the democrat/communists. We need people who understand and revere the Constitution of the United States.

We must never settle for anything less ever again.

These are very dangerous times, and if we don’t get a handle on this, America will cease to exist as we know it. The shining light of freedom will forever go dark.

So go to the tea parties and townhalls. Demand satisfaction from those in elected office. And be silent no more!


Filed under In The News, Politics

Like Shootin’ Moose In A Barrel, Sarah Palin Slaps Barack Obama Down Again Over Death Panels

Can you imagine being Barack Obama these days?

I mean here you are only seven and a half months into your one and only term as president and your whole world is crashing down around you. Your signature issue, turning America into some sort of communist utopia, by usurping the constitution through your “health care” plan, is circling the drain.

You have angry Americans who have never been politically active in their lives fired up against you and the rest of your party. You will basically go down in history as the person who destroyed the democrat party. An epic failure.

And then there is this woman who your minions have been trying to destroy for almost a year who has your number, big time!

First she let you and the party have just enough rope and then calmly wrote two words on her Facebook page, “death panels.”

Then she just kicked backed and watched you, the democrats, the RINOs, the media, and well, everybody, go nuts trying to get out of this mess.

Now normal people understand that there won’t literally be death panels.

They also understand, however, that between the various medical boards who will decide what sort of standards and practices will be used, and what procedures will be appropriate for each group, combined with the bean counters, there will be defacto “death panels.”

Every nation that has socialized medicine rations health care. That’s indisputable fact.

But you, Barack Obama, along with your party had to take the bait didn’t you!

Instead of regrouping, you’ve sent Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the bunch out to call American citizens a “mob” and “Nazis,” which is hilarious, because Nazis were socialists, kinda like modern day democrats!

You even sent out the union thugs from SEIU to attack unarmed dissenters!

But while you were doing all of this, those two little words from Sarah Palin, were turning the debate on it’s ear! Regular folks were hearing “death panels” and going to see what that was all about. They actually started reading the House bill H.R. 3200, all 1017 pages of it, for themselves.

That really got ‘em fired up!

But Mr Obama, you couldn’t let well enough alone. Since you obviously are allergic to the air in Washington, or think you are still campaigning for office, you went running off to Portsmouth, NH for a totally spontaneous and completely unrehearsed “townhall meeting.”

Group photo of participants at Portsmouth, NH townhall event:

Sarah, is in your head for sure and it shows!

Since TOTUS tried to commit suicide on you a few weeks back, you have not been at your best. No one to keep you from saying really stupid stuff like when you told the totally neutral and unbiased Portsmouth crowd that AARP was on board with your devious plans.

AARP was pretty quick to come out and say “not really pal!”

But this was classic! Here you are trying to sell the country on your communist boondoggle:

“UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. It’s the Post Office that’s always having problems”

___Barack Obama

I’m sure plenty of beverages were spewed all over America when they heard that one!

The very best though was when you took a swing and a miss at the ball Palin pitched to you. You actually had to bring up the death panels again! You ever think at some point people might just forget the bad stuff if you quit bringing it up?

You really are making this too easy!

At this point Sarah is just playing with you. I mean it’s like having a cat and a string.

Barack Obama and democrat party “leaders” pictured below:

So from her lakeside home in beautiful Wasilla, Alaska, Sarah has sent you a message via her Facebook page:

Concerning the “Death Panels”

Yesterday President Obama responded to my statement that Democratic health care proposals would lead to rationed care; that the sick, the elderly, and the disabled would suffer the most under such rationing; and that under such a system these “unproductive” members of society could face the prospect of government bureaucrats determining whether they deserve health care.

The President made light of these concerns. He said:

“Let me just be specific about some things that I’ve been hearing lately that we just need to dispose of here. The rumor that’s been circulating a lot lately is this idea that somehow the House of Representatives voted for death panels that will basically pull the plug on grandma because we’ve decided that we don’t, it’s too expensive to let her live anymore….It turns out that I guess this arose out of a provision in one of the House bills that allowed Medicare to reimburse people for consultations about end-of-life care, setting up living wills, the availability of hospice, etc. So the intention of the members of Congress was to give people more information so that they could handle issues of end-of-life care when they’re ready on their own terms. It wasn’t forcing anybody to do anything.”

__Barack Obama

The provision that President Obama refers to is Section 1233 of HR 3200, entitled “Advance Care Planning Consultation.” With all due respect, it’s misleading for the President to describe this section as an entirely voluntary provision that simply increases the information offered to Medicare recipients. The issue is the context in which that information is provided and the coercive effect these consultations will have in that context.

Section 1233 authorizes advanced care planning consultations for senior citizens on Medicare every five years, and more often “if there is a significant change in the health condition of the individual … or upon admission to a skilled nursing facility, a long-term care facility… or a hospice program.” During those consultations, practitioners must explain “the continuum of end-of-life services and supports available, including palliative care and hospice,” and the government benefits available to pay for such services.

Now put this in context. These consultations are authorized whenever a Medicare recipient’s health changes significantly or when they enter a nursing home, and they are part of a bill whose stated purpose is “to reduce the growth in health care spending.” Is it any wonder that senior citizens might view such consultations as attempts to convince them to help reduce health care costs by accepting minimal end-of-life care? As Charles Lane notes in the Washington Post, Section 1233 “addresses compassionate goals in disconcerting proximity to fiscal ones…. If it’s all about alleviating suffering, emotional or physical, what’s it doing in a measure to “bend the curve” on health-care costs?”

As Lane also points out:

Though not mandatory, as some on the right have claimed, the consultations envisioned in Section 1233 aren’t quite “purely voluntary,” as Rep. Sander M. Levin (D-Mich.) asserts. To me, “purely voluntary” means “not unless the patient requests one.” Section 1233, however, lets doctors initiate the chat and gives them an incentive — money — to do so. Indeed, that’s an incentive to insist.

Patients may refuse without penalty, but many will bow to white-coated authority. Once they’re in the meeting, the bill does permit “formulation” of a plug-pulling order right then and there. So when Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) denies that Section 1233 would “place senior citizens in situations where they feel pressured to sign end-of-life directives that they would not otherwise sign,” I don’t think he’s being realistic.

Even columnist Eugene Robinson, a self-described “true believer” who “will almost certainly support” “whatever reform package finally emerges”, agrees that “If the government says it has to control health-care costs and then offers to pay doctors to give advice about hospice care, citizens are not delusional to conclude that the goal is to reduce end-of-life spending.”

So are these usually friendly pundits wrong? Is this all just a “rumor” to be “disposed of”, as President Obama says? Not according to Democratic New York State Senator Ruben Diaz, Chairman of the New York State Senate Aging Committee, who writes:

Section 1233 of House Resolution 3200 puts our senior citizens on a slippery slope and may diminish respect for the inherent dignity of each of their lives…. It is egregious to consider that any senior citizen … should be placed in a situation where he or she would feel pressured to save the government money by dying a little sooner than he or she otherwise would, be required to be counseled about the supposed benefits of killing oneself, or be encouraged to sign any end of life directives that they would not otherwise sign.

Of course, it’s not just this one provision that presents a problem. My original comments concerned statements made by Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a health policy advisor to President Obama and the brother of the President’s chief of staff. Dr. Emanuel has written that some medical services should not be guaranteed to those “who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens….An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.” Dr. Emanuel has also advocated basing medical decisions on a system which “produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated.”

President Obama can try to gloss over the effects of government authorized end-of-life consultations, but the views of one of his top health care advisors are clear enough. It’s all just more evidence that the Democratic legislative proposals will lead to health care rationing, and more evidence that the top-down plans of government bureaucrats will never result in real health care reform.”

Now Mr Obama, Barack, I know being a community organizer must give you a lot of insight or something cool like that, but while you were running around the country campaigning for president on the taxpayers dime, after abandoning your Senate seat, Sarah Palin was actually dealing with a health care crisis in Alaska! Thanks to the federal government, it’s rules, and regulations the poor and elderly had long waits and poor health care.

You see, elderly Medicaid patients were facing those “mythical” death panels daily. Thanks to Palin’s efforts she was able to reduce the Medicaid backlog by 83 % in just two years. An incredible feat.

So Barack Obama, democrats, media, whoever, please keep on quoting Sarah Palin. Keep talking about her. Heck, even make fun of her!

All of you are just pawns on her chess board!

Sarah Palin has your number and it’s going to be a really long 3 years!


Filed under In The News, Politics

Sarah Palin Reduced Medicaid Backlog 83% In Two Years. Saved Senior Citizens From The Horrors Of Government Run Health Care

Fresh off of taking the health care debate to a whole new level, and exposing the immorality of it all, Sarah Palin has released some very interesting statistics that prove her bonafides on health care issues.

Released through her Facebook page, Palin lays out how she fought the Alaska Legislature to make sure senior citizens didn’t have to wait for quality health care.

Now obviously this shows that Sarah is someone who gets things done. Someone who actually serves the people. But more importantly, this proves what Sarah and all of those who oppose Obama’s attempt to forcibly destroy the best health care in the world have been saying.

What could be a better predictor of how things would end up with the government running health care?

Yes, there will be health care rationing, that’s what was going on in Alaska until Sarah stepped in. Unfortunately, under Obamacare, there will be no one to intervene on behalf of America’s senior citizens.

You know, this sort of thing is exactly what Sarah was talking about when she used the words “death panels.”

Now of course, the media, the democrat/communists and our RINO friends all blew a gasket over that comment and ran around trying to deal with it. Even Obama was compelled to clumsily try and refute it in his Portsmouth, NH faux townhall event.

These Ivy League brainiacs couldn’t understand what all of us uneducated rubes know instinctively. Now will there LITERALLY be “death panels,” a group of people that an individual will have to stand before and be judged?

Of course not.

These government types aren’t brave enough to face people in person. But there will be a group of “medical advisors” who will make up a board that determines who is eligible, as a group, for certain health care procedures. This group will look at cold hard data, not warm human beings as they decide.

The other problem is money. America is already broke. We owe more money now than we can ever pay back. As this actually starts effecting the government’s ability to function, there will be rationing and long waits for service. It’s inevitable.

Every nation that has socialized medicine rations care. People die quite often waiting for doctors to treat major illnesses. There are plenty of stories of people in nations with socialized care who die of cancer that could have been successfully treated had they gotten early care and diagnosis.

All of these things, and more are what Sarah was talking about when she spoke of the metaphoric “death panels.” These panels are the ones who set up the standards and practices as well as the bean counters who have to stick to a budget.

But enough of that, let’s look at the release from Sarah Palin”s office:

“Contrary to some assertions, Sarah Palin has a strong record supporting Alaskan seniors. For example, Governor Palin successfully obtained approval for a five year extension of a state program that provided monthly cash payments to low-income seniors.

On May 23, 2007, using a rarely invoked emergency regulation, Governor Palin ordered assistance benefits to continue for Alaska’s neediest seniors after the Alaska legislature failed to fund the SeniorCare Program. After her action, the legislature responded, and on July 28, 2007, Governor Palin signed Senate Bill 4 to continue support for low-income Alaskan seniors by adopting the Senior Benefits Program. “This program continues important assistance to Alaska seniors,” Governor Palin said. “I promised that seniors would not go hungry, and we worked with the Alaska Legislature to address this critical need.” It was estimated that 10,700 Alaskan seniors would be able to benefit under the program.

Also under Governor Palin’s tenure, on December 19, 2008, the state stepped in and took over the Mary Conrad Center, an Anchorage nursing home, when the state determined that there was “‘immediate danger to the health, safety or welfare’ of its residents.”

So, with this clear record of support and care for Alaska’s seniors by Governor Palin, what is the current criticism about? According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, prior to Governor Palin’s election in November 2006, in April of 2006, in an effort to control rapidly increasing costs for home health care providers, known as the PCA program, Governor Frank Murkowski’s administration implemented a screening process for Alaska Medicaid eligible persons by using a Level of Care assessment (LOC). The LOC assessment was designed for persons who would otherwise require hospitalization or nursing home care and was intended to help weed out fraud and abuse.

By definition, many of these people were ill, elderly or disabled and thus in need of personal care attendants to assist them. Only registered nurse assessors were allowed to evaluate consumers to determine if they qualified for PCA care. The job of assessing consumers was contracted out, but the State of Alaska DHHS determined that the hired contractor had too much backlog. Notably, under federal Medicaid strictures, the State could not get another private business to bid on the contract. So the State was forced to take over the job in November 2007. However, the State DHHS was unable to eliminate the backlog using its own staff, and the backlog then grew. The Federal DHHS temporarily suspended new admissions to the PCA program pending audit compliance to handle the backlog of existing cases and come up with a plan to speed the assessment process. The suspension has been lifted as of August 12.

Further, Gov. Palin’s FY 2009 budget clearly showed her analysis of the issue as of December 2007, and described both the problem and the solution long before the federal government got involved. The backlog issue was discussed and a plan proposed for improvement.

The graph below shows that under Gov. Palin (2007 and 2008) the backlog problem was dramatically reduced, from 30.9% in 2005 to 4.5% in 2008. Looking at these data, one can conclude that Gov. Palin substantially reduced the outstanding percentage of Medicaid assessments by 83%.

% Not Reviewed

FY 2008 4.5%

FY 2007 4.5%

FY 2006 23.18%

FY 2005 30.9%

What is the lesson in all of this? Even with good intentions, the government generally cannot provide better health care services than the private sector. Beware of complex federal laws purporting to offer government health care. For those who want nationalized medicine, take heed of this lesson.”

More information can be found here.

Time and time again Sarah Palin proves that she has the leadership qualities America is looking for. While the NYC/D.C. Beltway “educated elites” are stuck in a quagmire of mediocrity and confusion, Sarah has already been there, done that, and got the t-shirt from it!

Sarah’s experience with government run health care, and it’s dangerous and disastrous effects on human beings, should serve as a major warning to all. You do not want the government to have anything to do with how you basic needs to quality health care are met. Might as well commit suicide and get it over with.

It still amazes me how the Republican party is tackling this issue. Now granted, there are some sharp folks working behind the scenes crafting real reform, but they aren’t getting themselves heard. For the most part though the message from the Republicans to the democrat/communists is a hearty “slow down.”

Sarah Palin’s message to the democrat/communists is “Not no, but HELL no!”


Filed under In The News, Politics

Sarah Palin Slaps Down Barack Obama Hard On His Government Take Over Of Health Care And Issues A Call To Action We Must All Answer!

As is her style, Governor Sarah Palin came out swinging on the health care debate that has turned America on it’s ear, and is destroying the Obama presidency right before his eyes.

Sarah, who has two sets people the democrat/communist party would just as soon let die, takes this very seriously. Obviously, Sarah’s parents Chuck and Sally are older, and ripe for picking off when the rationed health care comes around. And her youngest son, Trig, who has Down Syndrome, is someone the radical left wing is angry at Sarah over the fact that she ever allowed him to be born in the first place!

And if you don’t believe me, just go to any radical left wing hate site like the Huffington Post, Daily Kos, or Democrat Underground. I call them radical the left, but the democrat/communist party, as a whole, has skewed so far left, that these vile hate sites are “mainstream” for that sick political party. These hate sites, and others, have continually attacked Sarah, and Trig himself.

This is Sarah’s statement :

“Statement on the Current Health Care Debate”

“As more Americans delve into the disturbing details of the nationalized health care plan that the current administration is rushing through Congress, our collective jaw is dropping, and we’re saying not just no, but hell no!

The Democrats promise that a government health care system will reduce the cost of health care, but as the economist Thomas Sowell has pointed out, government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost. And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.

Health care by definition involves life and death decisions. Human rights and human dignity must be at the center of any health care discussion.

Rep. Michele Bachmann highlighted the Orwellian thinking of the president’s health care advisor, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of the White House chief of staff, in a floor speech to the House of Representatives. I commend her for being a voice for the most precious members of our society, our children and our seniors.

We must step up and engage in this most crucial debate. Nationalizing our health care system is a point of no return for government interference in the lives of its citizens. If we go down this path, there will be no turning back. Ronald Reagan once wrote, “Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth.” Let’s stop and think and make our voices heard before it’s too late.

– Sarah Palin”

Rep. Bachmann’s speech can be viewed here.

Sarah mentions some serious heavyweights such as preeminent economist Thomas Sowell, a Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow from the Hoover Institute, as well as our greatest conservative leader, and President, Ronald Reagan. If an American would just study Sowell and Reagan, they would see the right path to get America on track again, and defeat the democrat/communists before they destroy the nation completely.

In fact this video of Ronald Reagan must be taught to every American. It must be taught as a course of study in our schools!

Now, more than ever, I am convinced that Barack Obama and the democrat communist party are absolutely on an insane path to remake America in a way that is no where even close to what America has always been. They want to build an authoritative communist state the likes of which this world has never known. A totalitarian regime where average Americans are nothing more than slaves to the state.

Much has been written about the insane radicals and their vile ideology that Barack Obama has marinated in since birth. Many people have written about these worthless America hating communist troublemakers, so I won’t rehash here. I did cover some of it in my earlier piece “We Are The New Counterculture” but a trip to your favorite search engine will teach you all you need to know about all of Obama’s incredibly radical, dangerous, and anti-American friends.

One of the more dangerous things Obama has done is completely usurp the Constitution and the Senate’s responsibilities of advise and consent. The President can appoint cabinet members and pretty much elevate, or demote any position to cabinet level at his digression. But, all cabinet members must be completely vetted and go through an aggressive confirmation process by the Senate. This is a basic constitutional duty of the Senate, and part of the very ingenious checks and balances system our founders put into the Constitution.

Now Obama has a group of some of the most clinically insane, left wing kooks that ever walked the face of the earth working for him. No way in the world these people even get a Senate hearing, let alone pass one. So Obama’s solution, an unconstitutional one, is to appoint Czars. We have more Czars than Russia had in it’s day. We almost have as many Czars as we have had Presidents, and he’s still adding more!

There are so many absolute nuts involved in this deal that it turns ones stomach. American Thinker has a nice primmer, and Glenn Beck has been running a series on his Fox News show daily on these people. Rather than wear the reader out, I’m just going to ask people to do their own research, as there is plenty out there to learn from!

But to just give you a random idea about these crazies, and the extent of how insane they are, one of these nuts was for putting some sort of chemical in the nation’s water supply that would sterilize the population thus “saving the planet.” Another nut-job wanted to paint the roofs and streets white! One wants animals to have the same constitutional rights as humans!

Now again, I’m not talking about some hippies in a commune, or some ultra radical underground eco-terrorists. These people work for, and are accountable only to, the President of the United States, the most powerful man in the world, who himself is under the delusion that he is accountable to no one!

In other words, these insane left wing malcontents have the ear, the attention, and the interest of the President of the United States. This should give you nightmares, if you can sleep at all!

Sarah mentioned Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel in her statement. This cat is the brother of Obama’s Chief-of-Staff, Rahm Emanuel, nothing more than a fancy thug himself, who has been known to send dead fish to people who he wants to intimidate. But this guy is a teddy bear compared to his brother Ezekiel. Were he alive today, I’m thinking Dr Joseph Mengele might just say something like “Hey Zeek, maybe you need to learn some humanity!”

There is something about the communist that just weirds me out. They are completely soulless. Just cold blooded, unfeeling, uncaring creatures.

Anyway, Dr Zeek is someone that, in the context of the health care debate, may be the most evil man alive. This is a guy who advocates denying health care to old people, disabled people, and other’s deemed unimportant to society. And Dr Zeek is Obama’s point man on the health care legislation. His Czar.

Knowing this makes me sick to my stomach.

Look, “progressives” as they call themselves now, have always been some sick, racist puppies. To the democrat/communist party, Planned Parenthood is the holy church, and abortion the holy sacrament. They derive some very perverse pleasure knowing they can destroy human life at will. Play God, so to speak.

One can only imagine the excitement these devils must be feeling knowing they will be able to play God, not only over the unborn, but every single American, deciding at will, who lives and dies via their death panels. I can hear the corks popping on the champagne bottles now, as they celebrate their power!

And of course, Barack Obama is the absolute sickest. He even supports infanticide. Obama has supported legislation that would allow a doctor to murder a baby who “survived an abortion attempt” or as humans call it, being born! It’s as vile as it gets.

This is a man, when talking about sex ed and his daughters, said he wouldn’t want his girls “punished” with a child. This man, like many crazed dictators, has some serious physiological issues.

This sort of stuff is nothing new to progressives though. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood was a suspected member of the Ku Klux Klan, and a Nazi collaborator. Just like most of those who surround Obama and advise him on the health care issues, Sanger was a leading proponent of eugenics, a really evil science.

In fact, some say it was her work that caught Adolf Hitler’s eye, and even inspired and justified his own Holocaust against the Jewish people, who he found inferior.

You can read more about Margaret Sanger here.

The bottom line on this, is these people are incredibly dangerous, and have absolutely no use for the common man. They are elitists. They think only they can know what is best for you.

Even worse, they really don’t care if the entire nation is against what they want to do, they know better than you ever will, what is right for you. Don’t believe ‘em, just ask ‘em!

And it’s not just Obama and his Chicago street thugs that he brought with him. It’s the entire democrat/communist party. It’s Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. It’s Steny Hoyer and Dick Durbin. It’s Barney Frank, John Conyers, and Charlie Rangel.

The democrat/communist party along with the President of the United States is literally at war with the American people. They are calling normal every day Americans who have never protested a thing in their life, a “mob”, or some sort of Republican hit squad. Never mind that many of these very angry people are registered democrats and independents!

Now this is pathetic on their part but it makes me laugh in lot of ways. I still remember the angry, bordering on violent, protestors from groups like Code Pink who routinely shouted down or physically attacked anyone they disagreed with. When one protested about their barbaric, uncivilized antics, we were screamed at and told it was the ultimate in patriotism to speak “truth to power.” Well, now that these hateful people are in power, it’s a crime against the state to disagree with the Dear Leader!

Even better, you are supposed to spy on your family and friends, and report even their most intimate conversations in disagreement to the White House!

Of course what really makes this ridiculous is the fact that Obama’s one real claim to fame is being a community organizer! Now evidently, the average democrat voter is just clueless, because I’ve had them talk about all of the things these groups do. I guess they think these rent-a-thug enterprises otherwise know as community organizations spend their day planting gardens and cleaning up parks or something. The truth is, these are militant groups that are nothing more than a mob for hire, and generally used to extort something from someone.

We all know that ACORN’s mobs played a huge part in forcing bankers to give loans to people who should have never gotten one, based on their ability to repay them. And ACORN is directly responsible for the mortgage crisis that put our economy in a death spiral in the first place. ACORN also went after the AIG executives recently, actually busing these thugs to the executives’ homes all in an attempt to extort money through intimidation.

Obama’s job at ACORN was to train these rent-a-thugs on the finer points of communist Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” or, how to intimidate your opponent through mob tactics.

But, now that ordinary everyday Americans, who have never spoken up in their lives are exercising their God given rights, as protected by the Constitution, they are enemies of the state! People who must be stopped at any cost!

I call Obama a communist, because well, he most certainly is. And with their bent, I’ve taken to calling the party, the democrat/communist party, which with their direction, is rather kind. The amount of evil that emits from this group is palpable.

Look, we know on Obama’s night stand he has a very worn, dog eared copy of Alinsky’s “Rules”, you can look on any of these democrat/communist politicians’ night stands and find that. They hand those out at college like ACORN hands out voter registration cards to anyone with a pulse!

I’m pretty sure Obama has the book his soul mate Hugo Chavez gave him a while back, “The Post-American World” written by Fareed Zakaria. as well.

But from Obama’s latest thuggery, I’d bet my bottom dollar he has a mint condition copy of Mein Kamf right there for handy reference as well.

I’m not an expert on pre-war Germany by any stretch of the imagination, but I’ve always been interested in that period of time. Might be because my dad was part of that generation, but WWII, the events that lead up to it, and all the went on around it, have always interested me.

The comparisons to pre-war Nazi Germany, and Obama’s little 7 months in office are staggering. Just the symbolism alone is enough to seal the deal for me!

Of course, the Nazis and the communists , even though enemies in practice, were really the different sides of the same coin. Not a whole lot of difference between socialism and communism when you get right down to it. But both groups have this obsession with symbolism, glorified photos of their Dear Leaders, signage, and the like. If you look at Obama’s symbol for his health care death cult it is straight out of the Nazi party clip art book, just “modernized” for your viewing sensibilities!

More and more Obama is not only adopting the Nazi look, but the Nazi tactics. For those that don’t know, Nazi is a very shortened version of the real name, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or National Socialist German Workers’ Party. The Nazi’s were simply socialists, no real difference between them and the current democrat/communist party.

Anyway, however you want to slice it, Obama is using Hitler’s play book. He and the leaders of the democrat/communist party have started verbally attacking the American people because they dare to tell them as Sarah puts it, “Not no, but hell no!”

Americans are fed up with the direction Obama is taking the nation and are speaking out en masse.

The Obama thugacracy is blaming all of this on the Republican party, which save for a few brave souls, is pretty useless at this point, and totally out of power. I mean Obama and his democrat/communist party are in total control. They can pass absolutely anything without a single Republican vote. The problem is, they know that many of them will be retired after 2010 by the voting public, provided we have elections in 2010. The American people have had it! So Obama and his thugs are looking to blame Republicans for their failure.

Now one thing Hitler did as he built up his various private armies and groups of brown shirts, was to use the labor union thugs as his enforcers. Enter the Service Employees International Union. (SEIU)

Barack Obama, the thug community organizer that he is, had the audacity to tell his democrat/communist Congress, and the SEIU thugs to “punch back twice as hard” at the American citizens protesting Obama’s radical attempt to destroy the American way of life, a way of life that has endured more than two centuries.

This is the sort of tactic Obama told his campaign people to use during the election when he told his thugs to “get in peoples faces!” You can almost hear Adolf’s sweet voice as he most likely said similar words in the Munich beer halls just before his election!

Pamela Geller has the story of what happened Thursday night in St Louis at a town hall meeting. It was deplorable, and very un-American. The big fat union thugs wearing purple t-shirts with SEIU in yellow, in place of the customary brown shirt more familiar to the Nazis, attacked and severely beat an unarmed black man handing out patriotic material. You know, flags, buttons, and so on.

Kenneth Gladney was jumped by a group of these worthless thugs, beaten to the ground, and then kicked.

I’ve seen Mr Gladney in several Fox TV interviews with his attorney. This is a very typical American. Mild mannered, quiet and reserved. Just a seemingly very nice person. To be singled out, cursed and severely beaten by a group of thugs, sanctioned by the President of the United States, is absolutely unheard of in this nation!

You can read Pamela Geller’s indepth report here.

You can see video of the beating, as well as the Neil Cavuto interview with Mr Gladney here.

The last time something even remotely like this happened in America was on March 5, 1770. Within 6 years, we were fighting a revolution and birthed a new nation.

Look, I know this started out as a report and commentary on Governor Sarah Palin’s very personal take on Obama’s misdeeds. But this issue is so much larger than even Sarah Palin.

We all look to Sarah Palin as our natural leader in the struggle against Obama, his thugs, and communism. Whereas Obama represents tyranny, enslavement to a central government that wants to control your every thought and deed, a vile and distasteful vision to all Americans, Sarah Palin is just the opposite.

Sarah represents everything that is good, and great about America. Her life story is quintessential Americana. A self made woman who literally went from a cabin in the woods to becoming one of the most powerful figures in American politics. Sarah Palin represents liberty and freedom. Sarah Palin represents a deep love for America that all true Americans have. She also represents a deep love for the rule of law, and our most sacred political document, the Constitution. A document that is the envy of the world!

It’s not by accident that Sarah was the first Governor in the nation to sign into law a statute affirming the sovereignty of her state under the 10th Amendment of the Constitution. Sarah clearly understands the vision our founding fathers had of a small weak central government, with a strong network of sovereign states that were mostly left alone to govern their own citizens as they saw fit. The main purpose of the united part of the United States was for the mutual benefit of all of the several states when it came to international trade and national defense as well as being a referee in case of disputes between the several states.

In short, Sarah is a Federalist, a constructionist. Someone who understands just how wise our founders were, and how the progressive movement’s century long move toward a centralized communist government is wrong, and has done grave damage to the nation, it’s people, and it’s prosperity.

But as I say often, Sarah Palin is not a mythical savior. Sarah is possibly one of the greatest leaders in our nation’s history. Many millions most certainly feel very strongly she is. But Sarah is still a mortal. Unlike those who drank the hopenchange brand of Kool-Aid who think Obama is some sort of messiah, I think Sarah’s supporters understand that she is human. But she is a very special human, made from the greatest stock on earth, the American Spirit!

So, instead of sitting around and waiting for Sarah to come in and save us, for her to do all of heavy lifting, it’s up to all of us, the everyday American to take the inspiration this remarkable woman gives us all, and get off the couch and into the game!

Look, for those that don’t know, SEIU and ACORN are joined at the hip. They even share more than a few office buildings around the country and that mysterious little converted funeral home at 1024 Elysian Fields in New Orleans. Here is an interesting read if you don’t already know about these thugs.

Like Hitler, Obama will use the ACORN and SEIU thugs to do his dirty work. They will be his brown shirts until he can build that private army he talked about during the election. An army, as he put it, “as powerful and well funded as the military.”

One thing we have to be mindful of is Hitler’s tactics. Think about what Obama has done. He has openly sent a bunch of thugs to attack unarmed American citizens. Now Americans, as a whole, are pretty well armed. Most gun owners understand the real reason why our founders wanted to make sure EVERY American, with very few exceptions, was armed.

Our founders had just fought a revolution where the British had attempted to confiscate all weapons before the uprising. Why do you think the democrat/communists have REALLY been trying to unarm the American public for the last 100 years?

Anyway, our founders knew if the people were as well armed as the government, the government would behave!

As Thomas Jefferson said:

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny, when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

One thing you must be very cautious of, Obama, like Hitler, is devious and evil. History buffs know of the famous Reichstag Fire in Germany. History tells us that was a put-up job. Hitler had the Parliament burned and blamed it on the opposition. He used this event to pretty much install himself as dictator for life.

We all know Obama’s love for despots around the world, and I am certain in his dreams he sees himself as Dear Leader for life, ruling over his communist utopia. So as much as some may want to show these SEIU and ACORN thugs a thing or two with the business end of your favorite side arm, resist it with all of your might. We don’t need to give Obama a chance to set himself up as King!

If the time ever comes, we’ll all know when. By then saving the nation will be a lot less important than just starting over with the adults in charge.

So, when you go to the rallies, the tea parties, and the town halls, take friends, and take cameras. Take plenty of video and document everything. Every time you see a purple-shirted SEIU thug, or a red-shirted ACORN thug, make sure their every breath is documented by multiple cameras. Hopefully they will have the good sense to behave. But if not, you will have it all on tape.

Probably a good idea to have the local police on speed dial as well!

But don’t give Obama the satisfaction of his very own Reichstag Fire!

Do, however, get involved in absolutely any and every way you can to stop Obama, and the entire democrat/communist party. Get ready to work harder than you ever have in your life to put solid Ronald Reagan/Sarah Palin conservatives into every seat that is up for election, not only nationally, but locally as well. If a guy or gal is running for dog catcher and can’t quote Reagan at length, go find someone else!

That’s how we win this, and that’s how we take the country back!

It’s a time to choose liberty and freedom. We can sleep when we are dead!

In conclusion, I do not condone violence, but I think this quote from Thomas Jefferson sums it all up quite nicely:

“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quite under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty….

And what country can preserve it’s liberties, if it’s rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”


Filed under In The News, Politics

Barack Obama’s Alaska Mafia Is On The Run And Angry The Spotlight Is On Them UPDATED


****Here’s the video Jeanne Devon, one of Barack Obama’s hand picked Alaska thug bloggers tried to have banned:

The past week has been truly incredible and truly busy. So busy in fact, this is the first time I have stopped long enough to actually write about how incredible things have been and what has been going on.

Most know that our group has been writing about the democrat/communist party operatives in Alaska, their attempts at destroying Sarah Palin by continually filing bogus ethics complaints, and then illegally publicizing them.

If you don’t know, it’s illegal to disclose any information about an ongoing ethics investigation. Oddly enough, under the law, if you do this to a legislator, the complaint is thrown out and not considered. For some reason, even though it is still illegal, there is no punishment, and the complaint still stands if you do it to the Governor. How convenient.

Anyway, even though this stuff has been out there, and anyone who cares knows the names of Jeanne Devon, Linda Kellen Biegel, Shannyn Moore, Amanda Coyne, Sondra Tompkins, and Zane Henning just to name a few, no one was prepared for what has happened.

Naked Emperor News, a website that does video journalism, turned all of these Alaskan democrat/communist’s little world upside down when they released a great video, with all of the players in their own words together.

Again, we all know that Barack Obama has great ties to all of this. Obama’s then campaign chief of staff, now White House advisor, Pete Rouse, is an Alaskan. He is also great friends with former Alaska State Senator Kim Elton. I’ll get to the reason why he’s a former Senator in a second. But those two go way back having worked together on a former Alaska Lt Governor’s staff. Rouse still votes absentee in Alaska.

Everyone has heard of “Troopergate” the phony investigation, really a witch hunt, cooked up by the Alaska democrat/communist party with the help of Barack Obama. At the time CNN and others reported that Obama had been in talks with the troopers union over this. But no one seemed to care enough to stay on that story. Too busy dealing with thrills up their legs I guess.

What happened next was a conspiracy to try and harm Sarah Palin. Their hope was impeachment.

Of course, they failed, but just days before the November presidential election, Senator Kim Elton, who was ramrodding this deal, promised that Sarah Palin was going down. In the end, Sarah Palin was cleared from any wrong doing after the state personnel board reviewed the bogus Branchflower report cooked up by Steven Branchflower and Kim Elton. They slammed Branchflower’s investigation and declared Palin completely innocent.

But, the damage was done, and in pure Chicago pay-for-play thug politics, Barack Obama, upon taking office, gave Kim Elton a make work job in the Department of Interior. You can read more here.

The Naked Emperor News covers all of this, as well as the deliberate and coordinated attacks on Sarah Palin by the Alaskan democrat/communist bloggers and those filing the complaints. They even dug up audio of a radio interview where a bunch of them called in to talk about it. Of course, the bloggers still claim no collusion.

Now just like cockroaches scatter when you turn the lights on, these losers have went into panic mode. Jeanne Devon who is shown on the video several times, has, along with others, been trying as hard as possible to ban this video. She has been going after it on You Tube and elsewhere. She claims “copyright violations.”

Yeah, OK.

This is where the efforts of a dedicated group of patriots come in. They’ve all worked endlessly to make this video go viral. This video is now everywhere including international websites. I want to give a big shout out to Bob Parks who writes for the Canada Free Press and was kind enough to host the video as well as give Jeanne Devon a bit of schooling on copyright law. You can see the video here.

Now for those that don’t know, Jeanne Devon, a shopkeeper in Anchorage, is the type of person we usually describe with a word that starts with chicken but has a few more letters to it. Rather than blog out in the open,, she cries for people like Sarah Palin to be “open and transparent”, while she uses an alias. Devon, who writes for her own hate website, Mudflats, as well as the vile Huffington Post as AKMuckraker, is such a nasty woman that a Democrat legislator Mike Doogan, had enough of her and outed her to the world!

So she is going stark raving mad at this point, as is her partner in crime Linda Kellen Biegel.

So it came as no surprise this weekend when CNN employee Dennis Zaki came out with the wild story that Sarah Palin was divorcing Todd and moving to Montana. Of course, this was an out and out lie, but certainly what one expects anytime a democrat/communist opens it’s mouth, especially when they are talking about Sarah Palin!

This was an obvious, deliberate, and coordinated effort to “punish” Sarah Palin because American patriots have had enough of these vile and hateful members of the Alaska Mafia and have started fighting back.. The divorce lie was payback because the light has been shone on these losers.

Well, this started a chain reaction none of the Alaska Mafia wanted to see, I can promise you!

First to weigh in was super blogger and author Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs) who decided to turn the table on Barack Obama. Kind of a sorta Chicago deal. You pull out a knife, we’ll pull out an Abrams tank!

Of course, as always, Sarah herself put this stupidity to bed with this fantastic quote:

“Divorce Todd? Have you SEEN Todd? I may be just a renegade hockey mom, but I’m not blind!” __Sarah Palin

But the conservative bloggers weren’t done. You see everyone knows that Dennis Zaki a stringer for CNN is a known and provable liar. But where was this really coming from?

Well Zaki’s source is another one of the democrat/communist bloggers who is tied into Barack Obama’s Alaska Mafia. This loser, who writes as Gryphen, has a blog called the Immoral Minority. Perfect name for a democrat/communist blog, don’t ya think?

Anyway, journalist Robert Stacy McCain was the recipient of some interesting information.

Gryphen is actually Jesse Griffin, a divorced 48 year old part time kindergarten teacher at Trailside Elementary in Anchorage. My first question is what sort of 48 year old man works part time at a kindergarten? Jesse Griffin’s only other effort seems to be spending time with his pal CNN employee Dennis Zaki making up insane stories about Sarah Palin!

You see, Jesse Griffin, who started the lie about Sarah getting divorced, is also the one who started the lie that Sarah’s youngest child, Trig, was actually Bristol’s.

Griffin is also the one behind the lie that Sarah Palin was under indictment by the FBI, which is why she was stepping down. This of course prompted the FBI to do something it rarely does, and publicly announce that, no, Sarah Palin wasn’t under any sort of investigation of any kind.

Griffin’s Immoral Minority is aligned with the other Alaska democrat/communist blogs that kept saying there was a big “iceberg” coming for Sarah Palin, and of course, all of these hate bloggers, especially Shannyn Moore and Jeanne Devon, who write for the Huffington Post, trumpeted this bogus FBI story as the iceberg.

You can read more of Robert Stacy McCain’s report on Jesse Griffin here.

McCain dug up some incredibly disturbing quotes from Jesse Griffin. Very vile and very troubling. If I had kids over at Trailside Elementary, I’d be concerned, especially if they were in kindergarten. This cat is certifiable!

The folks over at Flopping Aces have some interesting things to say as well.

Sarah Palin’s attorney is now involved in this deal.

OK, but you ask why bring Barack Obama into all of this, isn’t he self destructing well enough with any help? Well, yes he is. But the ties are so deep to this it just makes me mad. They wanted to impeach Richard Nixon for a lot less.

Barack Obama has ties to Alaskan’s For Truth as well as the Wasilla Project and Mythbusters. And with his man Pete Rouse’s lifelong ties to Alaska, it’s just not much of a leap to understand this deliberate and coordinated effort to destroy Sarah Palin all leads to an office somewhere at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C.

Case in point. Remember a week or so ago when it was illegally leaked that Sarah Palin’s Alaska Trust Fund, her legal defense fund was itself illegal?

This is typical for the Alaska Mafia. They have filed over 20 bogus ethics complains, cost the state of Alaska at minimum $2 million tax payer dollars, basically stealing $2 mil, as well as cost Sarah herself over a half million personally. So what did they do? They filed an idiotic ethics complaint saying, basically, she didn’t have a right to raise money to defend herself!

Now this complaint has not been resolved. It’s still under “investigation.” Cue up the possible Obama plant. I say possible, because I honestly can’t say for sure. But bear with me on this. I promise not to disappoint.

You see, the guy who leaked the information claiming Sarah Palin was “guilty” was the so-called “independent investigator” hired by the state to investigate Sarah Palin!

How convenient!

This “independent investigator,” Thomas Daniel, has a day job, of course. Thomas Daniel works for Perkins-Coie. Perkins-Coie is the law firm Barack Obama uses to represent him.

Oh my.

Obama has spent almost $700,000 with the law firm this year as they, among other things, represent Obama in those dozens of law suits out there challenging his eligibility to be President.

Josh Painter put a great piece together on this that you can read here.

Also it’s reported that Perkin-Coie is the go to law firm for the democrat/communist party when they want to steal elections and manufacture votes.

Ahh, the circle of life.

So let me think….

The “independent investigator,” Thomas Daniel, knowingly committed a crime and leaked a story, a lie actually, to a reporter. And this “independent investigator,” Thomas Daniel; just happens to work at the same law firm the represents Barack Obama. What could possibly be wrong here?

Look, the democrat/communists want to destroy Sarah Palin. Heck, even some of the good old boy Republican losers want to stop her. The fear from both groups is palpable.

Sarah Palin is a true American patriot. This is a woman that has taken on corruption and stopped it cold. And frankly, she didn’t care that a lot of those who were corrupt were life time establishment Republicans. In fact, it seemed to delight her.

Sarah Palin strikes fear in all of the NYC/DC Beltway hacks. They know when she gets going she will destroy their little gravy train, their little fiefdoms. Sarah Palin represents anything but business as usual in politics.

Now for the democrat/communists, she is particularly dangerous. As Barack Obama and his Congress try to pass insane tax schemes like cap and tax, and destroy all freedom and liberty with this massive health care gambit, which is nothing less than and end run around the Constitution, a total usurpation, really, Sarah Palin stands there saying: “No!”

No one can draw a crowd like Sarah Palin, and unlike Mr Hopey Changey, when Sarah Palin speaks, she captivates the crowd with substance. Sarah talks about things that matter to Americans. But Sarah also talks about something else, the American Spirit.

Unlike Barack Obama and all of the democrat/communists who constantly run America down, Sarah Palin constantly speaks to America’s greatness. To Barack Obama, America’s greatest days have come and gone. But to Sarah Palin, America is that “shining city on a hill” that our great Ronald Reagan always spoke of.

Obama and the democrat/communists never miss a chance to disrespect our fine military. Sarah Palin never misses a chance to praise our wonderful service men and women, and remind Americans that the military has been fighting and dying for the them, and their liberty and freedom, for over two centuries. In fact, our brave troops volunteer to do this. They put their lives on the line for us daily. Sarah Palin’s son is serving, as well.

Basically, Sarah Palin represents real hope, and real change. She is a street fighter. A savvy woman who gets things done, a concept foreign in DC.

So, the enemy must destroy her!

Who is the enemy?

Well, it’s Barack Obama, and the democrat/communist party, for sure. They are destroying America, and usurping the Constitution, but they aren’t the only problem. They are also a lot of Republicans who have gotten fat and lazy in DC, and are not working for their employers, the American people.

So what can you do?

Well, I can state the obvious, which is to get behind Sarah Palin 100 percent!

Support Sarah through SarahPAC and the Alaska Trust Fund. You can also stand up and say, “No more!” every time some nut job makes up lies about her, or attacks her in any way.

But there is a lot more to it. You must get off the couch and get into the game. You must stand up to Barack Obama and the rest of the democrat/communists. You need to educate yourselves on all of the issues and speak up. Stop being comfortable, start being active. Your very liberty and freedom is at stake.

Go to tea parties, attend these townhalls that the politicians are setting up. Scream at them and tell them to get right, or else!

Grab all of your friends, especially those who say “I don’t do politics.” It’s up to you to make them understand that if they want liberty and freedom, they sure as hell better start “doing politics!”

Get out and support conservative candidates nationwide. 2010 counts, and will be the most important election in a century. If we can’t take Congress back with a solid conservative majority, and stop the march toward full absolute communist rule, we will no longer be a free nation, and liberty will be but a fleeting dream.

Sarah Palin is a true transformative figure in America, and a great lady, but even she can’t do this alone!


Filed under In The News, Politics