Tag Archives: communism

Insanely Ridiculous Predictions of Doom and Destruction from the First “Earth Day” [1970] That Never Happened

Earth En Fuego

By Gary P Jackson

Ah, “Earth Day” the annual event where Communists, Socialists, Fascists, “progressives,” “liberals,” democrats and other greedy, power hungry bastards, who dream of having absolute power over the human race [for fun and profit] team up with their billionaire political cronies and other con artists looking to make a quick buck, using junk science [and outright bullshit] to scare the living Hell out of people who haven’t even the most rudimentary understanding of actual science and how the world really works. Naive people who will fall for anything the corrupt lamestream media tells them, despite over 100 years worth of empirical evidence [and, you know, plain old common sense] to the contrary!

Green Police

We’ve been hearing predictions of gloom and doom for the past 45 years, and absolutely NONE of them have come to pass, and yet, ignorant people lose their shit every time someone claims this or that is due to “global warming” or the new word “climate change“!

While extremists and bullshit artists today scream about global warming, and Al Gore tells us the earth “has a fever” [even though the hottest decade on record was the 1930s] back in the 1970’s, it was the coming ICE AGE, that these lunatics were using to scare otherwise normal people to death!

Starting in 1972 and all through the 70’s, Time Magazine ran articles warning of a coming Ice Age , complete with dire warnings of mass starvation, world wars [over dwindling food resources, of course] and within a decade or so, complete and total extinction of all living things: plant, animal, and human, on earth!

While today the oceans warming is a sure sign of global warming, the same condition was said to signal a coming Ice Age in the 1970’s. You simply can’t make this of weapons grade insanity up!

Time Magazine Coming Ice Age Cover


How insane did it all get? The Central “Intelligence” Agency [the CIA, yes THAT CIA] claimed that record flooding and other extreme weather that portions of the world was experiencing in the early 1970’s was due to “global cooling” which is hilarious, when you consider today’s extremists claim any and all bad weather, including flooding, is caused by “global warming“!

CIA Global Cooling Nonsense

Of course, all of this was complete and total nonsense, and nothing but junk science, but the media, in cahoots with the liberal fascists, Socialists, Communists, democrats, and other filthy rat bastards seeking world domination, power, and riche$ played it up to the hilt in order to scare people into submission. Thankfully, this was before President Jimmy Carter federalized our education system, and children were still taught ACTUAL science. It was also, thankfully, before the internet. As a result, few people bought into the hysteria. People used to have a fair amount of common sense built into their DNA!

Both Steve Goddard and David Middleton covered the nonsense, fear-mongering, and wildly insane predictions from Time in greater detail here and here.

A few decades later, Time would use cute and cuddly polar bears to scare the living crap out of stupid people who believe anything they read in Time!

Time Magazine Polar Bear

Here’s some facts about the polar bear the extremists hope you never find out. For one thing, these cuddly little bears are actually ENORMOUS and quite VICIOUS. They have absolute ZERO natural enemies. Nothing out in the animal kingdom hunts them. The polar bears do the hunting!

Polar bears can also swim incredible distances.

According to a study conducted by the United States Geological Survey [USGS] between 2004 and 2009, polar bears are capable of swimming as far as 220 miles in one day, while the average distance a bear covers in a day is 96 miles.

From Reuters News Service:

Tue May 1, 2012 10:35pm EDT

Polar bears are capable of swimming vast distances, a potential survival skill needed in an Arctic environment where summer sea ice is vanishing, a study led by the U.S. Geological Survey showed on Tuesday.

The study, published in the Canadian Journal of Zoology, tracked 52 female polar bears in the southern Beaufort Sea off Alaska. Between 2004 and 2009, a period of extreme summer-ice retreat, about a third of those bears made swims exceeding 30 miles in distance, according to the study results.

The 50 recorded ultra-marathon swims averaged 96 miles, and one bear was able to swim nearly 220 miles, according to the study results. The duration of the long-distance swims lasted from most of a day to nearly 10 days, according to the study.
The bears’ movements were tracked using global positioning system collars. All the animals in the study were females because male polar bear necks are too thick for GPS-equipped collars, said Karen Oakley, a supervising biologist at the USGS Alaska Science Center.

Many of the polar bears in the study had young cubs with them, and it appears that at least some of the cubs – which were not collared – might have been able to keep up with their mothers in the water, USGS officials said.

The scientists were able to track 10 of the studied bears within a year of collaring and found that six still had their cubs, the lead scientist said in a statement released by the USGS.

These observations suggest that some cubs are also capable of swimming long distances. For the other four females with cubs, we don’t know if they lost their cubs before, during, or at some point after their long swims,” Anthony Pagano, a USGS scientist and lead author of the study, said in the statement.

It should be noted that the “period of extreme summer-ice retreat” is normal and happens every summer in the Arctic and has nothing to do with “climate change“!

The extremists LOVE to show a picture of a polar bear floating on ice, presumably stranded by global warming, and the fact there is no more ice in the Arctic. NOW you know that if a bear is floating on a piece of ice, she is simply taking a break! There is plenty of ice in the frozen north, and that bear is just fine!

Now on to “Earth Day” 1970

We’ve used several sources, including Jon Gabriel and IHateTheMedia to compile a list of predictions the environmental extremists and political fascists [but I repeat myself] predicted. You’ll find my comments in […] and bold after many of them!

**We have about five more years at the outside to do something.”
• Kenneth Watt, ecologist

**Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.
• George Wald, Harvard Biologist

[ It’s 45 years later and we are still going strong!]

**We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation.”
• Barry Commoner, Washington University biologist

[The earth is more habitable now than at any time in history. Yea technology!]

**Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction.” • New York Times editorial, the day after the first Earth Day

This is actually TRUE! However, ignorant people confuse pollution and the general disregard for our environment, an actual issue in 1970, and the outright HOAX that is now being perpetrated by extremists, fascists, and billionaires looking to make even more money off the biggest scam in human history.

As a child I first heard the word “ecology” around 1969 or 1970, in school. There were serious problems with actual pollution in the United States as well as the rest of the world. Raw sewage and industrial chemicals were routinely dumped in rivers, lakes, and streams. It wasn’t uncommon to see people throw trash out their car windows while driving down the road!

There was a massive campaign to not only stop the dangerous practices of chemical dumping, and littering, but to clean up the damage already done. In some places we are still working on the cleanup, but America is much cleaner. Nothing is perfect, but people were made more aware and bad habits were changed. That’s a very good thing!]

**Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.
• Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University biologist

**By…[1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s.”
• Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University biologist

[Ehrlich is the author of “The Population Bomb a book that predicted a population explosion that would end the world. He, along with Al Gore, Ted Turner and other extremist nut jobs have declared we should reduced the entire world’s population to roughly 100 million, in order to “save” the planet. There are roughly 320 million people living in the United States alone. Depending on which agency you believe, there are between 7 and 7.5 BILLION people on earth today!

Technology has allowed the development of greater sources of food from smaller plots of land. One of the biggest developments came well before Ehrlich’s wild eyed prediction. In the early 1960’s a man named Norman Borlaug created a genetically modified [GMO] strain of wheat, called Dwarf Wheat. In most of the less developed world, normal wheat would grow tall, and since there was a lack of machinery to harvest it in a timely manner, rot in the fields, as the wheat stalks simply bent over and lay on the ground. Dwarf Wheat stands erect, and allows for the manual harvesting of the crop, and gives field workers more time to do it.

It is said that, and Borlaug is credited with, saving ONE BILLION lives with his amazing creation! Borlaug was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize [back when that thing meant something] as well as the Congressional Gold Medal and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to name a few honors. This is one of the greatest advancements in history and everyone should read up on Borlaug and his Dwarf Wheat]

*** FUN FACT: Though extremists claim the earth is “out of room” for it’s population, the entire world’s population could fit in a land mass the size of Texas!

**It is already too late to avoid mass starvation.
• Denis Hayes, chief organizer for Earth Day

[The only people starving in the United States are the poor school kids who are forced to eat the lunches Michelle Obama thinks they should! -Search online for photos of these “fine dining” options the First Lady has provided!

So-called “scientists” tell us that obesity, or TOO MUCH FOOD is one of the greatest crisis mankind is facing these days!]

**Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions….By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine.
• Peter Gunter, professor, North Texas State University

[Yeah, didn’t happen!]

**Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….
Life Magazine, January 1970

[in reality, according to multiply government studies, the quality of air in the United States has never been better! NOW the extremists claim we are getting TOO MUCH sun!!!! That said, places like China, which has fewer standards and overcrowded cities, are still facing air quality issues. This is an issue of poor standards not “climate change.”]

**At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.”
• Kenneth Watt, Ecologist

[See above]

**We are prospecting for the very last of our resources and using up the nonrenewable things many times faster than we are finding new ones.”
• Martin Litton, Sierra Club director

[Total bullshit! We are still finding new resources for energy]

**By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate…that there won’t be any more crude oil. You’ll drive up to the pump and say, `Fill ‘er up, buddy,’ and he’ll say, `I am very sorry, there isn’t any.’”
• Kenneth Watt, Ecologist

[Extremists continue to push the outright LIE that we are “running out of oil As I reported in an article entitled 2 Trillion Barrels of American Oil: Why Wealthy Arab Oil Sheiks Are Funding Matt Damon’s Anti-Fracking Propaganda Film

While total world resources of oil shale are conservatively estimated at 2.6 trillion barrels, The United States sits on TWO TRILLION barrels of that crude. More than all of the crude that was ever produced worldwide since the petroleum age began.

[In the article I also noted there was a recent find of 1.67 QUADRILLION (1670 TRILLION) cubic feet of natural gas in the Arctic and …. :

Another staggering number is found in the Green River Formation in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. There is said to be 1.5 trillion barrels of oil, or 6 times what is held in all of Saudi Arabia.

There is so much oil in the Bakken Shale deposits in North Dakota, private investors are looking to build a $1.8 billion pipeline from North Dakota to Oklahoma. A hefty investment and a huge jobs program at a time we need a huge jobs program.

[Add in roughly 250 years worth of coal deposits, and the United States has enough oil and natural gas to be 100% energy independent for the next 500 to 800 years, depending on consumption rates.]

**Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, believes that in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.
• Sen. Gaylord Nelson

[So ridiculous that it’s hard to know what to say, EXCEPT that scientists are still discovering hundreds of new species on land and in the world’s oceans every single year! (Look it up) The earth is as vibrant and alive as anytime in recorded history!]

**The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.
• Kenneth Watt, Ecologist

[Now these loons tell us the world is about to spontaneously combust from all the heat!]

** “[One] theory assumes that the earth’s cloud cover will continue to thicken as more dust, fumes, and water vapor are belched into the atmosphere by industrial smokestacks and jet planes. Screened from the sun’s heat, the planet will cool, the water vapor will fall and freeze, and a new Ice Age will be born.” — Newsweek Magazine

[Again, these same crackpots and scam artists are NOW telling us that all of these things that were supposed to create a new and civilization destroying Ice Age, are now causing global warming! (or as they now call it “climate change” so as to cover ANY imaginary calamity]

You will be bombarded with absolute hysteria and bullshit today. You will be told the world will end in just a few short years if you don’t turn over complete control of you life, as well as your wallet, to these extremists. Don’t fall for it.

Life is good. Damn good!!

Go out and enjoy it!

Gary Signature

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The Cuban-American Dream IS the American Dream and GOP Corrupted It

before after

Before and After: How our cause for freedom has been corrupted. 

By Isabel Matos 

The Cuban-American Dream is the American dream and it has been corrupted by the GOPe. This clip connects a brief account of my family’s experience in exile and that of many families like us in the United States, with the push for a corrupt and politically motivated agenda: Amnesty. There is an important historical lesson that should alarm anyone who cares about the direction this country is headed because of the Republican party’s corruption. Obama wants to legalize illegals, but the GOPe is collaborating with communist amnesty activists and agitators. [Last summer Ros-Lehtinen and other members of the GOP earned La Raza’s praise for voting against a border bill that would have denied Obama the right to use federal funds to implement temporary amnesty.] I was asked to amplify on the last segment which I hope you enjoy. 

The next segment will be the appearance on Telemundo mentioned in the clip. It needs to be translated, so it will be published shortly. Thank you for viewing and sharing if you like it. A pathway to citizenship is code for amnesty (you know that) and it is a part of the communist plan to turn our system into a Democrat majority, or one-party system, and our GOPe is selling us out.


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I Confronted Marco Rubio on Amnesty!

By Isabel Matos

I did it. I told Marco Rubio to his face what I thought of his push for amnesty and I have decided I will still be a hyphenated-American. Here’s why:

We fled Cuba for this?

I am a Cuban-American whose family fled Cuba because of Communism. My representatives in Florida are helping pass Obama’s Executive Amnesty which is a communist agenda.  Even though it was a rather exciting opportunity to meet my Senator, it was not fun given the circumstances I made a point to meet him under. He is supposed to represent us as Americans (and has a higher calling because of the cause of freedom for Cuba which is what our patriotism has been about for decades). As long as there is communism in Cuba, and as long as there is a dictatorship, there is still a fight against both, and not a push for an agenda, which he has the nerve to call an American Dream, that helps the left, our enemy.

This country is worth fighting for. We are a nation of laws under God, and with a constitution that protects its citizens. Those who push amnesty are lawbreakers. I have a short way of saying it: No borders. No country. We lost Cuba. And now you’re saying that this country is to be run the way the communists would like? I don’t think so. Marco Rubio is a Dreamer, not an Anti-Communist.  This was my brief exchange with him at the American Dreams Book Signing in Miami:

I am working on an amplification of the information given above. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you for your encouragement. Please pass this video along to your friends to let them know Amnesty is a Communist Agenda, not just an unconstitutional and impeachable offense by the President.

Fully Fund Obama’s Executive Amnesty, Vote Date 2/27/2015, Vote Description

While considering HR 240, the FY 2015 Department of Homeland Security funding bill, in the Senate, newly elected Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) worked with Democrats and liberal Republicans to re-instate funding for Obama’s executive amnesty. Despite promises from Senate Republicans during the 2014 midterm campaign to stand up to President Obama, HR 240 would fully fund Obama’s fall 2014 unconstitutional executive amnesty. This vote is on final passage of HR 240 and is the last opportunity for Republican’s to stop funding for full implementation of President Obama’s illegal executive amnesty for the remainder of the year. -Senate vote Conservative Review – s62-114.2015


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Disturbing Gallup: Most Democrats Have a Positive View of Socialism, Big Government [and so do some Republicans!]

Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both.

~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy 35th President of the United States

I blame the feckless, spineless Republican Party 100% for the results of this latest polling from Gallup.

Communism and socialism are the greatest evils ever foisted on mankind. And yet, the GOP, which is supposed to be the “loyal opposition” to these evils, is afraid to talk about it! The Republican Party’s latest failed candidate for President, Mitt Romney, when asked, REFUSED to call Barack Obama a socialist. That’s right, Mitt Romney refused to call Barack Obama, who was raised from birth by hard-core, Anti-American COMMUNISTS a “socialist.” And the GOP is still trying to figure out why they lost the election!

Ronald Reagan, famously a democrat until the 1960s, railed against communism and socialism all of his life. Reagan understood the evils of communism and socialism. He saw them as barbaric ideologies that destroy humanity. Reagan saw his party, the democrat party, taken over by communists and socialists, and famously said “I didn’t leave the party, the party left me” [a sentiment many are feeling about today’s Republican Party, BTW] But Reagan wasn’t the only well known democrat who hated communism and socialism, and the evils they represent. John F Kennedy constantly spoke of the evils of both, there is plenty of tape of Kennedy doing so.

My point?

Why doesn’t the GOP use this and other information to help educate the American people who have been dumbed-down by liberal run education, liberal run media, and liberal run entertainment?

If they were smart, Republicans could use nothing but democrats blasting socialism and the evil it represents, to defeat today’s socialist-communist controlled democrat party. Not just defeat them, but send the party and it’s failed ideology to the ash-heap of history, where it belongs. They don’t call the GOP the “Stupid Party” for nothing though.

We have a population that doesn’t even understand that the Nazis were SOCIALISTS or that Nazi was short for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei in English: the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Instead you have the Nazis described as “right wing” by the media and “historians” in an attempt to re-write history, a common communist/socialist tactic.

In his iconic 1964 speech: A Time for Choosing, Ronald Reagan suggested there was no such thing as right or left, politically, just an up …. or …. down. He was right, and there is nothing that drags humanity further down than communism and socialism…..

….and yet, the Republican Party, a group sensible Americans have always looked to for protection against such evils, remains clueless and unwilling to fight for America against these great evils.

I chose the Kennedy quote above for a reason. We are at war, for sure, but it’s the massive corruption, the crony capitalism, the payoffs to political allies, with tax payer dollars, that is the problem. Barack Obama may be the king of Chicago style, corrupt, crony politics, but make no mistake, there’s plenty of cronyism to go around in the Republican Party as well. It’s this massive corruption in both parties that has allowed the notion of communism and socialism to thrive in America.

We expect nothing but evil and corruption from modern day democrats, but many in the GOP would rather hang on to their piece of the pie than rock the boat. I’m not calling Mitt Romney corrupt, it seems that he’s a rather decent, if not spineless, fellow, but it’s telling that he couldn’t bring himself to use the rather mild [but just as evil] socialist moniker to describe Barack Obama, a hard core, raised from birth, Saul Alinsky COMMUNIST.

You cannot defeat evil with timidity.

Gallup’s latest polling is disturbing, to say the least. It shows that most democrats, not surprisingly, hate big business, capitalism, and embrace socialism. More disturbing is that nearly a quarter of self-described Republicans hold these same views. It would almost seem all of these Republicans are currently serving in Congress or in “leadership positions within the RNC, looking at the state of affairs.

PRINCETON, NJ — Exemplifying a major partisan divide in modern politics, Democrats react significantly more positively to the term “federal government” than they do to the term “capitalism,” while the opposite is true for Republicans. But both Democrats and Republicans are highly positive about the terms “small business,” “free enterprise,” and “entrepreneurs.”

Several very interesting results here. Republicans and democrats both see small business in a highly favorable light. In fact, at 95 and 94 percent, respectively, they are identical in their views. However, democrats are less favorable to free enterprise, 6 points less, and entrepreneurs, 7 points less, than Republicans.

Never mind that pretty much 100% of small business owners are entrepreneurs who rely on free enterprise to survive. And never mind that communism and socialism are the sworn enemies of small businesses, free enterprise, and entrepreneurs.

It would seem there is a disconnect somewhere!

It’s troubling to me that Republicans aren’t answering closer to 100% on all three of these. It’s also troubling that only 72% of Republicans view capitalism favorably, only 75% have a favorable view of big business, and a mind-blowing 23 PERCENT see socialism in a favorable light.

Again, the Republican Party is still trying figure out why, once again, they lost. Not only lost, but lost to the worst president in the 236 year history of our nation. I think we’ve, at least partly, stumbled on the answer.

The idea that any American would view socialism favorably is just hateful, but the results of this polling speak to the absolute failure of the GOP as a political party, let alone protector of Liberty and Freedom.

Gallup conducted a similar poll in 2010, and sadly, it’s only gotten worse:

The chart combines both parties together, but it simply doesn’t compute. While those surveyed feel even more positive towards free enterprise and entrepreneurs now than they did in 2010 [and even big business for that matter] there is a sharp rise in those who favor Big Federal Government and socialism. Both of which are the absolute enemies of small businesses, free enterprise, and entrepreneurs. And for that matter, big business too!

It’s obvious that while pining for more of it, and re-electing the most radical of socialist-communist radicals as President, most democrats and a disturbing number of Republicans, have absolutely no idea what socialism actually is.

At least that’s what I want to believe. The alternative, that the majority of those surveyed DO know and understand what socialism is, and want it anyway, is just too depressing to even contemplate.

The bottom line is 53% of democrats and 23% of Republicans have a favorable view of socialism. That’s 53 and 23 percent, respectively, too damned many!

Thank the spineless GOP for this. Someone should have been fighting the fight against this evil, and working night and day to educate the public. Far too many Republicans were more worried about holding on to their own little centers of power to care.


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Video: Saul Alinsky’s Radical Anti-American Agenda is Barack Obama’s Radical Anti-American Agenda

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history… the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.

~ Saul Alinsky’s dedication to Satan in his book Rules for Radicals

By Gary P Jackson

A fantastic interview with David Webb and Anita Moncrief. They talk with Sean Hannity about Saul Alinsky and Barack Obama’s radical Anti-American communist agenda. Unspeakable evils set upon the American people for decades:

Radio talk show host David Webb, former ACORN official Anita Moncrief, and Sean Hannity discuss the connection between Saul Alinsky, ACORN, and Barack Obama.

I suggest readers who don’t know the extent of the evils Alinsky preached, or how ingrained those evils are in Obama, do their own research into both. Rarely does one find pure, unadulterated evil in the world, in these two, however, it’s all there.

Barack Obama taught the principles of Saul Alinsky to ACORN members in Chicago.

Thanks to our friends at SarahNET for the video.

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Video Reminder From Ronald Reagan: “Government IS the Problem”

By Gary P Jackson

A little reminder for democrats and liberal Republicans from the great Renaldus Magnus:

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Obama Regime Backs Down on Farm Child Labor Law

By Gary P Jackson

Well that didn’t take long! After a lot of hell raising from farmers and disgusted Americans, Barack Obama and his rabid communist Labor Secretary Hilda Solis have decided to scrap the proposed ban of children working on farms.

From The Daily Caller:

Under pressure from farming advocates in rural communities, and following a report by The Daily Caller, the Obama administration withdrew a proposed rule Thursday that would have applied child labor laws to family farms.

Critics complained that the regulation would have drastically changed the extent to which children could work on farms owned by family members. The U.S. Department of Labor cited public outcry as the reason for withdrawing the rule.

The decision to withdraw this rule — including provisions to define the ‘parental exemption’ — was made in response to thousands of comments expressing concerns about the effect of the proposed rules on small family-owned farms,” the Department said in a press release Thursday evening. “To be clear, this regulation will not be pursued for the duration of the Obama administration.

The rule would have dramatically changed what types of chores children under the age of 16 could perform on and around American farms. It would have prohibited them from working with tobacco, operating almost all types of power-driven equipment and being employed to work with raw farm materials.

Prohibited places of employment would include country grain elevators, grain bins, silos, feed lots, stockyards, livestock exchanges and livestock auctions,” read a press release from last August.

I am pleased to hear the Obama Administration is finally backing away from its absurd 85-page proposal to block youth from participating in family farm activities and ultimately undermine the very fabric of rural America, but I will continue working to ensure this overreaching proposal is completely and permanently put to rest,” said Sen. John Thune, Republican from South Dakota. “The Obama DOL’s youth farm labor rule is a perfect example of what happens when government gets too big.

Parents and children who grew up on farms across the country told TheDC that the rule was overprotective and would have prevented kids from learning valuable skills at early ages.

Read more here.

On bad law down, thousands to go!


Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

Allen West is Right The Halls of Congress are Filled with Communists Here’s the List

By Gary P Jackson

A couple of days ago Congressman Allen West, at a town hall meeting, told his constituents there were as many as 80 Communists roaming the halls of Congress.

From the Palm Beach Post:

U.S. Rep. Allen West told about 90 largely supportive Palm City voters Tuesday that locally prioritized federal projects — such as the St. Lucie Inlet dredging — aren’t going to matter if Washington officials don’t address a mounting deficit.

Later Tuesday evening, a Jensen Beach crowd of 100 with more than 15 protesters greeted the congressman with mixed support, cheers and jeers.

The conservative tea party icon also got in shots at Democrats and President Obama, who spoke Tuesday at Florida Atlantic University. West said Obama was “scared” to have a discussion with him. He later said “he’s heard” up to 80 U.S. House Democrats are Communist Party members, but wouldn’t name names.

West didn’t name names, but I can. Back in 2010 I wrote about the Socialist Party USA, and it’s release of the names of card carrying SPUSA members in Congress. We all know Senator Bernie Sanders, he’s the only one to openly campaign as a socialist, and being from Vermont, well …

Old Bernie caucuses with his fellow travelers in the democrat party.

Though some of these Marxists were defeated in the 2010 elections, click here to see the list of known Communists serving in Congress as democrats.

Let’s not forget Barack Obama himself was raised by Communists. His mother was a communist, her parents were Communists who actually moved from Kansas to Seattle to be closer to growing Communist community out there.

We also know that Stanley Dunham, Obama’s white grandfather, chose radical communist, and pornographer, Frank Marshall Davis to mentor young Barry. Dunham wanted Obama to have a “black influence” in his life, and sublet that out to a real Marxist radical.

Dunham was a member of the Communist Party USA, as was Davis. The FBI had extensive files on both, and Davis is said to have been a Soviet spy working out of Hawaii.

Barack Obama, himself was a member of the radical “New Party” in Chicago.

So guess what, not only do we have Communists wandering the halls of Congress, we have a raised from birth Communist sitting in the White House.

God bless Allen West for being the only elected Republican with the guts to speak the truth.

As you can imagine, the Communists are losing their minds!

Daylight is the best disinfectant.

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Mercedes-Benz Uses Communist Mass Murderer Che Guevara in Latest Ad Campaign

Under a huge portrait of Che Guevara, Mercedes’ Dieter Zetsche touted a vision of car-sharing. (Credit: Sarah Tew/CNET)

Some colleagues still think that car-sharing borders on communism,” Mercedes-Benz Chairman of the Board of Management Dieter Zetsche said onstage at CES today, speaking about Mercedes’ new CarTogether initiative. “But if that’s the case, viva la revolucion!

By Gary P Jackson

You live long enough and you will see it all.

I can’t imagine that any serious human being doesn’t know and understand who Ernesto “Che” Guevara was. Guevara was a psychopath. A mass murder who killed for pleasure. He was so evil that even Fidel Castro ran him off!

Now Mercedes-Benz is using this mass murdering communist as the pitchman for one of their programs. Mercedes-Benz has a “ride sharing” program already in place, that uses their worthless little Smart car. The idea is for drivers to share cars to “save the planet.

Insert long winded, multiple syllable curse word filled rant here: ______

Full disclosure. I’m a long time Chrysler guy and was around when Chrysler and Daimler became a “marriage of equals.” Dieter Zetsche was put in charge of that fiasco. Chrysler’s quality suffered under his watch. So did sales.

It seems Herr Zetsche’s judgment hasn’t improved. We could go all day long about the wisdom of a car company looking for new and creative ways to sell LESS cars, something Zetsche has intimate knowledge of, but using a communist serial killer to do it is just beyond the pale.

It should trouble any decent human being that anyone would embrace Che Guevara in any way. That a major automobile company would also seem to embrace communism should scare the living hell out of everyone.

Communism is a vile and dangerous ideology. Somewhere around a 100 million people have been murdered in the name of communism. And yet, far too many people, including many Americans, think it’s hip and cool.

From Mike Gonzalez atHeritage on Che:

He had, moreover, little time for youthful rebellion and none at all for individualism. Lastly, Che Guevara was a racist who specifically held blacks in contempt. I think about this often when I see deluded young African-Americans wearing a t-shirt with his likeness. But a German born a handful of years after 1945 really ought to have known better.

In other words Che wouldn’t be down with all of these “occupy” nimrods, many who wear shirts, or hold signs, with his likeness on them. Not a fan of blacks either.

Great image for Mercedes-Benz, don’t-cha think?

CBS has a puff piece with more details about Mercedes-Benz’s program, and embrace of communism and mass murder.

I might suggest readers also take time to read The Black Book of Communism.

The book is available for all to read, online, and free of charge. It’s a comprehensive look at the evils of communism. Check it out here.

From the book. These are estimates of how many have bee slaughtered in the name of communism.

65 million in the People’s Republic of China

20 million in the Soviet Union

2 million in Cambodia

2 million in North Korea

1.7 million in Africa

1.5 million in Afghanistan

1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe

1 million in Vietnam

150,000 in Latin America

10,000 deaths “resulting from actions of the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power.

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Shocking Video: Ron Paul’s Ties to George Soros; Communist One World Government Movement

By Gary P Jackson

If there is one thing that sets the Ron Paul/Alex Jones crowd off more than talk of Bilderbergers, FEMA camps, and the Illuminati, it’s the talk of a New World Order, and a One World Government.

Fact is, the concern over a One World Government is the only thing legitimate these people ever bring up.

There has been a long, concerted effort to turn American sovereignty over to the United Nations. There’s also a concerted effort to bring hard core communism to the United States. That’s also been in the works for decades, since before WWII.

Knowing this, and how it really gets the Ron Paul crowd going, one can only speculate how they will take the news their hero, Herr Doktor Ron Paul, is really a plant by the biggest One World guy on the planet, George Soros.

Readers know who Soros is. He’s a former Nazi sympathizer who has made his fortune manipulating currencies. He’s one of the most evil men on the planet, and the self proclaimed owner of the democrat party.

From funding groups that perpetrate massive voter fraud, to groups that work daily to usurp the Constitution, Soros is like a real life James Bond villain! He’s into everything. Funds many groups with Orwellian names like the “Center for Progress” [because who doesn’t want progress] that actively work to destroy Liberty and Freedom, and hand more and more power to government.

Funny that Herr Doktor Paul, the supposed strict constitutionalist and champion of Liberty and Freedom, would be in bed with the most evil, anti-American, anti-Liberty and Freedom communist in the world.

There are only two possible answers here. Either Ron Paul is a fraud, and a phony. A George Soros plant. A mole. A “Manchurian Candidate,” picked to infiltrate the highest level of government, on behalf of the communists….or….Ron Paul is simply stupid, and has no clue what he’s doing and who he’s hooked up with.

I’ll let readers decide. I’ll say this, knowing what I know now, a lot of the crazy that is in Herr Doktor’s newsletters make more sense now.

It’s also easy [now] to understand why so many extreme left wingers and “occupy” types support Herr Doktor.

I don’t think all of Herr Doktor’s supporters are bad, but enough are to make the entire movement dangerous. Ron Paul is a real loon. His foreign policy is suicidal. His hatred for Israel and love for the Muslim terrorists is well documented. His want to blame America for everything wrong in the world is vomit inducing.

And Herr Doktor is no prize on the fiscal front. Here he’s a fraud as well. He’s one of the biggest pork spender in Congress. Rails against earmarks in public, then quietly brings home the bacon in mass quantities.

Being crazy is bad enough, but being a George Soros puppet is dangerous, and evil.

People who support this nimrod need to wake the hell up!


Filed under In The News, Politics