GOP Candidates Endorse Governor Palin

By Stacy Drake

Some of them endorsed her ideas and words anyway…Link
For instance, during the GOP debate Monday night in Tampa, Peter Hamby tweeted the following:

Bachmann team sends out press release hitting Perry’s “crony capitalism” cc @SarahPalinUSA

After the debate, Michele Bachmann appeared On The Record with Greta Van Sustren, stating the following, as Molly Ball reported:

“This is what the American people don’t want. They don’t want crony capitalism. It infuriates them,” she said, drawing a parallel with Obama’s Solyndra controversy. “It’s no better when Republicans engage in that as well,” she said.

Newt Gingrich also embraced Governor Palin’s message of reform and against crony capitalism on Greta’s show, saying:

I do want to say by the way, that Governor Palin’s speech in Iowa last weekend on crony capitalism and on the problems of both parties, is a very very important speech. I’m going to be tweeting a link to it. I’m also going to be doing some other things with it. I think it was maybe one of the most important speeches she’s ever given. And I think it raised a series of very profound questions that all of us, Democrat and Republican, have to wrestle with as citizens. And she did it very well. It’s a very very impressive speech.

So impressive that Rick Perry borrowed some of the words from Governor Palin speech in an op-ed he penned for USA Today on Monday. He wrote:

We must have a frank, honest national conversation about fixing Social Security to protect benefits for those at or near retirement while keeping faith with younger generations, who are being asked to pay.

From the governor’s speech in Iowa:

The status quo is no longer an option. Entitlement reform is our duty now, and it must be done in a way that honors our commitment to our esteemed elders today, while keeping faith with future generations.

I sincerely doubt that any of these candidates would be talking about crony capitalism before the governor gave that speech in Iowa. Whether she’s defining the debate, or helping candidates learn how to talk, Governor Palin is shaping the primary race just by sharing her opinion on the issues that effect this nation. The candidates are certainly following her lead, and I commend them for doing so.

Governor Palin understands that she’s having an effect on the race, as she stated on Monday (also on Greta’s show):

“I’m getting kind of a kick out of … getting out there, giving a speech, making some statements about things that must be discussed and then the very next day watching some of the candidates get up there and discuss what it was that we just talked about, like the corruption, the crony capitalism, the waste, the fraud – some of those things that are going on right now. It’s like, come on, candidates, it’s about time you started talking about that!”


Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

4 responses to “GOP Candidates Endorse Governor Palin

  1. Joy

    I’ve had some other thoughts after this pivotal debate in Tampa (esp. love the participation of the Tea Party – Big Time!! – thanks in no small measure to CNN’s alliance with and respect for that vital movement!!): Namely, Gingrich’s words and his staying in the race no matter how his funding is progressing (or isn’t…), no matter what staff – if any – are still on his payroll, might just be his attempt to position himself as a prime candidate for Vice-POTUS!!

    Ah, the plot thickens – and the possibilities abound!

    • Gary P

      Newt is starting to sound like the Newt of old, not the one who was spooning with Pelosi on the couch shilling for Algore’s hoax.

      He’s been tweeting Sarah’s Iowa speech, and was on CNN earlier defending her and talking about her speech.

      He’s always stood up for her.

      This is going to get interesting for sure.

      • Seattle

        Why on earth did he ever do that, anyway (w/ Pelosi). Sigh. What was the explanation Newt himself gives for that wacky behavior w/ Pelosi?

      • Gary P

        He “wanted a seat at the table”!

        Newt’s problem is he is “the smartest guy in the room”

        People equate a high level of intelligence with actual smarts. If you want to see some of the stupidest people alive, walking into a room filled with “intelligent” people.

        Newt thought he had to buy into the scam in order to “control it”

        Much easier to call a scam a scam and simply not buy into the premise.

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