South Carolina AFL-CIO Union Thug President Takes a Baseball Bat to Piñata Representing Governor Nikki Haley UPDATED

****UPDATED with New Video****

By Gary P Jackson

Union thug Donna Dewitt, the retiring South Carolina AFL-CIO president is seen taking a baseball bat to a piñata with South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley’s face on it. As you can see, Dewitt, who is egged on by the crowd, takes great delight in this.

Michelle Malkin reports the national AFL-CIO union thugs are trying to force You Tube to pull the video, but you can still view it, for now, by clicking here, or on the image above.

Malkin also notes that it was somehow inciting violence when Sarah Palin “targeted” Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords for defeat. Never mind it was left wing Daily Kos publisher Marcos Moulitsas who actually but a bull’s-eye on Congresswoman Giffords, targeting her as a sell-out. Evidently, this sort of actual violence by a union thug, is perfectly acceptable.

South Carolina is a right to work state, meaning union thugs are not welcome. Labor unions, with a history of violence since day one, obviously don’t like this, or Governor Haley, who has been tough on unions.

From the video description:

Gov. Nikki Haley has been vicious to organized labor, saying in her State of the State address that “unions are not needed, wanted or welcome in South Carolina.” After years of being treated like a union thug, Donna Dewitt gets sweet revenge at a retirement reception in her honor.

Let’s see, a union thug complaining about being treated like a union thug, while acting exactly like union thugs do. Amazing.

H/T: Reince Priebus


The National AFL-CIO has been trying to get the video of their thug pulled. In case this happens, we’ve found the video from a trusted source.


Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

4 responses to “South Carolina AFL-CIO Union Thug President Takes a Baseball Bat to Piñata Representing Governor Nikki Haley UPDATED

  1. It’s like racism: it’s only inciting violence when WE do it.

  2. And if only she weren’t a Conservative, it would be.
    This is just another in an endless string of proofs that point out how vapid and brainless the Left is in their ideology.

    Keep spreading the word, Gary.

  3. Pingback: Sarah Palin Denounces Union Thug Tactics in South Carolina | A Time For Choosing

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