Monthly Archives: October 2009

Sarah Palin Is Absolutely Driving The Debate On The Decline Of The US Dollar

Another day another “Sarah Palin is right” column on economics, and again, from all places, Reuters! James Pethokoukis the money and politics writer for Reuters has this to say:

The state of the dollar probably hasn’t been a first-tier political issue in the United States since, say, the presidential election of 1896. Back then, it manifested as whether or not America would stay on the gold standard or switch to a bimetallic one. (The William Jennings Bryan “cross of gold” speech and all that.)

The aftershocks of the global financial crisis may now be propelling the dollar back to the political forefront. The greenback’s continuing slide makes it a handy metric that neatly encapsulates America’s current economic troubles and possible long-term decline. House Republicans for instance, have been using the weaker dollar as a weapon in their attacks on the Bernanke-led Federal Reserve.

For more evidence of the dollar’s return to political salience, look no further than the Facebook page of Sarah Palin. The 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee — and possible 2012 presidential candidate — has shown a knack for identifying hot-button political issues, such as the purported “death panels” she claims to have found in Democratic healthcare reform plans. In a recent Facebook posting, Palin expressed deep concern over the dollar’s “continued viability as an international reserve currency” in light of huge U.S. budget deficits.

She might be onto something here, politically and economically. A recent Rasmussen poll, for instance, found that 88 percent of Americans say the dollar should remain the dominant global currency. Now, the average voter may not fully understand the subtleties of international finance nor appreciate exactly how a dominant dollar has benefitted the U.S economy. But they sure think a weaker dollar is a sign of a weaker America.

And that’s the political problem for the Obama administration. Its benign neglect of the dollar is another example of an economic policy — along with TARP and the $787 billion stimulus — that the White House thinks is helping the economy, but many Americans find wrongheaded.

As usual, this all started with a Facebook posting from Sarah:

Further Proof of the Need for Energy Independence

The British newspaper The Independent reported today that Gulf oil producers were negotiating with Russia, China, Japan and France to replace the dollar in pricing oil with a basket of currencies.[1] According to the Wall Street Journal, Arab oil officials have denied the story, but even the possibility of such a talk weakens the dollar and renews fears about its continued viability as an international reserve currency.[2] In fact, today a United Nations official called for a new global reserve currency to replace the dollar and end our “privilege” to run up huge deficits.[3] We can see the effect of this in the price of gold, which hit a record high today in response to fears about the weakened dollar.[4]

All of this is a result of our out-of-control debt. This is why we need to rein in spending, and this is also why we need energy independence. A weakened dollar means higher commodity prices. This will make it more difficult to pay our bills – including the bill to import oil.

In his book Architects of Ruin, Peter Schweizer points out that the Obama administration is focusing primarily on “green energy,” while ignoring our need to develop our domestic conventional energy resources.[5] We’re ignoring the looming crisis caused by our dependence on foreign oil. Because we’re dependent on foreign nations for our oil, we’re also at their mercy if they decide to dump the dollar as their trade currency. We can’t allow ourselves to be so vulnerable to the whims of foreign nations. That’s why we must develop our own domestic supplies of oil and gas.

Though the chant of “Drill, baby, drill” was much derided, it expressed the need to confront this issue head-on before it reaches a crisis point.

Bottom line: let’s stop digging ourselves into debt and start drilling for energy independence.

– Sarah Palin

[1] See

[2] See

[3] See

[4] See

[5] See

*Note: Schweizer’s book is a real eye-opener. The sections on ACORN are quite informative.

This was rapidly followed by the Reuters piece by Tabassum Zakaria.

The Financial Times, the salmon-colored authoritative newspaper that is closely read by traders and other financial types around the world, had an eye-opener for readers this morning.

It wasn’t the front-page, four-column wide headline, “Obama’s critics pounce on falling dollar as fears grow over currency.”

It wasn’t the graphic showing a red downward line over a dollar bill.

The jolt comes at the start of the second paragraph in the top story of the day on the dollar, “Sarah Palin….”

The newspaper, whose articles can move markets, quoted the former Republican vice presidential candidate and ex-Alaska governor from her Facebook post on the need for energy independence. Palin links the dependence on foreign oil and large U.S. deficits to declines in the dollar .

“We can see the effect of this in the price of gold, which hit a record high today in response to fears about the weakened dollar,” Palin wrote.

Palin’s power for using her Facebook page to affect public opinion is not to be taken lightly. Remember “death panels” which turned the healthcare debate into rabid townhall meetings this summer — that phrase emerged from Palin’s Facebook page

This was followed up by a second column by Zakaria:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Leading Republicans echoed Sarah Palin on Thursday in attacking President Barack Obama over the weakness of the U.S. dollar.

Analysts warn it is risky business playing politics with the U.S. currency, which has traditionally been off limits as a play to score points against political opponents.

That taboo appears to have been broken.

Palin, the former Republican vice presidential candidate and ex-governor of Alaska, launched her dollar criticism on her Facebook page. She linked dollar weakness to U.S. dependence on foreign oil, large U.S. deficits and questions about whether the dollar deserves to retain its vaunted status of reserve currency.

“We can see the effect of this in the price of gold, which hit a record high today in response to fears about the weakened dollar,” Palin wrote on Facebook this week.

“All of this is a result of our out-of-control debt. This is why we need to rein in spending, and this is also why we need energy independence.”

Republicans in Congress said the previous Republican administration of former President George W. Bush also deserved blame for dollar weakness but, since taking office on January 20, Democrat Obama was calling the shots.

“I agree with her,” Senator Charles Grassley, top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said when asked by Reuters about Palin’s dollar criticism.

“A lot of the recession we are in now goes back to Bush. But the extent to which we passed the $787 billion stimulus bill that is not doing any good — this president is responsible for,” he said.

“It is not the Bush administration anymore. It is nine months into this administration. You can’t blame Bush anymore,” Grassley added.

The story went on to say:

“I don’t view this as a partisan thing. It is bad for America to have a policy of a weak dollar,” assistant Senate Republican leader Jon Kyl told Reuters when asked about Palin’s comments.

“All Treasury secretaries say, ‘Oh, our policy is to have a strong dollar.’ But the question is what do they do. I don’t think either this administration or the Bush administration have followed the appropriate policy,” Kyl said.

With the 2010 Congressional elections a year away, Republicans are seizing on opportunities to throw the Democrats off their stride. More Republicans were expected to take up dollar weakness as a tool to hammer the Obama administration, analysts said.

“It’ll be a straight line, dollar equals deficit,” Ethan Siegal, an analyst at The Washington Exchange, said.

“For the out party in the modern era there’s nothing off limits anymore,” he said. “The dollar certainly is not off limits.”


Palin still has star power. Her comments resonate with a good segment of the conservative Republican base and with Americans who view her as talking “common sense” in the face of the country’s elites, analysts said.

Her written comments on the dollar made the front-page lead story of the Financial Times on Thursday.

Palin has successfully used Facebook to rally supporters of her viewpoint. The “death panels” term that rocked the healthcare debate during raucous summer town hall meetings sprung from a Palin Facebook post.

“She was the vice presidential candidate in the last election, that’s marquee status right there. There are no other Republicans who can say that who want to be the next president of the United States,” Siegal said. “So she gets a seat at the table just because of that.”

What was interesting was a second day comment from Norman Ornstein, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. When asked about attacking the dollar’s weakness, he said:

“I don’t think it’s particularly smart.”

He also said that it was “a potentially shaky way to go” to have Sarah lead the charge. However, Ornstein added later that the view among some Americans that Palin reflects a more down-to-earth view was a “powerful, powerful theme.”

Indeed it is a powerful theme.

Sarah is absolutely on the right track here, and there is a heck of a lot more going on than meets the eye. This is more than just poor economic policy from Barack Obama and his communist party. I’ve never been much on conspiracy theories. Most unwind too easily to be believable, but with Barack Obama, these things write themselves.

Barack Obama is a totally unknown quantity. We, the American people know absolutely nothing about this guy. I mean nothing. All of this guy’s records are sealed so tight that even the New York Times won’t be able to leak them! Birth records, school records, everything.

And the stuff we do know about, all of the connections to domestic terrorists William Ayers and Jeff Jones, and his strong ACORN and SEIU connections are incredibly troubling, especially when you consider that Ayers either wrote Obama’s first book, “Dreams From My Father” or contributed heavily to it, proving that Obama lied big time about Ayers being “just a guy in the neighborhood.”

Of course we now know that Jeff Jones, who along with Ayers co-founded the ultra-violent Weather Underground wrote much of Obama’s $1 trillion dollar economic “stimulus package.”

It actually starts to become an easy case to make that Obama, a totally inexperienced, and completely undistinguished State Senator, whose claim to fame was voting “present” a record number of times, was chosen as a sort of Manchurian Candidate by far left communists like Ayers and Jones. The case is stronger when you realize that Obama’s mother, and her parents were active communists.

But you know, that’s only part of it. As dangerous as Ayers and Jones are, and as committed to destroying America as we know it they are, they have absolutely nothing on the self proclaimed owner of the democrat party, George Soros.

George Soros, a multi-billionaire who was a Nazi collaborator in his younger days, made his fortune in currency speculation. I have often compared Soros to a character in a James Bond novel. Not one of the far out villains, but more of an Ernst Stavro Blofeld type. The kind who uses his resources to manipulate markets and usurp governments.

Soros is famous for destroying the British pound and becoming very wealthy doing it. Although there is way more information on Soros than one could ever publish in one blog entry, here is a nice place to get you started.

The thing that makes Soros so dangerous is all of the far left radical groups he funds. Some of these groups like, the Open Society Institute, and Citizens for American Progress have innocent sounding enough names, though they are anything but, and Soros is involved in literally hundreds of these far left groups! To give you an idea, check out these “special initiatives” from Soros’ Open Society Institute.

Soros is also heavily involved in ACORN and SEIU, which of course brings us to his star player, Barack Obama. Most consider Soros to be Obama’s puppet master, the real brains behind all of this. That is certainly an easy sale to make, considering what we are seeing.

Photo above: Obama at fund-raiser at Steven and Judy Gluckstern’s home, April 9, 2007. George Soros is seated to the right of the stairs.

Now Sarah’s digs at Obama in her Facebook posts were not just about the U.S. dollar, but at our total lack of a coherent (and realistic) energy policy. Only a fool would think that our national security, as well as our nation’s financial security isn’t in jeopardy with the current state of affairs.

We have long pointed out that the so-called “green movement” has been co-opted by radical communists like Jeff Jones and departed “green jobs” Czar Van Jones, both members of the Apollo Alliance, a group funded by Soros. Again, terrorist Jeff Jones wrote much of Obama’s trillion dollar stimulus, a total failure by any measure, that heavily focuses on a “green economy”

It should be noted that George Soros is investing heavily in “green technology.” BusinessWeek reports that Soros is investing as much as one billion dollars in “green.”

The upcoming climate talks in Copenhagen are less than two months away, and everyone is looking to throw in his/her two cents. On Oct. 10, it was billionaire George Soros’ turn to get in on the act. Giving a speech in Denmark, the man who famously ‘broke the Bank of England’ in the early 1990s now plans to invest $1 billion in clean energy technology. Another $100 million — doled out in $10 million increments annually over ten years — will fund the newly-created Climate Policy Initiative, a foundation targeted at environmental policy.

That’s a sizeable amount of cash, though Soros didn’t specify where the $1 billion would be spent other than saying ‘stringent conditions’ will be used to evaluate potential investments. And in an ironic twist, Soros, who made a sizeable chunk of his fortune through currency speculation, put his support behind carbon taxes, not cap-and-trade systems. His reason? Financial investors can too easily manipulate carbon markets.

Now of course, Soros isn’t the only guy who stands to make his company healthy if only enough people can be hoodwinked into buying the “global warming” hoax. General Electric’s Jeffrey Immelt is on Barack Obama’s speed dial, and a member of several of Obama’s “advisory boards.”

It’s no surprise that NBC and MSNBC, which are owned by GE, are basically stenographers and cheerleaders for all things Barack Obama! It also shouldn’t shock people as to the reasons why every year NBC/Universal shoves “green” down every viewer’s throat throughout the story lines on every one of their shows on not only on NBC, but the Discovery Networks, USA Network, and dozens more, during “green week!”

One can only imagine the writers for shows like Law and Order, banging their heads trying to weave a “clean and green” theme into the gritty New York City violence they tackle, or how the folks over at Psych manage to have Shawn and Gus talk “green.” Although, maybe it’s appropriate that a fake psychic should be a pitchman for a fake calamity!

Make no mistake about it, General Electric stands to make billions of dollars off of this, which is why the news shows over at NBC/MSNBC run such strong interference for Barack Obama against the American people!

But Soros isn’t just about the “global warming” hoax. Nope, Soros is playing both sides of this deal. In August, Sarah called out Obama on a sweetheart deal that got almost zero coverage in the media.


Today’s Wall Street Journal contains some puzzling news for all Americans who are impacted by high energy prices and who share the goal of moving us toward energy independence.

For years, states rich with an abundance of oil and natural gas have been begging Washington, DC politicians for the right to develop their own natural resources on federal lands and off shore. Such development would mean good paying jobs here in the United States (with health benefits) and the resulting royalties and taxes would provide money for federal coffers that would potentially off-set the need for higher income taxes, reduce the federal debt and deficits, or even help fund a trillion dollar health care plan if one were so inclined to support such a plan.

So why is it that during these tough times, when we have great needs at home, the Obama White House is prepared to send more than two billion of your hard-earned tax dollars to Brazil so that the nation’s state-owned oil company, Petrobras, can drill off shore and create jobs developing its own resources? That’s all Americans want; but such rational energy development has been continually thwarted by rabid environmentalists, faceless bureaucrats and a seemingly endless parade of lawsuits aimed at shutting down new energy projects.

I’ll speak for the talent I have personally witnessed on the oil fields in Alaska when I say no other country in the world has a stronger workforce than America, no other country in the world has better safety standards than America, and no other country in the world has stricter environmental standards than America. Come to Alaska to witness how oil and gas can be developed simultaneously with the preservation of our eco-system. America has the resources. We deserve the opportunity to develop our resources no less than the Brazilians. Millions of Americans know it is true: “Drill, baby, drill.” Alaska is proof you can drill and develop, and preserve nature, with its magnificent caribou herds passing by the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), completely unaffected. One has to wonder if Obama is playing politics and perhaps refusing a “win” for some states just to play to the left with our money.

The new Gulf of Mexico lease sales tomorrow sound promising and perhaps will move some states in the right direction, but we all know that the extreme environmentalists who serve to block progress elsewhere, including in Alaska, continue to block opportunities. These environmentalists are putting our nation in peril and forcing us to rely on unstable and hostile foreign countries. Mr. Obama can stop the extreme tactics and exert proper government authority to encourage resource development and create jobs and health benefits in the U.S.; instead, he chooses to use American dollars in Brazil that will help to pay the salaries and benefits for Brazilians to drill for resources when the need and desire is great in America.

Buy American is a wonderful slogan, but you can’t say in one breath that you want to strengthen our economy and stimulate it, and then in another ship our much-needed dollars to a nation desperate to drill while depriving us of the same opportunity.

– Sarah Palin

Of course, there is a lot more to it than first met the eye. Now the first question is obviously this: If one is worried about the environment, then why is it OK to drill off the coast of Brazil? Now of course, common sense, tells us that if it IS OK to drill off the Brazilian coast, it should be more than OK to drill off the American coastline!

Does anyone in their right minds think that a Brazilian oil company can drill in a more environmentally friendly manner than an American company? Of course not.

But as Paul Harvey used to say, it’s time for the rest of the story! You see, it wasn’t $2 billion that Barack Obama loaned the Brazilian oil giant Petrobas, it was $10 billion! But even that, as idiotic as it seems, isn’t the real story. Nope the real story is this: Just days before Barack Obama made this generous loan of taxpayer dollars, George Soros bought into Petrobas, making it his largest financial holding!

Now here is where it all starts to come together, where it all becomes clear.

America has more than enough oil, natural gas, and coal to be energy independent for generations. We could use these God given natural resources for decades while we build more nuclear powerplants, and create real workable alternative energy sources. I mean this is a no-brainer.

So why don’t we just do it?

Well, again, when you step back, and really see what is going on here, and understand George Soros’ modus operandi, his standard operating procedure, it all become crystal clear.

First, it is imperative that America remain weak and at the mercy of foreign oil. Never mind we send between $700 billion and $1 trillion a year out of the country to buy it. Never mind this incredible transfer of treasure funds many of our enemies.

Being at the mercy of foreign nations for our energy undermines not only our national security, bet weakens our financial security as well. This in turn is severely weakening America’s status as a superpower, something the democrat/communists have been all about for at least a century.

The most diabolical scheme at work though is all about the “green,” and I don’t mean the environment. George Soros made his bones destroying currencies for fun and profit! Now that he has his hand picked communist, Barack Obama in place, a man who absolutely hates America in it’s present form, and someone who has vowed to “fundamentally change” America as we know it, all of the pieces are falling together for Soros.

All of the various “green” groups that Soros has funded for decades have greased the skids for Soros by spreading lies and propagating the “global warming” hoax. These lies have caused many Americans to think that using our God given natural resources is somehow wrong, maybe even evil!

Our dependence on foreign oil has weakened us tremendously over the decades.

Enter the democrat/communist party. Their policies have caused us all much heartache, but one has to sit back and wonder. Other than normal stuff, and the war, what was the issues of the 2006 election that swept Republicans out of power in Congress and installed the democrat/communists in control of both Houses?

It sure wasn’t the economy! While slowed, our GDP was growing at a respectable clip, and unemployment was at historically low numbers, lower than the average of the 1950’s, the 1960’s, the 1970’s, the 1980’s, and the 1990’s!

Incredibly, in less than two years after the democrat/communists came to power, the economy basically crashed, allowing Barack Obama to win the 2008 election.

Since that nightmarish event, Barack Obama and the democrat/communist party have spent more money and racked up more debt than all of the previous administrations combined. That’s right, Obama and his band of merry communists have spent more money in nine months than all of the previous Presidents had in 233 years, combined!

Now one could chalk this up to sheer stupidity, and incompetence, but I am beginning to think that’s the whole idea. I mean what’s easier to defend, and deflect, being called incompetent and stupid, or downright evil?

Look, by spending unbelievable amounts of money, and tripling the deficit in just nine months, with trillions more in spending coming down the road with ObamaCare and cap and tax, Obama and the democrat/communists are destroying the dollar and it certainly looks like it’s on purpose.

And who benefits more from a destroyed dollar than the self proclaimed owner of the democrat party, communist George Soros?

Of course the secondary benefit to will go to the democrat/communists and Obama. If the dollar collapses, and panic ensues, and it will, Obama and the communists will have their crisis they can use to justify their “fundamental change” they want to bring to America. It will be their excuse to void the Constitution and do something else, creating their communist state. And Obama is on record saying he thinks the Constitution is “fundamentally flawed.” And yet, he swore an oath to protect it. Uh huh.

Treason is a tough word to use, so how about we just stick to incredibly corrupt. The case against the democrat/communist Congress is strong. There are so many crooks in that august body that they should all be required to wear orange jumpsuits with numbers on them! But that all pales in comparison to the corruption that exists in the White House and this President.

Even more frightening is how easily these people flaunt their corruption. I mean did anyone with half a brain think that Obama’s trip to Copenhagen was anything but an attempt to line his corrupt Chicago buddies pockets?

All I know is this. If we can survive until then, the litmus test for anyone who hopes to be elected to Congress in 2010 or the presidency in 2012 must be the promise for a complete and total investigation of everything Obama is involved in, as well as a complete look at George Soros, General Electric, ACORN and SEIU, for starters.

In the meantime, patriotic Americans should be burning up the phone lines at the Capitol talking to their Senators and Congressmen.

The Barack Obama administration is the most corrupt in U.S. history, and I fear they are just getting started, that we haven’t seen nothing yet!

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Filed under In The News, Politics

Death Panels Now Open For Business In Massachusetts

Remember why Sarah Palin warned America that ObamaCare, Barack Obama’s unwieldy and unconstitutional scheme to take over medical care and usurp the Constitution in the bargain, was dangerous to your health?

In August Sarah Palin wrote extensively about the incredible danger that ObamaCare would lead to what amounts to “death panels.” This of course caused great controversy, with many claiming Palin was either “crazy” or talking about the “end of life” discussions that were provided for within House Resolution 3200, the prototype ObamaCare bill.

As more Americans delve into the disturbing details of the nationalized health care plan that the current administration is rushing through Congress, our collective jaw is dropping, and we’re saying not just no, but hell no!

The Democrats promise that a government health care system will reduce the cost of health care, but as the economist Thomas Sowell has pointed out, government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost. And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.

Health care by definition involves life and death decisions. Human rights and human dignity must be at the center of any health care discussion.

Rep. Michele Bachmann highlighted the Orwellian thinking of the president’s health care advisor, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of the White House chief of staff, in a floor speech to the House of Representatives. I commend her for being a voice for the most precious members of our society, our children and our seniors.

We must step up and engage in this most crucial debate. Nationalizing our health care system is a point of no return for government interference in the lives of its citizens. If we go down this path, there will be no turning back. Ronald Reagan once wrote, “Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth.” Let’s stop and think and make our voices heard before it’s too late.

– Sarah Palin

Thinking folks knew what Sarah meant though. What she was talking about was health care rationing, and outright denial of services. Over the next days and weeks Sarah backed up her assertions, as did we. Sarah even introduced the nation to Dr Death, Ezekiel Emanuel, a modern day Joseph Mengele, who is a strong proponent of health care rationing and outright denial to both really young patients, as well as older patients.

And yet, Obama and his team of charlatans went out of their way to call Sarah Palin a liar. Of course, as with most of Obama’s statements, and the statements of his team, those contained the massive lies.

Now we have news from Massachusetts the home of RomneyCare, which should be looked at as a shining example of why ObamaCare will be an epic failure. Soaring costs both to the taxpayers and patients was inevitable, and now the effects of these are coming home to roost.

You can’t reap these savings without limiting patients’ choices in some way,”

Paul Levy, CEO of Beth Israel Deaconess.

From the Boston Globe

The state’s ambitious plan to shake up how providers are paid could have a hidden price for patients: Controlling Massachusetts’ soaring medical costs, many health care leaders believe, may require residents to give up their nearly unlimited freedom to go to any hospital and specialist they want.

Efforts to keep patients in a defined provider network, or direct them to lower-cost hospitals could be unpopular, especially in a state where more than 40 percent of hospital care is provided in expensive academic medical centers and where many insurance policies allow patients access to large numbers of providers.

But a growing number of hospital officials and physician leaders warn that the new payment system proposed by a state commission would not work without restrictions on where patients receive care – an issue some providers say the commission and the Patrick administration have glossed over.

The Globe goes on to say:

“You can’t reap these savings without limiting patients’ choices in some way,’’ said Paul Levy, chief executive of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. “It’s a huge issue, it’s huge.’’ Dr. James Mongan, president of Partners HealthCare, a Beth Israel Deaconess competitor, agreed that it wouldn’t “work without some restriction on choice.’’

A state commission recommended in July that insurers largely scrap the current fee-for-service system – in which insurers pay doctors, hospitals, and other providers a negotiated fee for each procedure and visit – and instead pay providers a per-patient annual fee to cover all of the patient’s medical care.

This new system of “global payments’’ would discourage overuse of expensive medical services, force providers to live within a budget, and improve coordination of care for patients, supporters argue.

Hmmm, “force providers to live within a budget.” Anyone ever though that maybe it’s GOVERNMENT that should be forced to live within a budget? (And the Constitution)

Of course this sort of thing will lead to rationing of care, and poor service to patients! This state commission is one of the “death panels” that Sarah Palin warned us about.

Health care rationing and denial of care is a way of life in every nation or health care system that has some form of “universal” health care. There’s a reason why Canadians pour over the border in large numbers every year, coming to America for quality health care. In Great Britain the citizens also travel to other countries for proper care. It’s because their own government care is horrid.

Anytime the government has tried to cut costs by price fixing, just the opposite has happened. Anyone who lived through the Nixon era of wage and price controls knows what a disaster it was. Not only were costs not contained, but shortages abounded. It’s seems none of our leaders are students of history at all.

Of course, people from Obama’s side are the ones who always think communism will work, even though it never has, if only the “right” people were in charge. A folly indeed.

America has always been the world’s last best hope for freedom and liberty, and has become the world’s last best hope for health care, as well. It’s pretty obvious that Barack Obama intends to change that, all of it, with his actions. I think he means to destroy America as it has existed for 233 years in order to implement his form of communism. His administration is filled with too many fellow travelers to think otherwise.

If ObamaCare passes, as with RomneyCare, it will turn into a complete disaster, medically. But as ObamaCare turns over unprecedented powers to the federal government, virtually voiding the United States Constitution, Obama’s scheme is far more dangerous to the nation than a state program is.

As the debate on ObamaCare intensifies, it is absolutely imperative that every American who loves their freedoms and liberties resist with everything they have. Health care, quality health care is very personal, and very basic. It is something that should remain between the patient and their doctor, the government has absolutely no role they to play in this relationship.

Obama has repeatedly told America that people can keep their current insurance and doctors if they like them. He also has repeatedly said that costs to Americans will go down. As RomneyCare in Massachusetts proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, Obama is at best a liar, or worse, so ignorant to how things work, he actually believes what he says. That’s a rather frightening thought, by the way!

I suggest everyone call their members of Congress and tell them to vote, to quote Sarah Palin: “Hell no!” on ObamaCare.

You can find their numbers at and

To read further on ObamaCare and death panels:

Sarah Palin Slaps Down Barack Obama Hard On His Government Take Over Of Health Care

Like Shootin’ Moose In A Barrel, Sarah Palin Slaps Barack Obama Down Again Over Death Panels

Sarah Palin: Troubling Questions Remain About Obama’s Health Care Plan

Barack Obama’s Dr. Death Cuts And Runs When Confronted About His Nazi-Like Death Panels, And Other Bedtime Stories About Czars!

Sarah Palin Spanks Obama On The Eve Of His Big Dog And Pony Show With Congress

Sarah Palin Takes Barack Obama To Task Over His Pathetic Speech And Personal Attacks On The American People


Filed under In The News, Politics

Sarah Palin Welcomes Home 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team

From Alaska’s KTUU-DT:

FAIRBANKS, Alaska — Former Gov. Sarah Palin attended Thursday afternoon’s welcome home ceremony for the 1st Stryker Brigade from Fort Wainwright at the Carlson Center.

The public appearance is Palin’s first in the United States since resigning her office in July. Palin’s oldest son, Track, is a member of the brigade that recently returned from a yearlong deployment in Iraq.

“To Sarah Palin, who for the last year was the senior mom of the brigade and along with her husband Todd, is a distinguished member of the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team,” Col. Burt Thompson, the brigade’s commander, said.

“Ma’am, thanks for being here today and allowing your son to serve in our brigade. Thank you both for what you have done for your extended Army family and thanks for your unwavering support.”

Current Gov. Sean Parnell, who took over for Palin, was among the officials who spoke at the Thursday afternoon public event.

“It is my honor to welcome the pride of Interior Alaska,” Parnell said. “All Alaskans welcome your homecoming. The world is a far better and safer place today because of the sacrifices you made.”

The Strykers deployed to the Diyala province of Iraq on Sept. 11, 2008.

“Today we celebrate a job well done and your safe return to Alaska and the Fairbanks community,” Maj. Gen. William Troy, commander of U.S. Army Alaska, said. “The teamwork between military and community here in Alaska is like nowhere else.

“By every account the Arctic Wolves acquitted themselves brilliantly.”

Said Thompson: “Gentlemen, I report to you mission accomplished.”

A memorial unveiled Wednesday at Fort Wainwright bears the names of 12 soldiers who died during the deployment. Seven were stationed at Fort Wainwright and five were attached to the brigade.

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reports the monument also bears the name of a dog, Sgt. Jok, killed by a bomb while searching a house.

The Brigade stands at attention:

Governor Palin is honored as the Brigade’s “senior mom”:

A memorial for those brave troops lost in battle:

For more video go here.

All photos courtesy of KTUU-DT Alaska


Filed under In The News, Politics

Another Side Of Sarah Palin: Financial Guru

It seems that Sarah Palin has made another positive international splash with her latest Facebook entries. Early Tuesday afternoon Sarah released a strongly worded statement urging President Obama to make the right decision Afghanistan, and pledging to back him up if he did.

Later in the same afternoon, Sarah released an even stronger statement, with a very terse warning concerning our nation’s energy policy (or lack there of) and how years of continued energy mismanagement and counterintuitive policies have put our economy in a very precarious position. So precarious, that nations are openly discussing dropping the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

Her statement on the economy caught the eye of the London Financial Times which in turn caused Reuters to report this:

By Tabassum Zakaria

The Financial Times, the salmon-colored authoritative newspaper that is closely read by traders and other financial types around the world, had an eye-opener for readers this morning.

It wasn’t the front-page, four-column wide headline, “Obama’s critics pounce on falling dollar as fears grow over currency.”

It wasn’t the graphic showing a red downward line over a dollar bill.

The jolt comes at the start of the second paragraph in the top story of the day on the dollar, “Sarah Palin….”

The newspaper, whose articles can move markets, quoted the former Republican vice presidential candidate and ex-Alaska governor from her Facebook post on the need for energy independence. Palin links the dependence on foreign oil and large U.S. deficits to declines in the dollar .

“We can see the effect of this in the price of gold, which hit a record high today in response to fears about the weakened dollar,” Palin wrote.

Palin’s power for using her Facebook page to affect public opinion is not to be taken lightly. Remember “death panels” which turned the healthcare debate into rabid townhall meetings this summer — that phrase emerged from Palin’s Facebook page

Now in all fairness, the folks at the townhall meetings were already very passionate about the health care issue before Sarah condensed the insanity of ObamaCare down to two words, but it’s pretty clear that her ability to cut to the chase on any subject made a huge impact of the national debate over ObamaCare.

You see a lot of pundits that scoff at the notion that Sarah Palin is a force in the national debate using a networking site. They simply don’t understand, or don’t want to understand, the power of Facebook in Sarah’s media strategy.

Was watching Greta last night. She and her guest were discussing the phenomenon that is Sarah Palin, and how she uses Facebook. The one thing that hit me was their complaint that it was “one sided.” In other words, Sarah has her say, but isn’t up for “cross examination.” Of course, like everyone else, they were quick to admit, Sarah is effective using this method.

I guess I see it different than most, especially knowing who one of Sarah’s heros (and mine) is. Sarah is following the path the Great Ronald Reagan took after he lost his 1976 presidential primary bid, updated for the 21st century.

From 1976 to 1980 Reagan was “out in the wilderness.” Reagan, who was very media savvy, having spent a good chunk of his life in Hollywood as well as being a radio pitchman, turned to the radio to get his message out. Reagan gave regular short radio addresses combined with paid and unpaid speaking engagements to keep his message out there.

Social networking websites like Facebook have the same sort of impact today that radio did in Ronald Reagan’s day. People of all ages and economic classes are into networking now.

Sarah’s Facebook page is incredibly dynamic. You can check it any hour day or night and people are constantly posting well wishes, personal stories, and the popular “Sarah 2012!” rallying cry.

As of this writing, Sarah has 920,100 friends on her page, which is open to anyone to view, not just friends. This too changes hourly, as more people join day and night. This is roughly double the number of folks since Sarah resigned as Governor back in July. To put this in perspective, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, who is also considered a front runner in 2012 had around 7700 Facebook friends the last time I looked, which was about a week ago.

The advantage that Sarah Palin has, that the Gipper didn’t, is almost anything she does becomes a media event. Within minutes of posting something on Facebook, the major media knows about it and reports on it. Doesn’t matter if it’s friendly or hostile media, they still report it, discuss it, and keep her in the spotlight.

A very savvy media plan indeed. Throw in the many paid and unpaid speeches Sarah will be giving between now and 2012, the upcoming book tour, and her pledge to help elect Conservative candidates, of which she has some 120 requests from so far (!) And the strategy looks very solid.

Oh, and it doesn’t hurt that what she posts on Facebook is dead on!


Filed under In The News, Politics

Surprise! Billionaire Obama Supporter Keeping Levi Johnston In The Spotlight

As we have talked about since the election, there has been a coordinated effort by backers of Barack Obama to harm Governor Sarah Palin. We have also talked about the efforts put forth by both candidate, and now President, Barack Obama to do everything in his power to derail Sarah Palin.

We have previously talked about Barack Obama’s Alaska Mafia and how Obama and Pete Rouse, his former campaign chief-of -staff and now White House adviser, not only played an active roll in the failed “Troopergate” smear on Sarah Palin, but also actively coordinated the many attacks on Sarah post election, including encouraging the filing of all of the phony-baloney “ethics complaints” against her that would eventually cost the Alaskan taxpayers around $2 million.

Barack Obama even did a little pay-for-play “Chicago Style” payoff to Alaska State Senator Kim Elton for his part in the “Troopergate” smear. After being sworn in, Obama quietly appointed Elton to a make work job over at the Department of Interior. You can read the whole deal, as well as watch the great video that ties the entire mess together in a nice little bow, here.

As you know, Levi Johnston, the poster child for abstinence, and deadbeat dad of the century, is now “staring” in an advertising campaign for nuts. This ad, which also features his “bodyguard” “Tank” Jones, an Alaska private investigator, who works for Alaska attorney Rex Butler, a big Obama supporter, features Levi and “Tank” pretending to be at an “event” and has Levi eating the company’s nut.

Butler, who claims to be Levi’s “manager” is also representing Levi’s mother, who is facing drug trafficking charges.

The seriously cheesy ad, which features Levi in a green t-shirt with “Alaska” on it, (because no one would know who this moron is without it) is set against an all white background with “flash bulbs” going off and “canned” crowd noises while ‘Tank” pretends to “fight back the paparazzi!”

Perfectly pathetic, just like the participants!

Our friend Gregory Tart did some digging into Roll Industries, the parent company behind all of this. On his blog, Gregory reports that:

For months last year, the Huffington Post mocked Sarah Palin over Levi Johnston. The jokes about “meth”, hillbillies, and Bristol Palin was beyond the pale.

Now, Obama backers have launched an equally insidious deal to keep Levi Johnston in the public eye through a promotional campaign by Roll Industries for its nuts products- which seeks to profit from the former relationship between Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston. Johnston is a spokesman for the Roll’s Paramount Growers division.

Stewart A. Resnick, a billionaire liberal democrat, residing in Los Angeles, is the Chairman of Roll International. Rolls’ business involves agriculture, Fiji Water, and the Franklin Mint. He is also a prime financial backer behind the Democratic Party. His wife Lynda is Godmother to Arianna Huffington’s daughter.

Many have speculated that rich democrats would go to any lengths to keep this character in the public eye to embarrass Sarah Palin. It’s a sad world where the rich can score political points by attacking children to get at the mother.

Rolls International Brands include Sunkist.

Some very interesting points there, for sure. The ties to hate monger Arianna Huffington, whose vile Huffington Post actively and openly promotes hatred toward Sarah Palin are the most interesting, for sure.

In her attempts to constantly smear and spread lies about Sarah Palin, Huffington plucked two Z-list bloggers Shannyn Moore and Jeanne Devon (AKMuckraker) from obscurity, and made them feature bloggers on her website. Moore and Devon are charters members of Barack Obama’s Alaska Mafia.

One of the things Moore and Devon, along with Linda Kellen Biegel, were quite adept at, was illegally publicizing details of the various “ethics complaints” filed against Governor Palin. In Alaska, it’s illegal to publicize this sort of thing, until the complaint is resolved. Of course, the law has no teeth.

Oddly enough, if you do this and the complaint is against any government official EXCEPT the Governor, the complaint is thrown out. But curiously, not if it’s against the Governor or their staff. Hmmmmm.

Moore and Devon, along with the rest of the Alaska Mafia made great use of this loophole, often having intimate details of the complaints published on their blogs before they were even filed!

Wonder how they were able to do that? Could it be they were the ones writing them for others to file on their behalf?

The complaints, which have all been dismissed, were for ridiculous things like being photographed holding a fish, conducting an interview in her office, receiving cookies as a “bribe,” and wearing a jacket in sub-zero weather!

Linda Kellin Biegel, who was raising funds (possibly illegally) on her website so she could file more ethics complaints, herself, even concocted a conspiracy theory when Sarah went to visit her troops in Kosovo!

Even better, being the constitutional scholar that she is, Biegel, and her Mafia buddies decided that it was “unconstitutional” for Sarah Palin to talk to her troops while visiting them in Kosovo! I kid you not!

Sarah Palin, as Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska National Guard, addressed her troops giving them encouragement and support. Bringing them the best wishes from home.

Such is the depths of depravity these supreme sufferers of Palin Derangement Syndrome are capable of!

Look, the bottom line is this. Barack Obama and his many wealthy supporters know what we know. Sarah Palin is the biggest threat out there to Barack Obama, besides Barack Obama’s own incompetence. They know that she is an incredibly effective politician, see “death panels,” as well as a much loved Conservative figure and leading candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. This has them scared, as it should.

Obama’s billionaire backers like Stewart Resnick and George Soros have an almost endless supply of funds they will use to go after Palin in all sorts of “creative” ways. It must be noted though, that George Soros, whose claimed “ownership” of the democrat party after the 2006 elections, spent a small fortune between 2000 and 2008 trying to defeat George Bush, to no avail!

As for Levi Johnston, this guy is a flake. Thank goodness Bristol had the good sense to dump this loser. It’s really a sad commentary that this kid would disrespect his son just to make a fast buck.

Levi, a total deadbeat who hasn’t paid one red cent in child support, is the sort person society used to shun. But we are living in the times were losers like this are celebrated, not banished to the ash heap of history. See Roman Polanski, David Letterman, and Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings.

It’s obvious Levi Johnston has no self respect. But you would think this mutt would care about his son, Tripp, enough not to make a spectacle out of himself, but that is just too much to ask, I guess. Levi’s next move is to pose for Playgirl Magazine. I wonder if anyone has told Levi that about 80 percent of the purchasers of Playgirl are gay men?

It looks like Roll Industries, Stewart Resnick, and our President, have found themselves quite the winner in “spokesmodel” Levi Johnston!

Roll International is the parent company for these fine products:

Sunkist Fruit

Teleflora, the largest flower delivery service in the world.

FIJI bottled water

POM pomegranate products.

Paramount citrus and nuts.

Suterra pest control items.

Neptune Pacific Line global shipping company

In-house advertising agency Fire Station, which pays Levi as a pitchman for Rolls’ nuts.

H/T to Josh Painter for being on top of this as well. His is a must read blog.


Filed under In The News, Politics

Sarah Palin Slams Obama Over Energy Independence And The Failing U.S. Dollar

On the heels of calling on Obama to get it in gear on Afghanistan, Sarah Palin is taking Obama to task over America’s failed energy and economic policies.

Sarah released the following statement:

Further Proof of the Need for Energy Independence

The British newspaper The Independent reported today that Gulf oil producers were negotiating with Russia, China, Japan and France to replace the dollar in pricing oil with a basket of currencies.[1] According to the Wall Street Journal, Arab oil officials have denied the story, but even the possibility of such a talk weakens the dollar and renews fears about its continued viability as an international reserve currency.[2] In fact, today a United Nations official called for a new global reserve currency to replace the dollar and end our “privilege” to run up huge deficits.[3] We can see the effect of this in the price of gold, which hit a record high today in response to fears about the weakened dollar.[4]

All of this is a result of our out-of-control debt. This is why we need to rein in spending, and this is also why we need energy independence. A weakened dollar means higher commodity prices. This will make it more difficult to pay our bills – including the bill to import oil.

In his book Architects of Ruin, Peter Schweizer points out that the Obama administration is focusing primarily on “green energy,” while ignoring our need to develop our domestic conventional energy resources.[5] We’re ignoring the looming crisis caused by our dependence on foreign oil. Because we’re dependent on foreign nations for our oil, we’re also at their mercy if they decide to dump the dollar as their trade currency. We can’t allow ourselves to be so vulnerable to the whims of foreign nations. That’s why we must develop our own domestic supplies of oil and gas.

Though the chant of “Drill, baby, drill” was much derided, it expressed the need to confront this issue head-on before it reaches a crisis point.

Bottom line: let’s stop digging ourselves into debt and start drilling for energy independence.

– Sarah Palin

[1] See

[2] See

[3] See

[4] See

[5] See

*Note: Schweizer’s book is a real eye-opener. The sections on ACORN are quite informative.

We are in the middle of a major crisis, and obviously Obama is not helping matters. The United States has racked up more debt since Barack Obama took office on January 20, 2009 than in the last 233 years of America’s existence combined! Obama has spent more than every President, from George Washington to George W Bush, combined.

Now that’s bad enough, but since the democrat party gained control of Congress after the 2006 elections, we have also had a serious economic crisis. At a time Congress should be slashing budgets, killing useless programs, and cutting taxes, to stimulate the economy, all proven ways to do it, Obama is spending unprecedented amounts of money, attempting to engineer the government take over of 20 percent of our economy, and RAISE taxes on every single American. And that’s just for his communist ObamaCare program, an unconstitutional boondoggle that will destroy all freedoms and liberties in this country.

Now just in case ObamaCare fails to completely destroy America, Obama and his Flat Earth Society, has cap and tax to finish the nation off. These flat earthers believe in the fairy tale of “man made global warming,” or at least they want YOU to believe this hoax.

We all know that the “green movement” is just an other mechanism to institute world wide communism. Remember, one of the leaders of this “movement” is none other than domestic terrorist Jeff Jones, a Marxist, and a co-founder, along with murdering terrorist (and longtime Obama confidant) William Ayers, of the ultra-violent Weather Underground, a group that declared war on America, and whose stated goal was to implement a Marxist society.

Of course, while Obama and psychopathic liars like Al Gore try to guilt you into turning your life, and hard earned dollars over to the state, there are other evils at work.

Anyone who even does the tiniest bit of cursory investigation knows we have enough oil, natural gas, and coal to make us completely energy independent. But Obama and his minions will not let us use it.

We have oil off the California coast. This is known oil. The wells are capped. In just a few short months these wells could be producing. California is broke, and about to become a failed state, and yet, we can’t use that oil, because it would “harm the planet.”

If this is true, how does one explain Barack Obama’s incredibly generous support for drilling off the coast of Brazil?

I’m sure Obama would rather not explain, because this is just more corruption from the most corrupt President in our nation’s history. So, let me help you out here.

The story broke in August that Barack Obama had “loaned” Brazilian oil giant Petrobas $10 billion of our tax dollars so that they could drill for oil off of their coast. Aren’t Obama, Al Gore, and the rest “greens” concerned for Brazil’s pristine coastline? What gives?

Well, Barack Obama’s generosity with our tax dollars, and his lack of concern for the environment in the Southern Hemisphere, might have something to do with the fact that Nazi collaborator, billionaire currency speculator, and self proclaimed “owner of the democrat party” George Soros bought controlling interest in Petrobas just days before Obama’s multi-billion dollar loan!

As usual, Sarah Palin was all over this at the time, as were others, but as corrupt as Obama is, the news media has become nothing more than branch offices for the White House, nothing more than huge PR firms!

Really sad state of affairs, and it’s only getting worse, not better.

For America, the greatest nation on earth, to be in this mess, a mess that could have been completely avoided is more than just sickening, it’s criminal. The far left and GOP turncoat moderates, the Vichey Republicans, as a friend calls them, have sold us out.

We send between $700 billion and $1 trillion a year overseas to buy oil. This is the greatest transfer of treasure the world has known. The ultimate in the communist “share the wealth” plan. We are funding nations that hate our guts. We are actually paying them so they can in turn purchase the very equipment they will use to attack us, militarily, some day.

One can only image the boost to the economy we would see if we used our own God given natural resources, and kept that money at home.

Obama and his buddy Jeff Jones put together a nearly $1 trillion stimulus package that has been nothing short of a total disaster. A good man would admit his mistake, and admit it now.

I can think of no better of a stimulus package than to spend that money building new oil refineries. We haven’t built one in over 30 years, and actually have less online now than we did then!

We could build new clean coal plants to take advantage of one of our most plentiful resources. More importantly, we could go on a crash program similar to the program we used to go to the moon, and start building dozens of nuclear power plants nationwide.

Talk about job growth and economic stimulation!

As I write this, I realize America is at a dangerous time in her history. All of our enemies are circling around us like vultures, and we have the most inexperienced, incompetent President imaginable. Even worse, instead of an incompetent who at least believes in America and the American way, we are stuck with an anti-American, anti-capitalist, Marxist!

There is absolutely no excuse for America to be in this shape, ever. We are not some banana republic, or an island with no raw materials. Just the opposite, we are a nation with plenty of resources, and the ability to do anything.

We need to clean house in Washington. With very few exceptions there should be no incumbents reporting back to D.C. for work after the 2010 elections. Past that, the American people need to put pressure on Barack Obama to either do what is right, and stop this insane march to communism, or resign and let someone who knows what they are doing take his place.

When we see this rapid of a decline in America, and this level of incompetence from a President, it’s time for some tough love! Things are too fragile to allow this foolishness to continue.

Get a clue Mr President, the key to America’s national security, and her prosperity is her abundant natural resources!


Filed under In The News, Politics

Sarah Palin To Barack Obama: We Must Win In Afghanistan!

Late this afternoon Sarah Palin issued this statement urging Barack Obama to get his act together on the war in Afghanistan:

We Must Win in Afghanistan

Today at 4:57pm

For two years as a candidate, Senator Obama called for more resources for the war in Afghanistan and warned about the consequences of failure. As President, he announced a comprehensive new counterinsurgency strategy and handpicked the right general to execute it. Now General McChrystal is asking for additional troops to implement the strategy announced by President Obama in March. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers in harm’s way in Afghanistan right now. We owe it to all those brave Americans serving in uniform to give them the tools they need to complete their mission.

We can win in Afghanistan by helping the Afghans build a stable representative state able to defend itself. And we must do what it takes to prevail. The stakes are very high. The 9/11 attacks were planned in Afghanistan, and if we are not successful there, al Qaeda will once again find a safe haven, the Taliban will impose its cruelty on the Afghan people, and Pakistan will be less stable.

Our allies and our adversaries are watching to see if we have the staying power to protect our interests in Afghanistan. I recently joined a group of Americans in urging President Obama to devote the resources necessary in Afghanistan and pledged to support him if he made the right decision. Now is not the time for cold feet, second thoughts, or indecision — it is the time to act as commander-in-chief and approve the troops so clearly needed in Afghanistan.

– Sarah Palin

Short, sweet, and to the point. These are the times that test the metal of a man. (or woman) We have brave man and women in harms way. We are losing these brave souls because their Commander-in-Chief is a weak leader with absolutely zero executive experience. Well, Mr President, this is not the U.S. Senate, and you cannot vote “present” here!

We cannot lose this war. The entire world already sees Obama is an incredibly weak leader. Friends and foes alike are openly laughing at Obama. Even the French! Every signal Obama sends to the world says weakness.

This is an administration that can’t bring itself to call these devils “terrorists,” for God’s sake! This is an administration that has dropped the “war on terror” terminology. We can no longer call attacks “acts of terrorism” they are “man made disasters.” This is an administration that is now reading captured terrorists Miranda rights like they were arrested at Wal-Mart shoplifting!

As we wrote earlier, Obama is even embarrassed to use the word “victory!”

We have even learned that Obama had only spoken to his Commanding General once in 70 days!

We have men dying in battle, and yet, Obama has only talked to his HAND PICKED Commanding General in the field once before last week! And that was during Obama’s mission for his Chicago buddies to Copenhagen.

That’s right, we have multiple domestic problems, sky high unemployment, a failed $1 trillion “stimulus package”, the world wants to drop the dollar as the standard currency, and we are fighting two wars, and yet, Obama has time to spend, and well over a million taxpayer dollars, to not only ship the First Lady and the Oprah over to Copenhagen, but take a second plane over for himself, with Chuck Schumer, and a host of Chicago hopefuls to further embarrass America on the world stage. Obama’s “look at me” dog and pony show was just pathetic, and maybe the only transparent thing he has done since taking office!

I mean even a blind man could see this was nothing more than Obama trying to bring in a bunch of money to line the pockets of his corrupt Chicago friends. This thing would have seen corruption on a biblical scale!

But, Obama, our great “Commander-in-Chief” was gracious enough to find a whole twenty-five minutes to speak with General McChrystal on the trip back. How nice.

Obama is working night and day, using every resource available to the White House in order to pass his unconstitutional ObamaCare fiasco, something that America has loudly rejected as a whole. But is dragging his feet on something that is actually important to the nation, and the rest of the world.

Now we all know why Obama wants ObamaCare. It totally usurps the Constitution, totally destroys states’ rights, and goes a long way toward setting up an all powerful centralized government. A communist state. This has been the left’s dream since before FDR!

Americans do not want this, they want Obama and Congress to stop the nonsense, throw the entire thing in the trash, and start over, using common sense.

America also wants to win these wars!

Let’s forget, for a moment, what a loss would do to the United States, as far as legitimacy as a leader in the world. The world’s only true super power. Let’s also not forget that a loss would be the biggest recruiting tool for al Qaeda and the Taliban one could imagine.

Remember, the folks who make these groups up were also responsible for defeating the mighty Soviet Union. If we lose this war, the fragile Afghan government will fall, and you’ll have chaos and a breeding ground for terrorists on a scale the world has never known.

Oh, and don’t forget, Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons, could easily fall as well. Wouldn’t that be terrific!

Forget all of that for a moment.

If we lose this war, America’s legacy won’t just be a terrorist controlled super state, with nuclear weapons. OK, that will be part of America’s legacy, but the real legacy for Barack Obama, and America will be the human rights disaster. Before America liberated the Afghan people, the Taliban ruled with an iron fist.

Now I know “progressives” lose their mind if you even mention God in public, in America, and equate it to some mediaeval torture! This percieved horror by the left is nothing compared to what the Taliban, and al Qaeda do. These people really are the religious fanatics, the made up caricatures, the left has conjured up of Christians.

The Taliban and al Qaeda accept no deviation, by anyone, from their perverted version of Islam. You don’t comply, you die! Now one would think, our leftist friends would be all over these monsters who don’t practice “separation of church and state,” nor even grasp the concept, but alas, they are not.

Under Taliban and al Qaeda rule, women are basically property. They serve little or no purpose, to them, and have absolutely no rights. The US, if it did nothing else, liberated 10’s of millions of Afghan women. That’s no small deed. These women were little more than slaves. Girls were not even allowed to have an education!

“Progressives” tell you they are for women’s rights, now is their chance to step up and prove it!

For all of the reasons we cannot lose this war, the human tragedy that would occur is at the top of the list.

We need a leader, not a glorified pitch man!

Mr President, it’s time to stop the madness. Stop the lunacy of ObamaCare, stop “jet setting” around the world. Stop all of the nonsense. It is time for you to actually go to work. Have someone show you where your office is, then roll up your sleeves and get going!

You hand picked General McChrystal to run this war, and you approved his mission. It was a good choice.

Now the General is giving you a list of tools he needs to carry this plan out. Stop voting “present.” It’s time to be the Commander-in-Chief, one of the duties that is actually spelled out in that Constitution you have such little regard for.

Maybe the Great Ronald Reagan, and his stance on the Soviet Union, can be of some guidance to you. President Reagan’s philosophy on the Soviets can be boiled down to this: “We win, they lose!”

Mr President, you owe this to the American people, you owe this to the Afghan people, and you owe this to the rest of the free world. Time to put away the trappings of office, and the foolish playthings it allows you.

It’s time for you to lead!

In your leadership, the American people will be right beside you.


Filed under In The News, Politics

Liberals Should Think Long And Hard Before Attacking Sarah Palin’s New Book

You know, it’s not like anyone didn’t see this deal coming. The liberals’ heads are exploding over Sarah Palin’s hot number one selling book: “Going Rogue, An American Life.”

Sales of this book have been called unprecedented. HarperCollins, the publisher ordered 1.5 million books for it’s first printing. Within hours of being available for pre-order, the book was number one in sales over at and Barnes & Noble.

Think about that, the book is still in final editing, won’t be available for a month and a half, and didn’t even have a finalized dust jacket at the time! By any measure one can think of, Sarah’s book is an unprecedented, incredible success.

Of course, like clockwork, liberal hatemongers, and GOP elites dragged out their same tired old ploys. Same tired Saul Alinsky style attacks that used to work before EVERYONE started reading that obscure, anti-American, liberal/communist “bible.”

But my favorite is “she didn’t write it.” The liberals and GOP elites use this same stupidity every time she writes an effective Op-Ed or Facebook post. It’s actually a pretty good complement if you look at it. Her writing is just that effective! It scares them so much, they have to make something up to explain it away to the uneducated and uninformed.

Supporters of Palin don’t even get mad at that silliness anymore, instead we laugh at the liberals and GOPers for being THAT stupid, and THAT petty.

Now what really has the liberals, communists (same thing really) and GOP elites chattering is the fact that Sarah used a COLLABORATOR to help her with her book. Oh the horror!

Truth is, pretty much everyone who isn’t a full time author, and many who are, work with someone to help them put their books together. Even the very best of writers have editors to deal with. It’s a simple fact of the publishing business.

Look at any book by a business leader or other popular figure, they are all written “with” someone. I’ve read dozens of great business books by top leaders like Lee Iaccoca, Jim McKay, and Bob Lutz, all were written “with” someone.

Then we get into the “ghostwritten” ones. Most politicians and celebrities go this route. Someone writes their books, for a fee. Some use notes from the person the book is about, some just make it up as they go. But “ghostwriting” is pretty common, in the business.

Here’s just a couple of very famous “ghostwritten” books. (There will be a third and fourth we’ll talk about in a few minutes!)

First we have the best selling “Profiles In Courage” the bio of President John F Kennedy. Although he is listed as author, we now know the book was written by his speech writer, Ted Sorenson. Sorenson was one of the Ford “whiz kids” who followed McNamara over to the White House.

Hillary Clinton didn’t write her big policy book “It Takes A Village.” Barbara Feinman did for a fee of $120,000.

“Ghostwriting,” however, is very different than having a collaborator. A collaborator means just what it sounds like. You have someone to help you structure it. To put it together. Again, even profession writers will have some help.

For this job, Sarah chose the very capable Lynn Vincent. A solid writer who shares a lot of Sarah’s philosophy.

Something else, unlike many, especially politicians and celebrities, Sarah and her publisher were up front about this deal. Everyone knew from day one who Sarah chose for this project.

Here’s the thing, and this also explains how this book came together so fast. As we all remember, when announced, the book wasn’t supposed to be out until the Spring of 2010. The book was done so far ahead of schedule because, for all practical purposes, Sarah has literally been writing it all of her life!

You see, Sarah is one of “those” people who has kept a daily journal for most of her life. Back in earlier days, many folks did this. It was a habit they got into at an early age, and stuck with. President Ronald Reagan was also someone who kept journals. Sarah is simply following that old tradition.

At any rate, Sarah’s book is based on these journals. I understand she kept these journals during the 2008 campaign. That will make for some interesting reading, for sure. It also explains why Steve Schmidt (the Bob Shrum of the GOP) and Nicole Wallace, the two McCain campaign turncoats are running for cover!

So you ask, what does this have to do with the liberals and communists? (Again, pretty much same thing these days) And why should they “think long and hard” before talking their usual nonsense about Sarah’s book?

Well, one of the things that was whispered during the 2008 campaign, but not covered by the fringe, Obama media was the fact that Barack Obama didn’t write his big “literary masterpiece” that has been heralded by the left as the greatest piece of writing eveh!

Of course, that is nonsense on many, many levels.

Now the fact that Obama didn’t write his book is a minor thing, at best, a “who cares” kinda thing. Maybe a “he lied!” kinda moment, but my God, we already have hundreds, if not thousands of those “he lied” moments from Obama, so this will just get lost in that sea of lies!

Except for this:

The real problem for liberals and communists (yeah, I know) is WHO wrote the book. And all of the other Obama lies this knowledge unravels.

Jack Cashill was the first to pick up on this deal. After reading Obama’s “Dreams From My Father” he happened to pick up a copy of terrorist William Ayers’ book “Fugitive Days.” In Cashill’s own words:

“My involvement in this occasionally harrowing literary adventure began in July 2008, entirely innocently. A friend sent me some short excerpts from Dreams and asked if they were as radical as they sounded. I bought the book, located the excerpts, and reported back that, in context, the excerpts were not particularly troubling.

But I did notice something else. The book was much too well written. I had seen enough of Obama’s interviews to know that he did not speak with anywhere near the verbal sophistication on display in Dreams.

About six weeks later, for entirely unrelated reasons, I picked up a copy of Bill Ayers 2001 memoir, “Fugitive Days.” Ayers, I discovered, writes very well and very much like “Obama.”

That’s right, Cashill is talking about unrepentant murdering domestic terrorist, William Ayers, co-founder of the ultra-violent Weather Underground, a violent group that spent several years going around the country blowing stuff up and trying to overthrow the government. They actually declared war on the United States. Ayers set bombs in the Pentagon, the US Capitol Building, and NY City Police Headquarters, just to name a few.

Cashill has a whole collection of articles on this that you really must read, here.

Even better, not only did terrorist William Ayers help his buddy Barack Obama out, Obama returned the favor by offering up a review for one of Ayers many screeds “A Kind And Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court.”

Oh and Obama’s “literary genius” well, let’s just say that as big of a bumbling fool as he is without his beloved teleprompter to feed him the words to say, he’s worse without his terrorist buddy to write those words for him!

Here is an example of Obama’s “literary prowess.” This “poem” is from his undergraduate period and is hilariously titled (in context) “Underground.” I kid you not!

Under water grottos, caverns

Filled with apes

That eat figs.

Stepping on the figs

That the apes

Eat, they crunch.

The apes howl, bare

Their fangs, dance . . .

So lets see, the terrorist who Obama claimed was “just a guy in the neighborhood” wrote Obama’s first book. Doesn’t look good liberals and communists. (Do I have to say it?)

But this just opens the doors to more and more of Obama’s lies. Ayers wasn’t just “some guy in the neighborhood” he was one of Obama’s closet mentors after Obama left home in Hawaii.

This also brings Obama’s massive ties to ACORN out in the open. Obama claims to have once been their “attorney” in a voter fraud case. (Yeah, shocker, like voter fraud isn’t ACORN’s # 1 business) This of course was a lie on Obama’s part. Obama was a trainer for ACORN.

If there are any liberal/democrat/communists still reading this, stick with me to the bitter end,. Because the question of WHY you should think long and very hard before going after Sarah Palin and her book will be revealed at the finish.

It was Obama’s job to indoctrinate ACORN’s rent-a-mob workers in the finer points of anti-American communist, Saul Alinsky’s book, “Rules For Radicals.” Alinsky, a Chicago mobster, among other things, is considered the “father of community organizing.” Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer (the Devil) whom he called the “first radical.”

This was just Obama’s first ties to ACORN. Obama’s BFF, William Ayers hired Obama to work for him at a couple of his “education foundations” that were Marxist front groups to funnel money to un-American fringe groups, and criminal enterprises like ACORN, to fund “educational programs.”

You see Ayers and the rest of the Weather Underground terrorists realized they couldn’t destroy America by blowing it up, so they cut their hair, bathed, and found jobs in society. With “higher education” already infested with communists and anti-American radicals of all sorts (and that’s just the professors) the murdering, terrorist bomber Ayers was welcomed with open arms! Ayers is now considered a “respected educator!”

Terrorist Ayers’ gig is teaching teachers and writing books on “education” all the while infecting an entire generation of educators with Marxist theory and anti-Americanism.

Stanley Kurtz, Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center has written extensively about the Obama, Ayers, ACORN connections. He has built a portfolio of articles about this. These too are a must read, which you can do here.

You simply cannot mention ACORN without mentioning Obama. ACORN is now being investigated by many levels of government, from state and local, to federal. When all of this comes to a head, things will not end well for Barack Obama, or his failing presidency.

Remember when Sarah went after Obama on the campaign trail for “pallin’ around with terrorists?” Well, even she may not have known the full extent of just how right she was.

You see, murdering terrorist William Ayers was not the only Weather Underground terrorist that Barack Obama is intimate with. We have found that Weather Underground co-founder Jeff Jones and Obama have very close ties.

We have found that Jeff Jones helped write a significant portion of the $1 trillion failed stimulus package that Obama foisted on America through trickery and deceit.

You see Jones, like Ayers, realized he couldn’t destroy America and turn it into a communist Utopia by blowing it up. So Jones joined the so called “green” movement, and along with others co-opted the environmental movement, turning it into a vehicle to usurp the United States Constitution, and “back door” communism in the name of “saving the planet!

Jeff Jones is a member of the radical Apollo Alliance. BTW, so is Obama’s departed “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones, who was forced to leave recently.

Like terrorists William Ayers and Jeff Jones, Van Jones is a radical communist (self avowed) and an anti-American, anti-white, trouble maker who jumped aboard the “green” movement seeing it as the perfect vehicle to use for his plans.

Think about it. Take a bunch of young idealists, already infected with Marxist (communist) teachings, thanks to the teachers William Ayers helped along, and prey on their hopes and dreams. Use their laudable goal of a cleaner world, and corrupt it with your anti-American, anti-capitalistic rhetoric, and voilB (!) you have a ready made army of wrongly educated environmental zombies to do your bidding for you!

Now I know this sounds like a bad plot from a James Bond type movie, but unfortunately this is reality here in America!

You throw in George Soros, the evil multi-billionaire and former Nazi collaborator, who is a real life Ernst Stavro Blofeld, and the self proclaimed “owner” of the democrat/communist party, and Barack Obama’s puppet master, and the picture starts to come together.

While it may have been different at one time, it seems clear that Barack Obama is “Number One” in this Bond screenplay, and people like Ayers and the Jones are bit players like “Odd Job” or “Jaws.” I ‘ll leave that casting to your imagination!

We’ve written about these connections before, and there is no greater example of the communist’s use of the “green” movement to destroy America as we know it, than the California water situation, that you can read about here and here.

The communists are using the excuse of a two inch minnow to shut off the water to almost one million acres of prime California farm land. Land that has literally fed the nation with fresh fruit, nuts, and vegetables for generations. This has led to unemployment numbers of over 40 percent, and created thousands of new people dependant on government handouts for survival. It’s also forced the United States to import billions of dollars worth of produce from foreign nations, re-distributing America’s wealth to poorer countries, a classic communist goal.

The communists use the same tactic on oil. We are not allowed to explore for oil in our nation anymore. Instead, we re-distribute somewhere between $700 billion and $1 trillion American dollars to other nations, sending serious treasure to many nations who not only hate us, but actively work against us on the world stage.

Why we do this is mind boggling. We have more oil than the Middle East, a century’s worth of clean natural gas, several hundred years worth of coal. And with our technology, we could have used the so-called stimulus dollars from the bill that terrorist Jeff Jones helped pen, to build 30 or 40 nuclear powerplants, and fix two problems. Nuclear is as clean as it gets, and cheap too.

We have capped wells off the coast of California, that could be up and running within months if the go ahead was given. California is beyond broke, they are about to become a failed state, and yet……

So imagine our surprise when we found out that only a few days after George Soros bought controlling interest in Brazilian oil company Petrobas, Barack Obama “loaned” Petrobas $10 billion dollars of taxpayer’s money! Evidently it’s fine to destroy another nation’s ecology, especially if it will make your evil master even wealthier!

Sarah Palin was right there to call Obama on this bit of chicanery too!

But, as always, the fringe Obama media, which has become nothing more than house organs for Obama and the democrat/communist party failed to do it’s job!

Still with me liberals? Communists?

So far we just talked about Obama’s first “ghostwritten” book. Of course, Obama, literary genius that he is, “produced” a second tome, “The Audacity of Hope” a thrown together piece that was obviously created to cash in on all of the hype surrounding Barack Obama at the time. This book claimed to be based on a sermon shouted by Obama’s racist, hateful anti-American “preacher” of over twenty years, the “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright.

Wright’s “church,” Trinity United, which preaches “Black Liberation Theology” a communist concoction, is a cesspool of racism, and anti-American hatred. Barack Obama set in the pews of this church for over 20 years. “Reverend” Wright married Barack and Michelle, and baptized their two children. Jeremiah Wright is clearly not just “some guy in the neighborhood.”

Jack Cashill who again has done yoemen’s work on this story reveals that “The Audacity of Hope” is more of a collaboration than just a “ghostwritten” book, but not a collaboration with Obama and a writer, but more of a collaboration salad of speech writers, seemingly headed by Jon Favreau. Of course, just as terrorist Ayers is not credited with “Dreams” (for obvious reasons) Favreau isn’t credited for his contribution. You can read Cashill’s report on book two here.

Now liberals, communists, fringe news media, hate bloggers over at the Huffington Post, and whoever, here’s the deal. Sarah Palin was up front and honest in her presentation of her new book, “Going Rogue, An American Life” from the minute the project was announced.

On the other hand, Barack Obama’s entire life, his entire public persona is built on one fantastic lie after another. Barack Obama has spent a lifetime marinating in communism and anti-American hatred courtesy of his mentors and friends.

Barack Obama has assembled a government of like minded communists, Chicago street thugs, and other assorted anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-freedom, and anti-liberty radicals.

Here’s what you good folks from the anti-American democrat/communist party need to think long and hard about. You folks over at NBC, CNN, you left wing hate radio talkers, you need to remember this:

The American public has already turned on Barack Obama, and communism. They have awakened and realized they were lied to, big time. They are not pleased at all. They are ready to not only throw all of the democrat/communists in Congress in 2010, they have had their fill of Barack Obama.

For every one of your jabs, and hate filled stories lying about Sarah Palin, there are going to be a dozen stories like this one exposing Obama for the radical, psychopathic liar that he is.

As America sits around the breakfast table in the morning, and the dinner table at night, this story and dozens like it are going to be on the menu on a steady basis from now until Obama is finished.

So smear away at Sarah Palin at your own risk. We are not going to let those smears go unanswered. Just as Barack Obama told his thugs from SEIU to “punch back twice as hard” before they beat black man, Kenneth Gladney, so hard at a townhall meeting that he had to be hospitalized. We are going to “punch back” ten times as hard. Not with our fists, but with our pens, and with the help of tens of millions of Americans who have had all they are willing to put up with.


Filed under In The News, Politics

Barack Obama’s “Safe and Drug Free Schools” Czar Is Huge Supporter Of The Nation’s Largest Homosexual Pedophilia Group!

Let’s all meet Kevin Jennings. His official title is: Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education. Another unelected, unvetted, unaccountable “Czar” in the Barack Obama regime.

Now we knew Obama had surrounded himself with some of the most insane, out of the mainstream crazies he could round up. There’s Dr Death, Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm Emanuel’s brother, who Sarah Palin made famous when she called out Obama on his “death panels.” Dr Death, who makes Joseph Mengele look reasonable, has written extensively on how certain folks don’t “deserve ” health care, and set up the very blue print for Obama’s “death panels.”

Then there is Cass Sunstein who is Obama’s regulatory Czar. This refugee from the asylum, who has the power to regulate, without congressional approval or input, pretty much every facet of your life, wants to ban hunting, and thinks animals should be able to have human lawyers, and be able to sue humans in court!

John Holdren, Obama’s science Czar, believes the United States Constitution would allow the government to force women to have abortions for “population control” and has advocated putting sterilants in the nation’s water supply. (As long as it doesn’t harm animals!)

And who could forget the recently departed, racist, communist, 9/11 truther, and all around nutbag Van Jones, Obama’s failed “Green Jobs Czar!”

It’s pretty easy to understand why Obama, who has appointed almost 40 people of this sort of caliber, quality, and level of insanity, used this method of appointing Czars to bypass Article II Section 2 of the United States Constitution. The part about the President needing the advice and consent of the Senate on key appointments, treaties and other important decisions. Most of these crazies would never even be offered a Senate hearing, let alone pass one.

Of course, as incredible as it seems, Cass Sunstein was indeed confirmed by the Senate along party lines. Only democrat/communists voted for him.

But you know, of all of the loons and subversives Barack Obama has surrounded himself with, no one made me physically ill until I learned about this guy, Kevin Jennings.

Jennings, by the way, is a Harvard graduate, shocker, and the founder and executive director of the national Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN),

Jennings is someone, like unrepentant, murdering domestic terrorist William Ayers, who has chosen education as the preferred method for infecting our children with Marxist ideals, and undermining the morality of the nation.

One can successfully argue homosexuality’s case, among consenting adults, but there is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance of any sort for pedophilia, whether it be homosexual or heterosexual. The theft of youth and innocence by an adult is one of the most heinous crimes that can be committed against a child. It destroys their life. Only murder is worse. And only barely worse.

And yet, Jennings was so proud to be associated with North American Association for Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) that he wrote the forward to the book “Queering Elementary Education.”

From the Washington Examiner’s Mark Tapscott:

Kevin Jennings, President Obama’s Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education, is in hot water this week for having failed to report that a 15-year-old sophomore student in his school had told him of having sex with an older man.

But failure to report what appeared to be a case of statuatory rape of a child may be the least of Jennings’ worries. Lori Roman of Regular Folks United points to statements by Jennings a decade or more ago when he praised Harry Hay of the North American Association for Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which promotes the legalization of sexual abuse of young boys by older men.

Roman provides damning details and links here. She also notes that Jennings wrote the forward “to a book called Queering Elementary Education. And another fellow you may have heard of wrote one of the endorsements on the book jacket—Bill Ayers.” Ayers, of course, is the Weather Underground bomber from the 1960s who is just an “acquaintance” of Obama.

Every presidential administration ends up with scandals inspired by controversial appointees, but typically those tend to revolve around financial improprieties, conflicts of interest, or some other form of white-collar misconduct. For Obama, the scandals seem to be developing in a pattern of disclosures revolving around radical left ideology that raises questions about their fitness for any job in government.

And that in turn raises the inevitable question: Is nobody minding the White House personnel store?

Let’s see, on top of not reporting the homosexual rape of a child, this guy, along with Barack Obama’s BFF, terrorist William Ayers, wrote additions to a book promoting pedophilia in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!

Our boy Ayers sure gets around on these books. As we all know, it has been discovered that Ayers was the ghostwriter of Barack Obama’s first book: “Dreams From My Father.” But of course, Obama and Ayers, despite working on several “education foundations” and funneling $100 million to groups like ACORN for “education,” have “never met” and Ayers is “just a guy in the neighborhood.”

With Obama’s track record of “honesty,” well, let’s just say we all know Ayers was a lot more to Obama than just “some guy.”

But, let’s get back to this Kevin Jennings pervert.

Tipscott references Lori Roman in his article. I must warn you, there is some pretty graphic stuff described at her website. Let’s just say it goes into details described in the book “Queering Elementary Education.” This however, really should be read, just so you can understand just how sick and vile all of these people truly are. But be warned “techniques” are described! You can read more here.

We all know the left wing in America, and really the world, have been trying to sexualize our children for decades. It’s a Marxist/communist method of seizing power. The destruction of a nation’s morality, and the co-option of the children is key to destroying society. And I think we have had our eyes opened very wide since January 20, 2009 and come to realize that Barack Obama and his group of nerdowells absolutely mean to destroy American society. Obama and his group, which is infected with 1960’s Marxist retreads, are looking to tear down society in ways they couldn’t in the 1960’s when they were trying to blow it up!

Here’s Barack Obama himself advocating teaching sex ed to kindergartners :

It’s interesting that Barack Obama is speaking at Planned Parenthood, a group founded by noted proponent of eugenics, and Ku Klux Klan associate Margaret Sanger. As you know, Planned Parenthood was founded by early “progressives” to help eliminate the “Negro problem” and weed out other “undesirables.” It was Sanger’s work, and the work of other early 20th century “progressives” that would so inspire Adolf Hitler and Joseph Mengele as they experimented with eugenics and eventually helped Hitler rationalize, to himself, the Holocaust.

Here is an account, from Sanger’s book, on the first of what would be many speeches given to groups of Klan women:

Here is a discussion of Sanger’s “Negro Project” which discusses the extermination of the black race. Sanger called them “human weeds.”

This just shows you the depths of depravity that “progressives” have had throughout history, and the extreme lengths “progressives” will go to get their message heard.

This sort of thing isn’t confined to America though. Sadly “progressives,” Marxists, and communists around the world push this sort of thing. Read any comprehensive book on communist techniques for coming into power, and it will talk extensively about breaking down a society’s moral fiber, and sexualizing children.

Here is a story out of Canada about “pleasure based” sexual education for children:

TORONTO, Ontario, September 8, 2009 ( – Lianne George of Maclean’s magazine has penned a piece published this week on a new trend in schools’ sexual education offerings to focus on the pleasure of sex. Her article highlights the work of Toronto’s Carlyle Jansen, the owner of a ‘sex shop’ for women, Good For Her, who has launched a new not-for-profit organization devoted to offering free, “pleasure-based” sex workshops to schools and other groups in the area.

Jansen has long offered pleasure-based workshops through her store, but, according to George, a year and a half ago Jansen started getting calls from local high school teachers who wanted her to come and offer sex-ed to their classes. Since then, Jansen guesses that she has spoken to about 12 or 15 classes.

“Kids are taught to death about all the bad things that can happen to them if they have sex,” Jansen told George. “They’ve said, ‘We’ve heard about sexually transmitted infections, we know you can get pregnant, but we want to know about pleasure and we want to know about healthy relationships.'”

In the classes, she talks to teens about whatever they would like to know, from masturbation to oral sex to sex toys (examples of which she brings to the classroom in case teens ask). She also teaches the kids about the sexual ‘pleasure centres’ using items depicting sexual organs.

Now, Jansen has helped launch the Sexual Health Education Pleasure Project (SHEPP) in the Greater Toronto Area, whose mission is “to provide free, pleasure-based sexual health education focused mainly on marginalized communities including youth, people of colour, women, queer and trans communities.” Course topic titles include “Negotiating what you want – in and out of the bedroom,” and “Cool, safe, and hot sex.”

A topic entitled “Re-visioning ‘pro-choice'” is also on the list, with the description: “Not just about abortion any more. Know your rights!” The group explains their vision of ‘pro-choice’ further on a page entitled ‘What We Believe In’. While the phrase is certainly used to designate openness to abortion, the groups sees it as including a broader range of sexual choices, including the freedom to exercise sexual license and the freedom to marry whomever one chooses.

Let’s face it, sex is very pleasurable, and what better way to lure young folks away from their parents influence! The idea, of course, IS to take the children away from their parents influence, so they can be indoctrinated in the agenda of the state at a very young age.

Like this:

Or this:

Or this:

Ever see the advertisements for “City Year” on television? One guess which famous “community organizer” is behind that deal!

This is the end game, the communists want your children. They want to break down the family, the parental unit. It’s hard to indoctrinate children if they have a strong family life. A family headed by parents with traditional American values.

This has been an ongoing thing in our country for decades. Older Americans, those born in the early 1960’s, or before have seen a rapid decline of morality in the last 40 years. Again, this is by design. It’s the communist and “progressive’s” favorite tool.

I’m not a prude. I honestly do not care what adults do in private. As long as everyone is consenting, and of age, none of my business. But the sexualization of children is a whole different situation.

The rape of children is even more despicable. It ruins the children’s lives, and more times than not, if they have children, their children are effected somehow by this as well. This is, in many ways, worse than death, worse than murder. The pedophile has murdered the kid’s soul.

And yet, the progressives are OK with it. In fact, look at the latest deal with thirty year fugitive from justice, Roman Polanski.

Thirty years ago, Roman Polanski, a famous film maker, gave a thirteen year old girl dangerous drugs and raped her in the most violent of ways. Now Polanski admitted this, and was convicted, but skipped the country before being sentenced, which was done in absentia.

Instead of rotting in prison, and having a new best friend named Bubba, Polanski was able to use his considerable fame and wealth to live it up all over Europe. Well, that all came to an end when he was recently arrested in Switzerland. Of course, Polanski is fighting extradition.

Predictably, Hollywood and pretty much the entire “progressive” movement is rushing to Polanski’s aid. The stories are too numerous to link here, that’s what Google is for, but Allahpundit over at Hot Air notes that over 100 film makers, names you’ll recognize, have signed a petition supporting Polanski.

Celebrities like Whoopie Goldberg, who has said is wasn’t “RAPE, rape” and Debra Winger have been almost tearful in their support for this pervert, who has written about other underage “encounters” with young girls.

Just as predictable, “progressives” are quick to excuse Roman for his sins. It wasn’t his fault, it was out of his control. You see, Polanski lost both of his parents in WWII Polish concentration camps. And Roman was married to the beautiful and pregnant actress Sharon Tate who was brutally murdered by the Charles Manson Family on that fateful California night. So, my goodness, how could we EVER go and blame him for the drugging and violent rape of a thirteen year old girl? His was perfectly normal behavior given the circumstances, right?

Of course not!

Now to be fair, Andrew Breitbart, the media mogul who brought you all of the great ACORN “hooker and pimp” educational films, has a counter-petition over at his Big Hollywood website for conservatives in Hollywood. You’ll also know, and appreciate some of the names on this list as well.

The bottom line though is this: “Progressives,” communists, liberals, left wingers, what ever you want to call these people, see no problem with the sexualization of our children. Fringe groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) frequently come to the aid of radical groups like NAMBLA, trying to legalize this deplorable behavior.

Men like murdering terrorist William Ayers, who has “rehabilitated” himself, and is now considered a revered and respected educational scholar, are part of this cabal. Ayers has put down his bombs to teach other teachers, and to write books that teachers use as learning and teaching tools, in an effort to infect the nation’s children with the Marxist agenda. And thanks to Barack Obama, a “man” like Kevin Jennings has carte blanche to infect your children with his insane view of a world where it is OK to for grown men to rape young boys and not only escape prison, but be celebrated for their bravado!

Of course, this seriously calls into question Barack Obama’s judgment, or lack there of.

We have taken to calling for Barack Obama to step down, resign. If he hasn’t done this by the 2010 elections, we will actively petition the new, Conservative Congress, to impeach and remove him as unfit to lead.

In the past few weeks we have wrote about Obama turning off the water to the most productive farm land in America, land that grows a large amount of our nation’s produce. In some cases, 100 percent of some items. You can read that here and here.

We just reported on the fact that Obama still is refusing payment of pensions to WWII veterans, after cutting these men off on his second full day in office. You can read about that here.

We are also witnessing Obama vote “present” on Afghanistan. We now know he has only talked with the Commanding General once in seventy days! Brave Americans are dying daily, and yet, Obama can’t be bothered. He has shelved the request for more troops to win the war.

And as we reported here, Obama is adverse to using the word “victory.” In Obamaspeak, he is “uneasy” using the word.

And what About Iran? They are only months away from having a deliverable nuclear weapon, and Neville Chamberlain Obama is chirping about “peace in our time!” Naivete of the highest order!

But, while brave men are dying in Afghanistan, and Obama is “thinking” about his next move, he had time to fly to Copenhagen to shill for the Chicago, Daley Machine, and all of his corrupt Chicago buddies, to bring the 2016 Olympic to Chicago, a city that is bankrupt, so bankrupt in fact, that is closing offices on certain days to save money. And at least half the city’s residents want nothing to do with this deal. But Obama, and all of his crooked friends who own land will be set for life if they can pull this scam off!

And then there is ObamaCare. The number of Americans who want absolutely NOTHING to do with this fiasco is growing daily. Almost 60 percent now say NO. Or as Sarah Palin famously said “Not no, but HELL NO!”

Over 80 percent of Americans say they are happy with their health care, and the insurance plans they have now.

And yet, Obama is rushing at breakneck speed to have a complete and total government takeover of the finest health care on earth!

Oh, we need to fix some things, for sure. We need tort reforms, major tort reforms, and we need to allow Americans, individuals and businesses, to buy insurance across state lines so there will be greater competition. But we don’t need anything that even closely resembles ObamaCare.

It took Barack Obama six months to pick his kids a dog, but he wants to take over one-sixth of the nation’s economy, completely usurp our Constitution, and destroy much of our freedom and liberty, at warp speed.

Even with all of this, the most vile thing Barack Obama has visited on America, so far, is appointing a man of such low character to his administration. It would be egregious enough if Obama had appointed this fellow to some obscure road and bridge commission, but nope, our “genius” of a President appoints this guy, Kevin Jennings, as Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education!

If this isn’t proof positive that Barack Obama does not have the proper judgment to lead, the common sense the leader of our nation must possess, then I don’t know what does.

All of these insane and unconventional Czars, all of the many lies Obama has told, all of the corrupt dealings. Obama’s decades long ties to murdering domestic terrorists, as well as the dual crime syndicates of ACORN and their sister organization, Service Employees Union International (SEIU) compounded with good old fashioned Chicago thug politics all leads us to one conclusion:

Obama must go!

Mr Obama, it’s time for you to resign. Time for you to go back home to Chicago.

Thank you Buddy Guy!


Filed under In The News, Politics