Sarah Palin Slaps Down Barack Obama Hard On His Government Take Over Of Health Care And Issues A Call To Action We Must All Answer!

As is her style, Governor Sarah Palin came out swinging on the health care debate that has turned America on it’s ear, and is destroying the Obama presidency right before his eyes.

Sarah, who has two sets people the democrat/communist party would just as soon let die, takes this very seriously. Obviously, Sarah’s parents Chuck and Sally are older, and ripe for picking off when the rationed health care comes around. And her youngest son, Trig, who has Down Syndrome, is someone the radical left wing is angry at Sarah over the fact that she ever allowed him to be born in the first place!

And if you don’t believe me, just go to any radical left wing hate site like the Huffington Post, Daily Kos, or Democrat Underground. I call them radical the left, but the democrat/communist party, as a whole, has skewed so far left, that these vile hate sites are “mainstream” for that sick political party. These hate sites, and others, have continually attacked Sarah, and Trig himself.

This is Sarah’s statement :

“Statement on the Current Health Care Debate”

“As more Americans delve into the disturbing details of the nationalized health care plan that the current administration is rushing through Congress, our collective jaw is dropping, and we’re saying not just no, but hell no!

The Democrats promise that a government health care system will reduce the cost of health care, but as the economist Thomas Sowell has pointed out, government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost. And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.

Health care by definition involves life and death decisions. Human rights and human dignity must be at the center of any health care discussion.

Rep. Michele Bachmann highlighted the Orwellian thinking of the president’s health care advisor, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of the White House chief of staff, in a floor speech to the House of Representatives. I commend her for being a voice for the most precious members of our society, our children and our seniors.

We must step up and engage in this most crucial debate. Nationalizing our health care system is a point of no return for government interference in the lives of its citizens. If we go down this path, there will be no turning back. Ronald Reagan once wrote, “Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth.” Let’s stop and think and make our voices heard before it’s too late.

– Sarah Palin”

Rep. Bachmann’s speech can be viewed here.

Sarah mentions some serious heavyweights such as preeminent economist Thomas Sowell, a Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow from the Hoover Institute, as well as our greatest conservative leader, and President, Ronald Reagan. If an American would just study Sowell and Reagan, they would see the right path to get America on track again, and defeat the democrat/communists before they destroy the nation completely.

In fact this video of Ronald Reagan must be taught to every American. It must be taught as a course of study in our schools!

Now, more than ever, I am convinced that Barack Obama and the democrat communist party are absolutely on an insane path to remake America in a way that is no where even close to what America has always been. They want to build an authoritative communist state the likes of which this world has never known. A totalitarian regime where average Americans are nothing more than slaves to the state.

Much has been written about the insane radicals and their vile ideology that Barack Obama has marinated in since birth. Many people have written about these worthless America hating communist troublemakers, so I won’t rehash here. I did cover some of it in my earlier piece “We Are The New Counterculture” but a trip to your favorite search engine will teach you all you need to know about all of Obama’s incredibly radical, dangerous, and anti-American friends.

One of the more dangerous things Obama has done is completely usurp the Constitution and the Senate’s responsibilities of advise and consent. The President can appoint cabinet members and pretty much elevate, or demote any position to cabinet level at his digression. But, all cabinet members must be completely vetted and go through an aggressive confirmation process by the Senate. This is a basic constitutional duty of the Senate, and part of the very ingenious checks and balances system our founders put into the Constitution.

Now Obama has a group of some of the most clinically insane, left wing kooks that ever walked the face of the earth working for him. No way in the world these people even get a Senate hearing, let alone pass one. So Obama’s solution, an unconstitutional one, is to appoint Czars. We have more Czars than Russia had in it’s day. We almost have as many Czars as we have had Presidents, and he’s still adding more!

There are so many absolute nuts involved in this deal that it turns ones stomach. American Thinker has a nice primmer, and Glenn Beck has been running a series on his Fox News show daily on these people. Rather than wear the reader out, I’m just going to ask people to do their own research, as there is plenty out there to learn from!

But to just give you a random idea about these crazies, and the extent of how insane they are, one of these nuts was for putting some sort of chemical in the nation’s water supply that would sterilize the population thus “saving the planet.” Another nut-job wanted to paint the roofs and streets white! One wants animals to have the same constitutional rights as humans!

Now again, I’m not talking about some hippies in a commune, or some ultra radical underground eco-terrorists. These people work for, and are accountable only to, the President of the United States, the most powerful man in the world, who himself is under the delusion that he is accountable to no one!

In other words, these insane left wing malcontents have the ear, the attention, and the interest of the President of the United States. This should give you nightmares, if you can sleep at all!

Sarah mentioned Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel in her statement. This cat is the brother of Obama’s Chief-of-Staff, Rahm Emanuel, nothing more than a fancy thug himself, who has been known to send dead fish to people who he wants to intimidate. But this guy is a teddy bear compared to his brother Ezekiel. Were he alive today, I’m thinking Dr Joseph Mengele might just say something like “Hey Zeek, maybe you need to learn some humanity!”

There is something about the communist that just weirds me out. They are completely soulless. Just cold blooded, unfeeling, uncaring creatures.

Anyway, Dr Zeek is someone that, in the context of the health care debate, may be the most evil man alive. This is a guy who advocates denying health care to old people, disabled people, and other’s deemed unimportant to society. And Dr Zeek is Obama’s point man on the health care legislation. His Czar.

Knowing this makes me sick to my stomach.

Look, “progressives” as they call themselves now, have always been some sick, racist puppies. To the democrat/communist party, Planned Parenthood is the holy church, and abortion the holy sacrament. They derive some very perverse pleasure knowing they can destroy human life at will. Play God, so to speak.

One can only imagine the excitement these devils must be feeling knowing they will be able to play God, not only over the unborn, but every single American, deciding at will, who lives and dies via their death panels. I can hear the corks popping on the champagne bottles now, as they celebrate their power!

And of course, Barack Obama is the absolute sickest. He even supports infanticide. Obama has supported legislation that would allow a doctor to murder a baby who “survived an abortion attempt” or as humans call it, being born! It’s as vile as it gets.

This is a man, when talking about sex ed and his daughters, said he wouldn’t want his girls “punished” with a child. This man, like many crazed dictators, has some serious physiological issues.

This sort of stuff is nothing new to progressives though. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood was a suspected member of the Ku Klux Klan, and a Nazi collaborator. Just like most of those who surround Obama and advise him on the health care issues, Sanger was a leading proponent of eugenics, a really evil science.

In fact, some say it was her work that caught Adolf Hitler’s eye, and even inspired and justified his own Holocaust against the Jewish people, who he found inferior.

You can read more about Margaret Sanger here.

The bottom line on this, is these people are incredibly dangerous, and have absolutely no use for the common man. They are elitists. They think only they can know what is best for you.

Even worse, they really don’t care if the entire nation is against what they want to do, they know better than you ever will, what is right for you. Don’t believe ‘em, just ask ‘em!

And it’s not just Obama and his Chicago street thugs that he brought with him. It’s the entire democrat/communist party. It’s Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. It’s Steny Hoyer and Dick Durbin. It’s Barney Frank, John Conyers, and Charlie Rangel.

The democrat/communist party along with the President of the United States is literally at war with the American people. They are calling normal every day Americans who have never protested a thing in their life, a “mob”, or some sort of Republican hit squad. Never mind that many of these very angry people are registered democrats and independents!

Now this is pathetic on their part but it makes me laugh in lot of ways. I still remember the angry, bordering on violent, protestors from groups like Code Pink who routinely shouted down or physically attacked anyone they disagreed with. When one protested about their barbaric, uncivilized antics, we were screamed at and told it was the ultimate in patriotism to speak “truth to power.” Well, now that these hateful people are in power, it’s a crime against the state to disagree with the Dear Leader!

Even better, you are supposed to spy on your family and friends, and report even their most intimate conversations in disagreement to the White House!

Of course what really makes this ridiculous is the fact that Obama’s one real claim to fame is being a community organizer! Now evidently, the average democrat voter is just clueless, because I’ve had them talk about all of the things these groups do. I guess they think these rent-a-thug enterprises otherwise know as community organizations spend their day planting gardens and cleaning up parks or something. The truth is, these are militant groups that are nothing more than a mob for hire, and generally used to extort something from someone.

We all know that ACORN’s mobs played a huge part in forcing bankers to give loans to people who should have never gotten one, based on their ability to repay them. And ACORN is directly responsible for the mortgage crisis that put our economy in a death spiral in the first place. ACORN also went after the AIG executives recently, actually busing these thugs to the executives’ homes all in an attempt to extort money through intimidation.

Obama’s job at ACORN was to train these rent-a-thugs on the finer points of communist Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” or, how to intimidate your opponent through mob tactics.

But, now that ordinary everyday Americans, who have never spoken up in their lives are exercising their God given rights, as protected by the Constitution, they are enemies of the state! People who must be stopped at any cost!

I call Obama a communist, because well, he most certainly is. And with their bent, I’ve taken to calling the party, the democrat/communist party, which with their direction, is rather kind. The amount of evil that emits from this group is palpable.

Look, we know on Obama’s night stand he has a very worn, dog eared copy of Alinsky’s “Rules”, you can look on any of these democrat/communist politicians’ night stands and find that. They hand those out at college like ACORN hands out voter registration cards to anyone with a pulse!

I’m pretty sure Obama has the book his soul mate Hugo Chavez gave him a while back, “The Post-American World” written by Fareed Zakaria. as well.

But from Obama’s latest thuggery, I’d bet my bottom dollar he has a mint condition copy of Mein Kamf right there for handy reference as well.

I’m not an expert on pre-war Germany by any stretch of the imagination, but I’ve always been interested in that period of time. Might be because my dad was part of that generation, but WWII, the events that lead up to it, and all the went on around it, have always interested me.

The comparisons to pre-war Nazi Germany, and Obama’s little 7 months in office are staggering. Just the symbolism alone is enough to seal the deal for me!

Of course, the Nazis and the communists , even though enemies in practice, were really the different sides of the same coin. Not a whole lot of difference between socialism and communism when you get right down to it. But both groups have this obsession with symbolism, glorified photos of their Dear Leaders, signage, and the like. If you look at Obama’s symbol for his health care death cult it is straight out of the Nazi party clip art book, just “modernized” for your viewing sensibilities!

More and more Obama is not only adopting the Nazi look, but the Nazi tactics. For those that don’t know, Nazi is a very shortened version of the real name, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or National Socialist German Workers’ Party. The Nazi’s were simply socialists, no real difference between them and the current democrat/communist party.

Anyway, however you want to slice it, Obama is using Hitler’s play book. He and the leaders of the democrat/communist party have started verbally attacking the American people because they dare to tell them as Sarah puts it, “Not no, but hell no!”

Americans are fed up with the direction Obama is taking the nation and are speaking out en masse.

The Obama thugacracy is blaming all of this on the Republican party, which save for a few brave souls, is pretty useless at this point, and totally out of power. I mean Obama and his democrat/communist party are in total control. They can pass absolutely anything without a single Republican vote. The problem is, they know that many of them will be retired after 2010 by the voting public, provided we have elections in 2010. The American people have had it! So Obama and his thugs are looking to blame Republicans for their failure.

Now one thing Hitler did as he built up his various private armies and groups of brown shirts, was to use the labor union thugs as his enforcers. Enter the Service Employees International Union. (SEIU)

Barack Obama, the thug community organizer that he is, had the audacity to tell his democrat/communist Congress, and the SEIU thugs to “punch back twice as hard” at the American citizens protesting Obama’s radical attempt to destroy the American way of life, a way of life that has endured more than two centuries.

This is the sort of tactic Obama told his campaign people to use during the election when he told his thugs to “get in peoples faces!” You can almost hear Adolf’s sweet voice as he most likely said similar words in the Munich beer halls just before his election!

Pamela Geller has the story of what happened Thursday night in St Louis at a town hall meeting. It was deplorable, and very un-American. The big fat union thugs wearing purple t-shirts with SEIU in yellow, in place of the customary brown shirt more familiar to the Nazis, attacked and severely beat an unarmed black man handing out patriotic material. You know, flags, buttons, and so on.

Kenneth Gladney was jumped by a group of these worthless thugs, beaten to the ground, and then kicked.

I’ve seen Mr Gladney in several Fox TV interviews with his attorney. This is a very typical American. Mild mannered, quiet and reserved. Just a seemingly very nice person. To be singled out, cursed and severely beaten by a group of thugs, sanctioned by the President of the United States, is absolutely unheard of in this nation!

You can read Pamela Geller’s indepth report here.

You can see video of the beating, as well as the Neil Cavuto interview with Mr Gladney here.

The last time something even remotely like this happened in America was on March 5, 1770. Within 6 years, we were fighting a revolution and birthed a new nation.

Look, I know this started out as a report and commentary on Governor Sarah Palin’s very personal take on Obama’s misdeeds. But this issue is so much larger than even Sarah Palin.

We all look to Sarah Palin as our natural leader in the struggle against Obama, his thugs, and communism. Whereas Obama represents tyranny, enslavement to a central government that wants to control your every thought and deed, a vile and distasteful vision to all Americans, Sarah Palin is just the opposite.

Sarah represents everything that is good, and great about America. Her life story is quintessential Americana. A self made woman who literally went from a cabin in the woods to becoming one of the most powerful figures in American politics. Sarah Palin represents liberty and freedom. Sarah Palin represents a deep love for America that all true Americans have. She also represents a deep love for the rule of law, and our most sacred political document, the Constitution. A document that is the envy of the world!

It’s not by accident that Sarah was the first Governor in the nation to sign into law a statute affirming the sovereignty of her state under the 10th Amendment of the Constitution. Sarah clearly understands the vision our founding fathers had of a small weak central government, with a strong network of sovereign states that were mostly left alone to govern their own citizens as they saw fit. The main purpose of the united part of the United States was for the mutual benefit of all of the several states when it came to international trade and national defense as well as being a referee in case of disputes between the several states.

In short, Sarah is a Federalist, a constructionist. Someone who understands just how wise our founders were, and how the progressive movement’s century long move toward a centralized communist government is wrong, and has done grave damage to the nation, it’s people, and it’s prosperity.

But as I say often, Sarah Palin is not a mythical savior. Sarah is possibly one of the greatest leaders in our nation’s history. Many millions most certainly feel very strongly she is. But Sarah is still a mortal. Unlike those who drank the hopenchange brand of Kool-Aid who think Obama is some sort of messiah, I think Sarah’s supporters understand that she is human. But she is a very special human, made from the greatest stock on earth, the American Spirit!

So, instead of sitting around and waiting for Sarah to come in and save us, for her to do all of heavy lifting, it’s up to all of us, the everyday American to take the inspiration this remarkable woman gives us all, and get off the couch and into the game!

Look, for those that don’t know, SEIU and ACORN are joined at the hip. They even share more than a few office buildings around the country and that mysterious little converted funeral home at 1024 Elysian Fields in New Orleans. Here is an interesting read if you don’t already know about these thugs.

Like Hitler, Obama will use the ACORN and SEIU thugs to do his dirty work. They will be his brown shirts until he can build that private army he talked about during the election. An army, as he put it, “as powerful and well funded as the military.”

One thing we have to be mindful of is Hitler’s tactics. Think about what Obama has done. He has openly sent a bunch of thugs to attack unarmed American citizens. Now Americans, as a whole, are pretty well armed. Most gun owners understand the real reason why our founders wanted to make sure EVERY American, with very few exceptions, was armed.

Our founders had just fought a revolution where the British had attempted to confiscate all weapons before the uprising. Why do you think the democrat/communists have REALLY been trying to unarm the American public for the last 100 years?

Anyway, our founders knew if the people were as well armed as the government, the government would behave!

As Thomas Jefferson said:

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny, when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

One thing you must be very cautious of, Obama, like Hitler, is devious and evil. History buffs know of the famous Reichstag Fire in Germany. History tells us that was a put-up job. Hitler had the Parliament burned and blamed it on the opposition. He used this event to pretty much install himself as dictator for life.

We all know Obama’s love for despots around the world, and I am certain in his dreams he sees himself as Dear Leader for life, ruling over his communist utopia. So as much as some may want to show these SEIU and ACORN thugs a thing or two with the business end of your favorite side arm, resist it with all of your might. We don’t need to give Obama a chance to set himself up as King!

If the time ever comes, we’ll all know when. By then saving the nation will be a lot less important than just starting over with the adults in charge.

So, when you go to the rallies, the tea parties, and the town halls, take friends, and take cameras. Take plenty of video and document everything. Every time you see a purple-shirted SEIU thug, or a red-shirted ACORN thug, make sure their every breath is documented by multiple cameras. Hopefully they will have the good sense to behave. But if not, you will have it all on tape.

Probably a good idea to have the local police on speed dial as well!

But don’t give Obama the satisfaction of his very own Reichstag Fire!

Do, however, get involved in absolutely any and every way you can to stop Obama, and the entire democrat/communist party. Get ready to work harder than you ever have in your life to put solid Ronald Reagan/Sarah Palin conservatives into every seat that is up for election, not only nationally, but locally as well. If a guy or gal is running for dog catcher and can’t quote Reagan at length, go find someone else!

That’s how we win this, and that’s how we take the country back!

It’s a time to choose liberty and freedom. We can sleep when we are dead!

In conclusion, I do not condone violence, but I think this quote from Thomas Jefferson sums it all up quite nicely:

“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quite under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty….

And what country can preserve it’s liberties, if it’s rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”


Filed under In The News, Politics

19 responses to “Sarah Palin Slaps Down Barack Obama Hard On His Government Take Over Of Health Care And Issues A Call To Action We Must All Answer!

  1. Angel

    What a beautiful piece of writing. You captured my feelings
    exactly about Sarah Palin. What I love most about her is she comes out swinging–she really embodies the spirit of the American frontier. I love her clarity and her optimism, and especially her fearlessness: The girl does let it rip!

    Sarah’s not my savior; I realize the importance of my personal efforts–but she’s a damn fine leader, and I will fight with everything I have to make her (and my own) vision of our great country reality. Thank you so much for your fine article.

    God Bless Sarah Palin.

  2. Gary P


    God bless you. Folks like you are who make America the great, and free nation that it is.

    May all your days be blessed and bountiful.

  3. MotherRedDog

    This describes exactly why my family loves Sarah Palin and her family. Because of her, we did get up off the couch and get involved. She’s the best thing to come along since I’ve been alive. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely loved Ronnie. Can you imagine Sarah and Ron cleaning up the country together? We’d be good for another 200 years. If only.

  4. roes48

    I just argued with my brother about the 18th & 21st amendment to the Constitution of America. He says it had nothing to do with the Great Depression. I say it had everything to do with it! In 1919 we by the dogooders, lived without alcohol. In 1921 Wilson introduced the Internal Revenue Service. In 1929 we had a major depression. What part is my brother not seeing??

    • Gary P


      It’s interesting how you bring that up. The do-gooders have always sought control over others. Control is the key. The “progressives” absolutely feel they are superior in every way to the rest of us. Ask them, they’ll be more than happy to telly you! The same who thought drinking was bad, and basically birthed an entire industry of organized crime, are the same ones attacking smoking, food, and well, anything else they can think of.

      Here again, the Nazis were like this. They were very big on “clean living” and frowned on the so called vices. They were also huge environmental activists just like the crazies today. The parallels between a Nazi and today’s liberal, progressive, or what ever you call them are many. Their ideology is the same.

      The income tax was only supposed to hit the very few “rich people.” Sound familiar? It was never to go over 5 percent, yet within’ 10 years, the top rate was over 70 percent! It wasn’t until Kennedy was elected that taxes came down again, and even then, not much. It took Ronald Reagan to lower taxes, and he spurred the greatest, longest period of economic growth in the nation’s history!

      The only way to ever get America back where it needs to be is to totally defeat liberalism forever. Go back to our founding principles. As long as there are liberals, there are problems. I for one would help buy one way tickets to anywhere if we could be assured the liberals wouldn’t be allowed to return.

  5. roes48

    we have fought wars over this liberal crap, brother against brother, when shall it stop?? Yes i agree the poor need help, but why can you not let the rich give to them as they want?? Do you think for one minute the rich do not want to help the poor??? Only a Negro would believe this. The Rich in this Country are a very giving crowd, and historicaly correct on this point. Let the Rich continue to give to the poor, as been history, what Obama thinks HE, is better able to distribute the wealth of Americans. Obama is a fool going no where. Obama is very dangerours, taking our money & giving it to the foriegn born. totallay unconstitutional. Death Camps were in Germany, today they look like Obamacare.

  6. roes48

    gary P. Thanx for your input, i think very wise, others may not think such. I can only stand tall & pray the Liberals lose their conversation. I shall surely fight to my death against the the belief of my own brother. My own Father thinks FDR was a great leader??? What?? I am one confounded one individual, but i shall stand up in integrity for the USA. Liberals like my father & brother are loving people, but we have a major difference of opinion. Please not this into a civil war.

  7. Gary P

    Roes48…I agree, the last thing we need is war. If that’s what it takes, then so be it, but unless Obama and his thugs escalate the violence they have already visited on American citizens, I think we may end up having us one.

    Obama and his thugs underestimate, by a lot, how fed up the American people are with this loser.

  8. Fishy

    Reporting decenters to The White House
    Destroying the Economy
    Gun Confiscation
    Censorship of the Media
    A 100 Czars answerable only to the White House
    FEMA Concentration Camps (HR 645)
    A Million Man Civilian Army (NCSF)

    WE will need the Military on our side.

  9. I allow you to read the article, I hope your article is useful for reading,keep posting,thanks.

  10. Pingback: Oh My….Barack Obama Caught Astroturfing! « A Time For Choosing

  11. Pingback: Oh My….Barack Obama Caught Astroturfing! « Sarah Palin Information Blog

  12. Pingback: Forget POTUS and TOTUS The Real Power In America is LOTUS! « A Time For Choosing

  13. Pingback: Forget POTUS and TOTUS The Real Power In America is LOTUS! « Sarah Palin Information Blog

  14. Pingback: Forget POTUS and TOTUS The Real Power In America is LOTUS! - gary4205’s Diary - RedState

  15. gaetano

    If all americans felt this way we would all share the fruits of our country.NOW HEAR THIS!!!!! NEWS FLASH!!!!!The defficit has been prooven to be a debt that cannot be paid.Obama and the democrats along with a few republicans are trying to collaspe the government. This I saw on Glenn beck last night and I believe him. He shows his proof. He has vowed in the next 5 days on his show to get all questions answered for american people.Watch his show. Democrats and re[ublicans,I ask in Gods name to forget your past partisan problems and seek the truth about what is happening in our country. If Beck is wrong, then so be it ,but if he is right,would you give up your family for a communistic way of life? We will be ready to lock and load.

  16. Pingback: Death Panels Now Open For Business In Massachusetts « A Time For Choosing

  17. Pingback: Death Panels Now Open For Business In Massachusetts « Sarah Palin Information Blog

  18. Pingback: Death Panels Now Open For Business In Massachusetts - gary4205’s Diary - RedState

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