You do NOT have Tea Party support: An Open Letter to David Dewhurst

By Gary P Jackson

This is extraordinary. I’ve never seen a group as large as the Tea Party have to publicly tell a candidate to cease and desist. Of course David Dewhurst is no ordinary dishonest politician. This is a guy who has produced some of the most despicable ads we’ve ever seen, aimed at his opponent Ted Cruz. This is a guy who has robocalls using someone impersonating Sarah Palin, claiming she supports him, when in fact she strongly supports Ted Cruz, and was just in The Woodlands on Friday.

Texas is Tea Party country. More voters identify themselves as Tea Party, percentage wise, than any other state. Among the Tea Party, Ted Cruz holds a substantial 75-25 percent advantage. That’s the ball game.

Now it seems Dewhurst, in a panic is embracing the Tea Party and claiming it’s support. Well, Te Texas Tea Party groups have a strongly worded reply. From the Tea party Express’ Texas Blog:

An Open Letter to David Dewhurst

You do NOT have Tea Party support: An Open Letter to David Dewhurst

Dear Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst,

As Texas tea party leaders, we reject your campaign’s recent claims that you have earned tea party support. We stand with the nation’s largest tea party political action committee, which has more small donors in Texas than you have – over 30,000.

Your performance in Austin is identical to the “go along to get along” establishment political culture in Washington. This behavior has led to a nearly $16-trillion-dollar national debt, infringement on our liberties, and the erosion of the American Dream. We need a U.S. Senator that is a bold leader and a proven conservative, and that is Ted Cruz.

It is obvious that your recent tea party posturing is just a desperate attempt to trick voters in the closing hours of this election. Though you are right to recognize that the tea party will be the deciding factor in this election, our support is not with you. You have failed to attract the support of this grassroots movement because of your record as Lieutenant Governor.

The Tea Party was born out of the shared frustration with both parties, which have failed to address the fundamental problems that are facing our country: unsustainable spending, job-stifling regulations and an ever-growing federal government. This movement has coalesced around the common goal of reducing the size, cost, and intrusiveness of the federal government by electing bold leaders that will stand up in difficult times.

Your dishonest and misleading smear campaign of Ted Cruz, coupled with your recent false claims of tea party support, show clearly that you simply represent the political status quo rather than the leadership we require. We have spent our time, dollars, and passion to elect Ted Cruz because he is the candidate qualified to stand up for the voice of We the People.


Whitney Neal
Flower Mound Tea Party leader

Toby Marie Walker
Waco Tea Party leader

Becky Kodrin
Waco Tea Party leader

Bobby Keith
Waco Tea Party leader

Christine Turpin
Lorena Tea Party Leader

Carol Waddell
Waco Tea Party leader

Katrina Pierson
Garland Tea Party leader

Carol Doucet
Frost Tea Party leader

Koni Burton
Colleyville Tea Party leader

Stacy McMahan
Longview Tea Party leader

Jeannie Forrest
Dallas Tea Party leader

Russell Ramsland
Dallas Tea Party leader

Matt Perdue
San Antonio Tea Party leader

Kirk Launius
Dallas Tea Party leader

Julie McCarty
Grapevine Tea Party leader

Suzanne Guggenheim
Corpus Christi Tea Party leader

Lynne Nevil
Garland Tea Party leader

Heather Liggett
Austin Tea Party leader

Jeanne Jacobs
Garland Tea Party leader

Dean Wright
Austin Tea Party leader

Michael Porter
Garland Tea Party leader

JoAnn Fleming
Tyler Tea Party leader

Sharon Guthrie
Tyler Tea Party leader

Tina Millican
Rockwell Tea Party leader

Don Vogelsang
Spicewood Tea Party leader

Amy Knickerbocker
Arlington Tea Party leader

Julie Turner
The Woodlands Tea Party leader

Joyce Luster
Farmers Branch Tea Party leader

Donna Starnes
Dallas Tea Party leader

Debbie Gregory
Whitney Tea Party leader

Maggie Wright
Burleson Tea Party leader

John Tweedell
Hideaway Tea Party leader

Lynne Tweedell
Hideaway Tea Party leader

Carol H. Haynes
Dallas Tea Party leader

Bill Hussey
Llano Tea Party leader
Terry M. Campbell
San Angelo Tea Party leader

Bob Farris
Dallas Tea Party leader

Sylvia Guzman
Frisco Tea Party leader

Robin Lennon
Kingwood Tea Party leader

Jim Lennon
Kingwood Tea Party leader

Donna Whiteside Smith
Grapevine Tea Party leader

Phil Burton
Colleyille Tea Party leader

Kyle Fleming
Tyler Tea Party leader

Karen White
Dallas Tea Party leader

Patricia Caldwell
Dallas Tea Party leader

Liz Villegas
Fort Worth Tea Party leader

Vicente Bustamante
Dallas Tea Party leader

Angeles Bustamante
Dallas Tea Party leader

Susan Haines
Carrollton Tea Party leader

Donald Haines
Carrollton Tea Party leader

Craig Cosgray
Spicewood Tea Party leader

Dennis Arens
Keller Tea Party leader

**Disclaimer: This is signed by individual tea party leaders and does not serve as an endorsement on behalf of their group or organization.


Filed under In The News, Politics

4 responses to “You do NOT have Tea Party support: An Open Letter to David Dewhurst

  1. Ann

    I voted for Cruz but I am not sure I won’t regret it. I know for a fact that Dewhurst is the wrong guy. The sweet looking lady under Cruz’s arm is a member of the CFR, and he got an appreciable amount of funding from Goldman Sachs. I voted Addison in the primary. I am basing my vote on his stance against Texas being governed by the International Criminal Court and his recognition of indefinite detention as a genuine threat. None of our past Tea Party trophy wins have done so, with the exception of Lee, Paul and Amash. Don’t let us down, Ted.

    • Gary P Jackson

      Cruz is the real deal. He wouldn’t have the support of Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, or Jim DeMint if he wasn’t. We won’t have to watch Cruz like a hawk watches chickens the way we do with KBH and John Cornyn.

  2. C T

    Check out Ted Cruz’s biggest supporters! 🙂 Re-post to your readers if you find it interesting!

    • Gary P Jackson

      Yeah Cruz is supported by CONSERVATIVES. Meanwhile Dewhurst is supported by every corrupt lobbyist in DC and Texas, and had a Washington fundraiser at George Soros stooge John Podesta’s townhome.

      Thankfully, Cruz is beating Dewhurst mighty handily in all the precincts that have reported.

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