Tag Archives: Blood Libel Media

Violent Racist “Progressives”: Lynch Justice Clarence Thomas, Murder Fox News’ Roger Ailes, Call For Violent Revolution

By Gary P Jackson

Christian Hartsock put this video together showcasing the violent, hateful tendencies of left wing mobs. This was filmed at an “Uncloaking the Kochs” rally sponsored by the Soros funded Common Cause, AFFCE, The Ruckus Society, 350, Greenpeace, Code Pink, the Progressive Democrats of America, and others. It was staged outside of the Koch Brothers conference in Palm Springs.

You’ll notice Jim Hightower and self-described Communist revolutionary [and former White House “Green Jobs” czar] Van Jones, speaking inside at the beginning. Then Hartsock moves outside and elicits comments from attendees.

He specifically asks what should be done to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The answers are quite revealing. One person wants Thomas, a black man, “strung up.” Another says “send him back to the fields!“. One lady who says she’s “all about peace” wants the Justice tortured. Another girl wants his toes cut off and fed to him! Yet another wants Justice Thomas’ wife, Ginny, strung up as well.

Oh, and Justice Antonin Scalia, according to one protester should “go back to Sicily!” 

One “loving and tolerant” liberal wants Fox News head Roger Ailes “murdered.”

Yet another calls for violent revolution, “like in Egypt.”

In the land of the progressives, if you disagree with their warped and diseased view of the world, it’s quite acceptable to call for your death.

It should be known the far left, Soros funded  “Common Cause” was there protesting “rich Conservatives” but as Hartsock, writing for Big Government points out, the hypocrisy on the left knows no bounds:

Among Common Cause’s, well, common causes, are campaign finance reform, net neutrality, outlawing the filibuster, promoting cap and trade, and in this particular case, herding a mass of protesters outside a nearby hotel to yell at Charles and David Koch for being conservative and rich.

Unfortunately several “haves” have missed the memo that you’re not to be both rich and conservative at the same time, and that bankrolling your pet causes is an extra no-no if you’re conservative—thus exempting left-wing billionaire philanthropists George Soros (from whom Common Cause has received $2 million over the past eight years) Peter Lewis, John Doerr, Julian Robertson, Nicolas Berggruen, and many others from being yelled at too.

At the morning panel event featuring UCI Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, activist Jim Hightower, Center for American Progress journalist and “Koch Brothers expert” Lee Fang, California Nurses Association co-president DeAnn McEwan, and President Obama’s former green jobs czar Van Jones, we were forewarned of the impending demise of both the environment and democracy at the hands of corporate lobbyists and their government shills.

There was eerily no mention of GE, AEP, Goldmann Sachs, Pfizer, Aetna, Alcoa, Xerox, Google, Motorola, IBM, or several other corporate giants who profit at taxpayer expense via their K Street connections to the Obama White House as well as the very economic and regulatory policies they lobby that these Common Cause panelists commonly endorse. But I’m sure that’s only because no one wanted to point out the obvious. Right?

We were then ushered outside to the parking lot across from the hotel in which the Koch brothers were holding a meeting, whereupon we were encouraged to yell at the building, decrying not only the Kochs, but Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia for their Citizens United ruling. Oh, and Fox News while we were at it.

You can read Hartsock’s full accounting of the event here.

In the aftermath of the Tuscon massacre, the blood libel media, and the democrat party, couldn’t contain themselves. Before the paramedics were there to attend to the wounded, before any information about the shooter was known, the left wing, in concert, blamed Sarah Palin and the 40 million members of the Tea Party for the actions of a mad man, who as it turns out, was a left winger himself.

The killer, Jared Lee Loughner, had been stalking Congresswoman Giffords for years. Long before the Tea Party was formed, or anyone knew who Sarah Palin was.

The fact is, Congresswoman Gifford was targeted by the website Daily Kos. A bull’s-eye was put on her by the far left website’s radical founder, Markos Moulitsas. She was targeted as a “sell out” to the left wing cause. Congresswoman Giffords is a “blue dog” democrat. Loughner was also angered that she wasn’t radical enough.

Still, knowing these facts, the left continues to blood libel the Tea Party and Sarah Palin. Continues to stoke hate and violence.

The thing is, any time you hear calls for violence, or revolution, it’s from the left. They have a long, dark history of hate, violence, racism, and attempts at violent revolution.

If you’ve never read this from the National Black Republican Association, it’s an eye-opener that highlights 150 years worth of institutionalized racism from the democrat party. Petition to Barack Hussein Obama for a Proclamation of Apology for the Democratic Party’s 150-year History of Racism.

It’s not the Tea Party or Sarah Palin that people need to keep a close eye on, it’s the racist, violent “progressive” movement. Their world is coming apart. The American people are rejecting every bit of the “progressive” [socialist] agenda. They won’t go away quietly.

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Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

Politico’s Andy Barr Caught Red-Handed “Making Things Up” About Sarah Palin

Above: Andy Barr. Lying, corrupt, left-wing hack.



By Gary P Jackson

The corrupt, left wing media is at it again. Andy Barr, a “journalist” reports an absolute lie at the so-called “political news sitePolitico. At least this time he names a source, highly unusually for a website that’s famous for smearing Sarah Palin, and others, by quoting “unnamed sources.”

Barr used the lie to further the blood libel that somehow Sarah was responsible for the mass murders in Tuscon, even though that has been totally discredited. This is what Barr writes:

Palin retreats, won’t reload

Palin’s putting the safety catch on her references to weapons in the wake of Rep. Giffords’s shooting.

Continue Reading

Her speech last night to the Safari Club in Reno was closed press, but thanks to the Reno Gazette-Journal’s David Jacobs putting his ear to a closed door, we’re hearing the former Alaska governor’s new line.

Palin dropped the “reload” phrase from her routine, telling the audience of hunters “don’t retreat, stand tall” — a shift from her now infamous and well-known “don’t retreat, reload” line that played on a loop on cable in the after the Tucson shooting.

In the wake of the tragedy, Palin came under attack for having put Giffords’s district in crosshairs on her website.

In Reno, Palin also spoke in favor of gun rights and of her love of hunting, telling the crowd that hunting and fishing is part of American “exceptionalism.”

This is, of course, not true. Almost as soon as this BS story broke, a member of Free Republic, SFMom, posted that she attended the event and Sarah not only used her and her dad’s trademark line: “Don’t retreat, reload” but used it several times.

Rebecca Mansour, who works for Sarah, confirmed via Twitter that the Politico story is “inaccurate” and Sarah indeed used her trademark line.

Is it just me, or is anyone else just a little pissed off this twerp put the word: “exceptionalism” as in AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM, in quotes?

How cosmopolitan of Barr.

Now some people may be asking “what’s the big deal?

Well, there are several. One, this lie creates the false narrative that maybe somehow Sarah feels guilty for an event she had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH, or that maybe she is somehow “effected” or even “cowed” by the attacks on her from the vile left wing media, and the democrat party.

It also gives Barr a chance to continue the lies and blood libel from the Tuscon shootings. To plant that little seed again, that Sarah IS responsible, AND now maybe realizes it herself. That’s how these corrupt bastards work.

We make it habit of never believing a single thing written on the pages of Politico …. ever. We always consider anything they write an outright lie, unless it can be verified through many other sources, independently.

It should be noted that while Barr himself may not have been a member of the left wing media conspiracy known as JournoList, Politico is lousy with corrupt JournoListers. Many who have conspired to write false stories about Sarah Palin, and cover up damaging stories about Barack Obama.

The bottom line is: Sarah Palin has NOT retreated and has ALREADY reloaded. She’s loaded for bear and ready to take on the entire bunch.

This little story does, however, serve to remind Americans nationwide that our media is corrupt, and can no longer be trusted.


After we wrote this article, a bunch of people took to Twitter to tweet the news story around. Corrupt “journalist” Andy Barr scrubbed the website Politico of the story altogether.

Barr has NOT publicly apologized to Sarah Palin though.

You can encourage Barr to do so on Twitter. His handle is @AndyBarr34

Free Republic and other websites reported Barr’s false story as fact, so you can still view what Barr wrote, even though he threw his bogus nonsense down the memory hole


As the night rolls on, this just gets sadder for “journalism.”

Barr has restored the link to his original lie, but NOW his story reads:

Palin retreat? She’s reloading

Palin’s firing back after a Nevada newspaper reported she put a muzzle on her trademark “Don’t retreat, reload!!” phrase in the wake of Rep. Giffords’s shooting.

Her speech last night to the Safari Club in Reno was closed press, but the Reno Gazette-Journal’s David Jacobs put his ear to a closed door.

He reported Palin dropped the “reload” phrase from her routine, telling the audience of hunters “don’t retreat, stand tall” — a shift from her now infamous and well-known “don’t retreat, reload” line that played on a loop on cable in the after the Tucson shooting.

But Palin aide Rebecca Mansour denied that the former governor dropped the line, suggested to her by her father.

The governor actually did use the phrase ‘Don’t retreat, reload,‘” Mansour told POLITICO in an email. “She also said, ‘Don’t retreat, stand tall.‘”

Her father, Chuck Heath, was present at the speech yesterday, and the crowd cheered when she pointed to her Dad and repeated this favorite saying of his,” the aide added.

Compare the two stories.

Notice how Barr STILL refuses to apologize for his lie?

More diabolically, since he scrubbed the first story, someone who did not see the original story might get the idea that Barr is just a good old boy “objective” reporter who is merely reporting both sides of the story.

Notice he has no problem throwing the local reporter, who had no clue himself what Sarah did or didn’t say, right under the bus.

This is how the corrupt media works. They lie all day long, and when caught red handed, just erase the lie like it never happened.

BTW, Barr DID leave up the nearly 400 hate-filled comments from the left wing loons that read Politico. Make sure you read those. They represent the “cream of the crop” of the democrat party.

These sort of people do not deserve to have a job in the news business. At best Barr should be asking diners if they want fries with that burger. He represents everything that is wrong with journalism, as does the corrupt left wing publication that employs him.

Again, feel free to let Barr know how you feel.


Filed under In The News, rebecca mansour, sarah palin