Another Lefty Lie Shot Down: Confirmed, Arizona Shooter Fixated On Giffords In 2007 Long Before The Tea Party Was Created Or Anyone Knew Who Sarah Palin Was


By Gary P Jackson

The lies from the left, and their attempts to smear Sarah Palin and the Tea Party, as well as blame them for the actions of a crazed Marxist gunman in Arizona, have been unraveling as fast as they can tell them, but now we have even more proof they are wrong, and frankly downright evil, for using this tragedy to try and score cheap political points, and rile up their already rabid and radical base.

We find it quite reprehensible that bodies were still lying on the ground as top democrats conspired to blame Palin and the Tea Party. But frankly, with this bunch we’ve come to expect no less.

We also reported early on that Jared Lee Loughner had run-ins with Congresswoman Giffords dating back to 2007. This was confirmed once the arrest records were released. A letter was found at Loughner’s home, marked “I planned ahead” and “my assassination“: From the arrest report:

On January 8, 2011, a search warrant was executed at 7741 N. Soledad Avenue in Tucson, Arizona, where LOUGHNER resides. Some of the evidence seized from that location included a letter in a safe, addressed to “Mr. Jared Loughney” at 7741 N. Soledad Avenue, from Congresswoman Giffords, on Congressional stationary, dated August 30, 2007, thanking him for attending a “Congress on your Corner” event at the Foothills Mall in Tucson. Also recovered in the safe was an envelope with handwriting on the envelope stating “I planned ahead,” and “My assassination” and the name “Giffords,” along with what appears to be LOUGHNER’s signature.

You can read the entire arrest report here.

The Wall Street Journal also confirms this, as well as what we have been reporting since the earliest hours of this tragedy, that Jared Lee Loughner is a far left radical. You can read their excellent background on  Loughner here.

Lets forget for a minute that Loughner fixated on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in 2007, before there was such a thing as the Tea Party, and no one but a select few even know who the hell Sarah Palin was.

Instead let’s look at even more irrefutable facts. Jared Lee Loughner is radical Marxist. A left winger. He’s against the United States Constitution, against the United States flag. He believes the United States currency is illegal, is fixated on terrorism, and is very anti-religion. That’s the damnedest Tea Party profile I have ever seen!

Contrast this with Sarah Palin and the Tea Party. One of Sarah Palin’s strengths over most politicians is she believes the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, as our founders intended it to be. Obviously she loves our flag, and frequently displays flag inspired jewelry. And since the left has been saying she is some sort of religious extremist [another lie] it’s kind of hard for them to have it both ways.Sarah Palin and Jared Lee Loughner couldn’t be farther apart in ideology if they tried.

No, the truth is, Jared Lee Loughner, the disturbed Marxist who committed mass murder Saturday in Arizona was on his path of death and destruction for years. If he was “inspired” by anyone, it’s more likely that it came from his own people, the democrats.

We’ve already posted some of the very heated rhetoric from left wingers and we’ve barely scratched the surface. We’ve compiled quite a number of statements from high ranking democrats calling for the death of political opponents. We’ve also got statements from high ranking democrat politicians, including the President of the United States, urging their supporters to commit acts of violence on their behalf, if things don’t go their way.

In the coming days we will be exposing all of the violent rhetoric from the left. The exact sort of talk that would have inspired a radical like Jared Lee Loughner to go through with his long term plans.

The left wing and their media partners started the lie, now we are going to end it, and show the American people who the real violent radicals in this country are


Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

6 responses to “Another Lefty Lie Shot Down: Confirmed, Arizona Shooter Fixated On Giffords In 2007 Long Before The Tea Party Was Created Or Anyone Knew Who Sarah Palin Was

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Another Lefty Lie Shot Down: Confirmed, Arizona Shooter Fixated On Giffords In 2007 Long Before The Tea Party Was Created Or Anyone Knew Who Sarah Palin Was | A Time For Choosing --

  2. Pingback: Did Barack Obama’s Violent Rhetoric Inspire Mass Murder In Arizona? | A Time For Choosing

  3. Pingback: Did Barack Obama’s Violent Rhetoric Inspire Mass Murder In Arizona? « Sarah Palin Information Blog

  4. Cheri

    It’s about time the left got called out for inciting their own to violence and then blame it on people that they don’t like.
    It seems to me that the Left would like to see civil unrest in the streets so that we won’t have another election. Let’s call them out on that and not let them start a real war within our borders.

    The blame for inciting to violence rest squarely on the Lefties and their propaganda machine, the Lame Stream Media.

    The Tea Party and Sarah Palin are innocent and deserve a public apology. This should include an apology from Geraldo Rivera on FOX News for pushing and outright accusing the Tea Party and Sarah Palin for this

  5. Pingback: Observations on Tucson | In•de•fix•a

  6. Pingback: Liberal Black Female Blogger Calls For Sarah Palin’s Death | A Time For Choosing

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