Tag Archives: iran

BREAKING: President of Argentina Accuses Obama of Treason Against The United States


By Gary P Jackson

Speaking at the United Nations, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchener … the President of Argentina … dropped a bombshell that, if true, would make President Barack Obama guilty of High Treason against the United States, and mankind as a whole.

According to President de Kirchener, in 2010 Gary Samore … the White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction, approached her, requesting her government send enriched uranium to Iran. Samore admits this, and says he also approached Russia and France asking the same of them! All three countries refused his request!

From the Marshall Report: [emphasis mine]

The President of Argentina – Cristina Fernandez de Kirchener announced before the United Nations that her nation had been approached by an Obama administration official, Gary Samore, former White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction, requesting them to provide enriched nuclear fuel to the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2010. (Samore did not dispute this claim).

The request fell short when Kirchener asked for the deal in writing and Samore was never heard from again.

Samore did release a statement admitting that he made the request in 2010 and Argentina balked at the deal. He also admitted that he had approached France and Russia with a similar proposal. That deal fell through as well. The deal was supposedly to allow Iran to send their low enriched uranium to Russia to enrich further, then send it to France to finish converting it into nuclear reactor fuel then send it back to Iran for its own use. Supposedly in an effort to prevent Iran from weaponizing its uranium stockpiles. That deal also fell through.

These deals lead to a new U.N. resolution that increased economic sanctions on Iran. And eventually to the bargaining table for the horrible deal Obama has worked out with them this year.

Obama’s White House administration has not responded to these potentially treasonous allegations as of yet.

There’s only one real reason for Iran to have enriched uranium, and it has nothing to do with generating electricity!

Obama’s nuke deal with Iran is itself an act that borders on treason, but deliberately arming the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism [a regime that screams “Death to America” on a daily basis] with nuclear weapons, AND roughly $150 BILLION in cash, so they can purchase intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of hitting targets within the United States [which Obama’s treaty allows] is the most evil thing any American president has ever done.

This is the sort of thing that should make the America people all across the nation stand up and DEMAND Obama’s immediate resignation, as well as criminal proceedings to commence. Obama has proven over and over that he is an enemy of the United States, and Free people all around the world. Everything he has done for the past 7 years has been designed to destroy America and her allies, and strengthen her enemies.

We can’t wait for January 2017 and Obama’s exit from office. He can do too much damage between now and then. He has to go now and criminal investigations must begin immediately. The survival of the Free world demands this.


Filed under In The News, Politics

Christian Science Monitor: If Obama Can Bomb Libya, President Palin Can Bomb Iran Without Congress’ OK

By Gary P Jackson

Your basic liberal rant from Robert Naiman over at the Christian Science Monitor. Obviously, Naiman is worried about Obama’s unauthorized attacks on Libya, and even more worried that if this is allowed to stand, President Palin will bomb the hell out of Iran once she takes office. Actually this is a legitimate point:

To put it crudely: As a matter of logic, if President Obama can bomb Libya without congressional authorization, then a future President Palin could bomb Iran without congressional authorization. If, God forbid, we ever get to that fork in the road, you can bet your bottom dollar that the advocates of bombing Iran will invoke congressional silence now as justification for their claims of unilateral presidential authority to bomb anywhere, anytime.

Again, this is a good point. The President must go to Congress before involving the United States in a shooting war.

It just tickles me that every time one of these sort of articles comes out, they always pre-suppose a “President Palin” not someone else. Not sure what that means, but the left always tells you who they fear the most!

Read the rest of the article


Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

Governor Palin on the Issues: Israel

by Whitney Pitcher

In recent weeks, America’s relationship with our ally, Israel, has come into focus once again. As the Obama administration has failed to coalesce around a coherent strategy with regards to recent protests in Egypt, the potential for a group like the Muslim Brotherhood to become involved in Egypt’s new government is particularly worrisome. To call the Muslim Brotherhood anti-Israel would be an understatement and to see them as a group without a religious/political agenda would be foolish, yet President Obama’s own Director of National Intelligence referred to the Muslim Brotherhood as “largely secular”. Additionally, our UN ambassador was poised to vote to rebuke of Israel for building settlements on the West Bank before vetoing such a proposal.  However, Ambassador Rice stated that the veto should not be, ” seen as an endorsement of Israel’s settlement policies, which the Obama administration has repeatedly denounced”. This extremely poor treatment of Israel is sadly commonplace in the Obama administration. On two occasions, President Obama did not allow cameras into meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. During one of those meetings in March 2010, President Obama abandoned Netanyahu during tough talks regarding Israeli settlements to have dinner with his family. Additionally, during a visit to Israel,as a response to Israel’s announcement of further settlement construction Vice President Joe Biden arrived an hour and a half late to a dinner with the Israeli Prime Minister as a disapproving response to Israel’s announcement of further settlement construction. Suffice it to say, the Obama administration’s approach to its relationship to America’s ally, Israel, has been weak, misguided, and immature.

Contrast the Obama administration’s approach with Governor Palin’s stance on Israel. Governor Palin’s support for Israel is not only found on her lapel, it is found in nearly every speech she gives and every foreign policy related answers to interview questions and is a consistent mention in her Facebook posts. Most recently, Governor Palin has emphasized the importance of remembering Israel in discussion of Egypt’s new government. She did so in her question and answer session at the Long Island Association on Friday. In a recent interview with Sean Hannity, she also discussed the Muslim Brotherhood’s potential effect on Israel if it is involved in Egypt’s new government:

Governor Palin recognizes that it is imperative for America to stand with Israel when Egypt, an ally of Israel, has the potential to be led by a group with an anti-Israel agenda. Governor Palin’s support for Israel goes far beyond these recent comments about events in Egypt, however. She has stood with Israel in their relationships with Iran and Palestine.

Governor Palin has been critical of the Obama administration’s appeasement mentality towards America’s enemies coupled with poor treatment of Israel with regards to Israeli-Palestinian relationships. She called for a reset with Israel in a Facebook post last March:

In the midst of all this embracing of enemies, where does the Obama Administration choose to escalate a minor incident into a major diplomatic confrontation? With Iran, Cuba, Sudan, North Korea or Burma? No. With our treasured ally, Israel.

Once again, the Obama Administration is missing the boat on a very, very important issue. They need to go back to the basics and acknowledge Palestinian leaders have not progressed any peace process since President Obama was elected. As Israel makes concessions (and is still criticized by the Obama Administration), Arab leaders are just sitting back waiting for the White House to further pressure Israel. The Obama Administration needs to open its eyes and recognize that it is only Iran and her terrorist allies that benefit from this manufactured Israeli controversy. Vice President Biden was actually right when he said last week, before the construction announcement, that “one necessary precondition for progress is that the rest of the world knows…there is absolutely no space between the United States and Israel when it comes to security.” Right now, thanks to the Obama Administration, there is a chasm. It’s time for President Obama to push the reset button on our relations with our ally Israel.

In addition to addressing Israeli-Palestinian relationships, Governor Palin emphasized the importance in standing with Israel against the threat of Iran. In another post last March, Governor Palin called for the Obama administration to impose tougher sanctions on Iran and to exhibit more friendly interactions with Israel:

Public demands for concessions have been made of the Israelis while the Palestinians add ever more conditions to their participation in peace talks, and those in the administration that dare to argue for looking at these policies through the lens of Israel’s security needs are subject to slanderous attacks from “senior administration officials.” The Obama administration has their priorities exactly backwards; we should be working with our friend and democratic ally to stop Iran’s nuclear program, not throwing in the towel on sanctions while treating Israel like an enemy.

She would reiterate this criticism of Iran’s potential to develop nuclear weaponry and the subsequent effect on Israel in an op-ed in USA Today this past December.

Beyond strong stances against Palestine and Iran specifically, Governor Palin has stood with Israel on many other occasions, including strong pro-Israel statements during a foreign policy focused speech last summer where she called Israel “our most important ally in the Middle East”. She called for President Obama to stand with Israel last summer more than 10 Israeli soldiers were injured trying to stop Turkish supported Flotillas aimed at provoking Israel. When discussing an endorsement of now Senator Rand Paul, Governor Palin asked about his view of Israel–indicating that a pro-Israel stance is a valuable issue in an endorsee. In a letter to recently elected House members, Governor Palin encouraged new House members to strongly support Israel stating,”[y]ou can stand with allies like Israel, not criticize them. You can let the President know what you believe – Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, not a settlement”. Such a statement shows her consistency in her firm support for Israel, as she stated in an interview with Barbara Walters in 2009 and her stance during the VP debate 2008 campaign. On multiple occasions, both during her time as Governor and following, Governor Palin has shared holiday wishes to the Jewish community. It’s no wonder more Jewish Americans are supporting Governor Palin. While President Obama sees “bowtowing” to our enemies and ailenating our allies as an effective foreign policy strategy, Governor Palin has just the opposite approach–standing with Israel and against her enemies.

Other “Governor Palin on the Issues” posts have addressed monetary policy, entitlement reform, energy independence, and energy regulation.


Filed under sarah palin

President Obama Follows Governor Palin’s National Security Advice

by Whitney Pitcher

Following President Obama’s speech on former Egyptian President Mubarak’s decision to resign yesterday afternoon, Governor Palin tweeted the following:

Today, the Hill reports (emphasis mine):

The White House said Saturday that, off the heels of 18 days of Egyptian protests that ousted President Hosni Mubarak, Iran should allow its people to demonstrate.

Tehran had praised Egyptians for rising up against Mubarak’s secular government, calling it an Islamic awakening. Yet some trace the roots of the grass-roots, social-media-driven revolt in Egypt to the Green Revolution protests against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s last election and demanding democracy.

Opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroub, both candidates in that election, wanted to stage a rally Monday in support of uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt. But the regime quickly put a damper on the permit request, calling the rallies “riots by seditionists.”

“By announcing that they will not allow opposition protests, the Iranian government has declared illegal for Iranians what it claimed was noble for Egyptians,” National Security Adviser Tom Donilon said in a statement released by the White House on Saturday.

“We call on the government of Iran to allow the Iranian people the universal right to peacefully assemble, demonstrate and communicate that’s being exercised in Cairo,” he said.

Well, what do we have here? Governor Palin tweets, and the next day, President Obama jumps.  The Obama administration is thankfully heading Governor Palin’s advice for once.  However, it cannot be forgotten that President Obama largely ignored the green movement protests during Iran’s presidential election in 2009 and has not taken a strong stance against the tyranny of President Ahmadinejad. This is not the first time that Governor Palin has called for respect for human rights and allowance of freedom in Iran. In an op-ed published in the USA Today in December, Governor Palin wrote:

But we also need to encourage a positive vision for Iran. Iran is not condemned to live under the totalitarian inheritance of the Ayatollah Khomeini forever. There is an alternative — an Iran where human rights are respected, where women are not subjugated, where terrorist groups are not supported and neighbors are not threatened. A peaceful, democratic Iran should be everyone’s goal. There are many hopeful signs inside Iran that reveal the Iranian people’s desire for this peaceful, democratic future. We must encourage their voices.

When the brave people of Iran take to the streets in defiance of their unelected dictatorship, they must know that we in the free world stand with them. When the women of Iran rise up to demand their rights, they must know that we women of the free world who enjoy the rights won for us by our suffragist foremothers stand with our sisters there. When Iranians demand freedom of religion, freedom of conscience and freedom to simply live their lives as they choose without persecution, we in the free world must stand with them.

Of course, in Governor Palin’s tweet yesterday, she effectively challenged both the media and the Obama administration using only 140 characters. President Obama may have released a statement quoting his national security advisor, but that’s a far cry from a bold stance for freedom and democracy. President Obama has taken a tiny baby step in the right direction. We’re all, of course, still waiting for the media to challenge the Obama administration.


Filed under sarah palin

Sarah Palin: It’s Time To Get Tough With Iran

Just as Ronald Reagan once denounced an “evil empire” and looked forward to a time when communism was left on the “ash heap of history,” we should look forward to a future where the twisted ideology and aggressive will to dominate of Khomeini and his successors are consigned to history’s dustbin.

~ Sarah Palin

By Gary P Jackson

Sarah Palin has penned a strong op-ed for USA Today laying out the case we need to get serious with Iran:

Iran continues to defy the international community in its drive to acquire nuclear weapons. Arab leaders in the region rightly fear a nuclear-armed Iran. We suspected this before, but now we know for sure because of leaked diplomatic cables. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia “frequently exhorted the U.S. to attack Iran to put an end to its nuclear weapons program,” according to these communications. Officials from Jordan said the Iranian nuclear program should be stopped by any means necessary. Officials from the United Arab Emirates and Egypt saw Iran as evil, an “existential threat” and a sponsor of terrorism. If Iran isn’t stopped from obtaining nuclear weapons, it could trigger a regional nuclear arms race in which these countries would seek their own nuclear weapons to protect themselves.

That wouldn’t be the only catastrophic consequence for American interests in the Middle East. Our credibility and reputation would suffer a serious blow if Iran succeeds in producing its own nuclear weapons after we’ve been claiming for years that such an event could not and would not be tolerated. A nuclear-armed and violently anti-American Iran would be an enormous threat to us and to our allies. Israel in particular would face the gravest threat to its existence since its creation. Iran’s leaders have repeatedly called for Israel’s destruction, and Iran already possesses missiles that can reach Israel. Once these missiles are armed with nuclear warheads, nothing could stop the mullahs from launching a second Holocaust. It’s only a matter of time before Iran develops missiles that could reach U.S. territory.

Even without nuclear weapons, Iran has provided arms used to kill American soldiers and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran is also the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. It has shielded al-Qaeda leaders, including one of Osama bin Laden’s sons. Imagine how much worse it would be for us if this regime acquired nuclear weapons.

This is just the warm up. Read the entire op-ed here.

Sarah goes on to take President Obama to task for not taking a strong and principled stance on Iran. She also notes we must stand behind those in Iran who seek Freedom and Liberty from the oppressive regime.

As we all remember [and watched in horror] as the Obama regime actually stood by the Iranian government, while it slaughtered protesters who attempted to rise up and gain a little Freedom and Liberty for themselves. Not exactly one of America’s finest hours.

Taking tough, decisive action against Iran is a must. We simply cannot allow the current situation to continue. Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terror, and now they are sending nuclear capable missiles to Venezuela. Missiles capable of reaching the United States. Mad man Hugo Chavez will most certainly use these missiles to destabilize the region, and they could be used as first strike weapons against the U.S.

Look, there is no doubt President Sarah Palin would be just as tough on Iran as Ronald Reagan was on the Soviet Union. There wouldn’t be any missiles heading to Venezuela, that’s for damned sure!

The problem is, we can’t wait two years for President Palin to take office. We need action and we need action now. The Obama regime doesn’t exactly instill much confidence, but we can most certainly put pressure on Congress to in turn pressure the regime to act. If you don’t already have your Senators and Congressmen on speed dial, now is the time to hit those phone lines and create a stir.

This is not just an issue of our national security, it’s an issue of world security.

Iran must be dealt with and dealt with now.


Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

Iran Placing Medium-Range Missiles In Venezuela That Can Reach The U.S.

By Gary P Jackson

Anna Mahjar-Barducci with the Hudson Institute reports Iran is supplying Venezuela with medium-range missiles capable of reaching the United States:

Iran is planning to place medium-range missiles on Venezuelan soil, based on western information sources, according to an article in the German daily, Die Welt, of November 25, 2010. According to the article, an agreement between the two countries was signed during the last visit o Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Tehran on October19, 2010. The previously undisclosed contract provides for the establishment of a jointly operated military base in Venezuela, and the joint development of ground-to-ground missiles.

At a moment when NATO members found an agreement, in the recent Lisbon summit (19-20 November 2010), to develop a Missile Defense capability to protect NATO’s populations and territories in Europe against ballistic missile attacks from the East (namely, Iran), Iran’s counter-move consists in establishing a strategic base in the South American continent – in the United State’s soft underbelly.

According to Die Welt, Venezuela has agreed to allow Iran to establish a military base manned by Iranian missile officers, soldiers of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Venezuelan missile officers. In addition, Iran has given permission for the missiles to be used in case of an “emergency“. In return, the agreement states that Venezuela can use these facilities for “national needs” – radically increasing the threat to neighbors like Colombia. The German daily claims that according to the agreement, Iranian Shahab 3 (range 1300-1500 km), Scud-B (285-330 km) and Scud-C (300, 500 and 700 km) will be deployed in the proposed base. It says that Iran also pledged to help Venezuela in rocket technology expertise, including intensive training of officers

Venezuela has also become the country through which Iran intends to bypass UN sanctions. Following a new round of UN sanctions against the Islamic Republic, for example, Russia decided not to sell five battalions of S-300PMU-1 air defense systems to Iran. These weapons, along with a number of other weapons, were part of a deal, signed in 2007, worth $800 million. Now that these weapons cannot be delivered to Iran, Russia is looking for new customers; according to the Russian press agency Novosti, it found one: Venezuela.

The author goes on to say these missiles will be capable of carrying a nuclear payload. Continue reading this shocking report here.

Obviously this is very troubling. Hugo Chavez was just given powers by the Venezuelan Parliament to rule by presidential decree for 18 months. In other words, Chavez, a Communist, has been made a dictator. Anyone think he’ll surrender that power in 18 months?

While the U.S. Might not be in immediate danger, Venezuela’s neighbors, many of them our allies most certainly would be. The U.S. Is one of oil rich Venezuela’s biggest customers. Meaning we are helping fund the placement of these missiles that could be used to destroy our allies and cause serious destruction here.

One more reason we need to become 100% energy independent, but another discussion for another day.

The missile story is troublesome, but the fact Chavez [ a really unstable man] has now been made a dictator with absolute power to do anything he wishes, is the real story here. The backstory is different, and the histrionics not so dramatic, but we are possibly seeing history repeat itself. If folks remember March 23, 1933, and the implications of what happened on that date, they will understand the concern.

Chavez has already made attempts to destabilize the entire region, and has Communist allies in neighboring countries. With these new weapons, the conquest of our allies would be made much easier.

Of course, as we ponder what to do with Iran, we must remember that even though we are Venezuela’s biggest customer, when push comes to shove, Chavez will support Iran, and use his missiles as first strike weapons. His nuclear capable missiles.

This is as bad or worse than the situation Kennedy faced with the Cuban Missile Crisis. Frankly, it’s worse. When the Russians attempted to place nuclear missiles in Cuba, America was in grave danger, but ultimately the threat of the destruction of the Soviet Union by a nuclear strike from the U.S., was a sobering thought. In the end, the Russians wisely backed down.

Iran is a different animal. The theocracy is ruled by some who have no fear of dying in service to Islam, or even seeing their entire nation reduced to ashes if that’s what it takes. In fact there is a group led by Iran’s President Ahmadinejad who believe apocalyptic destruction would be a good thing. In fact, they believe it’s desirable, as it would pave the way for the Twelfth Imam’s appearance.

This is a situation the Obama regime needs to be all over. Sadly we are hearing nothing. Obama is no Jack Kennedy, and the United States is in big trouble. Once these missiles are in place, the time for talk will be over.

There will be few options at all.


Filed under In The News, Politics

Sarah Palin Slams Impotent And Anti-Semitic Barack Obama Over His Incoherent Iran Policy And Jihad Against Israel

Let’s cut to the chase here: Barack Obama, and most of the Marxist-democrat party have little or no use for Israel or the Jewish people. Since Jimmy Carter, another terrorist sympathizer, and well known anti-Semite, the democrat party has been hostile toward Israel and the Jewish people, but they tried to hide it from American Jews.

With the election of Barack Obama, who has marinated in hatred for America and Israel since childhood, the mask has come off the Marxist-democrat party. As anyone who was paying attention knows, Barack Obama attended the “church” of Reverend Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright for over 20 years. Wright is a well known anti-Semite and supporter of the terrorist group Hamas.

Since taking office, Obama has been on a real crusade to alienate all of our friends worldwide, and coddle our enemies. Great Britain now says that they, and America, no longer have a “special relationship.” But no where is Obama’s ass-backwards foreign policy more apparent than with his policies towards both Iran and Israel.

Israel has been an ally and friend, of the United States since her founding. The one true friend in the Middle East. Obama has done everything in his power to alienate Israel and the Jewish people. This culminated last week when Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu was treated like an outcast at the White House, with Obama refusing to be photographed with him, and rudely ending their meeting to go have dinner with the First Lady. A major case of jackassery. . .

I guess we should all be thankful he wasn’t kicked out the back door and forced to walk past the garbage like the Dalai Lama!

On the other hand, Iran is our sworn enemy. To them, we are “The Great Satan.” They have “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” rallies on a pretty regular basis to keep their oppressed people occupied.

In a manner that would make Neville Chamberlain blush, Obama has sought has to appease this fanatical regime. Iran is the world’s leading sponsor of terror and has been supplying weapons that have killed American troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Most would consider this casus belli for war, but Barack Obama can’t even bring himself to talk about meaningful sanctions against the terrorist nation.

Even more disturbing, when the Iranian people, most who are not fanatics, tried to rise up and overthrow the Iranian government, Obama was no where to be found. As Iranians were slaughtered in the streets and looked to America for support, Obama sat silent.

That told everyone who was watching all they needed to know about Obama and the kind of “man” he is.

Sarah Palin has been a consistent friend to Israel, and has been hitting Obama on his stance for some time, but it’s pretty easy to see that she has become impatient with his inability to lead our nation, protect us, or our allies. As Sarah put it earlier, this situation “needs a commander-in-chief, not a Harvard law professor. ”

With that said:

Peace Not Possible if Iran Escapes Real Sanctions

This is a meaningful week for so many of us. As millions of Christians and Jews celebrate this Holy Week, it’s appropriate to reflect on developments in the Holy Land. Israel faces a nuclear threat from Iran that grows every day. Today we learned that the CIA has concluded that Iran already has the capability and the know-how to build nuclear weapons. While President Obama once said a nuclear-armed Iran would be “unacceptable,” after more than a year in office it’s sobering to have to acknowledge that his administration has made no progress in implementing “crippling” sanctions on Iran, let alone halting Iran’s nuclear program.

Even the rhetoric moved in the wrong direction – recently the administration downgraded their call for “crippling” sanctions to sanctions that “bite.” Shockingly, as we learned last week, these “biting” sanctions will no longer include actions that could actually change Iran’s behavior, including limiting Iran’s access to international capital markets and banking services or closing air space and waters to Iran’s national air and shipping lines.

So the issue is not when the so-called sanctions will come (President Obama promised them in “weeks” today) but whether they will even “nibble.” And while the Obama administration was more than willing to use every parliamentary trick in the book to ram its government health care takeover through Congress, conversely, it has worked hard to stall bipartisan efforts to pass the Iran Sanctions Act.

Many, many Americans and our allies know that if Iran acquires nuclear weapons, the consequences will be catastrophic for our interests in the Middle East, and we want our government to do everything in its power to prevent Iran from acquiring nukes.

We foresee a regional nuclear arms race beginning as other countries seek their own nuclear weapons to protect themselves from Iran. Nuclear non-proliferation efforts would be over. The U.S. and our allies in the international community would be shown to be impotent – after long claiming that Iranian nuclear weapons could not and would not be tolerated. And Israel would face the gravest threat since its creation.

Iran’s leaders have repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel and with nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them, the mullahs would be in a position to launch a Second Holocaust.

Iran continues to develop long range missiles. Its missiles can reach Israel and Europe right now and in time they will be able to reach US territory.

This issue is the most serious security challenge facing the U.S. in the region. Yet just as the Obama administration inexplicably gives up on imposing crippling sanctions on Iran, it’s taken an uncompromising hard line against one country in the Middle East: Israel. On his recent visit to Washington, the Israeli Prime Minister was treated like an unwelcome guest, as shown by White House actions such as refusing to be photographed with Israel’s Prime Minister.

Public demands for concessions have been made of the Israelis while the Palestinians add ever more conditions to their participation in peace talks, and those in the administration that dare to argue for looking at these policies through the lens of Israel’s security needs are subject to slanderous attacks from “senior administration officials.” The Obama administration has their priorities exactly backwards; we should be working with our friend and democratic ally to stop Iran’s nuclear program, not throwing in the towel on sanctions while treating Israel like an enemy.

In a week when events in the Holy Land thousands of years ago are on the minds of millions, we would all do well to include Israel’s security in our prayers as we encourage our government to do all it can to ensure there is never a nuclear Iran able to threaten our interests or our allies.

– Sarah Palin

Jimmy Carter put the world in peril with his appeasement mentality. He is very much responsible for the fact there is a radical Iran. This Obama guy though is Carter on steroids, and 2010 is a lot more dangerous than the late 1970’s. Iran has sought to form alliances with other enemies of America such as Venezuela and Cuba.

We all remember the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the Soviets placed nuclear weapons on the island nation. That’s as close as the world ever came to total Armageddon. The only thing that saved the world was the fact that one nation was scared and the other was glad of it. While the Soviets wanted some bargaining leverage, they weren’t all that keen on actually touching off total worldwide destruction, which is basically what the doctrine of “mutually assured destruction” promised had they launched a nuclear weapon at the United States.

On the other hand, Ahmadinejad and other Iranian leaders, aren’t as squeamish about the prospects of touching off a world wide nuclear war and the total destruction of all mankind.

Many nations have nuclear weapons now, and one can most certainly debate whether that is good or bad. The thing is though, these nations are not looking to use them as much as they are looking to send the message “mess with us, and we’ll mess back.” It’s definitely a deterrent for sober nations.

There has been much written about Obama’s jihad on Israel, and ludicrous foreign policy. Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs) has written some of the best.

These are must reads:

Obama blocks delivery of bunker to Israel, embargos weapons for Jewish defense.

The United States has diverted a shipment of bunker-busters designated for Israel.

Officials said the U.S. military was ordered to divert a shipment of smart bunker-buster bombs from Israel to a military base in Diego Garcia. They said the shipment of 387 smart munitions had been slated to join pre-positioned U.S. military equipment in Israel Air Force bases.

This was a political decision,” an official said.

In 2008, the United States approved an Israeli request for bunker-busters capable of destroying underground facilities, including Iranian nuclear weapons sites. Officials said delivery of the weapons was held up by the administration of President Barack Obama.

Since taking office, Obama has refused to approve any major Israeli requests for U.S. weapons platforms or advanced systems. Officials said this included proposed Israeli procurement of AH-64D Apache attack helicopters, refueling systems, advanced munitions and data on a stealth variant of the F-15E.

All signs indicate that this will continue in 2010,” a congressional source familiar with the Israeli military requests said. “This is really an embargo, but nobody talks about it publicly.”

Pamela goes into greater detail and you can read much more here.

In Switching Sides, commentary she wrote for the American Thinker, Pamela gives us a bit of a history lesson to go with thoughts on Obama’s betrayals of the Jewish people:

In a stunning and historic reversal of American foreign policy, the United States is now backing one of the same horses it fought during World War II. Instead of fighting against Nazism and racism, Obama has effectively joined the jihad waged during World War II by the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini.

Hamas has called for a new intifada against the Jewish people. This is the fruit of Obama’s pro-jihad policies. The American-Israeli relationship has suffered its deepest rift in decades: a dispute over new Jewish homes that are being built in northern Jerusalem, just north of the Sanhedria neighborhood. This is not Arab “East Jerusalem,” as the mainstream media keeps saying. And as Palestinians threw stones at Israeli soldiers at checkpoints and Muslims rioted throughout Jerusalem, an increasingly pathetic Hillary Clinton said that Israel “must prove it is committed to peace ‘with actions.'”

In response, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a statement saying, “With regard to commitments to peace, the government of Israel has proven over the last year that it is committed to peace, both in words and actions.” According to Haaretz, “The statement cited as examples Netanyahu’s inaugural foreign policy speech made at Bar Ilan University, the removal of hundreds of roadblocks across the West Bank, and its decision to freeze temporarily construction in West Bank settlements. The latter, said the statement, was even called by Clinton an ‘unprecedented’ move.”

The Muslims are free to live in Israel, but Jews cannot live among Muslims or in Muslim lands. This is what America is standing up for?

Read much more of Pamela’s sobering commentary here.

Pamela wrote Barack Hussein Obama II’s War Against Israel for Andrew Breitbart’s Big Journalism, stunningly blunt words that are a must read:

Obama is not a passive, weak or naive player in the Muslim/Jewish conflict. He was wet-nursed on Jew-hatred. He grew up in a Muslim country and studied the Koran. He knows what is prescribed for the Jews in Islam. He knows that the Koran says that the Jews are the Muslims’ worst enemies (5:82) and that “ignominy shall be their portion wheresoever they are found” (3:112).

He knows that Islamic tradition records Muhammad saying:

The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.

He must know all this, and yet has never renounced it. On the contrary, he embraces it, calling upon us to “respect” Islam.

I am staggered by the speed with which Obama has sought to undermine the Jewish people. But knowing what I know of him after my three years of investigation for the book I wrote with Robert Spencer, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America, I expected nothing different. In the summer of 2008, I trekked to Florida to warn the alter cockers who were seduced by the idea of Obama, but to no avail: my voice and the voices of those like me are kept neatly tucked away in the blog box.

But now here we are. Jews may then have tried to avoid Obama’s anti-Semitism, but they cannot now avoid the consequences of avoiding Obama’s anti-Semitism. He has unleashed an evil in this world the extent of which we are only now beginning to see. He has made the world safe for haters and killers. The post-World War II peace was no accident; it was a direct result of American hegemony. But now he is following the European lead and unraveling it.

Europe learned the wrong lessons from the war and the Holocaust. The lesson that Europe decided to take from Auschwitz was that everything was caused by nationalism. European leaders decided that therefore what they really needed was a European Union that would obviate their need for nationalism and prevent another Auschwitz.

One simply must take time to read the rest here.

The frightening part of this all is, while Jimmy Carter showed massive weakness in the face of danger, Obama is showing both weakness, and complicity, an incredibly dangerous combination. On has to wonder what sort of psychosis this mad man suffers.

Not only is he putting the world in peril with his foreign policy and his reluctance, and inability to lead, (along with his hatred for Israel) domestically, he is dividing and destroying the United States, with his war on capitalism, the Constitution, the rule of law, and the American people..

All things considered, Barack Obama may be the most dangerous man in the world.


Filed under In The News, Politics