Tag Archives: Barack Hussein Obama

BREAKING: President of Argentina Accuses Obama of Treason Against The United States


By Gary P Jackson

Speaking at the United Nations, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchener … the President of Argentina … dropped a bombshell that, if true, would make President Barack Obama guilty of High Treason against the United States, and mankind as a whole.

According to President de Kirchener, in 2010 Gary Samore … the White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction, approached her, requesting her government send enriched uranium to Iran. Samore admits this, and says he also approached Russia and France asking the same of them! All three countries refused his request!

From the Marshall Report: [emphasis mine]

The President of Argentina – Cristina Fernandez de Kirchener announced before the United Nations that her nation had been approached by an Obama administration official, Gary Samore, former White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction, requesting them to provide enriched nuclear fuel to the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2010. (Samore did not dispute this claim).

The request fell short when Kirchener asked for the deal in writing and Samore was never heard from again.

Samore did release a statement admitting that he made the request in 2010 and Argentina balked at the deal. He also admitted that he had approached France and Russia with a similar proposal. That deal fell through as well. The deal was supposedly to allow Iran to send their low enriched uranium to Russia to enrich further, then send it to France to finish converting it into nuclear reactor fuel then send it back to Iran for its own use. Supposedly in an effort to prevent Iran from weaponizing its uranium stockpiles. That deal also fell through.

These deals lead to a new U.N. resolution that increased economic sanctions on Iran. And eventually to the bargaining table for the horrible deal Obama has worked out with them this year.

Obama’s White House administration has not responded to these potentially treasonous allegations as of yet.

There’s only one real reason for Iran to have enriched uranium, and it has nothing to do with generating electricity!

Obama’s nuke deal with Iran is itself an act that borders on treason, but deliberately arming the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism [a regime that screams “Death to America” on a daily basis] with nuclear weapons, AND roughly $150 BILLION in cash, so they can purchase intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of hitting targets within the United States [which Obama’s treaty allows] is the most evil thing any American president has ever done.

This is the sort of thing that should make the America people all across the nation stand up and DEMAND Obama’s immediate resignation, as well as criminal proceedings to commence. Obama has proven over and over that he is an enemy of the United States, and Free people all around the world. Everything he has done for the past 7 years has been designed to destroy America and her allies, and strengthen her enemies.

We can’t wait for January 2017 and Obama’s exit from office. He can do too much damage between now and then. He has to go now and criminal investigations must begin immediately. The survival of the Free world demands this.


Filed under In The News, Politics

Dr. Gina Loudon Talks About President Obama’s “Socialist Salad Bar Agenda” with Neil Cavuto

Dr Gina

By Gary P Jackson

Dr Gina Loudon joins Neil Cavuto and Scott Slater discussing President Obama’s latest threat to the American people. Not wanting to make any serious budget cuts, Obama is threatening to cut meet inspections, if budget cuts are forced on him. In other words, Dear Leader Obama is holding America’s food safety hostage. Despicable.

Dr Gina pulls no punches as she rips into Obama’s “socialist salad bar agenda.”

Video courtesy SarahNet.

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Democrats Giving Away Ticket’s to DNC Convention, At Georgia Beer Joint

By Gary P Jackson

Must be having a bit of trouble filling those seats, especially since Nancy Pelosi told House democrats to stay as far away from Charlotte as humanly possible.

Hillary Clinton found somewhere else to be as well.

Dunwoody democrats in Georgia had a special offer, giving tickets away.

The deadline for getting these free tickets was noon Friday. [emphasis mine]

Dunwoody Democrats have a chance to see President Barack Obama’s acceptance speech in person at next week’s Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC.

The DeKalb Democratic Party sent out this message Thursday night.


In Atlanta: Manuel’s Tavern, 602 N Highland Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA 30307

In Macon: Bibb County Democratic Party, 835 Forsyth St. Suite A, Macon GA 31201

Here’s the rules:

Everyone who is at Manuel’s Tavern or the Bibb County Democratic Party by noon is eligible for two tickets. Arrive early if you want, but it won’t give you a better chance to win. Just be there by 12 noon!

If less than 50 people arrive, everyone will get a pair! If more than 50 folks arrive, we will do a random drawing to determine our winners.

There is no cost involved. We’re not selling the tickets, we’re giving them away.

Since we’re not selling tickets, you can’t sell them either! If you sell your tickets to someone else, they will be deactivated.

For planning purposes, we expect that President Obama will speak at 8pm on Thursday. To insure that you are in your seat for the speech, you should arrive at the stadium that afternoon. There will be strict security at the event.

Your trip to Charlotte to see the President’s historic speech begins tomorrow.



Filed under In The News, Politics

Allen West Compares Obama To King George III, “Resurrection of An Imperial Presidency”

It’s not that Sarah has anything to do with the article, we just love this photo of her and Lt Col West together!

By Gary P Jackson

Today appearing on the Laura Ingraham show, Congressman Allen West unloads on President Barack Obama for his illegal immigration power grab, comparing him to King George III.

We all know how that little episode in American history ended. This is one time I pray History repeats itself!

I think you’re seeing the resurrection of an imperial presidency and the arrogance thereof. The last time we had this was with King George III and we didn’t like it too much

~ Allen West

H/T: Weasel Zippers

Our friends at HillBuzz have a copy of Congressman West’s strongly written response to President Obama. Worth reading.


Filed under In The News, Politics

Sarah Palin: Oh Yeah, I Would Run For President If Everyone Else Sucks

Vodpod videos no longer available.

By Gary P Jackson

OK, I admit, I stole that headline idea from our friends over at The Right Scoop, but it sums it up so well!

Sarah talks with Greta about all things political. First they talk about Christine O’Donnell, and then Lisa “Daddy’s Girl” Murkowski’s sore loser write in bid up in Alaska against the Republican nominee, Joe Miller.

You can tell Sarah is feeling invigorated right now. Right off the bat she mentions that, thanks to the corrupt “lamestream media,” we now more about Christine O’Donnell’s past than we do Barack Hussein Obama’s!

Oh yeah, she went there.

As always, Greta asks Sarah whether or not she will run in 2012, and as always Sarah tells her that she is focusing on whipping the Marxist-democrats in November. That’s of course, how it should be.

Unlike the usual suspects, Romney, Gingrich, and the rest of the establishment elite, who lust after the presidency, spend all of their time angling for the presidency, wanting it so bad it hurts, one really gets the impression that when Sarah says she is fine doing what she is doing, she means it.

I still remember a couple of events last year that really left a lasting impression on me. One was in June, 2009. It was a dinner in Anchorage that featured Michael Reagan. Sarah introduced him. At the time she was fighting Obama’s Alaska Mafia © as well as the corrupt media hot and heavy. In her speech she rightly said the left wanted her to sit down and shut up. Sarah let it be known that she wasn’t about to sit down and shut up though, and she implored the audience, and Americans nationwide, to stand up with her.

Sarah told the audience: “Politically, if I die, I die, but I won’t sit down, and I won’t shut up.

That was powerful, but only a prelude to what was coming. Less than a month later, July 3, 2009 to be exact. Sarah Palin had her own “Declaration of Independence” speech, and handed over the reins of her government to her Lt Governor, Sean Parnell. This was Sarah Palin being the ultimate statesman, relinquishing power for the good of her people.

Contrast that to the way the defeated Republican elites are acting. We’ve seen Arlen Specter, Charlie Crist, Lisa Murkowski, and now possibly Mike Castle do anything to hold on to the power after being soundly defeated. It’s like they have chained themselves to their desks so they can’t be removed from office. It’s their birthright, you know.

When Sarah gave her Independence speech, she told the stunned audience that neither she, nor anyone else, needed to hold office, or have some sort of title to make a difference. Of course the media and the elites in both parties laughed and bloviated. They wrote her off. She was finished.

Since then Sarah has been putting on a clinic. She is schooling the whole world on how someone can be the leader of an entire movement, arguably the leader of the FREE world, with nothing more than a laptop and common sense. Oh, and a work ethic like no one else’s.

With all that said, and let me be clear, I totally believe what she says. I absolutely believe that Sarah would be happy to go home and just kick back with Trig and Tripp and enjoy her family. Sarah was more than happy to just go back to Alaska and be Governor after the 2008 election. She could have been contented to continue to be the most successful and popular Governor in America.

The problem is, the left, the insane haters, and Obama’s hand picked thugs wouldn’t let her. They couldn’t let well enough alone.

I think we will see the same dynamic take hold after these mid-term elections. Events will be such that Sarah Palin will be called upon to serve. We know the Tea Party has no appointed leaders, and that’s as it should be, but the nation as a whole is in dire need of true leadership.

Sarah makes it clear (and has been making it clear) that she would be open to a run of there was no one else filling the void. Well, let me help her out! Sarah, there is no one filling the void!

There are a ton of names out there, some well known, some totally unknown, but there are no leaders. There are a bunch of people who lust for power and glory, but there is no one with the proven abilities and proven record like Sarah Palin.

The comparisons are always there. It’s very easy to call Sarah this generation’s Ronald Reagan or this generation’s Maggie Thatcher. Frankly though, Sarah is of our time. While she possesses many qualities of both of those great leaders, and many more, the truth is Sarah is one of a kind. A unique leader with her own skills and abilities.

Like Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, and Thatcher were the leaders for their time, Sarah Palin is the leader for our time.

Video and headline inspiration courtesy of The Right Scoop.


Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin