Tag Archives: Hatred

Have Obama, The Democrats, and Race Hustlers Finally Killed Dr Martin Luther King’s Dream?


It’s in the best interest of the American people that we reject this hatred and division, and drive those who would destroy our nation, and Dr King’s dream, out of our society forever.

By Gary P Jackson

Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr. was, and is, an American icon. A man of God, Dr. King had a simple dream. A dream that one day his children and their children would be considered equal, that all of God’s children would live together in peace and harmony. That little black boys and little black girls would be able to have the same opportunities as little white boys and little white girls.

Throughout history major social changes have come about through revolution, and sadly, war. Being a man of God, Dr King sought to bring about significant change through peaceful dialogue, rather than bloody fighting. Slowly but surely, Dr King was winning, and would have no doubt triumphed in the end, had he not been murdered on that April day in 1968 in Memphis.

To me, on this 50th anniversary of Dr King’s “I have a Dream” speech, one of the most important speeches in human history, is not how far we … as a society …. have come, but how far backward we have slipped. Today, as much as I want to celebrate Dr King, I am saddened by the world we find ourselves in.

One of the key concepts Dr King provided for the world in his speech was the idea that men and women should be judged, not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character. It’s a simple idea, based in the word of God. The idea that nothing matters more in a person’s life than character is as old as time itself. It goes back to the days when a man’s word was his bond. A handshake was better than a written contract. A person’s good character gave them a certain standing that nothing else could displace. Not money. Not even political power.

Those of you who are my age, and older, know that while looking at character, before prejudging, was pretty standard among people of the same race, that wasn’t the case when looking at people of other races. There were certain pre-concieved notions and assumptions that always came into play. It caused far too many tensions and conflicts. Most based on ignorance, not facts.

Now since we are all human, there will always be certain biases and prejudices, but the notion that a person’s race automatically makes them a certain type of man or woman, is not only ridiculous, it’s hateful. One thing we know about people, is there are good and bad ones everywhere. The only way to really know which an individual is, is through evaluating their character.

On Saturday many gathered in Washington to celebrate Dr King’s speech. I was deeply troubled to see so many dishonor Dr King by their presence. Seeing despicable race hustlers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton take the stage and proclaim allegiance to Dr King, and his dream, made me physically sick to my stomach. These two, and many others, including our current president, have made it all about skin color. They preach hatred and sew racial tension on an almost daily basis.

In fact, the liberal democrat party and it’s disciples have used skin color, and false cries of racism, in order to hide the lack of quality and character of those who are being criticized for their actions. America elected Barack Obama, not once, but twice as president. That alone would tend to show America is not a racist country, but the American people are assaulted daily with accusations of hatred and racism, for simply what we have done since the days of George Washington: Criticize those in power!

False cries of racism assault us daily, and are nothing more than a tactic to push an anti-American political agenda. Even situations, like the trial of George Zimmerman, which was investigated to death, and no racial motive found, have been turned into an opportunity to stoke hatred and divide the American people along racial lines.

It’s usually radical liberal white men and women in the democrat party that accuse critics of the president, and any radical left wing black of being racists. This in itself is a very nasty form of racism. It’s like these white liberals think the blacks are incapable, that they cannot stand on their own. There has to be screams of racism, to shut critics down, rather than have Obama and others stand and be questioned. Some call that the “soft bigotry of low expectations.” But the fact is, Obama and others play right along, because it is such a powerful way to shut up the timid, who fear being called a racist, and lack the courage to fight back. It’s used to shield Obama and others from being held accountable for anything they do.

It’s destroying the nation.

Being called a racist in our society is a real death sentence to anyone’s career, unless, of course, you are a good liberal, then you can spew hate and racism all you want, and never have to be assaulted. Liberals use this crutch to destroy their political enemies, and divide the American people.

A divided people, is an easily conquered people. The democrats understand the best way to get and keep power is to keep the population divided and at each others throats. What better way than to scream “racism” 24/7 any time someone says anything critical of the president, or other radical democrats who are destroying the American way of life. Couple that with massive ignorance and a solid effort of disinformation by the media, and you get to where we are now, a nation perilously divided, and a vile political ideology in control and mostly unchecked.

It’s gotten so ridiculous with Obama, that merely calling him by his name has been deemed racist by hate-mongers like NBC’s Chris Matthews.

We all know the real history of the democrat party. It’s a party with a history of institutionalized racism. The democrat party created the KKK after the Civil War as a domestic terror unit. It’s job was to intimidate voters who might be inclined to vote Republican. As it happens, blacks voted overwhelmingly Republican, and were specific targets of this terror group. The democrat party also wrote Jim Crow laws, and otherwise worked to discriminate and segregate.

Now we’ll here from democrats who’ll claim all of that has changed and even hear the bullshit notion that somehow all the racist democrats “flipped” and became Republicans, and all the Liberty loving Republicans became democrats. Fact is, most democrats DID vote for Ronald Reagan en masse both in 1980 and 1984, but that was purely because of Jimmy Carter’s disastrous presidency, and Reagan’s success at turning our nation around and moving us in the right direction. It was the economy, stupid! We’ve not seen a mass exodus of voters, to either party, since.

There are plenty of examples, but the most egregious is the fact that the democrats had one of the KKK’s highest ranking members in the United States Senate until 2010, when he finally passed away. Robert Byrd, of West Virgina, was a vile racist who fought long and hard against Civil Rights, was held up as one of the elders of the democrat party.

Don’t even get me started on how rabid liberalism has destroyed the black family, and how that has led so many blacks into poverty, that’s another long discussion for another time.

This, however, is about Dr King, his leadership, and how the democrat party has hijacked and dishonored this great man. Dr King was a man of God and thus, pro-life. The idea of slaughtering innocent children through abortion was hateful to Dr King. Though groups like Planned Parenthood have tried to claim Dr King as their own, he rejected them when he was alive.

It was disgusting to see race hustlers Jackson and Sharpton speak at the Washington rally for many reasons, but knowing that both are viciously pro-abortion, may be the biggest insult to Dr King, and the American people.

Abortion is a religion to the democrat party. The slaughter of children is their holy sacrament, and Planned Parenthood is their holy church. Abortion is the one thing democrats will fight to the bitter end to keep. Democrats also celebrate Margaret Sanger. Hillary Clinton is a former Margaret Sanger Award winner. This award is given to those who support the unconditional murder of innocent children.

To know Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood’s founder, is to know vile racism, hatred, and vicious anti-Americanism. Sanger was a communist, and staunchly anti-American. Back in her time, these people were called “progressives” now we simply call them liberals.

Sanger was a eugenicist, a popular study of the day, and something gaining popularity again in liberal circles. Sanger and her contemporaries thought it possible to create a “master race” through, among other things, ethnic cleansing. To put it plainly, Sanger’s goal was to wipe out the Negro race, members of which she called “human weeds.”

Today under the full sanction, and with great celebration, 500,000 innocent black children are slaughtered annually, in abortion factories around the country. This is ethnic cleansing, the likes of, our world has never known.

Sanger’s plan to wipe out the entire race has failed, but with tens of millions of innocent black babies slaughtered, one has to wonder how many Dr Kings, and other potential American leaders, our nation has been deprived of, thanks to this democrat policy of ethnic cleansing.

It’s disgusting on so many levels that democrats claim Dr King as their own, especially as many of those doing it, were alive and active during his time.

Many of those hailed as heroes in the democrat party, saw Dr King as the enemy and sought to destroy him.

Along with Bobby Kennedy and J Edgar Hoover, LBJ spread nasty rumors about Dr King, in an effort to discredit him to his people.

Straight out of Alinsky’s book, they accused Dr King of adultery. Which is rich coming from a Kennedy, as they are notorious for sleeping with anyone or anything with a pulse! Both JFK and Bobby were notorious adulterers, and both have been linked to the death of Marilyn Monroe. Teddy Kennedy, a slobbering drunk, allowed a woman he was having an affair with to drown, while he crawled home and slept one off, after driving the car he and Mary Jo Kopechne were in, off a bridge.

The democrats also accused Dr King of being a communist. [back when people understood socialism was evil] Bobby Kennedy authorized the FBI to conduct wire taps on Dr King. Of course Dr King was NOT a communist, but to this day, there are racists who believe he was, thanks to Bobby Kennedy and the democrat party.

I also find this rather ironic, as well. Though Dr King was NOT a communist, and NEVER worked to undermine the United States, we now know that Senator Teddy Kennedy WAS a traitor, and openly conspired to work with the Soviets during the Reagan years, in order to stop Reagan’s strong anti-socialist agenda. An agenda that eventually won the cold war!

According to reports, even Jackie Kennedy had nothing but hatred for Dr King calling him terrible,” “tricky,” and a “phony.” And yet, today, the democrat party leaders want to claim Dr King and pretend he, and they, were all working together. Disgusting, to say the least!

While the democrats today use cries of racism to shield Obama and others from being held accountable for their actions, they have divided America like no other time in the last century. Racial tensions are high, and America is strongly divided. Of course, this is the democrat’s plan. Keep Americans [of all races and creeds] at each others throats. Damned good distraction while they rape and plunder our nation.

We know that Dr King was a Conservative and a Republican. That is historic fact. Now if he were alive today, he might be like many Conservatives, and disavow the GOP, not over racial issues, but the party’s lack of actual Conservatism, but I have no doubt in my mind that, if he were alive today, Dr King would be one of our strongest voices for Conservatism, morality, and the Rule of Law. Dr King preached Liberty and Freedom, for all.

Today the democrat party dishonors the memory and legacy of Dr King by using hate and screams of racism to silence those who disagree with their dishonest, criminal, anti-American agenda. It’s in the American DNA to criticize those in power, and to continually fight to maintain Liberty and Freedom. What the democrats are doing goes against everything America stands for.

We have an out of control, completely lawless White House and federal government. This isn’t because of the race of one man, or millions of men, it’s because of rabid liberalism!

I think I can speak for all Conservatives when I say I dislike Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and a host of other nasty old white liberals, as much, if not more, than Barack Obama. When I see Obama I don’t see black. When I see Hillary, I don’t see white. When I look at these liberal democrats I see the red of socialism, the red of communism. The red of evil.

As an American and a Conservative, as well as an admirer of Dr King, I choose to honor Dr King by judging Obama, Clinton, and every other politician, in either party, not by the color of their skin, but the quality of their character. And man, is there a lack of quality of character in Washington!

It’s hard not to be angry these days. Anti-American liberals not only run the democrat party, but have also infected the GOP. We are a nation with a lawless government. A nation completely out of control, run by men and women of low character. Race has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Dr Martin Luther King, Jr had a wonderful dream. A dream of a nation where all of her people lived in harmony and content. A nation were black men and white men worked side by side for the betterment of all. Since day one, the democrat party tried to undermine Dr King and his dream. They sought to discredit him and destroy him. The hatred ginned up by democrat leaders eventually got Dr King assassinated.

Today, Dr King’s dream is all but dead. Instead of being allowed to judge our leaders by their moral character, it’s demanded of us to only look at skin color, and under fear of being attacked, not dare criticize our president or any of his policies. This exactly the opposite of Dr King’s plan for United States, and the world, and it is a huge setback in our nation’s history. It’s vile and evil.

It’s also un-American.

As a nation we MUST come together. Rabid liberalism is destroying America. Rabid liberalism has brought all of civilization to the brink of destruction. Rabid liberalism doesn’t just hurt white people, or black people, it’s hurts ALL people, no matter their race, color, or creed.

On this day, as we remember Dr King, and one of the most important speeches, and ideas, in human history, it’s time to reject democrat racism, and democrat hate-mongering. It’s time for the American people to unite and stand strong. We must defeat liberalism. We must defeat those who spew hatred 24/7. We must fight these evils with every ounce of our souls. There is no reason why Dr King’s dream cannot become reality. All we have to do is defeat those who use skin color to deflect criticism and cover up for crimes against humanity. These are the true racists!

Dr King’s dream was that of an essential man. A man who understood that no society could function in an atmosphere of hate and bigotry. No people can stand when divided. Dr King saw a society filled with ignorance and sought to educate and inform.

For liberalism to survive, ignorance must prevail, so the democrats fought to stop Dr King in his time. Today, and every day moving forward, we must commit ourselves to wiping out ignorance, to help educate those who are uniformed and misinformed. We must commit ourselves to fighting evil, and those who would use race and creed to divide is, while they build their power to use against us all.

The democrats have NOT won this battle, but they have certainly halted all progress toward Dr King’s dream.

It’s now up to us, Dr King’s fellow Conservatives, to take up his struggle, and hold those who divide us accountable. We cannot allow the hate and the ridiculous screams of “racism” to silence us. We must double our efforts to make sure all men and women are judged by the content of their character, and held accountable for their actions.

It’s up to all of us to carry Dr King’s dream in our hearts, and make that dream come true in our lifetime.

Race hustlers like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton have turned their brand of hatred and division into a multi-million dollar industry. It is in theirs and the entire liberal movement’s best interest to keep American’s at each others throats, and the fires of hatred stoked.

It’s in the best interest of the American people that we reject this hatred and division, and drive those who would destroy our nation, and Dr King’s dream, out of our society forever.

We are blessed as a nation that such a man as Dr King was among us. We are blessed that we were able to hear his message of love and hope. Now it’s time we all work together to make that dream a reality and defeat those who have always worked to stop it.

For America to survive, Dr King’s dream MUST prevail.

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Filed under In The News, Politics

Video: Sarah Palin Calls for the Firing of Racist, Hate-Mongering DHS Employee Who Wants to Kill White People


Hate-mongering Obama regime employee Ayo Kimathi wants a race war, hates gays.

By Gary P Jackson

Obama’s crew [especially the ones at Homeland Security] have been calling patriotic Americans: members of the United States military, and the Tea Party “terrorists” but as it turns out, it’s their own people who are the terrorists.

This racist Obama employee, whose website was approved by his supervisors at DHS, says he wants to “kill a lot of whites” among other things.

Governor Palin appeared with Greta on Friday night, and talked about the racist hate-mongering Department of Homeland Security employee Ayo Kimathi:

Governor Palin had written this on Facebook earlier:

So, the Federal Government, er, We The People, are employing someone at the Department of Homeland Security whose side job is running a hate website advocating ethnic cleansing and other despicable acts?! This official is promoting a race war. His fellow employees say they’re “astounded” he is employed by the taxpayers. His side “job” running the “War On the Horizon” website was reportedly approved by supervisors. Really, Fed? Really?

Friends, let your government know we deserve better; we demand better. We’re paying the tab.


~ Sarah Palin

Read the article here.

The article Governor Palin links to:

A Department of Homeland Security manager in charge of buying weapons and ammunition for the government is, on the side, running an inflammatory website that throws around gay slurs and advocates the mass murder of “whites” and the “ethnic cleansing” of “Uncle Tom race traitors,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Ayo Kimathi, who calls himself the “Irritated Genie,” told his supervisors that the website was set up to sell concert and lecture videos.

But the report showed the site’s content strayed far beyond concert promotion, warning about a coming race war. His website, “War on the Horizon,” declares, “in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count,” the Alabama-based SPLC said in its report.

One of Kimathi’s former supervisors at DHS told SPLC’s Hatewatch that, “Everybody is the office is afraid of him,” and that his co-workers are “afraid he will come in with a gun and someday go postal.”

The supervisor, who was not named, continued, “I am astounded he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.

Kimathi, who works for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is a division of DHS, reportedly got the go-ahead from the government to create and maintain his website.

That’s because as a law enforcement agency employee, he is required to get permission in writing if he engages in outside activities which includes everything from working a second job to volunteering.

The SPLC says Kimathi obtained official permission but did it by misrepresenting the true nature of his site.

He told management that it was an entertainment website selling videos of concerts and lectures,” the report said. “He called it simply WOH, never saying that WOH stood for War on the Horizon.”

ICE spokeswoman Gillian Christensen said in a written statement that the agency “does not condone any type of hateful rhetoric or advocacy of violence of any kind against anyone.

It is not known what disciplinary actions, if any, will be taken against Kimathi.

Every ICE employee is held to the highest standard of professional and ethical conduct. Accusations of misconduct are investigated thoroughly and if substantiated, appropriate actions in taken,” she said.

Kimathi’s site even includes President Obama, who is technically his boss, on its own enemies list.

According to the WOH website, the organization was “created for the purpose of preparing black people worldwide for an unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race. Whites around the world are absolutely determined to exterminate Afrikan people in all corners of the earth.”

The mission statement also claims to prepare blacks intellectually, spiritually, psychologically and physically for “a global clash that will mean the end of white rule on this planet or the end of the black race as we know it.

As of Saturday morning this hate filled Obama employee is on paid leave, pending an investigation.

Governor Palin also talks with Greta about Ashton Kutcher’s statement about hard work, praising him greatly, and also talks about a Senate run. She says she has absolutely no plans to run, but never closes any doors to opportunities to serve.

Video courtesy SarahNET.



Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

Ron Paul: I Wouldn’t Have Sent Troops to Fight Nazis and Save Jews, Israel Shouldn’t Exist

By Gary P Jackson

First, a little music to set the mood:

From YNet:

Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul’s past statements are coming back to haunt him – and this time it’s about the US’ role in ending World War 2 and the Holocaust.

Following a controversial revelation by a former aide to the congressman, saying that Paul “wishes Israel didn’t exist,” another blogger said Tuesday that in 2009 Paul went on the record as saying that if he were the president of the United States during WWII he “wouldn’t have risked American lives to end the Holocaust.

Journalist Jeffrey Shapiro posted a 2009 interview he held with the GOP’s leading candidate, in which Paul clearly states that if it were up to him at the time, saving the Jews from annihilation in Europe would not have been a “moral imperative.

I asked Congressman Paul: If he were president of the United States during World War II would he have sent American troops to Nazi Germany to save the Jews? And the Congressman answered: No, I wouldn’t.

You can read the entire interview here.

Words can’t express what a despicable piece of human debris Ron Paul is. Six million Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis.

Though some were used as slave labor first, all had their humanity ripped from them, and in the end, they were all killed. Most marched to their death on an industrial scale.

The Nazis killed so many Jews they had to create better, more efficient ways to do it. They built huge gas chambers to kill hundreds of men, women and children at a time.

Women and children stripped of their humanity, on their way to the gas chambers

Bodies pile up

After being gassed, the bodies were then stacked in ovens and incinerated. Again, mass murder on an industrial scale.

And yet, Ron Paul says if he had been president during WWII, he wouldn’t have lifted a finger to stop the Nazis. If the United States hadn’t intervened, and helped destroy the Third Reich, most of the world would be speaking German today. The world would be a socialist hell.

Remember, with-in days of Pearl Harbor, the Nazis declared war on the United States. They sent agents to America. Saboteurs, who if not apprehended, looked to do major damage. The Nazi U-boats also routinely attacked U.S. shipping. Sinking unarmed merchant ships and murdering thousands.

Ron Paul would have done nothing.

No way to sugar coat this one folks. Ron Paul and people like him, do not deserve to be a part of the human race. There’s a special place in hell reserved for his sort.


Filed under In The News, Politics