Tag Archives: greta

Sarah Palin: Vice President Biden’s Remarks Calling Patriots “Terrorists”: Vile, Appalling

By Gary P Jackson

Sarah Palin talks to Greta about the debt ceiling vote, and the fact the Ruling Class is now calling fellow Americans “terrorists” simply because we want a responsible government. Sarah also talks about renewing and restoring America and energy independent and secure.

Video courtesy SarahNet.


Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

Sarah Palin’s Strong Foreign Policy Goes “On The Record”

By Gary P Jackson

After speaking in Naples, Florida Wednesday evening, Sarah Palin went On The Record with Greta Van Susteren. Though teased as a look at Sarah’s trip to Israel, and the possibility of a presidential run, much of the interview centered around Libya and the lack of coherent policy. Sarah Palin comes off as a competent and confident leader in this interview.

The emerging Palin Doctrine can be summed up in her philosophy that if we are going to be involved in these things we must be “in it to win it and if in doubt, get out” I take that to mean, either have a winning mindset from the start, or don’t bother. This go hard or go home attitude is how one wins the future, to borrow a slogan from our President. This is very Reaganesque. His strategy with the Soviet Union could be boiled down to four words: “We win, they lose“.

The world expects a strong United States. It expects the United States to have a strong Commander-in-Chief. History shows when the United States becomes disengaged, or weak on the world stage, very bad things happen.

Both World Wars, the rise of radical Islam, and even the build up to 9/11 can be traced to unengaged, “progressive” Presidents. [Democrats] who were more interested in re engineering the United States, building a socialist utopia, rather than keeping their eye on the ball.

We are seeing all of this play out once again with Obama’s helter-skelter, all over the map, lunacy. The Obama regime’s foreign policy has all the makings for a good screwball comedy. Sadly though, this is real life, and people will die.

As you watch Greta’s interview with Sarah, you see a Commander-in-Chief. An optimistic leader who looks at how things are, sees how things can be. I’m not just talking Foreign policy either. When I hear Sarah Palin speak, I am reminded of the same feelings I got hearing Ronald Reagan speak when he was President. Sarah has that steady, competent leadership ability to get the nation, and the world, back on track.

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Filed under In The News, Politics, Ronald Reagan, sarah palin

Sarah Palin: For The Tea Party, November 2nd Is Just The Beginning. This Is The Reawakening Of America


By Gary P Jackson

Tuesday night Greta aired the second part of a two part interview with Sarah Palin. You can view part one, if you missed it, here.

Sarah Palin has thrown down the gauntlet to the Republican elites as well as the radical left. Like the Tea Party itself, Sarah is telling the establishment, in BOTH parties that it’s over. Business as usual isn’t cutting it, and simply will not be allowed to continue.

Anyone who has been paying attention knows the Tea Party is about throwing the bums out. On the Republican side so-called “moderate” (code for far left) candidates are being unceremoniously shown the door by common sense conservatives backed by Tea Party Patriots.

The Tea Party is backing solid common sense candidates against the radical left Marxist-democrats in anticipation of what should be a bloodbath for the radicals come November. The thrashing the Marxist-democrat party is about to experience is like nothing seen before in the history of our Republic.

The next Congress will be decidedly more representative of the American people. That is when the real change begins. That’s when the restoration of America as a Constitutional, Representative Republic, based on the Rule of Law begins.

Sarah, like a lot of us see the Tea Party, not as a political party, a “third party” per se, but more of a watchdog. A permanent watchdog movement that will forever hold the politicians who work for us accountable. As Sarah herself says: “The Tea Party Is The Future Of American Politics

A whole lot of useless, corrupt, congresscritters, in both parties, are going to get fired in November. That is just the start. A lot of the elites think after November has come and gone, the Tea Party Patriots will just go home, and the elites will be able to go back doing what they have always done. They are in for a rude awakening.

In November we will hire a whole new Congress. We will expect them to live up to American values and follow the Constitution. If they can’t get this done, guess what, come 2012, we’ll fire them too, and find someone else to take THEIR place.

It really is that simple.

It’s become abundantly clear that Sarah Palin is going to run for President in 2012. You listen to her words. She, like most of us, is sick of the establishment, the elites, the Ruling Class. Sarah has no problem calling these people out, especially those in her own party.

The left and the media (OK, same thing, I know) have worked overtime to create a caricature of Sarah as some sort of far right ideologue, a hyper-partisan politician. This, of course, is wrong.

One of the things that made Sarah Palin one of the most successful Governors in the nation was her desire to do what was right, not what was good for the party. In fact, I think one could say Sarah has a healthy disdain for both parties. She certainly has no problem taking bad actors in either party to the woodshed when needed. She also had no problem working when anyone, so long as it was good for Alaska. The party affiliation of who she worked with meant little to her.

We all know why the left hates her. Sarah Palin is the most articulate spokesmen for American values and American exceptionalism since Ronald Reagan. Sarah loves this country and believes in this country. She believes in the greatness of the American people. Sarah represents everything the left hates.

Having Sarah Palin as the Republican nominee in 2012 would mean the American people will have a clear choice of good vs evil at the ballot box, not the “lesser of two evils” we are usually treated to. It most certainly won’t be Marxist-democrat vs Marxist-democrat light as is the norm.

This, BTW, is why elements in the Republican Party, the elites, work so hard behind the scenes to discredit Sarah. To dismiss her. The go along, get along “moderates” who are little more than enablers for the Communist left, have no place in Sarah Palin’s Republican Party, and they know it. Sarah Palin is a tough, strong woman. She has the ability and desire to finish what Ronald Reagan started.

Now, how do I know Sarah Palin is running for President? It’s as plain as the nose on your face. Sarah is doing exactly what she did in Alaska before she ran for Governor, and defeated the Republican incumbent, Frank Murkowski.

As you know, Sarah, as the top energy and environmental regulator in Alaska, uncovered massive corruption in and out of Government, with much of it tied to Murkowski. Unable to do anything, as Murkowski was protecting his people, Sarah resigned, and with the threat of prison coming from Alaska’s Attorney General if she blew the whistle, did just that. Sarah blew the whistle on all of these people, and helped some of them find their way to the federal prison system.

This is basically what Sarah is doing now, on a much grander scale. Taking down a bunch of rough and corrupt “good old boys” was just a dress rehearsal for what she is doing to the dysfunctional Republican Party all across the country, and about to do to the Marxist-democrat party.

With roughly 2 years to go, even the time line is about the same as it was up in Alaska.

Sarah has been building a network of solid common sense conservative men and women nationwide who will be there to help her govern this nation and restore our Republic.

Sarah is making sure that when she takes office in 2013 she will have a solid team and be able to hit the ground running.

Video courtesy of PalinTV

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Sarah Palin Goes “On The Record”

Vodpod videos no longer available.

By Gary P Jackson

Monday night Sarah Palin appeared on Greta’s show to discuss her latest critique of Barack Obama’s failed ObamaCare gambit entitled “Lies, Damned Lies – ObamaCare 6 Months Later.

Sarah also talks about the Tea Party, gives Christine O’Donnell some solid advice on how to deal with the corrupt media, and of course her daughter Bristol’s fancy footwork on Dancing With The Stars.

The interview was taped before the live ABC dance-o-rama, where Sarah and Piper were in attendance to cheer Bristol and Mark on to a command performance.

Video Courtesy PalinTV


Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

Rush Limbaugh: I Really Admire Sarah Palin

Vodpod videos no longer available.

By Gary P Jackson

On Monday night Rush Limbaugh called into Greta’s show and discussed a the Tea Party and the destruction the Obama regime has brought to our nation. He also talks about the strong conservative women we have running for office this year.

At the end of the interview Greta kinda puts Rush on the spot by asking which politician he admires the most. At first Rush seems to side step the question, not wanting to play favorites.

With that said, Rush then goes into great detail about how much he admires Sarah, and why. He also reminds listeners that the left will always tell you who they fear the most.

This is nothing new for Rush though, as he has always had high praise for her. Rush, who is no fan of John McCain, took to calling him “John McBrilliant” as soon as he announced Sarah was the vice presidential pick.

The entire interview is great. A must listen.

Video courtesy of PalinTV

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Filed under In The News, Politics, sarah palin

Sarah Palin: Going Funny

Thanks to Greta we have what is said to be a full transcript of Sarah’s speech at last night’s Gridiron Dinner. I gotta say, Sarah was on! As John Roberts of CNN was tweeting last night, it’s full of funny zingers.

From Gretawire:

Journalists…..and the “tonge in cheek” dinner Gridiron Dinner…

See below – the posting below is the speech Governor Palin (I am told) gave last night to the big media dinner in Washington, DC. I was not at the dinner but the speech was just emailed to me by someone who did go (no, Governor Palin did not email me her speech…)

Congressman Barney Frank also spoke and I would love to likewise get his speech and post here. The speeches are supposed to be funny …and poke fun at everyone and everything.

Here is Gov Palin’s speech to the media last night:

Good evening. It’s great to be in Washington and I am loving the weather.

I braved the elements and went out for a jog! Or, as Newsweek calls it, a cover-shoot.

It’s a privilege to be here tonight at the Washington DC Barnes & Noble.

Tonight, I’ll be reading excerpts from my new book.

Perhaps you’ve heard of it?

Going Rogue

Yukon wasn’t sure if I’d go with that title and somebody suggested I follow the East Coast selfhelp

trend and go with, “How To Look Like A Million Bucks…For Only 150 Grand.”

Todd liked, “The Audacity of North Slope.”

Hey, I considered not having a title at all.

I’ve said it before, but you Beltway types just don’t seem to get it. You don’t need a title to

make an impact.

But anyway, let’s get started.

I’ll begin my first reading on Page 209.

It was pitch black when we touched down in Arizona late on August 27, 2008. The next

morning we drove to John McCain’s ranch in Sedona. John was waiting on the porch. Before he

can say a word, I tell him,

I’m quoting now.

I know why I’m here, and I’m ready. But, I’m worried.

The cost of credit protection for the largest U.S. banks is rising precipitously. Have you given

any thought to the run on the entities in the parallel banking system? Do you realize the

vulnerability created when these institutions borrow short term in liquid markets to invest long

term in illiquid assets?

John said, “you betcha!

I thought, “you betcha?

Who talks that way?

Well, sometimes you just have to trust your instincts.

When you don’t, you end up in places like this.

Who would have guessed that I’d be palling around with this group?

At least now I can put a face to all the newspapers I read.

It is good to be here and in front of this audience of leading journalists and intellectuals. Or, as I

call it, a death panel.

To be honest, I had some serious reservations about coming to visit your cozy little club. The

Gridiron still hasn’t offered membership to anyone from my hometown paper in Wasilla, the

Matanuska-Susitna Valley Frontiersman.

And my dad thought it was just a plain bad idea to leave the book tour for some football game.

He might have a point!

I’ve been touring this great, great land of ours over the last few weeks. I have to say, the view is

much better from inside the bus, than under it!

But really, I am thrilled to be with you. And I’d like to thank the Gridiron for the invitation and

Dick Cooper for his introduction.

To paraphrase John F. Kennedy, this has to be the most extraordinary collection of people who

have gathered to viciously attack me since the last corporate gathering at CBS.

Despite what you have read, or more likely, despite what you have written, I do feel a real bond

with all of you. I studied journalism, earned a communications degree and for a time only

wanted to be a journalist. I was even a television sportscaster back home.

I’m guessing some of you probably got your start the exact same way… once there was


Let me get back to the book.

I know that many of you are still upset because I wouldn’t play that silly Washington game. You

know, the one where all of you read a book in its entirety, from the first page of the index to the


But think about it, because you actually had to read the whole book in the vein hope of finding

your name, you now know all about Denali, mom, dad, ungulate eyeballs, slaying salmon on the

Nushagak and Ugashik near Alegnigak, where we make AGOOTAK and moose chili!

You’re welcome.

Still, I want to do something very special for this audience of Washington elite. So, I’ll read

from the index–which I chose not to include in the hardback.

Would you believe me if I said I didn’t include it because we wanted to save trees?

Under A we have…

Alaska, media not understanding. Pages 1-432.

Under B…

Biased media. Pages 1-432

And under C…

Conservative media. See acknowledgments.

I’ll stop there.

I know this can be a long night, and as I understand it, we’re going to break with a Gridiron

tradition. Normally, the Democrat speaker would deliver a speech after me. But instead, John

McCain’s campaign staff asked if they could use that time for a rebuttal.

A lot has been made of a few campaign relationships. The closeness. The warm fuzzy feelings.

John and I both agree all those staffers should just move past it. It’s history.

Let’s just say, if I ever need a bald campaign manager, it appears all I’m left with is James


I don’t want to say that I’ve burned a bridge, but I know all about canceling a bridge to


That Democrat speaker I referred to is, of course, the one-and-only Barney Frank.

And I’m the controversial one?

Barney, the nation owes you and the government a debt. A huge, historic, unbelievable debt.

But, it’s good to be here with you, Mr. Chairman.

Because by Chairman, I don’t just mean the House Financial Services Committee. As far as I

can tell, Barney’s also the Chair of AIG, CITI, and the Bank of America.

I don’t want to say that the U.S. Government is taking over the role of the private sector, but I

have to admit, on the flight here, thumbing through a magazine and looking at a photo of

President Obama with the President of China, the person next to me pointed at it and said, “Hu’s

a communist.”

I thought they were asking a question.

Still, when I see this administration in action, I can’t help think of what might have been.

I could be the Vice President overseeing the signing of bailout checks. And Joe Biden would be

on the road, selling his new book, Going Rogaine.

Speaking of books….

Did I mention mine?

Going Rogue

Makes a great stocking stuffer. Available now at a bookstore near you.

Hey, I have to pay for my campaign vetting bill somehow.

Really, the response has been great. So I’ll close by reading a final passage.

Page 403:

I’ve been asked a lot lately, “Where are you going next?

Good question!

Wherever I go I know that, as with anyone in the public eye, I’ll continue to have my share of

disagreements with those in the media. Maybe even more than my share. It will come as no

surprise that I don’t think I was always treated fairly, or equally.

But despite that, I respect the media very much. It’s important. A free press allows for vigorous

debate! And that debate is absolutely vital for our democracy.

So as hard as it can sometimes be, we must all look past personal grievances. We must move

beyond petty politics. And we must allow these incredibly talented and hard-working women

and men to ask the hard questions and hold us, and our government, accountable.

Because their mission is as true as the sun rising over the Talkeetna and Susitna Mountains.

Okay – so none of that is actually in the book. Not a word.

But I do believe it!

And I believe we live in a beautiful country blessed with so many different people who want the

best for their children, families and for our great nation. I’m so proud to be an American.

And that is what I’ll be talking about when I travel to, really where I’m headed.

No better place than here to announce where I’m going. I’m going to Iowa!

I’ll be there tomorrow from noon to 3:00 pm at the Barnes & Noble on Sergeant Road in Sioux


Come early. Long lines are expected.

Thank you everyone. God Bless the U.S.A!

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